人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Discovering Useful Structures分层作业(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Discovering Useful Structures分层作业(原卷版+解析版)
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文件大小 46.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-09 10:24:34


Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures习题检测
1. According to a new survey, people who keep pets may be more professionally successful,and this is__________(absolute) good news for ambitious pet keepers.
【答案】absolutely 句意为:根据一项新的调查,养宠物的人在工作上可能会更成功,这对有雄心的养宠物的人来说绝对是个好消息。此处意为“绝对地”,表示强调,应用副词。故填absolutely。
I was__________(please) to see my old college friend last week as we hadn't seen each other since we graduated.
【答案】pleased 句意为:上周我很高兴见到我的大学老朋友,因为我们毕业后就没再见过彼此。pleased意为“感到高兴的”。
__________(brief) speaking, to avoid being cheated online, you should protect your identity card number and phone number well.
【答案】Briefly 句意为:简单地说,为了避免在网上受骗,你应该保护好你的身份证号和电话号码。briefly speaking 为固定表达,意为“简单来说”。故填Briefly。
When visiting Guizhou Province, I was educated on the__________(region) history of the Miao people whose culture is rich in fashion,food, pottery and music.
【答案】regional 句意为:在贵州省游览时,我了解了苗族的地域历史,苗族文化在时尚、饮食、陶器和音乐方面都很丰富多彩。设空处修饰名词 history,应用形容词,表示“地区的;区域的”。故填regional。
To be frank, before we set__________ for Antarctica, I indeed worried that I couldn't adapt to the terrible living conditions there.
【答案】off/out 句意为:坦率地说,在我们出发去南极洲之前,我确实担心我不能适应那里糟糕的生活条件。set off/out为固定搭配,意为“出发,动身”。故填off/out。
Our family are like the__________ (branch) of a tree. We may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.
【答案】branches 句意为:我们的家人就像一棵树上的树枝。我们可能朝着不同的方向成长,但我们的根始终是一体的。根据句意可知,此处表示复数概念;设空处作介词like的宾语,且其前有定冠词the修饰,其后有介词of,所以设空处应用名词复数形式。故填branches。
Technologies__________(represent) by AI and big data have a great influence,and they are closely related to ordinary people's life.
【答案】represented 句意为:以人工智能和大数据为代表的技术影响巨大,且与普通人的生活密切相关。此句中by AI and big data 作后置定语,修饰 Technologies,represent 与Technologies 之间为逻辑上的被动关系,所以应用过去分词。故填represented。
The instructions on the bottle are really__________(confuse), which I can't understand at all.
【答案】confusing 句意为:瓶子上的说明真的很难懂,我一点儿也不明白。设空处在主句中作表语,表示“难懂的”,应用-ing结尾的形容词。
Here are commonly shared ideas among fitness experts of lowering the risk of injury for people__________(run)regularly.
【答案】running 句意为:以下是健身专家们关于降低经常跑步的人们的受伤风险的一致看法。句中已有系动词are,设空处应用非谓语形式,修饰people;run与people之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故应用现在分词作定语。故填running。
The image of A Pu will be widely promoted as the official image o China's pandas and will be a bridge__________(connect) China with the rest of the world.
【答案】connecting 句意为:“阿璞”的形象将作为中国大熊猫的官方形象进行广泛宣传,并将成为连接中国与世界其他地方的桥梁。句中已有and连接的并列谓语,设空处应用非谓语形式,与修饰词bridge之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故应用现在分词connecting,与其后的内容构成后置定语。
1. Watch the men who are coming this way.
→Watch the man coming this way.
2. The dog that drank the polluted water yesterday is dead.
→The dog drinking the polluted water yesterday is dead.
3. The baby who is crying makes me annoyed.
→ The crying baby makes me annoyed.
4. Anyone who wishes to leave early may do so.
→Anyone wishing to leave early may do so.
5. The result made us disappointed.
→The result was disappointing to us.
6. The sun that is rising looks beautiful.
→ The rising sun looks beautiful.
7. The boy who stood near the window was good at playing football.
→The boy standing near the window was good at playing football.
8. The question that is embarrassing is hard to answer.
→ The embarrassing question is hard to answer.
9. Designing machines is my job.
→My job is designing machines.
10. Arriving at the factory half an hour early is his habit.
→His habit is arriving at the factory half an hour early.
1.It is a pleasure to look at the face of a__________(sleep)baby.
【答案】sleeping 句意为:看着熟睡中的婴儿的脸是一种乐趣。设空处作定语,修饰名词baby;sleep与其逻辑主语baby之间是主动关系,且表示动作正在进行(正在熟睡),所以应用现在分词作定语。故填sleeping。
2.On the train you can see incredible landscapes__________(range) from mountains to grasslands,forests to rivers.
【答案】ranging 句意为:在火车上,你可以看到极美的风景,从山脉到草原,从森林到河流。分析句子并结合句意可知,句中已有谓语,设空处作后置定语,应用非谓语形式;range与其逻辑主语 landscapes 之间是主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式。故填ranging。
The development of our aviation industry is quite__________(encourage).
【答案】encouraging 句意为:我们的航空工业的发展是非常鼓舞人心的。分析句子结构可知,本句为主系表结构,设空处作表语,表示“鼓舞人心的”,应用现在分词形式。故填 encouraging。
What he said sounded__________(convince).Everyone was nodding frequently.
【答案】convincing 句意为:他说的话听起来很令人信服,每个人都频频点头。sounded 在此为连系动词,后接表语;convincing的主语一般为物,表示“令人信服的”;convinced的主语一般为人,表示“确信的”;此句主语为“他说的话”,应用动词-ing形式作表语。故填convincing。此处作表语的分词已经形容词化。
The guests came in,but she remained__________(stand) at the desk reading.
【答案】standing 句意为:客人们都进来了,但她依然站在书桌旁看书。remain作连系动词,表示“仍然是;保持不变”;该句为主系表结构,设空处作表语;stand与其逻辑主语she之间是主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式,表示动作正在进行。故填 standing。
Tigers are a large fierce animal__________(belong)to the cat family.
【答案】belonging 句意为:老虎是属于猫科动物中的一种大型凶猛动物。分析句子结构可知,该句为主系表结构;句中已有系动词are,设空处应用非谓语形式;结合句意可知,设空处作后置定语,修饰名词animal;belong to和Tigers之间为逻辑上的主动关系,所以此处应用现在分词作后置定语。故填belonging。
Numerous citizens attended the social event__________(feature) a parade and afire work display.
【答案】featuring 句意为:许多市民参加了以游行和烟花表演为特色的社交活动。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词attended,设空处应用非谓语形式,作the social event的后置定语。the social event 和feature(以······为特色)之间是逻辑上的主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式。故填featuring。
The airport__________(build) at present will help promote tourism in this area.
【答案】being built 句意为:目前正在建造的机场将有助于推动该地区旅游业的发展。分析句子结构可知。句中已有谓语动词will help,设空处应用非谓语形式;build 与airport之间是逻辑上的被动关系,且根据at present可知,机场正在被建造,所以应用现在分词的被动式做定语。故填being built.
What is your favorite holiday Here are some students’ opinions.
Sandy from Taiwan says:
My favorite holiday is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I always visit my grandfather and grandmother, and we always go to the same restaurant on the mountain to hold jubilation. At night, we always have a barbecue, and watch the moon together. I enjoy it a lot.
Zhenia from Ukraine says:
My favorite day is New Year’s Day. We celebrate the new year on the 31st of December. Father Frost comes with his granddaughter on that night. He puts his presents under the New Year Tree. We have a party and stay up until midnight to see the New Year in and the Old Year off. We cook delicious food for the party. People also celebrate Old New Year in our country. It is on the 14th of January.
Yagna from India says:
My favorite day is Deepavali(屠妖节), which is also called Festival of Lights. People do some cleaning at home and light their oil lamps to thank for the defeat of the bad king. To celebrate it, we also eat sweets and delicious food, wear new clothes, and give presents to our friends and relatives.
Pat from Thailand says:
My name is Pat. My favorite holiday is Songkran. It takes place from the 13th to 15th of April. On the holiday people pour water on each other. It is a lot of fun. People also buy new clothes and they have big parties.
1. What is Sandy’s favorite holiday
A. The Mid-Autumn Festival.  B. New Year’s Day.
C. Deepavali. D. Songkran.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据Sandy说的话可以确定 Sandy 最喜欢的节日是中秋节。
2. The underlined word “jubilation” is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. hope  B. celebration  C. present  D. exercise
【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据 Sandy 的叙述可知, 他们总是在中秋节去同一个饭店, 可以猜测是庆贺节日。jubilation n. 欢腾, 欢庆。
3. Why do people celebrate Deepavali
A. To eat sweets and delicious food.
B. To wear new clothes.
C. To give presents to others.
D. To thank for the defeat of the bad king.
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据 Yagna 的叙述, 可以确定人们庆祝屠妖节是为了感谢打败了坏国王, 在节日期间, 人们可以吃糖和佳肴, 穿新衣服, 送别人礼物, 所以选 D。
Far from a Family Christmas
My Air Force room in Florida was empty and quiet—I was alone. My five roommates were gone for the holidays; I had chosen to remain behind in the camp. Being young and far from my home, I felt  1 . My room was comfortable enough,  2  I hadn’t realized until then what made it so—the  3  of others walking, joking or just lying on their beds.
I was not able to sleep. I was  4  of being on my own—in fact, I preferred it at times—but tonight was poor. Tossing and turning in the darkened room gave no  5 . The last sign of daylight had disappeared,  6  my inner sadness. Besides, the glow of Christmas lights on the tall pines would only  7  me of my great misery(痛苦).
 8 , I heard weak sound of men attempting to sing. Yes, the voices grew louder and came my way. I  9  still, enjoying the sound.
In the corridor(通道, 走廊)  10  my room, voices came near enough for me to hear Christmas carols(颂歌) being offered. Suddenly, there, four airmen, identities unknown, were slightly unsteadied(摇晃) by holiday  11 . The first held a Coke bottle with a lit candle  12  its top. The others formed a dancing line behind him.
 13  I was in the room, with joyful faces in the flickering(摇曳的) light, they sang me several carols,  14  me a merry Christmas and left as fast as they had arrived.
I slept soundly soon after, burying my face in my pillow,  15  that someone had cared.
【文章大意】本文讲述了作者一个人在军营, 在圣诞节的氛围中倍感凄凉时一群友好的陌生人来为作者唱歌使他倍受感动。
1. A. disappointed  B. friendly C. lonely D. lost
【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。句意: 因为年轻和远离家乡, 我感到孤单。lonely孤独的。
2. A. also   B. still   C. however   D. but
【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 我的房间是很舒服的, 但是直到那时我才意识到是什么使它舒服。前后表示转折, 所以用but。
3. A. impatience B. presence C. interest D. delight
【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。此处指别人的存在——走动、说笑或者只躺在床上, 让我的房间非常舒适。presence存在, 到场。
4. A. capable B. able C. skilled D. experienced
【解析】选A。固定搭配题。句意: 我能独自一人待着——事实上有时我更喜欢独自一人——但今晚不同。be capable of是固定搭配, 表示“能”; be able to do sth. 能做; be skilled/experienced at擅长/在……方面有经验。
5. A. fun B. comfort C. effort D. progress
【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。句意: 在黑暗的房子里辗转反侧很不舒服。用fun语义太过, 所以选B。
6. A. appealing to B. sticking to C. leading to D. adding to
【解析】选D。词语辨析题。句意: 白昼的最后一丝光消失了, 增添了我的沮丧。appeal to吸引, 呼吁; stick to坚持; lead to导致, 通向; add to增添。
7. A. remind B. recall C. remember D. think
【解析】选A。固定搭配题。remind sb. of sth. 是固定搭配, 表示“使某人想起”。
8. A. Fortunately B. Thankfully C. Suddenly D. Clearly
9. A. noticed B. slept C. lied D. lay
【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 我“躺着”不动, 欣赏他们的音乐。“躺着”用lay(lie的过去式)。
10. A. opposite B. beyond C. out D. within
【解析】选B。背景常识题。走廊只能在房间的外面。beyond在……的远处, 超出……的范围。
11. A. noise B. confidence C. cheer D. optimism
【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。此处指圣诞节的快乐使他们身体有点摇晃。cheer快乐, 愉快。
12. A. stuck in B. attached to C. tied to D. involved in
【解析】选A。词语辨析题。be stuck in陷入, 被插在……; be attached to依附于; be tied to被系在; be involved in涉及到。此处指一支蜡烛被插在可乐瓶的顶端。
13. A. Recognizing B. Seeing C. Guessing D. Admitting
【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。此处指他们“看见”我在房子里, 他们给我唱圣诞歌曲。
14. A. hoped B. offered C. wished D. gave
【解析】选C。固定搭配题。此处指祝我圣诞快乐。wish表示“祝愿”时, 用wish sb. sth. 的结构。
15. A. grateful B. satisfied C. pleased D. surprised
【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。本句讲作者怀者“感激的” 心情。grateful感激的。
1. 妈妈的工作是在超市里卖水果。(动词-ing形式作表语)
2. 这些水果种类繁多, 从常见的苹果、梨到进口的水果。(动词-ing形式作定语)
3. 妈妈经常给我们带来一些卖得好的水果让我们品尝。(动词-ing形式作定语)
4. 虽然一些人认为我母亲的工作是无聊的, 但我认为她的工作是有意义的。(动词-ing形式作表语)
【参考答案】My mother’s job is selling fruit in a supermarket. There are all kinds of fruits, ranging from common apples and pears to imported fruit. She often brings us some fruit selling well to let us taste it. Though some people think my mother’s job is boring, I think it is meaningful. Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures习题检测
1. According to a new survey, people who keep pets may be more professionally successful,and this is__________(absolute) good news for ambitious pet keepers.
I was__________(please) to see my old college friend last week as we hadn't seen each other since we graduated.
__________(brief) speaking, to avoid being cheated online, you should protect your identity card number and phone number well.
When visiting Guizhou Province, I was educated on the__________(region) history of the Miao people whose culture is rich in fashion,food, pottery and music.
To be frank, before we set__________ for Antarctica, I indeed worried that I couldn't adapt to the terrible living conditions there.
Our family are like the__________ (branch) of a tree. We may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.
Technologies__________(represent) by AI and big data have a great influence,and they are closely related to ordinary people's life.
The instructions on the bottle are really__________(confuse), which I can't understand at all.
Here are commonly shared ideas among fitness experts of lowering the risk of injury for people__________(run)regularly.
The image of A Pu will be widely promoted as the official image o China's pandas and will be a bridge__________(connect) China with the rest of the world.
1. Watch the men who are coming this way.
→Watch the man __________________________.
2. The dog that drank the polluted water yesterday is dead.
→The dog ________________________________ is dead.
3. The baby who is crying makes me annoyed.
→ _____________________ makes me annoyed.
4. Anyone who wishes to leave early may do so.
→Anyone _______________________ may do so.
5. The result made us disappointed.
→The result _____________________________ to us.
6. The sun that is rising looks beautiful.
→ __________________________ looks beautiful.
7. The boy who stood near the window was good at playing football.
→The boy________________________________ was good at playing football.
8. The question that is embarrassing is hard to answer.
→ _____________________________ is hard to answer.
9. Designing machines is my job.
→My job is ____________________________.
10. Arriving at the factory half an hour early is his habit.
→His habit is _____________________________________.
1.It is a pleasure to look at the face of a__________(sleep)baby.
2.On the train you can see incredible landscapes__________(range) from mountains to grasslands,forests to rivers.
The development of our aviation industry is quite__________(encourage).
What he said sounded__________(convince).Everyone was nodding frequently.
The guests came in,but she remained__________(stand) at the desk reading.
Tigers are a large fierce animal__________(belong)to the cat family.
Numerous citizens attended the social event__________(feature) a parade and afire work display.
The airport__________(build) at present will help promote tourism in this area.
What is your favorite holiday Here are some students’ opinions.
Sandy from Taiwan says:
My favorite holiday is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I always visit my grandfather and grandmother, and we always go to the same restaurant on the mountain to hold jubilation. At night, we always have a barbecue, and watch the moon together. I enjoy it a lot.
Zhenia from Ukraine says:
My favorite day is New Year’s Day. We celebrate the new year on the 31st of December. Father Frost comes with his granddaughter on that night. He puts his presents under the New Year Tree. We have a party and stay up until midnight to see the New Year in and the Old Year off. We cook delicious food for the party. People also celebrate Old New Year in our country. It is on the 14th of January.
Yagna from India says:
My favorite day is Deepavali(屠妖节), which is also called Festival of Lights. People do some cleaning at home and light their oil lamps to thank for the defeat of the bad king. To celebrate it, we also eat sweets and delicious food, wear new clothes, and give presents to our friends and relatives.
Pat from Thailand says:
My name is Pat. My favorite holiday is Songkran. It takes place from the 13th to 15th of April. On the holiday people pour water on each other. It is a lot of fun. People also buy new clothes and they have big parties.
1. What is Sandy’s favorite holiday
A. The Mid-Autumn Festival.  B. New Year’s Day.
C. Deepavali. D. Songkran.
2. The underlined word “jubilation” is closest in meaning to “______”.
A. hope  B. celebration  C. present  D. exercise
3. Why do people celebrate Deepavali
A. To eat sweets and delicious food.
B. To wear new clothes.
C. To give presents to others.
D. To thank for the defeat of the bad king.
Far from a Family Christmas
My Air Force room in Florida was empty and quiet—I was alone. My five roommates were gone for the holidays; I had chosen to remain behind in the camp. Being young and far from my home, I felt  1 . My room was comfortable enough,  2  I hadn’t realized until then what made it so—the  3  of others walking, joking or just lying on their beds.
I was not able to sleep. I was  4  of being on my own—in fact, I preferred it at times—but tonight was poor. Tossing and turning in the darkened room gave no  5 . The last sign of daylight had disappeared,  6  my inner sadness. Besides, the glow of Christmas lights on the tall pines would only  7  me of my great misery(痛苦).
 8 , I heard weak sound of men attempting to sing. Yes, the voices grew louder and came my way. I  9  still, enjoying the sound.
In the corridor(通道, 走廊)  10  my room, voices came near enough for me to hear Christmas carols(颂歌) being offered. Suddenly, there, four airmen, identities unknown, were slightly unsteadied(摇晃) by holiday  11 . The first held a Coke bottle with a lit candle  12  its top. The others formed a dancing line behind him.
 13  I was in the room, with joyful faces in the flickering(摇曳的) light, they sang me several carols,  14  me a merry Christmas and left as fast as they had arrived.
I slept soundly soon after, burying my face in my pillow,  15  that someone had cared.
1. A. disappointed  B. friendly C. lonely D. lost
2. A. also   B. still   C. however   D. but
3. A. impatience B. presence C. interest D. delight
4. A. capable B. able C. skilled D. experienced
5. A. fun B. comfort C. effort D. progress
6. A. appealing to B. sticking to C. leading to D. adding to
7. A. remind B. recall C. remember D. think
8. A. Fortunately B. Thankfully C. Suddenly D. Clearly
9. A. noticed B. slept C. lied D. lay
10. A. opposite B. beyond C. out D. within
11. A. noise B. confidence C. cheer D. optimism
12. A. stuck in B. attached to C. tied to D. involved in
13. A. Recognizing B. Seeing C. Guessing D. Admitting
14. A. hoped B. offered C. wished D. gave
15. A. grateful B. satisfied C. pleased D. surprised
1. 妈妈的工作是在超市里卖水果。(动词-ing形式作表语)
2. 这些水果种类繁多, 从常见的苹果、梨到进口的水果。(动词-ing形式作定语)
3. 妈妈经常给我们带来一些卖得好的水果让我们品尝。(动词-ing形式作定语)
4. 虽然一些人认为我母亲的工作是无聊的, 但我认为她的工作是有意义的。(动词-ing形式作表语)