人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading for Writing课件(共26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading for Writing课件(共26张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 17.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-09 10:36:45



adj. 花哨的;精致的;昂贵的
vt. 想要;倾慕;自认为是
n. 袍服;礼袍
n. 雕
n. 优美;优雅;高雅
adv. 绝对地;完全地
n. 片刻;瞬间
n. 帐篷
n. 罐;壶;锅
Write about your
festival experience
Unit 1 Reading for Writing
Lead in
In our last lesson, we can talk about our festival experiences.
Can you share a recent festival
experience with us
1. What festival or celebration have you
experienced recently
2. What activities did you do during that
festival or celebration
3. What were your feelings during and after
the festival or celebration
Falls on the 15th day of the eight month of the lunar calendar
· Have a family get-together
· Admire the bright full moon
· Enjoy moon cakes
· Hang up the lanterns
· Watch the Tidal Bore(观潮) …
delighted; excited; tired …
Now, can you write about your festival experience
Today, let's read the article
My Amazing Naadam Experience to learn how to write your festival experience.
Read the diary entry and answer the questions.
P8 1
1. What festival did the author experience
Where, when and how long
2. What does “Naadam” mean Which
events does it include
3. What Naadam Festival customs did you
learn about
4. What in your opinion is the most
impressive thing about the festival
5. What else would you like to know about
the festival and the writer's experience
Check your answers.
1. What festival did the author experience
Where, when and how long
Naadam Festival.
Falls on the 4th
day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar
In China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区
Lasts for
three days
How long
2. What does “Naadam” mean
Which events does it include
Naadam means “games” in Mongolian,
and it includes horse racing, wrestling,
and archery.
horse racing
3. What Naadam Festival customs did you
learn about
Wrestling and horse racing.
4. What in your opinion is the most
impressive thing about the festival
Possible answer:
The horse racing is the most impressive,
as it involved little children.
5. What else would you like to know about
the festival and the writer's experience
Possible answer:
The writer did not talk about food or music, but surely they should have been interesting parts of the festival.
In what order did the author write the diary
And how do you know that
Time order
To make our article more organised,
we can follow the time order when writing.
What activities did the author experience
(1) opening ceremony
(2) wrestling competition
(3) archery
(4) horse racing
Study the organisation and language features.
Read the diary entry again and
analyse its structure.
State the topic (e.g. where, when and with whom you celebrated the festival, and also your main feelings).
Opening Paragraph
First Body Paragraph
Describe the start of the festival and the surroundings.
Second Body Paragraph
Describe in detail the festival activities.
Third Body Paragraph
Describe in detail the festival activities.
Closing Paragraph
Give a brief summary
of the experience.
Read the sentence patterns below and use them to rewrite the opening sentence of the article.
P9 2
This was my first time spending … and it
was an enjoyable and exciting experience
for me.
I'll never forget … because …
I'll always … because ….
Possible answer:
This was my first time spending my holiday in China's
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to celebrate the
Naadam Festival, and it was an enjoyable and exciting
experience for me. /
I'll never forget the Naadam Festival in China's Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region because it was an
enjoyable and exciting experience for me./
I'll always remember the Naadam Festival in China's
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region because it was an
enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
Underline the sentences that describe the writer's feelings and emotions.
P9 2
Use what you have learnt to write about a festival or a celebration you have experienced recently.
Make notes of your ideas in the table and then
write your draft.
Outline The name of the festival/celebration: ______________ Main idea of each paragraph Details Feelings
1 The topic and my feeling
2 How I prepared for the festival/celebration
3 The festival/celebration activities
4 A summary of my festival /celebration experience
P9 3
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist
to give feedback on your partner's draft.
P9 3
Is the writing well-organised
Is there an opening sentence in the first paragrpah
Does each paragraph include the necessary details
Does the writer describe his/her feelings and
Does the writer use the -ing form correctly in the
Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation
Get your draft back and revise it.
Put up your writing in your classroom or read it to the class.
P9 4
Sample Writing
July 4, 2018
Today was my first fourth of July celebration, and I'll always remember it because it was so wonderful. The fourth of July is Independence Day in the US-the anniversary of the day the United States became its own country in 1776.
I began the day by packing my swimming suit and a towel. Then I went with my host family to a supermarket to load up on food and drinks. After that we were off to a friend's ranch out in the country for a barbecue and pool party.
It was all so amazing! While the adults cooked food on the barbecue, we played in the pool. Then we all ate and ate until we were completely stuffed. Our friends had some
old ice cream churners, so after lunch we all took turns churning homemade ice cream. Since the temperature outside was around 40 degrees, it seemed like the ice cream took forever! I would turn the handle on the churn until my arm was sore, and then someone else would take over. But it was all worth it, because when we were finished it was the most fantastic ice cream I have ever eaten! Then, someone asked me if I would like to try horseback riding. I was afraid at first, but they gave me a very gentle horse. It was so peaceful to ride the horse through the fields and forest. Finally, when it grew dark, we had a thrilling fireworks display.
Now I'm back home with my host family. Though I'm tired, I think this had to be the most exciting day of my life! I can't wait for next year!
1. lunar calendar
2. horce racing
3. set off
4. near and far
5. attend the festival
6. opening ceremony
7. wrestling competition
8. in the air
9. be surprised to do
10. be totally worth it
Can you write a narrative essay to describe your festival experience
1. What else would you like to know about
the Naadam Festival Search more
information about it on the Internet.
2. Talk to your friends about the festivals or
celebrations you have experienced
recently and write an article about it.