人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Speaking分层作业(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Speaking分层作业(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-09 10:55:07


Unit 4 Listening and Speaking习题检测
1. If not, you can try to repeat the procedure (程序)until you have all of them.
2. It affects the librarian’s job satisfaction and mental (精神的) health.
3. I know we might have to wait at the frontier (边界).
4. She was so determined (下定决心的) not to do this that she moved to Australia.
5. This morning’s launch (发射) of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed.
6. I doubt whether they really have sufficient (足够的) manpower.
7. What recreational facilities (设施) are now available
8. I felt a current (气流) of cool air blowing in my face.
9. I’m not that shallow (肤浅的).
10. The source of the gunshots still remains a mystery (谜).
Most young people in the country_________ __________ __________ ________ ________.
2.即使有困难,他们依然会坚持做志愿者工作。(carry on)
Even if there is difficulty, they will still________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
Jaws was a great success, attracting huge audiences and________ ________ ________.
Not only________ _________ _________ ________ ________,but also it broadens our horizons.
Many young people flock to big cities.________ _________ _________there are many job opportunities.
have a desire for knowledge
carry on doing/with volunteer work
winning many awards
does reading enrich our knowledge
This/It is because
The computer is widely used in our daily life. The computer is a machine that 1. ________(design) to help people do many things. When it first came into 2. _________ (be), it was just a calculating machine, and later it was built as an analytical machine that could “think” logically and produce an answer 3. ________ (fast) than any other person. Still later, the computer could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problems. There were times when its size was 4. _________ (total) changed. It became smaller and smaller but it got cleverer and cleverer. In the early 1960s, computers were connected by network and brought into common people’s homes 5. _________(deal) with information and help communication 6. _________ people around the world. It could share 7. ________(inform) with others and they could talk to each other. The Internet has become 8. ________important part in our life and we can do many things with the help of the Internet. The computer is used to connect people 9. ________aren’t close enough to speak to each other. It has been serving the human race since 10. ________(it) birth.
1. 【解析】was designed。考查时态和语态。that ______to help people do many things. 是一个定语从句, 先行词是a machine, a machine与design之间是被动关系, 用被动语态, 表示发生在过去的事情, 用一般过去时, 所以填was designed。
2. 【解析】being。考查固定短语。句意: 当它刚出现的时候, 它只是一台计算机。come into being产生, 该短语是固定短语, 所以填being。
3. 【解析】faster。考查比较级。根据than any other person可知用比较级, 所以填faster。
4. 【解析】totally。考查副词。该空修饰动词changed, 用副词, 所以填totally。
5. 【解析】to deal。考查动词不定式。句意: 在20世纪60年代早期, 计算机通过网络连接起来, 并被带进普通人的家里来处理信息, 帮助世界各地的人们进行交流。作目的状语, 用不定式, 所以填to deal。
6. 【解析】between。考查介词。句意: 在20世纪60年代早期, 计算机通过网络连接起来, 并被带进普通人的家里来处理信息, 帮助世界各地的人们进行交流。文中表示“在……之间”, 所以填between。
7. 【解析】information。考查名词。句意: 它可以与他人分享信息, 他们可以互相交谈。该空作share的宾语, 用名词, 所以填information。
8. 【解析】an。考查冠词。句意: 互联网已经成为我们生活中一个重要的部分, 在互联网的帮助下, 我们可以做很多事情。文中泛指“一个重要的部分”, important的首字母发音是元音, 所以填不定冠词an。
9. 【解析】who/that。考查定语从句。______aren’t close enough to speak to each other. 是一个定语从句, 先行词是people, 关系词在从句中作主语, 指人, 所以填who/that。
10. 【解析】its。考查代词。句意: 它自诞生以来就一直在为人类服务。文中表示“它的诞生”, 用形容词性物主代词, 所以填its。
No human has set foot on the Moon since 1972. Now, after more than four decades of inactivity, interest in putting humans back on the Moon is finally heating up again. But who will get there first
On 14 December 2013, China successfully landed its Jade Rabbit rover(探测车)on the Moon. It is now working on its next exploration mission. Named Chang’e 4, the mission is scheduled to touch down in the Aitken Basin near the end of 2018. If successful, it will be the first landing on the Moon’s far side.
Russia plans a manned Moon landing in 2030. It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon, exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站).
Following the success of its Chandrayaan-1 in 2008, India announced a follow-on mission. Chandrayaan-2 was meant to cooperate with Russia. But when the Russians failed to deliver the promised lander in 2013, India decided to go it alone. Chandrayaan-2 is about to be sent up in 2018.
U. S. A.
In December 2018, NASA plans to send up the Exploration Mission 1, an uncrewed test of their Orion astronaut capsule in which the craft will circle around the Moon before returning to Earth. All being well, a crewed capsule will follow in 2023. Should the mission prove a success, the astronauts will be the first humans to see the far side of the Moon with their own eyes since Apollo 17 in 1972.
【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文, 主要介绍了中国、俄罗斯、印度和美国的登月计划。
1. What will China do in its next space mission
A. Improve its Jade Rabbit rover.
B. Work with other countries.
C. Land Chang’e 4 on the Moon.
D. Explore the south pole of the Moon.
【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知, 嫦娥四号将在2018年底降落在月球Aitken Basin地区。据此可知, 中国的下一步空间计划是嫦娥四号登月, 故C项正确。
2. Why did India try to carry out its follow-on mission alone
A. It couldn’t find a partner.
B. It didn’t get the lander as planned.
C. The Russians refused to work with India.
D. It planned to launch Chandrayaan-2 in advance.
【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第四段第三句可知, 由于俄罗斯没能给印度提供着陆器, 因此印度决定自己实施登月计划, 故B项正确。
3. Which country is interested in resources on the Moon
A. Russia.   B. China.   C. India.   D. U. S. A.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知, 当前俄罗斯正启动一项工程, 其思路是登陆器将探索月球的南极, 寻找矿物质和水冰等资源以供人类前哨站使用。故A项正确。
4. What can we know from the text
A. Russia has built a human outpost on the Moon.
B. China will be the first to see the far side of the Moon.
C. U. S. A. will send a crewed capsule to the Moon in the future.
D. Humans have kept active in exploring the Moon since 1972.
【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第五段第二句可知, 如果一切顺利, 美国将于2023年发送载人太空舱登月。据此可知, 美国将在未来实施载人登月计划, 故C项正确。
  There is an ancient Chinese story about a giant man named Kua Fu who chases the sun. He drains (喝干) the Yellow and Wei rivers during his race and finally dies of dehydration(脱水). His failure has reminded people of the unstoppable power of the sun for centuries. And yet, scientists throughout history have tried to better understand the most important star in our sky. On Aug. 12, 2018, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe(探测器), marking the start of its trip to the sun.
The probe itself is almost as big as a car and needed the help of a powerful rocket to escape Earth’s orbit, change direction and reach the sun. In order to reach the sun, the probe must complete seven flights of Venus, using the power of the planet’s gravity to change its path, sending it toward the sun. But that’s not the only difficult part of the journey. As the probe approaches the sun’s corona(日冕), it will have to bear temperatures reaching 1, 400 ℃, as well as deal with serious radiation. So how will the probe survive
According to NASA, a special shield (保护罩)has been used, which is a special 11. 5 cm-thick carbon-composite shield that will be positioned between the probe and the sun’s corona. Its advanced technology like this will make the probe’s trip to the sun much smoother. If everything goes as planned, the probe will reach a speed of 692, 018 kilometers per hour as it orbits the sun, setting a new record for the fastest man-made object in history, NBC noted. It will fly close to the sun 24 times between 2018 and 2025, NBC added.
The “mission to touch the sun” will “not only make history by answering questions that have puzzled scientists for decades, but it may also lead to the discovery of new phenomena that are completely unknown to us now, ” Raouafi told Discovery Magazine. “This mission has the potential to push solar research into a new direction, ” he added.
【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。古有“夸父逐日”的故事, 自古至今人们一直未停止对太阳的探索。近日, 美国国家航空航天局发射了帕克太阳探索器, 人类“逐日”的梦想终于要实现了。
5. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A. A powerful rocket. B. The probe.
C. Venus. D. The planet’s gravity.
【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据上文的In order to reach the sun, the probe must complete seven flights of Venus可知, 此处是指利用行星引力的力量改变探测器的路径, 使它朝向太阳, 因此, 此处的it是指probe, 故选B。
6. What do we know about the Parker Solar Probe
A. It’s the fastest probe ever designed.
B. It has an 11. 5-inch-thick shield.
C. It was designed to carry a powerful rocket.
D. It’s twice the size of a car.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段的If everything goes as planned, the probe will reach a speed of 692, 018 kilometers per hour as it orbits the sun, setting a new record for the fastest man-made object in history, NBC noted. 可知, the Parker Solar Probe是曾被设计的最快的探测器, 故选A。
7. The probe will meet the challenges except______.
A. the route to the sun
B. the heat near the sun
C. the distance to the sun
D. the radiation from the sun
【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的the probe must complete seven flights of Venus, using the power of the planet’s gravity to change its path和As the probe approaches the sun’s corona, it will have to bear temperatures reaching 1, 400℃, as well as deal with serious radiation. 可知, 探测器将会遇到去太阳的路线, 太阳的温度和太阳的辐射的挑战, 但没有到太阳的距离问题, 故选C。
8. What’s the main purpose of the last paragraph
A. To stress the importance of advanced technology.
B. To prove the mission is the greatest move in human history.
C. To suggest there is a long way to go in solar exploration.
D. To show the mission will fill a gap in solar research.
【解析】选D。目的意图题。根据上文主要介绍了“触日任务”, 再结合本段内容, 尤其是This mission has the potential to push solar research into a new direction. 可推断出, 本段的目的是想证明这一任务将填补太阳能研究的空白, 故选D。
A wise man was passing through a city. While he was walking, he  1 a coin on the road. He picked it up. Despite his simple life, he was satisfied and he had no use of that coin. So, he planned to donate it.  2 , throughout the day he didn’t find such a person. Finally, he reached the  3 area and spent a night there.
Next morning, he  4 and was told that a king was going for his invasion of another state with his army. When the king saw the wise man, he  5 his army to stop. He came to the wise man and said, “I am going to beat another  6 . Thus, my state can be  7 . So bless me to be victorious”.
After 8 , the wise man gave the coin to the king! The king was confused with this because he is already one of the richest kings! He  9  asked, “What’s the meaning ”
The wise man explained, “I found this coin yesterday in your  10 . But I had no use. So I had  11  that I would donate it. I walked around till the evening, but found no one to donate it to.
Everyone was living a  12  life. It seemed that they were satisfied with what they had. But today, the king of this state, still has the desire to 13  more and is not satisfied with what he already has. I feel you are 14 this coin. ”
The king realized his  15 and gave up the planned war.
【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文中讲述了一位不满足现状的国王在智者的点拨下, 意识到自己的错误, 放弃了计划中的战争。
1. A. noticed  B. lost   C. spent   D. dropped
【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。noticed注意; lost丢失; spent花费; dropped投下。句意: 当他走路的时候, 他注意到路上有一枚硬币。由“He picked it up. ”可知, 他捡了起来, 所以他注意到路上有一枚硬币, 才会捡起来。故选A。
2. A. Thus B. Besides C. However D. Therefore
【解析】选C。考查副词辨析。thus因此; besides此外; however然而; therefore因此。句意: 然而, 他一整天都没有找到需要这枚硬币的人。由“ he didn’t find such a person”可知, 前后语意转折。故选C。
3. A. dining B. waiting C. walking D. resting
【解析】选D。考查动名词辨析。dining进餐; waiting等待; walking步行; resting休息。句意: 最后, 他到了休息区, 在那里过了一夜。由“spent a night there”可知, 他到了休息区。故选D。
4. A. woke up B. looked up C. stayed up D. dressed up
【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。woke up醒来; looked up抬头看; stayed up熬夜; dressed up打扮。句意: 第二天早上, 他醒来, 被告知一个国王将要带着他的军队入侵另一个国家。由“Next morning”可知, 他醒来, 被告知一个国王将要带着他的军队入侵另一个国家。故选A。
5. A. hoped B. allowed C. ordered D. advised
【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。hoped希望; allowed允许; ordered命令; advised建议。句意: 第二天早上, 他醒来, 被告知一个国王将要带着他的军队入侵另一个国家。国王看到了智者就命令军队停了下来。order sb. to do sth. “命令某人做某事”符合句意。故选C。
6. A. tribe B. state C. city D. king
【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。tribe部落; state国家; city城市; king国王。由上文“ his invasion of another state with his army”, 可知, 国王亲口告诉智者, 自己要去攻打另一个国家, 故选B。
7. A. expanded B. respected C. developed D. blamed
【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。expanded扩大; respected尊重; developed发展; blamed责备。句意: 他来到智者面前说: “我要打败另一个国家。因此, 我的国家的疆土就可以扩大了。根据常识可以判断出, 打仗是为了扩大本国的疆土。故选A。
8. A. consulting B. thinking C. chatting D. bargaining
【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。consulting咨询; thinking想; chatting聊天; bargaining讨价还价。句意: 智者想了想, 把硬币给了国王。故选B。
9. A. nervously B. curiously C. eagerly D. angrily
【解析】选B。考查副词辨析。nervously紧张地; curiously好奇地; eagerly渴望地; angrily生气地。句意: 他好奇地问: “这是什么意思 。国王很好奇, 智者为什么会给他一枚小小的硬币。故选B。
10. A. city B. palace C. house D. backyard
【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。city城市; palace宫殿; house房子; backyard后院。句意: 智者解释说: “我昨天在你的城市里发现了这枚硬币”。由上文“through a city. ”可知, 智者在叙述捡硬币的地点。故选A。
11. A. agreed B. announced C. informed D. decided
【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。agreed同意; announced宣布; informed告知; decided决定。句意: 所以我已经决定要把它捐出去。由上文“he planned”可知, 智者已经决定要把它捐出去。故选D。
12. A. happy B. hard C. convenient D. different
【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。happy快乐的; hard困难的; convenient方便的; different不同的。句意: 每个人都过着幸福的生活。由“ but found no one to donate it to. ”可知, 智者并没有找到需要硬币的人。那是因为每个人都过着幸福的生活, 不要这枚小小的硬币。故选A。
13. A. defend B. gain C. earn D. borrow
【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。defend防御; gain获得; earn赚钱; borrow借。句意: 但是今天, 这个国家的国王, 仍然要获得更多的东西, 并不满足于他已经拥有的。由“ is not satisfied with ”可知, 国王, 仍然要获得更多的东西。故选B。
14. A. in possession of B. in search of C. in need of D. in charge of
【解析】选C。考查介词短语辨析。in possession of拥有; in search of搜查; in need of需要; in charge of负责。句意: 我觉得你需要这枚硬币。智者觉得国王最需要这枚硬币。故选C。
15. A. achievement B. dream C. existence D. mistake
【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。achievement成就; dream梦想; existence 存在; mistake错误。句意: 国王意识到自己的错误, 放弃了计划中的战争。由“ gave up the planned war. ”可知, 国王意识到自己的错误, 所以放弃了计划中的战争。故选D。Unit 4 Listening and Speaking习题检测
1. If not, you can try to repeat the ___________ (程序)until you have all of them.
2. It affects the librarian’s job satisfaction and ________ (精神的) health.
3. I know we might have to wait at the _________(边界).
4. She was so___________(下定决心的) not to do this that she moved to Australia.
5. This morning’s___________(发射) of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed.
6. I doubt whether they really have ____________(足够的) manpower.
7. What recreational ___________(设施) are now available
8. I felt a _________ (气流) of cool air blowing in my face.
9. I’m not that ____________(肤浅的).
10. The source of the gunshots still remains a __________(谜).
Most young people in the country_________ __________ __________ ________ ________.
2.即使有困难,他们依然会坚持做志愿者工作。(carry on)
Even if there is difficulty, they will still________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
Jaws was a great success, attracting huge audiences and________ ________ ________.
Not only________ _________ _________ ________ ________,but also it broadens our horizons.
Many young people flock to big cities.________ _________ _________there are many job opportunities.
The computer is widely used in our daily life. The computer is a machine that 1. ________(design) to help people do many things. When it first came into 2. _________ (be), it was just a calculating machine, and later it was built as an analytical machine that could “think” logically and produce an answer 3. ________ (fast) than any other person. Still later, the computer could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problems. There were times when its size was 4. _________ (total) changed. It became smaller and smaller but it got cleverer and cleverer. In the early 1960s, computers were connected by network and brought into common people’s homes 5. _________(deal) with information and help communication 6. _________ people around the world. It could share 7. ________(inform) with others and they could talk to each other. The Internet has become 8. ________important part in our life and we can do many things with the help of the Internet. The computer is used to connect people 9. ________aren’t close enough to speak to each other. It has been serving the human race since 10. ________(it) birth.
No human has set foot on the Moon since 1972. Now, after more than four decades of inactivity, interest in putting humans back on the Moon is finally heating up again. But who will get there first
On 14 December 2013, China successfully landed its Jade Rabbit rover(探测车)on the Moon. It is now working on its next exploration mission. Named Chang’e 4, the mission is scheduled to touch down in the Aitken Basin near the end of 2018. If successful, it will be the first landing on the Moon’s far side.
Russia plans a manned Moon landing in 2030. It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon, exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站).
Following the success of its Chandrayaan-1 in 2008, India announced a follow-on mission. Chandrayaan-2 was meant to cooperate with Russia. But when the Russians failed to deliver the promised lander in 2013, India decided to go it alone. Chandrayaan-2 is about to be sent up in 2018.
U. S. A.
In December 2018, NASA plans to send up the Exploration Mission 1, an uncrewed test of their Orion astronaut capsule in which the craft will circle around the Moon before returning to Earth. All being well, a crewed capsule will follow in 2023. Should the mission prove a success, the astronauts will be the first humans to see the far side of the Moon with their own eyes since Apollo 17 in 1972.
1. What will China do in its next space mission
A. Improve its Jade Rabbit rover.
B. Work with other countries.
C. Land Chang’e 4 on the Moon.
D. Explore the south pole of the Moon.
2. Why did India try to carry out its follow-on mission alone
A. It couldn’t find a partner.
B. It didn’t get the lander as planned.
C. The Russians refused to work with India.
D. It planned to launch Chandrayaan-2 in advance.
3. Which country is interested in resources on the Moon
A. Russia.   B. China.   C. India.   D. U. S. A.
4. What can we know from the text
A. Russia has built a human outpost on the Moon.
B. China will be the first to see the far side of the Moon.
C. U. S. A. will send a crewed capsule to the Moon in the future.
D. Humans have kept active in exploring the Moon since 1972.
  There is an ancient Chinese story about a giant man named Kua Fu who chases the sun. He drains (喝干) the Yellow and Wei rivers during his race and finally dies of dehydration(脱水). His failure has reminded people of the unstoppable power of the sun for centuries. And yet, scientists throughout history have tried to better understand the most important star in our sky. On Aug. 12, 2018, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe(探测器), marking the start of its trip to the sun.
The probe itself is almost as big as a car and needed the help of a powerful rocket to escape Earth’s orbit, change direction and reach the sun. In order to reach the sun, the probe must complete seven flights of Venus, using the power of the planet’s gravity to change its path, sending it toward the sun. But that’s not the only difficult part of the journey. As the probe approaches the sun’s corona(日冕), it will have to bear temperatures reaching 1, 400 ℃, as well as deal with serious radiation. So how will the probe survive
According to NASA, a special shield (保护罩)has been used, which is a special 11. 5 cm-thick carbon-composite shield that will be positioned between the probe and the sun’s corona. Its advanced technology like this will make the probe’s trip to the sun much smoother. If everything goes as planned, the probe will reach a speed of 692, 018 kilometers per hour as it orbits the sun, setting a new record for the fastest man-made object in history, NBC noted. It will fly close to the sun 24 times between 2018 and 2025, NBC added.
The “mission to touch the sun” will “not only make history by answering questions that have puzzled scientists for decades, but it may also lead to the discovery of new phenomena that are completely unknown to us now, ” Raouafi told Discovery Magazine. “This mission has the potential to push solar research into a new direction, ” he added.
5. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A. A powerful rocket. B. The probe.
C. Venus. D. The planet’s gravity.
6. What do we know about the Parker Solar Probe
A. It’s the fastest probe ever designed.
B. It has an 11. 5-inch-thick shield.
C. It was designed to carry a powerful rocket.
D. It’s twice the size of a car.
7. The probe will meet the challenges except______.
A. the route to the sun
B. the heat near the sun
C. the distance to the sun
D. the radiation from the sun
8. What’s the main purpose of the last paragraph
A. To stress the importance of advanced technology.
B. To prove the mission is the greatest move in human history.
C. To suggest there is a long way to go in solar exploration.
D. To show the mission will fill a gap in solar research.
A wise man was passing through a city. While he was walking, he  1 a coin on the road. He picked it up. Despite his simple life, he was satisfied and he had no use of that coin. So, he planned to donate it.  2 , throughout the day he didn’t find such a person. Finally, he reached the  3 area and spent a night there.
Next morning, he  4 and was told that a king was going for his invasion of another state with his army. When the king saw the wise man, he  5 his army to stop. He came to the wise man and said, “I am going to beat another  6 . Thus, my state can be  7 . So bless me to be victorious”.
After 8 , the wise man gave the coin to the king! The king was confused with this because he is already one of the richest kings! He  9  asked, “What’s the meaning ”
The wise man explained, “I found this coin yesterday in your  10 . But I had no use. So I had  11  that I would donate it. I walked around till the evening, but found no one to donate it to.
Everyone was living a  12  life. It seemed that they were satisfied with what they had. But today, the king of this state, still has the desire to 13  more and is not satisfied with what he already has. I feel you are 14 this coin. ”
The king realized his  15 and gave up the planned war.
1. A. noticed  B. lost   C. spent   D. dropped
2. A. Thus B. Besides C. However D. Therefore
3. A. dining B. waiting C. walking D. resting
4. A. woke up B. looked up C. stayed up D. dressed up
5. A. hoped B. allowed C. ordered D. advised
6. A. tribe B. state C. city D. king
7. A. expanded B. respected C. developed D. blamed
8. A. consulting B. thinking C. chatting D. bargaining
9. A. nervously B. curiously C. eagerly D. angrily
10. A. city B. palace C. house D. backyard
11. A. agreed B. announced C. informed D. decided
12. A. happy B. hard C. convenient D. different
13. A. defend B. gain C. earn D. borrow
14. A. in possession of B. in search of C. in need of D. in charge of
15. A. achievement B. dream C. existence D. mistake