

名称 山东省青岛市城阳区2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(原卷板+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-09 17:58:51


The Best Computer Science Competitions for High Schoolers
Imagine Cup
Microsoft runs the competition, and each year, students around the world compete in it. Students work in teams of up to three members to design a tech solution to a social or health problem.
Qualification: Student must be 16 or older.
Prizes: Each winning team is awarded $100,000.
First Robotics Competition
Students work in teams of at least 10 along with 2 adult mentors to design and build an industrial-sized robot. They then must program the robot to compete in a sophisticated field game at competitions. Annual team registration fees are usually about $5000.
Qualification: High school students in the U.S.,
Prizes: Various scholarships and cash prizes for top scorers.
Technovation Challenge
It is designed to get more girls worldwide interested in coding and computer science. Girls work in teams of 1-5 and with volunteer mentors to use technology to design an app that helps solve real world problems such as climate change and hunger.
Qualification: Must identify as female and be between 10 and 18 years old.
Prizes: Prizes and scholarships up to $2,000.
American Computer Science League
To compete, your school has to have registered and paid the registration fee. Before the competition, the coach teaches coding with a focus on ACSL exam categories. Then, students work in teams of 3 or 5 students to complete four tests. Students can code in Python 3, Java 8, or C++ as defined on the programming platform. Top-scoring teams advance to regional, statewide, and eventually global competitions.
Qualification: Students whose schools have registered for the competition.
Prizes: Winners of the ACSL All-Star Contest receive prizes.
1. Which competition has the largest number of students in a team
A. Imagine Cup. B. First Robotics Competition.
C. Technovation Challenge. D. American Computer Science League.
2. How is Technovation Challenge different from other competitions
A. It is run by Microsoft. B. It is only for U.S. students.
C. It has a gender limitation. D. It allows mentors to assist.
3. What can students do in American Computer Science League
A. Register for the competition independently.
B. Have chances to take higher-level competitions.
C. Design an app using programming knowledge.
D. Receive various scholarship and cash prizes.
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。根据文章Imagine Cup部分“Students work in teams of up to three members to design a tech solution to a social or health problem.(学生们以最多三人一组的方式设计解决社会或健康问题的技术解决方案)”,First Robotics Competition部分“Students work in teams of at least 10 along with 2 adult mentors to design and build an industrial-sized robot.(学生们与两名成年导师组成至少10人的团队,设计和建造一个工业规模的机器人)”,Technovation Challenge部分“Girls work in teams of 1-5 and with volunteer mentors to use technology to design an app that helps solve real world problems such as climate change and hunger.(女孩们以1-5人为一组,与志愿者导师一起使用技术设计一款应用程序,帮助解决气候变化和饥饿等现实世界问题)”及American Computer Science League部分“Then, students work in teams of 3 or 5 students to complete four tests.(然后,学生们以3或5名学生为一组完成四项测试)”可知,First Robotics Competition团队中学生人数最多。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据文章Technovation Challenge部分“Qualification: Must identify as female and be between 10 and 18 years old.(资格:必须为女性,年龄在10至18岁之间)”可知,Technovation Challenge的参赛者有性别限制,这与其他比赛不同。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章American Computer Science League部分“Top-scoring teams advance to regional, statewide, and eventually global competitions.(得分最高的球队晋级地区、全州乃至全球比赛)”可知,参加American Computer Science League的学生有机会参加更高级别的比赛。故选B项。
As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss countless birthday parties and ruin numerous family holidays, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much. I think of almost missing my brother’s wedding because I was too busy hiring a car and driving through the “no-go” areas in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes.
It boils down to this: I was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination. From a small girl, I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play; I would get the bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games; I was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys. I have always lived my life to extremes. Call it unhealthy if you want, but that is the way I roll, no matter what it is I’m applying myself to.
Being a professional athlete is no different. If you want to be an Olympic champion, it’s all about that little extra thing you have done in your preparation that will set you apart from your competitors.
Can this be overdone Absolutely. But if your dream is to be the best and reach the winner’s platform, you had better be totally committed to your sport. In the words of the British triathlete Alistair Brownlee, “Even if it means getting injured, I’d prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.”
Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that extra little bit that might take us to the top. It is certainly not a balanced way to live and it is certainly not normal but those words are generally not used for anyone who is striving for greatness.
4. What made the author almost miss her brother’s wedding
A. She failed to hire a car to get there.
B. She was stopped at the “no-go” areas.
C. She was busy with a sports training.
D. She forgot about the exact date of it.
5. Why does the author mention her early experiences in paragraph 2
A. To list her accomplishments.
B. To recall her miserable memories.
C. To explore reasons for her commitment to sports.
D. To remind kids of the significance of determination.
6. What can we learn from Alistair Brownlee’s words
A. Injury is unavoidable.
B. Being average is acceptable.
C. Winning awards takes a long time.
D. Getting to the top requires efforts.
7. Where might the text be found
A. A celebrity blog. B. An academic book.
C. A travel brochure. D. A health magazine.
【答案】4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“I think of almost missing my brother’s wedding because I was too busy hiring a car and driving through the “no-go” areas in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes.(我想我差点错过了我哥哥的婚礼,因为我忙着租一辆车,开车穿过“禁区”,和当地的铁人三项运动员一起组队骑行。)”可知,作者差点错过她哥哥的婚礼,是因为她正忙于体育训练。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第二段“It boils down to this: I was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination. From a small girl, I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play; I would get the bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games; I was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys.(归结起来就是:我生来就有巨大的动力和决心。从一个小女孩开始,我会在午餐时间呆在家里,只是为了在课堂上取得领先,而不是出去玩;十岁的时候,我独自搭上公共汽车,在其他孩子玩台球游戏的时候,我在游泳池里游了100圈;我是250个男孩组成的橄榄球俱乐部里唯一的女孩。)”可知,作者在第二段提到她早期的经历是为了探究她投身体育运动的原因。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Even if it means getting injured, I’d prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.(即使这意味着受伤,我也宁愿有三四年的出色的胜利,而不是十年的平庸。)”可知,我们能从Alistair Brownlee的话中学到的是达到顶峰需要努力。故选D。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss countless birthday parties and ruin numerous family holidays, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much.(作为一名奥运会运动员,我错过了无数的生日聚会,破坏了无数的家庭假期,但放弃这么多是有很好的理由的。)”和第二段“It boils down to this: I was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination.(归结起来就是:我生来就有巨大的动力和决心。)”可知,本文主要讲述了作者作为一名奥运会运动员所付出的牺牲和努力,并教导大家想要成功需要不断努力,因此本文很可能是一个名人博客。故选A。
Whether due to genuine concern for the environment or the widespread criticism of plastic among consumers, many companies have invested heavily in reducing their use of plastic packaging, which may indeed have a positive environmental impact. But another trend that’s grown out of the anti-plastic movement is a lot less positive: overpackaging. More and more brands have begun adding unnecessary paper packaging on top of plastic packaging in order to make their products look more environmentally friendly, without actually reducing plastic waste.
Unfortunately, there’s a very good reason companies are adopting this clearly problematic approach. Through a series of eight studies with more than 4,000 participants, we found that consumers will accept a product’s packaging as more environmentally friendly if it’s plastic with an additional layer of paper than if the product is visibly packaged in identical plastic packaging but without the paper. These perceptions (认知) in turn make consumers both more likely to buy a product, and willing to pay more for it.
Part of what makes this overpackaging trend particularly harmful is that it is much valued by consumers who reported engaging in more eco-friendly behaviors. They were more likely to view overpackaged products as environmentally friendly. As a result, the very consumers who are most interested in pushing companies to make sustainable choices are likely unintentionally encouraging the environmentally harmful practice of overpackaging.
The good news is, overpackaging isn’t the only way to signal sustainability and attract such consumers. In our studies, we found that instead of additional paper packaging, simply adding a minimal packaging sticker to plastic packaging could clarify the misperception that overpackaged products are more sustainable, Especially for products for which plastic is necessary to ensure safe transportation and lengthen shelf life, this kind of clear messaging can help reduce consumers, discrimination against the responsible use of plastic packaging.
Of course, minimal packaging stickers certainly should only be used if a brand has actually ensured that it is using the minimal possible packaging, ideally under the supervision of a trade organization or regulatory body that maintains clear, consistent standards.
8. What can we learn about overpackaging according to paragraph 1
A. It calls for less investment.
B. It involves the proper use of paper.
C. It has a positive environmental impact.
D. It causes over-consumption of materials.
9. What do the eight studies find about consumers according to the text
A. They care about the environment.
B. They are always following the trend.
C. They like comparing products’ qualities.
D They prefer beautifully-decorated products.
10. What function is expected of minimal packaging stickers
A To help products stay fresh longer.
B. To improve the brand’s popularity.
C. To correct consumers’ misunderstanding.
D. To present more information about products.
11. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Minimal packaging stickers have been widely used.
B. Advantages of minimal packaging stickers are overestimated.
C. The use of minimal packaging stickers should be strictly regulated.
D. The use of minimal packaging stickers is a solution to over-packaging.
【答案】8. D 9. A 10. C 11. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“But another trend that’s grown out of the anti-plastic movement is a lot less positive: overpackaging. More and more brands have begun adding unnecessary paper packaging on top of plastic packaging in order to make their products look more environmentally friendly, without actually reducing plastic waste.(但反塑料运动发展出的另一个趋势就不那么积极了:过度包装。越来越多的品牌开始在塑料包装上添加不必要的纸质包装,以使其产品看起来更加环保,而实际上并没有减少塑料垃圾。)”可知,过度包装会导致材料的过度消耗。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Through a series of eight studies with more than 4,000 participants, we found that consumers will accept a product’s packaging as more environmentally friendly if it’s plastic with an additional layer of paper than if the product is visibly packaged in identical plastic packaging but without the paper. These perceptions (认知) in turn make consumers both more likely to buy a product, and willing to pay more for it.(通过一系列有4,000多名参与者参与的八项研究,我们发现,与明显采用相同塑料包装但没有纸质包装的产品相比,消费者会更环保地接受带有额外纸质包装的产品包装。这些认知反过来使消费者更有可能购买产品,并愿意为此支付更多费用。)”可知,八项研究发现消费者更在乎环境。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“In our studies, we found that instead of additional paper packaging, simply adding a minimal packaging sticker to plastic packaging could clarify the misperception that overpackaged products are more sustainable,(在我们的研究中,我们发现,不需要额外的纸质包装,只需在塑料包装上贴上最小包装标签就可以消除过度包装产品更可持续的误解,)”可知,最小包装贴纸具有纠正消费者误解的功能。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Of course, minimal packaging stickers certainly should only be used if a brand has actually ensured that it is using the minimal possible packaging, ideally under the supervision of a trade organization or regulatory body that maintains clear, consistent standards.(当然,只有在品牌确实确保使用尽可能少的包装的情况下,最好是在保持明确、一致标准的贸易组织或监管机构的监督下,才能使用最小包装标签。)”可知,应严格规范最小包装标签的使用。故选C项。
A therapy (治疗) client and I are working on an eating disorder and find it originated from a relationship break-up or perhaps being bullied in middle school. Such hurtful experiences led to not eating for a couple of weeks. Then comes a high praise from a friend that totally backfires. Maybe it’s an enthusiastic, “Wow, you look great!’’ In a flash, this praise excites an inner and often unconscious thought: “Oh, people care more about me if I lose weight. So many things feel out of control but I can control people’s affection by not eating.”
Often, very well-intentioned individuals offer praise out of a desire to uplift and connect. Such praise is often tied, directly or indirectly, to a person’s relationship with the standards of a specific group or institution. Sadly, such praise can easily reduce an individual’s dignity to their level in line with the group’s expectations rather than supporting their inherent (固有的) dignity and worth. So, what’s a better way
One answer is to exit the game of “right and wrong” and enter a more life-giving focus on what needs are present. Returning to our example above, when you see that someone has lost weight and you want to give them a praise, just pause and take a deep breath. Simply ask, “How are you doing ” See them and hear them. Appreciate them as a person of limitless value. Know there may be much more to their inner world than meets the eye. Similarly, when you see someone’s success in school, appreciate the hard work they put into it. Ask with gentle curiosity, “How’s it been for you ” Listen with your full attention that in itself can be a rare gift in today’s hustle and bustle world.
By maintaining your concern and listening to the ways they want to be accompanied and supported — even when it might not be your first instinct — you can see them as a whole person, with complex feelings, very human needs, and inherent dignity.
12. What does the underlined word “backfires” in paragraph 1 refer to
A. Improves the situation. B. Shows sincere concern.
C. Removes hurtful feelings. D. Produces an unexpected result.
13. What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A. Analyzing the phenomenon. B. Listing another example.
C. Presenting the solution. D. Making a proposal.
14. Why does the author suggest simply asking “How are you doing”
A. To start a light conversation.
B. To focus on one’s inner needs.
C. To explore the secret of keeping slim.
D. To show appreciation for one’s efforts.
15. What might be the title for the text
A. Say No to the “Right or Wrong” Game
B. Why We Need to Make Praises to Others.
C. Follow Me and Be a Qualified Therapist
D. How Innocent Words can Be Harmful
【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A
词句猜测题。划线词上文“A therapy (治疗) client and I are working on an eating disorder and find it originated from a relationship break-up or perhaps being bullied in middle school. Such hurtful experiences led to not eating for a couple of weeks. (我和一位治疗客户正在治疗一种饮食失调症,发现它起源于一段关系的破裂,或者可能是在中学时被欺负。这种痛苦的经历导致了几周不吃东西)”讲述作者帮助患饮食失调症的患者找到了病因,积极寻求治疗方法,下文“Maybe it’s an enthusiastic, “Wow, you look great!’’ In a flash, this praise excites an inner and often unconscious thought: “Oh, people care more about me if I lose weight. So many things feel out of control but I can control people’s affection by not eating.”(“哇,你看起来棒极了!”也许是一句热情的话。顷刻间,这种赞美激发了一种内在的、往往是无意识的想法:“哦,如果我减肥了,人们会更关心我。”很多事情都失去了控制,但我可以通过不吃东西来控制人们的感情。”)”却说朋友不合时宜的赞美让病人认为减肥可以让人们会更关心自己,可以通过不吃东西来控制人们的感情。朋友的话让作者给病人的治疗功亏一篑。由此推知,“Then comes a high praise from a friend that totally backfires.(然后来自朋友的高度赞扬backfires)”中backfires的意思是“produces an unexpected result(产生了一个意想不到的结果)”。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Often, very well-intentioned individuals offer praise out of a desire to uplift and connect. Such praise is often tied, directly or indirectly, to a person’s relationship with the standards of a specific group or institution. Sadly, such praise can easily reduce an individual’s dignity to their level in line with the group’s expectations rather than supporting their inherent (固有的) dignity and worth. So, what’s a better way (通常,出于善意的人会出于鼓励和加强联系的目的而给予赞美。这种赞美通常直接或间接地与一个人与特定群体或机构的标准的关系联系在一起。可悲的是,这样的赞美很容易将个人的尊严降低到符合群体期望的水平,而不是支持他们固有的尊严和价值。那么,有什么更好的方法呢?)”可知,段中针对第一段描述的情况,深入分析了善意的赞美所带来的意想不到的后果的原因,指出这种赞美往往与外部标准或群体期望联系在一起,潜在地损害了个人固有的尊严和价值。是对上文所述现象的深入剖析。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“One answer is to exit the game of “right and wrong” and enter a more life-giving focus on what needs are present. Returning to our example above, when you see that someone has lost weight and you want to give them a praise, just pause and take a deep breath. Simply ask, “How are you doing ” See them and hear them. Appreciate them as a person of limitless value. Know there may be much more to their inner world than meets the eye.(方法之一是不要去做“对与错”的游戏,选择一个更有生命的关注点,关注他们当前的需求。回到我们上面的例子,当你看到有人体重减轻了,你想表扬他们的时候,就停下来深呼吸。简单地问:“你好吗 ”看他们所做,听他们所讲。把他们当作一个有无限价值的人来欣赏。要知道,他们的内心世界可能比你看到的要多得多)”可知,作者建议通过简单地问“你好吗?”来关注别人的内心。故选B项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第三段中“Sadly, such praise can easily reduce an individual’s dignity to their level in line with the group’s expectations rather than supporting their inherent (固有的) dignity and worth. So, what’s a better way (可悲的是,这样的赞美很容易将个人的尊严降低到符合群体期望的水平,而不是支持他们固有的尊严和价值。那么,有什么更好的方法呢?)”和第四段中“One answer is to exit the game of “right and wrong” and enter a more life-giving focus on what needs are present.(方法之一是不要去做“对与错”的游戏,选择一个更有生命的关注点,关注他们当前的需求)”可知,文章先提出问题:如何更好地赞美,然后给出答案:不要去做“对与错”的游戏,要从关注个体的需求和感受出发,以更加尊重和理解的态度来欣赏他人,这也是作者想要告诉读者的道理。由此可知,本文最佳标题是“Say No to the “Right or Wrong” Game(向“对或错”的游戏说不)”。故选A项。
As we dive into the New Year with fresh resolutions, a big question is: How long are we going to stick with them ____16____ But there is a strategy known as SMART can help both in setting goals and sticking with them.
Specific. In daily life, we’re driven by our habits, which come easily. We can drive, listen to the radio and chew gum at the same time. ____17____ We need to get rid of distractions and stay focused. Mastering a new skill is slow going, so it’s best to be clear on our aim.
Measurable. When it comes to goals, there’s often a divide between intention and action. One way to bridge this gap is to track what we’ve achieved each day.____18____ So, if you’re learning to play the piano, log your practice. If your aim is to eat better, journal your meals.
Achievable. ____19____ It’s a reality check on how much time and resources you have to devote to it. And, it sometimes begs a bigger question: Why should I commit to this goal
Relevant. Goals and values should be connected. We may spend years living out other people’s dreams for us. If you’re extrinsically (外在地) motivated, you may power through. But you may not be happy with the outcome, even if you’re very successful. ____20____
Time-bound. It’s important to set goals that have clear time frames. Map out an action plan, and throughout the year you can refer back to the plan.
Set concrete goals and plan a pain forward. When you’re filling your days with tasks and activities in line with your goals, it’s time well spent.
A. But working toward a new goal can require a lot of brain power.
B. We know it matters to eat healthier, but it is hard to follow through.
C. Break your goal down into smaller pieces and think whether it’s doable.
D. People who regularly monitor their progress are more likely to succeed.
E. If you pick a goal you really care about, you’ll get it done and feel better.
F. We often start with determination and quickly find our passion decreasing.
G. To keep you on track, write down your goals and share them with your teachers.
【答案】16. F 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. E
空前“As we dive into the New Year with fresh resolutions, a big question is: How long are we going to stick with them (当我们带着新的决心进入新年时,一个大问题是:我们能坚持多久?)”提出一个问题,就是我们能坚持新年决心多久,空格处应该是对这个问题进行回答,F选项“We often start with determination and quickly find our passion decreasing.(我们常常一开始就下定决心,但很快就发现我们的激情在减退。)”回答了前面的问题,说明我们往往不能坚持我们的新年决心,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
空前“In daily life, we’re driven by our habits, which come easily. We can drive, listen to the radio and chew gum at the same time.(在日常生活中,我们很容易被习惯所驱使。我们可以一边开车,一边听收音机,一边嚼口香糖。)”说明我们能轻松地完成生活中的一些事情,空后“We need to get rid of distractions and stay focused.(我们需要摆脱干扰,保持专注。)”说明要完成空格处所说的事情是不容易的,A选项“But working toward a new goal can require a lot of brain power.(但是朝着一个新的目标努力可能需要大量的脑力。)”说明要朝一个目标努力需要脑力,和前文生活中容易完成的事情形成对比,和后文需要专注表达一致,因此A选项承上启下,符合语境,故选A。
空前“One way to bridge this gap is to track what we’ve achieved each day.(弥补这种差距的一种方法是记录我们每天所取得的成就。)”说明了要记录每天的成就,也就是记录自己的成长过程,空格处应该说这么做的好处,D选项“People who regularly monitor their progress are more likely to succeed.(经常监控自己进步的人更有可能成功。)”说明记录自己的成长过程能让人可能成功,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
本段主题句是“Achievable.(可以实现的。)”,空格处应该也是说要目标变得可以实现的相关的内容,C选项“Break your goal down into smaller pieces and think whether it’s doable.(把你的目标分解成更小的部分,并思考它是否可行。)”说明的是把目标变成小目标,看它是否能够实现,和本段主题一致,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选C。
空前“Goals and values should be connected. We may spend years living out other people’s dreams for us. If you’re extrinsically (外在地) motivated, you may power through. But you may not be happy with the outcome, even if you’re very successful.(目标和价值观应该联系起来。我们可能会花费数年的时间来实现别人对我们的梦想。如果你有外在动力,你可能会坚持下去。但即使你非常成功,你也可能对结果不满意。)”说明目标要是和自己相关的,不然就算实现了,自己也不高兴,E选项“If you pick a goal you really care about, you’ll get it done and feel better.(如果你选择了一个你真正关心的目标,你就会完成它,感觉更好。)”说明了如果选择一个自己真正关心的目标,自己就会感觉更好,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选E。
There are many examples of everyday kindnesses we often take for granted.
Last night, during my eldest son’s basketball game, we ____21____ to be sitting next to a lady with a young son. The little boy turned to my youngest son, smiling at him, and ____22____ said, “Wanna be my ____23____ ” During the next 20 minutes, the two boys played together happily. It was a ____24____ scene, and reminded me how ____25____ it can (and should) be to make new friends.
A few hours earlier, we went to a downtown cafe for an afternoon treat. There were no open tables for four, so we ____26____ a table for two, and crowded into the small space. Just at that time, one young lady came over and ____27____ to trade her larger table with us. It was a simple act but showed us a ____28____ heart.
Just a couple of days ago, I sold my first book to a friend of mine. She paid the amount I charged and asked, “Is that enough It doesn’t seem like it will ____29____ shipping.” Truthfully, I had not ____30____ correctly for the shipping charge. After that, I received a(an) ____31____ sum of money. I was so deeply humbled by her act of ____32____ and desire to encourage me.
Though often ____33____, these small acts of service, friendliness, and human care are what it takes to make the world go round. With everyday difficulties ____34____ us, these small gestures of goodwill can easily ____35____ a spark of positivity.
A. happened B. intended C. refused D. decided
A. urgently B. adorably C. thoughtfully D. maturely
A. brother B. teammate C. assistant D. friend
A. breath-taking B. normal C. heart-warming D. strange
A. risky B. amusing C. awkward D. easy
A. grabbed B. left C. prepared D. laid
A. hesitated B. offered C. agreed D. begged
A. heavy B. nervous C. selfless D. lonely
A. cover B. afford C. change D. produce
A. planned B. accounted C. paid D. applied
A. enormous B. expected C. total D. additional
A. carelessness B. bravery C. kindness D. duty
A. praised B. overlooked C. discussed D. criticized
A. surrounding B. pleasing C. stimulating D. reminding
A. control B. pursue C. hide D. light
【答案】21 A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:昨晚,在我大儿子的篮球比赛中,我们碰巧坐在一位带着年幼儿子的女士旁边。A. happened碰巧;B. intended打算;C. refused拒绝;D. decided决定。根据前文“Last night, during my eldest son’s basketball game”以及后文“sitting next to a lady with a young son”可知,是作者去看大儿子的篮球比赛时,坐在一位带着年幼儿子的女士旁边,这个事,应是碰巧发生的。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:小男孩转向我最小的儿子,对他微笑着,可爱地说:“想和我做朋友吗 ”在接下来的20分钟里,两个男孩在一起玩得很开心。A. urgently紧急地;B. adorably可爱地;C. thoughtfully深思地;D. maturely成熟地。根据前文“The little boy turned to my youngest son, smiling at him”可知,小男孩微笑的对着作者的小儿子说,应是可爱的。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:小男孩转向我最小的儿子,对他微笑着,可爱地说:“想和我做朋友吗 ”在接下来的20分钟里,两个男孩在一起玩得很开心。A. brother兄弟;B. teammate队友;C. assistant助手;D. friend朋友。根据后文“reminded me how     5     it can (and should) be to make new friends.”可知,小男孩是在问作者的小儿子是否想和他做朋友。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个温暖人心的场景,提醒我结交新朋友是多么容易(也应该是多么容易)。A. breath-taking惊人的;B. normal正常的;C. heart-warming暖心的;D. strange奇怪的。根据前文“During the next 20 minutes, the two boys played together happily.”可知,两个男孩在一起玩得很开心,是一个温暖人心的场景。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个温暖人心的场景,提醒我结交新朋友是多么容易。A. risky有风险的;B. amusing有趣的;C. awkward令人尴尬的;D. easy容易的。根据上文“The little boy turned to my youngest son, smiling at him, and _____ said, “Wanna be my ______ ”可知,提醒我结交新朋友是多么容易。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有四个人的空桌子了,所以我们抢了一张两人的桌子,挤进了这个小地方。A. grabbed抢占;B. left离开;C. prepared准备;D. laid放置。根据后文“and crowded into the small space.”可知,作者一行挤进了小空间,所以此处应该是抢占了两个座位的桌子。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,一位年轻女士走过来,提出要和我们交换她的大桌子。A. hesitated犹豫;B. offered主动提出;C. agreed同意;D. begged乞求。根据后文“trade her larger table with us.”可知,应是“提出要和我们交换她的大桌子”符合语境。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个简单的举动,但向我们展示了一颗无私的心。A. heavy沉重的;B. nervous紧张的;C. selfless无私的;D. lonely孤独的。根据前文“one young lady came over and     7     to trade her larger table with us.”可知,这位年轻女士提出要和作者一行交换她的大桌子,是无私的行为。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:它似乎不包括运费。A. cover包括;B. afford承担得起;C. change改变;D. produce生产。根据后文“Truthfully, I had not     10     correctly for the shipping charge.”可知,作者没有计算运费,所以是不包括运费。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:说实话,我没有计算运费。A. planned计划;B. accounted计算;C. paid支付;D. applied应用。根据前文“It doesn’t seem like it will     9     shipping.”可知,作者向朋友要的钱没有包含运费,所以是作者没有计算运费。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那之后,我又收到一笔额外的钱。A. enormous巨大的;B. expected预期的;C. total总的;D. additional额外的。根据前文“Truthfully, I had not     10     correctly for the shipping charge.”可知,作者没有计算运费,所以朋友给她额外的钱作运费。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的善良行为和她对我的鼓励让我深感谦卑。A. carelessness粗心;B. bravery勇敢;C. kindness善良;D. duty责任。根据前文“I received a(an)     11     sum of money”可知,作者的朋友在她没有计算运费的情况下,主动给她运费,这是个善举。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然经常被忽视,但这些小小的服务、友好和人文关怀的行为正是使世界运转的要素。A. praised赞扬;B. overlooked忽视;C. discussed讨论;D. criticized批评。根据后文的“these small acts”可知,小行为一般会被忽视。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们每天都有困难,这些善意的小举动很容易点燃积极的火花。A. surrounding围绕,包围;B. pleasing使满意;C. stimulating刺激;D. reminding提醒。根据前文“With everyday difficulties”结合选项可知,应是“困难包围着我们”符合语境。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们每天都有困难,这些善意的小举动很容易点燃积极的火花。A. control控制;B. pursue追求;C. hide隐藏;D. light点燃。根据后文“a spark”可知,应是点燃火花符合语境。故选D项。
Wushu, the Chinese martial art form known as kungfu in the West, is a ____36____ (value) cultural heritage of Chinese people and contribution to human civilization.
Wushu, often ____37____ (use) in the form of combat (搏斗), consists of several different kinds of movements. The Chinese people’s determination to win and strong characteristics ____38____ (reflect) in the intense body combat.
Wushu reflects the character of Chinese people and they apply their unique understanding of theory and principle to combat. It differs from European and American boxing. Wushu is a particular balance between external and inbuilt values, ____39____ not only shows the beauty of one’s figure, but also the meaning of profound ____40____ (elegant). Apart from simple combat techniques, martial arts are rooted ____41____ Chinese philosophy, containing ancient Chinese philosophers’ understanding of life and the universe.
Wushu, which aims to improve health and self-defense, ____42____ (begin) by promoting one’s moral character. The martial art movements are ____43____ (physical) demonstrated while internal thoughts are static (静态的). Like still waters, peace and quiet is considered ____44____ highest level of martial arts.
Having survived the difficult situations of life while _____45_____ (maintain) all of its strength and vitality, Wushu is even believed to be the model of Chinese traditional culture and national spirit.
【答案】36. valuable
37. used 38. are reflected
39. which 40. elegance
41. in 42. begins
43. physically
44. the 45. maintaining
考查非谓语动词。句意:武术通常用于格斗,由几种不同的动作组成。“(use) in the form of combat (搏斗)”作后置定语,use是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语Wushu之间是被动关系,用过去分词表被动。故填used。
考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:中国人民必胜的决心和坚强的性格体现在激烈的身体搏击中。 reflect(体现)是句中谓语动词,与主语determination to win and strong characteristics(必胜的决心和坚强的性格)之间是被动关系,描述客观事实应使用一般现在时态,又因主语由名词“determination”和“characteristics”组成,是复数概念,谓语动词也应使用复数形式。综上,谓语应用一般现在时的被动语态,复数形式。故填are reflected。
考查介词。句意:除了简单的格斗技巧,武术还植根于中国哲学,包含了中国古代哲学家对生命和宇宙的理解。be rooted in是固定短语,意为“植根于”。故填in。
考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:武术,旨在提高健康和自卫,从提高一个人的道德品质开始。 begin(开始)是主句中谓语动词,与主语Wushu(武术)之间是主动关系,描述客观事实应使用一般现在时态,又因主语是专有名词,谓语动词应使用单数形式。综上,谓语应用一般现在时的主动语态,单数形式。故填begins。
考查非谓语动词。句意:武术在艰难的生活中幸存下来,同时保持了所有的力量和活力,甚至被认为是中国传统文化和民族精神的典范。“(maintain) all of its strength and vitality”作伴随状语,maintain(保持)是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语Wushu之间是主动关系,用现在分词表主动。故填maintaining。
46. 假定你是校英文报编辑,学校计划举行以欢度春节(Happy Spring Festival)为主题的海报设计大赛,请你写一份通知。内容包括:
In a bid to raise our awareness of traditional culture, a poster design competition themed “Happy Spring Festival” is organized by the our school.
To begin with, originality, by all means, is the first requirement. Plus, the poster you design should be inspiring and thought-provoking, clearly illustrating the significance of Spring Festival and the way of celebrating it. Moreover, a powerful slogan is also preferred, which will make your work more persuasive and impressive. All the students are welcome to submit their entries to Pioneer@ before 10th January, 2024. Only one work per individual is allowed. The winning works will be announced on March 2nd, 2024, in this newspaper.
Looking forward to your participation.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生为校学生会以欢度春节(Happy Spring Festival)为主题的海报设计大赛写一则通知。
提高,增强:raise→ enhance
令人鼓舞的:inspiring→ encouraging
重要性:significance→ importance
上交:submit→ hand in
原句:In a bid to raise our awareness of traditional culture, a poster design competition themed “Happy Spring Festival” is organized by the our school.
拓展句:In a bid to raise our awareness of traditional culture, a poster design competition whose theme is “Happy Spring Festival”, is organized by the our school.
【点睛】【高分句型1】In a bid to raise our awareness of traditional culture, a poster design competition themed “Happy Spring Festival” is organized by the our school.(运用了过去分词短语 themed “Happy Spring Festival”作后置定语)
【高分句型2】Moreover, a powerful slogan is also preferred, which will make your work more persuasive and impressive. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
I always hope for some student who possesses that unusual capability to convey feeling, insight, and passion through art. It doesn’t happen often, but it did one summer holiday - and from a wonderfully unexpected source.
That summer, I volunteered to teach a summer school art class for high school freshmen. When I arrived on the first day, the students were grouping in the center of the classroom, except for a red-haired girl named Emma who took a desk in the back row. I looked over what would be my workspace for the following days. There were large windows with plenty of light and I spotted several kinds of trees outside that would serve as models.
Emma was always the earliest to get to our classes,and I could feel her effort. However, she kept her seat in the back row as though being ignored was something to hope for. I asked one popular girl, who said, “She is an orphan. We try to be friendly, but she acts like she’s in another world.” I said, “All right. Let’s try to make this summer the good part of Emma’s life, OK ” There was no answer in words but she nodded, telling me she understood and empathized - good kid, at heart.
During the following days, I could feel other students’ kindness to Emma. Sometimes, Emma even talked and drew with them, but she still kept a certain distance from me. When I asked to see her work, she leaned forward covering it with her forearms. Treating her in any special way only seemed to emphasize her painful dissimilarity, so I limited my communication with her to a good morning smile.
The summer went by quickly and everyone got much better at drawing. So did Emma’s behavior. We had a lot of fun in the process, but the last day came at the right time. The kids filed in and watched me write the assignment on the whiteboard: Draw a picture titled: “A Place I Love”.
I walked around, watching the drawings develop.
It was Emma’s turn to show her drawing.
I walked around, watching the drawings develop. The students were immersed in their work, each trying to capture the essence of the place they loved in their unique way. The drawings were a mix of vibrant colors and delicate lines, each telling a story of someone's heartfelt attachment to a special place. I smiled, knowing that this assignment had been a success in its own way.
It was Emma’s turn to show her drawing. She stood up slowly, her face flushed with nervousness. She held up her drawing, and I gasped. It was a beautiful rendering of the classroom we had spent the summer in. The large windows, the various trees outside, and even the whiteboard with our final assignment written on it were all captured in meticulous detail. But more than that, it was the emotion in the drawing that struck me. Emma had captured the essence of our summer together, the joy, the struggle, and the growth that we had all experienced. I looked up at her, tears in my eyes, and saw that she was smiling too. In that moment, I knew that Emma had not only found a place she loved, but she had also found a community that loved her.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:教高一美术——遇到Emma——了解Emma——鼓励同学对Emma友善——同学们答应——改变了Emma——所有人绘画水平都提高了很多——Emma作品打动了作者。
3. 词汇激活
①眼中充满泪水:tears in my eyes/eyes welling up/tears brimming
【点睛】[高分句型1]I smiled, knowing that this assignment had been a success in its own way.(that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]Emma had captured the essence of our summer together, the joy, the struggle, and the growth that we had all experienced.(that引导的定语从句)2023-2024学年度第一学期期末考试
The Best Computer Science Competitions for High Schoolers
Imagine Cup
Microsoft runs the competition, and each year, students around the world compete in it. Students work in teams of up to three members to design a tech solution to a social or health problem.
Qualification: Student must be 16 or older.
Prizes: Each winning team is awarded $100,000.
First Robotics Competition
Students work in teams of at least 10 along with 2 adult mentors to design and build an industrial-sized robot. They then must program the robot to compete in a sophisticated field game at competitions. Annual team registration fees are usually about $5,000.
Qualification: High school students in the U.S.,
Prizes: Various scholarships and cash prizes for top scorers.
Technovation Challenge
It is designed to get more girls worldwide interested in coding and computer science. Girls work in teams of 1-5 and with volunteer mentors to use technology to design an app that helps solve real world problems such as climate change and hunger.
Qualification: Must identify as female and be between 10 and 18 years old.
Prizes: Prizes and scholarships up to $2,000.
American Computer Science League
To compete, your school has to have registered and paid the registration fee. Before the competition, the coach teaches coding with a focus on ACSL exam categories. Then, students work in teams of 3 or 5 students to complete four tests. Students can code in Python 3, Java 8, or C++ as defined on the programming platform. Top-scoring teams advance to regional, statewide, and eventually global competitions.
Qualification: Students whose schools have registered for the competition.
Prizes: Winners of the ACSL All-Star Contest receive prizes
1. Which competition has the largest number of students in a team
A. Imagine Cup. B. First Robotics Competition.
C. Technovation Challenge. D. American Computer Science League.
2. How is Technovation Challenge different from other competitions
A. It is run by Microsoft. B. It is only for U.S. students.
C. It has a gender limitation. D. It allows mentors to assist.
3. What can students do in American Computer Science League
A. Register for the competition independently.
B Have chances to take higher-level competitions.
C. Design an app using programming knowledge.
D. Receive various scholarship and cash prizes.
As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss countless birthday parties and ruin numerous family holidays, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much. I think of almost missing my brother’s wedding because I was too busy hiring a car and driving through the “no-go” areas in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes.
It boils down to this: I was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination. From a small girl, I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play; I would get the bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games; I was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys. I have always lived my life to extremes. Call it unhealthy if you want, but that is the way I roll, no matter what it is I’m applying myself to.
Being a professional athlete is no different. If you want to be an Olympic champion, it’s all about that little extra thing you have done in your preparation that will set you apart from your competitors.
Can this be overdone Absolutely. But if your dream is to be the best and reach the winner’s platform, you had better be totally committed to your sport. In the words of the British triathlete Alistair Brownlee, “Even if it means getting injured, I’d prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.”
Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that extra little bit that might take us to the top. It is certainly not a balanced way to live and it is certainly not normal but those words are generally not used for anyone who is striving for greatness.
4. What made the author almost miss her brother’s wedding
A. She failed to hire a car to get there.
B. She was stopped at the “no-go” areas.
C. She was busy with a sports training.
D. She forgot about the exact date of it.
5. Why does the author mention her early experiences in paragraph 2
A. To list her accomplishments.
B. To recall her miserable memories.
C. To explore reasons for her commitment to sports.
D. To remind kids of the significance of determination.
6. What can we learn from Alistair Brownlee’s words
A. Injury is unavoidable.
B. Being average is acceptable.
C Winning awards takes a long time.
D. Getting to the top requires efforts.
7. Where might the text be found
A. A celebrity blog. B. An academic book.
C. A travel brochure. D. A health magazine.
Whether due to genuine concern for the environment or the widespread criticism of plastic among consumers, many companies have invested heavily in reducing their use of plastic packaging, which may indeed have a positive environmental impact. But another trend that’s grown out of the anti-plastic movement is a lot less positive: overpackaging. More and more brands have begun adding unnecessary paper packaging on top of plastic packaging in order to make their products look more environmentally friendly, without actually reducing plastic waste.
Unfortunately, there’s a very good reason companies are adopting this clearly problematic approach. Through a series of eight studies with more than 4,000 participants, we found that consumers will accept a product’s packaging as more environmentally friendly if it’s plastic with an additional layer of paper than if the product is visibly packaged in identical plastic packaging but without the paper. These perceptions (认知) in turn make consumers both more likely to buy a product, and willing to pay more for it.
Part of what makes this overpackaging trend particularly harmful is that it is much valued by consumers who reported engaging in more eco-friendly behaviors. They were more likely to view overpackaged products as environmentally friendly. As a result, the very consumers who are most interested in pushing companies to make sustainable choices are likely unintentionally encouraging the environmentally harmful practice of overpackaging.
The good news is, overpackaging isn’t the only way to signal sustainability and attract such consumers. In our studies, we found that instead of additional paper packaging, simply adding a minimal packaging sticker to plastic packaging could clarify the misperception that overpackaged products are more sustainable, Especially for products for which plastic is necessary to ensure safe transportation and lengthen shelf life, this kind of clear messaging can help reduce consumers, discrimination against the responsible use of plastic packaging.
Of course, minimal packaging stickers certainly should only be used if a brand has actually ensured that it is using the minimal possible packaging, ideally under the supervision of a trade organization or regulatory body that maintains clear, consistent standards.
8. What can we learn about overpackaging according to paragraph 1
A. It calls for less investment.
B. It involves the proper use of paper.
C. It has a positive environmental impact.
D. It causes over-consumption of materials.
9. What do the eight studies find about consumers according to the text
A. They care about the environment.
B. They are always following the trend.
C. They like comparing products’ qualities.
D. They prefer beautifully-decorated products.
10. What function is expected of minimal packaging stickers
A. To help products stay fresh longer.
B. To improve the brand’s popularity.
C. To correct consumers’ misunderstanding.
D. To present more information about products.
11. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Minimal packaging stickers have been widely used.
B. Advantages of minimal packaging stickers are overestimated.
C. The use of minimal packaging stickers should be strictly regulated.
D. The use of minimal packaging stickers is a solution to over-packaging.
A therapy (治疗) client and I are working on an eating disorder and find it originated from a relationship break-up or perhaps being bullied in middle school. Such hurtful experiences led to not eating for a couple of weeks. Then comes a high praise from a friend that totally backfires. Maybe it’s an enthusiastic, “Wow, you look great!’’ In a flash, this praise excites an inner and often unconscious thought: “Oh, people care more about me if I lose weight. So many things feel out of control but I can control people’s affection by not eating.”
Often, very well-intentioned individuals offer praise out of a desire to uplift and connect. Such praise is often tied, directly or indirectly, to a person’s relationship with the standards of a specific group or institution. Sadly, such praise can easily reduce an individual’s dignity to their level in line with the group’s expectations rather than supporting their inherent (固有的) dignity and worth. So, what’s a better way
One answer is to exit the game of “right and wrong” and enter a more life-giving focus on what needs are present. Returning to our example above, when you see that someone has lost weight and you want to give them a praise, just pause and take a deep breath. Simply ask, “How are you doing ” See them and hear them. Appreciate them as a person of limitless value. Know there may be much more to their inner world than meets the eye. Similarly, when you see someone’s success in school, appreciate the hard work they put into it. Ask with gentle curiosity, “How’s it been for you ” Listen with your full attention that in itself can be a rare gift in today’s hustle and bustle world.
By maintaining your concern and listening to the ways they want to be accompanied and supported — even when it might not be your first instinct — you can see them as a whole person, with complex feelings, very human needs, and inherent dignity.
12. What does the underlined word “backfires” in paragraph 1 refer to
A. Improves the situation. B. Shows sincere concern.
C. Removes hurtful feelings. D. Produces an unexpected result.
13. What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A. Analyzing the phenomenon. B. Listing another example.
C. Presenting the solution. D. Making a proposal.
14. Why does the author suggest simply asking “How are you doing”
A. To start a light conversation.
B. To focus on one’s inner needs.
C. To explore the secret of keeping slim.
D. To show appreciation for one’s efforts.
15. What might be the title for the text
A. Say No to the “Right or Wrong” Game
B. Why We Need to Make Praises to Others.
C. Follow Me and Be a Qualified Therapist
D. How Innocent Words can Be Harmful
As we dive into the New Year with fresh resolutions, a big question is: How long are we going to stick with them ____16____ But there is a strategy known as SMART can help both in setting goals and sticking with them.
Specific. In daily life, we’re driven by our habits, which come easily. We can drive, listen to the radio and chew gum at the same time. ____17____ We need to get rid of distractions and stay focused. Mastering a new skill is slow going, so it’s best to be clear on our aim.
Measurable. When it comes to goals, there’s often a divide between intention and action. One way to bridge this gap is to track what we’ve achieved each day.____18____ So, if you’re learning to play the piano, log your practice. If your aim is to eat better, journal your meals.
Achievable. ____19____ It’s a reality check on how much time and resources you have to devote to it. And, it sometimes begs a bigger question: Why should I commit to this goal
Relevant. Goals and values should be connected. We may spend years living out other people’s dreams for us. If you’re extrinsically (外在地) motivated, you may power through. But you may not be happy with the outcome, even if you’re very successful. ____20____
Time-bound. It’s important to set goals that have clear time frames. Map out an action plan, and throughout the year you can refer back to the plan.
Set concrete goals and plan a pain forward. When you’re filling your days with tasks and activities in line with your goals, it’s time well spent.
A. But working toward a new goal can require a lot of brain power.
B. We know it matters to eat healthier, but it is hard to follow through.
C. Break your goal down into smaller pieces and think whether it’s doable.
D. People who regularly monitor their progress are more likely to succeed.
E. If you pick a goal you really care about, you’ll get it done and feel better.
F. We often start with determination and quickly find our passion decreasing.
G. To keep you on track, write down your goals and share them with your teachers.
There are many examples of everyday kindnesses we often take for granted.
Last night, during my eldest son’s basketball game, we ____21____ to be sitting next to a lady with a young son. The little boy turned to my youngest son, smiling at him, and ____22____ said, “Wanna be my ____23____ ” During the next 20 minutes, the two boys played together happily. It was a ____24____ scene, and reminded me how ____25____ it can (and should) be to make new friends.
A few hours earlier, we went to a downtown cafe for an afternoon treat. There were no open tables for four, so we ____26____ a table for two, and crowded into the small space. Just at that time, one young lady came over and ____27____ to trade her larger table with us. It was a simple act but showed us a ____28____ heart.
Just a couple of days ago, I sold my first book to a friend of mine. She paid the amount I charged and asked, “Is that enough It doesn’t seem like it will ____29____ shipping.” Truthfully, I had not ____30____ correctly for the shipping charge. After that, I received a(an) ____31____ sum of money. I was so deeply humbled by her act of ____32____ and desire to encourage me.
Though often ____33____, these small acts of service, friendliness, and human care are what it takes to make the world go round. With everyday difficulties ____34____ us, these small gestures of goodwill can easily ____35____ a spark of positivity.
A happened B. intended C. refused D. decided
A urgently B. adorably C. thoughtfully D. maturely
A. brother B. teammate C. assistant D. friend
A. breath-taking B. normal C. heart-warming D. strange
A. risky B. amusing C. awkward D. easy
A. grabbed B. left C. prepared D. laid
A. hesitated B. offered C. agreed D. begged
A. heavy B. nervous C. selfless D. lonely
A. cover B. afford C. change D. produce
A. planned B. accounted C. paid D. applied
A. enormous B. expected C. total D. additional
A. carelessness B. bravery C. kindness D. duty
A. praised B. overlooked C. discussed D. criticized
A. surrounding B. pleasing C. stimulating D. reminding
A. control B. pursue C. hide D. light
Wushu, the Chinese martial art form known as kungfu in the West, is a ____36____ (value) cultural heritage of Chinese people and contribution to human civilization.
Wushu, often ____37____ (use) in the form of combat (搏斗), consists of several different kinds of movements. The Chinese people’s determination to win and strong characteristics ____38____ (reflect) in the intense body combat.
Wushu reflects the character of Chinese people and they apply their unique understanding of theory and principle to combat. It differs from European and American boxing. Wushu is a particular balance between external and inbuilt values, ____39____ not only shows the beauty of one’s figure, but also the meaning of profound ____40____ (elegant). Apart from simple combat techniques, martial arts are rooted ____41____ Chinese philosophy, containing ancient Chinese philosophers’ understanding of life and the universe.
Wushu, which aims to improve health and self-defense, ____42____ (begin) by promoting one’s moral character. The martial art movements are ____43____ (physical) demonstrated while internal thoughts are static (静态的). Like still waters, peace and quiet is considered ____44____ highest level of martial arts.
Having survived the difficult situations of life while _____45_____ (maintain) all of its strength and vitality, Wushu is even believed to be the model of Chinese traditional culture and national spirit.
46. 假定你是校英文报编辑,学校计划举行以欢度春节(Happy Spring Festival)为主题的海报设计大赛,请你写一份通知。内容包括:
47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
I always hope for some student who possesses that unusual capability to convey feeling, insight, and passion through art. It doesn’t happen often, but it did one summer holiday - and from a wonderfully unexpected source.
That summer, I volunteered to teach a summer school art class for high school freshmen. When I arrived on the first day, the students were grouping in the center of the classroom, except for a red-haired girl named Emma who took a desk in the back row. I looked over what would be my workspace for the following days. There were large windows with plenty of light and I spotted several kinds of trees outside that would serve as models.
Emma was always the earliest to get to our classes,and I could feel her effort. However, she kept her seat in the back row as though being ignored was something to hope for. I asked one popular girl, who said, “She is an orphan. We try to be friendly, but she acts like she’s in another world.” I said, “All right. Let’s try to make this summer the good part of Emma’s life, OK ” There was no answer in words but she nodded, telling me she understood and empathized - good kid, at heart.
During the following days, I could feel other students’ kindness to Emma. Sometimes, Emma even talked and drew with them, but she still kept a certain distance from me. When I asked to see her work, she leaned forward covering it with her forearms. Treating her in any special way only seemed to emphasize her painful dissimilarity, so I limited my communication with her to a good morning smile.
The summer went by quickly and everyone got much better at drawing. So did Emma’s behavior. We had a lot of fun in the process, but the last day came at the right time. The kids filed in and watched me write the assignment on the whiteboard: Draw a picture titled: “A Place I Love”.
I walked around, watching the drawings develop.
It was Emma’s turn to show her drawing.