人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 词汇默写及重点知识清单(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 词汇默写及重点知识清单(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 37.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-09 21:04:21



新人教选择性必修二Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
1. _______________ adj. 复杂的;难懂的;(语法)复合的2. _______________ vt. &vi. 记起,回想起
2. _______________ n. (通过考试或学习课程取得的)资格;资历4. _______________ vt. &vi. (使)具备资格;(使)合格5. _______________ n. 追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负6. _______________ adj. 有野心的;有雄心的7. _______________ n. 适应;改编本
8._______________ n. 安逸;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸。vt. 安慰;抚慰
9. _______________ n. (英国大学中的)助教;导师;家庭教师10._______________ vt. 引用;引述
11. _______________ n. 参加;参与
12. _______________ vi. 参加;参与
13. _______________ 参加;参与
14._______________ n. 报告;陈述;出示;拿出15._______________ v. 大声点说;明确表态
16. _______________ 舒服自在;不拘束
17. _______________ vi. 参加;参与(活动)。vt. 吸引(注意力、兴趣)
18. _______________ (使)从事;参与
19. _______________ vt. 包含;需要;涉及;影响;(使)参加20. _______________ 参与;卷入;与……有关联21. _______________ n. 送信人;信使
22. _______________ n. (报纸、杂志)一份;(广播、电视节目)一期;一辑;版次
23. _______________ 文化冲击
24. _______________ n. (有别于周围的)地区;地带;区域25. _______________ 舒适区;舒适范围
26. _______________ adj. 无法抗拒的;巨大的;压倒性的27. _______________ n. 思乡病;乡愁
28. ______________ adj. 积极的;主动的
29. _______________ n. 动力;积极性;动机30. _______________ vt. 成为……的动机;激发;激励31. _______________ n. (also -ser)顾问32. _______________ adj. 有道理的;合情理的33. _______________ n. 期望;预期;期待34. _______________ n. 申请人
35. _______________ n. 公司;商行;事务所。adj. 结实的;牢固的;坚定的
36. _______________ n. 接触;体验;暴露;揭露37. _______________ vt. 使暴露;使体验;显露;使暴露于(险境)38. _______________ n. 洞察力;眼光
39. _______________ n. 离开;启程;出发40. _______________ n. 环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景41. _______________ vi. 理解;领会;抓紧42. _______________ adj. 巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的43. _______________ n. 费用;花费;开销
44. _______________ (使)花一大笔钱
45. _______________ adj. 巨大的;极大的46. _______________ vt. 表现。vi. &vt. 表现得体;有礼貌47. _______________ n. [pl.]环境;周围的事物48. _______________ adj. 周围的;附近的49. _______________ adj. 成熟的
50. _______________ adj. 沮丧的;意志消沉的51. _______________ vt. 使沮丧;使忧愁
52. _______________ vi. &n. 迅速发展;繁荣53. _______________ vi. &vt. 加强;增强;巩固54. _______________ vt. 否认;否定;拒绝55. _______________ adj. 乐观的
56. _______________ vt. 获得;赢得;取得;增加。n. 好处;增加57. _______________ n. (思考问题的)角度;观点58. _______________ n. 能力;胜任;本领59. _______________ adj. 有能力的;称职的60. _______________ n. 使者;使节;代表61. _______________ vi. 合作;协作;配合62. _______________ n. 角;角度;立场
63. _______________ n. 前景;可能性;观点64. _______________ n. 腰带;地带
65. _______________ n. 倡议;新方案
66. _______________ adv. 真诚地;诚实地67. _______________ n. 预算
68. _______________ 支持;站在……的一边69. _______________ adj. 符合逻辑的;合乎情理的70. _______________ 据我所知
71. _______________ 就我而言;依我看来
72. _______________ 总的来说;总之
73. _______________ 一般来说
74. _______________ n. 结果;效果
1.call vt.& vi.喊;命名;召唤;认为
→recall vt.& vi.记起;回想起
2.qualify vt.& vi.(使)具备资格;(使)合格
→qualification n.(通过考试或学习课程取得的)资格;学历
3.ambition n.追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负
→ambitious adj.有野心的;有雄心的
4.adapt v.(使)适应;改编
→adaptation n.适应;改编本
→adaptable adj.可适应的,有适应能力的
5.comfort n.安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸 vt.安慰;抚慰
→comfortable adj.舒服的
→comfortably adv.舒服地;自在地
→uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的
→uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地
6.participate vi.参加;参与
→participation n.参与;参加
7.present vt.提出;赠送;呈现 n.礼物;现在 adj.出席的;现在的;存在的
→presentation n.报告;陈述;出示;拿出
1.qualify vt.& vi.
①I won't qualify until next year.(vi.具备资格)
②This certificate qualifies the products.(vt.(使)合格)
③His past experience qualified him to handle such a delicate matter.(vt.(使)具备资格)
2.comfort n. vt.
①He has enough money so that he can live in comfort.(n.舒服;安逸)
②She is enjoying the comforts of life.(n.令人感到安慰的人或事物)
③I often take comfort from reading.(n.安慰)
④The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble.(vt.安慰;抚慰)
3.involve vt.
①The demonstration (游行示威)involved 200 students.(vt.涉及)
②The reforms will inevitably involve a lot of new paperwork for teachers.(vt.需要)
③What kind of organizations will be involved in setting up these projects ( vt.使参加)

1.adaptation n.适应;改编本
This play by George Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of a classic Greek story.
The adaptation of the play for radio manuscript was easy.
The process of adaptation to a new school is difficult for some children.
(1)make an adaptation to...适应……
(2)adapt vi.& vt. (使)适应;(使)适合 vt.改编;修改
adapt to... 适应……
adapt oneself to...使某人自己适应……
adapt sth. for/into... 把……改编成……
adapt sth. from...由……改编
It is necessary for us to adapt (ourselves) to the climate here as soon as possible.
2.comfort n.安慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸 vt.安慰;抚慰
She comforted herself that her husband would be home soon.
You are a great comfort to your parents.
It's a comfort to be with you.
(1)in comfort 舒适地;放松地
be a comfort to sb. 对某人来说是个安慰
It's a comfort to do sth. 做……是令人安慰的事
(2)comfort sb.=give comfort to sb. 安慰某人
(3)comfortable adj. 舒服的;安逸的
(4)comfortably adv. 舒适地
(5)uncomfortable adj. 不舒适的
He had to save enough money so that he could live comfortably.
=He had to save enough money so that he could live in comfort.
My mom always comforts me when I am sick.
= My mom always gives comfort to me when I am sick.
3.participation n.参加;参与
We were very pleased with the high level of participation in the charity events.
Participation is encouraged at all levels.
[翻译] 这个方案旨在鼓励大众更多地参与体育活动。
The scheme aims to encourage increased participation in sporting activities.
(1)participation in...参加;参与
(2)participate vi. 参加;参与
participate in (doing) sth. with sb. 与某人一起参加/参与做某事
participate with sb. in sth. 与某人分担某事
(3)participant n. 参加者;参与者
She participated with her friend in his sufferings.
participate 是不及物动词,常与in构成搭配,同义短语是join in,take part in。
4.presentation n. 报告;陈述;出示;拿出
On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.
The Queen will make the presentation herself.
[翻译] 如果你感兴趣,一定要想尽一切办法进行当面陈述。
If you get some interest,make every possible attempt to make the presentation in person.
give a presentation of...对……作陈述
make a presentation to...为……颁发奖品
The president made a presentation to the businesswoman of the year.
5.speak up 大声点说;明确表态
Please speak up so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.
It's about time someone spoke up for these basic truths.
It's time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice.
speak for...代表……讲话;为……辩护
speak one's mind 说出心里话
speak well/ill of...表扬/批评
speak of...谈起;提到
We should not speak ill of others behind their backs.
6.feel at home舒服自在;不拘束
Will you ever feel at home here
Make the new students feel at home in your school.
Waitresses are very friendly,which makes us feel at home.
be at home 觉得安适;无拘束
feel/be at home with sb. 和某人合得来
be home free 稳操胜券,遥遥领先
see sb. home 送某人回家
John was home free in the presidential election.
7.engage vi.参加;参与(活动) vt.吸引(注意力、兴趣)
His good nature engages everyone.
She tried to engage him in conversation.
[翻译] 他们从未学过吸引他人注意的技巧。
They never learned skills to engage the attention of others.
engage in...(使)从事;参与
engage oneself in...正做着,正忙着
be engaged by...为……所吸引
be engaged in...从事;正做着;正忙着
be engaged to...同……订婚
My family has been engaged in farming for generations.
8.involve vt.包含;需要;涉及;影响;(使)参加
I didn't mean to involve you in all this.
What kind of organizations will be involved in setting up these projects
What does your job involve
get/be involved in ...参与;卷入;与……有关联
involve sb. in sth. 让某人经历,让某人做(尤指令人不快的事)
Don't involve me in your crime;I had nothing to do with it!
1.It was the first time that...这是第一次做……
(教材P14) It was the first time that she had left China.
句式分析:句中It was the first time that...表示“这是第一次做某事”。that从句常用过去完成时。
[例1] It was the first time that she had sung in public.那是她首次公开演唱。
[例2] It was the last time that I had seen him.
[翻译] 这是我第一次看到一部如此感人的电影。
It was the first time that I had seen such a moving movie.
It was the first (second...) time that...过去完成时,这是某人第……次做某事
It is the first (second...) time that...现在完成时
It was the first time that he had got such a good chance.
It is the second time that they have visited this city.
2.the first time (that)...第一次……时
(教材P14) The first time that she had to write an essay,her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas,but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought!
句式分析:名词性短语the first time (that)在此作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“第一次……时”。
[例1] The first time I saw her,she wore a red skirt.我第一次见到她时,她穿着一条红裙子。
[例2] I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.
[翻译] 我第一次来到这里就睡了数月以来的一个好觉。
The first time I came here,I had the best night's sleep for months.
(1)the first time用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次……时”,而for the first time是介词短语,意为“第一次”,在句子中作状语。
(2)引导时间状语从句的短语或词还有every time,each time,the last time,the moment,the minute,immediately,directly等,起从属连词的作用。
[即学即练] 完成句子
①I'll never forget meeting you for the first time.
②Every/Each time I was in trouble,he would come to help me out.
③The boy burst into tears the moment/immediately he saw his mother.
1.complex [ k mpl ks] adj复杂的;难懂的;(语法)复合的
2.recall [r k l] vt&vi. 记起,回想起
3.qualification [ kw l f ke n] n(通过考试或学习课程取得的)资格;资历
4.qualify [ kw l fa ] vt&vi. (使)具备资格;(使)合格
5.ambition [ m b ( )n] n追求的目标;夙愿;野心;抱负
6.ambitious [ m b s] adj有野心的;有雄心的
7.adaptation [ d p te ( )n] n适应;改编本
8.comfort [ k mf t] n安逸;令人感到安慰的人或事物;舒服;安逸。vt. 安慰;抚慰
9.tutor [ tju t ] n(英国大学中的)助教;导师;家庭教师
10.cite [sa t] vt引用;引述
11.participation [pɑ t s pe n] n参加;参与
12.participate [pɑ t s pe t] vi参加;参与
13.participate in参加;参与
14.presentation [ pr z n te n] n报告;陈述;出示;拿出
15.speak up [spi k p] v大声点说;明确表态
16.feel at home [fi l t h m] 舒服自在;不拘束
17.engage [ n ge ] vi参加;参与(活动)。vt. 吸引(注意力、兴趣)
18.engage in(使)从事;参与
19.involve [ n v lv] vt包含;需要;涉及;影响;(使)参加
20.get involved in参与;卷入;与……有关联
21.messenger [ m s n ] n送信人;信使
22.edition [ d n] n(报纸、杂志)一份;(广播、电视节目)一期;一辑;版次
23.culture shock文化冲击
24.zone [z n] n(有别于周围的)地区;地带;区域
fort zone [ k mf t z n] 舒适区;舒适范围
26.overwhelming [ v w lm ] adj无法抗拒的;巨大的;压倒性的
27.homesickness [ h ms kn s] n思乡病;乡愁
28.motivated [ m t ve t d] adj积极的;主动的
29.motivation [ m t ve n] n动力;积极性;动机
30.motivate [ m t ve t] vt成为……的动机;激发;激励
31.advisor [ d va z ] n(also -ser)顾问
32.reasonable [ ri zn bl] adj有道理的;合情理的
33.expectation [ ksp k te n] n期望;预期;期待
34.applicant [ pl k nt] n申请人
35.firm [f m] n公司;商行;事务所。adj. 结实的;牢固的;坚定的
36.exposure [ ks p ] n接触;体验;暴露;揭露
37.expose [ ks p z] vt使暴露;使体验;显露;使暴露于(险境)
38.insight [ nsa t] n洞察力;眼光
39.departure [d pɑ ] n离开;启程;出发
40.setting [ s t ] n环境;背景;(小说等的)情节背景
41.grasp [grɑ sp] vi理解;领会;抓紧
42.dramatic [dr m t k] adj巨大的;突然的;急剧的;喜剧(般)的
43.expense [ ks p ns] n费用;花费;开销
44.cost an arm and a leg(使)花一大笔钱
45.tremendous [tr m nd s] adj巨大的;极大的
46.behave [b he v] vt表现。vi. &vt 表现得体;有礼貌
47.surroundings [s ra nd z] n [pl.] 环境;周围的事物
48.surrounding [s ra nd ] adj周围的;附近的
49.mature [m tj ] adj成熟的
50.depressed [d pr st] adj沮丧的;意志消沉的
51.depress [d pr s] vt使沮丧;使忧愁
52.boom [bu m] vi&n. 迅速发展;繁荣
53.strengthen [ str θ n] vi&vt. 加强;增强;巩固
54.deny [d na ] vt否认;否定;拒绝
55.optimistic [ pt m st k] adj乐观的
56.gain [ge n] vt获得;赢得;取得;增加。n. 好处;增加
57.perspective [p sp kt v] n(思考问题的)角度;观点
petence [ k mp t ns] n能力;胜任;本领
petent [ k mp t nt] adj有能力的;称职的
60.envoy [ nv ] n使者;使节;代表
61.cooperate [k p re t] vi合作;协作;配合
62.angle [ gl] n角;角度;立场
63.outlook [ a tl k] n前景;可能性;观点
64.belt [b lt] n腰带;地带
65.initiative [ n t v] n倡议;新方案
66.sincerely [s n s li] adv真诚地;诚实地
67.budget [ b t] n预算
68.side with支持;站在……的一边
69.logical [ l k l] adj符合逻辑的;合乎情理的
70.as far as I know据我所知
71.as far as I am concerned就我而言;依我看来
72.in summary [ n s m ri] 总的来说;总之
73.generally speaking一般来说
74.outcome [ a tk m] n结果;效果