课题: Unit 3 On the move ( Grammar)
教科书:外研版(2019) Book 2(出版日期: 2022 年 7月)
Learning objectives:
1.Lead students to understand the structure and function of to-infinitive as attributive and adverbial of result.
2.Lead students to understand and use the structure and function of to-infinitive as attributive and adverbial of result and apply them in the real contest.
3.Lead the students to learn about Chinese traditional sports.Deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.
4.Deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and improve their awareness of spreading Chinese culture.
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Step1 Have a try Ask students to find out the same structure of each sentence and tell what functions they serve as . 1. The important thing is to save lives. 2. The two brothers seem to spend less and less time together. 3. I’m glad to meet you . Step2 Grammar learning Ask students to look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a.That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. b. That football is such a simple game that people play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. c. It is fun enough to attract millions of people. d. It is so fun that it attracts millions of people. serve as attributive or adverbial of result to give description or show result. Join the sentences using the to -infinitive form. Rewrite the underlined parts using the to-infinitive form. Conclude the usage of to-infinitive Step III. Practice Guide Students to complete the sentences with the right form. Ss Observe the structure of the sentences and try to find out the structure of these sentences. Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. Join the sentences using the to-infinitive form. Rewrite the underlined parts using the to-infinitive form. Do some relevant exercises to consolidate what we have learned. To help students get ready for the class. To present Ss with the structure in the context to make its form and meaning clear. To do some mechanical practice and guided practice of using to-infinitive as attributive and adverbial. Students can do some relevant exercises to consolidate their grasp of to-infinitive
必做:Do more exercises about to-infinitive .
选做:Memorize the words and expressions