课题:Unit 3 On the move developing idea: Running into a better life
教科书:外研版(2019) Book 2(出版日期: 2022 年 7月)
【语言能力】Interpret the information in the bar chart.
【学习能力】Have a deep understanding of the title of this passage, and analyze why the four people started running and the benefits of running to them.
【文化意识】Talk about their understanding of the title Running into a better life.
【思维品质】Give a talk about a runner they know, and form a positive attitude to life.教学内容
教学重点: Analyze the article to find out the reasons and benefits of these four runners’ running experience.
教学难点:Extract the theme (running spirit) of this article.
教师活动 学生活动 效果期待
Activity 1 Warming up 1.Do you know anything about Marathon 2Look at the chart and answer the questions. Activity 2 Pre-reading Do you like running Do you know the benefits of running Could you share your story about running Activity 3 Fast reading Read the passage and talk about your understanding of the title. Read the passage quickly and choose the best answer. Activity4 Careful reading Read the passage carefully and complete the table with expressions from the passage. Activity5 Think & Share 1. Which of these running stories impresses you most Why 2.What can you learn from these people 3.In what ways do you think apps and social media can help us do sports 4.Do you know of any running events in China Have you ever participated in any of them Activity6 Group work Give a talk about a runner you know. Activity 1 Help students know how to interpret the bar chart. Activity 2 Students share their ideas. Activity 3 Students read the passage to answer the questions. Activity 4 Read the passage again and Ss discuss the questions in groups and complete the table. Activity5 Show their own opinions. Activity6 Discuss in groups to prepare a talk about a runner Arose students’ interest to explore the passage. Grasp the main idea and learn more about these four runners in the passage. Improve students’ ability to express their ideas in English.