人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册高中英语阶段性阅读理解魔法带练(13)讲义(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册高中英语阶段性阅读理解魔法带练(13)讲义(4份打包)
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文件大小 139.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-11 21:47:00


【passage 22】
①For Cruz, who grew up in Peru's mountainous region of Cuzco, fog represents a massive opportunity. As a boy, he had to hike for more than an hour every day across hills to collect water from the nearest source. But over time, he realized that during the rainy season, droplets of water would gather in the large leaves of banana trees. So one day he and his father tried to build a canal system with the leaves to collect water and it turned out a success. But afterwards, he moved to Lima at the age of25.
②There, shocked by the water shortages and expensive water supply that some of the city's poorest residents were faced with, Cruz set up EI Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua in 2005.The idea was to deploy the method he learned in his hometown on a larger scale, which would provide free, independently sourced and easily accessible water to those who needed it most. He began installing(安装) a traditional fog catcher model developed in the 1980s.
③At the highest point of Los Tres Miradores, there is a curious set of large structures that resemble a fleet of ships in the sky. They are so-called “fog ted devices, made of high density Raschel polyethylene and spanning several meters wide, are lined up at the top of a misty mound and linked by a network of tubes that lead to storage containers. The 40 fog catchers there provide enough water for 1 80 families, whether to bathe, clean, drink or to irrigate crops on small garden patches.
④Supporters believe that fog catchers have the potential to improve water supply for communities around the world among the ever-challenging circumstances. German researcher Lummerich says, “They are cheap, easy to construct.” In a world searching for water supply systems, it is one important puzzle piece that can make an essential difference locally.
⑤However, there are some issues. For one, fog catchers require space, which is not always easy to come by in cities, let alone urban slums. At the same time, fog catchers must be properly cleaned and maintained to stay effective. Most crucially, appropriate climate conditions are required. Fog isn't everywhere.
79. What does the underlined word “deploy” probably mean in paragraph 2
A. Employ.
B. Adjust.
C. Design.
D. Study.
80. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The reason why Cruz installed fog catchers.
B. The difficulties of constructing a canal system.
C. The installation and benefits of fog catchers.
D. The inspiration Cruz gained to build a canal system.
81. What is the biggest challenge associated with the use of fog catchers
A. High costs.
B. Public opposition.
C. Space limitation.
D. Climate conditions.
82. What's the best title for the text
A. Urban Areas : A Struggle for Sufficient Water
B. Innovative Water Collection Techniques in Peru
C. The Global Water Crisis and Possible Solutions
D. Fog Catchers: A Local Solution with Global Potential
What does the underlined word “deploy” probably mean in paragraph 2
What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
What is the biggest challenge associated with the use of fog catchers
What's the best title for the text
主题词归纳:the biggest challenge, the use of fog catchers.
79. What does the underlined word “deploy” probably mean in paragraph 2
A. Employ. 雇佣/应用
B. Adjust. 调整
C. Design. 设计
D. Study. 学习/研究
领域词同义替换:deploy= provide/ install= employ应用
②There, shocked by the water shortages and expensive water supply that some of the city's poorest residents were faced with, Cruz set up EI Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua in 2005.The idea was to deploy the method he learned in his hometown on a larger scale, which would provide free, independently sourced and easily accessible water to those who needed it most. He began installing(安装) a traditional fog catcher model developed in the 1980s.他的想法是将他在家乡学到的方法大规模应用,为最需要的人提供免费的、独立来源的、容易获得的水。他开始安装上世纪80年代开发的传统除雾器模型(安装)。
80. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The reason why Cruz installed fog catchers. 克鲁兹安装捕雾器的原因。
B. The difficulties of constructing a canal system.建造运河系统的困难。
C. The installation and benefits of fog catchers. 除雾器的安装和好处。(具象化同义替换)
D. The inspiration Cruz gained to build a canal system.克鲁兹获得了修建运河系统的灵感
③At the highest point of Los Tres Miradores, there is a curious set of large structures that resemble a fleet of ships in the sky. They are so-called “fog ted devices, made of high density Raschel polyethylene and spanning several meters wide, are lined up at the top of a misty mound and linked by a network of tubes that lead to storage containers. The 40 fog catchers there provide enough water for 1 80 families, whether to bathe, clean, drink or to irrigate crops on small garden patches.它们就是所谓的“除雾器”。网状装置由高密度拉舍尔聚乙烯制成,跨度为几米,排列在薄雾丘的顶部,并通过通往存储容器的管道网络连接起来。那里的40个捕雾器为180个家庭提供了足够的水,无论是洗澡、清洁、饮用还是在小块花园里灌溉庄稼。
81. What is the biggest challenge associated with the use of fog catchers
A. High costs. 成本高
B. Public opposition. 公众反对声音大
C. Space limitation. 空间受限 (文中提到需要空间,过度推断,排除)
D. Climate conditions. 气候条件
⑤However, there are some issues. For one, fog catchers require space, which is not always easy to come by in cities, let alone urban slums. At the same time, fog catchers must be properly cleaned and maintained to stay effective. Most crucially, appropriate climate conditions are required. Fog isn't everywhere.最关键的是,需要适当的气候条件。雾不是无处不在。
What's the best title for the text
A. Urban Areas : A Struggle for Sufficient Water 城市地区:争取充足水资源的斗争
B. Innovative Water Collection Techniques in Peru秘鲁的创新水收集技术
C. The Global Water Crisis and Possible Solutions 全球水危机和可能的解决方案
D. Fog Catchers: A Local Solution with Global Potential除雾器:具有全球潜力的局部解决方案
同义替换:around the world= global
④Supporters believe that fog catchers have the potential to improve water supply for communities around the world among the ever-challenging circumstances.支持者认为,除雾器有潜力在不断挑战的环境中改善世界各地社区的供水。 German researcher Lummerich says, “They are cheap, easy to construct.” In a world searching for water supply systems, it is one important puzzle piece that can make an essential difference locally.
For Cruz, who grew up in Peru's mountainous region of Cuzco, fog represents a massive opportunity.
As a boy, he had to hike for more than an hour every day across hills to collect water from the nearest source.
But over time, he realized that during the rainy season, droplets of water would gather in the large leaves of banana trees.
So one day he and his father tried to build a canal system with the leaves to collect water and it turned out a success.
But afterwards, he moved to Lima at the age of25.
There, shocked by the water shortages and expensive water supply //that some of the city's poorest residents were faced with, Cruz set up EI Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua in 2005.
句子结构分析:shocked by..过去分词作定语修饰cruz;that引导定语从句修饰water supply
Set up 建立;设立;创立; 安排; 建立;竖起; 安装,调试,架设(设备等); 诬陷;栽赃
Tazief was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently.
The idea was to deploy the method (that) he learned in his hometown on a larger scale, which would provide free, independently sourced and easily accessible water to those who needed it most.
句子结构分析:that引导定语从句修饰the method;which引导定语从句修饰the idea;who引导定语从句修饰those
On a scale按固定差价
The digital device can help us recover the water supply on a large scale.
He began installing(安装) a traditional fog catcher model developed in the 1980s.
句子结构分析:developed过去分词作定语修饰fog catcher model
At the highest point of Los Tres Miradores, there is a curious set of large structures that resemble a fleet of ships in the sky.
句子结构分析:that引导定语从句修饰large structures
They are so-called “fog catchers”.
Netted devices, made of high density Raschel polyethylene and spanning several meters wide, are lined up at the top of a misty mound and linked by a network of tubes that lead to storage containers.
句子结构分析:made of 过去分词作定语修饰netted devices;that引导定语从句修饰tubes
The 40 fog catchers there provide enough water for 1 80 families, whether to bathe, clean, drink or to irrigate crops on small garden patches.
Supporters believe that fog catchers have the potential to improve water supply for communities around the world among the ever-challenging circumstances.
German researcher Lummerich says, “They are cheap, easy to construct.”
In a world searching for water supply systems, it is one important puzzle piece that can make an essential difference locally.
句子结构分析:searching for...过去分词作定语修饰a world;it is...that是强调句
However, there are some issues.
For one, fog catchers require space, which is not always easy to come by in cities, let alone urban slums.
句子结构分析:which引导定语从句修饰fog catcher
At the same time, fog catchers must be properly cleaned and maintained to stay effective.
At the same time 同时; 一起; 但是; 然而
It's impossible to get everybody together at the same time.
Most crucially, appropriate climate conditions are required.
Fog isn't everywhere.
在Los trres Miradores的最高点,有一组奇怪的大型建筑,就像天空中的舰队。它们就是所谓的“捕雾器”。网状装置由高密度拉舍尔聚乙烯制成,跨度为几米,排列在薄雾丘的顶部,并通过通往存储容器的管道网络连接起来。那里的40个捕雾器为180个家庭提供了足够的水,无论是洗澡、清洁、饮用还是在小块花园里灌溉庄稼。
①Dopamine(多巴胺), known as the "“source of pleasure”, is a chemical that is released in the brain and provides people with a feeling of reward and motivation. Now, China's young people are seeking to wear that joyfulness on their bodies, giving rise to the fashion craze “dopamine dressing style” Mainly characterized by bright colors, this dressing style is described by many Chinese netizens as “healing” and “a mood booster”. It is part-fashion, part-mindfulness.
②Dopamine dressing is nothing new. In fact, a study published in 2012 found that when participants were asked to wear clothing that held some symbolic meaning, their perceived ( 感知的) confidence increased. The study determined that clothing can have a direct impact on their psychological process.
③Another 2015 study found that the outfits we wear can directly influence how we think. It suggested that dressing in a certain way can influence the way we make decisions. “What we wear is how we show ourselves to those we interact with- we are influenced by their reaction to it. If we are well received, it builds up our confidence and can eventually affect our well-being.” one of the leading researchers, Mair added.
④Actually, dopamine dressing is different for everyone. It's about wearing the clothes that make you feel good. It could be joggers and a sport shirt; it could be your favorite pair of jeans; or it could be that dress you were saving for a special occasion. In a word, it's ok to wear anything that can boost your mood.
⑤Color psychologist Karen Haller said: “Color is a great way to lift our spirits and boost our moods in an instant. Our confidence can be boosted when we wear colors that we love and feel good in. We instinctively feel and behave differently when we take the colors in through our eyes and through the part of our brain where our emotions reside.” Ultimately, dopamine dressing is whatever makes you feel good.
87. What makes the dopamine dressing a real hit according to paragraph 1
A. Its featuring only bright colors.
B. Its healing and boosting function.
C. Its impacting on people's confidence.
D. Its allowing people to wear differently
88. What can we infer from the two studies mentioned in the passage
A. Dopamine dressing is simply a new concept of dressing.
B. Dopamine dressing is beneficial to our mental health.
C. Dopamine dressing has little to do with our decision making.
D. Dopamine dressing can drive us to interact with more people.
89. Which of the following can be considered as dopamine dressing
A. All the students wear school uniform on Mondays.
B. My father has to put on a heavy coat in cold weather.
C. Jack often follows the trend to buy clothes in dark colors.
D. The girl chooses her favorite skirt for her birthday party.
90. Why does the author write the article
A. To demonstrate a pleasant dressing style.
B. To convince us to buy more fashionable clothes.
C. To arouse our curiosity of the dopamine dressing.
D. To promote more people to accept dopamine dressing.
What makes the dopamine dressing a real hit according to paragraph 1
What can we infer from the two studies mentioned in the passage
Which of the following can be considered as dopamine dressing
Why does the author write the article
主题词归纳: dopamine dressing多巴胺穿搭
87. What makes the dopamine dressing a real hit according to paragraph 1
A. Its featuring only bright colors. 它的特点是只有鲜艳的颜色。
B. Its healing and boosting function.它的治疗和促进功能。(具象化同义替换)
C. Its impacting on people's confidence.它影响了人们的信心。
D. Its allowing people to wear differently它允许人们穿不同的衣服
①Dopamine(多巴胺), known as the "“source of pleasure”, is a chemical that is released in the brain and provides people with a feeling of reward and motivation. Now, China's young people are seeking to wear that joyfulness on their bodies, giving rise to the fashion craze “dopamine dressing style” Mainly characterized by bright colors, this dressing style is described by many Chinese netizen as “healing” and “a mood booster”. 这种穿衣风格主要以鲜艳的色彩为特点,被许多中国网民形容为“治愈”和“情绪助推器”。It is part-fashion, part-mindfulness.
88. What can we infer from the two studies mentioned in the passage
Dopamine dressing is simply a new concept of dressing.
B. Dopamine dressing is beneficial to our mental health.
C. Dopamine dressing has little to do with our decision making.
Dopamine dressing can drive us to interact with more people.(原词复现)
③Another 2015 study found that the outfits we wear can directly influence how we think. It suggested that dressing in a certain way can influence the way we make decisions. “What we wear is how we show ourselves to those we interact with- we are influenced by their reaction to it. 2015年的另一项研究发现,我们穿的衣服会直接影响我们的思维方式。研究表明,某种穿衣方式会影响我们做决定的方式。“我们的穿着是我们向那些与我们互动的人展示自己的方式——我们受到他们对它的反应的影响。If we are well received, it builds up our confidence and can eventually affect our well-being.” one of the leading researchers, Mair added.
89. Which of the following can be considered as dopamine dressing
All the students wear school uniform on Mondays.
B. My father has to put on a heavy coat in cold weather.
C.Jack often follows the trend to buy clothes in dark colors.
D.The girl chooses her favorite skirt for her birthday party.
④Actually, dopamine dressing is different for everyone. It's about wearing the clothes that make you feel good. It could be joggers and a sport shirt; it could be your favorite pair of jeans; or it could be that dress you were saving for a special occasion.而是穿让你感觉良好的衣服。可以是慢跑裤和运动衫;它可以是你最喜欢的一条牛仔裤;也可能是你为特殊场合准备的那条裙子。 In a word, it's OK to wear anything that can boost your mood.
90. Why does the author write the article
A. To demonstrate a pleasant dressing style. 展示一种令人愉快的穿衣风格。
B. To convince us to buy more fashionable clothes.说服我们买更时尚的衣服。
C. To arouse our curiosity of the dopamine dressing. 唤起我们对多巴胺穿搭的好奇心
D. To promote more people to accept dopamine dressing.促进更多的人接受多巴胺穿搭。
⑤Color psychologist Karen Haller said: “Color is a great way to lift our spirits and boost our moods in an instant. Our confidence can be boosted when we wear colors that we love and feel good in. We instinctively feel and behave differently when we take the colors in through our eyes and through the part of our brain where our emotions reside.” Ultimately, dopamine dressing is whatever makes you feel good.最终,多巴胺穿搭会让你感觉良好。
Dopamine(多巴胺), known as the "“source of pleasure”, is a chemical that is released in the brain and provides people with a feeling of reward and motivation.
句子结构分析:known as过去分词作定语修饰dopamine;that引导定语从句修饰chemical
Now, China's young people are seeking to wear that joyfulness on their bodies, giving rise to the fashion craze “dopamine dressing style” .
句子结构分析:giving rise to..现在分词作目的状语
Give rise to... 引起, 导致; 造成
So many things concurred to give rise to the problem.
Mainly characterized by bright colors, this dressing style is described by many Chinese netizen as “healing” and “a mood booster”.
句子结构分析:mainly characterized by..过去分词作定语修饰the dressing style
It is part-fashion, part-mindfulness.
Dopamine dressing is nothing new.
In fact, a study published in 2012 found that when participants were asked to wear clothing that held some symbolic meaning, their perceived ( 感知的) confidence increased.
句子结构分析:published in..过去分词作定语修饰a study;when引导时间状语从句;that引导宾语从句
In fact 实际上,其实; 实则; 事实上; 说起来
In fact the soldier and the priest were one and the same person.
The study determined that clothing can have a direct impact on their psychological process.
Another 2015 study found that the outfits we wear can directly influence how we think.
It suggested that dressing in a certain way can influence the way(that) we make decisions.
句子结构分析:第一个that引导宾语从句;第二个that引导定语从句修饰the way
“What we wear is how we show ourselves to those we interact with- we are influenced by their reaction to it.
If we are well received, it builds up our confidence and can eventually affect our well-being.” one of the leading researchers, Mair added.
Actually, dopamine dressing is different for everyone.
It's about wearing the clothes that make you feel good.
It could be joggers and a sport shirt; it could be your favorite pair of jeans; or it could be that dress you were saving for a special occasion.
In a word, it's OK to wear anything that can boost your mood.
In a word 总而言之; 一句话; 总之; 简言之
Victor, in a word, got increasingly fed up.
Color psychologist Karen Haller said: “Color is a great way to lift our spirits and boost our moods in an instant.
Our confidence can be boosted when we wear colors that we love and feel good in.
We instinctively feel and behave differently when we take the colors in through our eyes and through the part of our brain where our emotions reside.”
句子结构分析:when引导时间状语从句;where引导定语从句修饰our brain
Ultimately, dopamine dressing is whatever makes you feel good.
色彩心理学家凯伦·哈勒说:“色彩是一种很好的方法,可以让我们瞬间振奋精神,改善心情。”当我们穿上自己喜欢的颜色,感觉良好时,我们的信心会增强。当我们通过眼睛和大脑中负责情绪的部分接收颜色时,我们本能地感觉和行为会有所不同。”最终,多巴胺敷料会让你感觉良好。【passage 25】
Some live performance rooms on this planet are wonderful. They can make even a single note sound wonderful. Here are four famous concert halls around the world. Enjoy!
Cidade das Artes (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Opened in 2013, this is one of the largest modem concert halls in South America. This building was designed by Christian de Portzampare. Named “City of Arts”, this is a cultural building group that hosts art exhibitions, dance events, comedy shows and workshops. The Cidade has excellent sound qualities because of being designed by the Chinese engineer XuYaping.
Wiener Musikverein (Vienna, Austria)
Designed by Theophil Hansen, this neoclassical building opened its doors in 1870 and is the home of the Vienna Philhamionic Orchestra, one of the most popular orchestras in the world. It was here in 1913 that the famous concert Skandalkonzert took place. This is also the place where every New Year’s Day a famous traditional symphonic concert is performed.
Teatro alla Scala (Milan, Italy)
One of the most important concert halls for operatic (歌剧的) music was completed in 1778. This building also hosts a museum and one of the worlds most famous academies where young talents are trained for ballet performances. This concert hall was rebuilt over the Teatro alia Scala Ducale, which was destroyed by a fire in 1776. It saw the first show of some of the most impressive works in the history of the opera, such as Madama Butterfly and Turandot by Giacomo Puccini.
Carnegie Hall (New York, USA)
Designed by William Burnet Tuthill, it is one of the most famous concert halls in the world for both classical music and popular music. It opened its doors in 1791 with a concert conducted in part by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Many famous works were first shown to the world here, including Antonin Dvorak’s New World Symphony and George Gershwin’s An American in Paris.
91. Where can visitors enjoy a wide variety of cultural events
In Cidade das Artes.
In Wiener Musikverein.
In Teatro all a Scala.
D. In Carnegie Hall.
92. What makes Wiener Musikverein different from the other rooms
A. It is a concert hall in the United States.
B. It is designed by a Chinese engineer.
C. It hosts New Year’s Day concert annually.
D. It has the longest history of the four.
93. What do Teatro alla Scala and Carnegie Hall have in common
A. They were both built in the seventeenth century.
B. They both got destroyed in some human activities.
C. They were both aimed at training ballet performers.
D. They both saw initial displays of some famous works.
91. Where can visitors enjoy a wide variety of cultural events
A.In Cidade das Artes. 在里约热内卢。
B.In Wiener Musikverein. 在维也纳金色大厅。
C.In Teatro all a Scala. 在剧院斯卡拉。
D. In Carnegie Hall. 在卡内托演奏厅
Cidade das Artes (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Opened in 2013, this is one of the largest modem concert halls in South America. This building was designed by Christian de Portzampare. Named “City of Arts”, this is a cultural building group that hosts art exhibitions, dance events, comedy shows and workshops. 这座建筑是由Christian de Portzampare设计的。这是一个名为“艺术之城”的文化建筑群,举办艺术展览、舞蹈活动、喜剧表演和工作坊。The Cidade has excellent sound qualities because of being designed by the Chinese engineer XuYaping.
92. What makes Wiener Musikverein different from the other rooms
A. It is a concert hall in the United States. 它是美国的一个音乐厅。
B. It is designed by a Chinese engineer.它是由一位中国工程师设计的。
C. It hosts New Year’s Day concert annually. 每年都会举办元旦音乐会。
D. It has the longest history of the four.它的历史是四所大学中最长的。
Wiener Musikverein (Vienna, Austria)
Designed by Theophil Hansen, this neoclassical building opened its doors in 1870 and is the home of the Vienna Philhamionic Orchestra, one of the most popular orchestras in the world. It was here in 1913 that the famous concert Skandalkonzert took place. This is also the place where every New Year’s Day a famous traditional symphonic concert is performed.这里也是每年元旦都会举行著名的传统交响音乐会的地方。
93. What do Teatro alla Scala and Carnegie Hall have in common
They were both built in the seventeenth century.
B. They both got destroyed in some human activities.
C. They were both aimed at training ballet performers.
They both saw initial displays of some famous works.
这里有个同义替换:initial display=the first show
Teatro alla Scala (Milan, Italy)
One of the most important concert halls for operatic (歌剧的) music was completed in 1778. This building also hosts a museum and one of the worlds most famous academies where young talents are trained for ballet performances. This concert hall was rebuilt over the Teatro alia Scala Ducale, which was destroyed by a fire in 1776. It saw the first show of some of the most impressive works in the history of the opera, such as Madama Butterfly and Turandot by Giacomo Puccini.
Carnegie Hall (New York, USA)
Designed by William Burnet Tuthill, it is one of the most famous concert halls in the world for both classical music and popular music. It opened its doors in 1791 with a concert conducted in part by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Many famous works were first shown to the world here, including Antonin Dvorak’s New World Symphony and George Gershwin’s An American in Paris.
Some live performance rooms on this planet are wonderful.
Live performance 现场表演,实况演出;真人表演
The youngsters show a preference on the live performance because of its joying beats.
They can make even a single note sound wonderful.
Here are four famous concert halls around the world. Enjoy!
Around the world世界各地;全世界
【同义替换】around the world=global=all over the world
There were television crews and pressmen from all around the world.
Cidade das Artes (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 里约热内卢,巴西
Opened in 2013, this is one of the largest modem concert halls in South America.
句子结构分析:opened in...非谓语动词过去分词作定语修饰this
This building was designed by Christian de Portzampare.
这座建筑是由Christian de Portzampare设计的。
Design v.设计; 制图; 构思; 计划; 制定; 制造
They asked me to design a poster for the campaign.
Named “City of Arts”, this is a cultural building group that hosts art exhibitions, dance events, comedy shows and workshops.
句子结构分析:named by...过去分词作定语修饰this;that引导定语从句修饰cultural building group
The Cidade has excellent sound qualities because of being designed by the Chinese engineer XuYaping.
句子结构分析:because of引导原因状语从句
Name v.给…取名; 叫出…的名称; 确定; 提名
My mother insisted on naming me Horace.
Because of 因为,由于; 基于
I will run you in if the bus isn't going into the town because of the snow today.
Wiener Musikverein (Vienna, Austria)
Designed by Theophil Hansen, this neoclassical building opened its doors in 1870 and is the home of the Vienna Philhamionic Orchestra, one of the most popular orchestras in the world.
句子结构分析:designed by..作定语修饰this ;one of the most...作同位语修饰orchestra
句意:这座新古典主义风格的建筑由西奥菲尔·汉森(Theophil Hansen)设计,于1870年开放,是世界上最受欢迎的乐团之一维也纳爱乐乐团(Vienna Philhamionic Orchestra)的所在地。
It was here in 1913 that the famous concert Skandalkonzert took place.
句子结构分析:it is...that为强调句句型
Take place 发生,举行; 来
The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.
This is also the place where every New Year’s Day a famous traditional symphonic concert is performed.
句子结构分析:where引导定语从句修饰the place
Teatro alla Scala (Milan, Italy)斯卡拉歌剧院(米兰,意大利)
One of the most important concert halls for operatic (歌剧的) music was completed in 1778.
This building also hosts a museum and one of the worlds most famous academies where young talents are trained for ballet performances.
This concert hall was rebuilt over the Teatro alia Scala Ducale, which was destroyed by a fire in 1776.
句子结构分析:which引导定语从句修饰the concert
It saw the first show of some of the most impressive works in the history of the opera, such as Madama Butterfly and Turandot by Giacomo Puccini.
句子结构分析:such as后接同位语
Carnegie Hall (New York, USA)
Designed by William Burnet Tuthill, it is one of the most famous concert halls in the world for both classical music and popular music.
句子结构分析:designed by...作定语修饰it
句意:由William Burnet Tuthill设计,它是世界上最著名的古典音乐和流行音乐音乐厅之一。
It opened its doors in 1791 with a concert conducted in part by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
Conduct v.进行,组织,实施; 表现,举止; 指挥; 传导(热或电); 带领
The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
Many famous works were first shown to the world here, including Antonin Dvorak’s New World Symphony and George Gershwin’s An American in Paris.
该音乐厅于2013年开放,是南美洲最大的现代音乐厅之一。这座建筑是由Christian de Portzampare设计的。这是一个名为“艺术之城”的文化建筑群,举办艺术展览、舞蹈活动、喜剧表演和工作坊。Cidade拥有出色的音质,因为它是由中国工程师徐亚平设计的。
这座新古典主义风格的建筑由西奥菲尔·汉森(Theophil Hansen)设计,于1870年开放,是世界上最受欢迎的乐团之一维也纳爱乐乐团(Vienna Philhamionic Orchestra)的所在地。1913年,著名的“斯坎达尔康泽”音乐会就是在这里举行的。这里也是每年元旦都会举行著名的传统交响音乐会的地方。
由William Burnet Tuthill设计,它是世界上最著名的古典音乐和流行音乐音乐厅之一。1791年,它以一场由彼得·柴可夫斯基部分指挥的音乐会开幕。许多著名的作品在这里首次向世界展出,包括安东尼·德沃夏克的《新世界交响曲》和乔治·格什温的《一个美国人在巴黎》。【passage 26】
①Winning the 2023 Oscar Best Actress Award, Michelle Yeoh becomes the first Asian woman to take home a lead acting statue. She was invited to share some wisdom on the graduation ceremony in American Film Institute.
②Michelle Yeoh recalled her early years. She found her gift was to communicate through movement Yeoh trained tirelessly day and night. Dance was her bright future and destined path. Unfortunately, life had other plans. A serious spinal (脊柱的) injury entirely tore her dream, and she was in despair. Yet, her principal encouraged her to stay loose about her future. With this in mind, she captured the freedom to make choices she might not have otherwise been able to. “When the challenge came, I knew it was make or break.” Yeoh said.
③Yeoh chose to be a cool stuntman (特技人). “The first thing they taught me was to roll forward, how to fall on my side, and then back.” she recalled. The actress mentioned jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass for one stunt, in which she over-rotated (旋转), causing her back to fold in half and a stunt went wrong. “I didn’t land properly, but I completed the scene,” she said.
④“There were injuries as you can imagine but with every inch of skin, I came back better and braver. It struck me that learning how to fall teaches you how to land, and learning to land gives you the courage to jump higher. Well, you could say I learned it in my bones, literally.” Yeoh added. It was those unbearable pain but desired progress that guided Yeoh to the Oscar stage. “What I want to say is that our falls are the secrets to our flight. Success without failure is called luck. It cannot really be repeated or relied upon. Don’t be afraid to fall, for you are learning to fly.” Yeoh said.
94. What do we know about Michelle Yeoh
A. She was keen on ballet and had a bright future.
B. She was the first Asian to win Oscar Best Actress.
C. She was in despair after a serious injury in her leg.
D. She was giving a speech about her school experience.
95. How did the principal’s encouragement prove beneficial
A. It reminded Michelle Yeoh to stick to her dream and go for it.
B. It advised Michelle Yeoh to accept the reality and let it be.
C. It inspired Michelle Yeoh to be open-minded towards future.
D. It urged Michelle Yeoh to transfer her career from dance to stunt.
96. Why did Michelle Yeoh mention jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass
A. To pave the way for the life lesson she would learn.
B. To stress the importance of mastering the rolling skills.
C. To showcase the barriers she faced when dancing on stage.
D. To admit a mistake she made when she was inexperienced.
97. Which of the following statements matches Michelle Yeoh’s spirit the most
A. Do what the clock does. Keep going.
B. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
C. No one can disappoint you except yourself.
D. The greatest glory is in rising every time we fall.
What do we know about Michelle Yeoh
How did the principal’s encouragement prove beneficial
Why did Michelle Yeoh mention jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass
Which of the following statements matches Michelle Yeoh’s spirit the most
主题词归纳:michelle,principal encouragement,highway overpass
94. What do we know about Michelle Yeoh
She was keen on ballet and had a bright future.
B. She was the first Asian to win Oscar Best Actress.
C.She was in despair after a serious injury in her leg.
D. She was giving a speech about her school experience.
①Winning the 2023 Oscar Best Actress Award, Michelle Yeoh becomes the first Asian woman to take home a lead acting statue. 杨紫琼获得2023年奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,成为首位获得最佳女主角奖的亚洲女性。She was invited to share some wisdom on the graduation ceremony in American Film Institute.
How did the principal’s encouragement prove beneficial
It reminded Michelle Yeoh to stick to her dream and go for it.
It advised Michelle Yeoh to accept the reality and let it be.
It inspired Michelle Yeoh to be open-minded towards future.
It urged Michelle Yeoh to transfer her career from dance to stunt.
②Michelle Yeoh recalled her early years. She found her gift was to communicate through movement Yeoh trained tirelessly day and night. Dance was her bright future and destined path. Unfortunately, life had other plans. A serious spinal (脊柱的) injury entirely tore her dream, and she was in despair. Yet, her principal encouraged her to stay loose about her future. With this in mind, she captured the freedom to make choices she might not have otherwise been able to. “When the challenge came, I knew it was make or break.” Yeoh said.然而,她的校长鼓励她对自己的未来保持宽松。带着这样的想法,她获得了做出选择的自由,否则她可能无法做出选择。“当挑战来临时,我知道这是成败在此一举。”杨紫琼说。
Why did Michelle Yeoh mention jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass
To pave the way for the life lesson she would learn.
To stress the importance of mastering the rolling skills.
To showcase the barriers she faced when dancing on stage.
To admit a mistake she made when she was inexperienced.
③Yeoh chose to be a cool stuntman (特技人). “The first thing they taught me was to roll forward, how to fall on my side, and then back.” she recalled. The actress mentioned jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass for one stunt, in which she over-rotated (旋转), causing her back to fold in half and a stunt went wrong. “I didn’t land properly, but I completed the scene,” “我没有正确着陆,但我完成了这个场景,”she said.
97. Which of the following statements matches Michelle Yeoh’s spirit the most
A. Do what the clock does. Keep going. 做该做的事情,请继续走下去
B. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.相信自己,你就成功了一半。
C. No one can disappoint you except yourself. 没有人能让你失望,除了你自己。
D. The greatest glory is in rising every time we fall.最大的荣耀是每次跌倒后都能爬起来
④“There were injuries as you can imagine but with every inch of skin, I came back better and braver. It struck me that learning how to fall teaches you how to land, and learning to land gives you the courage to jump higher. Well, you could say I learned it in my bones, literally.” Yeoh added. It was those unbearable pain but desired progress that guided Yeoh to the Oscar stage. “What I want to say is that our falls are the secrets to our flight. Success without failure is called luck. It cannot really be repeated or relied upon. Don’t be afraid to fall, for you are learning to fly.” Yeoh said.“我想说的是,我们的瀑布是我们飞行的秘密。没有失败的成功叫做运气。它不能被重复或依赖。不要害怕坠落,因为你正在学习飞翔。”杨紫琼说。
Winning the 2023 Oscar Best Actress Award, Michelle Yeoh becomes the first Asian woman to take home a lead acting statue.
She was invited to share some wisdom on the graduation ceremony in American Film Institute.
Michelle Yeoh recalled her early years.
She found her gift was to communicate through movement Yeoh trained tirelessly day and night.
Day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日
Day and night the policemen pace the streets in the holidays.
Dance was her bright future and destined path.
Unfortunately, life had other plans.
A serious spinal (脊柱的) injury entirely tore her dream, and she was in despair.
In despair 处于绝望中
She threw up her hands in despair.
Yet, her principal encouraged her to stay loose about her future.
With this in mind, she captured the freedom to make choices she might not have otherwise been able to.
“When the challenge came, I knew it was make or break.” Yeoh said.
Yeoh chose to be a cool stuntman (特技人).
“The first thing (that) they taught me was to roll forward, how to fall on my side, and then back.” she recalled.
句子结构分析:that引导定语从句修饰the first thing
The actress mentioned jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass for one stunt, in which she over-rotated (旋转), causing her back to fold in half and a stunt went wrong.
“I didn’t land properly, but I completed the scene,” she said.
“There were injuries as you can imagine but with every inch of skin, I came back better and braver.
It struck me that learning how to fall teaches you how to land, and learning to land gives you the courage to jump higher.
Well, you could say I learned it in my bones, literally.” Yeoh added.
It was those unbearable pain but desired progress that guided Yeoh to the Oscar stage.
句子结构分析:it is...that为强调句句型
“What I want to say is that our falls are the secrets to our flight.
Success without failure is called luck.
It cannot really be repeated or relied upon.
Don’t be afraid to fall, for you are learning to fly.” Yeoh said.
杨紫琼(Michelle Yeoh)获得2023年奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,成为首位获得最佳女主角奖的亚洲女性。她受邀在美国电影学院的毕业典礼上分享一些智慧。