人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language词汇默写 词性转换 必备短语 重点词汇讲解 单元语法 重点句式学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language词汇默写 词性转换 必备短语 重点词汇讲解 单元语法 重点句式学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 38.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-12 08:11:19



新人教选择性必修一Unit 4 Body Language词汇默写+词性转换+必备短语+重点词汇讲解+单元语法+重点句式知识清单
Part one Words and Phrases
1. ______________ n. 交流;相互影响
2. ______________ vi. (根据情况)变化;改变
3. ______________adj. 合适的;恰当的
4. ____________________________ 相比之下
5. ______________ vi. 赞成;同意vt.批准;通过
6. ______________ vt. 表现;表达;说明;证明
7. ______________ n. 手势;姿势;姿态
8. ______________vt. 当场看到;目击;见证n.目击者;证人
9. ______________ vt. 使用;应用;雇用
10. ______________ adj. 相同的
11. ______________ vt. 把…理解(解释)为vi.&vt.口译
12. ______________ vi. 相异;不同于
13. ____________________________ (与…)相比较
14. ______________ vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于n.帮助;恩惠;赞同
15. ______________ vi. 鞠躬;点头v.低(头) n.弓;蝴蝶结
16. ____________________________ 推理;推断
17. ____________________________ 消除;分解;打破
18. ______________ n. 隔阅;障碍
19. ______________ adj 假装的;假的;冒充的
20. ______________ n. 愤怒;怒气vt.使生气;激怒
21. ______________ adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
22. ______________ n. 发生的事情;严重事件;冲突
23. ______________ n.&v.审讯;审判;试验;试用
24. ______________ adj. 轻微的;略微的;细小的
25. ______________ adv. 略微;稍微
26. ______________ adj. 不涉及言语的;非言语的
27. ______________ n. 评价;评定
28. ______________ vt. 评估;评价
29. ______________ adj. 内部的;里面的
30. ____________________________ 直起来;整理;收拾整齐
31. ______________ v. 垂头弯腰地走(或坐等)
32. ______________ n. 故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势vi.摆好姿势vt.造成(威胁、问题等)
33. _________ vt.&v.( _______,___________)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
34. ______________ vt. 揭示;显示;露出
35. ___________ vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清
36. ____________________________ 换句话说;也就是说
37. ______________ n. 教师;教育工作者;教育家
38. _________ vt. 给(试卷、问题等)打钩号vi.(钟表)发出嘀嗒声n.钩号
39. ______________ n. 趋势;倾向
40. ______________ vt. 把…放低;降低;减少adj下面的;下方的;较小的
41. ______________ vt. 意味着;暗示
42. ______________ adv. 几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚
43. ______________ vt. 占据;占用
44. ______________ vi. 盯着看;凝视n.凝视
45. ______________ vt. 分散(注意力);使分心
46. ______________ vt. 察觉;看待;理解
47. ______________ vi.&vt.区分;辨别
48. ______________n. 焦虑;担心;害怕
49. _____________ adj. 难堪的;尬的
50. _____________ adj. 羞愧;惭愧
51. _____________ adv.只是;仅仅;只不过
52. _________________ (短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
53. _____________ vi.&vt.费心;麻烦;因…操心;麻烦;不便
54. _____________ vi.&vt.哭泣;流泪
55. __________________________ 有某种影响;在工作
56. _____________ n. 矛盾;冲突 vi.冲突;抵触
57. _____________ vi.&vt.(or:enquire)询问;打听
58. _____________ adv 最终;最后
59. _____________ vt. 调整;调节vi,&.适应;(使)习惯
60. _____________ vi. 干预;介入
61. _____________ vi. (对…)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应
62. _____________ n. 组成部分;零件
_____________ n. 语气;腔
Vary vi.(根据情况)变化;改变→various adj.各种各样的
Approve vi.赞成;同意vt.批准;通过→approval n.批准;赞成;同意
Employ vt.使用;应用;雇用→employment n.使用;雇用
Interpret vt.把……理解(解释)为vi.&vt.口译→interpreter n.口译人员;口译者
Differ vi.相异;不同于→different adj.不同的;相异的→difference n.差异;不同
reliable adj.可靠的;可信赖的→rely v.依靠;依赖;相信
slight adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的→slightly adv.略微;稍微
nonverbal adj.不涉及言语的;非言语的→verbal adj.言语的
assessment n.评定;评价→assess v.评估;评价
educator n.教师;教育工作者;教育家→educate v.教育;教导;训练
Lower vt.把……放低;降低;减少 adj.下面的;下方的;较小的→low adj.低的;浅的
embarrassed adj.难堪的;尴尬的→embarrass v.使……难堪;使……尴尬
ashamed adj.羞愧的;惭愧的→shame n.羞愧;惭愧;令人惭愧的事情
Inquire vi.&vt.询问;打听→inquiry n.调查;询问
ultimately adv.最终;最后→ultimate adj.最终的;最后的
Adjust vt.调整;调节vi.&vt.适应;(使)习惯→adjustment n.调整;调节
React vi.(对……)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应→reaction n.反应;回应
interaction with sb.与某人互动
vary from...to...在……到……之间变化
be appropriate to对……适合
by contrast相比之下
look into往……里面看
approve of赞同
by comparison(与……)相比较
make inferences推理;推断
get through通过;度过
break down消除;分解;打破
straighten up直起来;整理;收拾整齐
go on发生
in one’s mind在某人的脑海中
look up向上看;查阅
lean forward向前倾斜
as though好像
stare at...盯着……看
call on(短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
bother to do sth.费心地做某事
have conflicts with sb.与某人有冲突
react to...对……做出反应
1.contrast n.差异;对照物 vi.& vt.形成对照;形成对比
①Today's work is quite a contrast to what you did yesterday.
②He contrasted the two different economic systems in his speech.
(vt. 对照;对比)
③This white peak contrasts finely with the blue sky.
2.witness vt.当场看到;目击;见证 n. 目击者;证人
①She was a witness of the incident.
②No one could witness that he was present.
③A carpenter was giving evidence about an accident he had witnessed.
3.favour vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同
①I hate asking favours of people.
②The teacher favours serious students.
③Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favour the growth of plants.
4.anger n.怒气;愤怒 vt.使生气;激怒
①His impolite words angered his teacher.
②Though he felt his anger mounting, he kept perfect control of himself.
1.vary vi.(根据情况)变化;改变
The temperature varies from time to time.
The sword hardly varied in form from the 12th to the 15th century.
剑的样式从12 世纪到15 世纪几乎没有什么改变。
vary in sth.在某方面不同
vary with sth. 随……而变化
vary between...and...
=vary from...to...由……到……情况不等
→ variety n. 变化;种类;多样性
a variety of
=varieties of许多的;各种各样的
→ various adj. 各种各样的
For various reasons, I'd prefer not to meet him.
=For a variety of reasons, I'd prefer not to meet him.
=For varieties of reasons, I'd prefer not to meet him.
2.approve vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过
In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not always approved of.
The minister approved the building plan.
Her father will never approve of her marriage to you.
approve of 赞成;同意
approve of sb./sb.'s (doing)sth. 同意某人(做)某事
→ approval n. 赞成;同意;批准;认可
I don't need approval all the time.If someone does not approve of me, I will still be okay.
3.witness vt.当场看到;目击;见证 n.目击者;证人
A witness was examined by him in a court of law.
He gave witness on behalf of an accused person.
(1)witness sth. 目击了某事
witness to (doing)sth.证实,证明(做)某事
witness for 为……作证
(2)be a witness to sth.是某事的证据/证人
bear/give witness to 做……的证人;为……作证
The driver witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.
These facts are a witness to his carelessness.
The witness who witnessed the incident gave witness to the police and promised to be a witness.
4.differ vi.不同于;相异
Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.
Conditions of employment differ according to the type of company you are working for.
differ from...与……不同/有区别
differ in...在……方面不同
differ with sb.on/about/over sth.与某人在某事上持不同(看法)
→ different adj.不同的
be different from... 与……不同
→ difference n.不同,差别
make a difference (to...)(对……)有作用或影响
Learners with different cultural backgrounds differ a lot in their thinking patterns and learning styles.The difference can be investigated and explained.
5.favour vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同
A mother shouldn't show too much favour to one of her children.
I must decline to show favour to any of the candidates.
do sb.a favour
=do a favour for sb.帮某人的忙
ask sb.for a favour
=ask a favour of sb.请求某人帮忙
in favour of... 支持……
in one's favour 对某人有利
Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today =Could you do a favour for me and pick up Sam from school today
I want to ask a favour of you; will you lend me your cell phone
=I want to ask you for a favour;will you lend me your cell phone
6.break down消除;分解;打破
Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.
我们的车坏了, 不得不把它拖到修车厂去。
By then the gate was being broken down.
break away from脱离;摆脱;挣脱;打破陈规
break in 闯入;强行进入
break out 突然发生;爆发(不用于被动语态)
break up 打碎;分裂;解体;解散
7.reliable adj.可信赖的;可靠的
It has a highly reliable control system.
He's a good musician and totally reliable.
a reliable friend 可靠的朋友
be reliable as 作为……是可靠的
→ rely v. 信任;信赖;依赖;依靠
rely on/upon 依靠;依赖
rely on it that... 相信
The land, the essential means of production, is the most reliable living security that the peasants can rely on.
8.bend vt.&vi.(bent, bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
bend the truth 扭曲事理;歪曲事实
bend one’s mind/efforts to sth. 致力于某事;专心致志
9.tendency n. 趋势;倾向
a tendency (for sb./sth.) to do ...
a tendency to/towards ... ... ...的倾向/
→ tend vt.往往会 vi.趋向 vi.&vt.照管;护理
Part two Grammar
① Elsewhere , people favour shaking hands , bowing from the waist , or nodding the head when they meet someone else .在其他地方,人们见面时喜欢握手、弯腰鞠躬或点头。( shaking , bowing , nodding 是动名词作 favour 的宾语)[P38]② In France , a person encountering an identical gesture may interpret it as meaning zero .国,看到同一个手势的人可能会将其解读为"零"。( meaning 是动名词作 as 的宾语)
(1)常接动名词作宾语的动词有: admit , advise , allow , appreciate , avoid , consider , deny , delay , enjoy , escape , fancy , finish , forbid , imagine , keep , mention , mind , miss , permit , practise , risk , resist , suggest , quit 等。· The youngsters admitted planning trips around potential photo - opportunities and then messaging friends - and friends of friends - to demand " likes " for their online posts .这些年轻人承认,他们计划在有潜在拍照机会的地方旅行,然后 给朋友们以及朋友的朋友﹣发信息,要求给他们的网上帖子点"赞"。
● To avoid missing the last train , please check the last train time posted in stations .为了避免错过末班火车,请核查车站张贴的末班火车时间。
● I suggested putting off the sports meeting .我建议将运动会延期。
常接动名词作宾语的动词短语有: can ' t help (情不自禁), feel like (想要), give up (放弃), insist on (坚持), put off (推迟), set about (开始), be busy ( in )(忙于), be / get used to (习惯于), object to (反对), pay attention to (注意), stick to (坚持), get down to (着手做), look forward to (期盼), succeed in (成功), waste / spend time / money (浪费/花费时间/金钱在), be worth (值得)等。
● Nowadays , rather than going out to meet people in person , more and more young people feel like socialising with others via electronic devices .如今,越来越多的年轻人喜欢通过电子设备与他人交往,而不是亲自出去见面。
● He insisted on walking to work though he was tired .尽管很累,但他坚持步行去上班。
● As is announced in today ' s paper , they have succeeded in solving many problems according to the new theory .正如今天的报纸所宣布的,他们已经成功地根据新理论解决了许多问题。
喜欢考虑不可免( enjoy , consider , escape / avoid )
停止放弃太冒险( stop , give up , risk )
反对想象莫推延( object to , imagine , delay / put off )
要求完成是期望( require , finish , look forward to )
建议继续勤苦练( suggest , go on , practise )
不禁原谅要坚持( can ' t help , excuse , insist on )
继续注意始成功( keep on , mind , succeed in )
① advise , allow , permit , forbid 后有名词或代词时,接动词不定式作宾补。
advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事
② stop / go on 后接动名词作宾语,表示"停止/继续做某事"; stop / go on 后接不定式,表示"停下来/继续去做另一件事",不定式作目的状语。
②有些动词,如 like , love , prefer , hate , begin , start 等,后面可接动词不定式和动名词作宾语,意义上基本没有差别。
● After the teacher left the classroom , the students began to do / doing their homework .老师离开教室后,学生们开始做作业。
③ need / require / want 作"需要"讲时, deserve 作"应受;应得"讲时,其后接动名词的主动形式,相当于接动词不定式的被动形式,表示"需要被做"和"值得被做"。·
● The baby requires looking after / to be looked after carefully .这个婴儿需要被认真看护。
● His heroic deeds deserved praising / to be praised .他的英勇行为值得被称赞。
forget to do / doing sth 忘记去做/忘记做过某事
remember to do / doing sth 记得去做/记得做过某事
mean to do / doing sth 打算做/意味着做某事
regret to do / doing sth 很遗憾(抱歉)要做/后悔做过某事
try to do / doing sth 尽力做/试着做某事
can ' t help ( to ) do / doing sth 不能帮忙做/情不自禁地做某事
● We must remember to close that window .我们一定要记得关上那扇窗。
● I still remember being taken to the Famen Temple and what I saw there .我仍记得别人带我去过法门寺,并记得在那里我所看到的东西。
● He couldn ' t get across his idea in the speech , so we didn ' t know what he had meant to say .他在演讲中无法说清自己的想法,所以我们不知道他想说什么。
● Missing the bus means waiting for another ten minutes .错过这趟公交车意味着再等十分钟。
重点2动词﹣ ing 形式(动名词、现在分词)表语
The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in .重要的是要以一种适合你所处文化的方式来使用肢体语言。( using body language 是动名词短语作表语)[P38]
Ultimately , my duty is helping every student to learn .最终,我的职责是帮助每个学生学习。( helping every student to learn 是动名词短语作表语)[P44]
● One of his weaknesses is telling lies .= Telling lies is one of his weaknesses .他的缺点之一是说谎。
● Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean a possible .= Keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible is her job .她的工作是让讲演厅尽可能地保持干净。
● His hobby is painting .他的爱好是绘画。(一般的、经常性的动作)
● His wish is to become an astronaut .他的愿望是成为一名宇航员。(具体的、将要发生的行为动作)
②现在分词作表语,表示主语所具有的某种性质或特征,通常起到形容词的作用。有一些现在分词作表语时已经被形容词化,如: exciting , disappointing , inspiring , confusing 等。
● Your speech is very interesting and encouraging .你的演讲很有趣,很振奋人心。
● It was astonishing that the shy girl stood up and answered the question .令人吃惊的是,那个害羞的女孩站起来回答了这个问题。
● This news is really exciting .这个消息非常令人兴奋。
● We are all excited at the news .我们听到这个消息都感到很兴奋。
Part Three Sentence
(教材P38)For example, making eye contact—looking into someone's eyes—in some countries is a way to display interest.
句式分析:不定式短语to display interest作后置定语,修饰a way。
[例1] The meetings were a way to get acquainted with each other.
[例2] The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.
(1)在the first, the second, the last, the next, the only等词和形容词最高级后或在被这些词修饰的名词/代词后,常用不定式作定语。
(2)在time, way, chance, ability, promise等抽象名词后,常用不定式作定语。
①The chance to go (go)for a picnic has been ruined.
②He is the only man to know (know)the truth.
The best way to travel is to take a high speed train.
He is always the first to come and the last to leave.
It's a good way to keep fit with more exercise.
2.when doing...
(教材P38)In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person.
句式分析:句中when talking to an older person是一个省略句,补全后为:when you are talking to an older person。
[例1] When seeing the naughty child, the teacher sympathized to his mother.
当看到那个淘气的孩子时, 老师对他的母亲表示很同情。
[例2] I kept a diary every day while (I was)travelling.
当when,while,before,after,unless,as if,if等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it,且从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。
①He won't come unless invited(invite).
②While playing (play)with his children outdoors, the father felt very happy.
If you are accepted for the job, you'll be informed soon.=If accepted for the job, you'll be informed soon.
(教材P39)And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.
句式分析:句中nothing better than是比较级的否定形式表示最高级的含义。
[例1] Personally, she would like nothing better than to accept this invitation.
[例2] Peter likes nothing better than going to the coast and messing about in his boat.
(2)否定词+so/as +形容词/副词原级+as
(3)比较级+ than+all the other+名词复数the other+名词复数any other+名词单数any of the other+名词复数anything/anyone else
①I have never spent a more worrying(worrying)day.
②Tom is more intelligent(intelligent)than any other student/all the other students in his class.
No other book has had a greater effect on my life.
What a wonderful novel! I have never read a more moving one.
Li Yang studies harder than anyone else in his class.
I can think of nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot summer afternoon.
1. interaction n. 交流;相互影响
2. vary vi. (根据情况)变化;改变
3. appropriate adj. 合适的;恰当的
4. by contrast 相比之下
5. approve vi. 赞成;同意vt.批准;通过
6. demonstrate vt. 表现;表达;说明;证明
7. gesture n. 手势;姿势;姿态
8. witness vt. 当场看到;目击;见证n.目击者;证人
9. employ vt. 使用;应用;雇用
10. identical adj. 相同的
11. interpret vt. 把…理解(解释)为vi.&vt.口译
12. differ vi. 相异;不同于
13. by comparison (与…)相比较
14. favour vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于n.帮助;恩惠;赞同
15. bow vi. 鞠躬;点头v.低(头) n.弓;蝴蝶结
16. make inferences 推理;推断
17. break down 消除;分解;打破
18. barrier n. 隔阅;障碍
19. fake adj 假装的;假的;冒充的
20. anger n. 愤怒;怒气vt.使生气;激怒
21. reliable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
22. incident n. 发生的事情;严重事件;冲突
23. trial n.&v.审讯;审判;试验;试用
24. slight adj. 轻微的;略微的;细小的
25. slightly adv. 略微;稍微
26. nonverbal adj. 不涉及言语的;非言语的
27. assessment n. 评价;评定
28. assess vt. 评估;评价
29. internal adj. 内部的;里面的
30. straighten up 直起来;整理;收拾整齐
31. slump v. 垂头弯腰地走(或坐等)
32. pose n. 故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势vi.摆好姿势vt.造成(威胁、问题等)
33. bend vt.&v.(bent, bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
34. reveal vt. 揭示;显示;露出
35. clarify vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清
36. in other words 换句话说;也就是说
37. educator n. 教师;教育工作者;教育家
38. tick vt. 给(试卷、问题等)打钩号vi.(钟表)发出嘀嗒声n.钩号
39. tendency n. 趋势;倾向
40. lower vt. 把…放低;降低;减少adj下面的;下方的;较小的
41. imply vt. 意味着;暗示
42. barely adv. 几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚
43. occupy vt. 占据;占用
44. stare vi. 盯着看;凝视n.凝视
45. distract vt. 分散(注意力);使分心
46. perceive vt. 察觉;看待;理解
47. distinguish vi.&vt.区分;辨别
48. anxiety n. 焦虑;担心;害怕
49. embarrassed adj. 难堪的;尬的
50. ashamed adj. 羞愧;惭愧
51. merely adv.只是;仅仅;只不过
52. call on (短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
53. bother vi.&vt.费心;麻烦;因…操心;麻烦;不便
54. weep vi.&vt.哭泣;流泪
55. at work 有某种影响;在工作
56. conflict n. 矛盾;冲突 vi.冲突;抵触
57. inquire vi.&vt.(or:enquire)询问;打听
58. ultimately adv 最终;最后
59. adjust vt. 调整;调节vi,&.适应;(使)习惯
60. intervene vi. 干预;介入
61. react vi. (对…)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应
62. component n. 组成部分;零件
63. tone n. 语气;腔