人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Talking & Writing课件(共62张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Talking & Writing课件(共62张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 5.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-12 09:26:13



Section Ⅵ Listening and Talking & Writing

1._________________     习惯于做
2._____________ 加热食物
3.__________ 漂走
4._________________ 保持自我清洁
be/get used to doing
heat the food
float away
keep oneself clean
5.brush one's teeth _____
6.do experiments _______
7.play the guitar _______
8.play chess _______
1.What can we learn about the food in the International Space Station
A.It can be cooked.
B.It can't be heated.
C.It is prepared in advance.
2.How does Captain Brown keep himself clean in the International Space Station
A.Take a shower.
B.Use a soapy towel.
C.Use a water basin.
3.How long did Captain Brown stay in space during his last mission
A.More than five months.
B.A year.
C.More than five weeks.
4.What is Captain Brown's favorite thing to do in the International Space Station
A.Playing the guitar.
B.Playing chess.
C.Having his weekly video call with his family.
答案:1~4 CBAC
1.I've gotten used to floating around just _________________________.
2.We choose ___________________ before we go to space, and then the food is prepared and stored for us.
wearing shorts and a T-shirt
what we want to eat
3.Well, I know astronauts cannot shower in space _________
_____________________, so I'd love to know how you keep yourselves clean.
4.And we brush our teeth the same way _________ on Earth.
5.I was usually busy _________________________.
since the
water would float away
as we do
doing different experiments
1.否定语义的副词和形容词:hardly, rarely, seldom, little, few等。
2.否定语义的代词:nobody, nothing, none等。
3.否定语义的词缀:im-, ir-, il-, un-, mis-, dis-, -less等。
4.否定语义的动词和介词词组:fail, miss, avoid, deny, hate, refuse, doubt, far from, anything but, instead of, rather than等。
[典例] What does the woman mean
A.They don't have many tickets.
B.It's hard for them to get any ticket.
C.All the tickets are sold out.
M:Do you have any tickets for tomorrow's concert
W:We hardly have any ticket left, you know.
[分析] 在这段对话里,女士的回答中含有否定语义的副词hardly,所以答句的意思是“我们几乎没剩下多余的票”,选项C与听力材料意义相吻合。
1.How long is a day on Mars
A.Less than 24 hours.
B.24 hours and 37 minutes.
C.37 hours.
2.What delays the flight
A.A medical emergency.
B.The broken engine.
C.The bad weather.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a restaurant. B.On a plane. C.In a café.
4.Who will host the show
B.Captain John Wren.
C.The pilot.
5.How does the man want to travel
A.By car. B.By train. C.By plane.
6.What was the news about
A.It's about the space station.
B.It's about the space.
C.It's about the astronauts.
7.Why is the man interested in such news
A.Because he is an astronaut.
B.Because he hopes to go to the moon.
C.Because he wants to do research in space.
8.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In an auditorium.
B.In a bookstore.
C.In a library.
9.What has the woman been doing at night
A.Watching the sky.
B.Reading astronomy.
C.Working night shift.
10.What does the woman major in
答案:1~5 BCBAC 6~10 ABCAB
(Text 1)
M:Mars moves slower than the Earth.
W:Yes.①A day on Mars is 37 minutes longer than a day on the Earth.
(Text 2)
M:Excuse me.Has there been a medical emergency Or is there anything wrong with the engine
W:Oh, no, sir.②There is just a storm, so the plane will leave a little later this afternoon.
(Text 3)
M:Excuse me.Can I have a glass of juice
W:There's no juice now.Would you like some coffee or water instead
M:Well.A cup of coffee would be OK.
W:Here you are.③And please fasten your seat belt.
(Text 4)
W:④Captain John Wren is going to be Linda's guest on the show next week.
M:Really Do you mean the pilot who flew alone to the North Pole
(Text 5)
M:Where shall we go on holiday this year
W:Why don't we take a train down to the seaside Or we could borrow my dad's car.
M:Going to the seaside is a great idea, but ⑤I'd like to fly there to save time.
(Text 6)
M:Did you hear the 6 o'clock news
W:No, I didn't.Was there anything interesting
M:⑥They've built another space station.They will send it up sometime next year.
W:Oh,I've read about the plan somewhere.Is there anything else
M:Just think!Astronauts will live and do research work there.
W:Will they stay in space all their lives
M:Of course not.People have gone to the moon and come back to the earth again.
W:Really?⑦But I wonder why you're interested in such things.
M:⑦I've always been.I hope to go to the moon one day.
W:Oh, I see!
(Text 7)
W:Hi, Greg. What a surprise to see you here!
M:Yeah, I'm working night shift today. What are you doing here
W:Well, I'm trying to look for a book but it has been out for the last three weeks. I thought I would try my luck today, but it was all for naught. I know it's overdue according to the computer. ⑧Just hope the borrower won't hang on to the book for too long.
M:What kind of book is it that you wanted so much
W:You might not believe this. But I'm into astronomy and the book I want to read is by Stephen Hawking, who wrote about the creation of the universe. Did you notice my eyes ⑨I have been staying up late at night to see the sky and stars.
M:When did you get involved with the universe I never expected you of all people to have the patience to watch the sky, let alone staying up all night. No wonder you were dozing off during the lecture this morning.
W:I know it's embarrassing. But I'm really interested in the mystery of the universe and I'm thinking perhaps ⑩I'm in the wrong major. I should switch to physics instead of taking drama.
M:Hey, Mary.Have you heard the news about Shenzhou-13 and the three great astronauts Isn't it exciting
W:Yeah.I ①____________________ (迫不及待地想看到他们) how to live in space! I'm really curious about their life in space.I have plenty of questions to ask them.
M:Such as
can't wait to see them
W:Oh, such as “What facilities do they have in space to support their daily life?”
M:That sounds like a good question.But I'd also like to ②_______________________________ (了解宇航员如何睡觉).What do they do so as not to float around while they sleep
W:I wonder how they get exercise in space — it's not like they can ③_____________ (出去慢跑).
know about how astronauts sleep
go out jogging
M:I'd never thought of that.But then, after they exercise, I'm very ④______________ (渴望弄明白) how they wash their clothes.
W:Never mind that.I'd really like to find out how they wash their hair.
M:But we're forgetting the most important question of all, aren't we
W:And what's that
M:Well, I'd really like to find out what they will do when they meet aliens.
keen to find out
■写作项目——Present an argument about space exploration 
本文采用了“总—分—总”的论述结构。即先提出论点,而后从几个方面论述,最后总结归纳。作者在第一段首先摆出其他人的观点,即反对太空探索,然后通过however一词引出自己的观点,即赞同太空探索,也就是文章的主要论点。第二段至第四段分别提出了三个分论点,并提供了充分的论据来支持自己的观点,使用了衔接词firstly, secondly, finally。最后一段作者使用了衔接词in closing来结束自己的论述,再次重申了太空探索的好处,做到了首尾呼应,文章浑然一体。
1.High-end products around the world are made to a higher standard now because of advanced technology which was first created to meet the requirements for space exploration.
赏析:本句中because of advanced technology是原因状语;which引导定语从句,修饰先行词advanced technology。are made .../was first created是被动语态。to meet是不定式作目的状语。本段文字句式结构丰富,表达灵活,表明了太空探索对科技进步的推动作用。
2.In order to provide for such a rapidly increasing population, scientists are trying to find other planets that could one day be our new home.
赏析:本句中In order to ...作目的状语。that引导定语从句,修饰先行词planets。本句陈述了目前地球人口快速增长,科学家们正在努力寻找未来能够成为我们新家园的其他星球,表明了太空探索的重要性。
①She _________________ early from teaching __________________.
②_______________, you should give up the habit of staying up late.
was forced to retire
because of ill health
To keep healthy
③________________________, the professor suggested that we should pay attention to improving people's environmental awareness.
④Mars is a planet _________________________.
In order to protect nature
that is unknown to humans
Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realise that our planet's resources are limited.
①It probably took her a minute, but to me she __________________.
②He swam as fast as lightning, ______________.
moved like a rocket
just like a seal
1.result in          导致;造成
2.in conclusion 总之
3.be opposed to 反对
4.be in favor of 赞成;支持
5.be widely used 被广泛使用
6.as far as I am concerned 在我看来
7.make a difference 起作用;有影响
8.take ...into consideration 把……考虑在内
9.some people argue that ... 一些人主张……
10.on the one hand ..., on the other hand ...
①As for the space exploration, different people have different opinions.
②Recently we've had a discussion about whether we should ...Our opinions are divided on this topic.
③Students' views on it vary from person to person.
④There are different opinions among people as to ...Some people think that ...
⑤People's opinions about ...vary from person to person.Some people say that ...
①Most of the students are in favor of it.Here are the reasons.First ...Second ...Finally ...
②However, the others are strongly against it.Their reasons are as follows.In the first place ...What's more ...In addition ...
③On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ...At the same time, they say ...
④Some people believe that ...For example, they think ...And it will bring them ...
⑤Some students agree that space exploration will bring people many benefits.
⑥Some students object to space exploration.They hold the view that space exploration has many unsolved problems connected with it.
①Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, so I support it.
②As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the first view.
③From my point of view, I think ...The reason is that ...
④From all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ...
30%的 同学认为 不值得探索
70%的 同学认为 值得探索
你的观点? 注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;
Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on ① .
On the one hand, 30% of us think that space exploration is not worthwhile.They think space is ② and our daily life.And space exploration will waste a lot of money, which can be used to solve the problems, ③ .
On the other hand, 70% think space is worthy to be explored.As we all know, satellites ④ as well as weather forecast, which makes our life more convenient.Besides,⑤ on other planets, the problem of energy shortages on our earth can be solved.
Personally speaking, ⑥ , which will make a great difference to our life.
A.have been used for communication
B.too far away from us
C.whether space is worth exploring
D.such as starvation and pollution
E.it is worthwhile to explore space
F.if resources are found
答案:①~⑥ CBDAFE
It's funny that you can always tell when somebody's laughing behind your back.Jodie hadn't really heard anything, maybe a whisper (耳语), but when she turned around, the girls in the back row of the class were looking at her, trying to hide smiles and laughs.She looked back at her teacher.Mr Swales was talking about what people did all day.He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to be when they grew up.He called on Billy first.
“My daddy works in a bank,” Billy said.“I guess I want to work in a bank, too.There's lots of money in the bank.”
“My daddy runs a company,” Emmy said.“My daddy is the big boss.And I want to be a boss, too.”
Jodie liked it when Mr Swales asked them questions like this.He was about to call on Jodie when the girls in the back row suddenly started laughing.Shirley shouted, “Jodie's daddy is a garbage man (清洁工)!” Everyone in the class laughed out loud.
Jodie felt her face turn red.Lowering her head, she felt like crying.“Silence!” Mr Swales said aloud.“Being a garbage man is a difficult and useful job.Hard work done well is something to be proud of.” The teacher's words reminded Jodie of her father's rough hands.Her father worked so hard to support the family.How could she feel ashamed of her father Although her father's work seemed to be a humble one, his devotion to the job would be everlasting and encouraging.At that moment, a smile gradually appeared on her face.
“UNIT 4 课时检测(六) Listening and Talking & Writing”