人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit2 Looking into the Future Listening and Speaking教案逐字稿


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit2 Looking into the Future Listening and Speaking教案逐字稿
格式 docx
文件大小 34.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-12 09:59:06



听说课 选择性必修一第二单元逐字稿
T: Class begins. Good morning, class!
Ss: Good morning, teacher!
T: Okay, take your seat, please. Before having class, I want to divide you into 8 groups. So let’s check your group number at first. So you are the Group 1. Hi, Group 1! (Ss: Hi!) You are the Group 2. And Group 3. And Group 4, where are you Show me your hands. Okay, Group 4 and you’re Group 5, Group 6. Hi, Group 6. And Group 7. You are Group 7. You are Group 7. Hi! And Group 8.
Okay, so today we are going to have some group competition and try your best to have your group to be the winner, ok The winner of the group can get one present from me, ok
Lead-in: Guessing Game
T: So how about start our group competition with a guessing game I will draw some pictures on the blackboard. You need to guess what they held jobs, ok The first one.
Ss: Doctor.
Ss: Nurse.
T: Nurse Are you sure
Ss: Doctor.
T: Doctor is right. Which group please first Maybe this lady came first. So I’ll give Group 8 can get one point. Okay pay attention to the next one. Thank you. Sit down please.
Ss: Police
Ss: Cook!
T: Okay! Maybe Chen Jin came first.
S: Cook.
T: Cook. Okay, so maybe you can raise your hands. Okay, so let me finish my drawing. And how about the last one
Ss: Teacher.
T: So which one You please.
S: Teacher.
T: Yes! Teacher. So here which your group Six. And Group 5. One point. Okay, so there are many jobs. So what would you do in the future What would you do A teacher A cook A doctor Or maybe you can answer my questions later, ok
Activity 1 Match the words with the pictures
T: Okay. So let's see the pictures. Now I have some pictures here. And let’s match these pictures with these words. Okay. So let’s do it now. Let’s see who is first. If you finished, please let me know. You can find your pictures and the words on your handout, ok Zhang Jiahao, have you finished The first one How do we read it
S: Automatic. Automation.
T: Automation. So Which one
S: Third.
T: Three. Number three. Next one
S: Nanobots is number two. Global warming is number five.
T: Global warming is number five.
S: Artificial intelligence is number one.
T: Number one. Yes. And the last one.
S: Cloning is number four.
T: Number four. Okay. Thank you. Sit down please. Do you agree with him
Ss: Yes.
T: So Group
S: Group 3.
T: Group 3 can get one point. Okay. These are some these are some words about future technology except what. Which was not a word about the future technology (Ss: global warming) Oh, yes. Global warming.
Activity2 Find out the words about technology
T: So now look at this table. I need you to find out the words about technologies in the future. And then we have a vocabulary competition, okay One minute for you and you can discuss it with your group members, okay Let's go!
(one minute later)
T: Okay, time is up. So I will introduce the rule of the competition for you. You can see many falling stars with the words in the board. If the word is about future technology, you need to touch it. But if it is not, the word is not about future technology, don’t touch it, okay Okay. Who want to try Okay, xxx and e here and your group members can help her, okay So, let’s start. It’s ok. Okay, let’s see who is the winner. Group 6. Okay, good job!
Let’s see the correct words about technology, right This a technology. So I have a question for you. Do want to know how this technology will develop in the future Yes
Activity 3 Listen to a radio interview and fill in the blank
T: Okay, so let’s invite two experts, two experts. The first one is Dr. Han and Vincent Black. At first, can you guess what’s their jobs What are their jobs Maybe he is a doctor Yes. What about him
Ss: Engineer
T: Worker. Engineer maybe. Then so now I need you to listen to the interview and fill in the blank on your handout, okay
Using Language Three. Listen to a radio interview with Dr. Han and Vincent Black, giving them predictions about the future and then fill in the table below.
A: On today's episode of future changes, we talk with two experts from different fields, Dr. Han and Vincent Black to hear their predictions about the future. First, Dr. Han, could you please tell our audience what you do
B: Certainly. I'm a computer scientist.
A: And could you please tell us your prediction
B: Yes. Well, I forecast that computers will be cleverer than us in the future. I think that people will also be programming computers to think like humans.
A: That's very interesting. But aren't you worried that such computers would be dangerous
B: Not at all. This is because we'll be programming them to not think in ways that may harm humans. In fact, we'll also be creating machines to help people internally. For example, I think scientists will put some small intelligent machines called nanobots inside our bodies to increase our abilities.
A: Wow, that would make each one of us superhuman. And Vincent, could you please tell us about your job
C: Certainly. I’m an architect, I designed buildings.
A: And what is your prediction about the buildings of the future
C: It's about the cities of the future actually. I believe that cities floating on water are parts of the world’s future.
A: Oh, really What might make us want to do that
C: Yes. With global warming, causing polar ice to melt, the sea level rising by many meters is a very realistic prospect. Instead of moving people away from the sea, I think that people can move into housing and cities that float.
A: That sounds very innovative. Can you please give us more details
C: Sure. Well, I have developed a plan by designing a city that borrows many ideas from the giant water lily, a flood of floats on water, moreover)
T: Okay, so I need you to listen again and think about these two questions. The first one, what problem or we can say a challenge such computer will bring And what's the solution to it And why did Vincent Black say “cities floating on water are part of the world’s future Okay. Think about these two questions. Please listen to the interview again, okay
(Play the tape again)
T: Okay, let’s look at the PowerPoint. So the first question for you. What's the jobs are Doctor Han Any volunteer Any volunteer Ok, you please.
S: Computer scientist.
T: Uh…computer scientist. So what about what technology he will start or maybe what technology he won’t use. He is a computer scientist. So in the future, which technology he will use
S: Smart computer.
T: Smart computer. Very good! Yes, that's confused. It's okay. So Group 5 can get one point. Okay, so let's see the predictions about Doctor Han, ok And what's the developments in the future this technology Any volunteer Okay, you please.
S: Computer will be clever than us in the future.
T: Uh…is clever and
S: People will also be programming computers to think like humans.
T: Excellent!
S: We'll also be creating machines to help people
T: Yes! Creating machines to help people internally and
S: such as putting some nanobots inside our bodies to increase our abilities.
T: Abilities. Excellent. Thank you. Clap for him. Clap for him. Group 7. I’ll give you two points. Ok, two points. So we can find because the developments of technology in the future, we can get many benefits from it, right So we can say maybe it's an opportunity of these terminology, right
T: Okay. So let's think about the question, the first question. So what problems or challenges Any volunteer What problems or challenges such computers will bring So think about it. Okay, xx please.
S: Maybe dangerous.
T: Oh…maybe dangerous. Very good. Such computer will be dangerous. So what's the solution to it
S: People will be programming them to not think in ways that may harm humans.
T: Oh, very good! We can program them. Excellent. So I will give Group 6 two points. So we can find that because we can use the solution and we can change the problem or challenge to become what To become, oh yes, an opportunity. Very good. Yes, it is right to become an opportunity. Right. So Group 1 can get one point. So we can find this is the interview of Dr. Han.
T: And what about Vincent Black What's his job Any volunteer Okay, you please. Okay. It’s ok.
S: He is an architect.
T: An architect. Very good. So he designs
S: He designs buildings.
T: Buildings. Yes. Very good. Sit down please. I’ll give you which group. Group 4. Group 3 one point. Okay. And what’s the development of technology in the future Any volunteer Any volunteer Oh, ok, xx, please.
S: There will be cities
T: Oh, cities. There will be cities
S: in the
T: Which cities
S: Floating
T: Floating Floating on water. Ok. And people could
S: living in the house
T: Oh, living in the house. Maybe we can use verb phrases, move into, move into houses. And then what about more details
S: He’ve developed a plan
T: by
S: by designing a city
T: Oh, designing a city
S: that borrows many ideas from giant water lily a flower that floats on water
T: Oh, yes. Floats on water. Excellent! Thank you. Sit down, please. So I will give Group 8 two points. So we can find this is his prediction, right
T: So what about the next question Why did he say that Any volunteer Why did he say “cities floating on water are part of the world’s future” Okay, you please.
S: With global warming, causing polar ice to melt, the sea level rising by many meters is a very realistic prospect.
T: Awesome! Thank you. Sit down please. Very good. Because of the problem, right Because the future problems about global warming, right So the sea level will rise. So we have to live in the city floating on water. Very good. So now let's make a summary. So when we… I’m sorry. Which group Five Group. Yes!

T: So when we talk about the predictions about future challenges in one’s job, maybe at first we should tell people what’s their jobs, right What’s his jobs So maybe we can say occupation. And then we can tell them the technology they will use or study, right And what about the next one What can we talk about
Ss: opportunity
T: Oh, an opportunity or maybe it’s one aspect of this development, right He may has, yes, opportunity. And something else
Ss: Challenges.
T: Oh, yes. Challenges. Yes. Good! So when we face challenges, what can we do I’ll change it. Yes, maybe use some
T&Ss: solutions
T: Right! Good! Very good!
Activity 4 Watch a video
T: Ok, so now I need you to think, think, listen to, watch the video. I need you to watch a video. Pay attention to the language they use to for making predictions and try to respect uh… repeat what you hear, ok Stress, pronunciation and intonation.
A: Hello, hello.
B: Hi.
A: Today, we look at life in the future.
C: We talk about things that are going to happen and the things that may possibly happen. Right, let’s have one prediction each about life in the future, Natalie.
A: Oh, in the future, the population of the world will certainly be bigger and cities will probably be bigger, too. Kevin, what about work in the future
B: Work I think it’s very likely that will work less. The population of the world (T: try to repeat what you hear in a low voice)
A: The cities will probably be bigger.
B: It’s very likely that will work less.)
Activity 5 Group work
T: Okay, so it's, we can find he use many words about making predictions, such as some verbs, think, believe, or prediction and some future tense, will, will do and be going to do, right So it's your turn. Please do some good work. So in your group, one student need to be a host to interview the rest of the group members and the rest of your members need to imagine you are a you have a job that make you an expert. You are expert now in the future, and please interview about the jobs and the predictions about future changes in your job. And there is a requirement for you. When you when you do your group work, you need to at least use three words in this technology words, okay, and use five sentences in here. And you can find these on your paper and you need to, at last, you need to make an oral presentation here. So the group come here to make your oral presentation, ok Let’s go! So six minutes for you.
T: If you have any questions, please let me know. I can help you. The whole group! The whole group need to come to the stage. Time! Pay attention to the time. This is the structure maybe you can use. Something maybe you can talk about.
T: Have you finished Have you finished No Ok, two more minutes.
T: Ok! So which group wants to try In this time, you can get three points. Any volunteer Okay, you please. Let’s do e here! Clap for them! Ok, who is the host Who is the host Hi! Please interview it. Please face to your friends.
A: And today we will talk with our
T: Face to your audience. Face to your audience.
A: Today we welcome some experts to know more information. Hearing this legendary information, we will adapt to the future easily. So first doctor.
B: No, I’m an engineer.
A: Ok, engineer, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. What do you think of the technology when you when you are learning
B: In the future, we can build buildings without human but use a robot. That will be a safer and faster than now.
A: Oh, wonderful. Could you tell me what your, what, what, job, what, what, what you do
C: I’m a Doctor a Doctor. In the future, we will use technology to help people and do our work online.
A: Thank you and good! What’s your prediction
D: I think in the future, I will have some robot systems. I think this will have more opportunities. That’s all. Thank you.
A: And then what about you
E: I’m a scientist. I think the biology technology will be developed in the future. Maybe for people who can’t deliver babies will have their own children in the future by the new technologies.
A: Yeah. I think I think this technology has a long way to go. How about you
F: I’m a teacher.
A: What’s your prediction about your technology
F: I think I will have classes online and ….convenience…
A: Thank you! Thank you all these…
T: Face to your audience.
A: This the…above the …
T: Give them some compliment.
A: Above this information, above this information, we will know more for ways to, to, to believe in our life.
T: Ok! Thank you! Very good! Which group Group 3, good! I’ll give you three points. Ok, because of the time. I’m sorry. Maybe we can show your presentation next lesson, ok

T: I need you to think about when we predict the future, we can find the importance of the technology, right Technology can change our life and make a difference. So this is a sentence for you. The best way to predict the future is to create it. So when we created new technologies or it for our future, maybe it will have some challenges and opportunities, right But we should be afraid of the challenge we should think about think of what
Ss: solution
T: Solution. Excellent! Think about the solution to change it into an opportunity. And then we can be a better man in the future. And if everyone to be a better man in the future, so we will have a better society. The Chinese dream will be realized, right
Ss: Yes!
T: So try to be a better man, ok Let’s see who is the winner
Ss: Group 3
T: Group 3. Congratulations! Now here is our homework. And so, so much for today.