人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元基础复习练习(重难点词句语法基础 提升练)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元基础复习练习(重难点词句语法基础 提升练)(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-12 10:16:05



选择性必修三 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle 单元基础复习练习
Many people are somewhat puzzled at the _________________(消极的) side of the voting, while some are quite happy with it, and active in doing it.
As expected, I got punished, but I now understand why I needed _________________(纪律).
I felt so terrible when I _________________(删除) the file by mistake.
When he was 16, Molai began to notice something _______________(令人不安的) happening around his home.
Although those mathematical formulas made people _______________(头晕的), she still concentrated on her maths homework.
A gentleman is open-minded and optimistic; a small person is narrow-minded and p________________.
It is said that drug and alcohol a______________ contributed to Brian’s early death.
As an educational s________________, his mother is always invited to give lectures around the country.
It was painful to see the changes coming over her. She s____________ school, and refused to communicate.
The games have e_______________ friendship and unity among the people and athletes of various countries.
1. Fathers think they have the power _________________(dominate) the lives of their children.
2. He pointed out the problem _______________(repeated), which made me _________________(embarrass).
3. Some people don’t have a _____________(rely) car, ___________ others have to share vehicles with parents who work six days ___________ week.
4. At home, children _____________(live) with an alcoholic adult are more likely to live in _____________(poor) and face physical and emotional abuse.
5. With the continuous development and _____________(expand) of business, we will make a ______________(respond) to the technology reform.
6. _______________ news came that COVID-19 is spreading quickly, making us rather ________________. (disturb)
7. I think it is stupid __________ Tom to quarrel about which football team is _______________(good).
8. I was all _____________(stress) out about this new job, so I made up my mind to go hiking on weekends for _______________(relax).
9. He is really __________ dynamic leader, in ____________ we have confidence.
10. Members receive Powerline, our ______________(month) magazine, discounts in the shops and restaurants, as well as free __________________(admit) to the Museum.
get involved in sleep soundly take control of aside from as a reward for stress out
be composed of rely on become pessimistic about be absorbed in in response to wear…out
Every time he _______________________ his future, he would seem some advice from his consultant.
____________________ passing his exam, he got a new watch from his parents.
Millions of people gave freely ___________________ the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.
Those kids _____________________ their study so much that I just sat back and didn’t disturb them.
She was really __________________ after two sleepless nights.
He is reliable. Hence, you can _________________ to help you solve the tough issue.
Water, ___________________ hydrogen and oxygen, is something everyone needs.
__________________ the breathtaking scenery of Sichuan province, the dishes there is also an attraction to tourists.
It is essential for the local government ______________________ the housing price.
I ____________________ nothing, so the teacher spoke to me about it; I was arrogantly dismissive(不屑一顾).
1. 正如一句中国谚语说的那样,“有志者事竟成。”(as)
2. 这个小男孩,尽管如愿以偿参加了这个活动,情绪还是很低落。(状语从句省略形式)
3. 立刻采取行动至关重要,因为情况很紧急。(straight away)
4. 组合这个由数百个零件构成的模型将花费我约3小时。(compose)
5. 通过我不懈的努力,我终于提高了我和别人交际的能力,因而有利于我良好品质的形成。(shape, doing作状语)
6. 因为走了很长的路筋疲力尽了,John那个晚上睡得很香。
7. 要么我丈夫要么我自己,最终总能说服我女儿改变主意。(either…or…; once and for all)
Rediscover A Way Of Life That The Rest Of The World Has Left Behind
Here at Amish Acres, time itself has stopped aside to make room for a way of life that the rest of us have left behind. Escape to our peaceful world. Join us in a quiet celebration as we share the heritage of these interesting people with you.
Take a buggy ride down the lane. Spend an afternoon or two with us in the heart of Indiana Amish country and you can take a horse drawn buggy ride along rail fencerows into nearby woods of sycamores(无花果树)and maples. you’ll pass strong men and horses farming on the fields of corn and sorghum. The stress of today's world will disappear as the buggy's wheels turn gently down the lane.
See the neighbors on our Countryside Tour. Surrounding Amish Acres is some of the most productive and picturesque farmland in the Midwest. Our tour will take you on the back roads through this farmland, so that you can see he homes, farms, schools and churches of present-day Amish families and their neighbors.
Watch skillful hands do the work of the seasons. On the farm, crafts and chores still follow the flow of the seasons. Maple syrup, apple butter and dried foods are still produced here just as they were a hundred years ago. You’ll see handmade Amish quilts created before your eyes and watch demonstrations (演示) of other traditional crafts, like soap making, rug weaving, broom making and candle dipping.
Explore the tools and trappings of yesterday. You will learn how the simple, modest society has managed to live and thrive in the complicated world. You will walk the hardwood floorboards of a hundred-year-old Amish homestead. You’ll learn the whys and ways of the Amish as your guide winds you through the Amish Acres.
Your visit to Amish Acres is almost sure to inspire new respect for the hard work and simple lifestyle of today’s Amish families, as well as pioneer families of America’s past.
1.Who is the text intended for
A.High-tech enthusiasts. B.Party animals.
C.Internet addicts. D.Nature lovers.
2.Which should you choose if you are interested in hand-made Amish quilts and blankets
A.Take a buggy ride down the lane. B.See the neighbors on our Countryside Tour.
C.Watch skillful hands do the work of the seasons. D.Explore the tools and trappings of yesterday.
3.What is today’s Amish life like
A.Advanced and quiet. B.Outdated and peaceful.
C.Lazy and simple. D.Rich and aggressive.
Researchers from London’s Queen Mary University studied how participants were affected by pollution based on where they live. In the journal Circulation on Friday, the scientists revealed that air pollution can harm the heart to the point where it resembles (类似) the early stages of heart failure.
According to Emory Healthcare, deaths have decreased around 12 percent per decade on average over the past 50 years, but 287,000 people die from heart failure each year. There are more hospitalizations from heart failure each year than all cancers combined.
In this study, the scientists examined information from 4,000 participants that were in the UK Biobank study. Volunteers had blood tests, health scans and heart MRIs, which measured the function, size and weight of their hearts. They also recorded their lifestyle, health record and where they’ve lived.
The team found participants had larger right and left ventricles (心室) in the heart when they lived closer to busy roads and were exposed to nitrogen dioxide(NOz), which enters the air when fuel is burned. The right and left ventricles are crucial for pumping blood. They were healthy but resembled the ventricles in early-stage heart failure. The scientists found that the higher the exposure to the pollutants, the greater the changes in the heart.
“Air pollution should be seen as a modifiable risk factor,” Dr. Nay Aung, who led the data analysis of the study, said in a statement from Queen Mary University. “The public all need to be aware of their exposure when they think about their heart health, just like they think about their blood pressure and their weight.”
Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation said in the statement from Queen Mary University, “We can’t expect people to move home to avoid air pollution, so government and public bodies must act right now to make all areas safe and protect the population from these harm.”
4.What is the finding of the study
A.Air pollution causes many people to die. B.People have big problems of heart health.
C.People’s houses have a great effect on the heart. D.Air pollution makes our hearts at risk of heart failure.
5.What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about heart failure
A.It can be cured easily. B.It remains a serious threat.
C.It’s the most common illness. D.It causes people to suffer cancers.
6.What did the team find on the participants exposed to air pollution
A.They had many health problems. B.Their ventricles worked better.
C.Their hearts were out of danger. D.The size of their hearts was bigger.
7.Which of the following is Dr. Nay Aung’s suggestion
A.Moving to safer areas. B.Living far away from crowds.
C.Taking notice of air pollution. D.Taking blood pressure regularly.
As people across the globe struggled with higher levels of stress, depression and anxiety this past year, many turned to their favorite comfort foods: ice cream, pizza, hamburgers. But studies in recent years suggest that the high-sugar and high-fat foods when we are stressed or depressed, as comforting as they may seem, are the least likely to benefit our mental health. Instead, whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, fish, eggs, nuts may be a better bet.
Historically, nutrition research has focused largely on how the foods we eat affect our physical health, rather than our mental health, though. Over the years, large population studies have found that people assigned to follow a Mediterranean diet for three months had greater reductions in symptoms of depression after three months compared to a control group.
Public health experts around the world have started encouraging people to adopt lifestyle behaviors like exercise, sound sleep, a heart-healthy diet and avoiding smoking that may reduce inflammation (发炎) and have benefits for the brain. Individual clinicians are already including nutrition into their work with patients. Dr. Drew Ramsey, a clinical professor at the Columbia University, begins his meetings with new patients by exploring their diet. He asks what they eat, learns their favorite foods, and finds out if foods that he considers important for the connection are missing from their diets, such as plants, seafood.
Dr. Ramsey said he does not wat people to think that the only factor involved in brain heath is food. “Lots of people get their food exactly right, live very active lives, and still have significant troubles with their mental health,” he said. But he also teaches people that food can be empowering. “We can’t control our genes,” he said. “But we can control how we eat, and that gives people actionable things that they can do to take care of their brain health on a daily basis.”
8.What do previous nutrition studies mainly focus on
A.How our diets affect our mental health. B.How our diets affect our physical health.
C.How our mental health affects our diets. D.How our physical health affects our diets.
9.Why are individual clinicians including nutrition into their work with patients
A.They try to cater to their patients’ needs.
B.They are questioning public health experts.
C.They want to prove the effectiveness of healthy diets.
D.They have accepted the findings of large population studies.
10.Which of the following might Dr. Ramsey agree with
A.Some connection exists between our diets and mental health.
B.People can control their genes as well as how they eat.
C.People living active lives will not have mental problems.
D.Eating a healthy diet is going to cure depression.
11.What is the main idea of the text
A.People with anxiety usually turn to food for comfort.
B.The daily diet is the factor connected with brain health.
C.Controlling the way we eat is likely to benefit our mental health.
D.Having a high-sugar diet can reduce symptoms of depression.
How Can I Fight Laziness
Lazy people find it hard to fight laziness. ____12____
One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep. Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation (动力) once they arrive at their workplace. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. ____13____
Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. ____14____ Others take a more proactive (积极的,先发制人的) approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.
____15____ A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a plete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film.
Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately. To fight family laziness, set an example. ____16____ Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.
Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness. Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.
A.Limit the number of your hobbies.
B.Laziness may lead to poverty or other bad effects.
C.Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal.
D.Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task.
E.Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations (诱惑) that surround them.
F.However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.
G.By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.
六、阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Lack of sleep among children and teenagers in China 1_____________(worse) in the past decade, with more than 80 percent getting insufficient sleep on school days, a report released on Monday said. Chinese youngsters snoozed an average of 7.8 hours 2_________ night on school days last year, 20 minutes 3____________(little) than in 2009, according to the report from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Psychology.
Researchers surveyed more than 15,800 4____________(student) from Henan, Hebei and Guangdong provinces from April to July, 5___________(ask) them what time they went to bed and woke up on days 6________ they went to school.
Only 46.4 percent slept for at least 8 hours, compared with 47.4 percent in 2009, the report said. According to an action plan laying out measures to be taken from 2019 to 2030 7______________(promote) the health of citizens, primary school students are recommended to get a minimum of 10 hours’ sleep a night. Nine hours is recommended 18___________ junior high school students and 8 hours for senior high school students.
By those standards, more than 95 percent of students in primary schools, 9____________(near) 91 percent of those in junior high schools and 84 percent of students in senior high schools do not get enough sleep on school days, heightening the risk of 10____________(they) developing cognitive, mental and physical health problems.
Unit 2 单元基础复习练习参考答案:
一、1 negative 2 discipline 3 deleted 4 disturbing 5 dizzy 6 pessimistic
7 abuse 8 specialist 9 skipped 10 enhanced
二、1 to dominate 2 repeatedly, embarrassed 3 reliable, while, a 4 living, poverty 5 expansion; response
6. Disturbing, disturbed 7 of, the best 8 stressed, relaxation 9 a, whom 10 monthly, admission
三、1. became pessimistic about 2 As a reward for 3 in response to 4 were absorbed in 5 worn out
6 rely on 7 composed of 8 Aside from 9 to take control of 10 got involved in
四、1 As a Chinese saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
2.The little boy, though involved in the activity as desired, was still in low spirits.
3. It is of critical importance to take action straight away, for the situation is urgent.
4. It will take me about/some three hours to combine the model which is composed of hundreds of parts.
5. Through my tireless efforts, I eventually have enhanced my power to communicate with others, thus contributing to shaping my good quality.
6. Worn-out after taking a long walk, John slept soundly that night.
7. Either my husband and I myself can always persuade my daughter to change her mind once and for all.
六、1.has worsened 2.a 3.less 4.students 5.asking 6.when
7.to promote 8.for 9.nearly 10.their