人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage词汇讲义


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage词汇讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 24.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-12 15:22:46



必修二Unit 1 Cultural Heritage词汇讲义
1.creative/kri e t v/ adj.创造性的,有创造力的;
相关形式:creatively 创造性地,有创造力地create v.创造creation n.创造 creator n.创造者creativity / kri e t v t / n.创造力
补充:常见以- tive结尾的单词 objective、interactive、creative、negative、relative、adj. exclusive 、comparative、native、alternative、attractive
例:1.Let your imagination run wild and be creative.
2.Becoming your own person releases your creativity.
2.preserve /pr z v/vt.保存;保护;维持 n.保护区;
相关形式:preservation n.保存;维护;保留well-preserved adj.保存良好的
相关短语:1.nature preserve 自然保护区(reserve v. 预订;保留,预留 .(野生生物)保护区;替补队员,后备队员;2.preserve...from...保护……免受……(protect...from...)
例:1.The sculpture is so beautiful because the character of it is well-preserved.
The organization was set up to preserve the endangered species
from dying out.
3.promote /pr m t/vt.促进;提升销;
相关形式:promotion n.提升;晋级;促进
相关短语:1.promote sb (from sth) to sth把某人(从某职位)提升到某职位2.get/win promotion 获得晋级/晋升 3. get promoted 升职
例:1.Not all the advertisements can be used to promote the sale of the products. 不是所有的广告都能用于提高产品的销售。
2.Only by working hard can you get promoted.只有通过努力工作才能得到晋升。
4.balance / b l ns/n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡
相关形式:balanced adj.平衡的
相关短语:1.keep/lose one’s balance 保持/失去平衡2.keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡3.balance between...and...平衡……与……4.balance sth against...权衡;斟酌;比较5.keep a balance between...and...保持……与……的平衡6.keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食7.out of balance失去平衡
例:1.First and foremost,we should keep a balanced diet and enjoy breakfast every day. 首先,我们应该保持一个平衡的饮食并且每日享用早餐。
2.We must balance the gains against the losses before making any decision. 在做任何决定之前我们必须权衡收获与损失。
5.proposal /pr p z( )l/n.提议;建议;求婚
相关形式:propose v.建议;提议
相关短语:1.make a proposal提出建议;求婚2.approve/accept/reject a proposal同意/接受/否决提议3.propose to sb 向某人求婚4.propose/make a proposal that...(should)...建议……(that从句中谓语使用should+动词原形,should可省略)5.propose doing / to do sth打算做...
例:1.A professor at the Academy has proposed that a fund (should) be established to raise money.
2.More than one smart boy has proposed to her,but she refused all.
6.limit / l m t/n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定;
相关形式:limited adj.有限的 limitless adj.无限的,无界限的
相关短语:1.limit...to...把……限制在……内 2.there is a limit to...……是有限度的
3.go beyond the limit 超出限度4.set a limit to...对……进行限制5.within limits 在某种范围内;适度地6.a time/speed limit 时间/速度限制
例:1.He tried my patience to its limits.他把我的耐心逼到了极限。
2.I'm willing to help, within limits. 我愿意帮忙,可是有一定限度。
7.prevent /pr vent/.vt 阻止;预防;防止;
相关形式:prevention /pr ven n/ n[U]防止;预防
相关短语:1.prevent sb /sth (from) doing sth ,stop sb /sth (from)doing sth , keep sb from doing sth
例:1.There were many ways to prevent this from happening.
2.Prevention is better than cure.
8.contribution / k ntr bju ( )n/n.捐款;贡献;捐赠 ;
相关形式:contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助
相关短语:1.make a contribution/contributions to 对……做出贡献2.contribute sth to...把某物捐献给……3.contribute to 有助于;捐献;导致;投稿
例:1.They contributed a lot of food and clothing to the refugees and their contributions will certainly help them live through the winter.
2.If you want to contribute to our newspaper,please send me your article before the deadline
9.donate /d ne t/vt.(尤指向慈善机构) 捐赠;赠送;献(血);
相关形式:donation n.捐献;捐赠donor n.捐献者
相关短语:1.donate...to...把……捐赠给…… 2.make a donation/donations to...向……捐赠3.donate blood/organs献血/捐赠器官
例:1.He made a generous donation to the charity.
The athlete's timely donation and help will be highly appreciated.
10.attempt / tempt/n.& vt.企图;试图;尝试;
相关短语:1.make an attempt to do/at doing sth 试图做某事2.at one’s/the first attempt 第一次尝试3.in an attempt to do sth 为了做某事4.attempt to do sth 努力做某事(try to do sth)
例:1.The lecturer made an attempt at touching all the hearts of the listeners,but he failed.
2.Personally speaking,parents are making an attempt to protect their kids by giving whatever they require.
worthwhile / w θ wa l/adj.值得做的;值得花时间的,重要的,有益的;
相关单词:worthy adj.值得的相配的;worth adj.价值……的,值……钱的;值得的,具有……价值的;拥有……财产的;n.价格,价值;重要性,作用;
相关短语:1.be worth+some money 值多少钱2.be (well) worth doing...……(非常)值得做(主动形式表被动意义)3.be worthy of being done值得…… be worthy to be done值得……4.be worthy of+n. 值得…… 6.it’s worthwhile to do/doing 做……是值得的
例:1.You’d better spend your time on some worthwhile reading.
→The graduate's suggestion ___is worth considering___
→The graduate's suggestion is worthy of ____being considered ______
→The graduate's suggestion is worthy to be considered
→It is worthwhile to consider/considering the graduate's suggestion
12.process / pr ses/ n.过程;进程;步骤 vt.处理;加工;
相关形式:processed adj.经过加工的
相关短语:1.in the process同时;在……过程中2.in the process of (doing) sth 在(做)某事的过程中3.be in process (某事) 正在进行
例:1.Losing weight is a slow, gradual process.
2.The peace process has suffered a serious blow now.
13.forgive /f ɡ v/vt.& vi.原谅;宽恕 vt.对不起;请原谅;
相关形式:forgiveness n.原谅,宽恕
相关短语:1.forgive sb for (doing) sth 原谅某人(做)某事2.forgive sb sth 原谅某人某事
3.forgive (one's) doing sth 原谅(某人)做某事4.forgive and forget不记仇;不念旧恶
例:1.Forgive others,and you will be forgiven at the same time.
I'll never forgive her for what she did.
14.contrast / k ntrɑ st/n.对比;对照vt.对比;对照 ;
相关形式:contrasting adj.极不相同的,迥异的
相关短语:1.in contrast to/with与……对比2.contrast A with/and B 把A与B进行对比3.contrast with和……形成对比4.by contrast与……相反;相比之下
例:1.Optimism,by contrast,can make you happy,healthy and successful
2.In contrast to his wife, Bush has little appetite for foreign travel .