人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems单元综合测试卷(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems单元综合测试卷(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 33.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-12 16:17:42



选择性必修三 Unit 5 Poems 单元综合检测卷
I 基础部分
When I listen to the music today, my little daughter waved her hands with the r______________.
She travelled all over the countryside to collect f______________ music songs and local traditions.
Nicole loves wearing her d__________________, even with jeans and a white T-shirt.
Most of the handicrafts are extremely d_______________ and can be damaged by a simple touch.
The winner of tonight’s talent c_______________ will be decided by our teacher.
If you want to contribute to our newspaper, please send me your article ahead of the ____________(截止日期).
The problem is that they have so much _____________________(偏见) against other nations.
Would you please correct the mistakes and ____________________(修改) the format if it is convenient for you.
Let us together embrace the arrival of this great _____________________(时代).
He claims he has evidence which could prove his ______________________(无辜).
1. The volunteers cleared away the snow on the street to make ___________ safe for people to walk _______.
2. While _______________(fight) against the COVID-19 epidemic, citizens have to make _____________(change) in their daily life.
3. ________________ the film star goes, there are crowds of people _______________(wait) to see her.
4. I would like to interview Zhang Haidi, _____________ experience has inspired me deeply.
5. Material collecting took us a whole week, during ___________ we interviewed our teachers and ________(take) pictures of every aspect of our school life.
6. To help you have _________ better understanding of this contest, I’d like to share some details __________ you.
7. There was a time ________ each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, _________(test) pupils in every subject.
8. Whether he is innocent ____________ guilty is a decision ____________ will be made ___________ the case is tried in court.
9. The rich man felt ___________________(sympathetic) for the victims in the earthquake and gave __________ a lot of money to them.
10. John proved his ___________(innocent) by proving that he was abroad when the murder __________(commit).
make a living come across be familiar with consist of be popular with in secret
choose from in particular make sense (of) to the point to one’s sorrow keep up with
___________________________, his grandfather died in a car accident yesterday accidentally.
They are a teenager band ________________________ four cool boys.
The mobile phone is fashionable and convenient to carry. So it _______________________ youngsters.
We have several PC models for you _____________________. Look, what do you want
The questions he raised were all very much ___________________. Let’s have a further discussion about them.
Parents and coaches _____________________ should act as better examples to children.
Having lived here for over 20 years, the man ______________________ the neighborhood.
The work is too difficult for me and I am not able to _______________________.
Who do you know I happened to _____________________ during my stay in Spain
If I can’t ________________________ by painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint.
1. 尽管每天作业很多,Jane还是进他所能按时上交。(in spite of)
2. 众所周知,音乐能影响我们的情绪。(定语从句(
3. 这个夏天,我想在一家外资企业打工,凭借此我可以开阔视野,并获得工作经验。(定语从句)
4. 他哥哥工作很努力,而他整天呆在家里无所事事。(while)
5. 有一家2000名员工的大公司要管理,他总是忙于处理各种问题。(with复合结构)
6. 我已经习惯每天早起进行早锻炼。(make +宾语+宾补)
7. 我们决定推迟会议到下周,那个时候我们的工作不会那么忙。
8. 在我看来,他作业是抄的而不是自己做的这点很明显。
II 综合部分
The poem When This is Over is now an educational tool which is studied like the works of Homer. Professional writer Laura Fanuc wrote the poem to cheer herself up. To her surprise, it went popular online. That’s the old news.
The new news is that the poem has become an education assignment for a humanities class in the South Bronx. It has inspired about 80 sixth graders to write their own version.
The students are enrolled in the American Dream School, a charter school for English language learners and immigrant students. Teachers Daniel Zauderer and Niki DeGiorgio introduced their class to the poem, assigning them to study it with the aim of cultivating gratitude through poetry. These students stay at home with laptop computers, through which they connect with their classmates and teachers.
Fanuc’s poem is basically a list of everyday activities she can’t do because of social distancing, and that shall never take for granted again. It ends with an inspirational message of hope that we all will rise from this ordeal (磨难) to be better people.
The teachers challenged the students to brainstorm what they had taken for granted and what they hope people will learn, and to express themselves in a poem of their own. The class followed Fanuc is format, reworking the poem. The students showed some love for DeGiorgio and Zauderer in their version of the poem, with the line: “Seeing my teachers face to face.”
“Working remotely during this pandemic is tough some days,” DeGiorgio said in a Face book post. “What brings me hope and joy is the beautiful hearts, minds and words of my students.”
1.What do we know about the poem
A.It was written by Homer. B.It was published in the newspaper.
C.Many students were inspired by the poem. D.The poem was translated into several languages.
2.Why did the two teachers introduce their students to the poem
A.The poem can develop students appreciation of poetry.
B.The poem can make students feel grateful.
C.The poem is easy for students to learn.
D.The poem expresses a feeling of warmth.
3.What does Laura Fanuc mainly write about in the poem
A.Her daily life. B.The necessity of social distancing.
C.Daily activities that she can’t do now. D.Some difficulties she met before.
4.How did the teachers feel when seeing the students version of the poem
A.Touched. B.Pessimistic. C.Thankful. D.Depressed.
On 25 January each year, the national poet of Scotland, Robert Burns, is celebrated. Burns, born in 1759, became famous at the age of 25. His poetry went on to become famous around the world. The poet died in 1796, aged 37. Burns Night began five years later when his friends gathered on what would have been his birthday, to celebrate his life.
The evening was held at Burns’s former home, with events that are now traditions. These include a feast, where someone reads Burns’s famous poem Address to a Haggis (a kind of sausage). After supper there are poetry readings, Scottish dancing and singing, including Burns’s song Auld Lang Syne.
Last year, Burns Night was a bit different because of the pandemic. In Alloway, Scotland, a local radio presenter hosted a live webcast, The Burns Night In, at the house where Robert Burns was born. People across the world just enjoyed talks about the poet and Scottish music.
The Centre for Robert Burns Studies at the University of Glasgow invited 2, 500 clubs, schools, and universities in 150 countries to share their plans for Burns Night on social media. They used the information to make a map of the celebrations which stretched from Antarctica to South Korea. “He’s a poet who travels very well,” said Pauline Mackay, a leading professor at Glasgow University. “He could write very seriously, but also with great humour,” she explained, adding that the song Auld Lang Syne is all about friendship and unity.
In a slightly more unusual celebration, a Scottish butcher posted a short video online in which he attached a haggis to a weather balloon, flying to the edge of space. “After a year like no other, we wanted to kick off 2022 by lifting the spirits of the general public,” he said.
5.When was Burns Night first celebrated
A.On January 25th, 1759. B.On the day Burns became famous in 1784.
C.On Robert Burns’s last day in 1796. D.On Robert Burns’s birthday in 1801.
6.What can we learn about the tradition of Burns Night
A.It is celebrated in Scotland each year online.
B.It includes supper and poetry readings.
C.It usually ends with the song Auld Lang Syne.
D.It began with his poem Address to a Haggis in 1800.
7.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs
A.Burns’s popularity possibly lies in his writing style.
B.The Center has 2,500 clubs, schools, and societies.
C.A butcher kicked off a haggis to celebrate Burns Night.
D.Robert Burns traveled from Antarctica to South Korea.
8.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.Poetry of Robert Burns. B.Traditions of The Burns Night In.
C.Burns Night celebrated online. D.The national poet of Scotland.
The sonnet (十四行诗) was introduced into English poetry by Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, during the first half of the sixteenth century. It originated, however, in Italy three centuries earlier, with the earliest examples known being those of Giacomo da Lentini, a Sicilian poet. The form was taken up by the two most famous poets of the Italian Renaissance, Dante Alighieri and Francesco Petrarch, and indeed the latter is regarded as the master of the form.
The Petrarchan sonnet form in English poetry includes fourteen lines. Each line is ten syllables long and divided into five pairs of syllables. In each pair, the first syllable is unstressed and the second stressed. This can be seen if we look at the first line of one of
William Wordsworth’s sonnets, “After-Thought”: “I thought of Thee, my partner and my guide”. If we break down this line into its syllabic parts, we can see the five pairs and the stress pattern (in this example each stressed syllable is underlined), thus: “I thought/of Thee/my part/ner and/my guide.”
The rhyme scheme for the Petrarchan sonnet is equally as strict. The poem is generally divided into two parts, the octave (8 lines) and the sestet (6 lines).
Early on, however, English poets began to vary and experiment with this structure. The first major development was made by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, and was taken up and perfected by William Shakespeare. The Shakespearean sonnet also has fourteen lines with each line containing five pairs of syllables, but rather than the division into the octave and sestet, the poem is made up of three quatrains (四行诗) and a final rhyming couplet (对句). And each quatrain has its own rhyme scheme; thus a Shakespearean sonnet would rhyme abab cdcd efef gg. Such a structure naturally allows poets greater freedom to develop ideas.
These, then, are the two standard forms of the sonnet in English poetry, but it should be recognized that poets rarely follow rules exactly and a number of other sonnet types have been developed.
9.What can we learn about the sonnet
A.It first appeared in the 13th century. B.It was perfected by Thomas Wyatt.
C.Giacomo da lentini first brought it to England. D.Dante Alighieri wrote the best sonnets in Italy.
10.What is a major feature of the Shakespearean sonnet
A.Its quatrains are usually stressed. B.It can be divided into four parts.
C.Its rhyme scheme can change freely. D.It contains more syllables than the Petrarchan sonnet.
11.What would be the best title for the text
A.The basic rules of writing English sonnets B.The unique structure of sonnets
C.Two major forms of English sonnets D.A group of great sonnet poets
A lost poem by Anne Frank that she wrote shortly before she and her family went into hiding from the Nazis has been unearthed (找到) more than 70 years later. The previously-unseen eight-line poem was penned (写) by the Jewish schoolgirl for the sister of her closest friend on March 28, 1942. She wrote it, aged 12, in a book belonging to Christiane ‘Cri-cri’ Van Maarsen, the younger sister of her best friend Jacqueline.
Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, but her family fled the Nazis in 1933, moving to Amsterdam where her father worked in the fruit extract business. But in 1940, Holland was occupied by the Nazis and the family were once again under threat because they were Jews.
The newly found poem was written in Dutch, begins Dear Cri-Cri, and seems to be giving homely advice to the younger girl. It reads:
If you did not finish your work properly,
And lost precious time,
Then once again take up your task
And try harder than before.
If others have reproached you
For what you have done wrong,
Then be sure to amend your mistake.
That is the best memory one can make.
Cri - cri died 10 years ago and her sister has now put the poem up for auction (拍卖), where it is expected to fetch around 50, 000 euros ( 42, 000).
Her diary was left behind when the hiding place was eventually discovered by Dutch collaborators (通敌者) in August 1944, who handed them over to the occupying German Army in 1944.
The family ended up in a concentration camp and Anne died in February or March 1945. But her father Otto, who survived the camps, returned to the house in Amsterdam and found Anne's diary, which had been kept by a Dutch friend, Miep Gies.
Anne Frank's diary, an account of her life in hiding, was published in 1947 and became a global sensation, being translated into 67 languages. Thijs Blankevoort, director of Dutch auction house Bubb Kuyper Auctions, which is selling the poem this week, said: “The poem is very simple but very significant because it is very rare.”
12.Who was the poem written for by Anne
A.Her good friend living in Amsterdam. B.A Dutch friend living in Frankfurt.
C.Cri - cri's sister Jacqueline. D.Jacqueline's younger sister.
13.Anne wrote the poem to the receiver to suggest her ________.
A.finishing homework as early as possible B.controlling the temper faced with blame
C.valuing time and correcting mistakes once told D.remembering to correct mistakes in life and study
14.Which word can replace the underlined word “reproach” in the poem
A.bury B.sell C.blame D.examine
15.What is the passage mainly about
A.A Lost Poem by Anne Frank Unearthed. B.Anne Frank's Another Famous Poem.
C.Approaching to Anne Frank's Poems. D.Welcome to Anne Frank's New Poetry.
Writing poetry can seem frightening, especially if you do not feel you are naturally creative. But with the right inspiration and approach, you can also write a poem that you can be proud to share with others in class or with your friends.
◆Pick a specific theme or idea. You can start your poem by focusing on a specific theme or idea that you find fascinating. ____16____ For example, you may decide to write a poem around the theme of “love and friendship.”
◆ Choose a poetic form. Get your creative juices flowing by picking a form for your poem. There are many different poetic forms that you can use, from free verse to sonnet to rhyming couplet (押韵的对句). ____17____ Choose one poetic form and stick to that structure so your poem feels cohesive to your reader.
◆ Use concrete imagery. ____18____ You should always try to describe something using the five senses: smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound. Using concrete imagery will immerse your reader in the world of your poem and make images come alive for them.
◆ Include literary devices. Literary devices like metaphor and simile add variety and depth to your poetry. ____19____ Try to use literary devices throughout your poem, varying them so you do not use only metaphors or only similes in your writing.
◆ Read the poem out loud. Once you have completed a draft of the poem, you should read it aloud to yourself. ____20____ Pay attention to how each line of your poem flows into the next. Keep a pen close by so you can mark any lines or words that sound awkward or jumbled.
A.Notice how the words sound on the page.
B.This can give your poem a clear goal or objective.
C.You may go for a poetic form that you find easy to use.
D.Using these devices can make your poem stand out to your readers.
E.Choose poems written in the same poetic form you are interested in.
F.Avoid abstract imagery and go for concrete descriptions in your poem.
G.You can also share your poem with other poets to get feedback from them.
Today I am known for my voice. Perhaps the greatest honor came when I was asked to read The New Testament《新约全书》 on tape.
But it ____21____ a long time to believe such god things could happen to me. When I was a child. I stuttered(结巴) so badly that I was completely ____22____ to speak in public.
____23____, when I was 14. Professor Donald Crouch came to my school. He was a retired college professor. English was his favorite subject and ____24____ was his deepest love. He held a book of poems as if it were a crystal(水晶), ____25____ pages as if uncovering treasures. When he heard that our school was teaching Shakespeare and other classics, he felt ____26____ for not being a part of our school sooner.
When be ____27____ that I not only loved poetry but was ____28____ it, we became closer. There was, however, one ____29____ between us—Professor Crouch could not stand the _____30_____ that I refused to read my poems to the class.
"Jim, poetry is _____31_____ to be read aloud," he said. "You should be able to speak those beautiful words." I shook my head and _____32_____.
One day he _____33_____ me.
After handing in a poem. I waited for his _____34_____. It didn't come.Instead, one day as the students had gathered together, he _____35_____ me, "."
I stared at him in disbelief. "Why," I started to cry, _____36_____ flooding me, "of course I did!” "Well then,” he said, "you've got to prove it by getting up and reciting it from _____37_____."
By then the other students had settled at their desks. With knees shaking, I walked up to the front. For a moment I stood there, _____38_____. Then I began, and kept going. I recited my poem all the way _____39_____.
Afterwards, Professor Crouch encouraged me to read other writers' poetry before the public. I discovered I did have a(n) _____40_____ and found my classmates actually looked forward to hearing me recite.
21.A.lasted B.took C.cost D.wasted
22.A.impatient B.unlikely C.unable D.impossible
23.A.But B.Then C.Besides D.However
24.A.archaeology B.art C.architecture D.poetry
25.A.drawing B.turning C.writing D.finding
26.A.regretful B.thankful C.relieved D.annoyed
27.A.decided B.recognized C.learned D.proved
28.A.reading B.reciting C.publishing D.writing
29.A.difficulty B.promise C.agreement D.difference
30.A.matter B.fact C.idea D.belief
31.A.said B.found C.prepared D.meant
32.A.turned away B.sat down C.talked back D.gave in
33.A.greeted B.scolded C.tricked D.comforted
34.A.help B.idea C.reward D.comment
35.A.challenged B.attacked C.noticed D.told
36.A.pride B.anger C.excitement D.joy
37.A.heart B.beginning C.mind D.memory
38.A.puzzled B.disappointed C.breathless D.aimless
39.A.down B.up C.around D.through
40.A.voice B.sound C.gift D.interest
七、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Thousands of years ago, the West Lake in Hangzhou was connected to the sea. The Qiantang River, not far away from the West Lake, ____41____(enter) the sea in the eastern part of this area. The solid material such as sand, stones and mud carried by the river ___42____(eventual) settled at the bottom and blocked the connection between the West Lake and the sea, ____43____ (make) it an inland water.
Since the ninth century AD, the breathtaking scenery of the West Lake in all seasons ____44____(appear) time and again in poems, stories and legends. ____45____ impresses people most is that there are about 630 legends of the West Lake alone. Su Dongpo wrote a poem ____46____ (praise) the West Lake and compared it to Xizi , ____47____Chinese legendary beauty. From then on, the West Lake got another elegant name — Xizi Lake.
In 2011, West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou was included ____48____ the World Heritage List. It is now visited by an endless stream of ____49____(visitor) from home and abroad. Perhaps some of them will add _____50_____(they) own stories to West Lake’s wealth of literature.
Unit 5 综合测试卷参考答案:
一、1 rhythm 2 folk 3 diamonds 4 delicate 5 contest 6 deadline 7 prejudice
8 polish 9 era 10 innocence
二、1 it; on 2 fighting; changes 3 Wherever; waiting 4 whose 5 which; took
6 a; with 7 when; testing 8 or; which/that; when 9 innocence; was committed
三、1 To his sorrow 2 consisting of 3 is popular with 4 to choose from 5 to the point
6 in particular 7 is familiar with 8 keep up with 9 come across 10 make a living
四、1 In spite of so much homework every day, I always do whatever I can to hand it in.
2 As is known to all, music can make a difference to/have an impact on our emotions.
3 This summer I intend to take up a part-time job in a foreign company, through which I can broaden my horizons as well as gain some working experience.
4 His brother is working hard while he does nothing all day long but stay at home.
5 With a big company, which is made up of 2,000 workers, to take charge of, He always busies himself with all kinds of issues./he is always busy/occupied with all kinds of issues.
6 I have made it a rule to get up early to do morning exercise.
7 We decide to put off the meeting until next week, when we are not so occupied with our work.
8 It seems obvious to me that he copied others’ homework instead of doing it on his own.
语法填空41 entered 42 eventually 43 making 44 has appeared 45 What
46 to praise 47 a 48 on 49 visitors 50their