人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions重点单词导学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions重点单词导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 48.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-13 07:25:03



Book2 U4 History and Traditions重点单词导学案
■ adj ①[只用于名词前] 单独的;个人的:
Each individual leaf on the tree is different. 树上的每片叶子都不相同。
It is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to children in a large class. 在人数多的班上教师很难照顾到每个孩子。
She’s got a very individual way of dressing.她穿衣非常有个性。
■ n.个人;个体;与众不同的人:
Together, individuals can make a difference. 万众一心,众志成城。
To become the Olympic champion in the individual all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she knew best. (2023 全国)为了在个人全能项目中取得冠军,Gabby Douglas不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切。
派生词: individualism n.个人主义 individuality n.个性;特征
1. Some individuals are born with a gift for public speaking. (2020 山东) ___________
2. In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates. (2019 北京) ___________
3. The children are happy because they get a lot more individual attention and respond well because someone has time for them. ___________
4. The girl has a very individual way of dressing. ___________
Belong vi 属 (于);应在 (某处):
Put the chair back where it belongs. 把椅子放回原处。
belong to (to是介词)属于;是……的成员;应归入:
Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are his and hers. 这些邮票中有些是我的,其余是他和她的。
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。
If you plan on working out in a gym, your workout partner must belong to the same gym. (2022 全国改 )
Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.狮子和老虎属于猫科动物。
★注意:belong to 不能用于进行时态和被动语态。
派生词: belonging n. 归属:
Children need a sense of belonging. (2021 全国)孩子需要归属感。
belongings n. [复数] 所有物;财产;财物 (possessions):
Look after your personal belongings. 照管好你的私人财物。
1. The house belongs ______ my aunt but she doesn’t live here any more.
2. Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples ___________ (belong) to two major language groups.
3. The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their ___________ (belong) when they leave the car.
1. When I was a boy, I _______________ (是……的成员) the Boy Scouts (童子军), so I used to go camping every summer.
2. In other words, gossip (闲聊) is satisfying because it gives people ________________________ (归属感). (2016 浙江)
As well as
I wish I could speak English as well as he can. 我希望自己的英语讲得跟他一样好。
They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence.(课文)除了拥有同样的货币和国防以外,他们也使用同一面国旗。
As well as writing stories, I love reading and listening to music. 除了写小说,我还喜欢读书和听音乐。
★注意 as well as 连接并列主语时,谓语动词应与as well as前的主语保持人称和数的一致。
The teacher as well as his students is going to plant trees tomorrow. 明天不但学生们去植树,老师也去。
1. 艾美和她的兄弟们上周回到村子时受到了热烈的欢迎。 (2019 天津) (被动, give sb a welcome)
________________________________________________________ when returning to the village last week.
2. 爱伦跳舞很棒。我希望我的舞跳得和她一样好。(2015 陕西) (wish)
Ellen is a fantastic dancer. ___________________________________
3. 这个论坛真的帮助我提高了自信和社交能力,还有我的学习成绩。(grade)
The forum has really helped me to improve my confidence and social skills ______________________________.
Defence n.
the Ministry of Defence/the Defence Department 国防部
She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. 他后退几步,看上去有些吃惊,然后举起手,看起来好像是在自卫。
The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease. 人体具有先天的疾病防护机制。
I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand. 我得为她说句话,她之前对此事一无所知。
④(体育运动中的) 后卫;防守队员
1. The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client (客户). _______
2. A good diet helps build the body’s natural defences. _____________
3. The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks. _____________
4. What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game (2015 天津) _____________
5. Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame. ______________
Surround v.
[搭配]be surrounded with/by 被...包围;围绕
To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends. 对一些人来说,幸福就是一直有家人和朋友陪伴在身边。
Surround yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better. (2016 浙江)要和积极向上的人在一起,他们会激励你做得更好。
some issues surrounding alcohol abuse.有关酗酒的一些问题
派生词: surrounding adj [只用于名词前] 周围的 (nearby):
the surrounding environment 周围环境
surroundings n [用复数] 周围的事物;环境 everything that is near or around you (environment):
At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. 起初,我很难忍受新环境
There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to enjoy peaceful co-existence with its surroundings. 2023 (全国) 曾经在美国的中心有一个城镇,在那里所有的生命似乎都很享受和周围环境和谐共处。
1. Some light showers have been forecast since last month, but all of them have been effective in ____________(surround) areas.
2. I walk in the door and see a brown sofa ______________ (surround) a low glass-top wooden table.
3. When I headed toward the center, I found myself ___________ (surround) by buildings that mirror the best palaces of Europe.
4. Bill Gates has historically surrounded himself ______________ smart people, and he’s famously thirsty for knowledge.
1. 湖边树木环绕。 (被动句) __________________________________________________________________________
2. 我很快适应了新的环境。____________________________________________________________________________
3. 要和积极向上的人在一起,他们会激励你做得更好。(2016 浙江) (who引导的定语从句)
Achievement n.
Seeing the lines of trees we had planted, we all had a sense of achievement.看到亲手种下的这一排排树,我们大家都有一种成就感。
It is only the achievement of these goals that will finally bring lasting peace. 只有达成这些目标才能最终带来持久的和平。
great scientific achievements 伟大的科学成就
He was awarded a prize for his achievements in physics.他因在物理学上的伟大成就而获奖。
achieve v.
①(凭借努力) 达到 (目标、标准)
achieve success / progress 取得成功/进步
Happiness is achieved through hard work. 快乐是通过辛勤劳动获得的。
I used to try effective methods to achieve my academic goals. (2014 江西) 我过去常常尝试高效的方法来达到学业目标。
② 完成
No one can achieve anything without effort. 没有人能够不付出努力就完成任何事。
He achieved what he had thought impossible.他完成了他曾经以为不可能的事情。
③ 获得成功
He is an excellent lawyer with a good brain and a determination to achieve.他是一名优秀的律师,拥有获得成功的头脑和决心。
achievable adj 可达到的;可获得的
1. We _________________________ (取得了优异的成绩) in the final exams.
2. Li Hua eventually __________________________ (实现了自己的梦想)of going to Peking University.
3. 爸爸妈妈对我取得的成就感到骄傲。_____________________________________________________________
■n. ①战役;战斗:
fight / win / lose a battle 打仗/打胜仗/打败仗
Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. 拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中被打败了。
a long-running legal battle 一场旷日持久的法律争讼
A good beginning is half the battle. 好的开端就是成功的一半
I realized running was a battle against myself. (2018 北京)我意识到跑步是一场与自己的较量。
fight a losing battle 打一场无望取胜的仗
■vt.&vi (与……) 斗争;(与……) 战斗:
battle for 为...斗争
They battled with / against the winds and waves. 他们与风浪搏斗
How did our ancestors battle nature with the basic tools they had 我们的祖先是如何用他们的简单工具与大自然进行抗争的?
[词汇拓展]battlefield n. 战场;冲突地区 / 领域
1. They ______________________ (与……搏斗) the wind and the rain to get here.
2. They __________________ (长期作战) against prejudice (偏见).
3. I realized running was ________________________ (与自己的较量), not about competition or whether or not I was athletic.
4. My father _____________________ (与……斗争) cancer for many months.
■n. ①主管;负责
[搭配]in charge of 负责
Could I speak to whoever is in charge of International Sales please 我能同国际销售部的负责人谈谈吗?
in the charge of 由...负责
This project is in the charge of me. 这个项目由我负责。
in / under sb’s charge 由...负责
The files were left in your charge. 这些文件由你负责处理
take charge of 掌管;接管;负责
To become a successful person, we must be able to take charge of ourselves. 要成为一个成功的人,我们必须能够掌控自己。
an admission charge of $5 五美元的入场费
Delivery is free of charge. 免费送货
③ 指控;罪名:
She was arrested on the charge of theft. 她因被指控偷盗而被捕。
Police dropped the charges against him警察放弃了对他的起诉。
on charge 充电中 A positive/negative charge 正/负电荷
■v. ①vt & vi (向……) 收费;开价:
[搭配]charge (sb / sth) for sth 因...向某人/物收费
The disadvantage of the hotel is that it charges for Wi-Fi. (2021 新高考改)这个酒店的缺点是Wi-Fi要收费。
The restaurant only charged me $40 (for wine). 这个餐馆仅收了我40美元(酒水钱)
②vt 指控;控告:
[搭配]charge sb with (doing) sth 控告某人(做)某事
She is charged with murdering her husband.她被指控谋害其夫。
③vt & vi (给……) 充电:
We need to get our car battery charged.我们得给汽车的蓄电池充电。
charger n. 充电器
④vi & vt (向……) 冲;进攻:
When lions are hiding for an attack by a water hole, they wait patiently and can charge at any second. 当狮子隐藏在水坑边上准备攻击时,它们耐心等待,随时都会发起攻击。
[小试牛刀]一、在空白处填入1个适当的单词 或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。
1. I wonder if there’s a service charge ________ our meal.
2. They wanted to charge $5,000 _________ the car, but we managed to bring the price down.
3. We’ve had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should ____________ (charge) for parks.
1. We also have a swimming pool, which is open all day and __________ (免费的).
2. I was appointed to __________________________________ (负责) arranging all the activities on that day. (天津 书面表达)
Announce adj.
Please remain seated; the winner of the prize will be announced soon. 请做好,马上公布获奖者。
Mr White announced that he would go to China in February. 怀特先生宣布他将在二月份去中国。
(尤指在机场或火车站) 广播通知:
The pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight delay before setting down.飞行员抱歉地通知,飞机会晚一点着陆。
宣布……的到来 / 出席:
Would you announce the guests as they come in 客人来时请通报他们的姓名好吗?
派生词: announcer n. (电视台 / 电台的) 播音员;(机场或车站的) 广播员
announcement n. 通告;布告;宣布;宣告: make an announcement 宣布通告
I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. (2012全国书面表达) 我阅读了你们在网上发布的夏令营布告,并对此很感兴趣。
1. After graduating from university in 1932, Reagan got a job as a radio sports ___________ (announce).
2. The _______________ (announce) was greeted enthusiastically.
1. Silence, please. Mr Whte is about to _______________________ (宣布通知).
2. He said the lucky woman ____________________________ (将在网上公布) and the trip will be shared online. (2017 全国)
■ n. 数量;数额;总数:
[搭配]the amount of ...的数量
A amount of/amounts of 大量的...(后接不可数名词)
(课文)We found ourselves very surprised by the large number of visitors and the amount of noise at the entrance of the National Gallery.我们对发现国家美术馆入口处那么多的参观者和那么大的嗓音跟到非常惊讶
A little bit of kindness will be rewarded with a huge amount of benefit. 滴水之恩当涌泉相报。
★注意:amounts of / a large (huge / small) amount of 尤与不可数名词连用。作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与amount的数保持一致。
Large amounts of money were spent on building the bridge. 大量的资金用到了这座桥的建造上。
There’s only a small amount of food. 只有一点儿食物。
■ vi
amount to
①达到 (某数量);合计:
At the start of this year, foreigners living in Italy amounted to 4.56 million. (2017 浙江)今年年初,居住在意大利的外国人数量达到了456万。
It was tiring work, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasn’t sure how much it would amount to.(2021浙江 读后续写)这份工作很无聊,但是我盼望工资,即使我不知道总共会有多少。
Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing.占有别人的东西就相当于偷窃。
1. I was surprised at ____________________ (工作量) I had to do.
2. I spent ____________________ (大量的时间) preparing for the exam.
■ v. ① vt & vi (距离上) 靠近 (near);(时间上) 临近; (数量上) 接近
It was hard to approach the painting as there were so many people around.周围人太多,很难靠近那幅画。
As Teachers’ Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day. (陕西书面表达)教师节日益临近,我们班决定举行聚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。
The population of our province is now approaching 74 million.我省人口现已接近七千四百万。
②vt 与……接洽
The staff soon found the new manager easy to approach. 员工很快发现这位新经理平易近人。
The students approach their teacher for advice. 学生们找到老师寻求建议。
③vt 处理
What’s the best way of approaching this problem / matter / task 处理这个问题/事情/任务的最佳方法是什么?
■ n.① 靠近;接近:
the approach of autumn 秋天的来临
The students stopped talking at the teacher’s approach.老师一走进,学生们就不说话了。
② 通道;道路
All approaches to the town were blocked. 所有去城里的路都被堵住了
③(处理……的) 方法;(达到……的) 途径
She decided to adopt / take a different approach to the problem.她决定采取不同的方法解决这个问题。
The job market has changed and our approach to finding work must change as well.就业市场变了,我们找工作的方法也须改变。
[小试牛刀]根据所给汉语用 approach 完成句子。
1. I’ d like to talk about ___________________________ (处理困难的方法) in learning.
2. There were differences in _________________________________________ (他们教育孩子的方法).
3. I expect ___________________________ (秋天的来临).
4. There is a __________________________ (去市里的新路).
■n①位置;方位;(恰当或正确的) 位置:
The position enabled us to look over the lake with the sunset in the background. (2023 全国)这个位置使我们能够仔细欣赏日落时的湖面。
The orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.管弦乐队都已各就各位,等待指挥。
②姿势;(物体所指的) 方向:
Lie in a comfortable position. 以一种舒适的姿势躺下
Keep the box in an upright position.把盒子竖着放
The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other.每个人的社会地位影响他们对待彼此的方式。
④[正式用语] 职位;职务 a job (post):
He is thinking of applying for the position of Chief Editor.他正在考虑申请主编的位置
⑤(比赛中的) 名次:
She finished the race in third position.他在比赛中得了第三名。
⑥[常用单数] 处境;状况
What would you do if in my position 如果处于我这种状况你会怎么办?
⑦[常与on 连用] 立场;观点;态度 (attitude)
You need to take a position on this issue. 你需要对这个问题发表观点。
I hope you’ll reconsider your position.我希望你能重新考虑你的立场。
■vt 放置;安放;使处于 (place):
I positioned myself to take the best photo of the sea view. (2017 天津改)我站好位置以便拍到最好的海景照片。
Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions.
(2019 全国) ______________
2. I didn’t come from a family with wealth or position, but I did manage to get a master’s degree in fine arts. ______________
3. Sorry, Doctor White is out of town and I’m not in the position to give out that kind of information. ______________
Eager adj 渴望的;热切的 (keen):
His classes were crowded with eager students. 她的课堂上挤满了求知若渴的学生。
① (be) eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
Most students are eager to try something new. 大多数学生都渴望尝试新事物。
② (be) eager for sth. 渴望得到...
He is eager for success. 他渴望成功。
(be) eager in (doing) sth. 热衷于...
She is eager in learning English. 她热衷于学习英语。
eagerly adv 渴望地;热切地
eagerness n 渴望;热切
1. We ___________ (eager) looked forward to the day we would leave school.
2. Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager __________ knowledge and experience.
3. As she was leaving she was eager _______ (say) goodbye to each of us in the nursing team. (2021 全国)
4. I wasn’t able to hide my ____________ (eager) when I asked, “What do you wish me to do now ” (2015 湖南)
■n ①卷;卷轴;卷 / 筒状物:
a toilet roll (BrE) / a roll of toilet paper 一卷卫生纸 a roll of film 一卷胶卷
a roll call 点名 the honor roll / the roll of honor 光荣榜
There are 620 children on the school roll.学校的光荣榜上有620名学生。
The teacher called / took the roll to see if any students were absent.老师点名看是否有学生缺席。
spring / chicken rolls 春卷/鸡肉卷
■vi & vt ①(使)翻滚;(使)滚动
[搭配]rolled down 滚下来
The apples fell out of the bag and rolled everywhere. 苹果从袋子里掉了出来,滚得到处都是。
Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. 眼泪从她脸上慢慢地流了下来。
[搭配]rolled over 翻身
While walking, I noticed a pony roll over on his back.我正走在路上,看见一匹小马翻身打了个滚。
Cassie rolled her eyes. 卡西翻了个白眼。
③使成筒形 / 球形;卷:
[搭配]rolled up 卷起
We raced around the garden and rolled a big snowball to make a lovely snowman. 为了对一个可爱的雪人,我们在花园里跑来跑去,滚了一个大雪球。
He rolled up his sleeves. 他卷起袖子。
rolling adj[只用于名词前]起伏的:
(课文)rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. 青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中。
1. ______________________ (滚下来) a hill,I broke my leg in my childhood.
2. She _________________________ (翻身) to let the sun brown her back.
3. _________________________ (卷起) your sleeves and get ready for hard work.
Greet vt 打招呼;问候;迎接 (welcome):
greet the New Year 迎新年
He greeted his teacher by saying “Good morning!”.他向老师说了句“早安!”
[搭配]greet sb. with 用...问候某人
Whenever I met her, she greeted me with a sweet smile. 每次我见到她,他都笑脸相迎。
When it was first staged in 1949, the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews. 该剧在1949年首次上映时,好评如潮。
greeting n.
[搭配]send greetings to sb. 向某人致以问候
They exchanged greetings (= greeted each other) and sat down to lunch.他们互相问候,然后坐下来共进午餐。
She waved a friendly greeting.她友好地挥手致意。
She raised her hand in greeting.她举起手来打招呼。
②[复数] 祝词;贺词;问候语:
Christmas / birthday greetings 圣诞/生日贺词
My mother sends her greetings to you all.我母亲向你们大家问好。
1. It is good manners to greet each other ___________ a smile.
2. As Ginni Bazlinton reached Antarctica, she found herself ________ (greet) by a group of little Gentoo penguins (企鹅) longing to say hello. (2022 全国)
3. Ms. Li, our English teacher, must have found it strange on Teachers’ Day: she did not receive a single ___________ (greet) cards from us students.
4. My father smiled and raised a thumb ___________ greeting.
5. I send you this short letter so as to extend my holiday ___________ (greet) to you.
Crowd n.
■n 人群;观众:
the wisdom of crowds 群众的智慧
The crowd erupted into laughter. 人群中爆发出一阵笑声。
I quickly searched the crowd for the school’s coach and asked him what had happened.我迅速地在人群中寻找学校教练,询问他们发生了什么事。
[搭配]a crowd of / crowds of 一大群;很多:
After making my way through crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was operating.在从一大群人中间挤过去之后,我终于看到了一条还在运营的地铁线路。
■ v ①vt 挤满;塞满:
[搭配]be crowded with 充满...;挤满...
crowd...with 用...把...塞满/挤满
Onlookers crowded the street. 街上挤满了围观者。
crowd a room with furniture 把房间摆满家具
Memories from high school crowded his mind. 他满脑子都是中学时的回忆。
The restaurant is always crowded with customers at meal times.这家餐馆在用餐时间总是客满。
② vi 聚集;涌进;蜂拥而至:
[搭配]crowd into 挤进
Pupils crowded round (their teacher) to ask questions.小学生们围着(老师)提问题。
Thousands of people have crowded into the small town. 成千上万的人涌入了这个小镇。
crowded adj 拥挤的;挤满的;装满的:
a crowded road / city / railway station 拥挤的马路/城市/火车站
1. He left the hotel surrounded by crowds ________ journalists.
2. He found it difficult to move in the __________ (crowd) street.
3. The first underground passenger railway allowed people to avoid terrible _______ (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work. (2017 全国语法填空改)
1. 回忆涌上头。(crowd v)__________________________________________________________________________________
2. 花园里长满了杂草 (be crowded with)_____________________________________________________________________
3. 数百人涌进了地铁。(crowd into)__________________________________________________________________________