人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues using language教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues using language教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 35.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-13 09:22:24



Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
Using language: Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle 教学设计
Teaching aims:
Knowledge objective:
Guide students to read two articles and understand the author's process of changing bad life style. On this basis, summarize the structure and writing methods of the articles.
Ability goal:
Instruct students to write an article to change their unhealthy lifestyle, internalize and use the language they have learned.
Emotional goals:
Guide students to correctly understand the impact of bad lifestyle on people's physical and mental health, encourage students to have the courage to change bad habits and cultivate a healthy lifestyle.
Students analysis
The students of senior two have mastered basic reading skills. They have some life experience and basic knowledge of English; They can understand the basic English sentences; However, in face of complex vocabulary, they may find it difficult to have a good command of the passage, which means teacher’s guidance is extremely important. Most of my students can not express themselves appropriately because their vocabulary is quite limited. Moreover, Their learning attitude and motivation is not clear.
Teaching focus: Use the learned writing skills to complete the writing task.
Teaching difficulties: Guide students to develop good living habits.
Analysis of the teaching methods and learning methods
To achieve the teaching objectives, there are three teaching methods used in this lesson. They are situational teaching method, task-based language teaching method and communicative teaching method. As for the learning method, students will be encouraged to adopt cooperative learning method to enhance their cooperative awareness.
Analysis of the teaching procedures
Step 1: Lead-in
What problems do you think you have about your lifestyle
Suppose you intend to write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle,what contents should be included and in what way?What should be the contents and logic of your letter
1. What was the problem ——Problem
2. How did you decide to change that bad habit ——Decision
3. What did you do to change that ——Action
4. What is the result ——Result
What tense should you use for each part Past tense/present tense
Step2 Reading
Two letters from students to the editor, who attended the summer camp organized by the magazine Healthy Life.
Activity 1: Reading for the main idea
What's the text mainly about
A.An introduction of the summer camp.
B.Something about being sleepy.
C.Something about some sports.
D.Two students' letters to the editor about the changes of their lifestyles.
Activity 2: Reading for the structure
Read and analyze the organization of the letter and label the paragraphs using the letters below.
A: identifying problems.
B . considering what to do
C: what he/she has done to change
D: the results
Activity 3: Reading for the details
two students as a group to read a letter respectively and complete the chart.
Wang Lu George Fielding
Problem ·did not feel     ·felt    ,lacked       ·got  ,experienced       ·felt     ·felt even more      after      
Decision ·to      ·to      ·to               
Action ·stopped      ·exercises every day for      ·goes              
Result ·more     in       ·sleeps  ,no longer       ·feels like      ·feels much more      ·feels he can     
Suggested answers:
Wang Lu George Fielding
Problem ·did not feel well ·felt sleepy and dizzy,lacked passion ·got flu easily,experienced many toothaches ·felt stressed out ·felt even more worn out after playing computer games
Decision ·to eat no sugar ·to exercise regularly ·to take control of his life and find other ways to relax
Action ·stopped buying sweets,biscuits and sugary drinks ·exercises every day for at least 30 minutes and did something active ·goes rock climbing monthly with his dad
Result ·more dynamic and stronger in both body and mind ·sleeps soundly,no longer suffers from flu or toothaches ·feels like being in control of her own life ·feels much more energetic ·feels he can change himself for the better
Activity 4:Reading for more understanding
1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text
A.Wang Lu never ate any sugar.
B.Wang Lu ate much sugar before attending the summer camp.
C.George Fielding often felt stressed out after starting high school.
D.George Fielding used to be crazy about online games.
2.Through rock climbing,George Fielding did the following things EXCEPT .
A.getting refreshed
B.spending more time with his dad
C.getting to meet new friends
D.feeling more stressed
3.Wang Lu's bad habits included before attending the summer camp.
A.playing online games
B.exercising regularly
C.going rock climbing
D.eating too much sugar
Activity 5:Reading for tenses
Filling in the blanks and feel the tenses in the passage
Wang Lu and George Fielding attended the summer camp 1 ____________(organize) by the magazine Healthy Life. At the end of the camp,what Wang Lu heard stimulated her 2____________(motivate). She made up her mind 3_________ (eat) nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly. Now she sleeps soundly at night and feels 4__________________(dynamic) than ever. In the meanwhile,George Fielding has changed himself 5_________the better. He used to get so absorbed 6_________he played the games day and night. However,after the camp,he 7_________(take) control of his life though it was 8_________ big struggle not to play online games. Now he and his dad go rock climbing together 9 _________(month). It has enhanced the quality of his life,10___________ (improve) his health and increasing his happiness.
Step 3 Writing
Writing task: The magazine Healthy Life is organising this year's summer camp. They invite interested teenagers to write to the editor about how they plan to change their bad habits. The campers will be chosen accordingly.
Activity 6: Pre-writing: Brainstorm
What lifestyle habit you would like to change
Why you want to change
How you plan to change
What result you hope to see
Does the letter say what the writer's problem is
Does the letter explain the decisions the writer made to solve the problem
Does the letter show the ways to change
Are the results included in the letter
Can you see the writer's attitude and determination in the letter
Is the letter clear and complete
Sample writing:
Dear editor,
I was walking past a shop window the other day when I saw my reflection. At first, I didn’t realise it was me. When I saw it was me, I felt sad as I am overweight. I didn’t realise how I looked, and I really want to change. I really like eating, but I realise I eat too much, and I don’t eat good things. I want to change because I want to be able to look at myself and feel happy with how I look. I also want to be healthy. My plan is to change my diet and exercise routine. I will stop eating sugar, and only eat at mealtimes rather than eating snacks during the day. I will focus on healthy foods. Then I will exercise every day. I will walk to school and back, and on the weekend, I will go swimming. I have only been doing my plan for a week, but I’m already starting to feel better. I haven’t lost a lot of weight yet, but to do anything makes me feel positive. I feel confident I will reach my goal!
Yours sincerely,