人教版(2019)选修一Unit 5 Working the Land Using Language教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选修一Unit 5 Working the Land Using Language教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-13 09:28:28



课例名称 Using Language -Chemical versus organic farming
实习班级 高二(12)班 实习科目 英语
上课时间 2022年 11月 30日(星期三 )第 4节
教材名称:新改版人教版高中英语选择性必修 第1册;第5单元,第2课
学情分析: Class 12 of Grade 2 is the key class of this grade. In the second year, the complete system of students' cognitive structure has been basically formed, with the rapid development of various elements, thinking is more mature, abstract logical thinking gradually formed, creative thinking has been greatly improved, students can get methodology through observation and inquiry. Influenced by the level of students, students lack of oral English literacy, but students have enthusiasm for English learning, independent learning, actively participate in class and can bravely express their views.
教材分析: This class is an expository essay on evaluating chemical and organic farming. The text can be divided into three parts: the first part is the first and second paragraphs, introducing the chemical cultivation methods; The second part is the third and fourth paragraphs, which introduce the organic farming methods. The fifth paragraph is the third part of the article, talking about their own views.
教学理念: Inherit the concept of intelligent classroom, through students 'independent learning, group cooperation and inquiry learning, and task-driven learning methods, training students' reading power, thinking power, expression power and generative power; Use seewo whiteboard to make part of the courseware to help students to achieve the key and difficult knowledge breakthrough; use seewo resources to strengthen the classroom interaction effect, so that students can get more immersive experience in class.
教学目标: Students can obtain, clarify and describe the differences and advantages and disadvantages of chemical and organic farming; Students can connect with their personal life, elaborate their views on chemical farming and organic farming in written form with decent language, and realize the internalization of language knowledge and cultural knowledge.
教学重点: Students can obtain effective information about the article and understand the difference between chemical farming and organic farming and their own advantages and disadvantages.
教学难点: Students can express their views on chemical or organic farming in appropriate language.
课型 Using Language 课时安排 40分钟
教学方法 任务型教学法 教学用具 希沃白板
教学内容与过程设计: Unit 5 Working the land Using Language--Chemical versus organic farming Step 1 Lead-in ( 10:40-10:42 ) T: Good morning , boys and girls! Today we will learn the text in unit 5 together. Now please turn to Page 55. Look at the title and read it after me: chemical versus organic farming. Ss: ...... T: Great! T: Now please look at the pictures on the slide and answer the question: what are the farmers doing Show some pictures about methods of farming. What are the farmers doing Ss: ...... T: Yes, the first one is spraying pesticides. The second one is fertilizing the soil. Step 2 Pre-reading (10:42-10:45) Activity 1: Do a brainstorm. T: You will have one minute to think about these two questions quickly, and then note your ideas down. I will invite some students to share your opinions. What kinds of fertilisers do they use Which one is better T: Time’s up. Any volunteers Ss: ...... T: Well done. They use organic fertiliser and chemical fertiliser. Organic farming is preferable to chemical farming because long-term use of chemical pesticides and artificial fertilizers can cause harm to people and the environment. Step 3 While-reading ( 10:45-11:05) Activity 2: Read the text, and then answer the following questions. T: Please look at the text book. You will have 5 minutes to read the text and answer these five questions. Then I will invite some of you to share your answer. Here we go. What is chemical farming What is organic farming Chemical farming is farming using chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers. Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. Why did many farmers welcome the introduction of chemical farming Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to fight crop disease and increase production. What concerns many people about the use of pesticides Their long-term use can sometimes harm both the land and people’s health. What is one problem with the use of chemical fertilisers Crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition. How is organic farming different from chemical farming Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. Organic farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural means. T: Time’s up. Have you finished OK, @, please. What’s your answer And where can we find the answer in the text Ss: ...... T: No problem. Sit down, please. Any volunteers want to try Ss: ...... T: Thank you, sit down, please. You are right! T: OK, now let’s move to next part. Activity 3: Read the text, match the main ideas (A-D) with the paragraphs. Then complete the sentences in the table. T:Please read the text, match the main ideas (A-D) with the paragraphs. Then complete the sentences in the table. You will have 5 minutes to finish it. Are you clear Let’s go. 3 A. What organic farming is Paragraph 1&2 5 B. Why man-made chemicals are still used in farming Paragraph 3 4 C. Organic methods for producing rich soil Paragraph 4 1-2 D. The problems with chemical farming Paragraph 5 ParagraphDetail1-2Pesticides can kill helpful bacteria and insects. Some pesticides have been prohibited because of the the demage they cause to people and environment . Crops grown with chemical fertilisers usually grow too fast to be full of nutrition .3Many organic farmers use natural waste from animals as fertiliser.4They often change the kind of crop grown in each field to produce rich soil . They also plant crops that use diverse depth of the soil to help keep it rich.5Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet the high demand for food .
T: Have you finished T: I will invite the students in this line to answer these questions one by one. The first student, please. Ss: ...... T: Excellent! Sit down, please. Step 4 Writing (11:05-11:20) Activity 4: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of organic and chemical farming in groups. T: Now we will have a group discussion. Form a group of students at the front and back desks to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of organic and chemical farming. Please write it in your paper. You will have 3 minutes for discussion. Chemical farming VS Organic farmingadvantagesdisadvantageschemical farmingFight crop disease Increase production Lower cost Crops look beautiful outside ......Harm the land Harm people’s health Harm the environment Crops are less in nutrition ......organic farmingGood food Avoiding damage to the environment or to people’s health ......Cannot meet the demand for food More efforts and higher cost Smelly gases ......
Activity 5: Decide whether you support chemical farming or organic e up with three main points to support your opinion. Complete the outline below. T: After the discussion, you have learned the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of farming. I will give you 5 minutes to decide whether you support chemical farming or organic farming. Please come up with three main points to support your opinion. Complete the outline below. Here we go. Topic sentence: In my opinion, organic farming is preferable to chemical farming because__Long-term use of chemical pesticides and artificial fertilizers can cause harm to people and the environment. Point1:__________________________________________________________ Point2:________________________________________________________ Point3:__________________________________________________________ Conclusion:________________________________________________________ T: Time’s up. Which one would like to show your outline with us OK, @, please. Ss: ... T: What a nice outline! Homework T: Here is today’s homework. Use your outline to write a short essay giving your opinion on the topic no less than 120 words. T: The class is over. See you next time!
板书设计: Unit 5 Working the land Chemical Versus Organic Farming