人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle知识点任务单学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle知识点任务单学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 64.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-13 09:30:40



选择性必修三Unit 3 Healthy lifestyle知识点练习
1.alcoholic adj. 含酒精的;饮酒引起的→alcohol n. 酒;酒精
2.abuse n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂→ abuser n. 虐待者;滥用人士
3.physics n.物理;物理学→ physical adj. 身体的;客观存在的;物理学的→ physician n.医师;(尤指)内科医生
4.dominate vt.& vi. 支配;控制;占有优势→ domination n. 控制;统治
5.repeat v.重复;重说;重做;重新推出;再次发生→ repeated adj. 重复的;重复发生的→ repeatedly adv. 重复地→ repetition n. 重复
6.psychology n.心理学;心理;心理影响→ psychological adj. 心理(学)的→psychologist n. 心理学家
7.reward n.回报;奖励;报酬 vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬→ rewarding adj. 值得做的;有益的;报酬高的
8.rely vi. 依赖;依靠;信赖→ reliable adj. 可信赖的;可依靠的→ reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地→ reliability n.可靠性
9.examine vt. (仔细)检查;审查;测验→ examination n.审查;考察;检查;测验
10.pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义→ pessimistic adj. 悲观的;悲观主义的
11.discipline n. 自制力;纪律;学科vt. 自我控制;管教;处罚→ disciplined adj. 遵守纪律的;受过训练的
12.compose vt.&vi. 组成;作曲;撰写→ composer n.作曲家
13. surgeon n.外科医生→ surgery n.外科手术;外科学
14. disturb vt.打扰;搅乱;使烦恼→ disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的
→ disturbed adj.心烦意乱的;烦恼的→ disturbance n. 干扰;骚乱
15. specialist n.专科医生;专家→ special adj.特别的;专门的→ specially adv. 特别地;专门→specialize vt. 专门研究;专门从事
16.consultant n.顾问;高级顾问医师→consult vt.& vi.请教;咨询 vt. 查阅;参考
17.stimulate vt. 激发;促进;刺激→stimulation n. 激励;兴奋(作用)
18. refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→refreshing adj. 令人振奋的→refreshment n. 焕发精神;恢复活力
19.absorb vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收→absorbed adj.专心致志的;全神贯注的→
absorption n.吸收;全神贯注
II. 重点词块
1) become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse沉溺于烟酒不能自拔
2) a shower of abuse 一顿大骂
3) child abuse虐待儿童
4) abuse one's authority/power//privileges//confidence 滥用职权//特权//辜负某人的信任
5) drug abuser 瘾君子;吸毒者;滥用药物者
1) give a medal as a reward for his service 给他一枚奖章作为对他服务的报酬
2) His effort was rewarded with remarkable success. 非凡的成功回报了他的努力
3) It is rewarding to try new things尝试新事物是有意义的
3. compose
1) Life is composed of many elements生活是由许多元素组成的
2) the composer composed a very beautiful piece of music
3) His composition helped him won a lot of prizes 他的作文帮他赢了很多奖。
4. disturb
1) disturb your neighbours with loud music 播放吵闹的音乐打扰邻居
2) disturb the papers about membership 弄乱有关会员资格的文件
3) They were all disturbed by the disturbing news;that is,the news disturbed all of them. 他们都对这个令人不安的消息深感不安;也就是说,这个消息使他们都感到不安。
1) It is harmful to skip breakfast often.经常不吃早餐是有害的。
2) The criminal skipped the scene. 那个罪犯悄悄逃离了现场。
3) skip happily along beside me在我身边开心地蹦蹦跳跳
4) skip a grade 跳级
5) skip school/class 逃学 / 逃课
6) skip through 跳读;浏览
7) give a skip 跳过
6. refresh
1) get refreshed through climbing通过攀岩,变得神清气爽
2) refresh this document 刷新文件
3) After a refreshing drink,he felt completely refreshed. 喝了一杯提神的饮料后,他感到神清气爽。
1) absorb stress effectively 有效地吸收压力
2) absorb water/light/heat 吸收水 / 光 / 热
3) absorb his attention 吸引他的注意
4) be absorbed in the study of photography专心致志地研究摄影
8.lead to physical and mental health problems导致生理和心理健康问题
9.dominate a teenager’s life支配青少年的生活
10.According to modern psychology根据现代心理学
11.the regular action you take in response to the cue你根据提示采取的常规行动
12.the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed依赖不健康零食的坏习惯也就形成了
13. to facilitate a positive change in our bad habits为了促使坏习惯朝着积极的方向发展
14.examine our bad habit cycles 审视自己的坏习惯循环
15. if we are not successful straight away如果我们不能马上成功
16. replace a negative routine with something more positive 用更积极的常规行为来代替消极的
17. become pessimistic 变得悲观
18. show some discipline展示一些自律
19. there is no “magic pill”or delete button 没有“灵丹妙药”或删除按钮
20. decide on some changes 决定一些改变
21. make up our minds and show some discipline下定决心并表现出一些纪律性
22. the surgeon finished my mother’s lung surgery 这个外科医生完成了我母亲的肺手术
23. join the People’s Liberation Army加入中国人民解放军
24. shave off their beards刮掉他们的胡子
25. avoid passive cigarette smoking 避免被动吸烟
26. the nutrition specialist made a balanced diet menu营养专家做了一个均衡的饮食菜单
27. turn to fitness consultant for advice向健身顾问寻求建议
28. feel sleepy and dizzy 感到困倦和头晕
29. get the flu easily 容易得流感
30. stimulate my motivation 激发我的动机
31. A dentist once examined me一位牙医曾经给我检查
32. crack a nut破开坚果
33. jump on my skateboard 跳上我的滑板
34. feel more dynamic 感觉更有活力
35. feel stressed out感到压力很大
36. feel even more worn out afterwards 后来感觉更累了
37.a bowling alley 保龄球馆
38. watch comedies 看喜剧
39. go rock climbing together monthly每个月一起攀岩一次
40. enhance the quality of my life 提高我的生活质量
读后续写中要进行大量的动作描写,一句话往往有两个或多个动作,除了用并列谓语外,经常使用的是现在分词作状语。doing 作状语,逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,构成主动关系,常见形式为:
①Doing...,主+调...②主+谓...,doing.… ③ While/When/After/Before doing,主+谓…
Pointing to a spot on her dress,she said,“Right here mother would carry with a tin of her famous cook is where my mommy kissed my dress."
她指着衣服上的一污点说:“这就是我妈妈亲吻我衣 我低头看着街道,希望妈妈能随身带着一听她拿手服的地方。”
I gazed down at the street, holding out hope that my e mother would carry with a tin of her famous cookies.
While/When/After/Before doing,主十谓...
After knowing I had a good command of English,he offered me a typing job,promised to teach me computer and provided accommodation.
1.Hearing the news,she fell into deep sorrow.
2.His heart sank when stepping into the room.
3.I stood there,wondering how many times I had reacted to strangers like the young mother.
III. 重点句式:
1.As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions.随着青少年的成长,他们变得更加独立,开始自己做决定。(教材P14)
2.However, during this period,it can be easy for some of them to form bad habits.
然而,在这段时期,他们中的一些人很容易养成坏习惯。(教材 P14)
3.These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
如果放任不管这些坏习惯,青少年成年后可能会面临更严重的问题。 (教材 P14)
4.There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle :“We are what we repeatedly do”.
5.The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed.(教材 P15)
6.You have the power to build a happy and healthy life full of good habits!
你有能力养成良好的习惯,过一个快乐健康的生活!(教材 P15)
7.Simply speaking, a healthy lifestyle is about finding the right balance and making good choices.(教材P16)
8.A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life in which you make wise choices.
健康的生活方式通常是一种平衡的生活,在这种生活中你会作出明智的选择。 (教材 P16)
8.Make small changes each day and your lifestyle will become healthier.
每天作一些小的改变,你的生活方式就会变得更健康。 (教材 P16)
Look at the following sentences and pay attention to the italicized infinitives. Find more infinitives in the reading passage, and tell their meanings and functions.
1. To change bad habits is never easy.
2. It took the surgeon three hours to finish my mother’s ling surgery.
3.To join the people’s Liberation Army, it is required for men to shave off their beards.
4. It was not polite to disturb your neighbors with loud music last night.
不 定 式 主 动 被 动
一 般 to write to be written
进 行 to be writing
完 成 to have written to have been written
完成进行 to have been writing
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness one can seek.
To see is to believe. 眼见为实。
To learn English well is not easy.=It's not easy to learn English well.
It is our duty to try our best to deal with these problems.
The head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother。
(1)It be+名词+to do
It's our duty to take good care of the old. 照顾老人是我们的责任。
(2) It takes sb. some time to do
How long did it take you to finish the work 你花了多长时间完成这项工作?
(3)It be-形容词+for sb.to do
Ii is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour.
(4) It be +形容词+of sb. to do
“It is kind of you to help others”, the teacher says.
(1)It's very hard for him to study two foreign languages。
(2)It be + 形容词+of sb. 的句型一般用来表示人物的性格、品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词。如good, kind,nice,clever, foolish, right 等。
It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。
(3)It seems(appears)+形容词+to do
It seems impossible to save money. 省钱似乎是不可能的。
How to learn English well is important.如何学好英语很重要,
5. 不定式作主语和动词-ing形式作主语和动词的区别:
动词-ing形式和不定式作主语, 都是说明一个内容。
但是, 而动词-ing形式则表示一种经常性的、习惯的或抽象的概念。
To look after children is her job today. 她今天的工作是看孩子。
Looking after children is her work. 她的工作是照顾孩子。
1._______________ adj. 含酒精的;饮酒引起的→_______________ n. 酒;酒精
2._______________ n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂→ _______________ n. 虐待者;滥用人士
3._______________ n.物理;物理学→_______________ adj. 身体的;客观存在的;物理学的→ _______________ n.医师;(尤指)内科医生
4._______________ vt.& vi. 支配;控制;占有优势→ _______________ n. 控制;统治
5._______________ v.重复;重说;重做;重新推出;再次发生→ _______________ adj. 重复的;重复发生的→ _______________ adv. 重复地→ _______________ n. 重复
6._______________ n.心理学;心理;心理影响→ _______________ adj. 心理(学)的→_______________ n. 心理学家
7._______________ n.回报;奖励;报酬 vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬→_______________ adj. 值得做的;有益的;报酬高的
8._______________ vi. 依赖;依靠;信赖→ _______________ adj. 可信赖的;可依靠的→ _______________ adv. 可靠地;确实地→_______________ n.可靠性
9._______________ vt. (仔细)检查;审查;测验→ _______________ n.审查;考察;检查;测验
10._______________ n.悲观;悲观主义→ _______________ adj. 悲观的;悲观主义的
11._______________n. 自制力;纪律;学科____________vt. 自我控制;管教;处罚→ __________________adj. 遵守纪律的;受过训练的
12._______________ vt.&vi. 组成;作曲;撰写→ _______________ n.作曲家
13. _______________ n.外科医生→_______________ n.外科手术;外科学
14._______________ vt.打扰;搅乱;使烦恼→ _______________ adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的→ _______________ adj.心烦意乱的;烦恼的→_______________ n. 干扰;骚乱
15. _______________ n.专科医生;专家→ _______________l adj.特别的;专门的→ _______________ adv. 特别地;专门→_______________ vt. 专门研究;专门从事
16._______________ n.顾问;高级顾问医师→_______________ vt.& vi.请教;咨询 vt. 查阅;参考
17._______________ vt. 激发;促进;刺激→_______________n. 激励;兴奋(作用)
18. _______________ vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→_______________ adj. 令人振奋的→_______________ n. 焕发精神;恢复活力
19._______________ vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收→_______________ adj.专心致志的;全神贯注的→_______________ n.吸收;全神贯注
B. 单词拼写
1. She started singing to the baby and was r___________(回报)with a smile,which made
her quite happy.
2.Are you familiar with the man a______________(使全神贯注) himself in reading the English classics
3. When she entered the dark room,fear d______________(控制)her straight away.
4. He told us some funny jokes in English to s______________(激发)our interest in studying English.
5. Being e____________(检查)on a monthly basis enabled him to keep physically fit.
6. It was that image of calm and d____________(自制力)that appealed to voters.
7. The doctors are p_____________(悲观的)about his chances of recovery.
8. He has a n_____________(消极的)attitude towards study in senior high school
and his headteacher tries to persuade him to be buried in studying.
9.Some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol a__________(滥用),which can lead to p______________(身体的) and mental health problems.
10. To f______________ (促进)a positive change in our bad habits,we must first e______________(检查) our bad habit cycles and then try to adapt them.
11.Rock climbing has e______________ (提高)the quality of my life,improving my health and increasing my happiness. I get r______________(使恢复精力) through climbing.
12. Those who have a good knowledge of ______________are called______________
who can handle problems with ease. (psychology)
13. His new ______________ that he ______________ last week attracted lots of attention,which was beyond our expectations. (compose)
14. What made me annoyed was that the ______________ noise outside completely______________my mind. (disturb)
15. The welcome party is ______________ held for the ______________who ______________ in surgery. (specialist)
16. I must ______________ the experienced ______________ about how much exercise I should attempt. (consultant)
II. 重点词块检测
1) _______________________________________________沉溺于烟酒不能自拔
2)____________________________ 一顿大骂
3) _______________________虐待儿童
4) _____________________________________________________________
5) _________________ 瘾君子;吸毒者;滥用药物者
1) give a medal___________________________________
2) His effort ______________________________________________.
3) It __________________________try new things尝试新事物是有意义的
1) Life _________________________many elements生活是由许多元素组成的
2) _________________________a very beautiful piece of music
3) His _______________________ helped him _________________________ 他的作文帮他赢了很多奖。
4 . disturb
1) ________________________________loud music 播放吵闹的音乐打扰邻居
2) _________________________ about membership 弄乱有关会员资格的文件
3) They were all _________________ by the_____________ news;that is,the news _________________all of them. 他们都对这个令人不安的消息深感不安;也就是说,这个消息使他们都感到不安。
1) It is harmful to _________________________often.经常不吃早餐是有害的。
2) The criminal _________________________ 那个罪犯悄悄逃离了现场。
3) _________________________ along beside me在我身边开心地蹦蹦跳跳
4) _________________________ 跳级
5) _________________________ 逃学 / 逃课
6) _________________________ 跳读;浏览
7) n._________________________ 跳过
6. refresh
1) _____________________________________通过攀岩,变得神清气爽
2)_________________________________ 刷新文件
3) After _______________________,he __________________________________. 喝了一杯提神的饮料后,他感到神清气爽。
1) __________________________________有效地吸收压力
2) _____________________________ 吸收水 / 光 / 热
3) _____________________________吸引他的注意
4) _________________________the study of photography专心致志地研究摄影
8._______________________________health problems导致生理和心理健康问题
10.According to ____________________________根据现代心理学
11. the regular action you take___________________你根据提示采取的常规行动
12. _______________________________________________ is formed.
13. to _______________________________________in our bad habits
__________________________________ 审视自己的坏习惯循环
if we are not successful ___________________________如果我们不能马上成功
16. _______________________________________something more positive
17._______________________ 变得悲观
19. there is no “______________”or______________ 没有“灵丹妙药”或删除按钮
20.______________________________ 决定一些改变
21. _____________________________________________________
22. the ______________ finished my mother’s lung ____________这个外科医生完成了我母亲的肺手术
23. join _________________________________加入中国人民解放军
24. _______________________________刮掉他们的胡子
25. avoid______________________________ 避免被动吸烟
26. the ________________________________________________________menu
27. ____________________________________________向健身顾问寻求建议
28.___________________________ 感到困倦和头晕
29. _______________________________容易得流感
30. __________________________ 激发我的动机
31. ____________________once ________________ me一位牙医曾经给我检查
33. ___________________________ 跳上我的滑板
34. ___________________________感觉更有活力
36. _______________________________________后来感觉更累了
37. ___________________________alley 保龄球馆
38. ___________________________ 看喜剧
39. __________________________________________每个月一起攀岩一次
40. _________________________________________ 提高我的生活质量
B.课文语法填空 A
With teenagers growing up,1._________can be easy for some to form bad habits. For example,some of them may become 2. ____________(involve) in tobacco or alcohol abuse. If 3.____________(leave) unchecked,these bad habits could lead to more serious ones. To change harmful habits,teenagers must learn to understand how habits work—the “habit cycle”. Then adapt the bad habit cycles by combining the information from our habit cycles 4.____________our own positive ideas.
  Don’t try to change bad habits quickly,for the most successful way to change is over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi 5.____________(write),“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 6.____________(reach) the goal of change,a person must show some discipline and 7.___________(repeat) take many small steps.
The good news is 8.____________ there is plenty of time for young people to change bad habits. However,there is no “magic pill” and you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some 9_________(change). You have the power to build a happy and 10.____________(health) life that is full of good habits!
 Wang Lu and George Fielding attended the summer camp 1.______________       (organise) by the magazine Healthy Life. At the end of the camp,what Wang Lu heard stimulated her 2____________ (motivate). She made up her mind 3______________(eat) nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly. Now she sleeps soundly at night and feels 4______________(dynamic) than ever.
  In the meanwhile,George Fielding has changed himself 5______________ the better. He used to get so absorbed 6______________he played the games day and night. However,after the camp,he 7______________(take) control of his life though it was 8______________ big struggle not to play online games. Now he and his dad go rock climbing together 9______________(month). It has enhanced the quality of his life,10___________ (improve) his health and increasing his happiness.
  Since the two students can successfully get rid of their bad lifestyle,believe you can as well. Then be the change you want to see in the world.
in response to;rely on;wore out; rather than;straight away;decide on;make up one's mind;be composed of;try out; in reward for
1.When you have _____________________to do a thing,finish it.
2.Have you _________________ which one to choose
3.It was some time before the door opened ________________ his ring.
4.A security label _________________ one or more security label components.
5.We _____________ energy and we no longer produce it for ourselves.
6.He received a medal__________________ his bravery.
7.This medicine can lessen the pain_______________.
8.It's a good job it happened here ________________ on the open road.
9. Take good care of your schoolbag. If you treat it so
roughly,it will be_____________soon.
10. Every possible means has been_____________but they still haven't found an effective one.
III. 重点句式:
1. The news that our team had won________________________________.(使我们大家非常高兴)
2.Work harder,__________________________.(否则你不会通过考试的)
3.________________________ (随着人口的增长), more and more forests have been turned into fields to grow crops.
4.___________________________(所有出席的人)spoke at the meeting
5.She started singing to the baby and__________________________孩子则报以微笑。(被动语态)
6.我永远忘不了我们一起生活的日子。(介词+which 定语从句)
7.老师让我们感觉更自信了。(make +宾语+宾补复合结构)
现在, 全民倡导健康生活, 请你以“Healthy Lifestyle”为题, 用英文写一篇短文, 内容应包括:
  1. 你认为的健康生活方式;
  2. 你认为该生活方式健康的两点理由(如: 远离疾病, 环保……)。
  注意: 1. 词数80个左右; 2. 题目已为你写好;
3.行文连贯, 语篇完整; 4. 文中不得透露个人真实信息。
(1)Sometimes it’s better       (remain) silent.
(2)Although        is a hard task to protect our environment,we can’t help but go ahead.
(3)        (control) the air pollution is necessary.
(4)It was foolish        him to endanger his life in that way.
(5)Don’t you think it is rude        him to ask a lady her age
(6)It is difficult        him to live on such a small salary.
(7)I don’t think  _____________________________           (你问……是不礼貌的) how long the interview will last.
(8)            (保卫…… 是我们的职责) the country against its enemies.
(9)            ( …… 花了我半个小时)to wash the clothes.
(II).Join the words to make full sentences using the infinitive.
1. important/avoid/passive cigarette smoking.
2. will take/nutrition specialist/a balanced diet menu/make /an hour/for you.
3.useful/turn to/fitness consultant/for advice
4.illegal /dangerous/take /drugs
5.harmful/skip breakfast/often
(III).Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.
1. A: Hello, doctor. I want to lose weight, but I just can 't seem to do it. What can you do to help me
B : Well, first, it's necessary to ______________ what you eat. Cut out all fatty food and sugary drinks, and eat more fruit and vegetables.
2.A: I really need to _____________a way to exercise more. I could use a fitness app, but my phone's full.
B: So delete a few files. I'm sure the app doesn't take up much space.
3 A: Before exercising, always do a few warm-ups to___________________.
B:I know. But then I always feel too tired to continue!
4. A: Should I go for the pizza or the fried chicken I hate _____________ like these. You know what —I'm going to eat both!
B: Wow!l Don't eat too much junk food-you'll get fat. I've actually __________ to go on a diet, so I'll just stick to the fruit salad.
1.alcoholic; alcohol 2.abuse; abuser 3.physics ;physical; physician 4.dominate; domination 5.repeat; repeated ; repeatedly ; repetition 6.psychology ; psychological ; psychologist 7.reward; rewarding 8.rely ; reliable ; reliably ; reliability 9.examine; examination 10.pessimism; pessimistic;11.discipline; disciplined 12.compose ; composer 13. surgeon ; surgery 14. disturb; disturbing ; disturbed ; disturbance 15. specialist; special ; specially ; specialize 16.consultant ; consult 17.stimulate; stimulation 18. refresh ; refreshing ; refreshment 19.absorb ; absorbed ; absorption
I. 1.rewarded 2. absorbing 3.dominated 4.stimulate 5.examined 6.discipline 7.pessimistic 8.negative 9. abuse; physical 10. facilitate ; examine 11. enhanced; refreshed
C. 词形变化填空
12. psychology; psychologists;psychological position; composed
14. disturbing; disturbed 15. specially;specialist; specializes 16. consult; consultant
1.1) become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse 2) a shower of abuse 3) child abuse
4) abuse one's authority/power//privileges//confidence 5) drug abuser
2. 1) as a reward for his service 2) was rewarded with remarkable success. 3) is rewarding to
3.1) is composed of 2) the composer composed 3) composition ; won a lot of prizes
4. 1) disturb your neighbours with 2) disturb the papers 3) disturbed ; disturbing ; disturbed
5. 1) skip breakfast 2) skipped the scene 3) skip happily 4) skip a grade 5) skip school/class 6) skip through 7) give a skip
6. 1) get refreshed through climbing 2) refresh this document 3) a refreshing drink; completely refreshed.
7.1) absorb stress effectively 2) absorb water/light/heat 3) absorb his attention
4) be absorbed in
8 .lead to physical and mental 9.dominate a teenager’s life 10. modern psychology 11. in response to the cue 12.the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks 13. facilitate a positive change 14. examine our bad habit cycles 15 . straight away 16. replace a negative routine with 17. become pessimistic 18. show some discipline 19. “magic pill”; delete button 20. decide on some changes 21. make up our minds and show some discipline 22. surgeon; surgery 23. the People’s Liberation Army 24. shave off their beards 25. passive cigarette smoking 26. nutrition specialist made a balanced diet 27. turn to fitness consultant for advice 28. feel sleepy and dizzy 29. get the flu easily 30. stimulate my motivation 31. A dentist ; examined 32.crack a nut 33. jump on my skateboard 34. feel more dynamic 35. feel stressed out 36. feel even more worn out afterwards 37.a bowling 38. watch comedies 39. go rock climbing together monthly 40. enhance the quality of my life
A 1. it 2. involved 3. left 4. with 5. wrote 6. To reach 7. repeatedly 8. that 9. changes 10. healthy
B 1. organized 2. motivation 3. to eat 4. more dynamic 5. for 6. that 7. took
8. a 9. monthly 10. improving
1. made up your mind 2. decided on 3. in response to 4. is composed of
5.rely on 6. in reward for 7.straight away 8.rather than 9.worn out 10. tried out
The news that our team had won made us very happy.
Work harder,or/otherwise you will fail the exam.
3. As the population grows, more and more forests have been turned into fields to grow crops.
4.All the people present spoke at the meeting.
5.She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with a smile.
6.I'll never forget the days on which we lived together.
7.Our teacher makes us feel more confident.
8.Most of the teachers invited to the party were young ones.
9. Take the chance or you will regret it.
10.Unless (it is) necessary, you’ d better not refer to the dictionary.
Healthy Lifestyle
  Keeping healthy is a hot topic discussed by many common people, and having a healthy lifestyle is very important for us. So what is your healthy lifestyle
  Generally speaking, keeping a balanced diet and taking exercise regularly are recognized as a healthy lifestyle. But I have a different view. Traveling around instead of staying at home and chatting with others on line for a long time is a healthy lifestyle. Traveling around can help us build up our body and keep energetic, which can help us keep away from diseases. Certainly we can gain much knowledge from vivid nature and society while traveling in a real world.
  I do believe that we can live a healthy lifestyle.
(I). to remain; it; To control/Controlling; of; of; for; it is impolite of you to ask; It is our duty to defend. It took me half an hour.
(II) 1. It is important avoid passive cigarette smoking.
2. It will take a nutrition specialist an hour for you to make a balanced diet menu.
3.It is useful to turn to fitness consultant for advice.
4.It is illegal and dangerous to take drugs.
5.It is harmful to often skip breakfast.
(III). be in control of; decide on; begin with; to make choices; made up my mind