人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems Words and expression词汇课件(共43张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems Words and expression词汇课件(共43张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 20.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-13 11:18:33



Words and expressions
Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry
It seems incredible[/ n kred b( )l/不可思议的,难以置信的] to me that the question of how best to ________ books on shelves could cause a lively online discussion.
2. The purpose of ________ criticism[/ kr t s z m/批评,评价] is to get to到达,开始,理解 the core of the text and discover what message the author is attempting to convey.
shelf/ elf/ n.架子,隔板;(pl. shelves)
on the shelf闲置;(计划)搁浅;停售
core/k (r)/n.精髓,核心;
3. If you need to handle[/ h nd( )l/处理,解决] a _________ situation, you should behave wisely.
4. The poet _________ quite a few poems featuring[feature以...为特色;起重要作用] the image of cherry blossoms, and describing the joys and _________of life.
delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry
cherry/ t eri/n. 樱桃 adj. 樱桃色的
blossom / bl s m/ n.花朵,花簇;vi.开花,发展
5. Blank verse is probably one of the most common and influential 有影响力的forms of English ________. It is so close to接近 the natural ________ of English speech and it has no rhyming. In Shakespeare’s ________, characters from civilians to kings all speak in blank verse, but still in distinctive voices.
delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry
blank /bl k/ n.空白,空格 adj.空白的,茫然的
verse /v s/ n.诗,韵文,诗节
civilian/s v li n/
n.[C]平民;老百姓 adj. 民间的,平民的
civilian/s v li n/
n.平民;老百姓 adj. 民间的,平民的
civil/ s v( )l/ adj.公民的,国民的,国内的;平民的,民用的;
civil war/servants
civilize/ s v la z/ v. 教化;使文明
civilization/ s v la ze n/ n.文明
Could you _______ what you just said
Students are required to _______ over 60 ancient poems or works of prose they have learnt from their Chinese course.
If you have finished reading the story, please try to ______ it in your own words.
recite repeat retell
Complete each sentence using the correct word.
prose/pr z/ n.散文
4. Her ________ rose at the approach of the summer holidays.
5. We couldn’t see any ___________ in him. He is so calm in spite of what he has experienced.
6. Rainy days always put everyone in a depressed __________.
emotion mood spirit
Section Ⅰ 
Learning about language
5 mins

core/k (r)/ n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿 adj.核心的,最重要的
to the core   极度地;十足;直至核心
at the core of  处于……中心;成为……的核心
the earth's core地核
the core of the argument争论的核心
core values核心价值观
She was shaken to the core by the news.
He's a politician to the core (= in all his attitudes and actions) .
【练透】 单句语法填空
①The apple is rotten腐烂的  to  the core.
【写美】 完成句子
②To him the family is  the core of society  .
③From my point of view, economy is  at the core of all the problems  .
the core of society 
at the core of all the problems 
core/k (r)/
to the core   极度地;十足;直至核心
at the core of  处于……中心;成为……的核心
blank /bl k/
go blank  (脑子里)突然一片空白
look blank  显出迷茫的神情
a blank sheet of paper   一张白纸
fill in the blanks填空
My mind was a blank and I couldn't remember her name.
【练透】 完成句子
①Somehow he had  a blank expression  on his face.
②All of a sudden,  my mind went blank totally  .
【写美】 翻译句子
 Write on one side of the page and leave the other side blank. 
a blank expression 
my mind went blank totally 
Write on one side of the page and leave the other side blank. 
sympathetic / s mp θet k/ adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
[OPP. unsympathetic]
(3)sympathetically / s mp θet kli/ adv.同情地;赞同地
(2)sympathy / s mp θi/ n.同情;赞同
sympathize/ s mp θa z/ vi.(with)同情,体谅;赞同,支持
(1)be sympathetic(adj.) to/towards ... 赞同某事;同情某人
feel/have sympathy for sb  同情(for)某人
in sympathy with  赞同(with);支持=sympathize with
out of sympathy   出于同情
【写美】 完成句子
③I  felt/had sympathy for/was very sympathetic to/towards him  ; he brought up his two children on his own. 我很同情他,他独自抚养两个孩子。
④  Out of sympathy for the homeless children  he gave them shelter for the night. 出于对无家可归的孩子们的同情,他让他们留宿过夜。
⑤He was faced with the similar problem too, so  he was very sympathetic about  my situation. 他也面临类似的问题,所以他很同情我的处境。
felt/had sympathy for/was very sympathetic to/towards him 
Out of sympathy for the homeless children 
he was very sympathetic
【练透】 单句语法填空
①We are in sympathy  with  your stand观点,态度,立场 on lower taxes.
②After a year we will  sympathetically  (sympathy) consider an application for申请 retirement.
correspondence/ k r sp nd ns/ n.来往信件;通信联系;相关,相似
【教材原句】 Browning fell in love with her poetry and then they entered into进入,开始,参与 personal correspondence.
(2)correspond vi.  相一致;符合;相当于;通信
【固搭】correspond with sb   与某人通信;与某人符合
(1)in correspondence with 与……有通信联系;与……一致
【佳句】Only when what you do is in correspondence with what you say can you get along well with others.【only放句首引导状语从句,句子部分倒装】
【练透】 单句语法填空
①His interest in writing came from a long correspondence  with  a close college friend.
【写美】 句型转换
②Your account描述 of events does not agree with hers.
→Your account of events does not  correspond with  hers.
→Your account of events is not  in correspondence with  hers.
correspond with 
in correspondence with 
【教材原句】 Tagore was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
(2)不定代词something、 nothing、 little等后常用动词不定式作定语。
(3)抽象名词way、 chance、 ability、 courage、 opportunity、 wish等后常用动词不定式作定语。
(4)被修饰词前有the only、 the very、 the next等词对其进行修饰时。
【品悟】If you could take my application into consideration, I would cherish the precious opportunity to be a volunteer. 【应用文申请信】如果您能考虑我的申请,我将珍惜这次成为一名志愿者的宝贵机会。
①You are the only person  to go  (go) abroad for further study出国深造 in our company.
②Will you attend the meeting  to be held  (hold) tomorrow?
【写美】 完成句子
③Thank you for giving me  the chance to make a speech  .
④It is  your ability to do the job that matters  , not where you come from or what you are.
to go 
to be held 
【练透】 单句语法填空
the chance to make a speech 
your ability to do the job that matters 
version/ v ( )n/ n. 版本,(从不同角度的)说法
【TB P53】The English version of the book contains nearly 50 poems. The focus of the poems is on the parent-child relationship.
The English version of the book contains nearly 50 poems, whose focus is on the parent-child relationship.
The English version of the book contains nearly 50 poems, the focus of which is on the parent-child relationship.
innocence/ n s( )ns/n. 单纯;无罪[guilt];天真
innocent adj. 纯真的;无罪的[guilty];无辜受害的
She was found innocent of any crime.
an innocent bystander
return to innocence反璞归真;洗净铅华
be innocent of…:
【TB P53】Many people love to read this collection of poems. The reason is that they can feel the warmth of love and enjoy the innocence of chilhood.
定从:The reason why many people love to read this collection of poems is that they can feel the warmth of love and enjoy the innocence of chilhood.
era/ r / n. 时代;年代;纪元
【TB P53】If you study the history of English literature, you will find the names of Robert and Elizabeth Barret Browning. They were one of the most romantic literary couples of the Victoran era.
定从:If you study the history of English literature, you will find the names of Robert and Elizabeth Barret Browning, who were one of the most romantic literary couples of the Victoran era.
sow/s / vt.&vi. 播种; 种
sow--sowed--sown[s n]/sowed
seed n. 种子;[usually pl.]起源;萌芽[网球的]种子选手
As a man sows, so he shall reap收获./You reap what you sow.
the seeds of doubt/rebellion怀疑的种子/反叛的起因
sew/s /--sewed--sewn/sewed v.缝; 缝制; 缝补; 缝上
【TB P53】The couple exchanged many letters. These letters obviously helped sow the seeds of love between the two.
定从:The couple exchanged many letters,which obviously helped sow the seeds of love between the two.
dominant/ d m n nt/
domination/ d m ne n/ n.统治(governance);控制(control);优势;
dominate/ d m ne t/ v.支配;控制
【TB P53】However, their subsequent随后的 marriage was carried out in secret秘密地. It was because Barrett’s father was a dominant and selfish man.
定从:However, their subsequent随后的 marriage was carried out in secret,which was because Barrett’s father was a dominant and selfish man.
sonnet / s n t/ n.十四行诗
【TB P53】Browning had a great influence on Elizabeth’ s writing. The best evidence that can be found is Sonnets from the Portuguese. The sonnets were written during the time when she was in love with Robert Browning.
定从:The best evidence that can be found is Sonnets from the Portuguese,which were written during the time when she was in love with Robert Browning.
learning about language
shelf/ elf/(pl.shelves)
core/k (r)/(to/at)
cherry/ t eri/(cherries)
cherry blossom
blank/bl k/
verse/v s/
civilian/s v li n/
prose/pr z/
sympathy/ s mp θi/
sympathetic/ s mp θet k/
version/ v ( )n/
innocent/ n s( )nt/-innocence
era/ r /
correspond/ k r sp nd/
sow/s /--sowed-sowed/sown
seed/si d/
dominant/ d m n nt/
sonnet/ s n t/
Section Ⅰ 
Learning about language
5 mins

【练透】 单句语法填空
①Each morning he would shave and polish  up  his shoes.
②He polished  off  the remains of the apple pie.
【写美】 词汇升级
③John is a skilled worker, for which the boss speaks highly of him.
→John is a  polished  worker, for which the boss speaks highly of him.
polish/ p l / vt.修改;润色;抛光 n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮
【派生】(2)polished adj.  磨光的;擦亮的;娴熟的
【固搭】(1)polish sth up 擦光;润色;比喻为磨炼技能
polish off  很快做完;(尤指)迅速吃光
complicated / k mpl ke t d/adj. 复杂的;难懂的(complex)
【教材原句】 While in the beginning such songs and stories had a very simple format,over time they became more complicated and more polished.
(1)get complicated   变得复杂
(2)complicate vt.  使复杂化,引发并发症
complication n.复杂化(的事物);并发症
She developed complications after the surgery.她手术后出现了并发症。
①I do not wish  to complicate  (complicate) the task more than is necessary.
②She didn’t fully understand the  complicated  (complicate) maths problem.
【写美】 完成句子
③  The issue gets complicated  by the fact that a vital重要的 document is missing.
to complicate 
【练透】 单句语法填空
The issue gets complicated 
variation/ ve ri e ( )n/ n.(~in/of)变化【C】(~on)变体;变奏曲
(1)vary/ ve ri/ vi.& vt.不同;变化;变更(differ)
(2)variety/v ra ti/ n.[U]多样化,变化;[C,-ies]种类,品种
(3)various/ ve ri s/ adj.  各种各样的;各种不同的(varied/ ve rid/)
vary with/by  随……变化/改变(从...到... from ...to...)
a variety of  各种各样的=varieties of=various
variations on a theme主题变奏曲
His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme (= all about the same thing) .他的满腹牢骚说来道去都是为了一件事。
Dream Variation《梦想协奏曲》
Prices have not shown much(+不可数n.) variation this year.
①This delicious  variation  (vary) on noodles is quick and easy to prepare.
②Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are  various  (vary).
【写美】 完成句子
③He made a tool on his own which  could be used in a variety of/various ways  .
【练透】 单句语法填空
could be used in a variety of/various
1.Based on what you have learnt about Fan Zhongyan and Su Shi from this book, what do you think they have in common? 根据你从这本书中对范仲淹和苏轼的了解,你认为他们有什么共同之处?
2.Influenced by his parents, the pianist developed an interest in music when he was very young. 受父母的影响,这位钢琴家在很小的时候就对音乐产生了兴趣。
①Deeply  moved  (move) by the movie, the children began to cry.
②She walked out of the house,  followed  (follow) by her little daughter.
【写美】 句型转换
③We continued our journey, though we were exhausted from a day’s walk.
→We continued our journey,  exhausted  from a day’s walk.
④Asked what had happened, he became nervous.
→  When he was asked  what had happened, he became nervous.
【练透】 单句语法填空
When he was asked 
exhaust/ ɡ z st/使精疲力尽
deadline n.最后期限,截止日期
I prefer to work to a deadline .
The deadline for applications is 30 April.
meet the deadline 赶上最后期限;按期完成
underline vt.在……下划线 guideline n.指南
headline n.大字标题 hotline n.热线
airline n.航线 coastline n.海岸线
contest 比赛,竞赛,竞争
n./k n test/
v./k n test/
a singing contest 歌咏比赛
a contest for the leadership of the party 争夺政党的领导权
Three candidates contested the leadership.
content n.内容,目录, 含量 adj.满意的
context n.上下文语境
contrast n.对比,差异
string (string-strung-strung)
n.[U] 细绳;[C]串;系列 vt. 系;串 adj. 弦乐器的;线织的
a piece/length of string 一根/一段细绳
a string of pearls 一串珍珠
Lights were strung in the trees of the big gardens.
She had strung the shells on a silver chain.
Sit wherever you like.
Use wholegrain breakfast cereals wherever possible .
adv. (用于问句,表示惊讶)究竟在哪里,究竟到哪儿
Wherever can he have gone to
barren/ b r n/adj.贫瘠的;不毛的;不结果实的
a barren desert 不毛的沙漠
grief/ɡri f/ n.(at/over)悲伤;悲痛;伤心事
grieve vi.(for/over)悲痛,哀悼 vt.使悲伤,使苦恼
The loneliness and grief comes in waves.
It was a grief to them that they had no children.
come to grief遭难,失败
good grief哎呀!天哪!(表示诧异, 吃惊, 恐惧的感叹语)
racial / re ( )l/ adj.种族的;人种的
racial prejudice/ pred d s/ n.偏见,成见
race n.人种,种族,比赛
racialism/ re l z m/(racism) n. 种族主义;种族歧视;
racialist/ re l st/ (racist) n. 种族主义者
using language
deadline/ dedla n/
contest/ k ntest/n. /k n test/v.(for)
polish/ p l /
string/str /
barren/ b r n/
grief/ɡri f/
complicated/ k mpl ke t d/:complicate(v.)--complication(n.)
variation/ ve ri e ( )n/:vary(v.)--variety(n.)--various/varied(adj.)
racial/ re ( )l/:race--racism/racialism-racist/racialist
prejudice/ pred d s/