Unit 3
Grammar - Task
1. 他将私人文件锁在安全抽屉里。
2. 记得按医生的处方服用药物。
3. 她不确定在哪里找到那本丢失的书。
4. 这位老人的膝盖疼痛,让他上下楼梯困难重重。
5. 针对12岁以下的儿童,门票免费。
6. 作为促销活动,顾客购买商品将获得免费赠品。
7. 新智能手机的电池寿命平均可持续一周。
8. 你可以借我的车过周末,但最多只到周日晚上。
9. 我期望你在明天之前完成报告。
10. 她对项目的结果感到满意。
11. 培训计划要求至少投入两个月的时间。
12. 她负责各种家务,从烹饪到清洁应有尽有。
13. 他记忆力差,经常忘记重要的日期和名字。
14. 我总是忘记什么时候该吃维生素,我需要设置提醒。
15. 产品的质量应达到标准才能发布。
16. 他后悔没有更努力地备考。
17. 如果你对此不确定,不妨试一试,看看效果如何。
18. 他将私人文件锁在安全抽屉里。
19. 记得按医生的处方服用药物。
20. 她不确定在哪里找到那本丢失的书。
1. He keeps his private papers locked in a secure drawer.
2. Remember to take the pills/medicine as prescribed by the doctor.
3. She was unsure where to find the missing book.
4. The old man's knees hurt, making it difficult for him to go up and down the stairs.
5. The tickets to the concert are free for children under 12.
6. As a promotional offer, customers will receive/get a free gift with their purchase.
7. The battery life of the new smartphone will last for one week on average.
8. You can borrow my car for the weekend, but at most, until Sunday evening.
9. I expect you to finish the report by tomorrow.
10. She was satisfied/happy with the outcome of the project.
11. The training program requires a commitment of at least two months.
12. She manages all kinds of housework, from cooking to cleaning.
13. He has a poor memory and often forgets important dates and names.
14. I always forget when to take my vitamins; I need to set a reminder.
15. The quality of the product should be up to standard before it is released.
16. He regretted not studying harder for the exam.
17. If you're unsure about it, give it a try and see how it goes.
18. He keeps his private papers locked in a secure drawer.
19. Remember to take the pills/medicine as prescribed by the doctor.
20. She was unsure where to find the missing book.