Unit 4 What can you do Part B Read and write表格式教案


名称 Unit 4 What can you do Part B Read and write表格式教案
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文件大小 122.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-14 19:11:46



Unit4 What can you do 教学设计
章节名称 Part B Read and write 学时 第五课时
课标要求 本课的设计以《英语课程标准》为指导,“以学生为主体”的任务型教学原则;在设计中力求以学生为中心,体现老师的“导”的内容。设计了学生任务、学生问的交流与合作的课堂活动;做好阅读策略的设计。
内容与学情分析 内容分析 本教材为人民教育出版社五年级上册英语。教材的编写符合语言的学习规律,从知识的复现到语言知识运用能力的提高。第一单元学习介绍个人个性特点,句型用到I am friendly and funny. 第四单元学习介绍个人能力,What can you do I can swim. 内容以Robin的电子邮件的形式介绍。Robin想要交个新朋友,介绍自己friendly,funny. 介绍自己会speak English and Chinese,do some wrongful,play ping-pong,但是他不会 swim. 你会什么?发电子邮件给他。
学习重点 学生能够听、说、认读want,send,email,at四个字;学生能听、说、读、写play basketball,play ping-pong,speak English,swim,do some wrongful动词短语。
学习难点 用我们学过的词汇,句子写英文邮件。
学情分析 提示:学生学习本节课时的心理状态、已有的知识储备和学习准备情况。以此作为解决教学重点、难点和选择教学策略、设计教学过程的依据。
学习目标 1.学生能在老师的指引下听、说、认读want,send,email,at四个字;学生能听、说、读、写play basketball,play ping-pong,speak English,swim,do some wrongful动词短语。2.在图片的帮助下学生会使用句型I can...,I can't...听、说、读、写。3.能够在图片的帮助下读懂电子邮件并完成判断正误的活动。4.通过导图梳理文本,培养学生通过细节找答案,5.通过本课的学习,学生了解关于电子邮件的知识,激发学生乐于交往,善于表达自我的美好情感。
学生课前需要做的准备工作 复习上节课的词汇,不理解的句子找出来。
学习策略 自主学习,探究学习,任务型学习法
学习环节 学习任务设计与教师活动 学生活动设计 设计意图落实目标
导入新课让学生知道要到哪里去 Step One: Pr-reading1.Say you, say meT: I’m your new English teacher today. Do you want to know something about me Let’s rap!T: Do you want to make friends with me If you want, you can say something about you like this: Ci c i, try me! I want to be your friend. I am______. I am ______and _______. I can _______. But I can’t ________. S s share their characters and abilities. 以Free-talk的形式激活话题,活跃氛围,了解彼此。搭建小语篇描述自己的性格特征、能做和不能做的事情,在课堂一开始就在语义练习中加入了语用功能,为语篇的学习搭好了支架,做好了铺垫。
环节一学习任务与学习目标相对应 Step Two: While-reading1. Listen and chooseT: She can sing and dance. He can play football and do some wrongful. And I can draw. Look! (画一画Robin) T: Who is he T: Look at Robin, Is he happy Why is Robin not happy Guess.T: Let’s listen and choose2.Let’s discussT: How can Robin make new friends 3.Read quickly and tickT: Robin wants to make friends on QQ.What will he write about Read quickly and tick.4.Read and underlineT: What’s Robin like T: What can he do What can’t he do Let’s have a guess.5.Read and tick or cross (再读文本,判断正误)T:Read again and finish the tick or cross. Underline the evidence.6.Read and answer (细读文本,理解思考)T: If you want to be Robin’s friend, what can you do T: What is Robin’s email address T: Yes. You got it! @ means at, u r means your, . means dot. Can you read T: If you want to make friends with Robin, you can send an email at robin@u r friend.c n. So Robin says: please send me an email at robin@u r friend.c n.T: It’s a long sentence, Let’s make a pause.5.Let’s read (感知Robin的语音语调)6. Read along7. Read by yourself8.Let’s retell9. Act like Robin S s: Robin, the robot.S s: He wants a new friend.S s: Maybe he can make friends on we chat, by emails,face to face,on QQ.S s: What’s he like What can he do What can’t he do How to contact with him.S s: He is friendly and funny.S s: Maybe he can ….S s: Maybe he can’t….S s: Send an email.S1: robin@u r friend.c n 充满新意的画出Robin的形象。让学生有意识地回顾搜集前面几个单元中Robin的相关信息,并对what can Robin do What can’t Robin do做出大胆的预测,从而启迪学生的智慧,活跃学生的思维,为篇章阅读埋下伏笔,做好铺垫。层层递进,对阅读文本的重难点进行巧妙地化解。有效预测、划出信息、正误判断、问题推进,理清脉络,不仅引导学生快速完成信息的搜索,而且培养了学生的阅读策略,提高了学生的阅读能力。通过跟读、合口读、自由读,不断感知Robin的语音语调,加强学生按意群朗读的技巧。范读中的声音是机器人,学生在朗读时有充足的“角色代入感”,趣味盎然。
环节二学习任务与学习目标相对应 Step 3 Post-reading1.Let’s discussT: Robin is so funny and friendly. Do you want to be Robin’s friend I want to be Robin’s friend. And this is me. Can you find what can I do and what can’t I do.T: Oh, I can’t do any wrongful.. But Robin can do some wrongful.. Maybe he can help me. Robin can’t swim, but I can swim, I can help him. So we can help each other. I can speak English and Chinese, and Robin can speak English and Chinese, too. So we can speak English and Chinese together. Good friends should share together and help each other. 2.Finish the emailT: I write an email to Robin. The email address is: robin@u r friend.c n. And the title is: I want to be your friend.T guides S s to finish the email.T: Let’s send it. 通过教师和Robin会和不会的事情对比,提炼出we can _____together. We can help each other.的情感升华,给学生提供了仿写的范例和支架。学生根据自己的实际情况与Robin分享,语言输出真实自然,学生在潜移默化中提高了语言使用的敏感度。
环节三学习任务与学习目标相对应 Step 4. HomeworkListen and imitate the text correctly.Try to retell the text with your classmates.If you want to make friends with me, please write an email to me.
达标检测 1.Let’s writeT: Now it’s your turn. Write down what can you do and what can’t you do, and make friends with Robin, OK You can share together and help each other with Robin. 2.Let’s shareT: Now Robin has so many friends. He must be very happy.