人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture同步阅读提升(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture同步阅读提升(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-15 00:05:22


Unit 3 Food and Culture
1. cuisine n. 菜肴;风味;烹饪
2. onion n. 洋葱;葱头
3. lamb n. 羊羔肉;羔羊
4. minimum n. 最小值;最少量 adj. 最低(限度)的;最小的
5. garlic n. 蒜
6. bacon n. 熏猪肉;咸肉
7. sausage n. 香肠;腊肠
8. calorie n. 卡路里;(热量单位)
9. category n. 类别;种类
10. fibre n. 纤维;纤维制品
11. cabbage n. 甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜
12. dessert n. (饭后)甜点
核心语法: 过去完成时的被动语态
语篇: 记叙文
表达:能够描述中国美食、阐释饮食和文化之间的关系 。
4. 学会用英语介绍中国菜,并用英语点餐和买单。
5. 学会在西餐厅的点菜过程,了解西餐的特点,从而引导学生对比中西方的饮食文化。
释义: 为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。
) 1. A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。 2.It is difficult to cater for all tastes.众口难调。 3.Bread is the staff of life.民以食为天。 4.Birds ready cooked do not fly into your mouth.任何事不能坐享成。 5.Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。 6. Good food but food, wine is not excessive.好菜不过食,美酒不过量。
语篇品读 The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarinonce wrote, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Put more simply, this means “You are what you eat.” Most people today relate this saying to healthy eating. However, Brillat-savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture. Certainly, in many ways this seems to be true. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, favoured with hot red peppers. This is probably not an authentic Chinese recipe, however, so it cannot tell us much about the Chinese. On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. It tells us, for example, that Americans love bold, simple favours. And since the dish was also invented recently, it tells us that Americans are not afraid to try new foods. Later, I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China. When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing. A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally, we found it. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. With this, we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste: Sichuan pepper corns. The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was the friendship offered us. We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China. My favourite dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar. I observed that family is important to the people there. It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone—from the youngest to the oldest—joining in to help. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions. Then we moved to northern Xinjiang. Some of our friends were Kazak and Inner Mongolian. These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses. As a result, their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire—usually boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab. Our travels then took us to South China, and then on to central China. In each place we went, we experienced wonderful local dishes, from Guangdong's elegant dimsum—small servings of food in bamboo steamers—to the exceptional stewed noodles in Henan. Everywhere, the food was as varied as the people. However, one thing is always true: Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness. At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. Could we also say, for example, that those who like bold flavours are bold themselves Or, that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper Maybe. Maybe not. What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other. 全文翻译 法国作家Jean Anthelme brillat - savarin曾经写道:“告诉我你吃什么,我就能告诉你你是什么样的人。”更简单地说,这意味着“你吃什么就是什么。”今天大多数人都把这句话和健康饮食联系起来。然而,Brillat-savarin实际上指的是我们的个性、性格和文化。 当然,在许多方面,这似乎是正确的。中国菜就是一个很好的例子。在来中国之前,我唯一一次接触中国烹饪的经历是在美国,那里的中餐经过了改造,以适应美国人的口味。例如,美国最受欢迎的中国菜是左宗棠鸡,这道菜是用炸鸡蘸上甜酱,再配上红辣椒。然而,这可能不是正宗的中国食谱,所以它不能告诉我们太多关于中国人的事情。另一方面,它确实告诉了我们很多关于美国人的事情。例如,它告诉我们,美国人喜欢大胆、简单的恩惠。因为这道菜也是最近才发明的,所以它告诉我们美国人并不害怕尝试新食物。 后来,我有机会来中国品尝正宗的中国菜。当我和我的家人刚到中国的时候,我们在北京找了一个好地方吃饭。一个朋友向我们推荐了一家四川菜馆,我们终于找到了。我们又累又饿,又不懂中文,不知道怎么点餐,所以厨师就开始给我们的桌子上摆满了我们吃过的最好的食物。有了这个,我们很高兴地体验了一种全新的味道:花椒。食物是美妙的和不同的,但更重要的是我们之间的友谊。 我们很快就搬到了中国北方东部的山东省。我最喜欢的菜是醋水饺。我注意到家庭对那里的人很重要。它已成为中国北方人最喜爱的传统菜肴,在那里,包饺子一直是一件家庭事务,从最小的到最大的,每个人都参与其中。后来,我才知道山东最有名的食物是葱油饼卷。 然后我们搬到了新疆北部。我们的一些朋友是哈萨克人和内蒙人。传统上,这些部落骑着马在开阔的牧场上游荡。因此,他们的传统食物是可以在明火上烹饪的——通常是煮熟或烤肉,比如羊肉串。 我们的旅行带我们去了华南,然后去了华中。在我们去的每一个地方,我们都品尝到了美妙的当地菜肴,从广东优雅的点心(用竹制蒸笼盛的小份食物)到河南独特的炖面。到处都有各种各样的食物和人。然而,有一件事是永远正确的:通过食物,各地的中国人都表现出友谊和善良。 至少,当地人消费的食物种类告诉我们他们在他们的地区种植什么,他们过着什么样的生活,他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。例如,我们是否也可以说,那些喜欢大胆口味的人自己也很大胆 或者,那些喜欢吃辣的人往往脾气暴躁 也许吧。也许不是。然而,我们可以说的是,文化和美食是相辅相成的,如果你没有经历过其中一个,你就永远无法真正了解另一个。 词块积累 1. prior adj. 先前的;优先的 2. recipe n. 烹饪法;食谱 3. chef n. 厨师;主厨 4. stuff vt. 填满;把……塞进 n. 东西;物品 5. junk n. 无用的东西 6. canteen n. 食堂;餐厅 7. cafeteria n. 自助餐厅;自助食堂 8. somewhat adv. 有点;稍微 9. madam n. 夫人;女士 10. regardless adv. 不顾;不加理会 11. quantity n. 数量;数额 12. fundamental adj. 根本的;基础的;基本的 n. 基本规律;根本法则 13. chew vi. &vt. 咀嚼;嚼碎 n. 咀嚼 14. trick n. 诀窍;计谋;把戏 15. overall adv. 总体上;大致上 adj. 全面的;综合的
语篇品读 https://uww, (高考题源报刊) China launches anti-food waste campaign amid global food crisis China has stepped up efforts to reduce food waste as an effort to reform its food systems and to meet one of the goals of UN 2030 Agenda: Zero Hunger, as a recent UN report warned that the world is on the verge of the worst food crisis in 50 years and almost 690 million people in the world were undernourished in 2019. Though China doesn't face a food crisis and has bumper harvests in consecutive years, the Chinese President still stressed that people should "maintain a sense of crisis about food security" and urged relevant departments to build a long-term mechanism to stop food wastage. In China, the Constitution stipulates that the state should practice frugality and oppose waste. China's agricultural law also regulates that citizens should cherish and save food. Other laws like the environmental law, consumer rights protection law and food security law advocate that all parties shall avoid wasting resources and polluting the environment. But legal experts say the concepts are vague and not specific enough. Zhang Guilong, an official of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, told CCTV that the committee, together with other departments, is conducting research to strengthen legislation regarding food waste. They are going to make specific and clear provisions in food production, storage, transportation, processing and consumption stages to reduce waste. Globally, some environmentalists say the waste of food is also a waste of water, land, energy and other earth resources, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of environmental pollution. The UN warned in its report that without efforts to reform global food systems, its target of zero hunger by 2030 will be missed. 在中国,宪法规定国家应当厉行节约,反对浪费。中国农业法还规定,公民应当珍惜和节约粮食。其他法律,如环境法、消费者权益保护法和食品安全法,主张各方应避免浪费资源和污染环境。但法律专家表示,这些概念很模糊,不够具体。 全国人大常委会法制工作委员会官员张桂龙告诉中央电视台,该委员会正在与其他部门一起进行研究,以加强有关食品浪费的立法。他们将在食品生产、储存、运输、加工和消费阶段做出具体明确的规定,以减少浪费。 在全球范围内,一些环保人士表示,浪费食物也是对水、土地、能源和其他地球资源的浪费,导致温室气体排放和其他形式的环境污染。 联合国在其报告中警告称,如果不努力改革全球粮食系统,到2030年实现零饥饿的目标将无法实现。 句式仿写 1.我们能看到人工智能已经在很多方面影响了我们的生活。 We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made an impact on our lives in many ways. 2.减轻压力最有效的方法之一就是跟你信任的人谈谈你的情感。 One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. 3.现在, 骑自行车、慢跑和游泳被认为是最全面的锻炼方式之一。 Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.
Passage 1
主题语境 主题群 话题 推荐指数
人与社会 美食文化 两代人一起开通的美食博客“The Woks of Life”的诞生 ★★★★
For the first 18 years of my life, my mom cooked Chinese food every day, all served family-style. But when it came time for me to teach myself how to cook, I didn’t ask my mom for help. Instead, like so many young people, I turned to the online recipes. By the time I got married, I could cook many dishes. What I didn’t really know how to cook at all, however, was Chinese food.
Part of the problem was that I only knew how to cook by following recipes. And up until maybe 5 or 10 years ago, the number of English-language recipes for Chinese dishes you could find in a cookbook or on the Internet still felt extremely limited —at least when it came to homey(家乡菜), everyday recipes written with a younger Chinese American audience in mind.
That was the experience, too, for sisters Sarah and Kaitlin Leung. Like so many other ABCs (American-born Chinese) and younger first- and second-generation Chinese immigrants(移民), the Leung sisters reached a point in their adult lives when they started to love to eat the food they’d grown up on, but found it really difficult to learn how to prepare it.
As it turns out, though, the Leung sisters were uniquely positioned to do something about it: Their father had spent years cooking at his family’s Chinese American takeout restaurant. Their mom had deep knowledge about traditional Shanghainese cooking. Meanwhile, the two sisters had grown up in New York, eating their parents, food, but also immersed(沉浸)in America’s own food culture.
So, in 2013, the Leungs started a food blog “The Woks of Life”. What made their blog different from other blogs was that the intergenerational transfer of knowledge that the Leungs were so eager for was baked right into the concept: The four family members took turns posting recipes, each sharing their own favorites. In that way, Sarah says, the blog reflected — and continues to reflect — the diversity of the Chinese diaspora(华侨).
1.What partly stopped the author learning to cook Chinese dishes
A.He was too busy to cook at home.
B.He had no access to such recipes.
C.He didn’t like Chinese dishes at all.
D.His mother left him no chance to cook.
2.Who might be the targeted readers of the Leungs’ blog
A.Young American housewives.
B.Chinese adults living abroad.
C.The Chinese immigrant's family.
D.The Chinese chefs working in restaurants.
3.What sets the Leungs’ blog apart from others’
A.Being written by several people.
B.Aiming to share people’s favorite dishes.
C.Introducing Chinese baked food in particular.
D.Involving the intergenerational transfer of knowledge.
4.What can be the best title for the text
A.The Popularity of “The Woks of Life”
B.The Comeback of Chinese Food in America
C.Take a Glance of the Daily Life of Overseas Chinese
D.Help a New Generation of Chinese Americans Learn to Cook
【答案】1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者作为年轻一代的美国华裔在做中国菜时遇到的困难,以及由两代人一起开通的美食博客“The Woks of Life”的诞生。
1.细节理解题。根据第二段“Part of the problem was that I only knew how to cook by following recipes. And up until maybe 5 or 10 years ago, the number of English-language recipes for Chinese dishes you could find in a cookbook or on the Internet still felt extremely limited(问题的一部分是我只知道如何按照食谱烹饪。也许直到5年或10年前,你在食谱或互联网上能找到的中国菜的英文食谱数量仍然非常有限)”可知,作者只会照着食谱做饭,但当时找不到英文版的中国菜谱,因此这是作者不会做中国菜的部分原因,故选B项。
2.推理判断题。根据第三段“Like so many other ABCs (American-born Chinese) and younger first- and second-generation Chinese immigrants(移民), the Leung sisters reached a point in their adult lives when they started to love to eat the food they’d grown up on, but found it really difficult to learn how to prepare it(像许多其他出生在美国的中国人和年轻的第一代和第二代中国移民一样,梁姐妹在成年后开始喜欢吃自己长大后吃的食物,但发现很难学会如何准备)”可知,很多在美国出生的华人和年轻的第一代和第二代华人移民不会做从小喜欢吃的中国菜,于是“The Woks of Life”博客就诞生了,所以中国移民家庭是美食博客“The Woks of Life”的受众,故选C项。
3.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“What made their blog different from other blogs was that the intergenerational transfer of knowledge that the Leungs were so eager for was baked right into the concept(他们的博客与其他博客的不同之处在于,Leungs一家人渴望的知识代际传递被直接融入了这个概念)”可知,the Leungs一家人写的博客融入了知识代际传递的理念:两代人轮流分享美食,故选D项。
4.主旨大意题。根据第一段“But when it came time for me to teach myself how to cook, I didn’t ask my mom for help. Instead, like so many young people, I turned to the online recipes. By the time I got married, I could cook many dishes. What I didn’t really know how to cook at all, however, was Chinese food.( 但到了我自学做饭的时候,我没有向妈妈寻求帮助。相反,像许多年轻人一样,我转向了网上食谱。我结婚的时候,我会做很多菜。然而,我真正不知道如何烹饪的是中国菜)”、第四段“As it turns out, though, the Leung sisters were uniquely positioned to do something about it: Their father had spent years cooking at his family’s Chinese American takeout restaurant. Their mom had deep knowledge about traditional Shanghainese cooking(然而,事实证明,Leungs姐妹在这方面有着独特的地位:她们的父亲多年来一直在家里的美籍华人外卖餐厅做饭。他们的妈妈对上海传统烹饪有很深的了解)”以及最后一段“So, in 2013, the Leungs started a food blog “The Woks of Life”. What made their blog different from other blogs was that the intergenerational transfer of knowledge that the Leungs were so eager for was baked right into the concept: The four family members took turns posting recipes, each sharing their own favorites(因此,在2013年,Leungs一家人创办了一个美食博客“生活的烦恼”。他们的博客与其他博客的不同之处在于,Leungs一家人渴望的知识代际传递被直接融入了这个概念:四个家庭成员轮流发布食谱,每个人都分享自己的最爱)”可知本文主要讲述了作者作为一名美国华裔在做中国菜时遇到的问题,以及由两代人一起开通的美食博客的诞生,由此判断D选项(帮助新一代美籍华人学习烹饪)为最佳选项,故选D项。
Passage 2
主题语境 主题群 话题 推荐指数
人与社会 美食文化 意大利的Franco Bergamino希望在未来能过通过食品融合中意文化。 ★★★★
Franco Bergamino is like a surprise “hidden recipe” among young people in southwest China’s
Chongqing Municipality, where the 62-year-old Italian chef runs a dessert house called Mimosa.
The dessert house serves wine jelly with green pepper cheese, jasmine mousse and peach-Oolong cake—fusion (融合) desserts that combine Italian specialties with local Chinese ingredients (原料).
Bergamino used to run two dessert houses in his hometown of Turin, both having a history of 90 years. In 2016, he settled in Chongqing and set up a dessert workshop.
“I especially like Chongqing, where the food and culture are completely different from my hometown. Life here is like ‘the other side of the coin’,” he said.
With the help of his local English-speaking friends, he overcame the language barrier and even learned some Chongqing dialects (方言). More importantly, he has got used to the Chinese table culture of “sharing food together”.
Bergamino said, back in Turin, frequent customers to his shop would buy the same desserts and they would be disappointed if they were sold out. The situation in Chongqing, however, is very different. Customers expect different desserts each month, and they would be disappointed if the dessert menu stayed the same, he said.
From 2016 to 2022, Bergamino felt a huge change in the taste of Chinese customers. “In the past, Chinese guests always said that my desserts were too sweet. Now more and more people have accepted the authentic Italian tastes. Mimosa’s consumers are mainly between 25 and 35 a group that is more willing to try overseas tastes partly due to China’s continued opening to the outside world,” he said.
“I hope I can live to 95 and still work,” he said, so that he can, besides bringing authentic Italian desserts to more customers having a sweet tooth, let more people feel the fusion of Chinese and Italian cultures in his desserts.
5.How does Bergamino like his life in Chongqing
A.It’s aimless. B.It’s hard to adapt to.
C.It’s stressful. D.It’s completely new.
6.What do we know about Mimosa
A.It has a secret recipe. B.It has a history of 90 years.
C.It’s more popular with young people. D.It’s a window of western table culture.
7.Which of the following best describes Bergamino’s business
A.Challenging but promising. B.Booming but uncreative.
C.More and more profitable. D.More and more controversial.
8.What’s Bergamino’s expectation in his future dessert career
A.To add more Italian elements. B.To promote cultural combination.
C.To set up more dessert houses. D.To expand the age group of consumers.
【答案】5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述来自意大利的Franco Bergamino在重庆开了一家甜品店,经历最初的低潮期后,他的事业有了好的转机,受到了人们,尤其是年轻人的欢迎。他希望在未来能过通过食品融合中意文化。
5.细节理解题。根据第五段““I especially like Chongqing, where the food and culture are completely different from my hometown. Life here is like ‘the other side of the coin’,” he said.(“我特别喜欢重庆,那里的饮食和文化与我的家乡完全不同。这里的生活就像‘硬币的另一面’,”他说)”可知,Bergamino认为他在重庆的生活是全新的,饮食和文化都与自己的家乡完全不同。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Mimosa’s consumers are mainly between 25 and 35 a group that is more willing to try overseas tastes partly due to China’s continued opening to the outside world(Mimosa的消费者主要在25岁到35岁之间,这一群体更愿意尝试海外口味,部分原因是中国持续对外开放)”可知,Mimosa更受年轻人欢迎。故选C。
7.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的“The situation in Chongqing, however, is very different. Customers expect different desserts each month, and they would be disappointed if the dessert menu stayed the same, he said.(然而,重庆的情况却大不相同。他说,顾客希望每个月都有不同的甜点,如果甜点菜单保持不变,他们会失望的)”可知,他的事业具有挑战性,因为顾客要求不断的创新;根据倒数第二段的“In the past, Chinese guests always said that my desserts were too sweet. Now more and more people have accepted the authentic Italian tastes. Mimosa’s consumers are mainly between 25 and 35 a group that is more willing to try overseas tastes partly due to China’s continued opening to the outside world(过去,中国客人总是说我做的甜点太甜了。现在越来越多的人接受了正宗的意大利口味。Mimosa的消费者主要在25岁到35岁之间,这一群体更愿意尝试海外口味,部分原因是中国持续对外开放)”可知,他的事业充满希望,因为越来越多接受了正宗的意大利口味,且Mimosa受到很多年轻人的欢迎。综上,故选A。
8.细节理解题。根据最后一段““I hope I can live to 95 and still work,” he said, so that he can, besides bringing authentic Italian desserts to more customers having a sweet tooth, let more people feel the fusion of Chinese and Italian cultures in his desserts.(他说:“我希望我能活到95岁,还能工作。”这样,他不仅可以把正宗的意大利甜点带给更多爱吃甜食的顾客,还可以让更多人在他的甜点中感受到中意文化的融合)”可知,Bergamino对他未来的甜点事业的期望是促进中意文化的融合。故选B。
Passage 3
主题语境 主题群 话题 推荐指数
人与社会 美食文化 合理饮食对身体有益,但事实证明,烹饪对我们的心理健康也好处多多。 ★★★★
“We are what we eat”—or so the saying goes. From high-calorie meals to low-fat lunches, much of our health depends on what we eat. We know about the benefits of eating properly for our physical well-being, but food and cooking it is proving to be good for our mental well-being as well.
Some people are now advocating the therapeutic (治疗的)value of cooking food. It’s not just about the end result but the experience someone goes through.
TV chef and author Nadiya Hussain agrees that cooking is great for helping our mind. She loves to bake and became the champion of the TV show, The Great British Bake Off. She says that “Baking’s always been about therapy... It’s never really been about the cake.” And she thinks that baking is an important tool for our socialisation and mental health.
Certainly, creating some delicious food has helped some of us get through the recent lockdown; it’s helped take our mind off things and given us something to do. People have said that kneading dough (面团) to make bread, for example, has given them a sense of calm and control. Research has shown that doing creative tasks, like cooking, makes us feel happier.
Nicole Farmer, who studies how food impacts our biology, behavior and mental health, told BBC online that “cooking represents the shared human experience of food, and nurturing people through food, so I think that’s where it integrates opportunity into immediate positive emotions”.
Of course, cooking can be a very sociable activity and sharing the end result, a rewarding experience. Hopefully, as we start to mix with friends and family again, we can enjoy the benefits once more and put us all in the right frame of mind.
9.What does the underlined word “well-being” mean in the first paragraph
A.Happiness. B.Recovery.
C.Preference. D.Influence.
10.Why does the author mention “TV chef and author Nadiya Hussain” in paragraph 3
A.To explain a regulation. B.To support a viewpoint.
C.To present a fact. D.To make a prediction.
11.How does cooking do good to people during the lockdown
A.By creating delicious food.
B.By offering a sense of quietness.
C.By impressing human experience of food.
D.By drawing one’s attention to be occupied.
12.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.We Are What We Eat
B.How Food Affects Our Behavior
C.Cooking Benefits Mental Health
D.Cooking Helps Connect Friends and Family
【答案】9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C
【详解】1.词义猜测题。根据文章第一段关键句“We know about the benefits of eating properly for our physical well-being”(我们知道正确的饮食对我们的身体健康有好处)及“mental”(精神上)可知, well-big意为“健康,快乐”。故选A项。
2.推理判断题。根据第三段关键句“TV chef and author Nadiya Hussain agrees that cooking is great for helping our mind.”(电视厨师兼作家Nadiya Hussain也认为烹饪对我们的思维很有帮助。)和 “And she thinks that baking is an important tool for our socialisation and mental health.”(她认为烘焙是我们社交和心理健康的重要工具。)可知,作者提及电视厨师兼作家的目的是支持一个观点。故选B项。
3.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段关键句“Certainly, creating some delicious food has helped some of us get through the recent lockdown;it’s helped take our mind off things and given us something to do.”(当然,创造一些美味的食物帮助我们中的一些人度过了最近的隔离;它帮助我们把注意力从事情上转移开,让我们有事情做。)可知,烹饪能帮助在隔离中的人们集中注意力去做一件事。故选D项。
4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段关键句“We know about the benefits of eating properly for our physical well-being, but food and cooking it is proving to be good for our mental well-being as well. ”(我们都知道合理饮食对身体健康的好处,但事实证明,食物和烹饪也有利于我们的心理健康。)并结合全文内容可知,本文讲述了烹饪对我们的心理健康有好处,“Cooking Benefits Mental Health”(烹饪有益于心理健康)符合本文主旨,为合适的标题。故选C项。
I. 教材语篇梳理
THE FRESHMAN CHALLENGE What is the text type of the passage Expository writing
Main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1: You are what you eat Paragraph 2: prior to coming to China,in America Paragraph3-6:after coming to China Paragraph 4-7: Culture and cuisine go hand in hand
Main idea of the text The text is mainly about the link between food and culture
II. 课文语法填空
  According to the French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin,1.      we eat can show our personality,character,and culture. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior to 2.     (come)to China,I only experienced Chinese food that 3.      (change)to suit American tastes. America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken,which tells us a lot about Americans.
When I came to Beijing,a friend recommended a Sichuan restaurant where we had the 4.      (please)of experiencing an entirely new taste:Sichuan peppercorns. What was even 5.     (important)was the friendship offered us. In Shandong,I liked boiled dumplings 6.     (serve)with vinegar best. I observed that family is important to the people there. In northern Xinjiang,I enjoyed boiled 7.      roasted meat. Everywhere we went,we experienced wonderful local dishes. Although the food was as varied 8.      the people,Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness through food. From 9.     (I)experience,I know that culture and cuisine go hand in hand,and if you do not experience one,you can never 10.______________(real)know the other.
1. what 考查主语从句。所填的词引导主语从句并在从句中作动词eat的宾语,所以填what。
2. coming 考查非谓语动词。prior to中的to是介词,故此处要用动词-ing形式。
3. had been changed 考查时态和语态。根据experienced可知,change所表示的动作发生在过去的过去,而且Chinese food和change之间为被动关系,所以用过去完成时的被动语态。
4. pleasure 考查名词。所填的词作宾语,要用名词形式。
5. more important 考查比较级。根据修饰语even可知,所填的词要用比较级形式。
6. served 考查非谓语动词。boiled dumplings和serve之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语。
7. or 考查连词。此处boiled和roasted是选择关系,所以填or。
8. as 考查固定句式。此处是as...as...句式。
9. my 考查代词。所填的词修饰名词,所以用形容词性物主代词。
10. really 考查副词。所填的词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。
Although there is much debate nowadays as to 1.      makes up a healthy diet,there is increasing 2.     (evident)that the real driver of poor health is sugar. Much of this extra sugar 3.     (come)from sweets and sweet drinks. The American Heart Association recommends that if you want to be 4.     (health),you’d better take less sugar. In addition to this,you can keep healthy by consuming different 5.     (category)of fresh foods,which are full 6.      vitamins and fibre. 7.     (have)some meat,beans,or dairy products in your diet is also important,as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth.
8.     (final),a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly. People 9.      __________chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry. Therefore,you should have a healthy attitude towards food and it is up to you 10.     ________(make) the right decisions about your diet.
1. what 考查名词性从句。所填的词引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语,表示“什么”,所以填what。
2. evidence 考查名词。根据后面的that从句可知,所填的词应该是名词形式。
3. comes 考查主谓一致。主语是much of this extra sugar,时态是一般现在时,所以填comes。
4. healthy 考查词性转换。系动词后接形容词,故填health的形容词形式healthy。
5. categories 考查名词复数。different categories of...不同类别的……
6. of 考查介词。be full of...充满……
7. Having 考查非谓语动词。所填的词作句子的主语,所以用动词-ing形式。
8. Finally 考查副词。所填的词修饰整个句子,所以用副词形式。
9. who/that 考查定语从句。所填的词在从句中作主语,先行词是人,所以用who/that。
10. to make 考查非谓语动词。It’s up to sb. to do sth. “由某人决定做某事”,是固定句式。
Passage 1
主题语境 主题群 话题 推荐指数
人与社会 美食文化 主要介绍了中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗被列入联合国教科文组织的人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 ★★★★★
The tea 1 has delighted and fascinated the world for millennia has finally received top-level 2 (globe) recognition as a shared cultural treasure of mankind.
Traditional tea processing techniques and their associated social practices in China 3 (be) added to UNESC’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Tuesday, Nov. 29th.
The status was conferred by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, hosted in Rabat, Morocco. It consists 4 knowledge, skills and practices concerning management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves, and the processing, drinking and sharing of tea.
According to UNESCO, in China traditional tea processing techniques are 5 (close) associated with geographical location and natural environment. The techniques are mainly found in the provinces and autonomous regions, 6 (include) Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi. Associated social practices, however, are spread throughout the country and 7 (share) by multiple ethnic groups.
Over 2,000 tea 8 (variety), mainly in six categories-green, black, yellow, oolong, white and dark, are grown in China.
Tea-related customs are not only found across the country, 9 influenced the rest of the world through the ancient Silk Road and trade routes.
As a document from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to UNESCO explained, tea is ubiquitous in Chinese people’s daily life. Steeped or boiled tea is served in homes, workplaces, tea houses, restaurants, temples and used as 10 important medium for communication in socializing and ceremonies.
1.that/which 2.global 3.were 4.of 5.closely 6.including 7.shared 8.varieties 9.but 10.an
3.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:11月29日,星期二,中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗被列入联合国教科文组织的人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。根据时间状语on Tuesday, Nov.29th可知,句子描述过去的情况,应用一般过去时,主语Traditional tea processing techniques and their associated social practices是复数,be动词应用were。故填were。
4.考查介词。句意:它包括有关茶园管理、茶叶采摘以及茶叶加工、饮用和共享的知识、技能和习俗。consist of为固定短语,表示“包括”,所以空处应用介词of。故填of。
7.考查语态。句意:然而,相关的社会习俗在全国各地传播,并为多个少数民族共享。分析句子结构可知,空处与are spread并列,作句子谓语,share与主语Associated social practices之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,省略be动词are,空处应用动词的过去分词形式shared。故填shared。
8.考查名词。句意:中国种植的茶品种有2000多个,主要有绿茶、红茶、黄茶、乌龙茶、白茶和黑茶六大类。空前由over 2000修饰,空处应用名词的复数形式varieties。故填varieties。
9.考查连词。句意:与茶有关的习俗不仅遍布全国,而且通过古代丝绸之路和贸易路线影响了世界其他地区。not only…but (also)…为固定短语,表示“不但……而且……”,符合题意,所以空处应用连词but。故填but。
主题语境 主题群 话题 推荐指数
人与社会 传统美食 文章主要讲述了中国的传统美食——火锅。 ★★★★
For hundreds of years, possibly much longer, hot pot has always been one of China’s most popular foods. It is so popular that people joke any problem can be solved over hot pot. With a hot pot, you can put in any ingredient (食材) that you like. The same pot can serve meals to all the people sitting around the table. No one is left out, and everyone gets to eat as much or as little as they want. 11 The fire from a hot pot can melt just about any icy disagreement and warm just about any heart.
Perhaps the most popular kind of hot pot is Sichuan hot pot, with its spicy red peppers. What makes Sichuan hot pot different from other hot pots is the use of huajiao. 12 It also has the strange effect of making the red peppers taste even hotter.
13 Beijing hot pot uses lamb and many of the same ingredients as Sichuan hot pot, but has a lighter taste. The Northeast Chinese hot pot usually contains pork and pickled cabbage, while Guangdong hot pot uses a chicken or a fish broth (汤底). 14 .
In every city and town in China, there are hot pot restaurants crowded with people eating, talking and laughing. 15 You can choose your own favorite ingredients.
Even in the West, you can easily make it. First, buy a Chinese hot pot broth mix from an Asian market. And you need a large pot. More importantly, you need to have some friends to share your food with.
A.This spice is mouth-numbing.
B.And it is easy to cook hot pot in your own house.
C.Many Chinese don’t agree on what food is the best.
D.Sichuan food is famous for its red peppers and huajiao.
E.Nearly as famous as Sichuan hot pot is Beijing hot pot.
F.It is known for its wide range of ingredients, including seafood.
G.This shows the Chinese cultural values of openness and sharing.
【答案】11.G 12.A 13.E 14.F 15.B
11.上文“No one is left out, and everyone gets to eat as much or as little as they want.(没有人会被遗漏,每个人都可以随心所欲地多吃或少吃。)”提到了吃火锅时每个人都可以选择吃多少,G项中的This是关键词,可代替前文,所以G选项“这展现了中国开放和分享的文化价值观”承接上文,符合题意。故选G项。
12.上文“What makes Sichuan hot pot different from other hot pots is the use of huajiao.(四川火锅与其他火锅的不同之处在于花椒的使用。)”提到了花椒的使用,A项中的This spice是关键词指的就是前文的花椒,所以A选项“这种香料使人嘴巴发麻。”符合题意,且与后文的“It also has the strange effect of making the red peppers taste even hotter.(它还有一种奇怪的效果,让红辣椒吃起来更辣。)”形成并列关系。故选A项。
13.下文“Beijing hot pot uses lamb and many of the same ingredients as Sichuan hot pot, but has a lighter taste.(北京火锅使用羊肉和许多与四川火锅相同的食材,但味道更淡。)”提到了北京火锅,E选项中Beijing hot pot是关键词与下文呼应,所以E选项“几乎和四川火锅一样有名的是北京火锅。”能引起下文,符合题意。故选E项。
14.上文“The Northeast Chinese hot pot usually contains pork and pickled cabbage, while Guangdong hot pot uses a chicken or a fish broth (汤底). (东北火锅通常含有猪肉和酸菜,而广东火锅则用鸡汤或鱼汤)”提到了广东火锅用鸡或鱼做汤底,该段讲食材,F项中的It是关键词指代广东火锅,符合逻辑,所以F项“它以包括海鲜在内的各种食材而闻名。”承接上文,符合题意。故选F项。
15.下文“You can choose your own favorite ingredients.(你可以选择自己喜欢的食材。)”提到了选择自己喜欢的食材,B项中in your own house是关键词,与下文your own favorite ingredients呼应,所以B选项“而且在自己家里煮火锅也很容易。”能引起下文,符合逻辑。故选B项。
Passage 3
主题语境 主题群 话题 推荐指数
人与社会 美食文化 Sean Sherman致力于重新确定本土菜肴的地位,并且鼓励更多的人成为本土厨师,以对抗现如今世界各地菜肴的严重同化。 ★★★★
Known on social media as The Sioux Chef, Sean Sherman grew up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He is reconnecting the locals of North America with native flavors and ingredients, and working to inspire a generation of indigenous (本土的) chefs to reclaim their cooking past.
Pine Ridge in South Dakota contains some of the poorest communities in the country, and it’s out of that environment that Sherman got his first job in the restaurant industry as a dishwasher at a local steakhouse. As he developed a love of cooking, which saw him move to Minneapolis to study Japanese and French cuisines, Sherman realized he didn’t know indigenous recipes.
“What were my Lakota ancestors eating and storing away How were they getting oils, salts and fats and things like that ” Sherman remembered asking himself in an interview on PBS NewsHour. “So it took me quite a few years of just researching, but it really became a passion. ”
These years of researching, talking to elders, and consulting written material helped him produce The Sioux Chefs Indigenous Kitchen, which in 2018 won Sherman the James Beard Award for Best American Cookbook.
After publishing the book, Sherman opened his restaurant, Owamni, in Minneapolis and created the North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems(NATIFS). It is a professional indigenous kitchen and training center that seeks to create an educational space for native chefs to be trained and develop their skills, and reconnect with their cooking heritage.
“Part of our challenge to ourselves was to cut out ingredients that are not native so we stopped using dairy, wheat flour and cane sugar, ” he said. He cooks with local ingredients. His choices of meats are the same as those hunted by his ancestors — deer, fish, and birds.
“For indigenous people who went through very strong assimilation (同化现象), we lost a lot of our food culture,” Sherman said. “But we’re at a point now where we can reclaim it and develop it for the next generation. To be able to share culture through food will be really healing.”
16.What did Sherman realize when he was in Minneapolis
A.He didn’t have enough cooking passion.
B.He should spend a few years researching cooking.
C.He should write a book about the indigenous recipes.
D.He didn’t know his Lakota ancestors’ cooking ways and ingredients.
17.Sherman set up the NATIFS center to ________.
A.make money and open his own restaurant
B.build an educational space for local children
C.train and help local chefs to cook local food
D.teach native chefs the most superb cooking skills
18.What is a problem for his native cooking culture according to Sherman
A.Very strong assimilation.
B.Its high speed of evolution.
C.Too much meat in the diet.
D.Indigenous recipes that can’t be shared.
19.Which is the best title for the passage
A.Local recipes: chefs trained
B.Local recipes: fame achieved
C.Local recipes: restaurants refreshed
D.Local recipes: food culture preserved
【答案】16.D 17.C 18.A 19.D
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。被媒体称作The Sioux Chef的Sean Sherman在松树岭印第安人保留地长大。他致力于重新确定本土菜肴的地位,并且鼓励更多的人成为本土厨师,以对抗现如今世界各地菜肴的严重同化。
16.细节理解题。根据第二段“As he developed a love of cooking, which saw him move to Minneapolis to study Japanese and French cuisines, Sherman realized he didn’t know indigenous recipes.(随着他对烹饪的热爱,他搬到明尼阿波利斯学习日本和法国菜,谢尔曼意识到他不了解本土食谱)”和第三段“What were my Lakota ancestors eating and storing away (我的拉科塔祖先吃了什么,储存了什么?”可知,Sherman在明尼阿波利斯的时候意识到了他不知道他的拉科塔祖先的烹饪方法和配料。故选D。
17.细节理解题。根据第五段“After publishing the book, Sherman opened his restaurant, Owamni, in Minneapolis and created the North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems(NATIFS). It is a professional indigenous kitchen and training center that seeks to create an educational space for native chefs to be trained and develop their skills, and reconnect with their cooking heritage. (在出版了这本书之后,谢尔曼在明尼阿波利斯开了自己的餐馆Owamni,并创建了北美传统土著食品系统(NATIFS)。这是一个专业的土著厨房和培训中心,旨在为土著厨师提供培训和发展技能的教育空间,并与他们的烹饪传统重新建立联系)”可知,Sherman创办北美传统土著食品系统的目的就是为了培训当地厨师,发展他们自己的技能并重拾他们的烹饪传统。故选C。
18.细节理解题。根据最后一段““For indigenous people who went through very strong assimilation (同化现象), we lost a lot of our food culture,” Sherman said.(“对于那些经历了强烈同化的土著人来说,我们失去了很多饮食文化,” Sherman说)”可知,Sherman认为本土烹饪文化的最大问题就是被同化得太严重,失去了很多祖先的饮食文化。故选A。
19.主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“He is reconnecting the locals of North America with native flavors and ingredients, and working to inspire a generation of indigenous (本土的) chefs to reclaim their cooking past.(他正在将北美当地人与本土风味和食材重新联系起来,并致力于激励一代本土厨师重拾他们的烹饪传统)”以及接下来几段的介绍可知,全文是围绕Sean Sherman对保护本土餐饮文化所做的努力展开的。由此可知,“Local recipes: food culture preserved(地方食谱:保护的饮食文化)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D。Unit 3 Food and Culture
1. cuisine n. 菜肴;风味;烹饪
2. onion n. 洋葱;葱头
3. lamb n. 羊羔肉;羔羊
4. minimum n. 最小值;最少量 adj. 最低(限度)的;最小的
5. garlic n. 蒜
6. bacon n. 熏猪肉;咸肉
7. sausage n. 香肠;腊肠
8. calorie n. 卡路里;(热量单位)
9. category n. 类别;种类
10. fibre n. 纤维;纤维制品
11. cabbage n. 甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜
12. dessert n. (饭后)甜点
核心语法: 过去完成时的被动语态
语篇: 记叙文
表达:能够描述中国美食、阐释饮食和文化之间的关系 。
4. 学会用英语介绍中国菜,并用英语点餐和买单。
5. 学会在西餐厅的点菜过程,了解西餐的特点,从而引导学生对比中西方的饮食文化。
释义: 为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。
) 1. A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。 2.It is difficult to cater for all tastes.众口难调。 3.Bread is the staff of life.民以食为天。 4.Birds ready cooked do not fly into your mouth.任何事不能坐享成。 5.Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。 6. Good food but food, wine is not excessive.好菜不过食,美酒不过量。
语篇品读 The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarinonce wrote, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Put more simply, this means “You are what you eat.” Most people today relate this saying to healthy eating. However, Brillat-savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture. Certainly, in many ways this seems to be true. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, favoured with hot red peppers. This is probably not an authentic Chinese recipe, however, so it cannot tell us much about the Chinese. On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. It tells us, for example, that Americans love bold, simple favours. And since the dish was also invented recently, it tells us that Americans are not afraid to try new foods. Later, I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China. When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing. A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally, we found it. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. With this, we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste: Sichuan pepper corns. The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was the friendship offered us. We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China. My favourite dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar. I observed that family is important to the people there. It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone—from the youngest to the oldest—joining in to help. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions. Then we moved to northern Xinjiang. Some of our friends were Kazak and Inner Mongolian. These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses. As a result, their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire—usually boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab. Our travels then took us to South China, and then on to central China. In each place we went, we experienced wonderful local dishes, from Guangdong's elegant dimsum—small servings of food in bamboo steamers—to the exceptional stewed noodles in Henan. Everywhere, the food was as varied as the people. However, one thing is always true: Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness. At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. Could we also say, for example, that those who like bold flavours are bold themselves Or, that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper Maybe. Maybe not. What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other. 全文翻译 法国作家Jean Anthelme brillat - savarin曾经写道:“告诉我你吃什么,我就能告诉你你是什么样的人。”更简单地说,这意味着“你吃什么就是什么。”今天大多数人都把这句话和健康饮食联系起来。然而,Brillat-savarin实际上指的是我们的个性、性格和文化。 当然,在许多方面,这似乎是正确的。中国菜就是一个很好的例子。在来中国之前,我唯一一次接触中国烹饪的经历是在美国,那里的中餐经过了改造,以适应美国人的口味。例如,美国最受欢迎的中国菜是左宗棠鸡,这道菜是用炸鸡蘸上甜酱,再配上红辣椒。然而,这可能不是正宗的中国食谱,所以它不能告诉我们太多关于中国人的事情。另一方面,它确实告诉了我们很多关于美国人的事情。例如,它告诉我们,美国人喜欢大胆、简单的恩惠。因为这道菜也是最近才发明的,所以它告诉我们美国人并不害怕尝试新食物。 后来,我有机会来中国品尝正宗的中国菜。当我和我的家人刚到中国的时候,我们在北京找了一个好地方吃饭。一个朋友向我们推荐了一家四川菜馆,我们终于找到了。我们又累又饿,又不懂中文,不知道怎么点餐,所以厨师就开始给我们的桌子上摆满了我们吃过的最好的食物。有了这个,我们很高兴地体验了一种全新的味道:花椒。食物是美妙的和不同的,但更重要的是我们之间的友谊。 我们很快就搬到了中国北方东部的山东省。我最喜欢的菜是醋水饺。我注意到家庭对那里的人很重要。它已成为中国北方人最喜爱的传统菜肴,在那里,包饺子一直是一件家庭事务,从最小的到最大的,每个人都参与其中。后来,我才知道山东最有名的食物是葱油饼卷。 然后我们搬到了新疆北部。我们的一些朋友是哈萨克人和内蒙人。传统上,这些部落骑着马在开阔的牧场上游荡。因此,他们的传统食物是可以在明火上烹饪的——通常是煮熟或烤肉,比如羊肉串。 我们的旅行带我们去了华南,然后去了华中。在我们去的每一个地方,我们都品尝到了美妙的当地菜肴,从广东优雅的点心(用竹制蒸笼盛的小份食物)到河南独特的炖面。到处都有各种各样的食物和人。然而,有一件事是永远正确的:通过食物,各地的中国人都表现出友谊和善良。 至少,当地人消费的食物种类告诉我们他们在他们的地区种植什么,他们过着什么样的生活,他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。例如,我们是否也可以说,那些喜欢大胆口味的人自己也很大胆 或者,那些喜欢吃辣的人往往脾气暴躁 也许吧。也许不是。然而,我们可以说的是,文化和美食是相辅相成的,如果你没有经历过其中一个,你就永远无法真正了解另一个。 词块积累 1. prior adj. 先前的;优先的 2. recipe n. 烹饪法;食谱 3. chef n. 厨师;主厨 4. stuff vt. 填满;把……塞进 n. 东西;物品 5. junk n. 无用的东西 6. canteen n. 食堂;餐厅 7. cafeteria n. 自助餐厅;自助食堂 8. somewhat adv. 有点;稍微 9. madam n. 夫人;女士 10. regardless adv. 不顾;不加理会 11. quantity n. 数量;数额 12. fundamental adj. 根本的;基础的;基本的 n. 基本规律;根本法则 13. chew vi. &vt. 咀嚼;嚼碎 n. 咀嚼 14. trick n. 诀窍;计谋;把戏 15. overall adv. 总体上;大致上 adj. 全面的;综合的
语篇品读 https://uww, (高考题源报刊) China launches anti-food waste campaign amid global food crisis China has stepped up efforts to reduce food waste as an effort to reform its food systems and to meet one of the goals of UN 2030 Agenda: Zero Hunger, as a recent UN report warned that the world is on the verge of the worst food crisis in 50 years and almost 690 million people in the world were undernourished in 2019. Though China doesn't face a food crisis and has bumper harvests in consecutive years, the Chinese President still stressed that people should "maintain a sense of crisis about food security" and urged relevant departments to build a long-term mechanism to stop food wastage. In China, the Constitution stipulates that the state should practice frugality and oppose waste. China's agricultural law also regulates that citizens should cherish and save food. Other laws like the environmental law, consumer rights protection law and food security law advocate that all parties shall avoid wasting resources and polluting the environment. But legal experts say the concepts are vague and not specific enough. Zhang Guilong, an official of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, told CCTV that the committee, together with other departments, is conducting research to strengthen legislation regarding food waste. They are going to make specific and clear provisions in food production, storage, transportation, processing and consumption stages to reduce waste. Globally, some environmentalists say the waste of food is also a waste of water, land, energy and other earth resources, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of environmental pollution. The UN warned in its report that without efforts to reform global food systems, its target of zero hunger by 2030 will be missed. 在中国,宪法规定国家应当厉行节约,反对浪费。中国农业法还规定,公民应当珍惜和节约粮食。其他法律,如环境法、消费者权益保护法和食品安全法,主张各方应避免浪费资源和污染环境。但法律专家表示,这些概念很模糊,不够具体。 全国人大常委会法制工作委员会官员张桂龙告诉中央电视台,该委员会正在与其他部门一起进行研究,以加强有关食品浪费的立法。他们将在食品生产、储存、运输、加工和消费阶段做出具体明确的规定,以减少浪费。 在全球范围内,一些环保人士表示,浪费食物也是对水、土地、能源和其他地球资源的浪费,导致温室气体排放和其他形式的环境污染。 联合国在其报告中警告称,如果不努力改革全球粮食系统,到2030年实现零饥饿的目标将无法实现。 句式仿写 1.我们能看到人工智能已经在很多方面影响了我们的生活。 2.减轻压力最有效的方法之一就是跟你信任的人谈谈你的情感。 3.现在, 骑自行车、慢跑和游泳被认为是最全面的锻炼方式之一。
Passage 1
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人与社会 美食文化 两代人一起开通的美食博客“The Woks of Life”的诞生 ★★★★
For the first 18 years of my life, my mom cooked Chinese food every day, all served family-style. But when it came time for me to teach myself how to cook, I didn’t ask my mom for help. Instead, like so many young people, I turned to the online recipes. By the time I got married, I could cook many dishes. What I didn’t really know how to cook at all, however, was Chinese food.
Part of the problem was that I only knew how to cook by following recipes. And up until maybe 5 or 10 years ago, the number of English-language recipes for Chinese dishes you could find in a cookbook or on the Internet still felt extremely limited —at least when it came to homey(家乡菜), everyday recipes written with a younger Chinese American audience in mind.
That was the experience, too, for sisters Sarah and Kaitlin Leung. Like so many other ABCs (American-born Chinese) and younger first- and second-generation Chinese immigrants(移民), the Leung sisters reached a point in their adult lives when they started to love to eat the food they’d grown up on, but found it really difficult to learn how to prepare it.
As it turns out, though, the Leung sisters were uniquely positioned to do something about it: Their father had spent years cooking at his family’s Chinese American takeout restaurant. Their mom had deep knowledge about traditional Shanghainese cooking. Meanwhile, the two sisters had grown up in New York, eating their parents, food, but also immersed(沉浸)in America’s own food culture.
So, in 2013, the Leungs started a food blog “The Woks of Life”. What made their blog different from other blogs was that the intergenerational transfer of knowledge that the Leungs were so eager for was baked right into the concept: The four family members took turns posting recipes, each sharing their own favorites. In that way, Sarah says, the blog reflected — and continues to reflect — the diversity of the Chinese diaspora(华侨).
1.What partly stopped the author learning to cook Chinese dishes
A.He was too busy to cook at home.
B.He had no access to such recipes.
C.He didn’t like Chinese dishes at all.
D.His mother left him no chance to cook.
2.Who might be the targeted readers of the Leungs’ blog
A.Young American housewives.
B.Chinese adults living abroad.
C.The Chinese immigrant's family.
D.The Chinese chefs working in restaurants.
3.What sets the Leungs’ blog apart from others’
A.Being written by several people.
B.Aiming to share people’s favorite dishes.
C.Introducing Chinese baked food in particular.
D.Involving the intergenerational transfer of knowledge.
4.What can be the best title for the text
A.The Popularity of “The Woks of Life”
B.The Comeback of Chinese Food in America
C.Take a Glance of the Daily Life of Overseas Chinese
D.Help a New Generation of Chinese Americans Learn to Cook
Passage 2
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人与社会 美食文化 意大利的Franco Bergamino希望在未来能过通过食品融合中意文化。 ★★★★
Franco Bergamino is like a surprise “hidden recipe” among young people in southwest China’s
Chongqing Municipality, where the 62-year-old Italian chef runs a dessert house called Mimosa.
The dessert house serves wine jelly with green pepper cheese, jasmine mousse and peach-Oolong cake—fusion (融合) desserts that combine Italian specialties with local Chinese ingredients (原料).
Bergamino used to run two dessert houses in his hometown of Turin, both having a history of 90 years. In 2016, he settled in Chongqing and set up a dessert workshop.
“I especially like Chongqing, where the food and culture are completely different from my hometown. Life here is like ‘the other side of the coin’,” he said.
With the help of his local English-speaking friends, he overcame the language barrier and even learned some Chongqing dialects (方言). More importantly, he has got used to the Chinese table culture of “sharing food together”.
Bergamino said, back in Turin, frequent customers to his shop would buy the same desserts and they would be disappointed if they were sold out. The situation in Chongqing, however, is very different. Customers expect different desserts each month, and they would be disappointed if the dessert menu stayed the same, he said.
From 2016 to 2022, Bergamino felt a huge change in the taste of Chinese customers. “In the past, Chinese guests always said that my desserts were too sweet. Now more and more people have accepted the authentic Italian tastes. Mimosa’s consumers are mainly between 25 and 35 a group that is more willing to try overseas tastes partly due to China’s continued opening to the outside world,” he said.
“I hope I can live to 95 and still work,” he said, so that he can, besides bringing authentic Italian desserts to more customers having a sweet tooth, let more people feel the fusion of Chinese and Italian cultures in his desserts.
5.How does Bergamino like his life in Chongqing
A.It’s aimless. B.It’s hard to adapt to.
C.It’s stressful. D.It’s completely new.
6.What do we know about Mimosa
A.It has a secret recipe. B.It has a history of 90 years.
C.It’s more popular with young people. D.It’s a window of western table culture.
7.Which of the following best describes Bergamino’s business
A.Challenging but promising. B.Booming but uncreative.
C.More and more profitable. D.More and more controversial.
8.What’s Bergamino’s expectation in his future dessert career
A.To add more Italian elements. B.To promote cultural combination.
C.To set up more dessert houses. D.To expand the age group of consumers.
Passage 3
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人与社会 美食文化 合理饮食对身体有益,但事实证明,烹饪对我们的心理健康也好处多多。 ★★★★
“We are what we eat”—or so the saying goes. From high-calorie meals to low-fat lunches, much of our health depends on what we eat. We know about the benefits of eating properly for our physical well-being, but food and cooking it is proving to be good for our mental well-being as well.
Some people are now advocating the therapeutic (治疗的)value of cooking food. It’s not just about the end result but the experience someone goes through.
TV chef and author Nadiya Hussain agrees that cooking is great for helping our mind. She loves to bake and became the champion of the TV show, The Great British Bake Off. She says that “Baking’s always been about therapy... It’s never really been about the cake.” And she thinks that baking is an important tool for our socialisation and mental health.
Certainly, creating some delicious food has helped some of us get through the recent lockdown; it’s helped take our mind off things and given us something to do. People have said that kneading dough (面团) to make bread, for example, has given them a sense of calm and control. Research has shown that doing creative tasks, like cooking, makes us feel happier.
Nicole Farmer, who studies how food impacts our biology, behavior and mental health, told BBC online that “cooking represents the shared human experience of food, and nurturing people through food, so I think that’s where it integrates opportunity into immediate positive emotions”.
Of course, cooking can be a very sociable activity and sharing the end result, a rewarding experience. Hopefully, as we start to mix with friends and family again, we can enjoy the benefits once more and put us all in the right frame of mind.
9.What does the underlined word “well-being” mean in the first paragraph
A.Happiness. B.Recovery.
C.Preference. D.Influence.
10.Why does the author mention “TV chef and author Nadiya Hussain” in paragraph 3
A.To explain a regulation. B.To support a viewpoint.
C.To present a fact. D.To make a prediction.
11.How does cooking do good to people during the lockdown
A.By creating delicious food.
B.By offering a sense of quietness.
C.By impressing human experience of food.
D.By drawing one’s attention to be occupied.
12.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.We Are What We Eat
B.How Food Affects Our Behavior
C.Cooking Benefits Mental Health
D.Cooking Helps Connect Friends and Family
I. 教材语篇梳理
THE FRESHMAN CHALLENGE What is the text type of the passage
Main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph3-6: Paragraph 4-7:
Main idea of the text The text is mainly about
II. 课文语法填空
  According to the French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin,1.      we eat can show our personality,character,and culture. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior to 2.     (come)to China,I only experienced Chinese food that 3.      (change)to suit American tastes. America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken,which tells us a lot about Americans.
When I came to Beijing,a friend recommended a Sichuan restaurant where we had the 4.      (please)of experiencing an entirely new taste:Sichuan peppercorns. What was even 5.     (important)was the friendship offered us. In Shandong,I liked boiled dumplings 6.     (serve)with vinegar best. I observed that family is important to the people there. In northern Xinjiang,I enjoyed boiled 7.      roasted meat. Everywhere we went,we experienced wonderful local dishes. Although the food was as varied 8.      the people,Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness through food. From 9.     (I)experience,I know that culture and cuisine go hand in hand,and if you do not experience one,you can never 10.______________(real)know the other.
Although there is much debate nowadays as to 1.      makes up a healthy diet,there is increasing 2.     (evident)that the real driver of poor health is sugar. Much of this extra sugar 3.     (come)from sweets and sweet drinks. The American Heart Association recommends that if you want to be 4.     (health),you’d better take less sugar. In addition to this,you can keep healthy by consuming different 5.     (category)of fresh foods,which are full 6.      vitamins and fibre. 7.     (have)some meat,beans,or dairy products in your diet is also important,as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth.
8.     (final),a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly. People 9.      __________chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry. Therefore,you should have a healthy attitude towards food and it is up to you 10.     ________(make) the right decisions about your diet.
Passage 1
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人与社会 美食文化 主要介绍了中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗被列入联合国教科文组织的人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 ★★★★★
The tea 1 has delighted and fascinated the world for millennia has finally received top-level 2 (globe) recognition as a shared cultural treasure of mankind.
Traditional tea processing techniques and their associated social practices in China 3 (be) added to UNESC’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Tuesday, Nov. 29th.
The status was conferred by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, hosted in Rabat, Morocco. It consists 4 knowledge, skills and practices concerning management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves, and the processing, drinking and sharing of tea.
According to UNESCO, in China traditional tea processing techniques are 5 (close) associated with geographical location and natural environment. The techniques are mainly found in the provinces and autonomous regions, 6 (include) Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi. Associated social practices, however, are spread throughout the country and 7 (share) by multiple ethnic groups.
Over 2,000 tea 8 (variety), mainly in six categories-green, black, yellow, oolong, white and dark, are grown in China.
Tea-related customs are not only found across the country, 9 influenced the rest of the world through the ancient Silk Road and trade routes.
As a document from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to UNESCO explained, tea is ubiquitous in Chinese people’s daily life. Steeped or boiled tea is served in homes, workplaces, tea houses, restaurants, temples and used as 10 important medium for communication in socializing and ceremonies.
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人与社会 传统美食 文章主要讲述了中国的传统美食——火锅。 ★★★★
For hundreds of years, possibly much longer, hot pot has always been one of China’s most popular foods. It is so popular that people joke any problem can be solved over hot pot. With a hot pot, you can put in any ingredient (食材) that you like. The same pot can serve meals to all the people sitting around the table. No one is left out, and everyone gets to eat as much or as little as they want. 11 The fire from a hot pot can melt just about any icy disagreement and warm just about any heart.
Perhaps the most popular kind of hot pot is Sichuan hot pot, with its spicy red peppers. What makes Sichuan hot pot different from other hot pots is the use of huajiao. 12 It also has the strange effect of making the red peppers taste even hotter.
13 Beijing hot pot uses lamb and many of the same ingredients as Sichuan hot pot, but has a lighter taste. The Northeast Chinese hot pot usually contains pork and pickled cabbage, while Guangdong hot pot uses a chicken or a fish broth (汤底). 14 .
In every city and town in China, there are hot pot restaurants crowded with people eating, talking and laughing. 15 You can choose your own favorite ingredients.
Even in the West, you can easily make it. First, buy a Chinese hot pot broth mix from an Asian market. And you need a large pot. More importantly, you need to have some friends to share your food with.
A.This spice is mouth-numbing.
B.And it is easy to cook hot pot in your own house.
C.Many Chinese don’t agree on what food is the best.
D.Sichuan food is famous for its red peppers and huajiao.
E.Nearly as famous as Sichuan hot pot is Beijing hot pot.
F.It is known for its wide range of ingredients, including seafood.
G.This shows the Chinese cultural values of openness and sharing.
Passage 3
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人与社会 美食文化 Sean Sherman致力于重新确定本土菜肴的地位,并且鼓励更多的人成为本土厨师,以对抗现如今世界各地菜肴的严重同化。 ★★★★
Known on social media as The Sioux Chef, Sean Sherman grew up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He is reconnecting the locals of North America with native flavors and ingredients, and working to inspire a generation of indigenous (本土的) chefs to reclaim their cooking past.
Pine Ridge in South Dakota contains some of the poorest communities in the country, and it’s out of that environment that Sherman got his first job in the restaurant industry as a dishwasher at a local steakhouse. As he developed a love of cooking, which saw him move to Minneapolis to study Japanese and French cuisines, Sherman realized he didn’t know indigenous recipes.
“What were my Lakota ancestors eating and storing away How were they getting oils, salts and fats and things like that ” Sherman remembered asking himself in an interview on PBS NewsHour. “So it took me quite a few years of just researching, but it really became a passion. ”
These years of researching, talking to elders, and consulting written material helped him produce The Sioux Chefs Indigenous Kitchen, which in 2018 won Sherman the James Beard Award for Best American Cookbook.
After publishing the book, Sherman opened his restaurant, Owamni, in Minneapolis and created the North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems(NATIFS). It is a professional indigenous kitchen and training center that seeks to create an educational space for native chefs to be trained and develop their skills, and reconnect with their cooking heritage.
“Part of our challenge to ourselves was to cut out ingredients that are not native so we stopped using dairy, wheat flour and cane sugar, ” he said. He cooks with local ingredients. His choices of meats are the same as those hunted by his ancestors — deer, fish, and birds.
“For indigenous people who went through very strong assimilation (同化现象), we lost a lot of our food culture,” Sherman said. “But we’re at a point now where we can reclaim it and develop it for the next generation. To be able to share culture through food will be really healing.”
16.What did Sherman realize when he was in Minneapolis
A.He didn’t have enough cooking passion.
B.He should spend a few years researching cooking.
C.He should write a book about the indigenous recipes.
D.He didn’t know his Lakota ancestors’ cooking ways and ingredients.
17.Sherman set up the NATIFS center to ________.
A.make money and open his own restaurant
B.build an educational space for local children
C.train and help local chefs to cook local food
D.teach native chefs the most superb cooking skills
18.What is a problem for his native cooking culture according to Sherman
A.Very strong assimilation.
B.Its high speed of evolution.
C.Too much meat in the diet.
D.Indigenous recipes that can’t be shared.
19.Which is the best title for the passage
A.Local recipes: chefs trained
B.Local recipes: fame achieved
C.Local recipes: restaurants refreshed
D.Local recipes: food culture preserved