人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks同步拓展阅读提升学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks同步拓展阅读提升学案(含答案)
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文件大小 178.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-15 00:27:29



Unit 3 Fascinating Parks
一、单元整体分析-选择性必修一第三单元围绕“引人入胜的公园”这一主题展开,通过介绍国家公园、主题公园和城市公园三个类型的公园探究各自存在的意义和价值,引导学生欣赏这些公园的独特之处,在拓展学生视野的同时,启发学生从人与自然、人与社会的角度,思考公园这一主题所蕴含的人文内涵和意义。 二、教学目标 合理的教学目标是课堂各种活动设计的指路明灯,在教学设计中发挥着不可忽视的指导性作用。基于对教学内容、课型和教学对象基本情况的分析,笔者围绕英语核心素养的四个方面,设定了本节课的教学目标: 文化意识目标: 了解并欣赏著名的国家公园。 2. 能够从人与自然的角度了解国家公园的主题意义。 思维品质目标: 1. 能够探寻和理解事物表象之下蕴含的深层含义。 2. 能够探究建立国家公园的意义,以及国家公园对自然保护、人与自然和谐发展的意义。 学习能力目标: 1. 在文本的阅读中,学生能够熟练掌握不同的阅读方法,通过预测、略读、问题链、关键词等要素对文章进行深度解读。 2. 能够通过理解和记忆词块提高语言学习的效率和语言运用能力。 语言能力目标: 阅读游记,能够理解并欣赏游记中的叙述方式和语篇写作特点。 基于此文本语境,能够借助文本语言和内容谈论建立国家公园的意义。 本节课的文本分析- 1.[What] 本文本探讨的话题是:萨利克国家公园——欧洲隐藏的自然宝藏。本文是一篇游记,以第一人称的视角,带领读者体验一位徒步独行者的经历,与“我”一起感受和体验萨利克国家公园。文章发生在从作者清晨从帐篷中苏醒到吃完早饭向下一个目标出发这段时间中,交代了季节、公园的特点、以及独自徒步萨利克国家公园的感受和原因。 2. [Why] 本语篇通过阅读和探讨,旨在引导学生欣赏国家公园的迷人之处,拓展学生视野,并启发学生从人与自然、人与社会的角度,思考国家公园对自然保护、人类生存发展的主题意义。 3. [How] 本文为游记,具有鲜明的文体特点:1) 有吸引读者注意力的标题;2) 感官描绘生动形象; 3) 叙述方式较为客观真实。
1.A summer where the sun never sleeps 2.A land of maintain and ice 3.Man at peace with nature 4.A land of adventure。掌握小标题写作的特点,并学会总结段落大意,以更好的处理七选五题。透过文章感知人与自然核心的重要性、环境保护的重要性、人们采取了哪些措施保护了自然、以及激发对其它国家公园保护的兴趣,方便做不同的阅读理解题 )
2主题公园以Disneyland、Dollywood、Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai为例,探索主体公园的商业价值、娱乐休闲价值及其主题公园的特点(也正是因为不同的特点才会吸引到不同的游客,如Disneyland中的卡通人物、Dollywood中的木质结构建筑及木质结构游玩项目、Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai中的最大鲸鲨馆、及其海洋主题的游玩项目、餐饮项目)
1 A Summer Where the Sun Never Sleeps
I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent. (风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷,我在这声音中醒来。) Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible. (即使阳光明媚,也无法分辨是早上还是晚上。) I’m above the Arctic Circle, where in summer the sun never sets. (我在北极圈,夏天太阳永不落山。) Checking my watch, I see that it is 7:30 a.m. (我看了看手表,发现已经是早上7:30。)I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge. Spreading out before me, branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below. (我离开帐篷,走到山边。拉帕河的支流在我面前展开,流经下面的山谷。)I’m in the remote far north of Sweden in Sarek National Park, a place with no roads or towns.(我身处瑞典北端遥远的萨勒克国家公园,一个既没有道路也没有城镇的地方。)
wake up 醒来
even though 即使
walk over to 走到…处
2 A Land of Mountain and Ice
Sarek’s mountains used to be covered by vast sheets of ice.( 萨勒克的山脉曾经被巨大的冰层覆盖。) Around 9,000 years ago, this ice melted, leaving behind about 100 glaciers. (大约在9000年前,这些冰融化了,留下了大约100条冰川。 )Soon after, reindeer began to arrive. Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home. (不久之后,驯鹿来到这里。在驯鹿之后来的是萨米人,他们在这片土地上安家落户。)Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek. (到达这里相当困难,所以除了萨米人以外,很少有人见过萨勒克。)In 1909, Sarek was made a national park in order to keep the land in its natural state. (1909年,萨勒克被列为国家公园,以保护该土地的自然状态。) Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries. (虽然萨米人被允许在公园里继续他们的传统生活方式,但其他人不可以在这里生活,公园范围内的一切新开发项目都被禁止了)At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami cottage is visible. Close by, there are a few reindeer feeding on grass.(在山谷的另一边,可以看到一座古老的萨米人小屋。附近,有几只驯鹿在草地上觅食。)
be covered by 被…覆盖
apart from 除…之外
in order to为了
3 Man at Peace with Nature
For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami. (数百年来,圈养驯鹿一直是萨米人的生活方式。)They used the reindeer’s meat for food, their bones for tools, and their skin for making clothes and tents. (他们用驯鹿肉做食物,用鹿骨做工具,用鹿皮做衣服和帐篷。) Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them. (由于驯鹿总在移动,萨米人会收拾他们的帐篷并一路陪伴它们。) Today, most Sami have houses in villages near Sarek and live a modern life just like their neighbours. (如今,大多数萨米人在萨勒克附近的村庄有房子,并且与他们邻居一样过着现代化的生活。)But every spring, a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek, living in tents or old cottages and enjoying their traditions.( 但每年春天,仍有少数萨米人跟随他们的驯鹿进入萨勒克山谷,住在帐篷或旧农舍里,享受他们的传统。)I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I’ve adopted some of their habits. (我不是萨米人,但在萨勒克,我已经接受了他们的一些习惯。)For example, this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire, dried reindeer meat, and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent.(例如,今天早上,我的早餐是在火上烤的扁面包,驯鹿肉干,还有一些我在帐篷附近找到的酸甜浆果。)
hundreds of 成百的
look after 照顾
a way of life 生活方式
pick up拿起
4 A Land of Adventur
After breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again. (早餐过后,我收拾行李,再次出发。) Since I must carry all of my food and supplies with me, my bag weighs about 30 kilograms. (由于我必须随身携带所有的食物和用品,我的包大概有30公斤重。)If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley.( 如果今天和昨天差不多,那将会充满汗水和艰辛,因为我要徒步跨越这片地形艰险的土地,到达峡谷另一端的目的地。)However, I cannot complain. Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive. (但是,我不能抱怨。身处这样一个美丽而荒凉的地方,我感到活着是幸运的。) Here I am, alone under this broad sky, breathing the fresh air, and enjoying this great adventure. What could be better (我独自一人在这广阔的天空下,呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着这伟大的冒险。还有什么能比这更好的?)
set out
be full of
on the other side of
such a/an adj. n.
1 A Summer Where the Sun Never Sleeps
I wake up to the sound of the wind ___1___(buffet) the cloth of my tent. Even though the sun is brightly shining, ___2___(tell) whether it is morning or night is impossible. I’m above the Arctic Circle, ___3____ in summer the sun never sets. Checking my watch, I see that it is 7:30 a.m. I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge. ___4___(spread) out before me, branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below. I’m in the remote far north of Sweden in Sarek National Park, ___5___place with no roads or towns.
2 A Land of Mountain and Ice
Sarek’s mountains used to ____6____(cover) by vast sheets of ice. Around 9,000 years ago, this ice melted, ____7____(leave) behind about 100 glaciers. Soon after, reindeer began to arrive. Following the reindeer were the Sami people, ____8____made this territory their home. Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek. In 1909, Sarek ____9____(make) a national park in order to keep the land in its natural state. Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development ____10____(ban) within park boundaries. At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami cottage is visible. Close by, there are a few reindeer ____11____(feed) on grass.
3 Man at Peace with Nature
For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami. They used the reindeer’s meat ___12____ food, their bones for tools, and their skin for making clothes and tents. Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them. Today, most Sami have houses in villages near Sarek and live a modern life just like their neighbours. But every spring, a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek, ____13____(live) in tents or old cottages and enjoying their traditions. I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I’ve adopted some of their habits. For example, this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire, ____14____(dry) reindeer meat, and some sweet and sour berries that I found ____15____(grow) near my tent.
4 A Land of Adventure
After breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again. Since I must carry all of my food and ____16____(supply) with me, my bag weighs about 30 kilograms. If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley. However, I cannot complain. ____17____(be) in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel ____18____(bless) to be alive. Here I am, alone under this broad sky, breathing the fresh air, and ____19____(enjoy) this great adventure. What could be ____20____(good)
Which theme park would you like to visit There are various kinds of theme parks, with different parks for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons, movies, history, and so on. Some parks are famous for ____1____(have) the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing famous sights and sounds. Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal ____2____ you!
The theme park you are probably most familiar ____3____ is Disneyland, ____4____ can be found in several parts of the world. Disneyland will bring you into a magical world and make your childhood dreams come true. Travelling through space, visiting a pirate ship, or meeting an adorable fairytale or cartoon character ____5____(be) all possible at Disneyland. As you wander around the fantasy ____6____(amuse) park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous ____7____(swing) ships to scary free-fall drops. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!
Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is unique ____8____ it shows and celebrates America’s traditional southeastern culture. Famous country music groups put ____9____ performances there all year round, indoors and outdoors. People come from all over America to see skilled workers make wood, glass, and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. ____10____(visit) the candy shop and trying some of the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago is a rare experience. Riding on the only steam engine still working in the southeastern United States is a special treat. And for those ____11____ like rides, Dollywood has a superb old wooden roller coaster, Thunder head. It is world-famous for having the longest track in the smallest e to Dollywood to have fun ____12____(learn) all about America’s historical southeastern culture!
Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, China, is one of the leading ocean-themed parks in the world. Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium—the world’s largest—and see up to 20, 000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length. ____13____(watch) the dolphin and sea lion shows is both educational and fun. Of course, you can also see all kinds of interesting animals, including ____14____(pole) bears. The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water fight against pirates, get ____15____(turn) upside down by an exciting roller coaster, or get wet in one of the water rides! Then at night, see the splendid Journey of Lights Parade and fireworks display. Hungry The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite—you can even eat while ____16____(watch) the fish swim by. If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom!
Top Public Sculpture Parks to Visit in America
Kasmin Sculpture Garden (New York City)
This quiet sculpture garden in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood is far from the crowds. Owned and operated by Kasmin Gallery, this exhibition space can be viewed from the nearby High Line. It is designed by Future Green, a Brooklyn, landscape architect studio, and it stands beside a famous building designed by Zaha Hadid. There’s a current exhibition featuring bronze (铜) sculptures by Alma Allen, which shows the artist’s regard for Utah.
Tippet Rise Art Center (Fishtail)
This sculpture garden is worth the trip to the Beartooth Mountains in Fishtail. It is a 12,500-acre ranch (牧场), which is peppered with public art, including sculptures by Mark di Suvero, among others. This summer, the ranch will be open to those who are hiking or traveling by bike.
Storm King Art Center (New Windsor)
By far the most popular sculpture park in upstate New York, it is a 500-acre sculpture park in Hudson Valley. Since opening in 1960, it has grown to include dozens of sculptures that change over time. In its collection, the park owns sculptures by famous artists including Carl Andre, Louise Bourgeois, and Daniel Buren.
Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle)
This outdoor park was created by the nearby Seattle Art Museum and features a large red sculpture by Alexander Calder called Eagle, as well as Wake by Richard Serra. Since 2007, this waterfront park has brought creativity to Elliott Bay. The landscape design fits in with the local roads and skyline, facing the harbor in what’s recognized as Seattle’s largest downtown green space.
1. What can be learned about the garden in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood
A. It is run by Kasmin Gallery.
B. It is designed by Zaha Hadid.
C. It has become a part of the High Line.
D. It stands for Alma Allen’s respect for Utah.
2. Which of the following parks is located in Hudson Valley
A. Kasmin Sculpture Garden. B. Tippet Rise Art Center.
C. Storm King Art Center. D. Olympic Sculpture Park.
3. Where can you see the sculpture Wake
A. In New York City. B. In Seattle.
C. In New Windsor. D. In Fishtail.
Banff National Park is Canada’s firstborn national park and was recognized in 1885. Located in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Banff includes 6,641 square kilometers of glaciers and ice fields, thick coniferous forest, and alpine(高山的) scenery. The Icefields Park-way spreads from Lake Louise, connecting to Jasper National Park in the north. Provincial forests and Yoho National Park are neighbors to the west while Kootenay National Park is situated to the south. The main commercial center of the park is the town of Banff, in the Bow River valley.
The Canadian Pacific Railway was contributory in Banff’s early years, building the Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise hotel in the park and attracting tourists through widespread advertising. In the early 20th century, roads were built in Banff, at times by prisoners of World War I, and through Great Depression-era public works projects, As Banff has over three million visitors annually, the health of its ecology has been endangered. In the mid-1990s, Parks Canada launched a two-year study to preserve ecological integrity.
Banff National Park has a subarctic climate(副极地气候) with three ecoregions. The forests feature lodgepole pine at lower heights and Engelmann spruce at higher ones below the tree line, above which are chiefly rocks and ice. Mammal(哺乳动物) species such as the grizzly bear, cougar, wolverine, moose and bighorn sheep are found along with hundreds of bird species. Reptiles(爬行动物) are also found but only a restricted number of species have been recorded.
The mountains were formed from sedimentary rocks(沉积岩) which were pushed east over newer rock formations, between 80 and 55 million years ago. Over the previous few million years, glaciers have at times covered most of the park, but today are found only on the mountainsides though they include the Columbia Icefield, the largest continuous glacial mass in the Rockies. Erosion(侵蚀) from water and ice has molded the mountains into their existing shapes.
4. What can we infer about Banff National Park
A. It was built mainly by prisoners.
B. It is the oldest national park in Canada.
C. It is connected to three other provincial parks.
D. It failed to satisfy visitors’ demand for commercial activities.
5. What was a contribution of the Canadian Pacific Railway
A. Building roads in Banff.
B. Constructing hotels in Banff.
C. Preserving the ecology of Banff.
D. Providing multiple railway lines to Banff.
6. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The biodiversity of Banff.
B. The limited knowledge of reptiles.
C. The complex climate system of Banff.
D The mammals’ severe living conditions.
7. What does the underlined word “molded” most probably mean
A. Stuck. B. Broken. C. Formed. D. Followed.
Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa has one of the most unusual jobs in the world. She gets paid by the Cuban government to make sure that a statue of John Lennon, a famous British musician, always has a pair of glasses on when tourists come to take a picture with it.
In the year 2000, on the 20th anniversary of John Lennon’s death on December 8th,Cuba set up a bronze(青铜的)statue of the famous musician with his name carved(刻着)on it in the Havana Park.
The statue of John Lennon quickly became a major tourist attraction, but also a target for thieves who loved nothing more than to steal the artist’s symbolic round glasses. In the beginning, the government would replace the stolen glasses with new ones, but the new pair wouldn’t last long.
About two years ago, after seeing that Lennon’s glasses constantly went missing, Aleeda started placing her own glasses on the statue. One day, they were stolen as well,and then an-other pair. But the authorities noticed her devotion and hired her as the official guardian of the glasses. Today,Pedrasa receives 245 Cuban pesos a month which is more than what most Cu-bans make. Her job is to look after the glasses and make sure that they are on the statue of Lennon’s nose when tourists arrive at the Havana Park to take photos with him
72-year-old Aleeda has become known as the guardian of Lennon’s glasses. Even though it may not be the best job, Pedrasa is comfortable in her position after doing it for two years.
8 What is Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa’s job
A. To prevent a bronze statue from being stolen by thieves.
B. To keep a statue in the Havana Park clean.
C. To make sure a statue always has a pair of glasses on.
D. To help tourists take photos with a statue.
9. What happened to the statue of John Lennon
A. It was stolen by some thieves.
B. Someone put a pair of glasses on its nose.
C. It was broken soon after it was setup.
D Its glasses were always stolen.
10. Which of the following is true about Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa
A. She earns most every month in Cuba.
B. She would like to help tourists take photos with the statue.
C. She was chosen to be the guardian of Lennon’s glasses because of her devotion.
D. She has devoted her whole life to being the guardian of Lennon’s glasses.
11. What does Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa feel about her job
A. Satisfied.
B. Bored.
C. Embarrassed.
D. Disliked.
The country’s first national park, Yellowstone, is renaming one of its largest mountains to honor indigenous people after research revealed the man it had been named after helped lead a massacre (屠杀) against local tribes. As part of the park’s 150th anniversary, officials announced the 10,551-foot high peak formerly called Mount Doane is now First Peoples Mountain.
“It is a victory, yes. Is history being rewritten and retold truthfully I hope so,” William Snell, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council, told NPR. His group helped advise federal officials on the name change. In an email, Snell said the change to First Peoples Mountain couldn't have come at a better time as Yellowstone officials prepare for the park’s anniversary in August.
The peak—along a range on the eastern side of Yellowstone Lake—had been named after Gustavus Doane who helped lead the Washburn-Langford-Doane exploration in 1870 that eventually led to the park getting federal protection.
But recently, historians uncovered Doane’s role in an attack that left at least 173 Native Americans dead. Known as the Marias Massacre, Doane carried out the attack over the killing of a white fur trader. In writings, Doane cast a favorable light on the attack and even showed off about it for the rest of his life, the National Park Service said last week.
The renaming to First Peoples Mountain is part of a trend to better recognize the roles and contributions of Native Americans. It has also become a priority of the nation’s first indigenous cabinet secretary—the Interior Department’s Deb Haaland, who oversees the National Park Service—and Charles SamsⅢ, the first Native American to serve as that agency’s director.
Across the American West, many iconic representative mountains and other environmental places were named after early white settlers, mostly men and some with terrible pasts.
In Yellowstone, park officials say they may consider further changes to derogatory (贬损的) or inappropriate geographical names in the months ahead.
12. Why does Yellowstone decide to rename one of its largest mountains
A. To gain more profits. B. To uncover the history of 1870s.
C. To be in honour of Native Americans. D. To change people's attitude towards the park.
13. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. The terrible pasts of Doane. B. The effort historians made.
C. The contributions Doane made. D. The conclusion National Park Service drew.
14. What will Yellowstone Park do according to park officials
A. Improve the service qualities. B. Learn from history events and characters.
C. Protect the environment of Yellowstone Park. D. Consider renaming improper geographical names.
15. What can we learn from the text
A. Doane regarded his deeds as a shame. B. Doane was once mistaken for a hero.
C. Americans reacted to the renaming negatively. D. The government thought little of the renaming work.
Watching wildlife safely is the responsibility of all park visitors. When you visit some national parks, you are entering animals' habitat. ___16___ If not, wildlife may face the following serious risks when you get close enough to interact with them:
Consequences of Physical Contact with People
Some animals, from bison to birds. may be rejected by their parents if they have contact with humans. ___17___ In addition, wildlife can get injured when they try to escape people who have gotten too close, especially if they are near human structures or roads.
Fatal Diseases from People and Pets
Our domestic pets can also pose real dangers to the wildlife within parks. Both pets and people may have diseases that they can give to wildlife. Sadly, there are many examples of wildlife in parks dying from diseases given to them by pets and humans. For example, heartworm from cats can kill wildlife such as foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and mountain lions. Black-footed ferrets die from the flu if humans are sick and get too close. ___18___ So keeping your pets vaccinated can keep them and wildlife safe.
Dangers of Eating Human Food and/or Trash (垃圾)
When visitors intentionally or unintentionally feed wildlife, it has negative effects on the wildlife. Some of the dangers to wildlife include shorter lives. The best way for wildlife to have a healthy diet and live healthy lives is to search for food as they would naturally. Relying on human food or trash left out puts wildlife at risk.
___19___ Animals becoming used to and attracted to human food will actively seek out human food. This in the worst cases can make them dangerous. Ground squirrels can bite, deer have sharp antlers (鹿角), and bears can get into cars or tents in search of food. ___20___ It means they may be killed by park managers for safety reasons.
It's important to understand how your actions may affect the wildlife in parks. When you respect wildlife, you help protect park animals and yourself.
A. These animals must be removed.
B. You need to behave like a polite guest.
C. Wolves can be infected by virus from dogs.
D. So it's best to resist the urge to pet and hold them.
E. Actually, some of them may behave in a strange way.
F. Observing wildlife in their native habitat can be an educational and fun experience.
G. Learning to eat human food can also change the way that wildlife interact with people.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My parents, siblings and I took our first camping trip to the Lake Houston Wilderness Park recently.
We had finished putting up the ____21____ when it suddenly started to rain. Luckily, we had ____22____ our tent on a high flat ground where water could not pour in. Mom got some snacks and drinks ready for us while we played games and ____23____ about our daily life, which made wet-weather camping fun. How ____24____ it was camping under the sound of the rain! We were gathered around in the center of ____25____ and it was a nice feeling. Even with the rain, I had never been so ____26____.
The rain died down before dark and the sky turned clear. Soon, Mom ____27____ a big meal over the fire for the family. I sensed that a hot meal and good ____28____ would warm us right up. While we ate together, Dad ____29____ at the stars and told us about his childhood. As we laughed and _____30_____ on our days, the stars shone like diamonds at night.
The following day, we had a good time _____31_____ the rocky trails around our campsite. _____32_____ hiking in the forest, we had a lovely late afternoon boating. It was amazing to see the _____33_____ changing rays of the sunset behind the pine trees. That evening we packed up our _____34_____ and headed home.
I am very grateful for this camping trip, which has left us unforgettable _____35_____.
21. A. roof B. shelf C. fence D. tent
22. A. positioned B. attached C. approached D. checked
23. A. felt B. chatted C. argued D. complained
24 A. strange B. powerful C. unique D. beneficial
25. A. culture B. society C. nature D. space
26. A. happy B. lucky C. curious D. confident
27. A. desired B. prepared C. ordered D. delivered
28. A. impression B. adventure C. show D. conversation
29. A. yelled B. pointed C. laughed D. wondered
30. A. set out B. went back C. caught up D. looked down
31. A. paving B. cleaning C. exploring D. searching
32. A. Due to B. Apart from C. Instead of D. As for
33. A. dramatically B. casually C. regularly D. completely
34. A. goods B. tools C. harvests D. belongings
35. A. encounters B. coincidences C. discoveries D. memories
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
The Badlands National Park, one of the most popular attractions in western South Dakota, contains one of the world’s richest fossil ____36____(bed). Scientists believe that 33 million years ago, a watering hole was located in the Badlands and that a drought forced mammals to travel long distances ____37____(detect) water. Ancient horses, turtles, and hornless rhinos once ____38____ (live) here. Nowadays, the park is mainly home____39____ mammals like big horn sheep, antelopes, and deer, ____40____wander the 244,000 acres of the park. The park is also a reintroduction site of the endangered black-footed ferret(雪貂), one of the world’s ____41____(rare) mammals.
Visitors can enjoy hiking on eight routes from 400 meters to 160 kilometers long and ____42____(camp) at Cedar Pass Campground with attractive scenic views. Badlands National Park has no formal reservation system, but visitors ought to obey some rules. Firstly, apply for ____43____ pass ahead of time. Maps are ____44____(strong) recommended and are available for purchase in the Badlands bookstore. Besides, campfires ____45____(ban) under any circumstances. Finally, remember to take away all garbage, including toilet paper, and all human waste must be buried in a small hole 6 inches deep and a minimum of 200 feet from any water source.
buffeting 2. telling 3. where 4. Spreading 5. a 6. be covered 7. leaving 8. who 9. was made 10. was banned 11. feeding 12. for 13. living 14. dried 15. growing 16. supplies 17. Being 18. blessed 19. enjoying 20. better
Having 2. to 3. with 4. which 5.are 6. amusement 7. swinging 8. because 9. on 10. Visiting 11. who 12. learning 13. Watching 14. polar 15. turned 16. watch
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。由Kasmin Sculpture Garden (New York City)中的“This quiet sculpture garden in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood is far from the crowds. Owned and operated by Kasmin Gallery, this exhibition space can be viewed from the nearby High Line. (这座位于曼哈顿切尔西区的安静雕塑花园远离人群。这个展览空间由Kasmin Gallery拥有和运营,可以从附近的High Line观看)”可知,Kasmin Sculpture Garden由Kasmin Gallery运营。故选A项。
细节理解题。由Storm King Art Center (New Windsor)中的“By far the most popular sculpture park in upstate New York, it is a 500-acre sculpture park in Hudson Valley. (迄今为止,它是纽约州北部最受欢迎的雕塑公园,位于哈德逊河谷,占地500英亩)”可知,Storm King Art Center位于哈德逊山谷。故选C项。
细节理解题。由Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle)中的“This outdoor park was created by the nearby Seattle Art Museum and features a large red sculpture by Alexander Calder called Eagle, as well as Wake by Richard Serra. (这座户外公园由附近的西雅图艺术博物馆创建,以亚历山大·卡尔德的大型红色雕塑Eagle和理查德·塞拉的Wake为特色)”可知,在西雅图可以看到Richard Serra的雕塑作品Wake。故选B项。
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C
细节理解题。根据第一段中“Banff National Park is Canada’s firstborn national park and was recognized in 1885. (班夫国家公园是加拿大第一个国家公园,于1885年被承认。)”可知,班夫国家公园是加拿大第一个国家公园,即它是加拿大最古老的国家公园。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“The Canadian Pacific Railway was contributory in Banff’s early years, building the Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise hotel in the park and attracting tourists through widespread advertising. (加拿大太平洋铁路公司在班夫的早期也做出了贡献,在公园里建造了班夫温泉酒店和路易丝湖城堡酒店,并通过广泛的广告吸引游客。)”可知,加拿大太平洋铁路公司在班夫的贡献是建设了两家酒店。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第三段中“Banff National Park has a subarctic climate(副极地气候) with three ecoregions. The forests feature lodgepole pine at lower heights and Engelmann spruce at higher ones below the tree line, above which are chiefly rocks and ice. Mammal(哺乳动物) species such as the grizzly bear, cougar, wolverine, moose and bighorn sheep are found along with hundreds of bird species. Reptiles(爬行动物) are also found but only a restricted number of species have been recorded.(班夫国家公园属于亚北极气候,分为三个生态区。森林的特色是低海拔的黑松和高海拔的恩格尔曼云杉,在林木线以下,以上主要是岩石和冰。这里发现了灰熊、美洲狮、狼獾、驼鹿和大角羊等哺乳动物,还有数百种鸟类。爬行动物也被发现,但只记录了有限数量的物种。)”可知,本段主要描述了班夫的生物多样性。故选A。
词义猜测题。根据划线词前面的句子“Over the previous few million years, glaciers have at times covered most of the park, but today are found only on the mountainsides (在过去的几百万年里,冰川有时覆盖了公园的大部分地区,但今天只在山坡上发现了冰川。)”,同时根据划线词句子中的“erosion(侵蚀)”可知,水和冰的侵蚀把山塑造成了形成了当前的山的特点——今天只在山坡上发现了冰川。故划线词与form为同义词,意为“形成。故选C。
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. C 11. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa has one of the most unusual jobs in the world. She gets paid by the Cuban government to make sure that a statue of John Lennon, a famous British musician, always has a pair of glasses on when tourists come to take a picture with it.(Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa拥有世界上最不寻常的工作之一。古巴政府付钱给她,让她确保英国著名音乐家约翰·列侬的雕像在游客前来与之合影时始终戴上一副眼镜。)”可知,Aleeda的工作是确保这座雕像总是戴着眼镜。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“The statue of John Lennon quickly became a major tourist attraction, but also a target for thieves who loved nothing more than to steal the artist’s symbolic round glasses.(约翰·列侬的雕像很快就成为了一个主要的旅游景点,但同时也是小偷的目标,他们最喜欢偷的就是这位艺术家标志性的圆眼镜。)”可知,约翰·列依的雕像的眼镜总是被偷走。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“But the authorities noticed her devotion and hired her as the official guardian of the glasses. (但当局注意到她的敬业精神,聘请她作为眼镜的官方监护人。)”可知,正是由于Aleeda Rodriguez Pedrasa的奉献精神,她被选为眼镜的守卫者。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“72-year-old Aleeda has become known as the guardian of Lennon’s glasses. Even though it may not be the best job, Pedrasa is comfortable in her position after doing it for two years.(72岁的Aleeda被称为列侬眼镜的守护者。尽管这可能不是最好的工作,但在做了两年之后,佩德拉萨对自己的职位感到很舒服。)”可知,她对这份工作是满意的。故选A项。
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“The country’s first national park, Yellowstone, is renaming one of its largest mountains to honor indigenous people after research revealed the man it had been named after helped lead a massacre against local tribes.(在研究显示该公园以帮助领导了一场针对当地部落的大屠杀的男子的名字命名之后,国家第一个国家公园黄石公园正在重新命名其最大的山脉之一,以纪念原住民)”可知,黄石公园决定重新命名它最大的山脉之一,是为了纪念美国原住民。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第四段“But recently, historians uncovered Doane’s role in an attack that left at least 173 Native Americans dead. Known as the Marias Massacre, Doane carried out the attack over the killing of a white fur trader.(但最近,历史学家发现了多恩在一起袭击中的作用,这次袭击造成至少173名美国原住民死亡。以马里亚斯大屠杀而闻名,多恩实施了袭击,以回应其杀害一名白色毛皮贸易商的事件)”可知,本段主要讲述了多恩的可怕的过去。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“In Yellowstone, park officials say they may consider further changes to derogatory or inappropriate geographical names in the months ahead.(在黄石公园,公园官员表示,他们可能会考虑在未来几个月对贬损的或不恰当的地名进行进一步修改)”可知,根据公园官员的说法,黄石公园将考虑重命名不适当的地名。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“The peak—along a range on the eastern side of Yellowstone Lake—had been named after Gustavus Doane, who helped lead the Washburn-Langford-Doane exploration in 1870 that eventually led to the park getting federal protection.(黄石湖东侧山脉沿线的山峰以古斯塔夫·多恩的名字命名,他在1870年帮助领导了沃什本·朗福德·多恩探险队,最终使公园获得联邦保护)”以及第四段“But recently, historians uncovered Doane’s role in an attack that left at least 173 Native Americans dead.(但最近,历史学家发现了多恩在一起袭击中的作用,这次袭击造成至少173名美国原住民死亡)”可推知,做了可怕的事情的多恩曾经被误以为是英雄。故选B项。
【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C 19. G 20. E
根据后文“If not, wildlife may face the following serious risks when you get close enough to interact with them(如果不这样做,当你与野生动物近距离接触时,它们可能会面临以下严重的风险)”可知,这里指的是面对动物行为举止要合理守规则。B选项“You need to behave like a polite guest.(你要表现得像个有礼貌的客人。)”符合题意,故选B。
根据后文“In addition, wildlife can get injured when they try to escape people who have gotten too close(此外,当野生动物试图逃离离它们太近的人时,它们可能会受伤)”可知,本段介绍的是动物与人类接触会发生的严重后果,所以我们要适时远离它们。D选项“So it's best to resist the urge to pet and hold them.(所以最好克制住想要抚摸和抱它们的冲动。)”符合题意,故选D。
根据后文“So keeping your pets vaccinated can keep them and wildlife safe.(所以让你的宠物接种疫苗可以保护它们和野生动物的安全。)”可知,接种过疫苗的宠物可以避免野生动物受到病毒感染。C选项“Wolves can be infected by virus from dogs.(狼可能被狗的病毒感染。)”符合题意,故选C。
根据后文“Animals becoming used to and attracted to human food will actively seek out human food.(动物逐渐习惯并被人类的食物所吸引,就会积极地寻找人类的食物。)”可知,本段主要介绍的是野生动物吃人类食物后的改变。G选项“Learning to eat human food can also change the way that wildlife interact with people.(学习吃人的食物也可以改变野生动物与人互动的方式。)”符合题意,故选G。
根据前文“Ground squirrels can bite, deer have sharp antlers(鹿角), and bears can get into cars or tents in search of food(松鼠会咬人,鹿有锋利的鹿角,熊会钻进汽车或帐篷寻找食物)”以及后文人们对此采取的行动“It means they may be killed by park managers for safety reasons.(这意味着它们可能会因为安全原因被公园管理员杀死。)”可知,这些野生动物因为寻找人类的食物而有奇怪的表现会影响到人们的安全。E选项“Actually, some of them may behave in a strange way. (事实上,它们中的一些可能会表现得很奇怪。)”符合题意,故选E。
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们刚搭好帐篷,突然下起了雨。A. roof屋顶;B. shelf架子;C. fence栅栏;D. tent帐篷。根据下文“we had _____ our tent on a high flat ground”可知,我们把帐篷搭在一块平坦的高地上,由此可知,上文指我们搭好了帐篷。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,我们把帐篷安置在了一个很高的平地上,那里水无法灌入。A. positioned安置;B. attached贴上;C. approached靠近;D. checked检查。根据句中“on a high flat ground”可知,一个很高的平地应该是我们安置帐篷的地点,那里水无法灌入。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们玩游戏和聊我们的日常生活时,妈妈为我们准备了一些零食和饮料,这让雨天露营变得有趣。A. felt感觉到;B. chatted闲聊;C. argued争论;D. complained抱怨。根据句中“our daily life”可知,我们是在聊我们的日常生活,这让雨天露营变得有趣,“chat about”意为“闲聊……”。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在雨声中露营是多么独特啊!A. strange奇怪的;B. powerful强大的;C. unique独特的;D. beneficial有益的。根据句中“camping under the sound of the rain”可知,一般人们选择在天气好时露营,在雨中露营很少见,由此可知,在雨声中露营是独特的。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们聚集在大自然的中心,感觉很好。A. culture文化;B. society社会;C. nature大自然;D. space空间。根据上文“How _____ it was camping under the sound of the rain!”可知,文章讲述的是我们露营的经历,由此可知,露营时我们聚集在大自然的中心。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:即使下雨,我也从未如此快乐过。A. happy快乐的;B. lucky幸运的;C. curious好奇的;D. confident自信的。根据上文“which made wet-weather camping fun”可知,雨天露营的独特经历给我带来了快乐,由此可知,即使下雨,我也从未如此快乐过。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,妈妈在炉火上为一家人准备了一顿大餐。A. desired渴望;B. prepared准备;C. ordered命令;D. delivered递送。根据上文“Mom got some snacks and drinks ready for us”可知,妈妈为我们准备了一些零食和饮料,由此可知,妈妈也为一家人准备了一顿大餐。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我感觉到一顿热饭和一次愉快的谈话会让我们暖和起来。A. impression印象;B. adventure冒险;C. show演出;D. conversation谈话。根据下文“While we ate together, Dad _____ at the stars and told us about his childhood.”可知,当我们一起吃饭时,爸爸告诉我们他的童年,由此可知,我们一家人在吃饭时进行了愉快的谈话。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们一起吃饭时,爸爸指着星星告诉我们他的童年。A. yelled叫喊;B. pointed指;C. laughed笑;D. wondered想知道。根据空格后“the stars”可知,爸爸应该是指着星星,告诉我们他的童年,“point at”意为“指向”。故选B项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当我们笑着回忆我们的日子时,夜晚的星星像钻石一样闪闪发光。A. set out出发;B. went back返回;C. caught up叙旧;D. looked down向下看。根据上文“told us about his childhood”可知,爸爸在告诉我们他的童年,由此可知,我们在叙旧,回忆过去的日子,“caught up”意为“叙旧”。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我们在探索营地周围的岩石小道时玩得很开心。A. paving铺路;B. cleaning打扫;C. exploring探索;D. searching搜索。根据空格后“the rocky trails around our campsite”可知,我们是来野外露营的,所以我们探索了营地周围的岩石小道。故选C项。
考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:除了在森林里徒步旅行,我们在下午晚些时候划船玩得很开心。A. Due to由于;B. Apart from除了;C. Instead of而不是,代替;D. As for至于。根据句中“we had a lovely late afternoon boating”可知,句中介绍了我们露营时的活动,由此可知,除了在森林里徒步旅行,我们还划船了,“Apart from”意为“除了(还)”,符合语境。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:看到松树后面日落的光线发生显著变化,真是令人惊讶。A. dramatically显著地;B. casually偶然地;C. regularly有规律地;D. completely完全地。根据句中“changing rays of the sunset”和生活常识可知,日落时,光线会发生显著变化。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上,我们收拾好随身物品,回家了。A. goods货品;B. tools工具;C. harvests收获;D. belongings随身物品。根据句中“headed home”可知,回家前,我们应该收拾好我们的随身物品。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我非常感谢这次露营旅行,它给我们留下了难忘的回忆。A. encounters遭遇;B. coincidences巧合;C. discoveries发现;D. memories回忆。根据句中“I am very grateful for this camping trip”可知,我非常感谢这次露营旅行,由此可知,露营旅行给我们留下了难忘的回忆。故选D项。
【答案】36. beds
37. to detect
38. lived 39. to
40. which 41. rarest
42. camping
43. a 44. strongly
45. are banned
考查名词的数。句意:荒地国家公园是南达科他州西部最受欢迎的景点之一,拥有世界上最丰富的化石床之一。根据“one of+名词复数”可知,空处填所给的复数形式。故填beds。
考查不定式。句意:科学家们认为,3300万年前,一个水坑位于荒地,干旱迫使哺乳动物长途旅行以探测水。结合句意和句子结构,此处应用不定式表目的,即动物长途旅行的目的是探测水。故填to detect。
考查介词。句意:如今,公园主要是大角羊、羚羊和鹿等哺乳动物的家园,它们在公园的244000英亩土地上游荡。结合句意表达“是……的家园,是……所在的”用be home to。故填to。
考查形容词的级。句意:该公园也是世界上最稀有的哺乳动物之一,濒危的黑脚雪貂的重新引入地。根据“one of+形容词最高级+名词复数”可知,此处应用rare的最高级。故填rarest。
考查时态和语态。句意:此外,在任何情况下都禁止篝火。句子陈述客观事实,且主语campfires和ban之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是复数,故填are banned。