人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks词汇讲练学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks词汇讲练学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 29.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-15 17:25:51



选择性必修一 Unit 3 Fascinating parks单元词句讲练
1. P26 I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge.
edge n. 边;边缘;刀刃; (微弱的)优势; (尤指灾难的)边缘;v. (使)徐徐移动;给…加边
on/at the edge of…在…的边缘 have an edge/advantage over…比…有优势
edge…out (of…) 逐渐将…排挤出
1). 他站在悬崖边上,这太危险了。
2). 被排挤出公司之后,Bell决定自己创业。
3). They had a big house on the edge of the town. _____________________
4). Be careful---the knife has a sharp edge. __________________
5). In terms of experience, she definitely had the edge over the other people that we interviewed. ____________
6). A long line of traffic edged its way forward. _________________
2. P26 …and all new development is banned within park boundaries.
ban vt. 明令禁止;取缔;n. 禁令 a ban on …对…的禁令
ban (one’s) doing 禁止(某人)做某事 ban sb. from (doing)sth. 禁止某人(做)某事=be banned from doing…
7). The ban ________ media reporting during the election has made some people question the ___________(fair) of the election.
8). He will ______________(ban) from international competitions for four years due to taking stimulant(兴奋剂).
9). 为了保持生态平衡,这个国家禁止非法捕杀野生动物。
10). Tom 因为酒后驾车,被禁止开车两年。
________________________________________________ for two years for drunk driving.
3. P26 Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them.
on the move 在行进中;在移动中 pick up 拿起; 捡起; 爬/站起来; 偶尔习得; 接某人; 接收; 情况好转
accompany vt. 陪同;伴随;陪伴;(尤指用钢琴)为…伴奏 companion n. 同伴;伙伴
accompany sb. to…陪某人到… be accompanied with/by…由…陪伴/伴随
in company with与…一起 keep pany 陪伴某人
11). We’ve been through a hard time, but things ______________________ now.
12). She ______________ Japanese when in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.
13). An elephant group is ___________________ in the national park.
14). I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening---would you like _____________________________(陪我一起去吗?
15). _________________________________(在父母的陪伴下), the little girl came to the police station and state her experience.
16). 在家人的陪伴下,Anna度过了一个难忘的生日。
4. P27 I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I’ve adopted some of their habits.
adopt v. 采用;采纳;采取;领养 adoption n. 采用;收养 adopted 收养的;移居的
adopt a suggestion 采纳建议 adopt an orphan 收养孤儿
区别于adapt: 改编;使适应 adapt to 适应
17). Without the _______________(adopt) of your ideas, they _________________(suffer) such a heavy loss.
18). When they moved to France, the children _______________ living in the new place easily.
19). 慎重考虑之后,经理决定采纳我的建议。
20). 还没有决定采纳哪个计划,所以我们除了等待别无选择。
5. P27 After breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again.
set out出发 set out to do sth./set about doing 开始/着手做某事
set off 出发,使爆炸 set up建立;安装好 set down写下,记下 set aside 留出;把…放到一边
21). 当我们着手执行这个计划时,才发现它很难。
22). He was asked ___________________ the facts just as he remembered them.
23). We must _________________ some money for rainy day rather than run out of our income immediately.
24). From along-term point of view, it is time that we ______________________ solving this problem.
25). As we ________________ to make our new journey, we shouldn’t forget where we came from.
6. P27 Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive.
bless vt. 祝福 bless sb. with sth. 保佑某人某事 blessing n. 祝福;好事
blessed adj. 神圣的;带来幸福的,带来好运的 be blessed with 赋有(能力等); 享有(幸福等)
26). Best wishes to all the classmates, God _____________________________________(祝身体健康家庭幸福).
27). The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly ________________(bless) event.
28). 幸运的是,我们出发度假时遇到了好天气。
7. P31 Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you.
appeal vi. 有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n. 吸引力;呼吁;请求;上诉
appeal to sb. 有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 appeal for sth. 恳求;呼吁
appeal to sbl for sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做某事 appealing adj. 有吸引力的;有感染力的
29). _______________ as the ad is, the product doesn’t work so well as it advertises.
30). 警方呼呼公众提供有关失踪女孩的任何信息。
The police ________________________________________________________________________________.
31). 在我看来,他的画吸引我的地方在于他对色彩的运用。
_____________________________________________________________________ hi use of color.
32). 吸引游客来到这个城市的不仅仅是今年的世界杯赛,还有那迷人的风景。(强调句)
8. P31. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street.
wander v. 漫游;闲逛 vi. 走失;离散;走神 n. 游荡;闲逛;流浪
wander away/off 走失,离开 wander about/around 徘徊;流浪,漫步 wander bac to(多指思绪)回到…
amusement n. 娱乐(活动); 愉悦 amuse vt. 逗笑;使娱乐 amused adj. 逗乐的 amusing adj. 引人发笑的
keep sb. amused 使某人快乐 amuse oneself with…以…自娱
for amusement/fun 为了娱乐 to one’s amusement 使人感到愉快/好笑的是
33). 几个小时之后她被找到了,正在街上徘徊,迷路了。
34). 一听到这首歌,我的思绪就回到了童年。(the instant)
35). ______________________________(让我感到非常好笑的是), his false beard fell off when he _________________(perform) on the stage.
= _________________________________________ his false beard fell off when he _________________(perform) on the stage.
36). The cultural theme park offers its visitors all kinds of _________________(amuse).
37). 整件事太不可思议了,让我忍不住发笑。
9. P31. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary free-fall drops.
swing v. (使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向 swing—swung—swung—swinging
swing one’s arms/legs 摆动双臂/晃动双腿
38). The policeman grasped the thief ________ the shoulder and ___________(swing) him around.
39). Tom ________(light) a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, _____________________(一条腿晃来晃去).
40). John推着Mary, Mary在秋千上越荡越高。
10. P32 The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite…
appetite n. 食欲,胃口;强烈欲望 have an/no appetite有/没有胃口
appetite for…对…的喜爱/渴望 arouse one’s appetite 激起食欲 lose one’s appetite食欲不振
41). 没有什么比走很长的路更能激起食欲的了。
42). 巨大的绝望和悲伤直奔他的心头,这使他无心工作。
43). 他对发明的渴望可以追溯到他的童年时代。
1. P26 Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home.
Following the reindeer were the Sami people 是一个完全倒装句;当副词there, here, out, in, up, down, away, back, now, then等放在句首,谓语动词go, come, run, lie, stand等,且主语为名词时,用完全倒装。此结构多用于一般现在时或一般过去时,不能用于进行时态。
1). 一听到可怕的吵闹声,那个肩上扛着枪的警察就冲了出去。(the instant; with复合结构; 完全倒装)
2). 仿写:出席会议的是一些专家,他们对我国科技发展作出了巨大贡献。
3). 仿写:山脚下有一个村庄,在那里人们仍然过着平静的生活。
2. P27 What could be better
归纳拓展:a. 比较级+than … China is larger than any other country in Asia.
b. 否定词+比较级,常见否定词有:no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等
I’ve never had a more pleasant trip before.
4). 没有人比全红禅表现得更好了,她在东京奥运会上获得了巨大的成功。
5). 我没有看过比这更激动人心的电影。
3. It is hoped that Sarek National Park will always remain as it is, natural and beautiful.
It is done that 从句, 表示“有人…, 人们…,据…”,常见用法:hope; say, think, believe, report, announce, acknowledge, recognize, …
6). 据报道此事故造成三人死亡。
7). 人们期待在不久的将来能拥有完全智能化的电器。
8). 在疫情期间回家洗干净手和脸这点已经被人们广泛接受。
_________________________________________________________________________ during the epidemic.
4. P28 This vast new park is nearly four times larger than the old wildlife park protecting Siberian tigers in Northeast China.
常见其他表达:倍数+as +形容词/副词原级 +as
倍数+the size/length/width/height/weight…+of…
9). 据说新建的大桥有旧大桥两倍那么宽。
10). 正在建造的体育馆将会是现在体育馆的三倍那么大。
5. P31 Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you.
whichever和whatever在此处引导状语从句,相当于no matter which/no matter what; 此外,它们还可以引导名词性从句, 如:You can’t give your child whatever he wants. (宾语从句)
11). 无论你借哪本书,都必须在一周内归还。
12). 无论你怎么努力尝试,不减少食物的摄入量使很难瘦下来的。
13). 任何违法法律的人都应该受到惩罚。(分别用名词性从句和状语从句来表达)
6. P32. If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom!
it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for 为强调句,强调宾语ocean entertainment. 此强调句结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+剩余部分,不能强调谓语,如被强调部分是人,可用who代替that;如果强调谓语,可用: do/does/did+动词原形。
14). 因为大雨,所有航班都推迟了。(强调原因)
15). 是在同学的帮助下,我在学习上取得了巨大的进步。
16). Tom确实按时完成了任务。
17). 是我们的英语老师建议我们尽可能记更多的单词。
7. P36. The real purpose of the BioBlitz is to get people interested in the biodiversity that’s all around them, even in their own backyards.
get people interested “get+宾语+宾补”结构,常见宾补为:to do/doing/done/adj./adv./prep phrase
18). The earthquake _____________________________________(使得大地颤抖起来).
19). He couldn’t _______________________(发动汽车), so he went shopping by bike.
20). I ___________________________________(让人修我的电脑) tomorrow.
Unit 3 词汇讲练参考答案:
1. 1). He stood on the edge of the cliff, which is more than dangerous.
=It was more than dangerous for him to stand on the edge of the cliff.
2). Edged out of the country, Bell was determined to set up his own business.
3). 边缘 4) 刀刃 5)优势 6)徐徐移动
2. 7). on 8). be banned 9). To keep the balance of nature, the country bans hunting wild animals illegally.
10). was banned from driving
3. 11). are picking up 12) picked up 13) on the move
14) to accompany me/to keep me company/to go in company with me
15) With her parents accompanying her/ Her parents accompanying her/(独立主格结构) Accompanied by/with her parents
16). With her family accompanying her/ Her family accompanying her/(独立主格结构)/Accompanied by/with her family, Anna had an unforgettable birthday. =Anna had an unforgettable birthday. In company with her family.
4. 17). adoption; would have suffered 18) adapted to
19). After cautious consideration, the manager decided to adopt my suggestion.
20). It has not been decided which plan to be adopted and therefore, we have no choice/alternative but to wait.
5. 21) We didn’t find it difficult until we set out on/to carry out the plan.
=Not until we set out to carry out the plan did we find it difficult.
=It was not until we set out to carry out the plan that we found it difficult.
22). to set down 22) set aside 24) set about/should set about 25) set out
6. 26). bless you with good health and happy family 27). Blessed
28). Fortunately, we were blessed with fine weather when we set out for holiday.
7. 29). appealing 30). are appealing to the public for any information about the missing girl.
31). Personally, what appeals to me about his painting is/lies in
32). It is not only this year’s World Cup, but also its fascinating/breathtaking scenery that appeals to tourists to the city.
8. 33). She was found several hours later, wandering (along) the street, lost.
34). My thought wandered back to my childhood the instant I heard this song.
35). To my great amusement/Much to my amusement, was performing
=What amused me greatly was that, was performing
36). amusements
37). The whole thing was so fantastic/incredible/unbelievable that I couldn’t help being amused.
9. 38). by, swung 39). Lit; (with) one leg swinging
40). As John pushed her/With John pushing her, Mary swung hinger and higher/increasingly higher while sitting on a swing.
10. 41). There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite.
=Nothing can arouse the appetite more than a long walk.
42). Great despair and sorrow found their way straight into his heart, making/which made him have no appetite for work.
43). His appetite for invention can date back to his childhood.
1. 1). Out rushed the policeman with a gun on his shoulder the instant he heard the terrible noise.
2). Present at the meeting were some experts, who had made great contributions to the development of science and technology in our country.
3). At the foot of the mountain lies/is a village, where people still live a peaceful; life.
2. 4). No one could perform better than Quan Hongchan, who achieved great success in Tokyo Olympic Games.
5). I have never seen a more exciting/thrilling movie than this one.
3. 6). It is reported that three people have been killed in the accident.
=Three people is reported to have been killed in the accident.
7). It is hoped/expected that people can possess completely smart appliance in the not-too-distant future.
8). It has been widely accepted that your hands and faces should be washed clean
4. 9). It is said that the newly-built bridge is twice wider than the old one.
=The newly-built bridge is said to be twice the width of the old one.
=the newly-built bridge is said to be twice as wide as the old one.
10). The new stadium being built will be three times bigger than the present one.
=The new stadium being built will be three times as large as/the size of the present one.
5. 11). Whichever/No matter which book you borrow, you must return it in a week.
12). However/No matter how hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.
13). Whoever/Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.
=Whoever/No matter who breaks the law, he or she should be punished.
6. 14). It was because of the heavy rain that all the flights were put off.
15). It is with the help of my classmates that I have made great progress in my study.
16). Tom did complete the task/assignment on time/on schedule.
17). It is our English teacher who recommend us to keep in mind as many words as possible.
= It is our English teacher who recommend (that) we (should) keep in mind as many words as possible.
7. 18). got the ground shaking/trembling/shivering 19). get the car to start 20). will get my computer repaired