人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language Using language词汇基础练(重难点词句语法基础 提升练)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language Using language词汇基础练(重难点词句语法基础 提升练)(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-15 17:50:14



选择性必修一 Unit 4 Body Language -Using language 词汇基础练
1. By bowing, we mean “b___________ our head or body forward as a sign of respect or shame”.
2. People have a _______________(倾向) to lean towards whatever they are interested in.
3. If a student has his head l_____________ to look at his watch, it i______________(显示) he is bored and just counting the minutes for the class to end.
4. Their eyes b____________(几乎不) move, and they always have the same distant expression on their faces.
5. With their chins on their hands, they o____________ themselves by s____________(盯着) out of the window or up at the _____________(天花板).
6. They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are ______________(尬尴的) or a_____________(害羞的).
7. However, if a student does not b_____________(麻烦) to brush her hair and her eyes are red from w___________, then I can _____________(推断) that there are deeper issues at work.
8. Their body language lets me know when to a______________ class activities, when to intervene, and when to talk to students individually.
9. ________________(回应) to body language is an important component of being a teacher.
10. It is sometimes much harder to d_________________ when students are troubled. Students who are angry, afraid, or experiencing ___________(焦虑) may have their arms crossed in front of their c________ and their legs closed or crossed.
1. Life is ________ stage, and we are all __________(act). This is also true __________ you are in a foreign land.
2. A Chinese lady asked a clerk by putting both hands up and __________(say) “Moo! Moo!”. The lady got ________ she wanted even without saying a word of English.
3. As an _____________(educate), people often ask me ________ I know what is going on in the __________(mind) of my students.
4. It is easy _______________(recognize) when students are interested in a lesson. Most tend __________(look) up and make eye contact.
5. Of course, not everyone _________ looks up is paying attention in class. Some students look up, but there is an ___________(absent) of eye contact.
6. Some students are _____________(amuse) by something else. They spend all their time ___________(look) anywhere but at me.
7. They are certainly interested in something, __________ who knows what. The man things is reminding ____________(distract) students that they need ____________(pay) attention in class.
8. Students who are sad or _________(worry) will nearly always wear ______ frown.
9. It could be that she is having serious ____________(conflict) with other students or at home. _______________ it is, I know I need to inquire and assess _________ is going on.
10. It is sometimes much harder _________________(distinguish) when students are troubled. Students who are __________(anger) afraid, or experiencing ___________(anxious) may have their arms ___________(cross) in front of their chests and their legs closed or crossed.
stare at______________ be occupied with_________________ tend to __________________
adjust to_____________ be confident about/of______________ lack of _________________
wear a frown__________ have conflicts with _______________ call on__________________
be ashamed of_________ distinguish…from ________________ in other words_____________
1. 1. Mother was worried about whether she could ______________ living in the mountainous village alone.
2. When I was in hospital, she _______________ me with a bouquet of roses in her hand.
3. Tom was lying under a big tree, ________________ the sky.
4. I _____________________ my homework so that I have no time to review what I have learnt.
5. The doctor in charge as well as several nurses _____________ the injured, ensuring their wounds do not get infected.
6. As a kindly person, he never ____________________ his neighbors.
7. Joe always keeps his word; __________________, he never breaks his word.
8. Before birth, babies can even ______________ their mother’s voice ___________ that of a female stranger.
9. I saw him _______________________ in an attempt to solve a tough math problem when I came to visit him.
10. You should __________________ your shameful behavior at the opening ceremony.
1. 花费了很久我才适应适应了新的学习环境。
___________________________________________________________________ my new studying environment.
2. 眼睛盯着桌上吃剩下的东西,他开始慢慢地给我们讲起他地故事。(with复合结构)
________________________________________ what was left over on the table, he began to tell us his story slowly.
3. 越来越多地人倾向于用电脑或手机看书,而不是到图书馆看书。
__________________________________________________________ by computers or phones ______________
go to library to read books.
4. 虽然这个问题很简单,但令人尴尬的是,他回答不上来。 (while)
5. 我们绝不能拿别人的缺点开玩笑,因为每个人都有缺点。(倒装句)
______________________________________of others’ shortcomings because everyone has his own disadvantages.
6. 不管你做什么,我都支持你。(in favor of)
7. 他说什么我都赞成。(approve of)
8. 事实上,不是所有人都喜欢骑车去上班。(cycle)
It is important for an 1___________(educate) to understand what makes each student tick. 2____________(general) speaking, I usually look 3_________ their body language. I know when students are really interested, because they lean forward and look at me. People have a 4______________(tend) to lean towards whatever they are interested in. so if a student has his head lowered to look at his watch, it implies he is 5___________(bore) and just continuing the minutes for the class to end.
A good teacher should also have the strategy 6______________(distinguish when students are troubled, and try to inquire 7___________ is going on about them. Anyway, 8______________(react) to body language is an important component for a teacher, 9___________ duty is helping all teenagers learn 10____________(active) and devotedly.
When 1____________(meet) people at the airport, most people smile and shake hands with people they meet. We know that a smile is 2___________(usual) a sign that people feel friendly and happy, but what if we don’t know 3________ the new person is What if we are not introduced by a friend What if we are meeting a stranger in 4________ unfamiliar place Sometimes people are 5___________(danger) and humans have to find ways to protect 6___________(them). We have to make sure we can trust people we do not know, and we have to show that we are not aggressive. Showing our hands means that we are not armed. In many 7_____________(culture) today, the Western custom of shaking hands 8_____________(use). We use our right hand, 9__________ is usually stronger than the left one. If we are using our hand this way, it means that we cannot be holding a knife 10___________ a gun. It shows that we trust the other person, and that the other person can trust us.
一、1. bending 2 tendency 3 lowered; implies 4 barely 5 occupy; staring; ceiling
6 embarrassed; ashamed bother; weeping; infer 8 adjust 9 Reacting 10 distinguish; anxiety; chests
二、1. a; actors; when 2 saying; what 3 educator; how, minds 4 to recognize; to look 5 who; absence
6. amused; looking 7 but; distracted; to pay 8 worried; a 9 conflicts; Whatever; what
10 to distinguish; angry; anxiety; crossed
三、1. adjust to 2. called on 3. staring at 4. am occupied with 5. is tending to 6. has conflicts with
7. in other words 8. distinguish, from 9. wearing a frown 10. be ashamed of
四、1. It took me quite a while/quite a long time to adjust to/I spent quite a while/quite a long time adjusting to
2. With his eyes staring at
3. A growing number of/An increasing number of people tend to read books
=There’s a growing tendency for people to read books
4. While the question was simple, it is embarrassing that he couldn’t answer it.
5. On no account should we make a joke
6. Whatever//No matter what you do, I will be in favor of you.
7. I approve of whatever/anything that he says/
8. Actually, not everyone is fond of cycling to work.
五、1. educator 2. Generally 3. at 4. tendency 5. bored 6. to distinguish 7. what
8. Reacting 9. whose 10. actively
六、1. meeting 2 usually 3 who 4 an 5 dangerous 6 themselves 7 cultures
8. is used 9 which 10 or