人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions单元整体提升测试(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions单元整体提升测试(原卷版+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-15 18:04:55


必修二Unit4 History and Tradition单元提升测试
1.The way we use a language is so________that one could say there are as many varieties as speakers of English.
A.individual B.common C.exceptional D.reliable
【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们使用一种语言的方式是如此的个性化,以至于我们可以说英语的种类像它的使用者一样多。A. individual独特的;特别的;B. common常见的;C. exceptional杰出的;罕见的;D. reliable可靠的。根据句中结果状语“there are as many varieties as speakers of English”可推知,因为我们使用语言的方式是如此的个性化,所有英语的种类像它的使用者一样多。故选A。
2.Some animal and plant species gradually went extinct because they couldn’t _________ to the rapidly changing conditions in this area.
A.fall B.accommodate C.belong D.contribute
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些动植物物种因为不能适应这一地区迅速变化的环境而逐渐灭绝。A. fall to开始做某事;B. accommodate to适应;C. belong to属于;D. contribute to有助于。根据后文“the rapidly changing conditions in this area”指适应这一地区迅速变化的环境,故选B。
3.The old bridge ________ by a farmer attracted many visitors.
A.designed B.was designed C.designing D.having designed
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:这座由一位农民设计的老桥吸引了许多游客。句中已有谓语动词attracted,所以用非谓语动词形式。名词The old bridge 与design之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语。故选A。
4.We regret you that it was our fault for not keeping you on the recent development of the project.
A.informing; informing B.informing; to be informed
C.to inform; informed D.to inform; to inform
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们很遗憾地通知您,没有及时通知您项目的最新进展,这是我们的失误。分析句子结构可知,第一空为非谓语动词作regret的宾语,根据regret to do sth.意为“遗憾要做某事”和regret doing sth.意为“后悔做了某事”,并结合句意可知,动作将要发生,所以应为不定式形式作宾语,应为to inform;第二空为“keep+宾语+宾补”结构,所以此处应为非谓语动词作宾补,结合句意,宾语you与inform之间为被动关系,所以此处应使用过去分词形式informed。故选C项。
5.She got the blame for the negative rumours, but she has said nothing _________ herself so far.
A.in charge of B.in case of C.in defence of D.in memory of
【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:她因负面传闻而受到指责,但是到目前为止她没有为自己辩护过。A. in charge of负责、管理;B. in case of以防、万一;C. in defence of捍卫、为……辩护;D. in memory of为了纪念。根据句意可知,她因负面传闻受到指责,却没有说任何话来为自己辩护,故“in defence of”符合语意。故选C。
6.When you answer the question in class, you have to make yourself ______ by the other students in the classroom.
A.hearing B.to hear C.heard D.having heard
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你在课堂上回答问题时,你必须让教室里的其他学生听到你说的话。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作宾补成分,宾语yourself和hear为被动关系,所以为过去分词形式,为make sb done“使某人被做某事”。故选C项。
7.There may be life on other planets, but so far scientists haven’t found enough ________ to prove it.
A.evidence B.character C.mystery D.expression
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在其他行星上可能有生命,但到目前为止,科学家们还没有找到足够的证据来证明这一点。A.evidence证据;B.character性格;C.mystery秘密;D.expression表达。根据后文“to prove it(来证明)”可知是找到足够的证据来证明这一点。故选A。
8.With his attention on his homework, he ignored all about what I had told him.
A.focusing B.focuses C.focused D.focus
9.Since our research so far has not produced any answers _______________ this problem, we need to adopt a different _______________ to it.
A.of; access B.to; approval C.of; means D.to; approach
【解析】考查介词和名词词义辨析。句意:由于我们的研究到目前为止还没有得出这个问题的任何答案,我们需要采取不同的方法来解决这个问题。A. of; access……的,通道;B. to; approval属于,赞同;C. of; means……的,方法;D. to; approach属于,方法。answer to the problem为固定搭配,表示“问题的答案”,所以第一空应用介词to,结合语意可知,我们需要采取不同的方法,approach to为固定搭配,表示“……的方法”,所以第二空应用名词approach。故选D。
10.There lay my house, ________waist-high ruins, smelly and dirty.
A.being reduce to B.reducing to
C.being reduced to D.reduced to
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。句意:我的房子在那里,沦为齐腰高的废墟,又臭又脏。设空处应使用非谓语动词作定语修饰my house,house和reduce之间是被动关系,用过去分词。故选D。
I am excited to be teaching in an introductory history seminar (研讨班) on the world of Thomas Jefferson. It affords a(n) 11 chance to help show students why history is a way of thinking, seeing, and understanding.
I love seeing students try to make 12 of somebody from the 18th century, whether it is Jefferson or somebody whose life was closely 13 with his own. Often, students at first are confident that they 14 an 18th-century person, and that such an individual was inspired by the same things that 15 them today. But then, when I 16 certain things this historical figure said or did, students are often amazed at how 17 the person in fact is, and how unusual the individual’s assumptions, beliefs, and desires are 18 to their own!
With more 19 , they begin to see how the peculiar (奇怪的) can appear 20 , how the strange can, in fact, seem so appropriate. At the beginning students 21 to force their own beliefs and assumptions on the past, while now they begin to see the past according to its own 22 . I am always happy witnessing that transformation in vision, in seeing 23 come to life for students. Such a transformation not only certainly 24 the 18th century and allows students to better understand history, but it also helps them master a(n) 25 that they can use for the rest of their lives.
11.A.expensive B.serious C.fantastic D.acceptable
12.A.sense B.use C.mistakes D.excuses
13.A.fixed B.connected C.tied D.contacted
14.A.interview B.imagine C.describe D.understand
15.A.support B.satisfy C.attract D.guide
16.A.point out B.look on C.think up D.put through
17.A.famous B.powerful C.unique D.noble
18.A.combined B.compared C.added D.devoted
19.A.experiments B.research C.suggestions D.introductions
20.A.magical B.surprising C.interesting D.logical
21.A.preferred B.succeeded C.expected D.failed
22.A.structures B.agreements C.conditions D.directions
23.A.century B.history C.seminar D.facts
24.A.reveals B.discovers C.divides D.explains
25.A.skill B.subject C.event D.relationship
【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它提供了一个极好的机会来帮助向学生展示为什么历史是一种思考、观察和理解的方式。A. expensive昂贵的;B. serious严肃的;C. fantastic极好的;D. acceptable可接受的。根据前文“I am excited to be teaching in an introductory history seminar (研讨班) on the world of Thomas Jefferson.(我很高兴能在托马斯·杰斐逊世界的历史导论研讨会上授课。)”可知,此处是指这是一个极好的机会。故选C。
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢看到学生们试图理解来自18世纪的某个人,无论是杰斐逊还是与他的生活密切相关的人。A. sense理解力,判断力;B. use使用;C. mistakes错误;D. excuses借口。根据上文“help show students why history is a way of thinking, seeing, and understanding.”和此处“somebody from the 18th century”可知,此处是指试图理解来自18世纪的某个人。故选A。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢看到学生们试图理解来自18世纪的某个人,无论是杰斐逊还是与他的生活密切相关的人。A. fixed固定;B. connected联系;C. tied系,捆;D. contacted联络。根据“whose life was closely”和“with his own”可知,此处是指与杰斐逊的生活密切相关的人。be connected with意为“与……相关”。故选B。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:通常,学生们一开始都很自信,认为他们了解一个18世纪的人,而且这个人受到了今天指导他们的同样事物的启发。A. interview采访;B. imagine想象;C. describe描述;D. understand理解。根据前文“help show students why history is a way of thinking, seeing, and understanding.”和“and that such an individual was inspired by the same things”可知,此处是指学生们一开始都很自信自己了解一个18世纪的人。故选D。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:通常,学生们一开始都很自信,认为他们了解一个18世纪的人,而且这个人受到了今天指导他们的同样事物的启发。A. support支持;B. satisfy使满意;C. attract吸引;D. guide指导。根据上文提一些伟人与学生的生活密切相关和“was inspired”可知,此处是指指导他们的同样事物。故选D。
【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是,当我指出这个历史人物说过或做过的某些事情时,学生们往往会惊讶于这个人实际上是多么独特,以及这个人的假设、信仰和欲望与他们自己相比是多么不同寻常!A. point out指出;B. look on旁观;C. think up想出;D. put through完成。根据“certain things this historical figure said or did”和“in fact is”可知,此处是指指出这个历史人物说过或做过的某些事情。故选A。
【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我指出这个历史人物说过或做过的某些事情时,学生们往往会惊讶于这个人实际上是多么独特,以及这个人的假设、信仰和欲望与他们自己相比是多么不同寻常!A. famous著名的;B. powerful有力的;C. unique独特的;D. noble高贵的。根据“how unusual”可知,此处是指这个人实际上是多么独特。故选C。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,当我指出这个历史人物说过或做过的某些事情时,学生们往往会惊讶于这个人实际上是多么独特,以及这个人的假设、信仰和欲望与他们自己相比是多么不同寻常!A. combined结合;B. compared比较;C. added添加;D. devoted献身。根据“to their own”可知,此处是指与他们自己相比。故选B。
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着更多的研究,他们开始看到怪诞的东西是如何显得合乎逻辑的,奇怪的东西实际上是如何看起来如此合适的。A. experiments实验;B. research研究;C. suggestions建议;D. introductions介绍。根据“they begin to see how the peculiar (奇怪的) can appear”可知,此处是指随着更多的研究。故选B。
【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着更多的研究,他们开始看到怪诞的东西是如何显得合乎逻辑的,奇怪的东西实际上是如何看起来如此合适的。A. magical有魔力的;B. surprising令人惊讶的;C. interesting有趣的;D. logical合乎逻辑的。根据“how the strange can, in fact, seem so appropriate”可知,此处是指怪诞的东西是如何显得合乎逻辑的。故选D。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始,学生们喜欢把自己的信念和假设强加于过去,而现在他们开始根据当时的情况来看待过去。A. preferred更喜欢;B. succeeded成功;C. expected期待;D. failed失败。根据“while now they begin to see the past according to its own”可知,此处是指一开始学生们喜欢把自己的信念和假设强加于过去。故选A。
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一开始,学生们喜欢把自己的信念和假设强加于过去,而现在他们开始根据当时的情况来看待过去。A. structures结构;B. agreements协定;C. conditions情况;D. directions方向。根据“according to its own”可知,此处是指开始根据当时的情况来看待过去。故选C。
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我一直很高兴看到学生们在视野上的转变,看到历史在学生们眼里有了生命。A. century世纪;B. history历史;C. seminar研讨会;D. facts事实。根据后文“allows students to better understand history(让学生更好地理解历史)”可知,此处是指看到历史在学生们眼里有了生命。故选B。
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这样的转变不仅可以解释18世纪,让学生更好地了解历史,而且还可以帮助他们掌握一项可以在他们的余生中使用的技能。A. reveals揭露;B. discovers发现;C. divides分配;D. explains解释。根据“the 18th century and allows students to better understand history”可知,此处是指这样的转变不仅可以解释18世纪。故选D。
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这样的转变不仅可以解释18世纪,让学生更好地了解历史,而且还可以帮助他们掌握一项可以在他们的余生中使用的技能。A. skill技能;B. subject课题;C. event事件;D. relationship关系。根据“that they can use for the rest of their lives”和“helps them master”可知,此处是指掌握一项可以在他们的余生中使用的技能。故选A。
Amazing China in 60 Seconds is a short video series covering cultural and scenic hot spots across the country.
Tibet autonomous region in Southwest China, home to the highest plateau(高原) on Earth, is known as the “roof of the world”. It’s a paradise for tourists with its towering snow mountains, vast grasslands, peaceful lakes and breathtaking views. Must-visit places include the Potala Palace - a UNESCO world heritage site, Mount Qomolangma, Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon and more.
Tibet is also famed for its rich ethnic culture, including the Tibetan dance, age-old thangka painting and Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa - traditional Tibetan bathing for a medical purpose which was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2018.
Neighboring the Chinese capital city of Beijing, Tianjin rests between the northern Yanshan Mountains and the coastal plain. Adjacent to the sea and rivers, it carries distinct ecological beauty.
Tianjin is where Eastern and Western cultures meet. It has many precious historical sites, former residences of celebrities and foreign-style architecture. Famous tourist destinations include the Tianjin Eye, the Huangyaguan Great Wall, and the Five Big Avenues area, which hosts about 2,000 villas in various Western styles built in the 1920s and 1930s.
Southwest China’s Chongqing is largely built on mountains and surrounded by rivers; thus it is known as the “mountain city”. Many people are drawn to Chongqing by its delicious food - especially its signature spicy hotpot - and natural scenery.
Boasting the largest number of hotpot restaurants in China, Chongqing was named “China’s Hotpot City” by the China Cuisine Association in 2007. Statistics show there are more than 50,000 hotpot eateries across the city. With more than 3,000 year of history, Chongqing still preserves traditional culture and lifestyles.
26.Where can you experience a bath with medicinal functions
A.Tibet B.Tianjin C.Chongqing D.Sichuan
27.Which country’s villa style can’t you find in Tianjin
A.Germany B.India C.France D.Italy
28.Where might this article come from
A.Geography magazine B.Entertainment newspaper
C.Tourism website D.News report
【解析】 细节理解题。由小标题Tibet中“Tibet is also famed for its rich ethnic culture, including the Tibetan dance, age-old thangka painting and Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa - traditional Tibetan bathing for a medical purpose which was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2018.(西藏还以其丰富的民族文化而闻名,包括藏族舞蹈、古老的唐卡绘画和Sowa Rigpa的Lum药浴——传统的藏医浴,于2018年被联合国教科文组织列入《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。)”可知,在西藏可以体验药浴。故选A项。
【解析】 细节理解题。由小标题Tianjin中“Famous tourist destinations include the Tianjin Eye, the Huangyaguan Great Wall, and the Five Big Avenues area, which hosts about 2,000 villas in various Western styles built in the 1920s and 1930s.(著名的旅游目的地包括天津眼、黄崖关长城和五大道地区,那里有大约2000栋建于20世纪20年代和30年代的各种西式别墅。)”可知,这些别墅主要是西式的,没有印度风格。故选B项。
【解析】推理判断题。由文章第一段“Amazing China in 60 Seconds is a short video series covering cultural and scenic hot spots across the country.(《60秒惊艳中国》是一部涵盖全国文化和风景热点的短视频系列。)”以及后文可知,文章主要介绍了《60秒惊艳中国》中的一些城市,介绍其文化和风景热点。结合选项可知,这篇文章可能来自于旅游网站。故选C项。
World Book Day falls on April 23rd every year, but do you know that it is also Shakespeare Day Everybody may have heard of Shakespeare, but do you know how many plays he wrote
Shakespeare’s plays have three kinds: tragedies, comedies and histories. His most famous play is the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet, which deals with two young lovers who are not allowed to marry by their parents. Other tragedies include Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.
Shakespeare’s comedies include Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. Twelfth Night is a play about unclear identities. Two twins are shipwrecked (遭海难) and the sister, Viola, dresses up as her brother, Sebastian, who she thinks is dead. It’s funny, because the brother reappears and there’s a big love problem going on: Viola is in love with the Duke, who is in love with Olivia, who falls in love with Sebastian except that she doesn’t realize that Sebastian is actually Viola dressed up!
Everybody falls in love with the wrong person, but it is all made right in the end.
Some of his history plays, such as Antony and Cleopatra, Richard III and Henry V, are based on the lives of real historical people. In Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra becomes Antony’s girlfriend and Antony becomes so crazy about her that he loses control of the army. Cleopatra kills herself in the end and Antony kills himself too.
Shakespeare’s plays can be very difficult sometimes. Some of the themes they deal with are heavy, so they almost always include a lighter subplot with characters that are not so important. They are often used in tragedies to lighten the mood of the play and to keep the audience interested in the main plot.
29.Which is a tragedy character
A.Viola. B.Antony. C.Sebastian. D.Hamlet.
30.What can be inferred from paragraph3
A.Viola likes dressing up as her brother for fun. B.The Duke marries Olivia at last.
C.Twelfth Night has a sad ending. D.Olivia finally falls in love with Sebastian.
31.What can we know about Shakespeare’s history plays
A.There are only two famous history plays.
B.Some of them are inspired by real people living in the past.
C.Real historical events can be found in every history play.
D.They are more difficult than tragedies and comedies.
32.Why is the subplot added to Shakespeare’s plays
A.To help relax the audience and attract their interest in the main theme.
B.To make it easy for audience to understand the plays.
C.To make the difficult plots simple.
D.To help develop the main plot.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Other tragedies include Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.”( 其他悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》和《麦克白》。)可知,哈姆雷特是悲剧角色。故选D项。
【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段“Viola is in love with the Duke, who is in love with Olivia, who falls in love with Sebastian”( 维奥拉爱上了公爵,公爵爱上了奥利维亚,奥利维亚爱上了塞巴斯蒂安)可知,奥利维亚爱上了塞巴斯蒂安。故选D项。
【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Some of his history plays,such as Antony and Cleopatra,Richard III and Henry V, are based on the lives of real historical people.”(他的一些历史剧,如《安东尼与克利奥帕特拉》、《理查三世》和《亨利五世》,都是根据真实的历史人物的生活改编的。)可知,莎士比亚一些历史剧中的人物是由真实的历史人物发展而来的。故选B项。
【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“They are often used in tragedies to lighten the mood of the play and to keep the audience interested in the main plot.”( 它们经常被用在悲剧中,以减轻戏剧的情绪,使观众对主要情节保持兴趣。)可知,为什么要在莎士比亚的戏剧中加入次要情节的原因是帮助观众放松,吸引他们对主题的兴趣。故选A项。
Cantonese opera(粤剧) is one of the major Chinese opera categories. It is a traditional Chinese art form that originated in southern China’s Cantonese culture, and involves music, singing, martial arts, acrobatics and acting. Today it is not only very popular in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong and Macao, but also performed all around the world.
Cantonese opera was originally called Nanxi(Southern opera) in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and this beautiful art form has pleased audiences for hundreds of years. By absorbing the folk melodies and tunes of Guangdong, and mixing many different opera styles that were popular at the time, Cantonese opera developed during the 16th century. With the unique combination of these different influences, Nanxi was developed into Cantonese opera.
Cantonese opera is a wonderful mix of storytelling, music and fighting. The performances are often based on well-known traditional stories or events from Chinese history. The colourful sets serve as the background for these performances and actors appear on stage with similarly colourful face paint. Fights are a common and important part of many shows with actors performing difficult and exciting martial arts movements.
In the beginning, Cantonese opera costumes reflected the clothing style of the Ming Dynasty. Later, as Peking opera became increasingly popular, it was strongly influenced by Peking opera costumes. Costumes were made of cloth and later some accessories(配饰)were added. Different roles require different costumes. For example, an actor playing the Xiaosheng, a very gentle role, wears a costume with long sleeves; while the Xiaowu, an acting role, demands a costume with short sleeves so as to act easily.
Many well-known operas are still performed today, such as The Purple Hairpin and Rejunenation of the Red Plum Flower, which originated in the Yuan Dynasty. Other Cantonese operas are adapted from western movies or novels. Generally, Cantonese opera performers have to master four skills: singing, acting movement, delivery of speeches, and martial gymnastic skills.
Because of its long tradition and its importance in the development of Chinese arts and culture, Cantonese opera was included on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list in 2009.
33.Which of the following is NOT the factor in Cantonese opera’s development
A.Tunes of Guangdong. B.Different opera styles.
C.A variety of dialects. D.Folk melodies.
34.What do we know about Cantonese opera costumes
A.They were originally a reflection of clothing style of Yuan Dynasty.
B.They look more beautiful when they are made with more accessories.
C.They were designed based on Peking opera costumes.
D.Performers choose different costumes according to the roles they play.
35.What makes Cantonese opera an intangible cultural heritage
A.Its exciting movements and difficult performances.
B.Its popularity and development.
C.Its colorful sets and face paint.
D.Its history and influence.
36.What’s the purpose of the author in writing the passage
A.To prove that Cantonese opera is the most popular opera.
B.To inform the readers of the development of Cantonese opera.
C.To share the author’s experience of seeing a well-known Cantonese opera.
D.To make a comparison between Cantonese opera and Peking opera.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“By absorbing the folk melodies and tunes of Guangdong, and mixing many different opera styles that were popular at the time, Cantonese opera developed during the 16th century. (粤剧吸收了广东民间的旋律和曲调,融合了当时流行的许多不同的戏曲风格,在16世纪发展起来。)”可知,粤剧是吸收了广东民间的旋律和曲调,融合了当时流行的许多不同的戏曲风格,不包括各种方言。故选C。
【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段“Different roles require different costumes.(不同的角色要求不同的服装。)”可知,表演者要根据所扮演的角色来选择不同的戏服。故选D。
【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Because of its long tradition and its importance in the development of Chinese arts and culture, Cantonese opera was included on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list in 2009. (由于其悠久的传统和对中国艺术文化发展的重要性,粤剧于2009年被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录。)”可知,粤剧的悠久历史和重要影响助它入选非遗。故选D。
【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段“Cantonese opera was originally called Nanxi(Southern opera) in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and this beautiful art form has pleased audiences for hundreds of years. By absorbing the folk melodies and tunes of Guangdong, and mixing many different opera styles that were popular at the time, Cantonese opera developed during the 16th century. (粤剧在明朝嘉靖年间最初被称为南戏,这种美丽的艺术形式已经让观众高兴了数百年。粤剧吸收了广东民间的旋律和曲调,融合了当时流行的许多不同的戏曲风格,在16世纪发展起来。)”,第三段“Cantonese opera is a wonderful mix of storytelling, music and fighting. (粤剧是讲故事、音乐和打斗的完美结合。)”,第四段“In the beginning, Cantonese opera costumes reflected the clothing style of the Ming Dynasty. Later, as Peking opera became increasingly popular, it was strongly influenced by Peking opera costumes. (粤剧最初的服饰反映了明代的服饰风格。后来,随着京剧越来越流行,它受到京剧服装的强烈影响。)”和最后一段“Because of its long tradition and its importance in the development of Chinese arts and culture, Cantonese opera was included on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list in 2009. (由于其悠久的传统和对中国艺术文化发展的重要性,粤剧于2009年被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录。)”可知,作者写这篇文章主要是为了讲述粤剧的发展历史。故选B。
Women were less likely than men to support the Vietnam war, the Gulf war, or the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. They commit far fewer murders. They are less likely to favor strikes. For some scholars, these are grounds for thinking that a world run by women would be more peaceful.
But European history suggests otherwise, according to political scientists Oeindrila Dube and S. P. Harish. They studied how often European rulers went to war between 1480 and 1913, and found that states ruled by queens were 27% more likely to get involved in wars than those ruled by kings.
This was not all the queens’ fault: men, seeing them as soft targets, tended to attack them. Frederick the Great of Prussia once declared: ”No woman should ever be allowed to govern anything.“ Shortly after becoming king, he attacked the newly crowned Archduchess of Austria, Maria Theresa, and seized Silesia province. Despite years of war, she never recovered it.
But perceived weakness is not the whole story. Queens, the researchers found, were more likely to gain new territory. Catherine the Great expanded her empire by some 200,000 square miles. And married queens were more aggressive than single queens or kings, whether single or married.
The authors suggest several reasons for this. First, married queens may have been able to form more military alliances(联盟),making them confident enough to pick fights. Their husbands had often served in the army before they married, and were well placed to strengthen military ties between their homelands and their wives’ states.
Second, unlike most kings, queens often gave their husbands a lot of power,putting them in charge of foreign policy or the economy. During the 1740s, Maria Theresa’s husband, Francis I, reformed the Austrian economy and raised money for the armed forces while his wife ruled much of central Europe. Prince Albert was Queen Victoria’s most trusted adviser, shaping her foreign policy until his death in1861. This division of labor, the authors suggest, freed up time for queens to pursue more aggressive policies.
The modern era, too, has witnessed female leaders in wars: Golda Meir and the Yom Kippur war, or Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands. The number of countries led by women has more than doubled since 2000, but there is plenty of room for improvement: the current level of 15 represents less than 10 % of the total. A world in which more women took power might be more equal. Whether it would be more peaceful is a different question.
37.The underlined “perceived weakness” in paragraph 4 means that________.
A.women were less likely to support wars
B.women could not recover lost territory
C.women commit far fewer crimes
D.women were soft targets
38.Why were married queens more likely to gain new territory
A.Because their military alliances picked fights for them.
B.Because they were ambitious and aggressive by nature.
C.Because their husbands were supportive in state governing.
D.Because they centralized all power into their own hands.
39.What is the purpose of mentioning the two female leaders in the last paragraph
A.To imply there is room for improvement in gender equality.
B.To indicate more females become leaders in modern times.
C.To illustrate female leaders cannot prevent wars in modern times.
D.To suggest female leaders have their share of wars in modern times.
40.According to the passage, we can safely conclude that________.
A.married women are not fit to govern their states on their own
B.female leaders should be responsible for all wars throughout history
C.the world wouldn’t be more peaceful even if more women took power
D.the division of labor allows queens to survive economic crisis
【解析】词句猜测题。根据第三段第一句话“This was not all the queens’ fault: men, seeing them as soft targets, tended to attack them. (这不全是女王的错:男人们把他们视为软目标,倾向于攻击他们)”以及下文可知,男人们将女人看作软柿子,倾向于攻击她们,然后举例证明男人攻击女性执政的国家,而第四段却表示这不是完整的故事,说明划线词应该指代上文男性对女性的轻视,因此画线的句子应该理解为“认为女人是软柿子”。故选D。
【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“The authors suggest several reasons for this. First, married queens may have been able to form more military alliances(联盟),making them confident enough to pick fights. Their husbands had often served in the army before they married, and were well placed to strengthen military ties between their homelands and their wives’ states.(作者提出了几个原因。首先,已婚皇后可能已经能够形成更多的军事联盟,使他们有足够的信心挑起战争。他们的丈夫在结婚前经常在军队服役,他们处于有利地位,可以加强祖国和妻子所在州之间的军事联系)”可知,他们的丈夫会帮助其管理国家。故选C。
【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句话“The modern era, too, has witnessed female leaders in wars: Golda Meir and the Yom Kippur war, or Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands. (现代也见证了战争中的女性领导人:戈尔达·梅尔和赎罪日战争,或者玛格丽特·撒切尔和福克兰群岛)”可知,这里举例是想表明当代的女性领导者也在战争中有参与。故选D。
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后两句话“A world in which more women took power might be more equal. Whether it would be more peaceful is a different question.(一个有更多女性掌权的世界可能会更加平等。是否会更和平是另一个问题)”可知,越来越多女性执政可能世界会更平等,但是是否更和平就是另一回事了,且前面一直介绍历史上和现代女性执政者都参与战争,所以我们可以总结出就算更多女性执政,世界也不会变得更加和平。故选C。
For people who are planning a trip, a visit to a museum might not be the first thing they think of. After all, there are plenty of ways to appreciate the world’s civilization, gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends. 41
Museums are where people learn something new, at every age! Are you interested in something specific 42 . There, you will find yourself drawn in and inspired! Museums are a fantastic place to learn about a region’s history, scientific achievements, major cultural events, and of course, dinosaurs. They also design exhibitions related to visual arts, industrial innovations and anything that inspires an individual to learn about the past and create new paths to the future.
43 They will surely be an exciting part of the educational experience with the main purpose to expose children to knowledge of various fields and expand their horizons. To achieve that, museums are working to create meaningful and engaging activities, interactive and knowledge-based.
Museums support tourism. They are tourism promoters in small towns and large cities. Museums aren’t a burden on tax revenue (税收) or a separate concern from other city projects. 44 Statistics show that museums support more than 726, 000 jobs in America.
Museums shape communities. They have activities and exhibitions through which visitors can learn about local history. Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a collective identity is formed. They provide an interesting public space where people meet and talk to each other. 45
A.Museums bring out the best qualities in children.
B.Museums often deliver kids-centered exhibitions.
C.Instead, they generate funding and fuel employment.
D.Then, visit a local museum to learn about that subject.
E.Even shopping at the gift shop there is an opportunity for connection.
F.On the contrary, they consume a small percentage of city funds annually.
G.The fact, however, is that museums offer magical benefits in many ways.
【解析】根据上文“For people who are planning a trip, a visit to a museum might not be the first thing they think of. After all, there are plenty of ways to appreciate the world’s civilization, gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends. (对于计划旅行的人来说,参观博物馆可能不是他们想到的第一件事。毕竟,有很多方式可以欣赏世界文明,获得令人兴奋的体验,与家人和朋友共度美好时光)”可知,此处提到人们在旅行途中有很多选择,博物馆不是人们的首选地址,G项“The fact, however, is that museums offer magical benefits in many ways (然而,事实是博物馆在许多方面提供了神奇的好处。)”中的however表明,其实去博物馆有好多益处,此处点明本文的主题。上下文衔接连贯顺畅。故选G项。
【解析】根据上文“Museums are where people learn something new, at every age! Are you interested in something specific (博物馆是人们学习新东西的地方,不分年龄!你有什么特别的兴趣吗?)”可知,可以去博物馆观看感兴趣的东西;D项“Then, visit a local museum to learn about that subject. (然后,去当地的博物馆了解一下这个主题。)”中的that subject指代上文的something specific,上下文连贯顺畅。故选D项。
【解析】根据下文“They will surely be an exciting part of the educational experience with the main purpose to expose children to knowledge of various fields and expand their horizons. To achieve that, museums are working to create meaningful and engaging activities, interactive and knowledge-based. (它们肯定是教育经历中令人兴奋的一部分,主要目的是让孩子们接触各个领域的知识,扩大他们的视野。为了实现这一目标,博物馆正在努力创造有意义和吸引人的活动,以互动和知识为基础。)”可知,博物馆可以让孩子们接收到教育,B项“Museums often deliver kids-centered exhibitions. (博物馆经常举办以儿童为中心的展览。)”作本段小标题,上下文连贯顺畅。故选B项。
【解析】根据上文“Museums support tourism. They are tourism promoters in small towns and large cities. Museums aren’t a burden on tax revenue (税收) or a separate concern from other city projects. (博物馆支持旅游业。他们是小城镇和大城市的旅游推动者。博物馆不是税收的负担,也不是与其他城市项目分开的单独的问题。)”可知,本段中涉及博物馆对城市旅行业的推动;C项“Instead, they generate funding and fuel employment. (相反,它们创造了资金和就业。)”与上文为转折关系,下文“Statistics show that museums support more than 726, 000 jobs in America (统计数据显示,博物馆在美国提供了72.6万个工作岗位)”可知,此处具体解释博物馆创造工作机会的功能,呼应C项的fuel employment,上下文衔接连贯顺畅。故选C项。
【解析】根据上文“Museums shape communities. They have activities and exhibitions through which visitors can learn about local history. Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a collective identity is formed. They provide an interesting public space where people meet and talk to each other. (博物馆塑造社区。他们有活动和展览,游客可以通过这些活动了解当地的历史。博物馆是庆祝共同遗产和形成集体身份的地方。它们提供了一个有趣的公共空间,人们可以在这里见面交谈。)”可知,本段涉及博物馆塑造社区的功能,博物馆作为一个公共空间,人们可以相互交流;E项“Even shopping at the gift shop there is an opportunity for connection. (即使是在礼品店购物,也有机会建立联系。)”可知,在博物馆的周边产业,如礼品店,在这里人们也有机会进行交流联系,上下文顺畅。故选E项。
Chinese state media has praised a viral video series telling the story of a jade teapot coming to life and fleeing the British Museum to make 46 (it) way back home.
The set of three short episodes, entitled Escape from the British Museum, shows 47 teapot turning into a young woman in a green dress, who then engages a London-based Chinese journalist to help her reunite with her family. It appears 48 (strike) a chord in China after first being released by independent vloggers on Douyin, China’s equivalent to TikTok. By Monday evening, it had reportedly racked up more than 310 million 49 (view). The plot line taps into growing Chinese criticism of the British Museum after reports last month 50 more than 1,500 51 (price) objects, including gold jewellery, semi precious stones and glass, were missing, 52 (steal) or damaged.
State broadcaster CCTV also gave the short films a glowing review 53 (say): “We are very pleased to see Chinese young people are passionate about history and tradition... We are also looking forward to the early return of Chinese artefacts that 54 (display) overseas.”
The new three-part show has unleashed a wave of nationalism among viewers, 55 many praising the creative plot that reduced them to tears by showing how the teapot experienced the happiness of returning to China to see pandas and watch a flag-raising ceremony on Tiananmen Square.
【解析】考查代词。句意:中国官方媒体赞扬了一个广为传播的视频系列,讲述了一个玉茶壶复活并逃离大英博物馆回家的故事。make one’s way to意为“前往”,为固定搭配,所以空处应用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。
【解析】考查冠词。句意:这套名为《逃离大英博物馆》的三集短片显示,茶壶变成了一个穿着绿色连衣裙的年轻女子,然后她聘请了一名驻伦敦的中国记者帮助她与家人团聚。根据teapot后面的“turning into a young woman in a green dress”可知,这里表示特指,应用定冠词the。故填the。
48.【答案】to have struck
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:在独立视频博客首次在抖音(相当于中国的TikTok)上发布后,它似乎在中国引起了共鸣。appear to do sth.意为“似乎做某事”,为固定短语。strike表达的动作发生在appears之前,所以应用不定式的完成式。故填to have struck。
【解析】考查名词的数。句意:据报道,截至周一晚间,它的浏览量已超过3.1亿。view意为“观看”,为可数名词。根据空前的“more than 310 million”可知,这里应用名词复数。故填views。
【解析】考查形容词。句意参考第5题。根据空前的missing和空后的or damaged可知,空处应用形容词,和空处前后的内容一起并列作表语。stolen意为“被盗的”。故填stolen。
54.【答案】have been displayed/are displayed
【解析】考查动词时态和语态。句意参考上题。根据主句中的are和句意,中国文物在海外展出,表达的是过去发生的事情对现在造成的影响,可用现在完成时,也可表达现实情况,应一般现在时。主语“中国文物”和动词display之间是动宾关系,所以应用被动语态。故填have been displayed/are displayed。
【解析】考查介词。句意:这部由三部分组成的新颖电视剧在观众中掀起了一股民族主义浪潮,许多人称赞其富有创意的情节,通过展示茶壶如何体验回到中国看熊猫和观看天安门广场升旗仪式的快乐,让他们流下了眼泪。根据空后的many praising...可知,这里是“with+宾语+宾补”复合结构,应用with。故填with。
People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can 56 this question if you study British history.
First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people 57 to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to “Great Britain”. Happily this was 58 without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.
To their 59 the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the 60 and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!
England is the largest of the four countries, and for 61 it is divided roughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, 62 , these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two! It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. For historical 63 you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture.
The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. It is the center of national government and its 64 . It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066. There has been four sets of invaders of England. The first invaders, the Romans, left their towns and roads. The second, the Anglo-Saxons, left their language and their government. The third, the Vikings, influenced the 65 and place-names of the North of England, and the fourth, the Normans, left castles and introduced new words for food.
If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.
56.clarify 57.refer 58.accomplished 59.credit 60.currency 61.convenience 62.nationwide 63.architecture 64.administration 65.vocabulary
Ireland’s beautiful countryside has always had 66 great influence on its people and traditions. The country has a long history of 67 (produce) great writers and poets. The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” 68 (be) a true feast for the eyes with rolling green hills beautifully 69 (dot) with sheep and cattle. And down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the 70 (seabird) make up the music of the coast. On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin, 71 breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. With all this beauty, it is not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions 72 include music, dancing, and dining. 73 (have) a chance of experiencing this, stop by a village pub and relax with a glass of wine or a local beer. Better yet, enjoy a delicious traditional Irish Beef Stew. If you’re 74 (luck), you might be able to enjoy some traditional music and dancing, too. And if you introduce 75 (you) to a friendly face, you are more than likely to experience local culture and customs first-hand.
66.a 67.producing 68.is 69.dotted 70.seabirds 71.and 72.which/that 73.To have 74.lucky 75.yourself
76.用你在History and Traditions单元中所学的知识描写一个有趣的、令人兴奋或惊讶的地方。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 不得抄袭。
San Francisco is a land of diversity and an amazing city. I have ever been there.
To get a whole view of San Francisco Bay, I took a ride on a cable car and got to the top of the hill. It is so spectacular. Down from the hill, I went to Fisherman’s Wharf. This is the district where Italian fishermen first came to San Francisco in the late 19th century. China Town is also a good place where many Chinese have settled down.
It is such an attractive place that I will always travel there.
The annual Halloween arrived, during which kids dressed in traditional clothes went to neighbors’ houses to ask for candy.
Allison lived in a small town. That day after dinner, Allison put on her dress her father had just bought for her. The dress was cheap and second-hand because her family was poor. But Allison still thanked her dad and said, “Everyone will love my dress!” Then, she left for neighbors’ houses to ask for candy.
On the way, she came across Anna and her friends and wanted to join them. “No! Look at your dress! It’s ugly!” Anna said. Her friends also laughed. “Look at our dresses, especially mine! It’s new and beautiful,” Anna added. Her friends nodded, and in some way they were right. Anna’s dress was shiny and looked expensive. She always had the best clothes because her parents were rich.
Allison was shocked and sad. The kids not only disliked her dress but made fun of it. “You can’t come with us!” Anna stressed. “We would never hang out with you!” The other kids agreed and laughed. They all left to start collecting candy for the night while Allison was left alone, embarrassed in the middle of the street.
Anyway, she knew all the neighbors. She often helped around carrying their groceries and helping them with their gardens. People around there knew her. She didn’t need to hangout with Anna or her friends. “I’ll go just alone,” the little girl said to herself and started walking.
She as well as Anna and her friends walked in the same direction: towards their first neighbor Mrs Vaughan’s house. But Allison walked behind and kept her distance from them. And she stopped when Anna and her friends were near Mrs Vaughan’s house.
Just then, Mrs Vaughan looked out of her window. She noticed that Allison was being excluded by Anna and her friends. She knew it was probably because of Allison’s poor dress. She immediately felt pity for Allison, who often helped her and other neighbors. She decided to give Allison much more candy as a reward and teach Anna and her friends a lesson.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When Anna and her friends knocked on her door, Mrs Vaughan opened it.
Anna looked up and said, “Our clothes are more beautiful! But you gave Allison more candy! Why ”
When Anna and her friends knocked on her door, Mrs Vaughan opened it. The girls greeted her, showed off their beautiful clothes and asked for candy. Mrs Vaughan, who held a bag of sweets, asked them to wait for a moment. Then, she waved to Allison, calling out, “Dear, come here!” When Allison came, Mrs Vaughan said, “Oh, how beautiful you are today!” Then, she gave Allison most of her candy although the girl declined. When Allison walked away, Mrs Vaughan divided the rest of the candy among Anna and her friends, who were a little angry and confused.
Anna looked up and said, “Our clothes are more beautiful! But you gave Allison more candy! Why ” Mrs Vaughan looked down calmly and explained that Allison was always friendly to neighbors. “She has great inner beauty. Inner beauty is more important. Why not be friends with her ” Mrs Vaughan added. Hearing that, Anna and her friends’ faces turned red and they realized they had done something wrong. They said goodbye to Mrs Vaughan, caught up with Allison, and sincerely invited Allison to join them. Allison nodded gladly and had new friends, who would no longer judge her by her clothes.必修二Unit4 History and Tradition单元提升测试
1.The way we use a language is so________that one could say there are as many varieties as speakers of English.
A.individual B.common C.exceptional D.reliable
2.Some animal and plant species gradually went extinct because they couldn’t _________ to the rapidly changing conditions in this area.
A.fall B.accommodate C.belong D.contribute
3.The old bridge ________ by a farmer attracted many visitors.
A.designed B.was designed C.designing D.having designed
4.We regret you that it was our fault for not keeping you on the recent development of the project.
A.informing; informing B.informing; to be informed
C.to inform; informed D.to inform; to inform
5.She got the blame for the negative rumours, but she has said nothing _________ herself so far.
A.in charge of B.in case of C.in defence of D.in memory of
6.When you answer the question in class, you have to make yourself ______ by the other students in the classroom.
A.hearing B.to hear C.heard D.having heard
7.There may be life on other planets, but so far scientists haven’t found enough ________ to prove it.
A.evidence B.character C.mystery D.expression
8.With his attention on his homework, he ignored all about what I had told him.
A.focusing B.focuses C.focused D.focus
9.Since our research so far has not produced any answers _______________ this problem, we need to adopt a different _______________ to it.
A.of; access B.to; approval C.of; means D.to; approach
10.There lay my house, ________waist-high ruins, smelly and dirty.
A.being reduce to B.reducing to
C.being reduced to D.reduced to
I am excited to be teaching in an introductory history seminar (研讨班) on the world of Thomas Jefferson. It affords a(n) 11 chance to help show students why history is a way of thinking, seeing, and understanding.
I love seeing students try to make 12 of somebody from the 18th century, whether it is Jefferson or somebody whose life was closely 13 with his own. Often, students at first are confident that they 14 an 18th-century person, and that such an individual was inspired by the same things that 15 them today. But then, when I 16 certain things this historical figure said or did, students are often amazed at how 17 the person in fact is, and how unusual the individual’s assumptions, beliefs, and desires are 18 to their own!
With more 19 , they begin to see how the peculiar (奇怪的) can appear 20 , how the strange can, in fact, seem so appropriate. At the beginning students 21 to force their own beliefs and assumptions on the past, while now they begin to see the past according to its own 22 . I am always happy witnessing that transformation in vision, in seeing 23 come to life for students. Such a transformation not only certainly 24 the 18th century and allows students to better understand history, but it also helps them master a(n) 25 that they can use for the rest of their lives.
11.A.expensive B.serious C.fantastic D.acceptable
12.A.sense B.use C.mistakes D.excuses
13.A.fixed B.connected C.tied D.contacted
14.A.interview B.imagine C.describe D.understand
15.A.support B.satisfy C.attract D.guide
16.A.point out B.look on C.think up D.put through
17.A.famous B.powerful C.unique D.noble
18.A.combined B.compared C.added D.devoted
19.A.experiments B.research C.suggestions D.introductions
20.A.magical B.surprising C.interesting D.logical
21.A.preferred B.succeeded C.expected D.failed
22.A.structures B.agreements C.conditions D.directions
23.A.century B.history C.seminar D.facts
24.A.reveals B.discovers C.divides D.explains
25.A.skill B.subject C.event D.relationship
Amazing China in 60 Seconds is a short video series covering cultural and scenic hot spots across the country.
Tibet autonomous region in Southwest China, home to the highest plateau(高原) on Earth, is known as the “roof of the world”. It’s a paradise for tourists with its towering snow mountains, vast grasslands, peaceful lakes and breathtaking views. Must-visit places include the Potala Palace - a UNESCO world heritage site, Mount Qomolangma, Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon and more.
Tibet is also famed for its rich ethnic culture, including the Tibetan dance, age-old thangka painting and Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa - traditional Tibetan bathing for a medical purpose which was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2018.
Neighboring the Chinese capital city of Beijing, Tianjin rests between the northern Yanshan Mountains and the coastal plain. Adjacent to the sea and rivers, it carries distinct ecological beauty.
Tianjin is where Eastern and Western cultures meet. It has many precious historical sites, former residences of celebrities and foreign-style architecture. Famous tourist destinations include the Tianjin Eye, the Huangyaguan Great Wall, and the Five Big Avenues area, which hosts about 2,000 villas in various Western styles built in the 1920s and 1930s.
Southwest China’s Chongqing is largely built on mountains and surrounded by rivers; thus it is known as the “mountain city”. Many people are drawn to Chongqing by its delicious food - especially its signature spicy hotpot - and natural scenery.
Boasting the largest number of hotpot restaurants in China, Chongqing was named “China’s Hotpot City” by the China Cuisine Association in 2007. Statistics show there are more than 50,000 hotpot eateries across the city. With more than 3,000 year of history, Chongqing still preserves traditional culture and lifestyles.
26.Where can you experience a bath with medicinal functions
A.Tibet B.Tianjin C.Chongqing D.Sichuan
27.Which country’s villa style can’t you find in Tianjin
A.Germany B.India C.France D.Italy
28.Where might this article come from
A.Geography magazine B.Entertainment newspaper
C.Tourism website D.News report
World Book Day falls on April 23rd every year, but do you know that it is also Shakespeare Day Everybody may have heard of Shakespeare, but do you know how many plays he wrote
Shakespeare’s plays have three kinds: tragedies, comedies and histories. His most famous play is the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet, which deals with two young lovers who are not allowed to marry by their parents. Other tragedies include Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth.
Shakespeare’s comedies include Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. Twelfth Night is a play about unclear identities. Two twins are shipwrecked (遭海难) and the sister, Viola, dresses up as her brother, Sebastian, who she thinks is dead. It’s funny, because the brother reappears and there’s a big love problem going on: Viola is in love with the Duke, who is in love with Olivia, who falls in love with Sebastian except that she doesn’t realize that Sebastian is actually Viola dressed up!
Everybody falls in love with the wrong person, but it is all made right in the end.
Some of his history plays, such as Antony and Cleopatra, Richard III and Henry V, are based on the lives of real historical people. In Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra becomes Antony’s girlfriend and Antony becomes so crazy about her that he loses control of the army. Cleopatra kills herself in the end and Antony kills himself too.
Shakespeare’s plays can be very difficult sometimes. Some of the themes they deal with are heavy, so they almost always include a lighter subplot with characters that are not so important. They are often used in tragedies to lighten the mood of the play and to keep the audience interested in the main plot.
29.Which is a tragedy character
A.Viola. B.Antony. C.Sebastian. D.Hamlet.
30.What can be inferred from paragraph3
A.Viola likes dressing up as her brother for fun. B.The Duke marries Olivia at last.
C.Twelfth Night has a sad ending. D.Olivia finally falls in love with Sebastian.
31.What can we know about Shakespeare’s history plays
A.There are only two famous history plays.
B.Some of them are inspired by real people living in the past.
C.Real historical events can be found in every history play.
D.They are more difficult than tragedies and comedies.
32.Why is the subplot added to Shakespeare’s plays
A.To help relax the audience and attract their interest in the main theme.
B.To make it easy for audience to understand the plays.
C.To make the difficult plots simple.
D.To help develop the main plot.
Cantonese opera(粤剧) is one of the major Chinese opera categories. It is a traditional Chinese art form that originated in southern China’s Cantonese culture, and involves music, singing, martial arts, acrobatics and acting. Today it is not only very popular in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong and Macao, but also performed all around the world.
Cantonese opera was originally called Nanxi(Southern opera) in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and this beautiful art form has pleased audiences for hundreds of years. By absorbing the folk melodies and tunes of Guangdong, and mixing many different opera styles that were popular at the time, Cantonese opera developed during the 16th century. With the unique combination of these different influences, Nanxi was developed into Cantonese opera.
Cantonese opera is a wonderful mix of storytelling, music and fighting. The performances are often based on well-known traditional stories or events from Chinese history. The colourful sets serve as the background for these performances and actors appear on stage with similarly colourful face paint. Fights are a common and important part of many shows with actors performing difficult and exciting martial arts movements.
In the beginning, Cantonese opera costumes reflected the clothing style of the Ming Dynasty. Later, as Peking opera became increasingly popular, it was strongly influenced by Peking opera costumes. Costumes were made of cloth and later some accessories(配饰)were added. Different roles require different costumes. For example, an actor playing the Xiaosheng, a very gentle role, wears a costume with long sleeves; while the Xiaowu, an acting role, demands a costume with short sleeves so as to act easily.
Many well-known operas are still performed today, such as The Purple Hairpin and Rejunenation of the Red Plum Flower, which originated in the Yuan Dynasty. Other Cantonese operas are adapted from western movies or novels. Generally, Cantonese opera performers have to master four skills: singing, acting movement, delivery of speeches, and martial gymnastic skills.
Because of its long tradition and its importance in the development of Chinese arts and culture, Cantonese opera was included on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list in 2009.
33.Which of the following is NOT the factor in Cantonese opera’s development
A.Tunes of Guangdong. B.Different opera styles.
C.A variety of dialects. D.Folk melodies.
34.What do we know about Cantonese opera costumes
A.They were originally a reflection of clothing style of Yuan Dynasty.
B.They look more beautiful when they are made with more accessories.
C.They were designed based on Peking opera costumes.
D.Performers choose different costumes according to the roles they play.
35.What makes Cantonese opera an intangible cultural heritage
A.Its exciting movements and difficult performances.
B.Its popularity and development.
C.Its colorful sets and face paint.
D.Its history and influence.
36.What’s the purpose of the author in writing the passage
A.To prove that Cantonese opera is the most popular opera.
B.To inform the readers of the development of Cantonese opera.
C.To share the author’s experience of seeing a well-known Cantonese opera.
D.To make a comparison between Cantonese opera and Peking opera.
Women were less likely than men to support the Vietnam war, the Gulf war, or the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. They commit far fewer murders. They are less likely to favor strikes. For some scholars, these are grounds for thinking that a world run by women would be more peaceful.
But European history suggests otherwise, according to political scientists Oeindrila Dube and S. P. Harish. They studied how often European rulers went to war between 1480 and 1913, and found that states ruled by queens were 27% more likely to get involved in wars than those ruled by kings.
This was not all the queens’ fault: men, seeing them as soft targets, tended to attack them. Frederick the Great of Prussia once declared: ”No woman should ever be allowed to govern anything.“ Shortly after becoming king, he attacked the newly crowned Archduchess of Austria, Maria Theresa, and seized Silesia province. Despite years of war, she never recovered it.
But perceived weakness is not the whole story. Queens, the researchers found, were more likely to gain new territory. Catherine the Great expanded her empire by some 200,000 square miles. And married queens were more aggressive than single queens or kings, whether single or married.
The authors suggest several reasons for this. First, married queens may have been able to form more military alliances(联盟),making them confident enough to pick fights. Their husbands had often served in the army before they married, and were well placed to strengthen military ties between their homelands and their wives’ states.
Second, unlike most kings, queens often gave their husbands a lot of power,putting them in charge of foreign policy or the economy. During the 1740s, Maria Theresa’s husband, Francis I, reformed the Austrian economy and raised money for the armed forces while his wife ruled much of central Europe. Prince Albert was Queen Victoria’s most trusted adviser, shaping her foreign policy until his death in1861. This division of labor, the authors suggest, freed up time for queens to pursue more aggressive policies.
The modern era, too, has witnessed female leaders in wars: Golda Meir and the Yom Kippur war, or Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands. The number of countries led by women has more than doubled since 2000, but there is plenty of room for improvement: the current level of 15 represents less than 10 % of the total. A world in which more women took power might be more equal. Whether it would be more peaceful is a different question.
37.The underlined “perceived weakness” in paragraph 4 means that________.
A.women were less likely to support wars
B.women could not recover lost territory
C.women commit far fewer crimes
D.women were soft targets
38.Why were married queens more likely to gain new territory
A.Because their military alliances picked fights for them.
B.Because they were ambitious and aggressive by nature.
C.Because their husbands were supportive in state governing.
D.Because they centralized all power into their own hands.
39.What is the purpose of mentioning the two female leaders in the last paragraph
A.To imply there is room for improvement in gender equality.
B.To indicate more females become leaders in modern times.
C.To illustrate female leaders cannot prevent wars in modern times.
D.To suggest female leaders have their share of wars in modern times.
40.According to the passage, we can safely conclude that________.
A.married women are not fit to govern their states on their own
B.female leaders should be responsible for all wars throughout history
C.the world wouldn’t be more peaceful even if more women took power
D.the division of labor allows queens to survive economic crisis
For people who are planning a trip, a visit to a museum might not be the first thing they think of. After all, there are plenty of ways to appreciate the world’s civilization, gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends. 41
Museums are where people learn something new, at every age! Are you interested in something specific 42 . There, you will find yourself drawn in and inspired! Museums are a fantastic place to learn about a region’s history, scientific achievements, major cultural events, and of course, dinosaurs. They also design exhibitions related to visual arts, industrial innovations and anything that inspires an individual to learn about the past and create new paths to the future.
43 They will surely be an exciting part of the educational experience with the main purpose to expose children to knowledge of various fields and expand their horizons. To achieve that, museums are working to create meaningful and engaging activities, interactive and knowledge-based.
Museums support tourism. They are tourism promoters in small towns and large cities. Museums aren’t a burden on tax revenue (税收) or a separate concern from other city projects. 44 Statistics show that museums support more than 726, 000 jobs in America.
Museums shape communities. They have activities and exhibitions through which visitors can learn about local history. Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a collective identity is formed. They provide an interesting public space where people meet and talk to each other. 45
A.Museums bring out the best qualities in children.
B.Museums often deliver kids-centered exhibitions.
C.Instead, they generate funding and fuel employment.
D.Then, visit a local museum to learn about that subject.
E.Even shopping at the gift shop there is an opportunity for connection.
F.On the contrary, they consume a small percentage of city funds annually.
G.The fact, however, is that museums offer magical benefits in many ways.
Chinese state media has praised a viral video series telling the story of a jade teapot coming to life and fleeing the British Museum to make 46 (it) way back home.
The set of three short episodes, entitled Escape from the British Museum, shows 47 teapot turning into a young woman in a green dress, who then engages a London-based Chinese journalist to help her reunite with her family. It appears 48 (strike) a chord in China after first being released by independent vloggers on Douyin, China’s equivalent to TikTok. By Monday evening, it had reportedly racked up more than 310 million 49 (view). The plot line taps into growing Chinese criticism of the British Museum after reports last month 50 more than 1,500 51 (price) objects, including gold jewellery, semi precious stones and glass, were missing, 52 (steal) or damaged.
State broadcaster CCTV also gave the short films a glowing review 53 (say): “We are very pleased to see Chinese young people are passionate about history and tradition... We are also looking forward to the early return of Chinese artefacts that 54 (display) overseas.”
The new three-part show has unleashed a wave of nationalism among viewers, 55 many praising the creative plot that reduced them to tears by showing how the teapot experienced the happiness of returning to China to see pandas and watch a flag-raising ceremony on Tiananmen Square.
People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can 56 this question if you study British history.
First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people 57 to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to “Great Britain”. Happily this was 58 without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.
To their 59 the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the 60 and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!
England is the largest of the four countries, and for 61 it is divided roughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, 62 , these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two! It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. For historical 63 you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture.
The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. It is the center of national government and its 64 . It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066. There has been four sets of invaders of England. The first invaders, the Romans, left their towns and roads. The second, the Anglo-Saxons, left their language and their government. The third, the Vikings, influenced the 65 and place-names of the North of England, and the fourth, the Normans, left castles and introduced new words for food.
If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.
Ireland’s beautiful countryside has always had 66 great influence on its people and traditions. The country has a long history of 67 (produce) great writers and poets. The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” 68 (be) a true feast for the eyes with rolling green hills beautifully 69 (dot) with sheep and cattle. And down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the 70 (seabird) make up the music of the coast. On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin, 71 breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. With all this beauty, it is not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions 72 include music, dancing, and dining. 73 (have) a chance of experiencing this, stop by a village pub and relax with a glass of wine or a local beer. Better yet, enjoy a delicious traditional Irish Beef Stew. If you’re 74 (luck), you might be able to enjoy some traditional music and dancing, too. And if you introduce 75 (you) to a friendly face, you are more than likely to experience local culture and customs first-hand.
76.用你在History and Traditions单元中所学的知识描写一个有趣的、令人兴奋或惊讶的地方。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 不得抄袭。
The annual Halloween arrived, during which kids dressed in traditional clothes went to neighbors’ houses to ask for candy.
Allison lived in a small town. That day after dinner, Allison put on her dress her father had just bought for her. The dress was cheap and second-hand because her family was poor. But Allison still thanked her dad and said, “Everyone will love my dress!” Then, she left for neighbors’ houses to ask for candy.
On the way, she came across Anna and her friends and wanted to join them. “No! Look at your dress! It’s ugly!” Anna said. Her friends also laughed. “Look at our dresses, especially mine! It’s new and beautiful,” Anna added. Her friends nodded, and in some way they were right. Anna’s dress was shiny and looked expensive. She always had the best clothes because her parents were rich.
Allison was shocked and sad. The kids not only disliked her dress but made fun of it. “You can’t come with us!” Anna stressed. “We would never hang out with you!” The other kids agreed and laughed. They all left to start collecting candy for the night while Allison was left alone, embarrassed in the middle of the street.
Anyway, she knew all the neighbors. She often helped around carrying their groceries and helping them with their gardens. People around there knew her. She didn’t need to hangout with Anna or her friends. “I’ll go just alone,” the little girl said to herself and started walking.
She as well as Anna and her friends walked in the same direction: towards their first neighbor Mrs Vaughan’s house. But Allison walked behind and kept her distance from them. And she stopped when Anna and her friends were near Mrs Vaughan’s house.
Just then, Mrs Vaughan looked out of her window. She noticed that Allison was being excluded by Anna and her friends. She knew it was probably because of Allison’s poor dress. She immediately felt pity for Allison, who often helped her and other neighbors. She decided to give Allison much more candy as a reward and teach Anna and her friends a lesson.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When Anna and her friends knocked on her door, Mrs Vaughan opened it.
Anna looked up and said, “Our clothes are more beautiful! But you gave Allison more candy! Why ”