人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection知识点讲义


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection知识点讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 42.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-15 20:21:58



Book 2 Unit 2 Wildlife protection学案
an endangered (endanger) species = a species that is in danger
endanger vt使处于险境,危及 =put ---in danger / at risk
protect endangered (endanger)wildlife
be in danger & be dangerous
species 单复同形 a /two means/ series / species / crossroads
a /two fish/ sheep / deer
注意: a works of art 一件艺术品 a form of art =an art form
care for 照顾wildlife = take care of = look after = tend (to)= attend to = nurse
care vi I don’t care . care about what others think of me 在乎别人对我的看法
a caring/careful (care ) mother
1.Which one moves=touches / affects you most
move vt 感动 I was deeply moved by his selfless sacrifice . 无私的牺牲
be moved/affected / touched to tears 感动得流泪
拓: adj moving moved
How moving (move) it was to be treated so kindly !
The sight of the soldiers’ fighting enemies fearlessly was really moving (move).
I found everyone present moved (move) to tears .
2.Use visuals可视教具 to predict content 使用视觉效果来预测 内容
provide a visual feast 提供视觉盛宴
拓:vision n. 想象,幻觉;构想,展望;眼力,远见卓识;视力,视觉;视野 a man of vision有眼光的人
television n. 电视,电视机 =TV
visible adj. 看得见的;明显的,引人注目的;
invisible adj. 看不见的,隐形的;无形的, invaluable 极有用的,极宝贵的
拓:audio/ di / adj. 声音的,音频的 an audio-visual feast 一场视听 盛宴 video视频的
legal adj. 法律允许的,合法的; illegal adj. 非法的;违法的 imperfect impatient inconvenient
irregular abnormal
say no / yes / sorry to sb =refuse / agree with / apologize to sb
What on earth 究竟,到底are we doing to our planet
What on earth are you up to 你到底在搞什么鬼
in the earth 在地里 on the earth /planet 在地球上 in space 在太空
---die out at an alarming rate ——以惊人的速度消亡
.die out = become extinct / k st kt/灭绝;消亡
.die off : die one after another
.die of old age 老死 die from an accident 死于事故
.die for my country 为国捐躯
.die down 平息
Eg.The fire / wind died down .火熄 /风停了。
His families die off in a year because of the pandemic .他的家人在一年内因为疾病大流行相继去世。
The flames finally died down. 火焰终于减弱了。
His speech was so great that it was/took several minutes before the applause died down.
alarming adj 令人担忧的,令人恐惧的 ;
alarmed adj. 担忧的,惊恐的 feel alarmed /panic 感到惊慌
拓:alarm n. 警报;警报器;闹钟;惊恐,担忧 v. 使不安,使恐慌;
sound an alarm 拉响警报 写:
make people aware of the problem =make people realize / recognize,意识到 the probem
aware adj 知道的,明白的;察觉到的 be / become aware of the importance of health
be /become aware that health really counts /matters.
缺乏 lack be short of
fear be afraid / terrified of
like be keen on be fond of
realize be aware of
The experience made me aware everyone had the potential to achieve success with a willing heart.
awareness n raise people’s awareness of wildlife protection 提高人们保护野生动物的意识/觉悟faint
lose one’s consciousness =black out = pass out =become unconscious =faint晕厥,不省人事
do sth before it’s too late . 趁还来得及做某事 ,趁早做某事
before it’s too late=as soon as possible
If you do have something difficult beyond your ability , tell me before it’s too late .
趁早放弃这个愚蠢的想法。 Quit the stupid idea before it is too late .
on average 平均 above average 在一般水准以上 below average低于平均水平的
an average-looking kid 一个相貌平平的孩子 an average boy 一个普通的男孩
average n/adj
A man must averagely (average) take in five different kinds of food as far as the nutrition is concerned.
a boy of average intelligence 智力一般的男孩
链接:.goods of high quality 优质产品
Goods of poor quality are indeed cheap but they don't last long. Therefore, it pays in the long run/term to buy goods of high quality.
.people of all ages 各年龄层次的人 老少皆宜be suitable for people of all ages
10.make a lot of progress/advances in (doing) sth 在(做)某事方面取得很大进展
11.preserve its natural habitats well 保护好它的自然栖息地
12.be concerned about =be worried about =be anxious about =care about 担心某事
13.in danger of extinction = in danger of dying out
14.large living (live vi) spaces
15.adapt to the change = fit in with = get used to 适应
16.take measures to do sth = take steps / action to do sth 采取措施做某事 写:
17.The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products .
under pressure / stress/ attack/ construction / repair 处于压力/压力/攻击/施工/修理之中
under one’s guidance 在----的指导下
with one’s assistance /help / aid 在某人的帮助下
make an announcement 发布通知,发表声明 announcement公告;(报纸上的)布告;
口头通知首句:Attention, please . I have something important to announce (announce).
literary / l t r ri/ adj. 文学的,
literature / l tr t (r)/n. 文学,文学作品;
literacy / l t r si/n. 识字,读写能力;专业知识;精通文学
refrigerator n. 冰箱,冷藏库 = in the fridge/fr d /在冰箱里
Reading and thinking
1. the Changtang National Nature Reserve长塘国家级自然保护区
2. To our left, snow-covered mountains disappeared into clouds that seemed almost close enough to touch. On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.This is why we are here -to observe Tibetan antelopes. 在我们的左边,白雪覆盖的山脉消失在云层中,似乎触手可及。在我们面前的平原上,我们依稀能辨认出一群优雅的动物。这就是我们来这里的原因——观察藏羚羊。
.snow-covered mountains白雪覆盖的山脉 snow-capped mountains 雪山
类似短语:自制卡片 a self-made card 他饱经风霜的脸 his weather - beaten face
.That’s why = so.
I felt a little tired . That’s why I got to sleep earlier than before .
I felt a little tired . So I got to sleep earlier than before .
I felt a little tired, so I got to sleep earlier than before .
I felt a little tired , which was why I got to sleep earlier than before .
=My tiredness led to / accounted for / contributed to my early rest .
see / notice / look at / watch / observe/spot/ catch sight of 感官动词+sb + doing sth 在做---
hear / listen to sb do sth 做了---
feel sb done 介 被--
Watching (watch) them move slowly across the green grass, I’m struck (strike)by their beauty .
.be struck by his selflessness 被他的无私感动
.watch sb do sth
watch people come and go 看人来人往
5.I am also reminded of the danger they are in .
Reminded (remind) of the danger they are in , I can’t help but worry about them .
Thinking (think vi) of the danger they are in , I can’t help but worry about them .
6.They are being hunted ,illegally , for their valuable (value)fur .人们为了它们珍贵的皮毛而非法猎杀它们。
is / am / are being done 现在正在被
To Zhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life .对于扎西来说,土地是神圣的,保护野生动物是一种生活方式。
We are not trying to save the animals . Actually/Instead , we’re trying to save ourselves .
actually =as a ,atter of fact =in fact = in actual fact = practically=in practice 实际上
The population dropped by more than 50 percent .
下降了: drop/ fall / go down / decrease / decline/shrink /reduce by + ---% /分数
to “到”数字
增长了:rise/grow /soar / go up /shoot up / shyrocket
Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits (profit). Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built .
profitable adj. 盈利的,有利可图的
To save (save)this species from extinction , the Chinese government placed it under national protection.
Zhang and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks (attack).
keep sb safe from attacks = protect sb from attacks
The antelope population/number has recovered and in June,2015,the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list .藏羚羊种群数量逐渐恢复,2015年6月,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中移除。
on the list 在清单上 remove sth from the list 从清单上删除某物
The beetles are on the list of endangered species. 甲虫在濒危动物物种名单之上。
make a shopping list 列一张购物清单 make a to-do list 列一个待办事项清单
The government , however , does not intend to stop the protection (protect)programmes , since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.然而,政府并不打算停止保护计划,因为对藏羚羊的威胁还没有消失。
I think about the antelopes and what Zhaxi told me .
Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
句型解读: Only+状语+部分倒装。
When we grow up , we will be aware what life is all about .当我们长大了,我们就会明白生活的真谛。
Only when we grow up will we be aware what life is all about .
Only after we go through ups and downs in our life can we grow mentally independent and confident .
Only in the face of our parents can we behave like kids . 只有在父母面前,我们才能表现得像个孩子。
To achieve (achieve)harmony between humans and animals, the world must protect these beautiful creatures.
What a poor little thing /creature ! 可怜的小东西!
stir up emotions 煽动情绪
Who do you think is the intended/target audience for each poster 你认为每个海报的目标受众是谁
carry out a plan 执行计划 make / draw up/work out a plan制定一个计划
put forward a plan 提出计划 approve a plan 批准一项计划 carry out/conduct a plan执行计划
Do you buy fur or other tiger products (product)
It is for this reason that WWF constantly put up information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet .正是因为这个原因,世界自然基金会不断地发布信息,以激起公众对地球福利的兴趣。
stir up interest in 引发对---的兴趣
welfare = well-being =benefit 福利
Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers. 福利是低收入工人们惟一真正的安全保障。
It may seem that protecting wildlife is something far from the life of a high school student , but in fact a lot are being done by young people around the world .
That’s something far from my imagination.这与我的想象相去甚远。
far from 远离;远非;完全不 far from perfect =not perfect at all
far from satisfactory 远不能令人满意 far from the truth 远非事实
*apart / aside from 除---外还有
It is difficult to attract animals to caremas hidden (hide) in snowy forests .
4.leave --- behind 遗留 /忘了带
leave sb alone 不干涉某人; leave out 遗漏,省去;不考虑 feel left out 感到受冷落