

名称 高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册UNIT1-UNIT5单元达标(5份打包,含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 00:50:44


Section Ⅳ Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ. 根据首字母或汉语提示写出正确单词
1. When I was a child, I learned lots of poems, most of which I can recite even now.
2. It requires every student to fill in the blanks using proper words.
3. I have no sympathy for Jane; it’s all her own fault.
4. I advise you to polish your article once more before you send it to the editor.
5. Women sometimes face prejudice in the workplace.
6. Classic Greek drama(戏剧) was written in verse, usually in a formal style.
7. The boat rocked up and down in rhythm(节奏) with the sea.
8. I used to be an amateur(业余的) astronomer and watched the stars through my telescope.
9. Tom corresponds(通信) with his pen friend John regularly.
10. The deadline(截止日期) for applications is 30 April.
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
in sorrow, nursery rhyme, at dawn, be made up of, in the mood for, show sympathy for, a string of, keep up, come across, cherry blossom
1. Oceania is made up of Australia and New Zealand and so on.
2. I was so hungry all the time that I couldn’t keep up my weight-loss programme.
3. Nursery rhymes have been the literature works that children contact earliest.
4. I have a lot of work to do today, so I am not in the mood for the concert tonight.
5. April is my favourite month when the cherry blossom comes out.
6. She likes to wear a string of pearls around her neck.
7. I think she did it more in sorrow than in anger.
8. While cleaning the room yesterday, I came across an old photo of my mother.
9. We should show sympathy for the victims of the flood and give them as much help as possible.
10. I woke up at dawn, only to find the people were already out in the fields.
Ⅲ. 单句语法填空
1. Every time I think of her, I get depressed and sorrowful(sorrow).
2. They finished first and second respectively(respective).
3. She is moody(mood) and bad-tempered, making her have few friends.
4. I’ve gone through all the shelves(shelf), but couldn’t find the book you want.
5. Children will lose their innocence(innocent) as they grow older.
6. What is the deadline for the speech contest
7. I’d like to study law at university while my cousin prefers geography.
8. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, where we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.
9. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, which turned out to be a wise decision.
10. Children who are not active or whose diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
In 1991, Terry Gelber rented a stage at the Castillo Cultural Centre to perform his poetry. When asked by the booking agent what kind of poetry he wrote, his response was “Taxi Poetry”.
While driving his taxi and reciting poetry, he noticed his taxi driver’s licenses are also called “hack licenses”. Then he thought for a moment and said, “Hack Poetry!” Thus “Hack Poetry” was born.
At the first reading of Hack Poetry, a fellow taxi driver and poet Tom Ostrowski joined Terry. The two cabbie poets read to an audience of six people plus one reporter from New York Magazine. Asked by Charles W. Bell of the New York Daily News what he called the growing group of taxi poets that appeared at readings, Gelber replied, “Did you see the movie Dead Poets Society ”
In 1992, a poetry contest was added and a television game show was produced for Manhattan TV. In the following years, Terry appeared as the Hack Poet at lots of events reading his Hack Poetry and writing poems for special days such as when an old taxi was put in the Museum of New York. After a successful business in 1999, the Hack Poet bought an old farm in the Catskill Mountains where he has been able to be close to nature and animals. Poets will be invited to share the loneliness of the hills in a place that thankfully has not quite moved into the 21st century.
1. What is Hack Group according to the text
A. Another name for famous poets.
B. People who like to hear others read poems.
C. A group of people who like reading poems in taxis.
D. A group of taxi drivers who read and write poems.
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“a fellow taxi driver” “two cabbie poets”和“the growing group of taxi poets”可知,Hack Group指的是读诗、写诗的出租车司机们。故选D。
2. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Poets for Special Occasions
B. The History of the Hack Poetry
C. Drivers and Poets
D. Taxi Drivers Like Poems
解析:标题归纳题。文章叙述了1991年Hack Poetry的诞生及其进一步发展的过程,因此本文的标题应是“Hack Poetry的历史”。故选B。
3. Who do the underlined words “the Hack Poet” in the last paragraph refer to
A. Terry Gelber.
B. Tom Ostrowski.
C. Charles W. Bell.
D. Someone unknown.
解析:词义猜测题。根据本段中“In the following years, Terry appeared as the Hack Poet ...”可知,the Hack Poet指的就是特里·盖尔伯。故选A。
4. Why was the old farm in the Catskill Mountains chosen
A. It is large in area.
B. It is a good place to go hunting.
C. It is a primitive place seldom disturbed.
D. It is a nice place for commerce and trade.
Human speech contains more than 2,000 different sounds, from the common “m” and “a” to the rare clicks of some southern African languages. But why are certain sounds more common than others A groundbreaking, five-year study shows that diet-related changes in human bite led to new speech sounds that are now found in half the world’s languages.
More than 30 years ago, the scholar Charles Hockett noted that speech sounds called labiodentals, such as “f” and “v”, were more common in the languages of societies that ate softer foods. Now a team of researchers led by Damián Blasi at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has found how and why this trend arose.
They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human adults were aligned(对齐), making it hard to produce labiodentals, which are formed by touching the lower lip to the upper teeth. Later, our jaws changed to an overbite structure(结构), making it easier to produce such sounds.
The team showed that this change in bite was connected with the development of agriculture in the Neolithic period. Food became easier to chew at this point. The jawbone didn’t have to do as much work and so didn’t grow to be so large.
Analyses of a language database also confirmed that there was a global change in the sound of world languages after the Neolithic age, with the use of “f” and “v” increasing remarkably during the last few thousand years. These sounds are still not found in the languages of many hunter-gatherer people today.
This research overturns the popular view that all human speech sounds were present when human beings evolved around 300,000 years ago. “The set of speech sounds we use has not necessarily remained stable since the appearance of human beings, but rather the huge variety of speech sounds that we find today is the product of a complex interplay of things like biological change and cultural evolution,” said Steven Moran, a member of the research team.
5. Which aspect of the human speech sound does Damián Blasi’s research focus on
A. Its variety.    B. Its distribution.
C. Its quantity. D. Its development.
6. Why was it difficult for ancient human adults to produce labiodentals
A. They had fewer upper teeth than lower teeth.
B. They could not open and close their lips easily.
C. Their jaws were not conveniently structured.
D. Their lower front teeth were not large enough.
7. What is paragraph 5 mainly about
A. Supporting evidence for the research results.
B. Potential application of the research findings.
C. A further explanation of the research methods.
D. A reasonable doubt about the research process.
8. What does Steven Moran say about the set of human speech sounds
A. It is key to effective communication.
B. It contributes much to cultural diversity.
C. It is a complex and dynamic system.
D. It drives the evolution of human beings.
Top Poetry Writing Tips
Tip 1: Poetry involves work, rest and play.
9. It involves hard work, especially in the early stage when you are deciding on the overall form and tone of the poem, and getting the bones of it onto the page. But writing poetry should be a playful activity, too. Have fun playing around with the language, the ideas and the music inside the poem.
Tip 2: Poetry requires both words and silence.
Poetry has been defined as “the best words in their best order”. Choose your words carefully for their sounds and meaning. 10. Just as the white space on the page is needed to shape the pattern of words, so the thoughts that are left unsaid, the pauses and the quiet hints, will add something extra to your poem. 11. If you have created enough solid stepping stones in words and thoughts, then the reader will follow you to the end of the poem.
Tip 3: 12.
Poets often turn to writing a poem when they experience a strong emotion and have the need to express it. The reading of other people’s poetry can also give comfort or a sense that you are not alone in how you are feeling. But be careful not to write your poem with abstract emotions and don’t tell your readers how to think or feel.
Tip 4: Writing poetry can be difficult to start and hard to let go.
It is often difficult to know how to start a poem, but the trick is to recognise the beginnings of them, in everyday life. 13. They can start from remembering a funny conversation that you’ve overheard at the bus stop, yesterday’s nightmare, a secret you’ve been told, or an interesting postcard that you have noticed in a shop. If you catch yourself thinking about something for more than a minute or two, that’s when you reach for a pen and some paper and start jotting down(匆匆记下) thoughts, words and phrases.
A. But poetry is also about silence.
B. Writing a good poem rarely comes easily.
C. Don’t be afraid of the gaps that you leave.
D. Poetry needs an emotion and a control of it.
E. Poetry sets the scene for readers to step into.
F. Poems don’t have to come from exciting events.
G. You must write your feelings and views with passion.
9. 解析:根据下文“It involves hard work ...”可知,写一首好诗是不容易的,故选B。
10. 解析:根据标题“Poetry requires both words and silence.”可知,本段阐述诗歌不仅需要文字也需要留白。本段前两句已经阐述了words,因此空格处以及下文应该是阐述silence。故选A。
11. 解析:空格上文阐述为了塑造文字的模式,页面上要留下空白,诗歌也一样,需要停顿和暗示,因此“不要害怕留下空白”,符合语境。故选C。
12. 解析:空格处是段落主题句。分析段落中的核心词汇a strong emotion、comfort、alone、abstract emotions、feel等都和情感有关系,故选D。
13. 解析:根据上文“... the beginnings of them, in everyday life.”和下文“... start from remembering a funny conversation ... yesterday’s nightmare, a secret you’ve been told, or an interesting postcard that you have noticed in a shop.”可知诗歌来自日常生活,不必一定来自令人激动的大事,故选F。
Ⅴ. 完形填空
How Did Poetry Begin
Poems can make you feel emotions, like anger or sadness, depending on the words and how they are put together. That is the  1  of poetry.
Poetry  2  even before humans knew how to read and write, dating back to around 3000 BCE. Some of the earliest poetry was
 3  or sung, and was used as a way to record and pass down historical and religious stories and cultural traditions from one generation to the next. Since writing was not practised then, certain sounds and rhymes were used to make these stories  4  and therefore, memorable.
There are  5  three types of ancient poetry. The first was an epic(史诗) or long narrative(叙事的) poetry usually about a  6 
event. The second type was lyric(抒情的) poetry or poetry that  7 
personal feelings. Finally there was drama or stories written in verse and usually  8  like Greek tragedies and Shakespeare’s plays.
The invention of the printing press(印刷机) in the 15th century brought poetry to the common people. This was followed by several major literary periods, during which poetry  9  dramatic changes. They started with Europe’s Renaissance period from the 14th to the 16th century, which first helped poetry and poets like Shakespeare and Sir Walter Raleigh become popular.
The Romantic period saw  10  poems that expressed a poet’s joys, hopes, and sorrows in a conversational tone. Then came the Victorian era, which saw the  11  of structured poems and the birth of modern “ 12  verse” poetry. American poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass is  13  to be the first example of free verse poetry.
Modern poetry is a  14  of all of these styles. We still see rhymes in children’s poems and in the popular African-American styles of hip hop and rap music, which are a  15  of rhymed poetry put to a musical beat.
1. A. style B. power
C. tone D. rhyme
解析:根据上文中“Poems can make you feel emotions, like anger or sadness ...”可知,诗歌可以让人们感受到情感,比如生气或者悲伤等,这说明了诗歌的力量。style风格;power力量;tone语气,音调;rhyme押韵。故选B。
2. A. existed B. survived
C. changed D. mattered
3. A. published B. copied
C. analysed D. recited
4. A. mysterious B. interesting
C. blank D. difficult
5. A. mainly B. eventually
C. specially D. widely
6. A. typical B. folk
C. romantic D. historical
解析:根据空格前面的“an epic or long narrative poetry”可知,这里指的是史诗或某一历史事件的长篇叙事性的诗歌。typical典型的;folk民间的,民俗的;romantic浪漫的;historical历史的。故选D。
7. A. expressed B. explained
C. avoided D. limited
8. A. sorted out B. tried out
C. acted out D. carried out
解析:根据空格前面的“there was drama or stories written in verse”可知,这些诗歌是戏剧或诗体故事,通常是表演出来的。sort out分类;try out试验,选拔;act out表演;carry out开展,实施。故选C。
9. A. went through B. got over
C. gave up D. let out
解析:根据空格前面的“several major literary periods”和后面的“dramatic changes”可知,在这几个时期中,诗歌经历了巨大的变化。go through经历,仔细检查;get over克服;give up放弃;let out发出,泄露。故选A。
10. A. excellent B. specific
C. sensitive D. personal
解析:根据下文中的“that expressed a poet’s joys, hopes, and sorrows”可知,这里指的是表达个人情感的诗歌。excellent极好的;specific具体的,特定的;sensitive敏感的,体贴的;personal个人的,私人的。故选D。
11. A. end B. start
C. core D. source
解析:此处和后面的“the birth of modern ‘ 12  verse’ poetry”中的birth对比,因此指structured poems的结束。end结束,末尾;start开始;core核心,精髓;source来源。故选A。
12. A. simple B. short
C. oral D. free
解析:根据下文中的“the first example of free verse poetry”可知,此空应填free。 simple简单的;short短的,矮的;oral口头的;free自由的,免费的,空闲的。故选D。
13. A. referred B. considered
C. chosen D. treated
14. A. contest B. combination
C. variety D. number
15. A. form B. performance
C. cause D. result
解析:结合空格前面的“children’s poems”和“hip hop and rap music”可知,它们是押韵诗歌的一种形式。form形式;performance表演,表现;cause起因;result结果。故选A。
Ⅵ. 读后续写
It is natural that every student remembers the first day at school well. It gave me a terrible feeling of fear and anxiety but I also made a good friend.
When I was of the school-going age,it was my mother who first thought of sending me to school. When she expressed it I thought that she was a heartless woman. It seemed to me that my happy days of playing with my toys were taken from me forever.
As I went to school with my father, my mind was disturbed at first. Although I had heard about school, I had not visited it earlier. My father took me to school which was an unknown place for me. Teachers and students were strangers to me. When I entered the school I felt nervous. It was a big building with tall walls.The atmosphere of the school was calm and quiet. However, as a small child I could not feel stable at the sight of the building. I was not acquainted with such atmosphere earlier.
It was an old and famous school in our community. My father was a student there in his childhood and youth. The headmaster was well known to my father and greeted him with a smile. My father introduced me to the headmaster and requested him to admit me to the school. Then I was admitted as a student. The headmaster allowed me to attend the class. I became nervous. My father left me at the door of a classroom and went away. I was about to cry. Finally, I made up my mind and knocked at the door. A lady allowed me in. It was a classroom filled with students of all size. They looked at me curiously and I just wanted to find a place to hide. The lady led me to a desk behind a girl named Jane and asked us to introduce ourselves one by one.
When Jane finished introducing herself, it was my turn to stand in front of everybody. I stood up and walked slowly forward. It was as if a mile away. I looked down at the floor and started to introduce myself. But I was so nervous that I almost couldn’t hear my own voice. I could hear my own heart pounding and feel sweat rolling down my back. I rushed back when I finished, feeling stupid. Jane turned around and smiled to me, saying that she was nervous too, which gave me a great relief.
Jane helped me out again when it was lunch time but my parents forgot to give me a lunch box that day. I felt so helpless when I saw other students take out of their lunch boxes and started to eat. I really wanted to cry and rushed back home immediately. Suddenly, Jane handed me a sandwich and said, “My mum packed such a big lunch box for me, big enough for an elephant.” I couldn’t help laughing and accepted it. I didn’t feel nervous any more. Since then, we became best friends.
PAGESection Ⅳ Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确单词
1. James didn’t feel well recently and had a medical examination(检查) in the nearest hospital.
2. We shouldn’t be pessimistic(悲观的) about the future.
3. Whoever provides useful information to catch the robber will be rewarded(奖赏) by the police.
4. They were charged with disturbing(打扰) the public peace.
5. After an hour’s walk, he got refreshed(使恢复精力) with a glass of iced tea.
6. It is reported that millions of people die of illnesses caused by smoking cigarettes(香烟) every year.
7. As we all know, having an enthusiastic and dynamic(充满活力的) personality is important.
8. The folk song composed(作曲) by a famous musician 10 years ago is still popular with teenagers.
9. Studying online at home requires a great deal of discipline(自制力).
10. When the old man got up suddenly, he felt dizzy(头晕目眩的).
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
in response to, stress out, rely on,worn out, decide on, shave off, be composed of, make up one’s mind, straight away, prevent ... from
1. “Have you decided on a date for your travelling abroad ” the girl’s mother asked.
2. You shouldn’t always just rely on the Internet for research. You can make some practical research.
3. Once he has made up his mind, nothing can change it.
4. The doctor shaved off the patient’s hair to treat the injury on his head.
5. The government took effective measures in response to the increasing unemployment problem.
6. Hearing the news, he phoned his parents straight away.
7. With so many tasks to complete, he felt stressed out.
8. After a day of climbing, they were worn out.
9. It is said that the medical team is composed of six doctors and twenty nurses.
10. Something must be done to prevent the virus from spreading around the world.
Ⅲ. 句式仿写
1. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
句式:连词+done ...
This medicine, if not taken properly, is very harmful to one’s body.
2. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much harder to change.
句式:be+adj.(easy/hard ...)+to do
The air in the morning is pleasant to breathe.
3. After all, it is not easy to break bad habits.
句式:it is+adj.(+for sb)+to do
It’s necessary for you to take a good rest, which will provide enough energy for you.
4. Some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.
To begin with, the theme of the show is Environmental Protection, which is not only meaningful but also interesting.
5. It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness.
Before the World Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling on us to join in an action for a green earth.
Ⅳ. 根据汉语句意完成英语句子
1. 我个人认为,珍视我们现在拥有的是非常重要的。
Personally, it is very important to treasure what we have at present.
2. 众所周知,早睡早起是个好习惯。
As we all know, going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.
3. 再也没有什么比保持健康更珍贵了。
Nothing is more precious than keeping fit/healthy.
4. 今天下午你方便来机场接我吗
Will it be convenient for you to pick me up at the airport this afternoon
5. 他认为为旅行制订一个好的计划是必要的。
He thinks that it is necessary to make a good plan for the trip.
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
Feeling achy and feverish Your misery has plenty of company. By the end of December, the tally(记录) of flu-like illnesses in the state exceeded the peaks in the two previous seasons, when the biggest number of cases occurred in February and March. This time, the flu virus seems to be hitting even harder.
Flu is unique among human diseases. It circulates constantly in cool and dry areas. Because it spreads from person to person and can be picked up easily, nearly everyone is exposed. While it’s unclear whether the annual flu epidemic(流行病) will worsen this year, or just arrived earlier, fears have been increased by the severity of flu in Australia during its most recent season and the fact that the vaccine may protect against the predominant(盛行的) kind of the flu only 30 percent of the time.
Despite the worries, doctors and public health officials say there is no evidence that people are getting sicker than usual. Flu cases in Massachusetts started rising around Thanksgiving and increased steadily, with an especially steep climb in the last week of the year. “This is a bad flu season but not a horrible one,” said Dr Andrew G. Villanueva, a lung specialist and chief quality officer at the Lahey Hospital & Medical Centre in Burlington.
“The flu season, while clearly in full swing, doesn’t ‘feel different’ from previous years,” Villanueva said. “We’re not seeing a lot of people being hospitalised because of flu,” he said. “Most people with the flu recover on their own without medical care.”
1. What’s the function of the first paragraph
A. A lead-in.     B. A comment.
C. A summary. D. A background.
2. What can be learned about the flu of this year according to the text
A. The outbreak of the flu of this year doesn’t seem different from previous years.
B. The flu has arrived earlier than before.
C. The vaccine against the flu is highly effective.
D. Everyone feels horrible at the mention of the flu.
3. What does the underlined part in paragraph 4 mean
A. Crowded. B. Changeable.
C. Permanent. D. Active.
解析:词义猜测题。根据上一段中的“This is a bad flu season but not a horrible one”可知,这是一个糟糕的流感季,但并不可怕,再结合画线词后的“doesn’t ‘feel different’ from previous years”可知,流感虽然明显处于高发期,但感觉与往年没有什么不同,由此可知画线短语的意思为“活跃的”。故选D。
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To explain what flu is.
B. To rid people of flu panic.
C. To warn readers of how serious the flu is.
D. To inform readers how to prevent the flu.
Sleep is essential for a person’s well-being. Researchers have found that sleep loss increases a person’s risk of developing serious medical conditions. Now, a new study has found that getting enough sleep is also the key to improving academic performance.
Jeffrey Grossman, who led the research, was not trying to find the correlation(相关性) between sleep and grades when he handed out a device to the students in his class. Instead, the professor hoped the popular wrist-worn electronic device, which tracks a person’s activity 24/7, would show a connection between physical exercise and academic achievement.
As part of the research, a quarter of the participants chose a fitness class specially created for the study. After the school term ended, the researchers carefully analysed the data. Much to Grossman’s surprise, they found no measurable difference in test performance between the group that had been physically active and the group that had not.
However, the study presented a surprising viewpoint in the journal Science of Learning. Going through the large amount of data, Grossman noticed an interesting trend(趋势) from the participants’ sleep patterns. There was a straight-line relationship between the average amount of sleep and his/her grade in the exams.
Besides, it was not enough for students to just head to bed early the night before a test. Grossman says, “We’ve heard the phrase ‘Get a good night’s sleep. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.’ It turns out this does not relate at all to test performance. Instead, it’s the sleep you get during the days when learning is happening that matters most.”
The time when students went to bed each night was similarly important. Those who went to bed in the early hours of the morning performed poorly, even if the total sleep time was the same as a higher-performing student.
The research does not prove that sleep is the only component that helps improve academic performance. However, Grossman says the results are a strong indication that sleep really matters. Who knew getting A’s just required some extra ZZZ’s
5. What’s Grossman’s original purpose by using the device in the research
A. To improve students’ sleep patterns.
B. To regulate students’ daily behaviour.
C. To monitor students’ physical condition.
D. To find effects of physical exercise on grades.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Instead, the professor hoped the popular wrist-worn electronic device, which tracks a person’s activity 24/7, would show a connection between physical exercise and academic achievement.”可知,这位教授最初希望这款腕式电子装置能够显示出体育锻炼和学习成绩之间的联系。故选D。
6. What did Grossman think of the research result
A. It was unexpected.
B. It was changeable.
C. It was unreliable.
D. It was fruitless.
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Much to Grossman’s surprise, they found no measurable difference in test performance between the group that had been physically active and the group that had not.”可知,令格罗斯曼大为惊讶的是,他们发现,在运动组和非运动组之间,测试成绩并没有显著的差异。格罗斯曼认为研究结果是出乎意料的。故选A。
7. What plays a more important part in test performance
A. Sleep in the learning stage.
B. The average amount of sleep during tests.
C. Sleep quality the night before a test.
D. A regular bedtime.
解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“It turns out this does not relate at all to test performance. Instead, it’s the sleep you get during the days when learning is happening that matters most.”可知,在学习阶段的睡眠在考试成绩中起着更重要的作用。故选A。
8. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Be Physically Active and Sleep More
B. Enough Sleep Benefits Our Well-being
C. Catch ZZZ’s for Good Test Performance
D. The More Exercise, the Better School-work
When it comes to helping students learn and mature, there are several ways to increase their well-being. Although your children may be succeeding in the classroom, there are a few things that you still can do.
Encouraging physical activity is the first thing you can do. More and more children do not participate in sports after school. It’s important for you to encourage mobility with sports played after class. You should find sports equipment, basketball courts and play areas where kids can increase their well-being. 9.
Secondly, you can provide proper nutrition for your children. It’s important for your children to receive proper nutrition both inside and outside of the home. 10. You’d better make it a point to provide enough nutrition for their proper development and growth.
11. Many parents fail to stop children from using smartphones and computers. There are some institutions that even encourage too much screen time as a way to teach children or keep them entertained. You should help the children remain excited without sitting in front of a screen throughout the day.
Last but not least, monitoring bullying(欺凌) is also an essential part. Bullying continues to remain a common problem in some schools, making it important that the environment that your children grow in holds a high standard. 12.
It’s important to examine the school life as a whole to determine what factors are missing. 13. You may determine how well they adjust to the world around them and succeed in life.
A. You should provide kids with fresh food.
B. Besides, you’d better limit their screen time.
C. It will encourage children to focus on their study.
D. In addition, try your best to give them more freedom.
E. This will reduce the risk of health conditions that include obesity.
F. You can advise teachers to keep a practice of looking for bullying.
G. Parents play a significant role in children’s growth and well-being.
9. 解析:上文提示“你应该找到运动器材、篮球场和玩耍的地方,在那里孩子们可以提高他们的幸福感”,为承接上文,E项“这将降低包括肥胖在内的健康状况的风险”切题。故选E。
10. 解析:上文提示“让你的孩子在家庭内外都得到适当的营养是很重要的”,再根据下文提示“你最好注意为他们的正常发育和成长提供足够的营养”,A项“你应该给孩子们提供新鲜的食物”承接上下文,切题。故选A。
11. 解析:下文提示“许多家长未能阻止孩子使用智能手机和电脑”,B项“此外,你最好限制他们使用电子设备的时间”承接下文,切题。该项中的Besides呼应了上文的Secondly。故选B。
12. 解析:上文提示“在一些学校里,欺凌仍然是一个普遍的问题,这使得你的孩子成长的环境保持高标准变得很重要”,F项“你可以建议老师坚持关注欺凌”承接上文,切题。故选F。
13. 解析:上文提示“从整体来研究学校生活是重要的,以确定哪些因素是缺失的”,再根据下文“你可以决定他们如何适应周围的世界,在生活中取得成功”,可知G项“父母在孩子的成长和幸福感方面发挥着重要的作用”切题。故选G。
Ⅵ. 完形填空
On October 13, a small plane flying to Chile accidentally crashed into a mountain in the Andes. How some of the passengers  1  to live is one of the greatest survival stories ever told.
The survivors stayed inside the remains of the plane, using seat covers for blankets, and waited for a  2  that never came. Days turned into weeks. It was urgent to find a way to  3 . Three of the passengers—Canessa, Parrado, and Vizintin volunteered to 4
through the mountains to search for help. When they left, each man wore
 5  clothes: three pairs of socks, a plastic bag around each foot to keep the water out, boots, four pairs of trousers and four sweaters. Many of the clothes came from those who died in the crash. The three men
 6  that they would survive and bring back help.
For part of the first day, they were glad to make some  7 . But as the land and weather changed, climbing became  8 . After several days, they reached what they thought was the top. They had imagined this moment for days. On the other side of the top, they hoped, would be a valley leading down and out of the mountains. However, they saw the same snow-covered tops. All hope wasn’t  9 . Although they were still in the middle of the mountains, Parrado  10  two low tops far away that didn’t have snow. If they got there, they would be out of the Andes.
Within the following days, they walked towards the two low tops. Little by little, the landscape began to change. Snow  11  completely, and flowers were everywhere. “This is the valley,” Canessa said. “This is the way out.” Then things of humanity started to appear—a few cans on the ground, some farm animals in a field. By December 21, the extremely
 12  men made it to the town of Los Maitenes, and a rescue team was sent immediately to search for the survivors who were still high in the Andes.
Finally all of the remaining survivors were  13 . The memories of the crash in the Andes would be with them forever, but for now, their terrible  14  was over. They had made it out— 15 .
1. A. learned B. expected
C. decided D. managed
解析:一些乘客是如何设法幸存下来的,这是史上最伟大的求生故事之一。learn学会;expect期待;decide决定;manage设法,管理。结合后文“... to live is one of the greatest survival stories ever told”可知,故事是关于一些乘客如何设法幸存下来的。manage to do sth“设法做成某事”。故选D。
2. A. present B. rescue
C. message D. danger
3. A. prepare B. continue
C. escape D. develop
解析:急需找到逃生的办法。prepare准备;continue 继续;escape逃生,逃跑;develop发展。根据上文“Days turned into weeks.”可知他们等待的时间越来越长,所以急需找到逃生的办法。故选C。
4. A. journey B. compare
C. measure D. expand
解析:其中三名乘客卡内萨、帕拉多和维任廷自愿步行穿越山区去寻求帮助。journey旅行;compare比较;measure测量;expand扩张。根据后文“through the mountains to search for help”可知这三名乘客自愿穿越山区去寻求帮助。journey此处为动词,表示“旅行,行走”。故选A。
5. A. various B. different
C. unique D. similar
6. A. admitted B. demanded
C. informed D. promised
demand要求;inform通知;promise 承诺。结合后文“that they would survive and bring back help”可知他们出发前承诺自己会活下来并把救援人员带回来。故选D。
7. A. plans B. efforts
C. progress D. suggestions
effort努力;progress进步,进展;suggestion建议。根据上文“they were glad”可知他们取得了一些进展。短语make some progress表示“取得一些进展”。故选C。
8. A. tougher B. heavier
C. sharper D. narrower
heavier更重的;sharper更锐利的;narrower更窄的。根据上文“But as the land and weather changed”可知地形和天气的变化让他们求助之行日益困难。but表示与之前“取得进展高兴”形成转折。故选A。
9. A. lost B. left
C. sent D. kept
10. A. rejected B. counted
C. spotted D. mentioned
解析:尽管他们还在山中央,帕拉多发现远处有两个低矮的山顶没有积雪。reject拒绝;count计数;spot发现;mention提到。根据后文“two low tops far away that didn’t have snow”可知帕拉多发现远处有两个低矮的山顶没有积雪。故选C。
11. A. declined B. froze
C. spread D. disappeared
解析:雪完全消失了,到处都是鲜花。decline下降;freeze冻结;spread传播;disappear消失。根据后文“completely, and flowers were everywhere”可知积雪完全消失了,到处都是鲜花。故选D。
12. A. frightened B. disappointed
C. tired D. puzzled
解析:到12月21日,这些极度疲惫的人到达了Los Maitenes镇,一个救援队立即被派去搜寻仍然在安第斯山脉高处的幸存者。frightened害怕的;disappointed 失望的;tired疲惫的;puzzled困惑的。根据第三段内容可知这三位寻找出路的人在山里走了许多天,已经非常疲惫了。故选C。
13. A. listed B. saved
C. picked D. treated
treat对待。上文提到了救援队去搜寻幸存者,结合上文“Finally all of the remaining survivors were”可知所有的幸存者都得救了。故选B。
14. A. performance B. experience
C. challenge D. exploration
15. A. alive B. cool
C. free D. crazy
Ⅶ. 读后续写
It was a bitterly cold and dark day in December. I was walking home from work, hungry and worn out after my long day. My team was due to complete our big project before we left for our winter vacation, but our boss delivered bad news that our client had contacted him and demanded a major revision to the project before they would accept it. The whole team was desperate—we were so close to finishing and now we would most likely have to work overtime and miss the entire vacation.
So caught up in my anxious thoughts was I that I failed to watch where I was walking until I stepped off the sidewalk and into a giant, half-frozen pool of water by the side of the road. I could feel the icy water into my shoes and socks, slowly soaking into my trouser legs around my ankles. I sighed deeply and almost cried—I was having, as my grandmother always used to say,“one of those days when nothing goes your way”.
A wave of loneliness filled me. I loved my job and my coworkers and most days when I was satisfied with my life, but now, especially around the holidays, the reminders that I didn’t have a partner or children like my sister or some of my coworkers did fill me with sadness.
As I looked down sadly at my unpleasant situation, I saw a brief spot of movement out of the corner of my eye. There, attached to a cold piece of cardboard in the middle of the pool, was a small spot of grey fur. As I watched, the little spot moved again. It was a cat!
Slowly and carefully so as not to frighten it, I bent down and picked up the cat. The cat cried loudly as I lifted it into the air, biting my fingers with surprising strength. I was glad to see that it was so energetic—I hoped that meant it would be more likely to survive. Ignoring the kitten’s cry, I carefully put it against my chest inside my coat to try and keep it warm. My ignorance made me anxious—I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t want to harm the poor creature. But after another cry, the cat became calm and went to sleep.
My sister is a nurse, and therefore the family expert on caring for animals. I hurried to call and ask for her advice. She calmly and efficiently told me what to do as I hurried home, stopping briefly at a corner store to buy some supplies she insisted I would need. When I finally reached my apartment, I dried the cat and fed it with the food I had bought. The cat still looked at me with great fear, but the food seemed to be winning it over. As the cat once more fell asleep, now happy and warm, I smiled. After all perhaps I would not have a lonely vacation this year.
PAGESection Ⅳ Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确单词
1. Thousands of people will starve(饿死) if food doesn’t reach the city on time.
2. We are being cautious about releasing(发布) one of the photos.
3. The recruitment prevented the downward trend(趋势) in the unemployment rate of the area.
4. The host seized(抓住) my hand and shook it heartily.
5. Their harmonious(和谐的) relationship resulted from their similar goals.
6. Teachers must be sensitive(敏感的) to their students’ needs.
7. We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored(恢复) to health.
8. The regulations(规章制度) are made to protect women’s and children’s rights and interests.
9. The government has launched a campaign(运动) against smoking.
10. I don’t know how you have tolerated(忍受) that noise.
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
on behalf of, dozens of, have an impact on, amounts of, be trapped in, result in, seize every opportunity, in response to,
be responsible for, bring about
1. The destruction of forests has brought about environmental damage.
2. Dozens of soldiers have been working day and night for months.
3. Distraction when driving often results in disastrous accidents.
4. On behalf of everyone here I want to thank you for your help.
5. It was some time before the door opened in response to his knocks.
6. One thousand people were trapped in the damaged building, most of whom were saved in the end.
7. The dry weather is having an impact on agriculture, which is likely to cause some food prices to rise.
8. A teacher is responsible for the conduct of pupils in the classroom.
9. There are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.
10. The Canadian girl has seized every opportunity to practise her Chinese.
Ⅲ. 句式仿写
1. There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer.
句式:There is little/no doubt that ...
There is no doubt that hobbies have a great influence on people’s life.
2. It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming, along with its causes and impacts, because this is the most serious issue affecting all of us on this planet.
句式:It is our responsibility to do ...
It is our responsibility to educate the children about being honest and generous.
3. As is known to all, smog is harmful to everyone.
句式:As is known to all ...
As is known to all, languages can reflect the culture and customs behind them.
4. It is obvious that we should plant more trees to fight against sandstorms.
句式:It is obvious that ...
It is obvious that the old method cannot meet new requirements.
5. It is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.
句式:It is believed that ...
It is believed that we shall make full use of the sun’s energy some day.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s, according to a study to be published Tuesday and climate change seems to be a major factor.
The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46,000 square miles of California forests, the new study finds. No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles. In the Sierra high country, the number of big trees has fallen by more than 55 percent; in parts of southern California the decline was nearly 75 percent.
Many factors contributed to the decline, said Patrick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study. Woodcutters targeted big trees. Housing development pushed into the woods. Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resources.
But in comparing a study of California forests done in the 1920s and 1930s with another one between 2001 and 2010, McIntyre and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees that was evident even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development.
The loss of big trees was greatest in areas where trees had suffered the greatest water shortage. The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting in comparison with how much they needed, taking into account such things as rainfall, air temperature, dampness of soil, and the timing of snowmelt.
Since the 1930s, McIntyre said, the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures, which cause trees to lose more water to the air, and earlier snowmelt, which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season.
1. What is the second paragraph mainly about
A. The seriousness of big-tree loss in California.
B. The increasing variety of California big trees.
C. The distribution of big trees in California forests.
D. The influence of farming on big trees in California.
2. Which of the following is well-intentioned but may be bad for big trees
A. Ecological studies of forests.
B. Banning woodcutting.
C. Limiting housing development.
D. Fire control measures.
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resources.”可知,对野火的控制在控制了森林大火的同时,使得加利福尼亚州的森林里挤满了小树,它们与大树争夺资源,这对大树产生了不利的影响。故选D。
3. What is a major cause of the water shortage according to McIntyre
A. Inadequate snowmelt.
B. A longer dry season.
C. A warmer climate.
D. Dampness of the air.
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“... the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures ... and earlier snowmelt ...”可知,造成加利福尼亚州水资源短缺的最大因素是气温升高,以及较早的融雪。故选C。
4. What is a suitable title for the text
A. California’s Forests: Where Have All the Big Trees Gone
B. Cutting of Big Trees to Be Prohibited in California Soon
C. Why Are the Big Trees Important to California Forests
D. Patrick McIntyre: Grow More Big Trees in California
By the end of the century,if not sooner,the world’s oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate, according to a new study.
At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny marine microorganisms(海洋微生物) called phytoplankton. Because of the way light reflects off the organisms,these phytoplankton create colourful patterns at the ocean surface. Ocean colour varies from green to blue, depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton. Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots,leading to changes in the ocean’s appearance.
Phytoplankton live at the ocean surface, where they pull carbon dioxide into the ocean while giving off oxygen. When these organisms die,they bury carbon in the deep ocean, an important process that helps to regulate the global climate. But phytoplankton are vulnerable to the ocean’s warming trend. Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth,since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients.
Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a scientist in MIT’s Centre for Global Change Science, built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century. In a world that warms up by 3℃, it found that multiple changes to the colour of the oceans would occur. The model projects that currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer. But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener. “Not only are the quantities of phytoplankton in the ocean changing,” she said,“but the type of phytoplankton is changing.”
5. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about
A. The various patterns at the ocean surface.
B. The cause of the changes in ocean colour.
C. The way light reflects off marine organisms.
D. The efforts to fuel the growth of phytoplankton.
6. What does the underlined word “vulnerable” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Sensitive.    B. Beneficial.
C. Significant. D. Unnoticeable.
解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth, since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow, but also nutrients.”可知,气候变暖会改变海洋的主要特征,并会影响浮游植物的生长。由此可判断浮游植物很容易受到海洋变暖趋势的影响。故选A。
7. What can we learn from the text
A. Phytoplankton play a declining role in the marine ecosystem.
B. Dutkiewicz’s model aims to project phytoplankton changes. 
C. Phytoplankton have been used to control global climate.
D. Oceans with more phytoplankton may appear greener.
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“The model projects that currently blue areas with little phytoplankton could become even bluer. But in some waters, such as those of the Arctic, a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton, and these areas will turn greener.”可知,浮游植物多了,水域会变得更绿。故选D。
8. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To assess the consequences of ocean colour changes.
B. To analyse the composition of the ocean food chain.
C. To explain the effects of climate change on oceans.
D. To introduce a new method to study phytoplankton.
A City in the Jungle
In the summer of 1848, in Guatemala, a man called Ambrosio Tut went out into the jungle, as he did almost every day. Tut was a gum collector, looking for gum in the jungle. 9. One day, he got to the top of one tree and something caught his eye. He looked out across the trees and saw the tops of some old buildings.
10. He ran to tell the local governor excitedly, and together they walked into the jungle. There they found Tikal, the city that the Mayans had built many hundreds of years before. The two men saw pyramids, squares and houses.
For a long time before that day, local people had known that somewhere in the jungle there was an old Mayan city. 11. Between 200 and 900 AD, the city of Tikal had been the centre of Mayan civilisation(文明) in the area, but then the Mayans left it—nobody knows why!After 1000 AD, the jungle began to cover it. 12.
Seven years before Tut found Tikal, two British explorers had gone to Guatemala and had written a report about Mayan treasures in the jungle—but they hadn’t mentioned Tikal. Even earlier than this, local Indians had told people about a great city hidden in the trees, but no one had listened to them. 13. Now the lost city had been found again, and people went there immediately to see it.
A. But no one had seen it for centuries.
B. To do this, he had to climb the trees.
C. And then people forgot that it was there.
D. So they lost the chance to find the treasure.
E. Tut found many other treasures after that.
F. More and more scientists began to study the Mayan city.
G. Tut didn’t really know what he had seen but he knew it was something special.
9. 解析:根据上文中的“Tut was a gum collector, looking for gum in the jungle.”及下文中的“he got to the top of one tree”可知,图特是树胶采集者,当他爬到树上寻找树胶时发现了蒂卡尔。故选B。
10. 解析:根据下文中的“He ran to tell ...walked into the jungle.”可知,图特不知道他看到的是什么建筑,但他知道那肯定不一般,所以他兴奋地跑去找当地的长官同他前往那里一探究竟。故选G。
11. 解析:根据上文中的“For a long time before that day ... there was an old Mayan city.”及下文中的“After 1000 AD, the jungle began to cover it.”可知,当地人知道丛林里有一座玛雅古城,但几百年来都没有人见过它。故选A。
12. 解析:根据上文中的“the jungle began to cover it”可知,森林覆盖住了这座玛雅古城,所以人们渐渐地忘记了它的存在。故选C。
13. 解析:根据上文中的“Even earlier than this ... had listened to them.”可知,当地印第安人曾告诉人们丛林里有一座伟大的城市,但人们都不相信,因而失去了发现蒂卡尔这个宝藏的机会。故选D。
Ⅴ. 完形填空
Last week the electricity in my flat went out. I had just got home from work and was  1  making my tea, when all of a sudden the power was off. I was surrounded by complete  2 . The lights had gone out, the oven had stopped working and my phone was no longer  3 . My flatmates and I tried to  4  it but we soon realised that we couldn’t. We would have to wait for a(n)  5  to come the next morning. This left me a whole night without any  6 . My typical evening is spent watching TV and looking through social media. At that night this wasn’t  7 . Due to the lack of lights I couldn’t even read a book. We weren’t prepared with candles or matches. We just rely too much on electricity, expecting that it will  8 .
So for me it was an early night to sleep. And I couldn’t help but think, do we  9  electricity too much That night, losing our electricity felt like losing a basic  10 , as basic as running water. But really, electricity is a luxury(奢侈品) that we’ve grown to  11  for granted. I use electricity all the time, even when it’s not really necessary. I use it to  12  my phone when I have to wait for even just a minute, for example when waiting for friends.
Our overuse of electricity is a big  13 . It contributes to global warming, which is something that we really should be worried about. It is harming our environment and we need to do what we can to stop it. How would we  14  in a world without electricity Cutting back on our use of electricity would save energy resources so that they could last for longer. I know  15  that I can cut down on my use of electricity.
1. A. occasionally B. happily
C. urgently D. apparently
解析:根据空前的“just got home from work”及空后的“making my tea”可知,作者下班后正在惬意地沏茶。occasionally偶尔,偶然;happily开心地;urgently紧急地,急迫地;apparently显然地。 故选B。
2. A. silence B. bitterness
C. darkness D. astonishment
解析:根据上文中的“the power was off”可知,停电了,室内一片漆黑。silence寂静,沉默;bitterness痛苦;darkness黑暗,漆黑;astonishment惊讶。故选C。
3. A. calling B. charging
C. controlling D. existing
解析:根据上文所讲的停电一事以及空前的“my phone was no longer”可知,此处指作者的手机不再充电了。call呼叫,称呼;charge给……充电,控告;control控制;exist存在。故选B。
4. A. set B. put
C. get D. fix
解析:根据上文“all of a sudden the power was off”可知,作者跟室友尝试修复电。set设置;put放,安置;get得到;fix修理。 故选D。
5. A. friend B. assistant
C. electrician D. neighbour
解析:根据上文可知,作者和室友尝试修复电路,但很快意识到他们做不到,所以只能等电工来修。friend朋友;assistant助理,助手;electrician电工;neighbour邻居。 故选C。
6. A. electricity B. expectation
C. recognition D. facility
解析:根据上文可知,电工第二天早上才来修电路,所以作者整晚都要在没有电的环境中度过了。electricity电;expectation预料,期待;recognition认识,承认;facility设施。 故选A。
7. A. possible B. frequent
C. important D. general
解析:根据上文中的“My typical evening is spent watching TV and looking through social media.”可知,因为那晚没电,所以完全不可能做这些事情。possible可能的;frequent频繁的;important重要的;general普遍的,大概的。故选A。
8. A. fail B. work
C. leave D. appear
9. A. look on B. hold on
C. live on D. depend on
解析:根据上文中的“We just rely too much on electricity, expecting that it will ...”可知,作者反思人们是否太依赖电了。look on旁观;hold on握住,坚持住;live on靠……过活;depend on依赖。故选D。
10. A. regulation B. necessity
C. intensity D. system
解析:根据空后的“as basic as running water”可知,电是一种像自来水一样的必需品。regulation章程,规则;necessity必需品;intensity紧张,强度;system体系,制度。故选B。
11. A. take B. make
C. control D. become
解析:句意:但实际上,电是一种奢侈品,而我们逐渐把它当成了一种理所当然的东西。take拿,携带;make使;control控制;become变成。 take ... for granted为固定搭配,意为“认为……理所当然”。故选A。
12. A. keep B. check
C. read D. search
解析:根据空后的“when I have to wait for even just a minute”可知,即使仅需等候一分钟的时候,作者也会用电(即插上充电器)来查看手机。keep保持;check检查,查看;read读;search搜索,查找。故选B。
13. A. challenge B. temptation
C. question D. problem
解析:根据下文中的“It contributes to global warming”可知,过度用电是一个很大的问题。challenge挑战;temptation引诱,诱惑;question问题,疑惑;problem问题。故选D。
14. A. survive B. succeed
C. supply D. sacrifice
解析:根据语境可知,此处是说“我们怎么在没有电的世界生存呢 ”survive生存,幸存;succeed成功;supply供应,供给;sacrifice牺牲。故选A。
15. A. after all B. at times
C. for sure D. with ease
解析:句意:我确信我能减少用电量。after all毕竟;at times有时;for sure肯定,无疑;with ease轻松地,不费力地。故选C。
Ⅵ. 读后续写
It was an art lesson. Rachel sat at the desk watching her classmates busy preparing the water jars and paints. She understood why Mrs Weston asked her to sit down and got Lisa to fetch everything for her. It was always a disaster when Rachel tried to do art!
Rachel sighed and reached out to dip her brush in some black paint and—oh, no! She knocked over the jar. The water spread across the desk and drowned the paper. Lisa called Mrs Weston to see what Rachel had done. Rachel went red in the face. She jumped to her feet to get a cloth. Her chair fell over backwards. She turned round and her paintbrush caught Lisa across the face, giving her a black moustache. Lisa was so surprised that she fell back against a wire bookstand. It was knocked down and the books went all over the floor.
How clumsy(笨拙的)! Rachel thought as she went home on the bus. The bus stopped outside her house. She jumped up and her elbow(肘部) knocked a woman’s hat right over her eyes. Oh, no! Rachel said sorry, got off and ran indoors. Mum wasn’t in the kitchen but lay in bed as she caught a bad cold. Rachel offered to make a cup of tea but mum would rather wait for dad. Rachel sighed. She understood mum was afraid she would spill it.
“But would you go to Mrs Willow for some cold medicine ” asked mum. Rachel turned to the door at once. “But Rachel, Mrs Willow’s house is full of beautiful things, so if she asks you to come in, you’d better say no.” Rachel sighed and ran out.
Mrs Willow was an old lady with white hair and sharp blue eyes living in an old house. She opened the door and invited her in. Rachel said why she came and that she preferred to wait outside remembering her mother’s warning. Mrs Willow insisted Rachel come inside. Rachel took a deep breath and stepped in. She looked round Mrs Willow’s sitting room and saw at once why mum had been worried.
There were beautiful things everywhere—pretty vases and pots. Rachel stood very still, afraid of knocking something over. Mrs Willow handed Rachel a small brown bottle. Rachel couldn’t wait to get away, feeling any minute there would be a disaster. She thanked her and turned to the door when something brushed against her leg. Rachel was so surprised that she jumped backwards. It was a cat! But her elbow hit a vase and it fell to the floor, broken. How awkward!
With a smile, Mrs Willow comforted her, saying it had been broken before. Rachel sighed and stared at her. “No worry at all. It’ll be perfect after being mended,” Mrs Willow said, her sharp blue eyes shining. “Nobody grows up without being clumsy.” Rachel let out a long sigh and for the first time she felt good about her clumsy self. She believed what Mrs Willow said must have the same magic as her special cold medicine. To her amazement, she returned home with the bottle of medicine safe and sound.
PAGESection Ⅳ Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确单词
1. What do you suppose the boy’s motive(动机) was
2. Our government has a commitment(承诺) to public services.
3. The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I had to abandon(抛弃) the car and continue on foot.
4. There are only three candidates(候选人) for the job.
5. She became a loyal(忠诚的) friend and remained so.
6. I was looking forward to working under her expert guidance(指导).
7. His only form of recreation(娱乐) is playing football.
8. We receive hundreds of job applications(申请) each year.
9. We were late getting to the airport, but fortunately/luckily(幸运地) our plane was delayed.
10. He was desperate for money to resolve(解决) his financial problems.
Ⅱ. 单句语法填空
1. He’s qualified(qualify) to teach biology at high school level.
2. After her promotion took effect, she was assigned(assign) a research job.
3. Fortunately(fortunate), the weather was reasonably mild that winter.
4. He claimed that his parents had abandoned(abandon) him.
5. They made a resolution(resolve) to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.
6. They had remained loyal to the president.
7. The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance(endure).
8. Roughly(rough) speaking, he did a good job.
9. This job can be done only with perseverance(persevere).
10. Jobs are advertised(advertise) in the local papers every day.
Ⅲ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
give off, make fire, turn down, be qualified for, set off, make it,
dream of, hold on, become stuck, after all
1. He learned many skills so that he could be qualified for the job.
2. On the eve of the Spring Festival, we usually eat dumplings and watch TV, and some people also set off fireworks.
3. I have always dreamed of starting my own company.
4. These fuels give off heat when they burn.
5. Together, I think we can make it.
6. They became stuck in a traffic jam for an hour, so they were late for the meeting.
7. Perseverance is what it takes to do anything well. We should hold on to the end no matter what happens.
8. Of course I admire him—after all, he is a great writer.
9. I thanked him for the offer but turned it down.
10. He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire.
Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示完成英语句子
1. The phone has been ringing(一直在响) for long. Why don’t you answer it
2. Lucy is out of job, and she has been considering going back(一直考虑返回) to school.
3. He is ill. He has been lying(一直躺) in bed for three weeks.
4. He has been teaching(一直在教书) here these years.
5. I have been learning(一直在学习) how to play volleyball lately.
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
Today’s world is not an easy adjustment for young adults. A key skill set for success is persistence(毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers. Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.
BYU professors Laura Padilla-Walker and Randal Day arrived at these findings after following 325 American families over several years. And over time, the persistence gained through fathers led to higher achievement in school.
“There are relatively few studies that stress the unique role of fathers,” Padilla-Walker said. “This research also helps to prove that characteristics such as persistence—which can be taught—are key to a child’s life success.”
Researchers determined that dads need to practise an “authoritative” parenting style. Authoritative parenting is not authoritarian: rigid, demanding or controlling. Rather, an authoritative parenting style includes some of the following characteristics: children feel warmth and love from their father; responsibility and the reasons behind rules are stressed; children are given an appropriate level of autonomy(自主权).
In the study, about 52 percent of the dads exhibited above-average levels of authoritative parenting. A key finding is that over time, children raised by an authoritative father were significantly more likely to develop persistence, which leads to better outcomes in school.
This particular study examined 11 to 14-year-olds living in two-parent homes. Yet the researchers suggest that single parents still may play a role in teaching the benefits of persistence, which is an avenue of future research.
1. What is special about the BYU professors’ study
A. It centered on fathers’ role in parenting.
B. It was based on a number of large families.
C. It analysed different kinds of parenting styles.
D. It aimed to improve kids’ achievement in school.
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.”可知,该大学研究的是父亲在帮助青春期的孩子培养毅力方面所起的独特的作用。故选A。
2. What would an authoritative father do when raising his children
A. Ignore their demands.
B. Make decisions for them.
C. Control their behaviours.
D. Explain the rules to them.
3. Which group can be a focus of future studies according to the researchers
A. Single parents.
B. Children aged from 11 to 14.
C. Authoritarian fathers.
D. Mothers in two-parent homes.
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Yet the researchers suggest that single parents ..., which is an avenue of future research.”可知,未来研究的方向是单亲父母。故选A。
4. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Three Characteristics of Authoritative Fathers
B. Key Skills for Young Adults to Succeed in the Future
C. Children Tend to Learn Determination from Fathers 
D. Family Relationship Influences School Performance 
My First Marathon
A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train. Yet, I was determined to go ahead.
I remember back to my 7th year in school. In my first P.E. class, the teacher required us to run laps and then hit a softball. I didn’t do either well. He later informed me that I was “not athletic”.
The idea that I was “not athletic” stuck with me for years. When I started running in my 30s, I realised running was a battle against myself, not about competition or whether or not I was athletic. It was all about the battle against my own body and mind. A test of wills!
The night before my marathon, I dreamt that I couldn’t even find the finishing line. I woke up sweating and nervous, but ready to prove something to myself.
Shortly after crossing the starting line, my shoe laces(鞋带) became untied. So I stopped to readjust. Not the start I wanted!
At mile 3, I passed a sign:“GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!”
By mile 17, I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly. Despite the pain, I stayed the course walking a bit and then running again.
By mile 21, I was starving!
As I approached mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. She is my loyal supporter. She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m. or questioned my expenses on running.
I was one of the final runners to finish. But I finished! And I got a medal. In fact, I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in first place had.
Determined to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签), I can now call myself a “marathon winner”.
5. What can we learn about the author before the marathon
A. He was well trained.
B. He felt scared.
C. He made up his mind to run.
D. He lost hope.
解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句“Yet, I was determined to go ahead.”可知,马拉松赛前一个月,尽管作者脚踝受伤使训练时间缩短,但作者仍下定决心参赛。故选C。
6. Why did the author mention the P.E. class in his 7th year
A. To appreciate the support of his teacher.
B. To amuse the readers with a funny story.
C. To show he was not talented in sports.
D. To share a precious memory.
解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“I didn’t do either well. He later informed me that I was ‘not athletic’.”可知作者提及七年级时的一节体育课是为了说明自己没有运动天赋。故选C。
7. How was the author’s first marathon
A. He made it.
B. He quit halfway.
C. He got the first prize.
D. He walked to the end.
8. What does the text mainly tell us
A. A man owes his success to his family support.
B. A winner is one with a great effort of will.
C. Failure is the mother of success.
D. One is never too old to learn.
Courage is a quality that everyone has, but it sometimes disappears because of bad experiences or memories. 9.     So, how can people build courage By identifying the source of any lack of courage and actively changing your behaviour, you can build courage.
Determine your specific fears. People are often unwilling to admit that they are afraid of something. In order to begin building courage, you need to determine your specific fears. 10.     This may help you to work out a plan to overcome them and build your courage.
Recognize your courage. Just as it’s important to identify your fears, you should also recognize that you also have courage in many situations. 11. It can help you to figure out how to apply this quality to situations that cause fear. It can also help develop your behaviour and build courage.
Develop a practical plan to build your courage. Once you’ve identified your specific fears and recognized situations where you exhibit courage, make your plan to build your courage and update it when necessary. 12. The reason for that is it helps you be on track if you have difficulties and see your progress over time.
Avoid comparing yourself with others. Every person is different and comparing yourself with other people can minimize your self-confidence. Focusing on yourself is essential to building your confidence and courage.
13.     Two characteristics of courageous people are that they not only have confidence, but also they believe in their ability to succeed and overcome fears. By developing and projecting confidence in yourself, you set yourself on the path to building and maintaining courage.
A. Part of building your courage is taking risks.
B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative.
C. Make a list of your fears as you figure them out.
D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important.
E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous.
F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous.
G. Showing courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life.
9. 解析:本句为承上启下句。空前表达了勇气会因为不好的经历或记忆而消失,强调了人们有时会缺乏勇气,空后提出问题,人们怎样才能建立勇气。G项(在人生中的许多情况下,展现勇气是成功的必要条件)承接上文,继续探讨勇气这一话题,指出勇气的重要性;同时引出下文,勇气如此重要,不禁使人发问,人们该如何建立勇气。故选G。
10. 解析:本句承接上文。上文讲述为了开始建立勇气,你需要确定你具体恐惧的是什么。C项“找出恐惧,列出你的恐惧清单”承接上一句内容,故选C。
11. 解析:本句承上启下。空前说就像识别你的恐惧一样重要,你也应该认识到在许多情况下你也拥有勇气。空后讲了它可以帮助你弄清如何将这种品质应用到使你胆怯的情况中。E项“花时间去承认你是勇敢的”承上启下,故选E。
12. 解析:根据下文所讲,原因是如果你遇到困难,它会帮助你稳步前进,随着时间的推移你将会看到自己的进步。D项“有一个清晰的、你可以遵循的战略是重要的”符合语境。故选D。
13. 解析:根据本句位置和全文的篇章结构可知,本句为本段的中心句。根据下文内容可知,勇敢者的两个特点是他们不仅有信心而且他们也相信自己有战胜恐惧的能力。故选F。
Ⅵ. 完形填空
Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment. Their savings had been  1  to pay lawyers’ fees. To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed(诊断) with a serious disease. There was no  2 , only pain relief.
Failing to find any other way out, they decided to make a walking journey, as they caught sight of an old hikers’(徒步旅行者) guide.
This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and  3 
recovery. When leaving home, Raynor and Moth had just £320 in the bank. They planned to keep the  4  low by living on boiled noodles, with the  5  hamburger shop treat.
Wild camping is  6  in England. To avoid being caught, the Winns had to get their tent up late and packed it away early in the morning. The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot
 7  than they remember it was in their 20s. Raynor  8  all over and desired a bath. Moth, meanwhile, after an initial  9 , found his symptoms were strangely  10  by their daily tiring journey.
 11 , the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with re-found strong muscles that they thought had lost forever. “Our hair was fried and falling out, nails broken, clothes  12  to a thread, but we were alive.”
During the journey, Raynor began a career as a nature writer. She writes, “ 13  had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare, an empty page at the end of a(n)  14  written book. It had also given me a choice, either to leave that page  15  or to keep writing the story with hope. I chose hope.”
1. A. drawn up     B. used up
C. backed up D. kept up
解析:draw up起草;use up用光;back up后退;keep up保持。根据后面的“to pay lawyers’ fees”可知,他们的积蓄都用光了。故选B。
2. A. cure B. luck
C. care D. promise
解析:cure疗法;luck幸运;care关心;promise诺言。根据“only pain relief”可知,没有任何治疗的方法,只能止疼。故选A。
3. A. expected B. frightening
C. disappointing D. surprising
4. A. budget B. revenue
C. compensation D. allowance
5. A. frequent B. occasional
C. abundant D. constant
6. A. unpopular B. lawful
C. attractive D. illegal
解析:unpopular不受欢迎的;lawful合法的;attractive 吸引人的;illegal非法的。根据下文“To avoid being caught”可知,在英国,野外露营是非法的。故选D。
7. A. harder B. easier
C. cheaper D. funnier
8. A. rolled B. bled
C. ached D. trembled
9. A. struggle B. progress
C. excitement D. research
10. A. developed B. controlled
C. relieved D. increased
11. A. Initially B. Eventually
C. Temporarily D. Consequently
12. A. sewn B. washed
C. worn D. ironed
13. A. Doctors B. Hiking
C. Lawyers D. Homelessness
14. A. well B. partly
C. neatly D. originally
解析:well好;partly部分地;neatly整洁地;originally起初。根据上文“an empty page”和下文“or to keep writing the story with hope”可知,雷诺将自己的人生比作一本部分完成的书。故选B。
15. A. loose B. full
C. blank D. missing
解析:loose宽松的;full满的;blank空白的;missing失踪的。根据上文“an empty page at the end of a(n)  14  written book”可知,雷诺将苦难的现状比作书本最后的空白页;要么留下那页空白,要么带着希望继续书写这个故事。故选C。
Ⅶ. 读后续写
Adventures Through the Gorge (峡谷)
We put the raft(木筏) in the calm, cold water. I looked down. The water was like a mirror. It was a foggy morning, so I could barely make out what was down the river. When we took our places in the raft, I was in the back with my dad right across from me. Our tour guide was telling us the basics of rafting, and it seemed she was showing off to us! I was terrified. Since I was in the back, I was sure I would be the one to fall out. But I have always been an optimist, so I thought it would turn out okay.
Then I looked up and saw a big, gray cloud. I looked down at the river, and it started to get louder and closer to us; soon rain poured down. Once we moved out of the rain, the clouds disappeared, and the sun was shining down on us for the rest of the day. As I looked around, I saw the huge, green trees standing over me. It was beautiful.
As we moved farther down the river, I heard the water flowing gently. When we moved deeper into the gorge, it got louder and louder. This was our first rapids(急流). It seemed that we were approaching the rapids slowly, but we were at the top of the rapids in a flash. It felt like time frozen. I was so excited and nervous; I thought I was going to die. It was an extraordinary ride down. Getting splashed(溅) with water, we raced up and down the rocks. There was not a piece of dry skin on us by the time we hit the bottom.
After we got through the rapids, I was so excited! Going down made me feel I could do anything. Our tour guide told us we were going to approach Category V rapids. It was more intense than the Category I rapids, and I got a little more nervous. It took us a little while to get to the rapids because we had to go down a long river. We were allowed to jump off the raft and swim down the river until we had to get back in.
About three minutes later, the Category V was coming. The raft raced down the rapids. Water was splashing on the rocks, letting out louder noise. Screaming all the way down, I saw white water all over. I was so nervous because there were five huge rocks sticking out. If a little careless, we might hit one and get turned upside down. In a flash, we turned around the last huge rock, entering a small calm ride. When we settled at the bottom, I wanted to go back up and do it all again.
After racing down all of the rapids, I was no longer scared. “What did you think about that Category V rapids ” my dad asked. “I was super nervous at first. But when we hit the bottom, I wanted to do it once more.” “Would you say you become more confident of yourself ” he continued. “Yes, I would say I become much more confident of myself,” I smiled. We walked towards our campsite.
PAGESection IV Assessing Your Progress & Video Time
Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确单词
1. Disco music and jazz were both in decline(衰落) in the 1980s.
2. Mathematics is concerned with abstract(抽象的) concepts.
3. Do you know which of the bands is the most influential(有很大影响力的)
4. First, we must be realistic(现实的) about the measures that we will take to stop the spread of the virus.
5. Through his efforts, the young player gained recognition(认可) as the leading part in the football team.
6. Finding a good place for camping is the key to guaranteeing(确保) a good sleep.
7. The works of contemporary(当代) art are considered to be as valuable as those of ancient art.
8. The dictionary I purchased(购买) online last month is lost.
9. The government has been criticised(批评) for not taking effective measures to protect the river from being polluted.
10. He gained a good reputation(名声) for his devotion to the fight against the virus.
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空
bring ... to life, be fond of, set ... apart from, in particular, be worthy of,
gain entry to, as a result, of high rank, focus on, on exhibition
1. The works of art created by representative artists are worthy of being collected.
2. In the UK, nobles and people of high rank often go to the theatre to enjoy ancient opera.
3. The painter used a special skill in order that his works would be set apart from other paintings.
4. Parents and teachers in particular should set a good example for children.
5. The virus was spreading all over the world. As a result, the marathon was put off. 
6. When you enjoy works of ancient art, history is brought to life.
7. Finally, China gained entry to the WTO by working hard in 2001.
8. Nowadays, more and more people are fond of travelling to relax during the holidays.
9. The ink wash paintings on exhibition were special and attracted a lot of visitors.
10. You should stop focusing on who is to blame and start thinking of how to make up for it.
Ⅲ. 句式仿写
1. The best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.
句式:The best way to do sth is/was to do sth ...
The best way to master English is to learn English by using it.
2. What they attempted to do was no longer show reality, but instead to ask the question, “What is art ”
句式:What sb do is/was (to) do sth.
What they plan to do next is (to) raise as much money as possible to help those in need.
3. Looking at the faces of the figures in these sculptures, one sees the faces of the past.
句式:Doing ..., 主语+谓语 ...
Looking at these ink wash paintings on display, you can imagine how beautiful the village in the scene is.
4. Some of the items on display are thought to have come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong, a great admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze.
句式:主语+be thought/said/believed/considered to have done ...
This painting is generally considered to have been painted by Tang Yin 500 years ago.
5. Chinese sculpture thus found itself highly influenced by Buddhist art brought from India and Central Asia through the Silk Road.
When he woke up, he found himself surrounded by doctors and nurses.
Ⅳ. 语法填空
Located on the north bank of the River Seine in Paris, the Louvre Museum is on the site of a fortress (城堡) 1.     (build) by Philip Augustus in the 12th century. In 1546, Francis Ⅰ, an active art collector,
     (destroy) the fortress and built the Louvre Palace. In 1682, the palace was abandoned by Louis ⅪⅤ, 3.       moved the French Royal Court to Versailles and in the following century it
4.      (change) into a museum. It opened to the public as the Musée Central des Arts in 1793 during the French Revolution.
Housing 5.      most famous collections of fine art, including the 6.      (price) Greek statue the Venus de Milo and the painting Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, the Louvre Museum is France's national museum and art gallery. 7.      one of the best art museums in Europe, its collections include eight departments and the 8.      (fine) French paintings from the 15th to the 19th century, together with hundreds of masterpieces of Renaissance art as well as oils by Flemish and Dutch realistic painters of the Baroque period.
9.      (visit) to the Louvre Museum now amount to 9 million, 10.      (make) it the most popular art museum in the world.
1. 解析:a fortress与build之间是被动关系,故用过去分词短语作后置定语。故填built。
2. 解析:此动作发生在过去,用一般过去时。故填destroyed。
3. 解析:先行词Louis ⅪⅤ指人,且关系词在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语。故用who引导。
4. 解析:it与change之间是被动关系,且动作发生在过去,用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was changed。
答案:was changed
5. 解析:最高级most famous前用定冠词the。故填the。
6. 解析:用形容词修饰名词Greek statue。priceless价值连城的,无价的。故填priceless。
7. 解析:as 意为“作为”,是介词。空处在句首。故填As。
8. 解析:此处指15世纪到19世纪最好的法国绘画,故用形容词最高级。故填finest。
9. 解析:visit 的名词形式是visitor,是可数名词,应用复数形式,空处在句首,故填Visitors。
10. 解析:此处是动词-ing形式短语作结果状语。故填making。
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
Jim Denevan is an amazing artist whose work is admired by all, but owned by none—that’s because all of Jim’s art is created on an unusual canvas(画布)—the soft sand. He sometimes spends days working on a piece, only to see it washed away by the sea or a storm and that is just the way he likes it.
Jim discovered his artistic talents about ten years ago, when he was wandering aimlessly on the beach with a stick. He ended up drawing a 12-foot-long fish. Since then, Jim has travelled over 1,800 miles while creating over 600 pieces of sand art.
Over the years, his drawings have become bigger, but the tools he uses haven’t changed. All he needs is a stick, a garden rake(耙) and most importantly, his lively imagination!
Just like any good artist, Jim is quite particular about the “quality” of his canvas, sometimes walking for miles, in search of perfect sand. His latest piece of work, which is also the world’s largest freelance(自由职业的) drawing, was created in the desert sands of Nevada. It took Jim three trips, eight days and over 100 miles of walking to create this 3-mile work of art. It took the storm just one night to destroy it! However, Jim says he actually enjoys watching the waves or rain wash his paintings away.
Jim’s art has become very popular over the years and was even the topic of a documentary named Sandman in 2005. Jim Denevan is not just about art in the sand—he is also an excellent cook and founder of an organisation called “Outstanding in the Field”, whose motto(座右铭) is to celebrate food at its source. Accordingly, group dining events are held outdoors on farms, with the diners being treated to a delicious meal. The events, which are held on different farms throughout America, are always sold out the minute the schedule is announced.
1. What do we know about Jim Denevan
A. He used to be a cook.
B. He has a gift for creating sand art.
C. He puts his work on show regularly.
D. He showed artistic talents at a very young age.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Jim discovered his artistic talents about ten years ago ...”可知, 吉姆·德内文有画沙滩画的天赋。故选B。
2. What can we learn from the text
A. Jim Denevan walks a lot to complete his work.
B. It is not hard for Jim Denevan to find suitable sand.
C. It takes a long time for the storm to destroy Jim Denevan’s work.
D. Jim Denevan is very particular about his drawing tools.
解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的“... Jim has travelled over 1,800 miles ...”以及第四段中的“It took Jim three trips, eight days and over 100 miles of walking to create this 3-mile work of art.”可知,为了创作,吉姆·德内文通常要走很多路。故选A。
3. What does Jim Denevan enjoy about his work according to the text
A. Walking a long distance.
B. Waiting for the storm to come.
C. Looking for a suitable canvas.
D. Watching nature destroy his work.
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“He sometimes spends days working on a piece, only to see it washed away by the sea or a storm and that is just the way he likes it.”和倒数第二段最后一句“However, Jim says he actually enjoys watching the waves or rain wash his paintings away.”可知,吉姆·德内文喜欢看大自然毁坏他的作品。故选D。
4. Which of the following can best describe Jim Denevan
A. Generous.    
B. Open-minded.
C. Imaginative.
D. Traditional.
解析:推理判断题。根据全文以及第三段中的“All he needs is a stick, a garden rake and most importantly, his lively imagination!”可知,吉姆·德内文富有想象力。故选C。
When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolourist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death. On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drove over to the museum. She asked, “Do you have the address ” “No, but I’ll recognise it. There was a picture in the magazine.”
“Oh, stop. There it is!”
The museum was free. We entered, excited. A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared at us.
“May I help you ” a man asked. “No,” I said. “We’re fine.” Tour guides got on my nerves. What if they talked a long time about a painting we weren’t that interested in Sally had gone upstairs. The people in the hall seemed very nosy(爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem I saw some nice sculptures in one room. Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me. “Where do you think you are ” he asked. I turned sharply. “The McNay Art Museum!” He smiled, shaking his head. “Sorry, the McNay is on New Braunfels Street.” “What's this place ” I asked, still confused. “Well, it’s our home.” My heart jolted(震动). I raced to the staircase and called out, “Sally! Come down immediately!”
“There’s some really good stuff up there.” She stepped down, looking confused. I pushed her towards the front door, waving at the family, saying “Sorry, please forgive us. You have a really nice place.” Outside, when I told Sally what happened, she covered her mouth, laughing. She couldn't believe how long they let us look around without saying anything.
The real McNay was splendid, but we felt nervous the whole time we were there. Van Gogh, Picasso. This time, we stayed together, in case anything else unusual happened.
Thirty years later, a woman approached me in a public place. “Excuse me, did you ever enter a residence, long ago, thinking it was the McNay Museum ”
“Yes. But how do you know We never told anyone.”
“That was my home. I was a teenager sitting in the hall. Before you came over, I never realised what a beautiful place I lived in. I never felt lucky before. You thought it was a museum. My feelings about my home changed after that. I’ve always wanted to thank you.”
5. What do we know about Marian McNay
A. She was a painter.
B. She was a community leader.
C. She was a museum director.
D. She was a journalist.
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolourist named Marian McNay.”可知,玛丽安·麦克内伊是一名画家。故选A。
6. Why did the author refuse the help from the man in the house
A. She disliked people who were nosy.
B. She felt nervous when talking to strangers.
C. She knew more about art than the man.
D. She mistook him for a tour guide.
解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“‘May I help you ' a man asked. ‘No,’ I said. ‘We’re fine.’ Tour guides got on my nerves.”可知,作者误认为屋子里的那位男士是导游。故选D。
7. Why did the author describe the real McNay museum in just a few words
A. The real museum lacked enough artworks to interest her.
B. She was too upset to spend much time at the real museum.
C. The McNay was disappointing compared with the house.
D. The event happening in the house was more significant.
8. What could we learn from the last paragraph
A. People should have good taste to enjoy life.
B. People should spend more time with their family.
C. People tend to be blind to the beauty around them.
D. People tend to educate teenagers at a museum.
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Before you came over, I never realised what a beautiful place I lived in.”可知,在作者未造访她家之前,这位女士从未意识到自己住的地方有多么美丽,从而可以推断出,人们往往对周围的美视而不见。故选C。
When I was young I was fascinated with stories of magic. I was absorbed in books where wizards and fighters battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds. I was delighted when they won, bringing peace and happiness to their lands. 9. I wanted to be able to magically make my pain disappear, to make my problems go away, and to have power over this world that so often has power over us.
As I got older, however, I realised that there was no such thing as magic. 10. I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed(治愈) right. I still sometimes dreamed of magic but in time even that faded away.
11. This magic grew stronger in my heart,soul, and mind day by day. It was called LOVE. This magic connected me to my own highest self and to all of the other souls in this world. It didn’t abolish my poverty but it made every day of my life feel richer. 12.
There is such a thing as magic in this world. There is such a thing as magic in each one of us. This magic is called LOVE. 13. Also, I hope you use it to help others, to heal this world, and to build a bridge to souls of everybody.
A. I struggled through a long period of poverty.
B. I was not eager to have any power that controlled the world.
C. Then one day I started to discover a different kind of magic.
D. May you choose it, share it, and live in it every single day of your life.
E. It didn’t rid me of my pain but it helped me deal with it so much better.
F. It helped me see them as the beautiful, loving and joyful souls they truly are.
G. Most of the readers like me secretly wished for magical powers for themselves.
9. 解析:根据后句“I wanted to be able to magically make my pain disappear,to make my problems go away,and to have power over this world that so often has power over us.”提示可知,大多数读者像作者一样,偷偷地希望自己也能够有魔力。故选G。
10. 解析:根据后句“I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed right.”提示可知,此处表示作者不好的经历。故选A。
11. 解析:根据后句“This magic grew stronger in my heart, soul, and mind day by day.”提示可知,然而,一天作者发现了一种不同的魔法。故选C。
12. 解析:根据前句“It didn’t abolish my poverty but it made every day of my life feel richer.”提示可知,此处表示“爱”给作者带来的益处。故选E。
13. 解析:根据前句“This magic is called LOVE.”和后句“Also,I hope you use it to help others,to heal this world, and to build a bridge to souls of everybody.”提示可知,此处表示作者的美好祝愿。故选D。
Ⅵ. 完形填空
When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a straight A student, I believed I could take tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he  1  in class.
When I took the first exam, I was  2  to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, for English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained  3 .
I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that  4
because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I  5  with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his mind.
One more test before the final exam. One more  6  to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time, learned the meaning of the word “thorough”. But my  7  did no good and everything went as before.
The last hurdle(障碍) was the final. No matter what  8  I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the  9  goodbye.
I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even  10  myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have  11  with a test.
A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He  12  to be expecting me. “If I gave you the A’s you  13 , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”
I stared at him  14  that his analysis and strategy were correct. I had worked my head off, as I had never done before.
I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the
 15  A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: You alone must set your own standard of excellence.                   
1. A. sought B. presented
C. exchanged D. obtained
解析:seek寻找;present呈现,提出;exchange交换;obtain获得。作者对杰恩教授在课堂上提出 (present) 的观点很感兴趣。故选B。
2. A. shocked B. worried
C. scared D. anxious
3. A. unchanged B. unpleasant
C. unfriendly D. unmoved
4. A. reflected B. meant
C. improved D. affected
5. A. quarreled B. reasoned
C. bargained D. chatted
解析:quarrel争吵;reason理论,讲道理;bargain讨价还价;chat聊天。动词短语reason with sb表示“与某人讲道理”。作者更加努力学习后,不曾想又得了77分,于是再次与杰恩教授理论。故选B。
6. A. choice B. step
C. chance D. measure
7. A. ambition B. confidence
C. effort D. method
8. A. grade B. answer
C. lesson D. comment
9. A. scholarship B. course
C. degree D. subject
10. A. helped B. favoured
C. treated D. relaxed
解析:help帮助;favour支持;treat对待,治疗,请客;relax放松。动词短语treat sb to ...表示“请某人……”。作者不再努力学习,在期末考试的前夜,甚至请自己看了一场电影。故选C。
11. A. fun B. luck
C. problems D. tricks
12. A. happened B. proved
C. pretended D. seemed
13. A. valued B. imagined
C. expected D. welcomed
14. A. remembering B. guessing
C. supposing D. realising
15. A. last B. personal
C. old D. only
Ⅶ. 读后续写
A wealthy man and his son liked to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire these great works of art.
When the conflict broke out, the son went to war. Unfortunately he died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was in deep sorrow for his only son.
About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands. He said, “Sir, you don’t know me. I am the soldier to whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet(子弹) struck him in the heart and killed him instantly. He often talked about you, and your love of art.” The young man held out this package. “I know this isn’t much. I’m not a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this.”
The father opened the package. It was a picture of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in surprise at the way the soldier showed the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes were filled with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay for the painting. “Oh, no, sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It’s a gift.”
The father hung the picture on the wall of the hall. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the picture of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected.
A few months later the man died. There was to be a great auction(拍卖) of his art collection. Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having the opportunity to purchase one for their collection.
On the platform sat the painting of the son. The auctioneer said, “We will start the auction with the picture of the son. Who will bid for this painting ” There was silence. Then a voice in the back of the room angrily shouted, “We didn’t come to see this picture. We want to see his great works of art.” But the auctioneer continued. “Will somebody bid for this painting Who will take the picture of the son ”
Finally a voice came from the back of the room.“I’ll give $10 for the painting.” It was the gardener of the father and his son. Being a poor man, it was all he could afford. “We have $10. Who will bid $20 ” No response. “Going once, twice, sold for $10!” “Now the auction is over!” The auctioneer laid down his hammer and explained, “When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told that only the painting of the son would be auctioned. And whoever purchased the picture of the son would receive all the father’s possessions, including the paintings.”