人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues专题11:新课学习学案(课文学习&知识讲解)(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues专题11:新课学习学案(课文学习&知识讲解)(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 01:35:36


第12讲 新课学习必修第三册Unit2(课文学习&知识讲解)
“Life is precious.①...To a person nothing is more precious than their life【1】,and if they entrust② me with that life,how could I refuse that trust,saying I’m cold,hungry,or tired?【2】” These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman,and what carried her through③ a life of hard choices【3】.
【3】what引导的宾语从句,与the heart of this amazing woman一起作介词into的并列宾语。
As a five-year-old girl,Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected④ by her mother’s death.At age 18,instead of following the traditional path of⑤ marriage⑥ like the majority⑦ of girls,she chose to study medicine.“Why should girls learn so much?Finding a good husband【4】 should be their final goal!” her brother complained⑧,thinking of the high tuition fees⑨ 【5】.She responded⑩,“I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
【5】现在分词短语thinking of the high tuition fees在句中作状语,表示伴随。
Eight years later,Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship ,the highest prize given to graduates【6】.She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital【7】.Within six months,she was named a chief resident physician,a position that usually took four years to achieve.After working for a few years,she was sent to study in Europe and then,in 1939,in the US.She greatly impressed her American colleagues ,who invited her to stay.Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer.She wanted to serve the women and children at home.
【6】画线部分在句中作Wenhai Scholarship的同位语,过去分词短语given to graduates作the highest prize的后置定语。
【7】动词不定式短语ever to be hired...the PUMC Hospital 作后置定语,修饰the first woman。
In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital,but just a few months later,the department was closed because of the war.Thinking of all the people still in need of help,Dr Lin opened a private clinic .She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients.At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care .
The new People’s Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role【8】.In 1954,she was elected to the first National People’s Congress and,over the next several decades,she held many important positions.Her heart,however,was elsewhere.She was more interested in tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children,and training the next generation of doctors.“The OB-GYN department cares for two lives,” she told new staff in her department.“As doctors,we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”
【8】该句为拟人的写作手法,saw意为“见证”,动词-ing短语playing a key role在句中作宾补。
Though Lin Qiaozhi never married,she was known as the“mother of ten thousand babies”,having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime【9】.Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died,22 April 1983.Since she had no children of her own,she left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.And even as she lay dying,her final thoughts were for others.“I’m ready to go,” she said.“Don’t try to rescue me any more.Don’t waste the medicine any more.”
【9】Though引导让步状语从句,动词-ing短语having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime在句中作原因状语。
Lin Qiaozhi,who delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime,1. (know) as the “mother of ten thousand babies”,though she never got married.2. (affect) by her mother’s death,Lin Qiaozhi decided to study medicine at 3. age of 18 instead of following the 4. (tradition) path of marriage like many other girls.After graduating from Peking Union Medical College,she was hired as a resident physician.Having worked for a few years,she was sent to Europe and the US,5. she rejected her American colleagues’ offer to stay,and returned home.Though appointed 6. (hold) many important
7. (position),she was more interested in tending patients.She held the belief 8. doctors should be responsible 9. the patients.Dr Lin never retired.Even as she lay 10. (die),she was still thinking of others.
This is Lin Qiaozhi,who devoted all her life to helping the women in need of her help.
【答案】1.was known2.Affected3.the 4.traditional5.where 6.to hold7.positions8.that 9.for 10.dying
dilemma n. 进退两难的境地; 困境 face a dilemma 面临左右为难的困境 be in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 moral dilemma 道德困境 a moral dilemma 道德困境
marriage n. 结婚; 婚姻 marry v. 结婚; 为…主持婚礼 marry sb 和…结婚; 嫁; 娶; 为...主持婚礼 be/get married to sb 和…结婚 wedding n. 婚礼; 结婚庆典
respond v.回答;回复; 做出反应; 回应 response n. 响应; 反应;回答,答复 answer v./n. 回答; 答复 respond to... 对...回答/回应/回复 in response to 作为答复;响应; 回答; 对…有反应
reject v. 拒绝接受;不录用; 拒收 rejection n. 拒绝接受; 否决 reject a decision/an offer/a suggestion 拒绝接受一个决定/一项提议/一个建议 reject sb./sth 拒绝接受; 不录用; 拒收 refuse v. 拒绝; 回绝; 推却; 拒绝给 refuse to do... 拒绝做什么 refuse sth 拒绝; 回绝; 推却
appoint v. 任命;委派 appoint sb (as/to be ) sth 任命某人当… appoint sb. to do sth.委派某人做某事 appointment n. 任命; 预约; 约会; 委任 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 keep/break an appointment 守/毁约
elect v. 选举;推选 election n. 选举;推选;当选 run for election : 参加竞选
tend v. 照顾; 照料; 倾向; 趋于 tend to do sth 易于做某事; 往往会发生某事 tend (to) sb/sth 照料 tend to/toward + 名词:倾向; 趋于
retire v. 退休; 退职;退出 retirement n. 退休;退休生活 retired adj. 已退休的 retire from... 从...退下了 retire from one’s job 退休 a retired worker 退休工人
replace v.接替; 取代; 更换 replace A with B 用B替代A replace =take the place of =take one’s place 代替(动词短语) in place of =instead of 代替(介词短语)
operation n. 手术;企业;经营 operate v. 操作; 使用; 控制; 动手术 do an operation 做手术 come into operation 开始生效;开始工作; in operation 在工作中;有效;在使用中 put... into operation实施;使……运转 operate on/upon… 给...动手术 operating system (计算机)操作系统 operating table 手术台
assist v.帮助; 援助 assist sb. in doing…帮助某人做… assist sb. in/with sth 在…方面帮助/协助某人 assist sb. to do… 帮助某人做… with the assistance of sb. 在某人的帮助下
in honour of 为了纪念;为向表示敬意 in celebration of 为庆祝 in praise of 为赞扬 in possession of 拥有 in search of 寻找 in favor of 支持,赞同 in charge of 负责,掌管 in need of 需要
disguise v. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装;化装用具 disguise oneself as... 伪装成…… in disguise 伪装; 假装; 乔装打扮
1.Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are ________(harm) to ocean animals.
2.He’s recovering from an ________(operate) on his shoulder.
3.Since 2018 he has been operating the shop with the _____(assist) of volunteers.
4. We must do what we can _______(keep) the river from being polluted by factories.
5. He told us in _______(whisper) that someone was moving around upstairs.
6.China is a country ____________(belong) to developing country.
7.A great deal of time __________(waste) on the project since last year.
8.It rained heavily in the south, ______(cause) serious flooding in several provinces.
9.________(face) tough challenges, the Chinese women’s volleyball team still won the Olympic gold medal in Rio.
10.I found those students__________(study) very hard when I visited their school last week.
11.Don’t leave the lights ______(burn) all night. It will waste too much electricity.
12.In the past five years a great deal of money _____(spend) improving the environment of the school.
13.Only when a great deal _____(much) information has been got will it be possible to plan a trip to Mars.
14.Smoking can do harm ______ others too.
15.To me, nothing can be _____(important) than a healthy body.
16.The ______(retire) couple lived a simple and happy life.
17.After only a year in the sports club, the youngest player _______(elect) to the committee.
18. My first ________(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.
19.These comments came in ________(respond) to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.
20.The majority of the areas __________(be) covered with snow now.
1. harmful 2.operation 3.assistance 4.to keep 5.whispers 6.belonging 7.has been wasted 8causing 9.Facing 10.studying 11.burning 12.has been spent 13.more 14.to 15.more important 16.retired 17.was elected 18. impression 19.response 20.are
Cross talk, xiangsheng in Chinese, is a____1____ ( tradition )Chinese comedic performing art and one of China's most popular cultural forms. It’s___2__(general) believed that cross talk developed sometime in the Qing Dynasty. After the People's Republic of China____3___ (found) in 1949, this art became increasingly popular. Today, it is___4___ important part in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and other countless shows in China.
There are four__5____( skill) in cross talk: talking, imitating, teasing and singing. Most of the time, _____6__ is performed by two actors 一 one serves as the leading actor while the other plays a supporting role. However, sometimes it is performed as a monologue(独白),___7__is completed by one person mainly telling jokes, and at other times it is performed by more than two actors, __8____( call) group performance. Crosstalk is humorous and its language is lively and rich_____9__ puns(双关语).
Jump into a taxi in Beijing, and chances are that your driver will be listening to a radio broadcast of a cross talk show. These days, more and more foreigners are becoming interested in___10__(study) the art of cross talk. Cross talk is a huge part of Chinese culture and it appears as if it's getting even bigger.
1.traditional 2. generally 3. was founded 4. an 5. skills 6. it 7. which 8. called 9. in 10. studying
When Lin Qiaozhi was five, her mother died, __1__ affected her deeply. At age 18, she chose to study medicine against her brother’s will. Eight years__2____ (late), Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) and became the first woman to work as__3___ resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. After several years, she__4__ (send) to study in Europe and then in 1939, in the US. She left such a good impression __5_____ her American colleagues that they invited her to stay. However, Lin rejected the offer and returned to China.
In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman _6_____ (appoint) director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. When the department was closed because of the war, she opened a private clinic to continue to treat the patients. She was even seen __7__ (ride) a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
Lin Qiaozhi held many important positions, but she was __8_ (interested) in tending patients, training staff in her department __9__ publishing medical research. Dr Lin never married and she kept working until her death in 1983.She left her __10____ (saving) to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.
1.which 2.later 3.a 4.was sent 5.on 6.to be appointed 7.riding 8.more interested 9.and 10.savings
1.When asked about the company’s future,the director that he remained optimistic.
2.Sorry,I must go now.I have made an with my doctor.
3.First of all,it’s easier to replace an object than to spend time and money repairing it.
4.She was in a whether to study further abroad or to get a job after graduation from college.
5.Tourism is the major source of (收入) for this area,so it is seriously affected by the epidemic.
6.She has suffered from the disease for (十年) and no medicine can totally cure her.
7.The young woman is operating a store of her own,so she has rather (灵活的) working hours.
8.My thoughts (喷涌而出) and my pen started to dance.
【答案】1.responded 2.appointment 3.replace 4.dilemma 5.income6.decade7.flexible8.spilt/spilled
9.Girls who in English in our department are in the .(major)
10.The resident physician often about his working conditions and I’m tired of his .(complain)
11.Many people voted for him in the and eventually he as president.(elect)
12.Seeing the wolf,children were ,but some adults managed the beast off.(scare)
13.Doctors on the injured person immediately and the was very successful.
14.When he needed someone him,his came to his .(assist)
15.The boy is always .I’m curious to know where his comes from.(energy)
【答案】9.major ,plains ,complaints11.election ,was elected12.scary ,scared,to scare 13.operated ,operation 14.to assist ,assistant ,assistance15.energetic,energy
How to Love Your Parents
You love your parents for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part, a source of who you are. 1
Respect them more and value these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down your feelings, or talk to a friend. 2
Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don't get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it's cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes. 3 Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents
Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or going somewhere with them. 4 Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.
Tell them you love them every morning. A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. 5 Without your parents, you cannot come to this world.
A.Forgiveness is the key.
B.Here are some ways to love your parents.
C.Parents will in turn express their love to you.
D.After this, share your feeling with your parents.
E.Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
F.Please remember parents are as important as friends.
G.Remember that they brought you into this world.
1.B 【解析】根据下文具体讲述爱父母的方式可知,这一句是总结,B项“这里有几种去爱你的父母的方法”符合文意,故选B。
2.D 【解析】上一句提到写下你的感想或者是和你的朋友说,不难得出此处应该是有关感想的内容,也就是分享你的感想。故选D。
3.A 【解析】上一句提到犯错误,下一句提到原谅,A项“原谅是关键”承上启下。故选A。
4.E 【解析】本段第一句和设空前一句都提到了“with them”,也就是“和他们在一起”,E项“不管如何,尽可能多花一点时间和他们在一起”符合文意。故选E。
5.G 【解析】根据下一句可知“没有父母,你不可能来到这个世界上”,故选G。
Bike sharing have become popular words in cities from Cape Town to Shanghai to Melbourne. Planners, politicians and the media keep showing off their benefits:reducing pollution, congestion, travel costs and oil dependence, while improving public health. Bike sharing also helps make cities appear modern, dynamic and worldwide—qualities much sought after by the creative class.
But what makes for a successful public bike-sharing program This is an important question because installing one requires significant public and private investment and adjustment to the built environment.
While many programs have been launched among much praise, often their popularity has soon declined. Many end up operating at a financial loss and depend on other profitable enterprises to cross-subsidize (交叉补贴) them. Some have resulted in thrown-away bikes becoming an eyesore.
Understanding which factors enhance or stop public bike sharing is critical in helping cities decide whether such a program is workable, before considering what design and sitting will work best.
Drawing on current knowledge, we discuss the importance of the local landscape, climate, cycling infrastructure (基础设施) and land use. We also touch on other factors, such as the legal environment and the characteristics of the bike-sharing program itself.
Take the natural environment for example. Two natural environment factors are known to affect participation:hilliness and weather. Hilliness discourages balanced bike-sharing use, as users avoid returning bicycles to stations on hilltops. Those stations end up being empty, while stations on flat areas are often full, so users cannot find a station to return their bikes.
As for weather, ideal temperature ranges vary by the climate zone. Case studies show warm and dry weather encourages public bike-sharing use. Rain and strong wind reduce the frequency of trips. However, some approaches, such as providing sheltered, shaded, or even heated or cooled cycling infrastructure, could prove useful.
1.What can we infer about bike sharing from Paragraph 1
A.It has no disadvantage. B.It is welcomed worldwide.
C.It can solve every problem. D.It is the symbol of modern cities.
2.What is the current situation of bike-sharing programs
A.Many of them run at a loss. B.Most of them make huge profits.
C.They are the most promising business. D.Their development is determined by public investment.
3.Why does the author mention the natural environment
A.To show users’ interest in various natural environment factors.
B.To show the decisive function of the natural environment.
C.To show the necessity of bike-sharing programs.
D.To show the significance of some factors.
4.Which of the following might increase bike-sharing use
A.Hilliness. B.Attractive bikes.
C.Rain and strong wind. D.Perfect cycling infrastructure.
[语篇解读] 本文为说明文。共享单车已成为城市热词,但如何使共享单车这一项目获得成功需要做很多事情。
1.B 推理判断题。本题题干意为:关于共享单车,从第一段中我们可推断出什么 根据文章第一段尤其是第一段中最后一句“Bike sharing also helps make cities appear modern, dynamic and worldwide—qualities much sought after by the creative class.”可知:共享单车在世界各地受到了欢迎,故答案为B项。A项“它没有缺点”,C项“它可以解决所有问题”过于绝对,故被排除;D项“它是现代城市的标志”在文中并未被暗示,故也被排除。
2.A 细节理解题。本题题干意为:共享单车项目的现状是什么 根据第三段第二句“Many end up operating at a financial loss...”(许多最终以亏损经营告终……)可知答案为A项。
3.D 推理判断题。本题题干意为:作者为什么提及自然环境 作者在第四段中指出:了解哪些因素促进或阻碍公共自行车共享的发展在帮助城市对这样一个项目是否可行做出决定至关重要。在第六段作者又以环境为例来说明一些因素的重要性,故答案为D项。
4.D 细节理解题。本题题干意为:下面哪一项可能会提高共享单车的使用率 根据文章最后一句“However, some approaches, such as providing sheltered, shaded, or even heated or cooled cycling infrastructure, could prove useful.”(然而,一些诸如提供遮阳棚甚至提供可自动加热或自动制冷的自行车基础设施被证明是有用的)可知答案为D项。第12讲 新课学习必修第三册Unit2(课文学习&知识讲解)
“Life is precious.①...To a person nothing is more precious than their life【1】,and if they entrust② me with that life,how could I refuse that trust,saying I’m cold,hungry,or tired?【2】” These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman,and what carried her through③ a life of hard choices【3】.
【3】what引导的宾语从句,与the heart of this amazing woman一起作介词into的并列宾语。
As a five-year-old girl,Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected④ by her mother’s death.At age 18,instead of following the traditional path of⑤ marriage⑥ like the majority⑦ of girls,she chose to study medicine.“Why should girls learn so much?Finding a good husband【4】 should be their final goal!” her brother complained⑧,thinking of the high tuition fees⑨ 【5】.She responded⑩,“I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
【5】现在分词短语thinking of the high tuition fees在句中作状语,表示伴随。
Eight years later,Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship ,the highest prize given to graduates【6】.She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital【7】.Within six months,she was named a chief resident physician,a position that usually took four years to achieve.After working for a few years,she was sent to study in Europe and then,in 1939,in the US.She greatly impressed her American colleagues ,who invited her to stay.Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer.She wanted to serve the women and children at home.
【6】画线部分在句中作Wenhai Scholarship的同位语,过去分词短语given to graduates作the highest prize的后置定语。
【7】动词不定式短语ever to be hired...the PUMC Hospital 作后置定语,修饰the first woman。
In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital,but just a few months later,the department was closed because of the war.Thinking of all the people still in need of help,Dr Lin opened a private clinic .She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients.At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care .
The new People’s Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role【8】.In 1954,she was elected to the first National People’s Congress and,over the next several decades,she held many important positions.Her heart,however,was elsewhere.She was more interested in tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children,and training the next generation of doctors.“The OB-GYN department cares for two lives,” she told new staff in her department.“As doctors,we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”
【8】该句为拟人的写作手法,saw意为“见证”,动词-ing短语playing a key role在句中作宾补。
Though Lin Qiaozhi never married,she was known as the“mother of ten thousand babies”,having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime【9】.Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died,22 April 1983.Since she had no children of her own,she left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.And even as she lay dying,her final thoughts were for others.“I’m ready to go,” she said.“Don’t try to rescue me any more.Don’t waste the medicine any more.”
【9】Though引导让步状语从句,动词-ing短语having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime在句中作原因状语。
Lin Qiaozhi,who delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime,1. (know) as the “mother of ten thousand babies”,though she never got married.2. (affect) by her mother’s death,Lin Qiaozhi decided to study medicine at 3. age of 18 instead of following the 4. (tradition) path of marriage like many other girls.After graduating from Peking Union Medical College,she was hired as a resident physician.Having worked for a few years,she was sent to Europe and the US,5. she rejected her American colleagues’ offer to stay,and returned home.Though appointed 6. (hold) many important
7. (position),she was more interested in tending patients.She held the belief 8. doctors should be responsible 9. the patients.Dr Lin never retired.Even as she lay 10. (die),she was still thinking of others.
This is Lin Qiaozhi,who devoted all her life to helping the women in need of her help.
dilemma n. 进退两难的境地; 困境 face a dilemma be in a dilemma moral dilemma a moral dilemma
marriage n. 结婚; 婚姻 v. 结婚; 为…主持婚礼 marry sb be/get married to sb n. 婚礼; 结婚庆典
respond v.回答;回复; 做出反应; 回应 n. 响应; 反应;回答,答复 answer v./n. 回答; 答复 respond to... in response to
reject v. 拒绝接受;不录用; 拒收 n. 拒绝接受; 否决 reject a decision/an offer/a suggestion 拒绝接受一个决定/一项提议/一个建议 reject sb./sth 拒绝接受; 不录用; 拒收 v. 拒绝; 回绝; 推却; 拒绝给 refuse to do... refuse sth
appoint v. 任命;委派 appoint sb (as/to be ) sth appoint sb. to do sth. n. 任命; 预约; 约会; 委任 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 keep/break an appointment 守/毁约
elect v. 选举;推选 n. 选举;推选;当选 run for election : 参加竞选
tend v. 照顾; 照料; 倾向; 趋于 tend to do sth 易于做某事; 往往会发生某事 tend (to) sb/sth 照料 tend to/toward + 名词:倾向; 趋于
retire v. 退休; 退职;退出 n. 退休;退休生活 adj. 已退休的 retire from... retire from one’s job a retired worker
replace v.接替; 取代; 更换 replace A B 用B替代A replace =take the place of =take one’s place 代替(动词短语) in place of =instead of 代替(介词短语)
operation n. 手术;企业;经营 v. 操作; 使用; 控制; 动手术 do an operation come into operation in operation put... into operation operate on/upon… operating system operating table
assist v.帮助; 援助 assist sb. in doing… assist sb. in/with sth assist sb. to do… with the assistance of sb.
in honour of 为了纪念;为向表示敬意 in celebration of in praise of 为 in possession of in search of in favor of in charge of in need of
disguise v. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装;化装用具 disguise oneself as... in disguise
1.Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are ________(harm) to ocean animals.
2.He’s recovering from an ________(operate) on his shoulder.
3.Since 2018 he has been operating the shop with the _____(assist) of volunteers.
4. We must do what we can _______(keep) the river from being polluted by factories.
5. He told us in _______(whisper) that someone was moving around upstairs.
6.China is a country ____________(belong) to developing country.
7.A great deal of time __________(waste) on the project since last year.
8.It rained heavily in the south, ______(cause) serious flooding in several provinces.
9.________(face) tough challenges, the Chinese women’s volleyball team still won the Olympic gold medal in Rio.
10.I found those students__________(study) very hard when I visited their school last week.
11.Don’t leave the lights ______(burn) all night. It will waste too much electricity.
12.In the past five years a great deal of money _____(spend) improving the environment of the school.
13.Only when a great deal _____(much) information has been got will it be possible to plan a trip to Mars.
14.Smoking can do harm ______ others too.
15.To me, nothing can be _____(important) than a healthy body.
16.The ______(retire) couple lived a simple and happy life.
17.After only a year in the sports club, the youngest player _______(elect) to the committee.
18. My first ________(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.
19.These comments came in ________(respond) to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.
20.The majority of the areas __________(be) covered with snow now.
Cross talk, xiangsheng in Chinese, is a____1____ ( tradition )Chinese comedic performing art and one of China's most popular cultural forms. It’s___2__(general) believed that cross talk developed sometime in the Qing Dynasty. After the People's Republic of China____3___ (found) in 1949, this art became increasingly popular. Today, it is___4___ important part in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and other countless shows in China.
There are four__5____( skill) in cross talk: talking, imitating, teasing and singing. Most of the time, _____6__ is performed by two actors 一 one serves as the leading actor while the other plays a supporting role. However, sometimes it is performed as a monologue(独白),___7__is completed by one person mainly telling jokes, and at other times it is performed by more than two actors, __8____( call) group performance. Crosstalk is humorous and its language is lively and rich_____9__ puns(双关语).
Jump into a taxi in Beijing, and chances are that your driver will be listening to a radio broadcast of a cross talk show. These days, more and more foreigners are becoming interested in___10__(study) the art of cross talk. Cross talk is a huge part of Chinese culture and it appears as if it's getting even bigger.
When Lin Qiaozhi was five, her mother died, __1__ affected her deeply. At age 18, she chose to study medicine against her brother’s will. Eight years__2____ (late), Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) and became the first woman to work as__3___ resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. After several years, she__4__ (send) to study in Europe and then in 1939, in the US. She left such a good impression __5_____ her American colleagues that they invited her to stay. However, Lin rejected the offer and returned to China.
In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman _6_____ (appoint) director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. When the department was closed because of the war, she opened a private clinic to continue to treat the patients. She was even seen __7__ (ride) a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
Lin Qiaozhi held many important positions, but she was __8_ (interested) in tending patients, training staff in her department __9__ publishing medical research. Dr Lin never married and she kept working until her death in 1983.She left her __10____ (saving) to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors.
1.When asked about the company’s future,the director that he remained optimistic.
2.Sorry,I must go now.I have made an with my doctor.
3.First of all,it’s easier to replace an object than to spend time and money repairing it.
4.She was in a whether to study further abroad or to get a job after graduation from college.
5.Tourism is the major source of (收入) for this area,so it is seriously affected by the epidemic.
6.She has suffered from the disease for (十年) and no medicine can totally cure her.
7.The young woman is operating a store of her own,so she has rather (灵活的) working hours.
8.My thoughts (喷涌而出) and my pen started to dance.
9.Girls who in English in our department are in the .(major)
10.The resident physician often about his working conditions and I’m tired of his .(complain)
11.Many people voted for him in the and eventually he as president.(elect)
12.Seeing the wolf,children were ,but some adults managed the beast off.(scare)
13.Doctors on the injured person immediately and the was very successful.
14.When he needed someone him,his came to his .(assist)
15.The boy is always .I’m curious to know where his comes from.(energy)
How to Love Your Parents
You love your parents for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part, a source of who you are. 1
Respect them more and value these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down your feelings, or talk to a friend. 2
Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don't get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it's cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes. 3 Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents
Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or going somewhere with them. 4 Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.
Tell them you love them every morning. A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. 5 Without your parents, you cannot come to this world.
A.Forgiveness is the key.
B.Here are some ways to love your parents.
C.Parents will in turn express their love to you.
D.After this, share your feeling with your parents.
E.Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
F.Please remember parents are as important as friends.
G.Remember that they brought you into this world.
Bike sharing have become popular words in cities from Cape Town to Shanghai to Melbourne. Planners, politicians and the media keep showing off their benefits:reducing pollution, congestion, travel costs and oil dependence, while improving public health. Bike sharing also helps make cities appear modern, dynamic and worldwide—qualities much sought after by the creative class.
But what makes for a successful public bike-sharing program This is an important question because installing one requires significant public and private investment and adjustment to the built environment.
While many programs have been launched among much praise, often their popularity has soon declined. Many end up operating at a financial loss and depend on other profitable enterprises to cross-subsidize (交叉补贴) them. Some have resulted in thrown-away bikes becoming an eyesore.
Understanding which factors enhance or stop public bike sharing is critical in helping cities decide whether such a program is workable, before considering what design and sitting will work best.
Drawing on current knowledge, we discuss the importance of the local landscape, climate, cycling infrastructure (基础设施) and land use. We also touch on other factors, such as the legal environment and the characteristics of the bike-sharing program itself.
Take the natural environment for example. Two natural environment factors are known to affect participation:hilliness and weather. Hilliness discourages balanced bike-sharing use, as users avoid returning bicycles to stations on hilltops. Those stations end up being empty, while stations on flat areas are often full, so users cannot find a station to return their bikes.
As for weather, ideal temperature ranges vary by the climate zone. Case studies show warm and dry weather encourages public bike-sharing use. Rain and strong wind reduce the frequency of trips. However, some approaches, such as providing sheltered, shaded, or even heated or cooled cycling infrastructure, could prove useful.
1.What can we infer about bike sharing from Paragraph 1
A.It has no disadvantage. B.It is welcomed worldwide.
C.It can solve every problem. D.It is the symbol of modern cities.
2.What is the current situation of bike-sharing programs
A.Many of them run at a loss. B.Most of them make huge profits.
C.They are the most promising business. D.Their development is determined by public investment.
3.Why does the author mention the natural environment
A.To show users’ interest in various natural environment factors.
B.To show the decisive function of the natural environment.
C.To show the necessity of bike-sharing programs.
D.To show the significance of some factors.
4.Which of the following might increase bike-sharing use
A.Hilliness. B.Attractive bikes.
C.Rain and strong wind. D.Perfect cycling infrastructure.