北师大版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Success Writing A Life Story 教案(表格式)


名称 北师大版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Success Writing A Life Story 教案(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 09:23:43



单元名称: Unit 2 Success 授课内容:Writing: a life story
1.基于“六要素”整合的英语学习活动观:本课以《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2022年修订)》为指导,基于六要素整合的英语学习活动观,着力发展学生的核心素养,围绕“人与社会”这一主题语境,基于Iron Hammer这一“人物生平事迹”类型的语篇,设计一系列学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新类活动,让学生在阅读语篇的过程中感受人物魅力、梳理文章结构、总结该类文章写作规律,在写作过程中深化对语言的理解、内化运用所学,而后进行知识语言的迁移——选取一个人描述其生平,提高理解和表达效果; 2.指向深度学习的单元整体教学设计:本课时所处单元围绕“成功”话题,构建起对成功的认知、态度和行为选择,形成“认识什么是成功”“探讨如何取得成功”“理解成功的深层含义”的单元框架。本课时为“探讨如何取得成功”层次,课程设计基于学生已了解成功含义的前提,让学生选取一个他们敬佩的人,聚焦于其特别之处,探讨其为什么值得敬佩,并将为“理解成功的深层含义”做好铺垫。 3.教育技术的应用:本课重视现代信息技术背景下教学模式和学习方式的变革,充分利用信息技术,促进信息技术与课程教学的深度融合,着力引导学生使用信息手段,运用自主学习、探究学习等学习方式实现知识的吸收、内化与运用; 4.本课遵循建构主义学习理论,强调学习者在认知过程中所处的文化背景的作用,由教师搭建支架,将学习者心中所想与现实结合起来,构建桥梁;同时采用过程写作法,一步一步引导学习者发现、归纳总结a life story写作的结构及重点关注内容,帮助学习者主动、有意识、积极应用所学,选取一个敬佩的人并完成其人物生平的撰写。
What: A life story属于“人与社会”主题语境下“文学、艺术与体育”主题群,是人物生平式的记叙文,本篇文章主要介绍了铁榔头“郎平”的人物生平。本文从郎平的主要工作经历、获得的主要奖项以及人们对她的高度评价几方面来介绍。郎平在央视体育名人奖中荣获最佳教练奖和体育特别贡献奖。 她还被评为2016年“感动中国人物”。她受到人们的喜爱,不仅是因为她对事业的奉献,也因为她对排球运动的巨大影响。 How:本文是记叙文,夹叙夹议,采用了“总—分”结构。文章有四个段落,第一段落是总体介绍郎平的背景。第二段落是介绍郎平作为运动员时候的主要事迹。第四段落是介绍郎平作为中国女排教练的主要事迹。第四段落是介绍郎平受到人们的喜欢赢得了众多的奖项。 在具体叙事上,运用较多的时间表达,如during,after that,that year等等,帮助学生进行关于人物生平事迹的表达。 Why:本文以郎平为例,向学生介绍了人物生平的具体写作形式和方法,给出时间相关的表达,同时引导学生学顽强拼搏,自强不息的人生态度,培养学生正确的人生观、价值观。
本次的教学对象是xx市一所中学的学生,校内设施先进,教室内不仅有多媒体设备,而且每个学生都配备了平板学习机。学生整体水平中上,学习氛围良好,日常接触的都是记叙文、议论文类写作,没有接触过人物生平事迹类的英文文章,希望能提升写作能力; 语言能力:学生有基础的语言表达能力,写作时可以运用简单的词、句,但所用的句式比较单一、不生动;较少出现单词拼写错误,语法基本准确;文章缺乏条理,结构不清晰; 文化意识:学生对所处文化背景认同感强,经过本单元(success)一系列听力课、阅读课的学习,他们对如何评价他人有了更深刻的理解,内心也有自己的目标及敬佩的人,本节课需要教师引导学生聚焦他们敬佩的人的生平经历,探索其之所以被人敬佩的原因; 思维品质:学生思维活跃,在所给主题下写作的创造性强;学生阅读时会从文章中抓取关键信息,有基本的归纳总结能力,能发现人物生平类文章的写作规律及注意事项;有基本的分析能力,在小组合作学习中能积极分享观点,有共同解决问题的意识; 学习能力:学生在课堂中能积极参与使用多种学习策略,会积极参与讨论,合作学习意识强,但对于自我学习、探究式学习还不适应;学生应用信息技术进行探究的意识较弱,需要加强引导;学生接受性强,对于新事物能快速接受,但应用方面仍需加强。
1. 通过阅读文本,获取郎平的相关信息(职业经历、被称为“铁榔头”的原因、所获成就等); 2. 梳理出“概括介绍—主要经历—成就与评价”的人物生平写作思路,并借助思维导图呈现知识结构; 3. 运用所学与时间相关的表达,描述事件或人物经历; 4. 运用所学语言,进行人物生平写作与同伴互评,从敬佩者的人生经历中感受其所具备的品质。
教学重点:梳理出“概括介绍—主要经历—成就与评价”的人物生平写作思路,并借助思维导图呈现知识结构; 教学难点:运用所学语言,进行人物生平写作与同伴互评,从敬佩者的人生经历中感受其所具备的品质。
教学目标 教学活动、互动方式、时间分配 设计意图
联系生活实际,带领学生感知本课写作主题——a life story,并引导学生梳理人物生平写作的要素; Lead in:(5mins) T asks students’ impression on the phrase “A life story”. T: Do you think what “a life story” exactly means Where did you see it So let us take a short summary about the elements of “a life story”. Events, time and overall comments 通过简短的小问题提问,吸引学生注意,让学生感知a life story的不同含义,以及作为人物生平时意义,通过提问,引导学生梳理人物生平写作的要素;
引导学生选择人物生平写作对象,构建写作框架; Pair Work:(7mins) T:“You are going to write a life story of a person you like or admire. Discuss with your partner. Who are you going to write about What is special about him or her What big events did he she experience in his or her life You can exchange your target person with your partner and share his or her information. 教师发出指示引导学生选择人物生平的写对象,列出相关信息,通过小组合作的形式开展,为后续写作铺垫;
通过阅读文本,获取郎平的相关信息(职业经历、被称为“铁榔头”的原因、所获成就等) ; Read for writing: (12mins) T shows a picture of Lang ping and asks Ss if they know her. Then Ss read the passage for the first time and answer the following questions. 1 Who is Lang Ping 2 Why was Lang Ping named "Iron Hammer" 3 What is Lang Ping's experience as an athlete 4 What is Lang Ping's experience as a coach 5 Why do people like Lang Ping (T: Do you know who is she She is called ‘iron hammer’ by volleyball fans. Yes, she is Lang ping, a well-known volleyball player in China. Today, we’ll read an article about her. You are supposed to answer these questions after reading it.) T explains the above five questions to Ss. (T: Am I clear You are allowed to underline the key information from the passage to help you find answers. Now, if you are ready, let’s get started!) Ss read. (T: Have you finished Now, who would like to share with us his or her answers How about you LP is one of the China’s most recognized athletes. Yes, accurate description! Sit down, please. Who would like to tell me why was Lang Ping named "Iron Hammer" Yes, her strong and powerful playing style earned her the name “Iron Hammer”. Any volunteer would like to tell us what is Lang Ping's experience as an athlete …checking answers… It seems that you have a good command of this passage. Do you find what aspects did the author mentioned in this article Are they same as what you have discussed before Yes, this passage talks about LP’s general introduction, experience, and awards.) 通过图片导入,引出文本阅读对象,通过仔细阅读文本并回答相关问题,让学生文本产生大致认识并获取事实性信息;
梳理出“概括介绍—主要经历—成就与评价”的人物生平写作思路,并借助思维导图呈现知识结构; Matching: (7mins) Label the paragraphs in the boxes of each paragraph. Then, T asks students to share their answers and summarize the structure of the passage in the form of mind map. (T: Just now we have concluded that this passage contains LP’s general introduction, experience, and awards. Now, let’s label the paragraphs using a-c in the boxes to better understand the structure of this article. a. important life or work experiences of the person b. general introduction of the person c. major awards and comments T explains the labels to Ss. (T: Have you finished What’s your order Yes, it’s baac! The first paragraph is general introduction of LP. The second paragraph is LP’s important life as an athlete, while the third paragraph is LP’s work experiences. The last paragraph is her major awards and others’ comments on her. In all, how does the author organize this passage Yes, the author organizes the passage by writing one’s general introduction, important life and work experiences, and awards and comments.) 在阅读完文本之后,完成课后连线题,归纳总结人物生平写作的框架;
运用所学与时间相关的表达,描述事件或人物经历; Writing sentences: (12mins) T explains these time expressions from sentence builder and introduces their usages one by one. T: “Now you are going to use the time expressions in sentence builder to write 2-3 sentences about the person that you are going to write about. ” 教师给学生讲解关于时间的表达,并让学生运用在自己的局部写作当中;
收集服务于写作的有效信息,并结合写作需要进行进一步筛选与优化; Get detailed information: (8mins) T asks Ss to find more detailed information about the person they are going to write about. Ss can get information from the internet. T will remind Ss to think about what information will be better for their writing. Then T asks Ss to share their information with their partners and pick up better ones from their findings. (T: To help you better finish your writing, let’s search some information online! Could you please tell me what kind of information is needed Yes, his or her brief introduction, important life and work experiences, and awards and comments! You all have a good command of what we have learnt. When searching online, please check the accuracy of your information. After finishing your searching, you are allowed to discuss with your partners. Try to find effective and useful messages together! Am I clear Ok, now get started!) (T: Have you finished Any volunteer group would like to share your information with us ) 学生收集能服务于自身写作的有效信息,为写作活动做好铺垫;培养学生主动搜集信息、整合信息的能力与意识;同伴讨论适用于写作的细节性信息,帮助学生优化所选信息,增强其信息筛选的有效性;
运用所学写作思路,构建起任务生平写作的基本框架; 运用所学语言,进行人物生平写作,从敬佩者的人生经历中感受其所具备的品质。 通过同伴互评深化对于写作要点与注意事项的感知; Outlining: (6mins) After Ss have got enough information to write life story, T asks Ss to complete the outline of their writing based on the mind map of the text. Then T will invite one student and share his or her outline, evaluate it and give some suggestions. Reviewing and Drafting: (20mins) Before Ss start their writing, T leads them to review what they have learned about writing a life story. T will ask questions as follows. 1. How should we choose detailed information about the person 2. When we introduce the events or experiences, what should we pay attention to 3. Read the writing Help, is there something else (Yes, because the events happened in the past, so we should use past tense to describe events.) Then, Ss can write their first draft. Peer Editing: (12mins) T asks Ss exchange their writings in groups and make peer editing. T will provide Ss with a peer editing sheet as a basic standard. Peer editing will carry on twice, and T will show a figure to tell Ss the sequence of exchange. During Ss are making peer editing, T will walk around and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of students’ writing and editing. After Ss finish peer editing, T will give a summary and put emphasis on the common problems. Homework: (1mins) Polish your writing based on the feedback from your groupmates. You need to hand it in as well as your first draft. 引导学生充分内化人物生平写作的结构与思路;通过分享与评价环节增强学生结合写作实际灵活调整框架的意识; 教师通过提问引导学生进一步回顾人物生平写作须注意的要点,为初稿写作做好铺垫; 学生撰写初稿,将所学语言迁移至自身写作语境下,深入感知其敬佩者的生平经历与优秀品质; 同伴互评引导学生关注写作的综合维度,从评价者视角感受作文的质量; 学生有机会阅读他人作文,从他人优点中学习经验,从他人不足中汲取教训,从而带动共同进步。 学生有机会将同伴互评中的所获所得落实在作文修改中,进一步提升其语言运用能力,充分发挥主题的引领作用。