人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues速记清单学案(原卷板+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues速记清单学案(原卷板+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 12:20:49


Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Unit 2 话题 道德与美德
词汇 majority complain appoint retire replace memory tear moral virtue faint illustrate precious hire decade tend publish saving principle replace accident whisper export bite memory chain disguise spill tear despair income
短语 carry sb through sth pass away a great deal (of)be afraid to do sth carry through th be affected by be responsible for tend to do sth show interest in in memory of trip over in tears in despair with all one's might a great deal (of) come across crash into
句型 what引导的名词性从句 in which在句中引导定语从句 If引导的虚拟语气
语法 动词 ing 形式作宾补和状语
写作 一则评论
考点1.carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关
Carry:carry sb back 使回想起,使回忆
Carry on继续保持,经营,进行(生意,谈话)
Carry on with sth/doing sth继续做某事
Carry off成功地完成困难的事情
Carry out实行,执行,进行,履行(诺言,义务)
经典练 单句语法填空
①He carried the speech ________ well despite feeling very nervous.
②You'll have an accident if you carry ________ driving like that.
③His determination carried him ________ the ordeal (难关).
④plans for the new theatre (reject) because too much money was needed
答案:①off ②on ③through ④were rejected
能力提升 单句表达
The smell of the sea __________________________________.
She needed a clear head to ______________________________.
答案:carried her back to her childhood carry out her instructions
考点2.These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.
[剖析] 名词短语 the heart of this amazing woman和宾语从句what carried her through a life of hard choices是and连接的并列成分,作介词into的宾语。
What 在从句中作主语,宾语和表语
经典练 单句语法填空
①________ people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2,000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3,000 years, and the Chinese more still.
②“A good night's sleep is ________ you want,” he said firmly.
答案:①What ②what
能力提升 单句表达
Steve looked blank and said he had no idea ________________________.
答案:③what I was talking about
考点3.majority n. 大部分;大多数
a/the majority of大多数.
majority n.大部分; in the/a majority占多数 大多数
the majority of ...作主语时,其后谓语动词的数取决于of之后的名词;
the majority作主语时,谓语动词用单数或者复数均可
n.专业major vi.主修(专业) major in主修……;以……为专业
经典练 单句语法填空
①The majority of people around here ________ (be) decent people.
②He majored ________ finance at Claremont Men's College in California.
③Among the members of the committee those who favour the proposal changes are ________ the majority.
④I have an (appoint) with Tom today,but I need to change it
答案:①are ②in ③in ④appointment
能力提升 单句表达
________________________________ university degrees.
答案:The majority of the employees have
考点4.complain vi.& vt. 抱怨;发牢骚
complain vi. &vt.
complain (to sb) about ...(向某人)投诉/抱怨……
complain of 抱怨
complaint n.投诉;抱怨
make a complaint提出投诉
经典练 单句语法填空
①Tourists complain ________ being ripped off by local cab drivers.
②I've made a ________ (complain) to the police about the noise.
③People complain ________ how children spend so much time on computer games.
④Reporters have begun making predictions about the winner of the coming (elect).
答案:①of ②complaint ③about ④election
能力提升 单句表达
____________________ he had been unfairly treated.
答案:He complained bitterly that
考点5.appoint vt. 任命;委派
appoint vt.任命;委派
appoint sb as/to be ...'任命某人为……
appoint sb to do sth委派某人做某事
appointment n.任命;约会
have/make an appointment with sb与某人有约
keep/break an appointment守/违约 预约
经典练 单句语法填空
①It can appoint a foreign company ________ (manufacture) its product under licence.
②The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian ________ defence minister.
③I'd like to make an ________ (appoint) with Dr Evans, please.
④Lacing necessary social experience,teenagers tend (take) in by cheaters
答案:①to manufacture ②as ③appointment ④to be taken
能力提升 单句表达
She ________________ for her son to see the doctor.
答案:made an appointment
考点6.retire vi.& vt. 退休;退职;退出
retire from ...从:…退休
退职;退出 retire vi.&vt.退休; retire as...从……位置上退下来
退职;退役 retirement n.退休; after retirement退休后
退职的:退役的 retired adj.退休的; a retired pilot一位退休的飞行员
经典练 单句语法填空
①He has no plans to retire ________ editor of the magazine.
②We all wish you a long and happy ________ (retire).
③________ (retire) footballers sometimes choose to become managers.
④Though his grandfather is old, he is still quite (energy) and travels from place to place
答案:①as ②retirement ③Retired ④energetic
能力提升 单句表达
He will ____________ his directorship next year.
答案:retire from
考点7. replace vt. 接替;取代;更换
replace ... with/by... 用……代替……
replace vt. 接替;取代;更换;放
replace sb as ... 取代某人而成为……
replace sth on sp 把某物重新放在某处
take the place of sb/sth (=take sb’s/sth's place)代替某人/某物
place n. 位置:职位
in place of sb/sth (=in sb's/sth 's place)代替某人/某物
out of place 位置不当;不适当
经典练 单句语法填空
①Our cities will be better places if we replace cars ________ bicycles.
②Tourism has replaced agriculture ________ the nation's main industry.
④In modern times,the bike can’t (replace) by the car as a traditional form of transportation.
答案:①with ②as ④be replaced
能力提升 单句表达
I felt completely ________________ among all these successful people.
Nothing can ever ________________ real love and family togetherness.
答案:out of place take the place of
考点8.pass away 去世
pass away去世
pass out 昏迷;失去知觉
pass sth around传阅;挨个传递某物
pass by 经过;逝去
pass sth down 流传;使世代相传
pass on ... (to sb)把……传递(给某人)
pass off(顺利)进行
经典练 单句语法填空
①He unfortunately passed ________ last year.
②The tradition has been passed ________ from father to son for generations.
③I nearly passed ________ when I saw all the blood.
④Sometimes his classmates try to make fun of him,but he makes no (respond)
答案:①away ②down ③out ④ response
能力提升 单句表达
Local residents set up a museum near the old turret in order to remember its history and ______________________ and restless revolutionary spirit.
答案:pass on stories of the hard work
考点9.memory n. 记忆力;回忆
memory n.记忆力;回忆
in memory of 作为对.…的纪念;为了纪念……
have a good memory记忆力好
memorable adj.难忘的;值得纪念的
memorize vt.记住
经典练 单句语法填空
①He studied his map, trying to ________ (memory) the way to Rose's street.
②Her speech was ________ (memory) for its polemic (辩论方法) rather than its substance (内容).
③We are planning to hold a party for our grandparents to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of (marry)
答案:①memorize ②memorable ③marriage
能力提升 单句表达
She ________________ and finds it easy to retain facts.
He founded the charity ________________ his late wife.
答案:has a good memory in memory of
考点10.tear n. 眼泪;泪水
Tear n.眼泪;泪水
burst into tears (=burst out crying)放声大哭
in tears 流着泪;含着泪
Tear v.撕毁;拆除
tears well up in one's eyes. 某人热泪盈眶
tear down.拆除
tear ... apart使……分裂
tear ... into pieces把……撕成碎片
经典练 单句语法填空
①War and revolution have torn families ________.
②She was ________ tears over the death of her puppy.
③For many years,the (major) of Irish people earned their living s farmers
答案:①apart ②in ③majority
能力提升 单句表达
A lot of the old tower blocks ____________________ to make way for new housing.
答案:have been torn down
考点11.a great deal (of) 大量
a great/large number of a good/great many
quite a few dozens of/hundreds of 等
a great deal of
a large amount of
a lot of/lots of plenty of
a large quantity of
large quantities of
经典练 单句语法填空
①Not uncommonly, there ________ (be) a great deal of rain in August.
②A small number of children ________ (be) educated at home.
③The police received several (complain) about the noise from our party.
答案:①is ②are③complaints
能力提升 单句表达
I've got ____________________ homework tonight.
答案:a lot of/a great deal of
语法点:动词 ing 形式作宾补和状语
表示感觉和心理状态的动词(短语)(常见的有feel,hear,listen to,see, notice, observe,watch, look at, find,think等)+sb.+doing sth.(作宾补)。
Eg:I felt somebody standing behind me.
Eg:I saw the little boy crying there.
表示“致,使,让”意义的使役动词(常见的有have , keep, get, leave,set ,catch等)+sb./sth.+doing sth.(作宾补)。注意let、make后不接ing作宾补
Eg:We kept the fire burning all night long.
Eg:With so many people looking at her, she felt nervous.
[名师点津] 使役动词接现在分词作宾语补足语表示“让……一直做某事”;接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语表示“让某人做某事”;接过去分词作宾语补足语,表示“主语请某人做某事,使完成某事或主语遭遇某事”。
Walking in the park, she saw an old friend.
=When/While (she was) walking in the park, she saw an old friend.
Being ill, he couldn't go to school.
=As he was ill, he couldn't go to school.
作条件状语,一般可转换成if, unless等引导的条件状语从句。
Working hard, you'll make great progress.
=If you work hard, you'll make great progress.
Being tired, they still went on working.
=Although they were tired, they still went on working.\
His father died, leaving him a lot of money.
Please answer my question using another way.
Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book.
=Mary sat by the window of the classroom and was reading a book.
eg:I hurried to school, only to find it was Sunday.
注意: 1.为强调动词-ing形式表达的意义,可在其前加上各种连词。例如,加上when, while,before, after,(al)though等连词。
动词-ing形式作状语时,一般式(doing),完成式(having done)。
①Walking in the street, I met some foreigners.
②Having finished the letter, he went to post it.
动词-ing形式作状语时,一般式(doing),完成式(being done)。
Being_talked (talk) to, you should look into the eyes of the person.
Not knowing this, he didn't come.
①The trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.
②The weather being fine, we went out for a walk
Though_________(lack) money, his parents managed to send him to university
____________________(tell) that some guests were coming, they got the room ready
________________(wait) in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.
4.He ran as fast as he could, ________(hope) to catch the early bus.
5.________(feel) curious about the tall blue-eyed foreigners, he stared at them for more than twenty minutes.
6.She returned home only to find the door open and something________(miss)
7.Can you imagine yourself__________ (stay) in a lonely island?
8.I’m sorry to keep you________ (wait) for a long time.
答案:1 lacking 2 Having been told 3 Having waited 4 hoping 5 Feeling 6 missing 7 staying 8 waiting
Mary looked at the beautiful ripe plums(梅子). She would make lovely jam. When she had finished the 1.________ (cook), she filled all her empty jam jars, 2.________ (leave) the rest of the jam in the pan. She would put it in the fridge when it was cooler. But just then the telephone rang.3._________________(learn) that her mother was in hospital after a car accident, Mary picked up her bag and ran out of the house.
Some days later, her husband, John, came home from a business trip. He had been traveling all day and felt like 4._______(have) a drink and a piece of cake.5._________ (enter) the kitchen he saw a pan with a dark red mess inside it up and smelled it. It smelled bad.6._________ (think) Mary must have forgotten to clean this pan, he poured all the jam into the chicken yard and cleaned the pan. Then 7.________(feel) comfortable, he began to eat a piece of cake.
When Mary returned, she noticed the chickens 8._________(behave) strangely. They were running round the yard as if they were sick. She saw the dark red mess on the ground and went closer.9._______(see) a plum stone, she went into the kitchen. Her husband was at the table reading a newspaper. Angrily Mary rushed up to him 10._________(shout) “You threw away my jam!” Her husband said, “I’m sorry, but I thought it was porridge that had gone bad in the hot weather.”
答案:1 cooking2 leaving3 Having learned 4 having5 entering 6 Thinking 7 feeling 8 behaving
9 seeing 10 shouting
feel want face smile return worry hear knock
1.________ that his wife had been injured in an accident, Mr Johnson hurried to the hospital.
2. During the operation, she sat in the waiting room for over an hour ________ about him.
3. I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not ________ to be heard.
4. He suddenly woke up at midnight when he heard someone ________ at his door.
5. _______ higher import export costs, the company is looking for ways to survive.
6. _________ from the North Pole, the traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year.
7. The child lay on her mother's lap, _______ sweetly.
8. _______ hurt by the rejection, she bit her lip and quietly walked away.
答案:1 hearing 2 worrying 3 wanting 4 knocking 5 Facing 6 Returning 7 smiling 8 Feeling
第一部分是先叙述文章(电影, 书籍)大概的内容;
根据字数还可以适当引用其他人的评价, 再抒发自己的见解(同意或不同意+理由)。
1. passage  文章
2. comment 评价
3. recommend 推荐
4. highlight 亮点
5. theme 主题
6. lesson 教训
7. principle 道理, 原则
8. be recognized 被认可
9. learn from 从……中学到
1. What we can learn from it is that we should be kind and willing to help others.
从中我们可以学到的是我们应该有善心, 并乐于助人。
2. It is known to us all that this novel has a great influence on the development of Chinese literature.
众所周知, 这部小说对中国文学的发展有着积极的影响。
3. It is recognized that kindness and diligence are both traditional virtues of Chinese people.
公认的是, 善良和勤劳是中国人民的传统美德。
4. It tells us a principle that we should strengthen people’s awareness of social responsibility.
它告诉我们一个道理: 我们应该增强人们的社会责任意识。
5. I strongly hope that you can have a try and it won’t disappoint you.
我强烈希望你能试一试(读一读), 它不会让你失望。
假设你是李华, 你打算向你的外国朋友Eric推荐一部最近刚刚看过的中文电影《流浪地球》。
1. 观影时间和地点;
2. 电影亮点(科幻电影、保护地球……);
3. 推荐观影。
1. 词数80左右
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
科幻电影 science fiction film
流浪地球 The Wandering Earth
1. ___________推荐
2. ______ 主题
3. ________ 共同的
4. __________ 使……失望
5. _____________ 被认为是……
6. ________________对……印象深刻
7. _____________ 不遗余力
8. _________ 尝试一下
be regarded as;
be impressed with;
Spare no effort;
Have a try
1. 完成句子
(6)我强烈希望你看看这部电影, 它不会让你失望。
2. 句式升级
I saw the film at the local theatre last weekend.
The film is regarded as the best science fiction film in Chinese film history.
I was deeply impressed with the film’s theme.
The film’s theme is about protecting the earth.
We should spare no effort to protect it.
I strongly hope you can have a try and the film will never disappoint you!
I saw the film at the local theatre last weekend,which is regarded as the best science fiction film in Chinese film history.
And I was deeply impressed with the film’s theme which is about protecting the earth.
Dear Eric,
How’s everything going I’m writing to recommend a film The Wandering Earth to you.
I saw the film at the local theatre last weekend, which is regarded as the best science fiction film in Chinese film history. And I was deeply impressed with the film’s theme which is about protecting the earth. The earth is our common home and we should spare no effort to protect it.
I strongly hope you can have a try and the film will never disappoint you!
Li Hua
单元要点 词汇 部分 重 点 词 形 变 化 词形变化 1.diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的→diversity n.差异(性);不同 (点);多样性 2 fortune___ n.机会;运气→_fortunate__ adj.幸运的;吉利的→_fortunately adv.幸运地→unfortunately adv.不幸地 3.admit vt.& vi.承认 vt.准许进入(或加入)→admission n.准入;准许;承认 4.definite adj.确实的→definitely adv.肯定;确实 5 history n.历史→_historical adj.(有关)历史的 6.minor adj.次要的;较小的→minority n.少数民族;少数派;少数人→majority n.多数,大多数 7.finance n.财政,财政学;金融→_financial adj.财政的;财务 的;金融的 8.poet n.诗人→poem n.诗→poetry n.诗集;诗歌;诗作 9.earn vt.& vi.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得→earnings n.利润;收入,工资 10.collect vt.收集,收藏→collection n.作品集;收集物;收藏品 11 construct vt.建筑;建造→_construction n.建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构 12.select vt.适合;满足……需要;相配;合身 n.西服;套装select adj.合适的
重 点 词 汇 核心单词 1.afterwards adv. 以后;后来 2.bar n. 酒吧;小吃店;小馆子 3.boot n. 靴子 4.chip n.[英]炸土豆条;[美]炸薯片;芯片;碎片 5.Claim vt. & n. 夺取(生命);宣称;断言 6.climate n. 气候 7.clothing n. 衣服;服装 8.contain_vt. 包含;含有;容纳 9.District n. 地区;区域 10.downtown adv. 在市中心;往市中心 11.escape vi. & vt. 逃走;逃脱;避开 n.逃跑;逃脱;解脱 12.Fold vt. 包;裹;折叠 vt. & vi.(可)折小;(可)叠平 13.item n. 项目;一件商品(或物品);一条(新闻) 14.jazz n. 爵士乐 15.journal n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物 16.Material n. 材料;布料;素材 adj. 物质的;实际的 17.occur vi. 发生;出现 18.Seek vt. & vi.(sought,sought)寻找;寻求 19.Series n. 一系列;连续;接连Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Unit 2 话题 道德与美德
词汇 majority complain appoint retire replace memory tear moral virtue faint illustrate precious hire decade tend publish saving principle replace accident whisper export bite memory chain disguise spill tear despair income
短语 carry sb through sth pass away a great deal (of)be afraid to do sth carry through th be affected by be responsible for tend to do sth show interest in in memory of trip over in tears in despair with all one's might a great deal (of) come across crash into
句型 what引导的名词性从句 in which在句中引导定语从句 If引导的虚拟语气
语法 动词 ing 形式作宾补和状语
写作 一则评论
考点1.carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关
Carry:carry sb back 使回想起,使回忆
Carry on继续保持,经营,进行(生意,谈话)
Carry on with sth/doing sth继续做某事
Carry off成功地完成困难的事情
Carry out实行,执行,进行,履行(诺言,义务)
经典练 单句语法填空
①He carried the speech ________ well despite feeling very nervous.
②You'll have an accident if you carry ________ driving like that.
③His determination carried him ________ the ordeal (难关).
④plans for the new theatre (reject) because too much money was needed
能力提升 单句表达
The smell of the sea __________________________________.
She needed a clear head to ______________________________.
考点2.These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.
[剖析] 名词短语 the heart of this amazing woman和宾语从句what carried her through a life of hard choices是and连接的并列成分,作介词into的宾语。
What 在从句中作主语,宾语和表语
经典练 单句语法填空
①________ people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2,000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3,000 years, and the Chinese more still.
②“A good night's sleep is ________ you want,” he said firmly.
能力提升 单句表达
Steve looked blank and said he had no idea ________________________.
考点3.majority n. 大部分;大多数
a/the majority of大多数.
majority n.大部分; in the/a majority占多数 大多数
the majority of ...作主语时,其后谓语动词的数取决于of之后的名词;
the majority作主语时,谓语动词用单数或者复数均可
n.专业major vi.主修(专业) major in主修……;以……为专业
经典练 单句语法填空
①The majority of people around here ________ (be) decent people.
②He majored ________ finance at Claremont Men's College in California.
③Among the members of the committee those who favour the proposal changes are ________ the majority.
Tom today,but I need to change it
能力提升 单句表达
________________________________ university degrees.
考点4.complain vi.& vt. 抱怨;发牢骚
complain vi. &vt.
complain (to sb) about ...(向某人)投诉/抱怨……
complain of 抱怨
complaint n.投诉;抱怨
make a complaint提出投诉
经典练 单句语法填空
①Tourists complain ________ being ripped off by local cab drivers.
②I've made a ________ (complain) to the police about the noise.
③People complain ________ how children spend so much time on computer games.
④Reporters have begun making predictions about the winner of the coming (elect).
能力提升 单句表达
____________________ he had been unfairly treated.
考点5.appoint vt. 任命;委派
appoint vt.任命;委派
appoint sb as/to be ...'任命某人为……
appoint sb to do sth委派某人做某事
appointment n.任命;约会
have/make an appointment with sb与某人有约
keep/break an appointment守/违约 预约
经典练 单句语法填空
①It can appoint a foreign company ________ (manufacture) its product under licence.
②The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian ________ defence minister.
③I'd like to make an ________ (appoint) with Dr Evans, please.
④Lacing necessary social experience,teenagers tend (take) in by cheaters
能力提升 单句表达
She ________________ for her son to see the doctor.
考点6.retire vi.& vt. 退休;退职;退出
retire from ...从:…退休
退职;退出 retire vi.&vt.退休; retire as...从……位置上退下来
退职;退役 retirement n.退休; after retirement退休后
退职的:退役的 retired adj.退休的; a retired pilot一位退休的飞行员
经典练 单句语法填空
①He has no plans to retire ________ editor of the magazine.
②We all wish you a long and happy ________ (retire).
③________ (retire) footballers sometimes choose to become managers.
he is still quite (energy) and travels from place to place
能力提升 单句表达
He will ____________ his directorship next year.
考点7. replace vt. 接替;取代;更换
replace ... with/by... 用……代替……
replace vt. 接替;取代;更换;放
replace sb as ... 取代某人而成为……
replace sth on sp 把某物重新放在某处
take the place of sb/sth (=take sb’s/sth's place)代替某人/某物
place n. 位置:职位
in place of sb/sth (=in sb's/sth 's place)代替某人/某物
out of place 位置不当;不适当
经典练 单句语法填空
①Our cities will be better places if we replace cars ________ bicycles.
②Tourism has replaced agriculture ________ the nation's main industry.
t (replace) by the car as a traditional form of transportation.
能力提升 单句表达
I felt completely ________________ among all these successful people.
Nothing can ever ________________ real love and family togetherness.
考点8.pass away 去世
pass away去世
pass out 昏迷;失去知觉
pass sth around传阅;挨个传递某物
pass by 经过;逝去
pass sth down 流传;使世代相传
pass on ... (to sb)把……传递(给某人)
pass off(顺利)进行
经典练 单句语法填空
①He unfortunately passed ________ last year.
②The tradition has been passed ________ from father to son for generations.
③I nearly passed ________ when I saw all the blood.
④Sometimes his classmates try to make fun of him,but he makes no (respond)
能力提升 单句表达
Local residents set up a museum near the old turret in order to remember its history and ______________________ and restless revolutionary spirit.
考点9.memory n. 记忆力;回忆
memory n.记忆力;回忆
in memory of 作为对.…的纪念;为了纪念……
have a good memory记忆力好
memorable adj.难忘的;值得纪念的
memorize vt.记住
经典练 单句语法填空
①He studied his map, trying to ________ (memory) the way to Rose's street.
②Her speech was ________ (memory) for its polemic (辩论方法) rather than its substance (内容).
③We are planning to hold a party for our grandparents to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of (marry)
能力提升 单句表达
She ________________ and finds it easy to retain facts.
He founded the charity ________________ his late wife.
考点10.tear n. 眼泪;泪水
Tear n.眼泪;泪水
burst into tears (=burst out crying)放声大哭
in tears 流着泪;含着泪
Tear v.撕毁;拆除
tears well up in one's eyes. 某人热泪盈眶
tear down.拆除
tear ... apart使……分裂
tear ... into pieces把……撕成碎片
经典练 单句语法填空
①War and revolution have torn families ________.
②She was ________ tears over the death of her puppy.
③For many years,the (major) of Irish people earned their living s farmers
能力提升 单句表达
A lot of the old tower blocks ____________________ to make way for new housing.
考点11.a great deal (of) 大量
a great/large number of a good/great many
quite a few dozens of/hundreds of 等
a great deal of
a large amount of
a lot of/lots of plenty of
a large quantity of
large quantities of
经典练 单句语法填空
①Not uncommonly, there ________ (be) a great deal of rain in August.
②A small number of children ________ (be) educated at home.
③The police received several (complain) about the noise from our party.
能力提升 单句表达
I've got ____________________ homework tonight.
语法点:动词 ing 形式作宾补和状语
表示感觉和心理状态的动词(短语)(常见的有feel,hear,listen to,see, notice, observe,watch, look at, find,think等)+sb.+doing sth.(作宾补)。
Eg:I felt somebody standing behind me.
Eg:I saw the little boy crying there.
表示“致,使,让”意义的使役动词(常见的有have , keep, get, leave,set ,catch等)+sb./sth.+doing sth.(作宾补)。注意let、make后不接ing作宾补
Eg:We kept the fire burning all night long.
Eg:With so many people looking at her, she felt nervous.
[名师点津] 使役动词接现在分词作宾语补足语表示“让……一直做某事”;接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语表示“让某人做某事”;接过去分词作宾语补足语,表示“主语请某人做某事,使完成某事或主语遭遇某事”。
Walking in the park, she saw an old friend.
=When/While (she was) walking in the park, she saw an old friend.
Being ill, he couldn't go to school.
=As he was ill, he couldn't go to school.
作条件状语,一般可转换成if, unless等引导的条件状语从句。
Working hard, you'll make great progress.
=If you work hard, you'll make great progress.
Being tired, they still went on working.
=Although they were tired, they still went on working.\
His father died, leaving him a lot of money.
Please answer my question using another way.
Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book.
=Mary sat by the window of the classroom and was reading a book.
eg:I hurried to school, only to find it was Sunday.
注意: 1.为强调动词-ing形式表达的意义,可在其前加上各种连词。例如,加上when, while,before, after,(al)though等连词。
动词-ing形式作状语时,一般式(doing),完成式(having done)。
①Walking in the street, I met some foreigners.
②Having finished the letter, he went to post it.
动词-ing形式作状语时,一般式(doing),完成式(being done)。
Being_talked (talk) to, you should look into the eyes of the person.
Not knowing this, he didn't come.
①The trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.
②The weather being fine, we went out for a walk
Though_________(lack) money, his parents managed to send him to university
____________________(tell) that some guests were coming, they got the room ready
________________(wait) in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.
4.He ran as fast as he could, ________(hope) to catch the early bus.
5.________(feel) curious about the tall blue-eyed foreigners, he stared at them for more than twenty minutes.
6.She returned home only to find the door open and something________(miss)
7.Can you imagine yourself__________ (stay) in a lonely island?
8.I’m sorry to keep you________ (wait) for a long time.
Mary looked at the beautiful ripe plums(梅子). She would make lovely jam. When she had finished the 1.________ (cook), she filled all her empty jam jars, 2.________ (leave) the rest of the jam in the pan. She would put it in the fridge when it was cooler. But just then the telephone rang.3._________________(learn) that her mother was in hospital after a car accident, Mary picked up her bag and ran out of the house.
Some days later, her husband, John, came home from a business trip. He had been traveling all day and felt like 4._______(have) a drink and a piece of cake.5._________ (enter) the kitchen he saw a pan with a dark red mess inside it up and smelled it. It smelled bad.6._________ (think) Mary must have forgotten to clean this pan, he poured all the jam into the chicken yard and cleaned the pan. Then 7.________(feel) comfortable, he began to eat a piece of cake.
When Mary returned, she noticed the chickens 8._________(behave) strangely. They were running round the yard as if they were sick. She saw the dark red mess on the ground and went closer.9._______(see) a plum stone, she went into the kitchen. Her husband was at the table reading a newspaper. Angrily Mary rushed up to him 10._________(shout) “You threw away my jam!” Her husband said, “I’m sorry, but I thought it was porridge that had gone bad in the hot weather.”
feel want face smile return worry hear knock
1.________ that his wife had been injured in an accident, Mr Johnson hurried to the hospital.
2. During the operation, she sat in the waiting room for over an hour ________ about him.
3. I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not ________ to be heard.
4. He suddenly woke up at midnight when he heard someone ________ at his door.
5. _______ higher import export costs, the company is looking for ways to survive.
6. _________ from the North Pole, the traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year.
7. The child lay on her mother's lap, _______ sweetly.
8. _______ hurt by the rejection, she bit her lip and quietly walked away.
第一部分是先叙述文章(电影, 书籍)大概的内容;
根据字数还可以适当引用其他人的评价, 再抒发自己的见解(同意或不同意+理由)。
1. passage  文章
2. comment 评价
3. recommend 推荐
4. highlight 亮点
5. theme 主题
6. lesson 教训
7. principle 道理, 原则
8. be recognized 被认可
9. learn from 从……中学到
1. What we can learn from it is that we should be kind and willing to help others.
从中我们可以学到的是我们应该有善心, 并乐于助人。
2. It is known to us all that this novel has a great influence on the development of Chinese literature.
众所周知, 这部小说对中国文学的发展有着积极的影响。
3. It is recognized that kindness and diligence are both traditional virtues of Chinese people.
公认的是, 善良和勤劳是中国人民的传统美德。
4. It tells us a principle that we should strengthen people’s awareness of social responsibility.
它告诉我们一个道理: 我们应该增强人们的社会责任意识。
5. I strongly hope that you can have a try and it won’t disappoint you.
我强烈希望你能试一试(读一读), 它不会让你失望。
假设你是李华, 你打算向你的外国朋友Eric推荐一部最近刚刚看过的中文电影《流浪地球》。
1. 观影时间和地点;
2. 电影亮点(科幻电影、保护地球……);
3. 推荐观影。
1. 词数80左右
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
科幻电影 science fiction film
流浪地球 The Wandering Earth
1. ___________推荐
2. ______ 主题
3. ________ 共同的
4. __________ 使……失望
5. _____________ 被认为是……
6. ________________对……印象深刻
7. _____________ 不遗余力
8. _________ 尝试一下
1. 完成句子
(6)我强烈希望你看看这部电影, 它不会让你失望。
2. 句式升级
单元要点 词汇 部分 重 点 词 形 变 化 词形变化 1.diverse adj.不同的;多种多样的→diversity n.差异(性);不同 (点);多样性 2 fortune___ n.机会;运气→_fortunate__ adj.幸运的;吉利的→_fortunately adv.幸运地→unfortunately adv.不幸地 3.admit vt.& vi.承认 vt.准许进入(或加入)→admission n.准入;准许;承认 4.definite adj.确实的→definitely adv.肯定;确实 5 history n.历史→_historical adj.(有关)历史的 6.minor adj.次要的;较小的→minority n.少数民族;少数派;少数人→majority n.多数,大多数 7.finance n.财政,财政学;金融→_financial adj.财政的;财务 的;金融的 8.poet n.诗人→poem n.诗→poetry n.诗集;诗歌;诗作 9.earn vt.& vi.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得→earnings n.利润;收入,工资 10.collect vt.收集,收藏→collection n.作品集;收集物;收藏品 11 construct vt.建筑;建造→_construction n.建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构 12.select vt.适合;满足……需要;相配;合身 n.西服;套装select adj.合适的
重 点 词 汇 核心单词 1.afterwards adv. 以后;后来 2.bar n. 酒吧;小吃店;小馆子 3.boot n. 靴子 4.chip n.[英]炸土豆条;[美]炸薯片;芯片;碎片 5.Claim vt. & n. 夺取(生命);宣称;断言 6.climate n. 气候 7.clothing n. 衣服;服装 8.contain_vt. 包含;含有;容纳 9.District n. 地区;区域 10.downtown adv. 在市中心;往市中心 11.escape vi. & vt. 逃走;逃脱;避开 n.逃跑;逃脱;解脱 12.Fold vt. 包;裹;折叠 vt. & vi.(可)折小;(可)叠平 13.item n. 项目;一件商品(或物品);一条(新闻) 14.jazz n. 爵士乐 15.journal n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物 16.Material n. 材料;布料;素材 adj. 物质的;实际的 17.occur vi. 发生;出现 18.Seek vt. & vi.(sought,sought)寻找;寻求 19.Series n. 一系列;连续;接连