人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues语法填空(V-ing作补语和状语)专项训练100题(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues语法填空(V-ing作补语和状语)专项训练100题(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 13:52:18


Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 语法填空(V-ing作补语和状语)专项训练100题
1.He had teams of dogs (pull) the sledges and all his men were on skis.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他让几队狗拉着雪橇,所有的人都站在滑雪板上。had在这里为使役动词,表示“使,让”,所以空处应用非谓语动词。根据句中的all his men were on skis可知,狗拉雪橇是一直进行的事,且teams of dogs和pull之间是主谓关系,所以应用现在分词作宾补。have sb./sth. doing sth.意为“使某人/某物一直做某事”。故填pulling。
2.All around me I saw tall trees in the wind. (wave)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我看到周围高大的树木在风中摇曳。see sb./sth. doing为固定搭配,意为“看见某人/某物正在做某事”,空处需填现在分词作宾语补足语。故填waving。
3.With the work (do), I have no time to answer the phone.
【答案】being done
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:由于正在做着工作,我没有时间接电话。分析句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作宾补,do与宾语the work之间为被动关系,且根据下文中的“I have no time to answer the phone”可知,“没有时间接电话”说明“做”正在进行,所以此处使用现在分词的被动语态。故填being done。
4.With a lot of classmates (help) me, I am making rapid progress.
5.When he woke up, he found many children (surround) him.
=When he woke up, he found himself (surround) by many children.
【答案】 surrounding surrounded
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他醒来时发现自己被许多孩子围着。分析句子结构可知,两个句子均考查“find+宾语+宾补”结构。第一句中逻辑主语many children和surround之间是主谓关系,所以应用现在分词作宾补。第二句中surround与himself之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词形式作宾补。故填surrounding;surrounded。
6.He could not have her (get) away with telling people lies.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他不能让她一直对人说谎却不受惩罚。此处为have+宾语+宾补结构,此处强调动作反复发生,且her和get away with为主动关系,因此用现在分词作宾补。have sb. doing sth.“让某人一直/反复做某事”。故填getting。
7.While shopping in the mall, I happened to spot him (walk) with a girl shoulder to shoulder.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在商场购物时,我碰巧看见他和一个女孩肩并肩地走着。spot sb. doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“看见某人正在做某事”, him与walk之间是主动且进行的关系,空处需填现在分词作宾语补足语。故填walking。
8.He felt himself (slip) and clutched at a branch.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他觉得自己在滑倒,于是抓住了一根树枝。句中feel sb doing sth为固定短语,意为“感觉某人在做某事”,使用现在分词作宾补,表示动作正在发生。故填slipping。
9.It’s not hard to get him (talk) -the problem is stopping him!
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:让他开始说话并不难——问题在于阻止他!get sb. doing sth.“让某人开始做某事”为固定表达;空白处在句子中做宾补,因与其逻辑主语him之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,使用现在分词,故填talking。
10.With time (pass) by, we will have a better and better life.
When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself (wander) down to Southbank.
12.With Christmas (approach), everyone is busy cleaning and decorating the house.
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:随着圣诞节的临近,每个人都在忙于打扫和装饰房子。分析句子可知,此处是“with +宾语+宾语补足语”的结构,空格处应填入非谓语动词作宾语补足语。Christmas与approach是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词。故填approaching。
13.She loves the virtual world, with only her computer (keep) her company.
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:她喜欢虚拟世界,只有她的电脑陪伴着她。分析句子可知,此处为with复合结构,keep与逻辑主语her computer是主动关系,用现在分词作宾语补足语,故填keeping。
14.They were so frightened that they had the fire (burn) all night.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他们如此害怕以至于他们让火一整夜都在燃烧。分析句子结构可知,空处作非谓语动词,burn与逻辑主语the fire之间是主动关系,且结合语意,此处表示让火一直燃烧,所以空处应用现在分词形式作宾语补足语。故填burning。
15.With several problems (remain) to be solved, we still needed to hold another meeting as soon as possible.
16.A classmate told me she had seen my friend (chat) with another girl in a café on Saturday afternoon. 【答案】chatting
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:一个同学告诉我,她在星期六下午看到我的朋友和另一个女孩在咖啡馆聊天。see sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事。根据句意,故填chatting。
17.Don’t leave that man over there (wait) outside and show him in now. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:不要让那边的那个人在外面等着,现在就带他进去。分析句子结构可知,空处需要非谓语动词作宾语补足语。该动词和宾语 that man之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作宾语补足语。故填waiting。
18.She caught herself (wonder) whether she had made a mistake.
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:她发觉自己在怀疑自己是否犯了错误。分析句子可知,此处为动词短语catch sb/oneself doing sth,表示“发觉某人/自己正在做某事”,herself和wonder为主动关系,所以此处为现在分词形式。故填wondering。
19.Don’t leave the lights ( burn) all night. It will waste too much electricity.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:别让灯整夜亮着。它会浪费太多电。分析句子结构可知,空处作宾语补足语,和宾语the lights之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,应用现在分词作补足语,表示宾语的状态。故填burning。
20.I can’t get my car (run) on cold mornings, so I have to try filling the radiator with some hot water. 【答案】running
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在寒冷的早晨,我的车无法行驶,所以我不得不试着给散热器加满热水。动词get后接复合宾语,get sb./sth. doing,意为“让某人/物开始做某事”,动词run和宾语之间是主动关系,用其现在分词作补足语。故填running。
21.I looked up and noticed a snake (wind) its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我抬头一看,看见一条蛇蜿蜒着爬上树去捕捉它的早餐。notice sb./sth. doing sth.,意为“注意到某人/某物正在做某事”,snake和动词wind“蜿蜒”之间是主动关系且表示正在进行的动作,所以应该用现在分词winding,作宾语补足语。故填winding。
22.While watching television, we heard the doorbell (ring).
【详解】考查动词。句意:正在看电视时,我们听到门铃响了。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作宾补,ring与宾语the doorbell之间为主动关系,根据“hear+宾语+do/doing”意为“听到……做了某事”或者“听到……正在做某事”可知,所以此处使用省to的不定式作宾补,表示“听到门铃响了”或者现在分词形式表示“听到门铃正在响”,强调动作正在进行,均符合语境。故填ring/ringing。
23.Tom spoke in front of the whole class, (refer) to his notes sometimes.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:汤姆在全班同学面前讲话,时不时地参考他的笔记。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处的行为和谓语行为同时发生,作句子的伴随状语,refer to“参考”和Tom逻辑上是主动关系,因此应用refer的现在分词形式。故填referring。
24. (see) those pictures,she remembered her childhood near the ocean.
China’s railway network connects the entire country, (allow) people to travel with ease.
26.My aunt came to see me, (attempt) to persuade me to change my mind.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我姑姑来看我,试图说服我改变主意。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处的行为和谓语行为同时发生,作伴随状语,且attempt“试图”和My aunt逻辑上是主动关系,因此应用attempt的现在分词形式作状语。故填attempting。
He glanced over at her, (notice) that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.
28.Oil prices have risen by 32 per cent since the start of the year, (reach) a record US dollar 5.65 a barrel on 4 April.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:自今年年初以来,油价已上涨32%,在4月4日达到每桶5.65美元的创纪录水平。该句的谓语是have risen,且无连词,空处应用非谓语动词,动词reach与其逻辑主语Oil prices之间是主动关系,应用现在分词作状语。故填reaching。
29.The old couple stood at the station, (wave) goodbye to their son.
30. (bring) with her lots of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Wang Hong travelled to a village school with an eager heart.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:带着许多书、衣服和两双运动鞋,王红怀着一颗热切的心去了一所乡村学校。句中已有谓语动词travelled,因此空处应填非谓语动词;bring与逻辑主语Wang Hong构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语,首字母大写。故填Bringing。
31. (occupy) myself in watching the vase, I had no time to appreciate other antiques in this shop.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我忙于观赏花瓶,没有时间欣赏这家商店里的其它古董。分析句子可知,此空应填非谓语动词,I 和occupy为主动关系,空处应用现在分词形式作状语,句首单词首字母应大写。故填Occupying。
32.After a few days, Tom finally got back to his hometown, (feel) tired.
33.I fell onto the stones, (damage) a nerve in my hand.
34.“Dad, sorry, it was such a mess.” Jeff murmured, (lower)his head in shame.
35.“Congratulations!” he said, (slap) me on the back.
36.Carl took a long deep breath, (struggle) to control his own emotions.
37.I caught a dog (run) after a cat yesterday. It was so funny.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:昨天我发现一只狗在追一只猫。太有趣了。catch sb. doing“撞见,发现某人正在做某事”为固定搭配,动词run与宾语a dog之间是主动关系,应用现在分词作宾补。故填running。
38.She fell asleep with the light (burn).
39.On arriving, we saw red ripe peaches (hang) on the tree.
40.No matter where I buy them, one steamer is rarely enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always left (want) more next time.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:无论我在哪里买汤包,一笼屉是不够的,然而两笼屉似乎有点贪婪,所以我总是想下次多吃一些。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词“am left”,空处需填非谓语动词,want和逻辑主语I之间为主动关系,应用现在分词作主语补足语,leave sb doing sth“使某人保持做某事的状态”,此处为其被动结构sb. be left doing。故填wanting。
41.I was busy with my report, only ( stop) at times to drink some water.
42.The storm struck the area, (cause) a lot of damage.
43.Somehow she had a serious disease, (bring) a great impact on her previous life.
44.The bell indicating the end of the period rang, (interrupt) our heated discussion.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:下课的铃声响了,打断了我们热烈的讨论。句中已有谓语动词rang,设空处应用非谓语动词形式。逻辑主语The bell与interrupt之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。根据句意,故填interrupting。
45.When (feel) depressed, I often choose to enjoy the novel part which includes a lot of imaginative stories.
46.When I came into the classroom, I found my desk-mate (cry) sadly at her desk.
47.With many children (gather) around her, the girl felt a little nervous.
48.We saw new houses (build) wherever we went on our visit.
【答案】being built
【详解】考查非谓语动词和语态。句意:无论我们去哪里,我们都看到了正在建造的新房子。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为saw,故本空为非谓语。see sb./sth. doing sth.,意为“看到某人/某物正在做某事”,new houses和动词build“建造”为被动关系,故此处用动词过去分词built,故填being built,作宾语houses的补足语。故填being built。
49.Throughout my entire life, I’ve had my brother (try) to beat me at everything I do.
【详解】考查非谓语。句意:在我的一生中,我的哥哥在我做的每一件事上都试图打败我。分析句子可知,这里考查have sb. doing sth.表“让某人一直做某事”,强调动作的持续性、连续性或者动作的反复性,所以此空应填现在分词作宾补。故填trying。
50.One day in the future, you will find yourself (grow) into a well-rounded individual.
51.We walked into the circus and saw a clown (hold) a box.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们走进马戏团,看见一个小丑拿着一个箱子。根据句意,应为固定搭配see sb doing sth“看到某人正在做某事”,其中doing为现在分词作宾语补足语,与宾语之间为逻辑上的主动关系。故填holding。
52.Drought continues to annoy many parts of China, with tens of thousands of people (suffer) water shortages.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:干旱继续困扰着中国的许多地区,成千上万的人遭受着水资源短缺。分析句子结构可知,设空处为“with+宾语+宾补”复合结构,宾语“tens of thousands of people”与动词“suffer”之间为主动关系,应用动词的现在分词的形式。故填suffering。
53.While driving on my way home, I spotted smoke (rise) out of a truck.
54.They started towards the village with the boy (lead) the way.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他们向村子走去,男孩在前面带路。此处为with复合结构,动词lead和宾语the boy之间是主动关系,故用其现在分词作宾语补足语。故填leading。
55.With tears (roll) down her cheeks, she walked up and gave her daughter a big hug.
56.When they heard the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai.(用动词-ing形式改写句子)
【答案】Hearing the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:当他们听到这个消息时,他们立即动身前往上海。分析句子可知,原句为时间状语从句和主句构成,主语they是一致的,动词hear和主语they之间是主动关系,可改写为现在分词作时间状语。故答案是Hearing the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai.
57.Because she saw nobody at home, she decided to leave a note.(用动词-ing形式改写句子)
【答案】Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave a note.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:因为她看见家里没人,所以她决定留张便条。分析句子可知,原句为原因状语从句和主句构成,主语she是一致的,动词see和主语she之间是主动关系,可改写为现在分词作原因状语。故答案是Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave a note。
58.As I know a lot of people need my help, I became an educator. (用动词 ing形式改写)
= a lot of people need my help, I became an educator.
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:因为我知道很多人需要我的帮助,所以我成为了一名教育工作者。分析句子可知,“As”引导原因状语从句,根据题目要求,动词know与“I”为主动关系,可用现在分词形式表达,作原因状语,故“As I know a lot of peole need my help”可改写为Knowing a lot of people need my help。故填Knowing。
59.All night long he lay awake and he thought of the problem. (用非谓语动词句型转换)
→All night long he lay awake, .
【答案】thinking of the problem
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他整夜躺在床上,想着这个问题。分析句子可知,原句中thought of the problem和lay awake两个行为同时发生,因此空处作转换后的句子的伴随状语,think of和he逻辑上是主动关系,应用think的现在分词形式。故填thinking of the problem。
60.After he had eaten his dinner, the boy rushed out. (用非谓语动词句型转换)
→ , the boy rushed out.
【答案】Having eaten his dinner
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:吃过晚饭后,男孩冲了出去。空处对应原句中的时间状语从句After he had eaten his dinner,eat的动作完成后,谓语动作才发生,且eat和the boy逻辑上是主动关系,因此eat应用现在分词完成式having eaten,作时间状语,且空处位于句首,having的首字母需大写。故填Having eaten his dinner。
61.It rained heavily and it caused great damage. (用非谓语动词句型转换)
→It rained heavily, .
【答案】causing great damage
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:雨下得很大,造成了很大的损失。分析句子可知,空处cause great damage“造成很大的损失”是随着谓语行为自然发生的结果,是作结果状语,cause应用现在分词形式。故填causing great damage。
62.The man abandoned himself to alcohol, so he seldom cared about his family. (句型转换)
→ himself alcohol, the man seldom cared about his family.
【答案】 Abandoning to
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:这个人沉溺于酒精,所以很少关心他的家庭。分析题目可知,要求把原句为so连接的并列句变为一个句子。第一个设空处在句中作非谓语动词,和其逻辑主语之间是逻辑的主动关系,应用动词的现在分词的形式作状语,位于句首,首字母应大写,应为Abandoning;固定搭配abandon oneself to完全沉溺于。第二个设空处应为to。故填①Abandoning;②to。
63.A flood struck the area and thousands of people were left homeless. (用分词(短语)作状语改写状语从句)
→A flood struck the area, .
【答案】leaving thousands of people homeless
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:洪水袭击了该地区,使数千人无家可归。分析句子结构可知,空处对应的内容为原句的后半句内容,为前半句的结果,即洪水袭击,导致了数千人无家可归这一结果,所以空处使用现在分词形式leaving作结果状语,其宾语为thousands of people,homeless为形容词作宾语补足语。故填leaving thousands of people homeless。
64.When I looked up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small. (用现在分词短语作状语改写)
【答案】Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small.
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:抬头看那大大的头,低头看那大大的脚,我觉得自己是如此的渺小。按照提示要求,将原句改写成现在分词短语作状语,所以应将when引导的时间状语从句改写为现在分词短语作状语,从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致,look up与句子主语之间为主动关系,将谓语动词looked up改为looking up,位于句首,looking的首字母需大写,将连词与主语去掉,其它内容不变。故答案为Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small.
65.I managed to remain calm, and quickly recalled what I had learnt in my first -aid class. (升级为含有现在分词短语作伴随状语的句子)
【答案】I managed to remain calm, quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first -aid class.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我设法保持冷静,快速回忆着我在急救课上学到的东西。根据原句可知,managed和recalled是并列关系,其主语为同一个。I与动词recall之间是主谓关系,所以这里可改为现在分词,作伴随状语,故答案为:I managed to remain calm, quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first -aid class。
66.In 1950, he heard New China had been set up and he came back to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him. (用分词作状语升级句子)
【答案】In 1950, hearing New China had been set up, he came back to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him.
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:1950年,他听说新中国成立了,尽管美国政府试图阻止他,他还是于1955年回到了祖国。动词hear意为“听到”,和主语构成主动关系,所以可以用现在分词形式作状语。故句子可转换为:In 1950, hearing New China had been set up, he came back to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him.。
67.After he had turned off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons. (用动词-ing形式改写)
【答案】Having turned/After turning off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他关掉电视机后,开始复习功课。分析句子结构和意思可知,原句是After引导的时间状语从句,动作turn off发生在主句谓语动词began之前,用现在分词的完成式,作状语;或者把After当做介词,后面跟动名词形式。故答案为Having/After having turned off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons.
68.Though online communication develops rapidly, it is still not the most efective channel of communication. (用动词-ing形式改写)
【答案】Though developing rapidly, online communication is still not the most effective channel of communication.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然网络交流发展迅速,但它仍然不是最有效的交流渠道。此处将though引导的状语从句改写为现在分词作状语的句子,online communication为逻辑主语和develop为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式。故答案是Though developing rapidly, online communication is still not the most effective channel of communication。
69.She sat by the window and enjoyed the beautiful sights outside. (用动词-ing形式改写)
【答案】She sat by the window, enjoying the beautiful sights outside.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她坐在窗边欣赏外面的美丽景色。原句是一个并列句,主语相同,动作enjoyed与主语之间是主谓关系,此处可将并列句改为现在分词作伴随状语,故答案是She sat by the window, enjoying the beautiful sights outside。
70.When they heard the good news, they jumped with great joy.(用动词-ing形式改写)
【答案】Hearing the good news, they jumped with great joy./When hearing the good news, they jumped with great joy.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:当他们听到这个好消息时,他们高兴得跳了起来。动词hear和主语之间是主动关系,故可用其现在分词作状语,这样原句中连词when和主语省略;也可以只省略主语,保留连词when,成为状语从句中的省略。句首字母大写,故答案为Hearing the good news, they jumped with great joy./When hearing the good news, they jumped with great joy.
71.As I did not know how to get there, I had to ask the way. (用动词-ing形式改写)
【答案】Not knowing how to get there, I had to ask the way.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我不知道怎么去那里,只好问路。此处改为现在分词作状语,否定词放在句首,故改为Not knowing how to get there, I had to ask the way。
72.Because I didn’t know his telephone number, I had to refer to the phonebook.(改为用现在分词做状语)
【答案】Not knowing his telephone number, I had to refer to the phonebook.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:由于不知道他的电话号码,我只好查电话簿。此处原因状语从句改为现在分词作状语,动词know和句子的主语I之间是主动关系,所以应该用现在分词作状语,否定词not应前置,故改为Not knowing his telephone number, I had to refer to the phonebook.
When the immigrants saw the harvest of the New World, they settled down there. (用分词作状语改写句子)(句型转换)
【答案】Seeing the harvest of the New World, the immigrants settled down there.
【详解】考查句型转换。句意:看到新大陆的丰收,移民们在那里定居下来。根据题干要求,需把原句用分词作状语进行改写,分析原句可知,原句是when引导的时间状语从句,从句的主语和主句的主语相同,可将状语从句的主语省略,saw用非谓语形式,它和逻辑主语immigrants之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式,所以可改为:Seeing the harvest of the New World, the immigrants settled down there。
74.Because he buried himself in playing the flute, he didn’t know it was raining .
→ playing the flute, he was not aware it was raining . (现在分词短语作状语)
→ playing the flute, he was not aware it was raining . (过去分词短语作状语)
【答案】 Burying himself in Buried in
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:专心致志的演奏笛子,他不知道正在下雨。表示“专心于”可用bury oneself in/be buried in;第一个空,bury和逻辑主语he为主动关系,应用现在分词短语作状语;第二空,短语be buried in省略be,用过去分词短语作状语。故填Burying himself in;Buried in。
75.After the students have taken the final test, they wanted to have a rest. (use Verb-ing form to rewrite the sentence)
【答案】Having taken the final test, the students wanted to have a rest.
【详解】考查现在分词作状语。句意:学生们考完期末考试后,他们想休息一下。根据提示和原句可知,此处应将after引导的时间状语从句改写为v-ing形式作状语,结合句意,从句主语和主句主语一致,且take与句子主语之间为主动关系,从句中的动作take发生在谓语动词wanted之前,所以after引导的时间状语从句应使用现在分词的完成式替换,即having taken the final test,因位于句首,所以having的首字母需大写。故答案为Having taken the final test, the students wanted to have a rest.
76.On the top of Mount Tai, people excitedly observed that the sun was rising from the sea. (句型转换)
→On the top of Mount Tai, people excitedly from the sea.
【答案】observed the sun rising
【详解】考查现在分词。句意:在泰山顶上,人们兴奋地看着太阳从海面升起。根据“observed that the sun was rising from the sea”可知,此处应用一般过去时。that从句的部分可以用observe...doing意为“看到……正在做某事”改写,此处用现在分词表示正在进行的动作,作宾语补足语。动词rise意为“升起”。故填observed the sun rising。
77.When Dave lay on the operating table, he was upset, neither in hope nor in despair. (同义句转换)
With the operating table, he was upset, neither in hope nor in despair.
【答案】 Dave lying on
【详解】考查with复合结构。句意:当戴夫躺在手术台上时,他很沮丧,既没有希望,也没有绝望。with复合结构的构成:with+宾语+宾补,故With后用名词Dave作宾语,且Dave和lie“躺”为主动关系,故用现在分词lying,作宾补。on the operating table表示“在手术台上”,故lying后用on。故填Dave lying on。
78.As the clown approaches the hospital wearing his white coat, he looks like any other doctor.(用with复合结构改写)
【答案】With the clown approaching the hospital wearing his white coat, he looks like any other doctor.
【详解】考查with复合结构。句意:当小丑穿着白大褂走近医院时,他看起来和其他医生没什么两样。“As the clown approaches the hospital wearing his white coat”意为“当小丑穿着白大褂走近医院时”,是as引导的时间状语从句,可换为with复合结构表伴随,with复合结构是“with+名词/代词+分词”,名词是the clown,the clown和approach之间是主谓关系,因此用现在分词表主动,因此with复合结构是with the clown approaching the hospital wearing his white coat,位于句首的单词首字母大写,整句话改写为“With the clown approaching the hospital wearing his white coat, he looks like any other doctor”。故答案为With the clown approaching the hospital wearing his white coat, he looks like any other doctor.
79.When Jackson Yee arrived at the airport, he found that the enthusiastic fans were waiting for him.(find+宾语+宾补)(句型转换)
→When Jackson Yee arrived at the airport, he him.
【答案】 found the enthusiastic fans waiting for
【详解】考查find+宾+宾补。句意:当Jackson Yee到达机场时,他发现热情的歌迷们都在等他。动词find之后可以接复合宾语, 宾语fans 与wait之间为主动关系,且动作正在进行,应用现在分词表主动和进行,作宾语补足语,构成find sb doing sth(发现某人正在做)的结构,所以空处应填found the enthusiastic fans waiting for。故答案为found the enthusiastic fans waiting for。
80.I stood on the bridge and watched boats were passing by. (句型转换)

【答案】I stood on the bridge and watched boats passing by.
【详解】考查现在分词作宾补。句意:我站在桥上,看着过往的船只。此处考查watch sb./sth. doing sth.“看见某人/某物正在做某事”,其中doing作为sb./sth.的宾补,表主动和进行,故填:I stood on the bridge and watched boats passing by.
81.We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church. (同义句转换)
① , we visited the famous church. (用过去分词短语作状语)
② , we visited the famous church. (用with复合结构)
【答案】 Guided by a local guide With a local guide guiding me
【详解】①考查过去分词。句意:在当地导游的指导下,我们参观了这个著名的教堂。 根据提示,改为过去分词短语作状语,guide与逻辑主语we是被动关系,用过去分词作状语,句首单词首字母大写,故填Guided by a local guide。
②考查with复合结构。句意:在当地导游的指导下,我们参观了这个著名的教堂。根据提示,改为with复合结构作状语,结合句意,用a local guide作宾语,与guide us之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式作宾语补足语,句首单词首字母大写。故填With a local guide guiding us。
82.We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church. (同义句转换)
(1) , we visited the famous church. (用过去分词短语作状语)
(2) , we visited the famous church. (用with复合结构)
(3) , we visited the famous church. (用介词短语结构)
【答案】 Guided by a local guide With a local guide guiding us Under the guidance of a local guide
【详解】考查非谓语动词,with复合结构和固定短语。通过对比句子可知,空格处替换的是“We were guided by a local guide”,第一空处用非谓语动词,we和guide之间是逻辑动宾关系,因此用过去分词guided表被动,因此第一空是guided by a local guide;第二空要求用with复合结构,是“with+名词/代词+分词”,guide和guide之间是主谓关系,因此用现在分词guiding表主动,因此第二空是with a local guide guiding us;“We were guided by a local guide”意为“我们由一位当地导游带路”,替换成介词短语结构是“在一位当地导游的带领下”,是under the guidance of a local guide,位于句首的单词首字母要大写,故答案为Guided by a local guide,With a local guide guiding us,Under the guidance of a local guide。
83.Stop picking the flowers. You will be fired if you are caught. (现在分词改写)
→If you are caught , you will be fired.
【答案】 picking the flowers
【详解】考查非谓语动词和名词。句意:别再摘花了。如果你被抓住了,你会被解雇的。根据要求用现在分词改写,分析句子结构和意思可知,改写之后考查固定搭配catch sb. doing sth.意为“抓住某人正在做某事”,所以表示“摘花”用现在分词形式作补语,强调这个动作正在发生。故填picking the flowers。
84.The old fashioned gas lamp is hanging from the ceiling. Can you see it (现在分词改写)
→Can you see the old fashioned gas lamp
【答案】 hanging from the ceiling
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:老式的煤油灯悬挂在天花板上。你看到了吗?分析句子结构和意思可知,原句是两个完整的句子,转换之后hang from the ceiling要作补语,修饰名词gas lamp,是它主动发出的动作。这里考查see sth. doing sth.的结构,意为“看到……正在做某事”,所以hang应用现在分词形式。故填hanging from the ceiling。
Online shopping is getting more and more popular at home and abroad, and an increasingly number of senior school students become crazy about it. (用with结构转换)
【答案】With online shopping getting more and more popular at home and abroad, an increasingly number of senior school students become crazy about it.
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:网上购物在国内外越来越受欢迎,越来越多的高中生为之疯狂。原句是并列句,去掉并列连词,用with复合结构做伴随状语,网购和变得是主动关系,用现在分词,故答案为:With online shopping getting more and more popular at home and abroad, an increasingly number of senior school students become crazy about it.
【答案】When I got to the classroom, I found all the students reading English.
【详解】考查动词、名词和宾补。分析句子可知,这里时态应用一般过去时,表示“当我来到教室时”应用when I got to the classroom,在本句中作时间状语从句;表示“我发现所有学生都在读英语”应用句子I found all the students reading English,其中reading English为现在分词作宾补。故翻译为When I got to the classroom, I found all the students reading English.
【答案】With many famous scientists participating in it, this activity gained/was a big success.
【详解】考查with复合结构。“活动取得成功”在描述过去发生的情况,句子应用一般过去时,使用with符合结构表示伴随,with后接宾语“许多著名科学家”many famous scientists,“参与它”participate in it,participate与逻辑主语many famous scientists之间是主动关系,使用现在分词形式作宾语补足语,句子主语“这次活动”this activity,“取得巨大成功”gain/be a big success,其中动词使用过去式形式gained,主语this activity是单数,be动词使用was。故翻译为With many famous scientists participating in it, this activity gained/was a big success.
【答案】Whenever I am in trouble, I can hear a voice ringing in my mind, telling me “You can do it.”
【详解】考查动词时态、非谓语动词、介词短语和状语从句。whenever 引导状语从句表示“无论何时”,be in trouble表示“有麻烦”,介词短语在句中作表语,叙述客观事实,应用一般现在时。主句主语是I,谓语是“能听到”can hear,hear+宾语+宾补,a voice作宾语,现在分词ringing作宾补,表示主动,介词短语in my mind表示“在脑海中”,“告诉”是非谓语动词作状语,表示主动,宾语是me,“你能行”是you can do it。故翻译为Whenever I am in trouble, I can hear a voice ringing in my mind, telling me “You can do it.”
89.我们看到这位年轻教授与他的学生们正愉快地交谈。(see...doing) (汉译英)
【答案】We saw the young professor conversing happily with his students.
【详解】考查时态,非谓语动词和短语。根据句意可知,用一般过去时,结合提示可知,谓语see,宾语the young professor,用现在分词形式作宾语补足语,表示正在进行的动作,converse with sb.“与某人交谈”。综上,故译为We saw the young professor conversing happily with his students.
90.他让他的朋友们等了一晚上,这使他们很生气。(leave+宾语+宾语补足语) (汉译英)
【答案】He left his friends waiting all night and this made them very angry.
【详解】考查现在分词作宾补和时态。此处主语为he;表示“让他的朋友们等了一晚上”应用leave+宾语+宾语补足语,his friends作宾语,表示“等了一晚上”应用waiting all night,现在分词作宾补,强调动作的持续;后跟and连接的并列句,表示“让他们很生气”应用make sb. very angry。句子用一般过去时。故翻译为He left his friends waiting all night and this made them very angry.
91.那个小孩被看到深夜独自在街上闲逛。(see+宾语+宾补,wander) (汉译英)
【答案】The little child was seen wandering the streets alone late at night.
【详解】考查时态,非谓语动词和固定短语。根据句意可知,句子用一般现在时,主语为The little child;表示“看见某人正在做某事”应用see sb. doing sth.,主语child与谓语动词see是被动关系,此处为被动形式;表示“深夜独自在街上闲逛”应用wander the streets alone late at night,wander与逻辑主语child是主动关系,应用现在分词短语作补足语,主语是单数,谓语动词用单数。故翻译为The little child was seen wandering the streets alone late at night.
92.每天都有这么多人用英语交流,掌握好英语将变得越来越重要。(with复合结构) (汉译英)
【答案】With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.
【详解】考查时态,with复合结构,固定句型和短语。句子陈述将来的事情,用一般将来时;根据要求“每天都有这么多人用英语交流”可处理为with复合结构,“如此多的人”表达为so many people,“用英语交流”表达为communicate in English,people和communicate之间为主动关系,用现在分词作宾补;“做某事是……的”用固定句型it be +adj.+to do,“越来越重要”表达为more and more important,“掌握好英语”表达为have a good command of English。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.
93.当我进来时,我看到他坐在沙发上陷入了深思。(过去分词作状语) (汉译英)
【答案】When I came in,I saw him sitting in the sofa lost in thought.
【详解】考查非谓语和状语从句。“进来”翻译为come in;“看到”翻译为see;“坐在沙发上”翻译为sit in the sofa;“陷入深思”翻译为be lost in thought。根据句意,“当我进来时”可用when引导时间状语从句,“看到他坐在沙发上”可用see sb. doing sth.句型,“陷入沉思”可用lost in though做状语。且此处陈述过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时,故翻译为:When I came in,I saw him sitting in the sofa lost in thought。
94.走近湖边,我们发现许多人在谈论运动。(v.-ing作状语和宾语补足语) (汉译英)
【答案】Approaching the lake, we found many people talking about exercise.
【详解】考查现在分词作状语和宾语补足语。表示“走近湖边”应用动词短语approach the lake,因做伴随状语,故使用现在分词形式,即approaching the lake;表示“我们”的代词为we,表示“发现”动词为find,因动作已发生,用动词过去式,即found;表示“许多人”应用many people;表示“谈论运动”应用动词短语talk about exercise,因为意为“发现正在谈论”故使用现在分词形式作宾语补足语表示正在进行,即talking about exercise。故翻译为Approaching the lake, we found many people talking about exercise。
95.全班同学看着他,他感到有点紧张。(with) (汉译英)
【答案】With the whole class staring at/ looking at/ watching him, he felt a little/ bit nervous.
【详解】考查非谓语动词、动词短语和时态。“看着”可以用stare at/look at /watch表示,“全班同学看着他”可以用with的复合结构表示,逻辑主语“同学”和“看着”是主动关系,用现在分词做宾语补足语,翻译为with the whole class staring at/ looking at/ watching him;“他感到有点紧张”是句子主干部分,描述过去的事用一般过去时,“感到”feel用一般过去时。“有点紧张”是 a little/ bit nervous.he felt a little/ bit nervous。结合汉语可知,故翻译为With the whole class staring at/ looking at/ watching him, he felt a little/ bit nervous.
【答案】The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, allowing more patients to be treated.
【详解】考查动词、名词和现在分词。根据句意,表示“该医院”应为the hospital作主语,位于句首,the的首字母需大写,表示“最近”应为recently作时间状语,表示“获得”应为obtain作谓语,根据recently可知,该句谓语动词为现在完成时,且与主语为主动关系,主语为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词为has obtained,表示“新的医疗设备”应为new medical equipment作宾语,所以前半句译为The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment;表示“允许”应为allow,分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,表示自然而然的结果,所以此处使用现在分词allowing,表示“更多的病人”应为more patients作宾语,表示“接受治疗”为treat,根据allow sb. to do sth.可知,此处应使用不定式形式作宾补,treat与宾语more patients之间为被动关系,所以应使用不定式的被动形式to be treated作宾补,所以后半句译为allowing more patients to be treated。故翻译为The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, allowing more patients to be treated.
97.根据我们的英语水平,我们被分成三个组。(divide; depend; level) (汉译英)
【答案】We are divided into three groups, depending on our English levels.
【详解】考查固定短语、动词短语和非谓语动词。句子在描述当前的行为,时态宜用一般现在时;主语“我们”用代词we,“被分成”可用固定短语be divided into,be动词应用are,into的宾语“三个组”可用名词短语three groups;“根据我们的英语水平”为方式状语,“根据”可用动词短语depend on,动词depend应用现在分词形式表主动意义,on的宾语“我们的英语水平”可用名词短语our English levels。故译为:We are divided into three groups, depending on our English levels.
【答案】Hearing her son’s disappointing words, she feels very worried.
【详解】考查非谓语动词和时态。表示“听到儿子令人失望的话”应用现在分词,作状语,翻译为Hearing her son’s disappointing words;主语为she;表示“感到很担心”为feel very worried,为一般现在时。故翻译为Hearing her son’s disappointing words, she feels very worried。
【答案】Under her leadership, the team came back to the top, winning the 2015 World Cup.
【详解】考查时态和现在分词。事情已发生,时态用一般过去时,under one’s leadership (在某人的领导下),the team (球队),come back to the top (回到巅峰),非谓语动词win (赢得)和逻辑主语the team是主动关系,win用现在分词形式作状语,the 2015 World Cup (2015年世界杯冠军),故翻译为:Under her leadership, the team came back to the top, winning the 2015 World Cup.
【答案】Having been discussed many times, the problem was settled in a simple way at last.
【详解】考查非谓语动词和时态。表示“讨论”应用动词discuss,此处与逻辑主语problem构成被动关系,且已经完成,应用having been done形式,故“被讨论了几次后”翻译为having been discussed many times;主语为problem;表示“解决”应用settle,与主语构成被动关系,结合语境可知为一般过去时的被动语态;表示“最终用一种简单的方式”短语为in a simple way at last。故翻译为Having been discussed many times, the problem was settled in a simple way at last.Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 语法填空(V-ing作补语和状语)专项训练100题
1.He had teams of dogs (pull) the sledges and all his men were on skis.
2.All around me I saw tall trees in the wind. (wave)
3.With the work (do), I have no time to answer the phone.
4.With a lot of classmates (help) me, I am making rapid progress.
5.When he woke up, he found many children (surround) him.
=When he woke up, he found himself (surround) by many children.
6.He could not have her (get) away with telling people lies.
7.While shopping in the mall, I happened to spot him (walk) with a girl shoulder to shoulder.
8.He felt himself (slip) and clutched at a branch.
9.It’s not hard to get him (talk) -the problem is stopping him!
10.With time (pass) by, we will have a better and better life.
When I returned to London in 2004, I found myself (wander) down to Southbank.
12.With Christmas (approach), everyone is busy cleaning and decorating the house.
13.She loves the virtual world, with only her computer (keep) her company.
14.They were so frightened that they had the fire (burn) all night.
15.With several problems (remain) to be solved, we still needed to hold another meeting as soon as possible.
16.A classmate told me she had seen my friend (chat) with another girl in a café on Saturday afternoon. 17.Don’t leave that man over there (wait) outside and show him in now. (所给词的适当形式填空)
18.She caught herself (wonder) whether she had made a mistake.
19.Don’t leave the lights ( burn) all night. It will waste too much electricity.
20.I can’t get my car (run) on cold mornings, so I have to try filling the radiator with some hot water. 21.I looked up and noticed a snake (wind) its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.
22.While watching television, we heard the doorbell (ring).
23.Tom spoke in front of the whole class, (refer) to his notes sometimes.
24. (see) those pictures,she remembered her childhood near the ocean.
China’s railway network connects the entire country, (allow) people to travel with ease.
26.My aunt came to see me, (attempt) to persuade me to change my mind.
He glanced over at her, (notice) that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.
28.Oil prices have risen by 32 per cent since the start of the year, (reach) a record US dollar 5.65 a barrel on 4 April.
29.The old couple stood at the station, (wave) goodbye to their son.
30. (bring) with her lots of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Wang Hong travelled to a village school with an eager heart.
31. (occupy) myself in watching the vase, I had no time to appreciate other antiques in this shop.
32.After a few days, Tom finally got back to his hometown, (feel) tired.
33.I fell onto the stones, (damage) a nerve in my hand.
34.“Dad, sorry, it was such a mess.” Jeff murmured, (lower)his head in shame.
35.“Congratulations!” he said, (slap) me on the back.
36.Carl took a long deep breath, (struggle) to control his own emotions.
37.I caught a dog (run) after a cat yesterday. It was so funny.
38.She fell asleep with the light (burn).
39.On arriving, we saw red ripe peaches (hang) on the tree.
40.No matter where I buy them, one steamer is rarely enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always left (want) more next time.
41.I was busy with my report, only ( stop) at times to drink some water.
42.The storm struck the area, (cause) a lot of damage.
43.Somehow she had a serious disease, (bring) a great impact on her previous life.
44.The bell indicating the end of the period rang, (interrupt) our heated discussion.
45.When (feel) depressed, I often choose to enjoy the novel part which includes a lot of imaginative stories.
46.When I came into the classroom, I found my desk-mate (cry) sadly at her desk.
47.With many children (gather) around her, the girl felt a little nervous.
48.We saw new houses (build) wherever we went on our visit.
49.Throughout my entire life, I’ve had my brother (try) to beat me at everything I do.
50.One day in the future, you will find yourself (grow) into a well-rounded individual.
51.We walked into the circus and saw a clown (hold) a box.
52.Drought continues to annoy many parts of China, with tens of thousands of people (suffer) water shortages.
53.While driving on my way home, I spotted smoke (rise) out of a truck.
54.They started towards the village with the boy (lead) the way.
55.With tears (roll) down her cheeks, she walked up and gave her daughter a big hug.
56.When they heard the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai.(用动词-ing形式改写句子)
57.Because she saw nobody at home, she decided to leave a note.(用动词-ing形式改写句子)
58.As I know a lot of people need my help, I became an educator. (用动词 ing形式改写)
= a lot of people need my help, I became an educator.
59.All night long he lay awake and he thought of the problem. (用非谓语动词句型转换)
→All night long he lay awake, .
60.After he had eaten his dinner, the boy rushed out. (用非谓语动词句型转换)
→ , the boy rushed out.
61.It rained heavily and it caused great damage. (用非谓语动词句型转换)
→It rained heavily, .
62.The man abandoned himself to alcohol, so he seldom cared about his family. (句型转换)
→ himself alcohol, the man seldom cared about his family.
63.A flood struck the area and thousands of people were left homeless. (用分词(短语)作状语改写状语从句)
→A flood struck the area, .
64.When I looked up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small. (用现在分词短语作状语改写)
65.I managed to remain calm, and quickly recalled what I had learnt in my first -aid class. (升级为含有现在分词短语作伴随状语的句子)
66.In 1950, he heard New China had been set up and he came back to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him. (用分词作状语升级句子)
67.After he had turned off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons. (用动词-ing形式改写)
68.Though online communication develops rapidly, it is still not the most efective channel of communication. (用动词-ing形式改写)
69.She sat by the window and enjoyed the beautiful sights outside. (用动词-ing形式改写)
70.When they heard the good news, they jumped with great joy.(用动词-ing形式改写)
71.As I did not know how to get there, I had to ask the way. (用动词-ing形式改写)
72.Because I didn’t know his telephone number, I had to refer to the phonebook.(改为用现在分词做状语)
When the immigrants saw the harvest of the New World, they settled down there. (用分词作状语改写句子)(句型转换)
74.Because he buried himself in playing the flute, he didn’t know it was raining .
→ playing the flute, he was not aware it was raining . (现在分词短语作状语)
→ playing the flute, he was not aware it was raining . (过去分词短语作状语)
75.After the students have taken the final test, they wanted to have a rest. (use Verb-ing form to rewrite the sentence)
76.On the top of Mount Tai, people excitedly observed that the sun was rising from the sea. (句型转换)
→On the top of Mount Tai, people excitedly from the sea.
77.When Dave lay on the operating table, he was upset, neither in hope nor in despair. (同义句转换)
With the operating table, he was upset, neither in hope nor in despair.
78.As the clown approaches the hospital wearing his white coat, he looks like any other doctor.(用with复合结构改写)
79.When Jackson Yee arrived at the airport, he found that the enthusiastic fans were waiting for him.(find+宾语+宾补)(句型转换)
→When Jackson Yee arrived at the airport, he him.
80.I stood on the bridge and watched boats were passing by. (句型转换)

81.We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church. (同义句转换)
① , we visited the famous church. (用过去分词短语作状语)
② , we visited the famous church. (用with复合结构)
82.We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church. (同义句转换)
(1) , we visited the famous church. (用过去分词短语作状语)
(2) , we visited the famous church. (用with复合结构)
(3) , we visited the famous church. (用介词短语结构)
83.Stop picking the flowers. You will be fired if you are caught. (现在分词改写)
→If you are caught , you will be fired.
84.The old fashioned gas lamp is hanging from the ceiling. Can you see it (现在分词改写)
→Can you see the old fashioned gas lamp
Online shopping is getting more and more popular at home and abroad, and an increasingly number of senior school students become crazy about it. (用with结构转换)
89.我们看到这位年轻教授与他的学生们正愉快地交谈。(see...doing) (汉译英)
91.那个小孩被看到深夜独自在街上闲逛。(see+宾语+宾补,wander) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
97.根据我们的英语水平,我们被分成三个组。(divide; depend; level) (汉译英)