人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems 词汇&语法导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems 词汇&语法导学案(含答案)
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文件大小 92.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 18:26:13


Uni5 Poems
Step 1复习检查
1.He felt the r surface of the rock cutting into his knees.
2.He can’t decide which c he should vote in the next election.
3.The club has created an exciting atmosphere for gaming and (娱乐).
4.The young couple were busy filling their new house with some (家具).
5.It is natural that one might question the (动机) of some politicians.
6.Our manager ordered us to have a r cleaning that weekend.
7.The young man is g ,so you can rely on him to help you out.
8.The woman entered the room and put a (毯子) over the little baby.
Keys:1.rough 2.candidate 3. recreation 4. furniture 5. motives 6.thorough 7. genuine 8.blanket
9.Strengthening our emotional (endure) is vital for a happy life.
10.As a (qualify) new employee,he was highly thought of in the company.
11.I’m afraid that I can’t finish the work (assign) to me within three days.
12.The little boy burst into tears when he found his favorite toy (crush).
13.The old man was so kind that he adopted the child (abandon) by his parents.
14.To be honest,I’m not sure whether the results have any practical (apply).
15. (fortunate),the two boys were saved by the local villagers.
keys:9.endurance 10. qualified 11. assigned 12. crushed 13. abandoned 14.application 15.Fortunately
Step2 Language Points
1.tease vi.& vt.取笑(某人);招惹;逗弄;揶揄
[例1] He teased me mercilessly about going Hollywood.
[例2] She is always teasing her mother for money.
[造句]  他好像心情不好。别去招惹他。
Key:He seems very moody. Don't tease him.
(1)tease sb.about... 取笑某人的……
make fun of 取笑
laugh at 取笑;嘲笑
play a trick on 捉弄;戏弄
play a joke on 取笑;戏弄
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①Don't get upset. I was only (tease).
②I remember being teased a lot my local accent.
Keys:teasing about
sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 vi.感到悲伤
[例1] They said that the decision was made more in sorrow than in anger .
[例2] To his sorrow,none of them were in favor of him.
[造句]  听到她的死讯,他表达了他的悲伤之情。
Key:He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death.
(1)to one’s sorrow 让某人悲伤的是
sorrow at/for/over sth. 对某事的悲伤
(2)sorrowful adj. 悲伤的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①The people present at the meeting sorrowed his death.
②As a matter of fact,he daren’t look up to see her (sorrow) eyes
Keys:①over ②sorrowful
sympathetic adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
[例1] I didn’t feel at all sympathetic towards Kate who was always rude to me.
[例2] The newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.
[造句]  要是你想诉诉苦,那就跟我说吧。
Key:I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear
(1)be sympathetic to/towards sb./sth. 同情/支持某人,赞同某事
(2)sympathy n. 同情;赞同
feel/have sympathy for sb. 同情某人
in sympathy with... 赞同;支持;因……而出现
out of sympathy 出于同情
(3)sympathetically adv. 同情地
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①I have sympathy Jane.It’s not all her own fault.
②The seamen went on strike in sympathy the workers
③We hope this application will be treated (sympathetic).
Keys:①for ②with ③sympathetically
correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系;通信;相符,相似;一致,相当
[例1] Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university
[例2] The editor welcomes correspondence from readers on any subject.
[造句]  我们保持了很多年的通信联系。
Key:We kept up a correspondence for many years.
(1)in correspondence with 与……有通信联系;与……一致
(2)correspond vi. 通信;相类似;相应;一致;符合
correspond with sb. 与某人通信
correspond to 相当于……;类似于……
correspond with/to 与……一致;符合
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①Your account of events does not (correspondence)with hers.
②Have you been (correspondence)with him since you graduated from the university
Keys:①correspond ② corresponding
5.variation n.变化;变体;变奏曲
[例1] The dial records very slight variations in pressure.
[例2] Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.
[造句]  价格的差別很大。
Key:There are wide variations in prices.
(1)variation in/of sth. (数量、水平等的)变化,变更
variation on sth .……的变体
(2)vary vi.& vt. 不同;变化;变更
vary in sth. 在某方面不同
vary with 随着……变化
vary from...to... 从……到……不等
(3)variety n. 多样性
a variety of/varieties of 各种各样的
(4)various adj. 各种各样的;多种(类型)的;不同的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①Anger seems simple when we are feeling it,but the causes of anger are (vary).
②As far as I know,the menu varies season in this restaurant.
③He made a tool on his own which could be used in a (vary) of ways.
Keys:various; with; variety
6.prejudice n.偏见;成见 vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
[例1] Their decision was based on ignorance and prejudice.
[例2] There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.
[造句]  我得承认我对英国大学有所偏爱。
Key:I must admit to a prejudice in favour of British universities
(1)racial prejudice 种族偏见
prejudice against... 对……的偏见
(2)prejudiced adj. 有偏见的;偏爱的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①There is little prejudice workers from that area.
②They are (prejudice) against older applicants.
Keys:① against ②prejudiced
7.respectively adv.分别;各自;依次为
[例1] Julie Wilson and Mark Thomas,are aged 17 and 19 respectively.
[例2] In Brazil and China the figures are 60% and 47% respectively.
[造句]  南京和福州分列二三位。
Key:Nanjing and Fuzhou come to the second and the third respectively.
(1)respecting prep. 关于
(2)respective adj. 分别的;各自的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①We are eager for the information (respect) the child.
②They are each recognized specialists in their (respect)fields.
Keys:①respecting ②respective
8.comprehension n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
[例1]The task requires a good comprehension of complex instructions.
[例2]The course also features creative writing exercises and listening comprehension.
Key:What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension
(1)beyond comprehension 不可理解的
(2)comprehend v. 理解
(3)comprehensive adj. 详尽的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①For most of the people,what he did was really beyond (comprehend).
②All the products are labelled with (comprehension) instructions.
Keys: ①comprehension ②comprehensive
9.blank adj.无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;空白的;没表情的;n.[C](文件等的)空白处,空格;[sing](记忆中的)空白;遗忘
[例1] Suddenly the screen went blank.
[例2] She stared at me with a blank expression on her face.
[造句]  你如果回答不了这个问题,就空着它。
Key:If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.
[即学即练] 判断下列句子中blank的词性及含义。
①Jim was watching a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling (惊险的) scene, the television went blank.____________
②The professor could tell by the blank look in Maria's eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture.____________
③Put a word in each blank to complete the sentence.____________
Keys:①adj.无图画的 ②adj.没表情的 ③n.空白处
10.arrangement (1)n.[C]安排,筹备。通常用复数形式。(2)n.[C]布置,安排方式。常用复数形式。
[例1] They are making arrangements for the party.
[例2] The arrangements of the furniture in our new house took a long time.
[造句]  对赴海外工作的人员有特别安排。
Key:There are special arrangements for people working overseas.
(1)make arrangements (for...) (为……)做安排
(2)arrange v. 安排,筹备;整理,布置
arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事
arrange for sth. 安排/筹备某物
arrange (for sb./sth.) to do sth. 安排(某人/某物)做某事
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①My schedule is quite flexible (灵活的), so I can arrange ________ (meet) you any day next week. When you're free, just call me.
②That accident totally upset our ________ (arrange) and caused a lot of problems.
③The books ________ (arrange) according to time by the author.
④She took the list of visitors' names and ________ (arrange) them into groups of four.
⑤The manager will arrange ________ you to visit the big company next week.
Keys:①to meet ②arrangements ③are arranged ④arranged ⑤for
11.make sense (1)易于理解,表述清楚;讲得通,有道理;(2)是明智的,合乎情理
[例1] That sentence doesn't make sense.
[例2] He doesn't talk much, but what he says makes sense.
[造句]  这座雕像上的一些风格元素让人完全捉摸不透。
Key:There are some stylistic elements in the statue that just don't make sense.
make no sense 讲不通,没意义
make sense of... 了解……的意义;懂得……
common sense 常识
a sense of humor 幽默感
in no sense 决不置于句首时,句子部分倒装
in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/意义。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn't make sense ________ (buy) the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.
②There is no sense ________ getting upset about it now. Look ahead and everything will be all right.
③His words puzzled me so much that I had a hard time trying to make sense ________ what he really meant.
Keys:①to buy ②in ③of
12.be made up of由……构成/组成
[例1] Can you hold on?I'll see if he's here.
[例2] Jane is determined to hold on to her fortune.
[造句]  等一会儿,我得化妆一下。
Key:Hold on for a minute,I've just got to put on my make up.
(1)be made up of=be composed of 由……构成/组成
(2)make up 组成,构成;编造;化妆
make out 辨认清楚;理解,明白
make the most of 充分利用
make it 获利成功;渡过难关
make (full/good) use of (充分/好好)利用
make up for 弥补,补偿
make up one's mind 下定决心
make sense 有意义,讲得通
make room for 为……腾地方
[一词多义] 写出下列句子中make up的汉语意思
(1)You are not telling the truth.You are just making up a story.
(2)Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
(3)Girls make up 50% of the number of students.
(4)She decided to work harder to make up for the lost time.
Keys:(1)编造 (2)弥补 (3)占;组成 (4)弥补
①The group thirty girls is very popular here.(be made up of)
②The group thirty girls is very popular here.(consist of)
Keys:①made up of ②consisting of
13.put up张贴;建造;搭起;留宿
[例1] She put up a picture standing for love and attention.她
[例2] They put up their tents and settled down for the night.
[造句]  我们晚间住在一家汽车旅馆。
Key:We put up at a motel.
put off 推迟,延期
put on 穿上,戴上;上演
put out 熄灭,扑灭;伸出
put up with 忍受
put down 写下,记下;放下;镇压
[即学即练] 填入put相关的恰当的短语。
(1)The ceremony had to be because of the bad weather.
(2)About ten minutes later the firefighters arrived and the big fire.
(3)I’m not going to with their smoking any longer.
(4)Let me her address so that I can get in touch with her.
Keys:(1) put off (2)put out (3)put up (4)put down
14.to the point切题;中肯
[例1] The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.
[例2] The letter was short and to the point.
[造句]  他话不多,但他说的话既准确又中肯。
Key:He does not talk too much and what he has to say is precise and to the point.
beside/off the point    离题;跑题
There is no point in doing sth. 做某事毫无意义。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①Keep your answers short and don't wander the point.
②There is no point in (complain),for you are no match for him.
Keys:① off ②complaining
15.consist of由……组成;由……构成
[例1] What will life consist of on other planets
[例2] Listening is thus an active,not a passive,behavior consisting of hearing,understanding and remembering.
[造句] 新的理事会将有大约20名财政部长。
Key:The new council would consist of about 20 finance ministers.
(1)consist in   在于;存在于
consist with 与……一致
(2)be made up of=be composed of 由……组成
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①The beauty of air travel consists its speed and ease.
②Her story consists the fact.
Keys:①in ②with
Step 3 Grammar
People who take physical exercise usually live longer.
His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week.
This is the stranger who helped us today.
Lily is the person with whom I am working.
It was a prison from which no one escaped.
Julie is good at German, French and Russian, all of which she speaks fluently.
We talked about the people and things that we remembered.我们谈论了我们记得的人和事。
The boy whose father works abroad is my roommate.爸爸在国外工作的那个男孩是我室友。
He is such a person as is respected by all of us.他是这样一个受我们所有人尊敬的人。
(2) the same as与the same that的区别:as指同类事物;that指同一事物。
She is wearing the same coat as I lost a few days ago.她身上穿的大衣和我几天前丢的一样。(同一类)
She is wearing the same coat that I lost a few days ago.她正穿着我几天前所丢失的那件大衣。(同一件)
I've read all the books that are about this matter.
Have you taken down everything that Mr Li said
The last place that we visited in Beijing was the Great Wall.
This is the best food that I have eaten.
③当先行词被the very,the only,the same等修饰时。
This is the very dictionary that I want to buy.
After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owned.
Who is the person that is standing at the gate
Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we have learnt?你记得我们学过的那位科学家和他的理论吗?
Wind power is an ancient source of energy to which we may return in the near future.
In her class there are 46 students, from whom I can learn a lot.
I will never forget the day when we met there.我永远不会忘记我们在那里相见的那一天。
There is a nest where the birds live.这里有一个鸟居住的巢。
The reason why he was late was that he got up late.他迟到的原因是他起晚了。
[注意]当定语从句的先行词是the reason时,如何判断关系词用that/which还是why:分析从句是否缺少主语、宾语或表语,如果缺少,使用关系词that/which;如果不缺少,则使用关系词why。
The reason that she gave for being late was that her car broke down on the way.
The reason why he was absent was that he went shopping in town that day.
Step 4 总结优化(老师总结)
序号 老师总结要点
Step 5随堂测试(验证效果)
I well remembered ________ (tease) about my red hair when I was at primary school.
2.He is the first person (get) such a chance in this village.
3.The editor asked me to get the new article (polish) again.
4.When I walked past,our monitor was putting the new notice.
5.Sometimes the best thing one can do is listen openly and (sympathetic).
6.The judges’ decision is final and no (correspond) will be entered into.
7.The fact is that there was a great (vary) between individuals.
8.People were (prejudice) against Deirdre before they met her.
9.France and Britain were 3rd and 4th (respective).
10.The song made up two parts was very popular with the young girls.
11.Do you know the student (recite) the long passage now
12.Thank you for your advice, which is practical and very much ________ the point.
13.________ (arrange) for the trip have now been completed.
14.From her (sorrow) voice,I could tell that she was heart broken.
15.How can anyone write such rubbish beyond my (comprehend)
Keys:1.being teased  2.to get  3.polished  4.up   5.sympathetically 
5.correspondence 7. variation  8. prejudiced  9respectively 10. of  
11.reciting  12.to   13.Arrangements   14.sorrowful prehension
The reasons why people write poetry are different and poets use many different forms of poetry to express 1.______ (them).
Some of the first poems 2.______ young child learns in English are nursery rhymes, which are usually the 3.______ (tradition) poems or folk songs. They have a strong rhythm and a lot of repetition. Despite the fact that some of them may not make sense 4.______ even seem contradictory, they are easy to learn and recite. Some simple poems are list poems. They have a flexible line length and repeated 5.______ (phrase) which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. Another simple form of poem is the cinquain, 6.______ is made up of five lines. This kind of poem can convey a strong picture in just a few words. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists 7.______ 17 syllables and 8.______ (be) very popular with English writers. It is easy to write. English speakers like Tang poetry in particular. A lot of Tang poetry 9.______ (translate) into English already. With so many different forms of poetry 10.______ (choose) from, why not have a try and write poems of your own
Keys:1.themselves 2.a 3.traditional 4.and 5.phrases 
6.which 7.of 8.is 9.has been translated 10.to choose
1.How medicine works in the human body is a question ________ not everyone can understand fully.
2.I have seen most of the greatest buildings in the world ________ are famous on the Internet.
3.This novel is popular with those ________ were born in the 1980s.
4.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time ________ he should be able to be independent.
5.The thought of going back home was all ________ kept him happy while he was working abroad.
6.Although modern technology could help produce more crops, these terraces (梯田) still mean a lot to the local people ________ whom traditions are of great value.
7.The professor always spends the whole day in the bookshop ________ which he found a new dictionary yesterday.
8.In the morning, two artists, ________ acting skills are wonderful, came to our school as planned.
9.When you start your journey of positive thinking, you shall meet wonderful people, with ________ you can share positive attitudes.
10.One of China's six famous tea types is white tea, ________ gets its name from its silver white color.
11.In China, a teahouse is a place ________ people gather to enjoy tea, chat and socialize.
12.Power walking uses both upper and lower body strength, ________ results in stronger muscles and bones.
13.When I have trouble, he is the first one ________ whom I can receive help.
14.The man ________ I am going to meet at the station is Professor Smith.
15.One reason ________ Billy Crystal is popular with all age groups is that he is quick thinking and has the ability to amuse the audience.
1.which/that 2.that 3.who 4.when 5.that 6.to 7.in 8.whose 9.whom 10.which 11.where 12.which 13.from 14.whom/that/who 15.why
Keys:1.The vase that/which I broke yesterday was very expensive.
2.The man that/who sent me to the hospital was one of my neighbors.
3.The reason why he could not go there was that he was ill in bed.
4.We are living in an age when many things can be done on computers.
5.It rained hard yesterday,which prevented/stopped me from going to the park.
Step 6复述总结(自我总结)
序号 自我总结(学生填写)
Step 7 强化提升
1. This book ____________________________ (由……组成) twelve separate short stories.
2. I ____________________________ (不太同情她) — I think she's brought trouble on herself.
3. We ____________________________ (已与几位专家保持通信) in the field for ten years.
4. Stone decided to ____________________________ (举办一场竞赛) to see who could write the best song.
5. The statement ____________________________ (被仔细修改) and checked before release.
6. ____________________ (友谊的种子被种下) early, and they remained lifelong companions.
Keys:1. is made up of 2. don't have much sympathy for her
3. have been corresponding with several experts 4. hold a contest
5. was carefully polished 6. The seeds of friendship were sown
96-year-old Ye Jiaying has devoted herself to classical poetry research, teaching and promotion in China and beyond.
Ye says the sense of life is a core of her study of classical poetry, 1. ________ is also the important reason 2. ________ she loves poetry all her life, and she never changes her heart even though she is old.
She believes that the quality of a poem is always judged by the depth of life it conveys. Ye loves Xin Qiji and Du Fu, 3. ________ poetry shows love for their homeland. Ye came back to China in the 1970s after devoting herself to teaching Chinese classical poetry abroad. The foreign students 4. ________ listened to her lectures said that Professor Ye removed the mystery of poetry first, and then led people hand in hand in their appreciation of it.
Ye has got many awards for her great dedication and inspired many people.
Keys:1. which 2. why 3. whose 4. who / that
Italy’s cheap old homes continue to appeal to hundreds of interested buyers, among whom was Roy Patrick, a 67-year-old British who deals in antiques in Italy. Patrick bought an old school house in the mountain village of Carrega for $16,500. It’s both an adventure and a joy.
Patrick bought the property quite by accident. When told about the wonders of the village, he toured there to take a look and was instantly struck by the 1930s school building. “The house is particular and the view is unique: The way the sun goes down over the mountains, you’d say ‘wow’. It’s a fantastic wonderland,” says Patrick.
The property was offloaded by the local government to boost the populations of communities in decline. Since the purchase, he’s been visiting every two weeks and finds it has many charms. “Top of the list is the friendliness of the local residents, followed by the breathtaking views I get out of the windows looking across the valley,” he adds.
Patrick’s initial encounter with his new home was less than promising. He had to climb through a window to open up the building, which had been shut for decades and whose door was jammed, with the keys nowhere to be found.
However, a later structural disaster turned into a positive story. When an unstable chimney (烟囱) collapsed due to a heavy snow, a neighbor volunteered to climb onto his roof to make it safe. The locals are so welcoming that they are ready to help newcomers.
During the restoration needed to make the old school habitable, Patrick unexpectedly unearthed a great many treasures: dusty piles of old text books, inkwells, pupil registers and other historical items.
Patrick has some advice for those with the thought of buying a house in Carrega: There is absolutely nothing, just great views, pure air and clean surroundings. No bars, supermarkets, or restaurants. A vehicle is essential to move around. However, Carrega does spring to life in the summer when vacationers arrive to relax. “There are nights when people throw a party with loud music,” says Patrick. “Otherwise it’s just singing birds and total silence.”
1. What led to Patrick’s purchase of the old schoolhouse
A. The locals’ friendly attitude. B. Its location and rising value.
C Its uniqueness and surroundings. D. The government’s housing welfare.
2. What was the government’s intention of selling the property
A. To attract more settlers. B. To boost local tourism.
C. To preserve village traditions. D. To reform education system.
3. What’s one of Patrick’s added bonuses of getting the house
A. Acquiring more personal space. B. Digging up some historical finds.
C. Enjoying a more active social life. D. Getting free home decoration service.
4. How does it feel most of the time living in Carrega
A. Quiet. B. Lively.
C. Modern. D. Convenient.
A walk in the park may be just what the doctor ordered. A new program launched last month in Canada gives some doctors the option of providing patients with a free annual pass to the country's national parks as part of an effort to increase access to nature and the health benefits.
PaRx, a health initiative launched by the BC Parks Foundation in 2019, partnered with Parks Canada to provide doctors across four provinces with an initial run of 100 passes that can be prescribed(开处方). The program allows doctors to write more general prescriptions for time spent out in nature; two hours a week, at least 20 minutes at a time, is what PaRx director Dr. Melissa Lem suggests.
“Given the growing body of evidence that indicates nature time can improve all kinds of different physical and mental health conditions, we’re hoping that our PaRx program not only improves patient health, but reduces costs to the health-care system, and helps to grow the number of people who are more engaged environmental advocates,” said Prama Rahman, a coordinator for the BC Parks Foundation.
Doctors have been catching on, instructing their patients to turn to nature to improve their health and they're getting creative in how they do it. Dr. Robert Zarr, a doctor based in Washington, began prescribing accessible outdoor activities for his young patients and even created a searchable online database of local parks to make it easier.
But getting outside isn’t always as easy as it might sound. Income can affect one’s access to nature, an issue that PaRx is trying to address in Canada. Doctors utilizing the new national parks pass program are urged to prioritize patients who might not otherwise be able to afford these passes.
While only 100 adult passes, which give holders access to more than 80 national parks, historic sites and nature reserves, have initially been made available, organizers plan to routinely reassess this number as the program grows, the BC Parks Foundation told NPR
5. What is PaRx intended to do
A. Qualify doctors to prescribe. B. Give patients free access to parks.
C Promote free admission to parks. D. Advocate 20 minutes’ walk a day.
6. What does the underlined word “utilizing” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Financing. B. Setting up. C. Evaluating. D. Carrying out.
7. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. The BC Parks Foundation is expanding rapidly.
B. The program has signed up 80 national parks.
C. More people will benefit from the program.
D. Those living close to parks can gain priority.
8. Which is the best title of the text
A. PaRx, a Nature Prescription Program. B. BC Parks Foundation in Canada
C. Year-long Passes to National Parks D. A New Study on Benefits of Walk
Oscar Wilde once said, “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” Art provides a way to communicate experiences when people lack verbal skills. _____1_____Art therapy is founded on the assumption that everyone is creative and capable of self-expression.
___2___ As a restorative practice it allows people to express themselves in non-verbal ways, such as drawing and painting. Even a 45-minute creative activity can change a person's mental state. Working with an art therapist does even more: _____3_____
Young children typically draw and sing and dance without worrying about their abilities. Adults, however, often have complex feelings about art and art making. They begin to evaluate the quality of their art instead of focusing on self-expression itself. ____4____ However, art therapists can guide people in expressing themselves without concerning whether their artwork is technically brilliant, so that they can connect or reconnect with the artworks that help them deal with life challenges.
What are art therapists’ superpower They can channel dangerous thoughts into imaginative artworks. For instance, people with violent tendencies might let out their anger by hitting another human being. ____5____ These artistic choices satisfy the brain's desire for novelty without compromising personal safety.
A. Art therapy is a double-edged sword.
B. Thus, the many benefits of creative self-expression are lost.
C. They develop art as an expressive skill for solving problems.
D. But, obviously, releasing their anger in this way isn't a good choice.
E. Art therapy, in its own ways, can influence a range of human functioning.
F. It can significantly enhance positive moods and boost measures of well-being.
G. However, with art therapists’ help, their energy could be changed into creative products.
Several years ago, a neighbor kid kicked a football and broke a basement window of my house. Due to financial problems, I____1____it up, thinking I’d get to it someday.
Over the year, I had planned to upgrade to energy-efficient windows. But with the frame (窗框) rusted (锈) and firmly ____2____in the foundation, whoever did it would need to chisel (凿) it out by hand. It would be a____3____ process and there were six of those windows in the house. The cost was estimated at $15,000. It was simply____4____.
Honestly, the thought of that window____5____me for years. I knew I needed to fix it, but I had built up the____6____so much in my mind that I put it off again and again.
Then I had a job change and needed to sell the house before moving away. But it was almost____7____to find a buyer if there was a broken window. So I pulled off the boards to face this thing head-on. I grabbed some rust remover,____8____it around the frame of the window, and gave it a pull. To my astonishment, it easily____9____. I took the window downtown. It only cost me $12. I could have____10____the problem for only $12 when it occurred, but I let it bother me for five years!
____11____, this isn’t just about my window. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another. They are things that seriously affect our____12____of life. If you recognize your broken window, don’t____13____to mend it. It may turn out to be____14____than expected. Usually we suffer more in a____15____than in reality.
1. A. tore B. made C. packed D. boarded
2. A. lost B. stuck C. buried D. mixed
3. A. labor-consuming B. brain-burning C. energy-wasting D. risk-taking
4. A. in a mess B. beyond control C. under guarantee D. out of reach
5. A. failed B. stimulated C. disturbed D. rewarded
6 A. harm B. confidence C. confusion D. difficulty
7. A. realistic B. impossible C. pointless D. unfair
8. A. blew B. turned C. passed D. spread
9. A. broke B. fell C. moved D. missed
10. A. addressed B. ignored C. delayed D. considered
11. A. Luckily B. Consequently C. Unexpectedly D. Actually
12. A. quality B. pace C. way D. meaning
13. A. attempt B. hesitate C. guarantee D. pretend
14. A. rarer B. tougher C. easier D. worse
15. A. practice B. memory C. principle D. imagination
In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced a period of____1____(art)prosperity known as the Dutch Golden Age. During this period, artists found____2____(inspire)in Northern Renaissance painting techniques, contributing to masterpieces like Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. Known as the "Mona Lisa of the North", this painting____3____(represent)the best of Dutch art and it has become one of art history’s most beloved paintings.
Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s most well-known work of art.____4____, it did not attain international fame until the end of the 20th century,____5____it was featured in a special exhibition in Washington, D. C. The painting does not show a specific person. Instead, it shows____6____unknown girl dressed in grand clothing who, "like a vision coming from the darkness," art historian Arthur K. Wheelock explained, "belongs to no specific time or place." Vermeer is known for his ability to create shapes and forms____7____(use)light rather than line. This characteristic approach____8___modeling is particularly evident in Girl with a Pearl Earring.
In addition to its fascinating context and appealing beauty, the piece is celebrated for the mystery that surrounds it. "When you think about the Mona Lisa, she is also looking at us, but she isn’t engaging" Tracy Chevalier points out. "While Girl with a Pearl Earring is right there there is nothing between her and us. She has this magical quality of being____9____(incredible)open and yet mysterious at the same time—and that is____10____makes her so appealing."
Keys:1. artistic 2. inspiration 3. represents 4. However 5. when
6. an 7. using 8. to 9. incredibly 10. what
A sudden call came into Jimmy Gilleece's bar this past March. A newly married woman who had spent the afternoon at the dive beach bar couldn’t find her wallet. She didn't care about her ID. credit cards, or $150 in cash, but her wedding ring was just inside.
Gilleece. 42. didn't like the idea that a theft could have happened at his place, so he spent hours searching 16 different cameras, watching the woman’s every step until she went to sit on a bench outside and left when her ride arrived. Within minutes, a young man in a hoodie(连帽衫)approached the bench, Put something in his pocket, and walked off. Gilleece posted a clip on the bar’s Facebook page. “I didn't want to criticize him." he said. “I just asked if anybody knew who the guy was.” Within hours. Giileece got a text message from 17-year-old Rivers Prather, who admitted taking the wallet and said he'd done it because he hadn't eaten in two days. Thinking the ring was fake, he threw the wallet into the ocean and took the money to buy a sandwich.
Gilleece. unsure whether he believed Prather, told the teenager Io meet him at the docks(码头).There. they got to talking, and Prather said that he wasn't getting along with his family and had been living in the woods for a week Gilleece. a father of two. took stock of(审视)Prather- his small body, his flushing(涨得通红)checks - and saw him for what he was: more of a kid than a criminal.
Hou ever, the police were already on the ease and because of the missing ring. Prather could be facing severe charge. Gilleece decided to help. He employed two local divers to search the waters where Prather had thrown the wallet. Meanwhile, the police wanted Gilleece to bring the teen down to the station. Instead. Gilleece called the police and told them. "He's going to be al the docks with me tomorrow.”
Paragraph 1:
A crowd had gathered to watch the two divers search in the strong current.
Paragraph 2:
But it wasn’t over for Gilleece.
One possible version:
Paragraph 1.
A crowd had gathered to watch the two divers search in the strong current. More than an hoi passed, with no sign of the ring. Gilleece grew worried, especially when the police began questi Prather and trying to get him to admit to keeping the ring. Each passing minute increased the chances that he would arrest the young man. Then a diver popped up. In his hand was the wallet, and inside was the ring. Cheers erupted from the crowd. Even the detective was happy.
Paragraph 2.
But it wasn’t over for Gilleece. He’d been troubled about Prather sleeping in the cold woods. Gilleece knew his home was big enough to give Prather a place to live for a while. He told the teen he could stay with his family until the boy got on his feet again. He also gave the kid a job at his bar.“Most people would have given the footage(监控录像)to police, but be chose to believe me and help me. I’ll work hard to become a good guy, just as he expected,” Prather said in an interview.Uni5 Poems
Step 1复习检查
1.He felt the r surface of the rock cutting into his knees.
2.He can’t decide which c he should vote in the next election.
3.The club has created an exciting atmosphere for gaming and (娱乐).
4.The young couple were busy filling their new house with some (家具).
5.It is natural that one might question the (动机) of some politicians.
6.Our manager ordered us to have a r cleaning that weekend.
7.The young man is g ,so you can rely on him to help you out.
8.The woman entered the room and put a (毯子) over the little baby.
9.Strengthening our emotional (endure) is vital for a happy life.
10.As a (qualify) new employee,he was highly thought of in the company.
11.I’m afraid that I can’t finish the work (assign) to me within three days.
12.The little boy burst into tears when he found his favorite toy (crush).
13.The old man was so kind that he adopted the child (abandon) by his parents.
14.To be honest,I’m not sure whether the results have any practical (apply).
15. (fortunate),the two boys were saved by the local villagers.
Step2 Language Points
1.tease vi.& vt.取笑(某人);招惹;逗弄;揶揄
[例1] He teased me mercilessly about going Hollywood.
[例2] She is always teasing her mother for money.
[造句]  他好像心情不好。别去招惹他。
(1)tease sb.about... 取笑某人的……
make fun of 取笑
laugh at 取笑;嘲笑
play a trick on 捉弄;戏弄
play a joke on 取笑;戏弄
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①Don't get upset. I was only (tease).
②I remember being teased a lot my local accent.
sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 vi.感到悲伤
[例1] They said that the decision was made more in sorrow than in anger .
[例2] To his sorrow,none of them were in favor of him.
[造句]  听到她的死讯,他表达了他的悲伤之情。
(1)to one’s sorrow 让某人悲伤的是
sorrow at/for/over sth. 对某事的悲伤
(2)sorrowful adj. 悲伤的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①The people present at the meeting sorrowed his death.
②As a matter of fact,he daren’t look up to see her (sorrow) eyes
sympathetic adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
[例1] I didn’t feel at all sympathetic towards Kate who was always rude to me.
[例2] The newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.
[造句]  要是你想诉诉苦,那就跟我说吧。
(1)be sympathetic to/towards sb./sth. 同情/支持某人,赞同某事
(2)sympathy n. 同情;赞同
feel/have sympathy for sb. 同情某人
in sympathy with... 赞同;支持;因……而出现
out of sympathy 出于同情
(3)sympathetically adv. 同情地
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①I have sympathy Jane.It’s not all her own fault.
②The seamen went on strike in sympathy the workers
③We hope this application will be treated (sympathetic).
correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系;通信;相符,相似;一致,相当
[例1] Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university
[例2] The editor welcomes correspondence from readers on any subject.
[造句]  我们保持了很多年的通信联系。
(1)in correspondence with 与……有通信联系;与……一致
(2)correspond vi. 通信;相类似;相应;一致;符合
correspond with sb. 与某人通信
correspond to 相当于……;类似于……
correspond with/to 与……一致;符合
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①Your account of events does not (correspondence)with hers.
②Have you been (correspondence)with him since you graduated from the university
5.variation n.变化;变体;变奏曲
[例1] The dial records very slight variations in pressure.
[例2] Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.
[造句]  价格的差別很大。
(1)variation in/of sth. (数量、水平等的)变化,变更
variation on sth .……的变体
(2)vary vi.& vt. 不同;变化;变更
vary in sth. 在某方面不同
vary with 随着……变化
vary from...to... 从……到……不等
(3)variety n. 多样性
a variety of/varieties of 各种各样的
(4)various adj. 各种各样的;多种(类型)的;不同的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①Anger seems simple when we are feeling it,but the causes of anger are (vary).
②As far as I know,the menu varies season in this restaurant.
③He made a tool on his own which could be used in a (vary) of ways.
6.prejudice n.偏见;成见 vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
[例1] Their decision was based on ignorance and prejudice.
[例2] There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.
[造句]  我得承认我对英国大学有所偏爱。
(1)racial prejudice 种族偏见
prejudice against... 对……的偏见
(2)prejudiced adj. 有偏见的;偏爱的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①There is little prejudice workers from that area.
②They are (prejudice) against older applicants.
7.respectively adv.分别;各自;依次为
[例1] Julie Wilson and Mark Thomas,are aged 17 and 19 respectively.
[例2] In Brazil and China the figures are 60% and 47% respectively.
[造句]  南京和福州分列二三位。
(1)respecting prep. 关于
(2)respective adj. 分别的;各自的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①We are eager for the information (respect) the child.
②They are each recognized specialists in their (respect)fields.
8.comprehension n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
[例1]The task requires a good comprehension of complex instructions.
[例2]The course also features creative writing exercises and listening comprehension.
(1)beyond comprehension 不可理解的
(2)comprehend v. 理解
(3)comprehensive adj. 详尽的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①For most of the people,what he did was really beyond (comprehend).
②All the products are labelled with (comprehension) instructions.
9.blank adj.无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;空白的;没表情的;n.[C](文件等的)空白处,空格;[sing](记忆中的)空白;遗忘
[例1] Suddenly the screen went blank.
[例2] She stared at me with a blank expression on her face.
[造句]  你如果回答不了这个问题,就空着它。
[即学即练] 判断下列句子中blank的词性及含义。
①Jim was watching a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling (惊险的) scene, the television went blank.____________
②The professor could tell by the blank look in Maria's eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture.____________
③Put a word in each blank to complete the sentence.____________
10.arrangement (1)n.[C]安排,筹备。通常用复数形式。(2)n.[C]布置,安排方式。常用复数形式。
[例1] They are making arrangements for the party.
[例2] The arrangements of the furniture in our new house took a long time.
[造句]  对赴海外工作的人员有特别安排。
(1)make arrangements (for...) (为……)做安排
(2)arrange v. 安排,筹备;整理,布置
arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事
arrange for sth. 安排/筹备某物
arrange (for sb./sth.) to do sth. 安排(某人/某物)做某事
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①My schedule is quite flexible (灵活的), so I can arrange ________ (meet) you any day next week. When you're free, just call me.
②That accident totally upset our ________ (arrange) and caused a lot of problems.
③The books ________ (arrange) according to time by the author.
④She took the list of visitors' names and ________ (arrange) them into groups of four.
⑤The manager will arrange ________ you to visit the big company next week.
11.make sense (1)易于理解,表述清楚;讲得通,有道理;(2)是明智的,合乎情理
[例1] That sentence doesn't make sense.
[例2] He doesn't talk much, but what he says makes sense.
[造句]  这座雕像上的一些风格元素让人完全捉摸不透。
make no sense 讲不通,没意义
make sense of... 了解……的意义;懂得……
common sense 常识
a sense of humor 幽默感
in no sense 决不置于句首时,句子部分倒装
in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/意义。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn't make sense ________ (buy) the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.
②There is no sense ________ getting upset about it now. Look ahead and everything will be all right.
③His words puzzled me so much that I had a hard time trying to make sense ________ what he really meant.
12.be made up of由……构成/组成
[例1] Can you hold on?I'll see if he's here.
[例2] Jane is determined to hold on to her fortune.
[造句]  等一会儿,我得化妆一下。
(1)be made up of=be composed of 由……构成/组成
(2)make up 组成,构成;编造;化妆
make out 辨认清楚;理解,明白
make the most of 充分利用
make it 获利成功;渡过难关
make (full/good) use of (充分/好好)利用
make up for 弥补,补偿
make up one's mind 下定决心
make sense 有意义,讲得通
make room for 为……腾地方
[一词多义] 写出下列句子中make up的汉语意思
(1)You are not telling the truth.You are just making up a story.
(2)Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
(3)Girls make up 50% of the number of students.
(4)She decided to work harder to make up for the lost time.
①The group thirty girls is very popular here.(be made up of)
②The group thirty girls is very popular here.(consist of)
13.put up张贴;建造;搭起;留宿
[例1] She put up a picture standing for love and attention.她
[例2] They put up their tents and settled down for the night.
[造句]  我们晚间住在一家汽车旅馆。
put off 推迟,延期
put on 穿上,戴上;上演
put out 熄灭,扑灭;伸出
put up with 忍受
put down 写下,记下;放下;镇压
[即学即练] 填入put相关的恰当的短语。
(1)The ceremony had to be because of the bad weather.
(2)About ten minutes later the firefighters arrived and the big fire.
(3)I’m not going to with their smoking any longer.
(4)Let me her address so that I can get in touch with her.
14.to the point切题;中肯
[例1] The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.
[例2] The letter was short and to the point.
[造句]  他话不多,但他说的话既准确又中肯。
beside/off the point    离题;跑题
There is no point in doing sth. 做某事毫无意义。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①Keep your answers short and don't wander the point.
②There is no point in (complain),for you are no match for him.
15.consist of由……组成;由……构成
[例1] What will life consist of on other planets
[例2] Listening is thus an active,not a passive,behavior consisting of hearing,understanding and remembering.
[造句] 新的理事会将有大约20名财政部长。
(1)consist in   在于;存在于
consist with 与……一致
(2)be made up of=be composed of 由……组成
[即学即练] 单句语法填空。
①The beauty of air travel consists its speed and ease.
②Her story consists the fact.
Step 3 Grammar
People who take physical exercise usually live longer.
His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week.
This is the stranger who helped us today.
Lily is the person with whom I am working.
It was a prison from which no one escaped.
Julie is good at German, French and Russian, all of which she speaks fluently.
We talked about the people and things that we remembered.我们谈论了我们记得的人和事。
The boy whose father works abroad is my roommate.爸爸在国外工作的那个男孩是我室友。
He is such a person as is respected by all of us.他是这样一个受我们所有人尊敬的人。
(2) the same as与the same that的区别:as指同类事物;that指同一事物。
She is wearing the same coat as I lost a few days ago.她身上穿的大衣和我几天前丢的一样。(同一类)
She is wearing the same coat that I lost a few days ago.她正穿着我几天前所丢失的那件大衣。(同一件)
I've read all the books that are about this matter.
Have you taken down everything that Mr Li said
The last place that we visited in Beijing was the Great Wall.
This is the best food that I have eaten.
③当先行词被the very,the only,the same等修饰时。
This is the very dictionary that I want to buy.
After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owned.
Who is the person that is standing at the gate
Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we have learnt?你记得我们学过的那位科学家和他的理论吗?
Wind power is an ancient source of energy to which we may return in the near future.
In her class there are 46 students, from whom I can learn a lot.
I will never forget the day when we met there.我永远不会忘记我们在那里相见的那一天。
There is a nest where the birds live.这里有一个鸟居住的巢。
The reason why he was late was that he got up late.他迟到的原因是他起晚了。
[注意]当定语从句的先行词是the reason时,如何判断关系词用that/which还是why:分析从句是否缺少主语、宾语或表语,如果缺少,使用关系词that/which;如果不缺少,则使用关系词why。
The reason that she gave for being late was that her car broke down on the way.
The reason why he was absent was that he went shopping in town that day.
Step 4 总结优化(老师总结)
序号 老师总结要点
Step 5随堂测试(验证效果)
I well remembered ________ (tease) about my red hair when I was at primary school.
2.He is the first person (get) such a chance in this village.
3.The editor asked me to get the new article (polish) again.
4.When I walked past,our monitor was putting the new notice.
5.Sometimes the best thing one can do is listen openly and (sympathetic).
6.The judges’ decision is final and no (correspond) will be entered into.
7.The fact is that there was a great (vary) between individuals.
8.People were (prejudice) against Deirdre before they met her.
9.France and Britain were 3rd and 4th (respective).
10.The song made up two parts was very popular with the young girls.
11.Do you know the student (recite) the long passage now
12.Thank you for your advice, which is practical and very much ________ the point.
13.________ (arrange) for the trip have now been completed.
14.From her (sorrow) voice,I could tell that she was heart broken.
15.How can anyone write such rubbish beyond my (comprehend)
The reasons why people write poetry are different and poets use many different forms of poetry to express 1.______ (them).
Some of the first poems 2.______ young child learns in English are nursery rhymes, which are usually the 3.______ (tradition) poems or folk songs. They have a strong rhythm and a lot of repetition. Despite the fact that some of them may not make sense 4.______ even seem contradictory, they are easy to learn and recite. Some simple poems are list poems. They have a flexible line length and repeated 5.______ (phrase) which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. Another simple form of poem is the cinquain, 6.______ is made up of five lines. This kind of poem can convey a strong picture in just a few words. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists 7.______ 17 syllables and 8.______ (be) very popular with English writers. It is easy to write. English speakers like Tang poetry in particular. A lot of Tang poetry 9.______ (translate) into English already. With so many different forms of poetry 10.______ (choose) from, why not have a try and write poems of your own
1.How medicine works in the human body is a question ________ not everyone can understand fully.
2.I have seen most of the greatest buildings in the world ________ are famous on the Internet.
3.This novel is popular with those ________ were born in the 1980s.
4.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time ________ he should be able to be independent.
5.The thought of going back home was all ________ kept him happy while he was working abroad.
6.Although modern technology could help produce more crops, these terraces (梯田) still mean a lot to the local people ________ whom traditions are of great value.
7.The professor always spends the whole day in the bookshop ________ which he found a new dictionary yesterday.
8.In the morning, two artists, ________ acting skills are wonderful, came to our school as planned.
9.When you start your journey of positive thinking, you shall meet wonderful people, with ________ you can share positive attitudes.
10.One of China's six famous tea types is white tea, ________ gets its name from its silver white color.
11.In China, a teahouse is a place ________ people gather to enjoy tea, chat and socialize.
12.Power walking uses both upper and lower body strength, ________ results in stronger muscles and bones.
13.When I have trouble, he is the first one ________ whom I can receive help.
14.The man ________ I am going to meet at the station is Professor Smith.
15.One reason ________ Billy Crystal is popular with all age groups is that he is quick thinking and has the ability to amuse the audience.
Step 6复述总结(自我总结)
序号 自我总结(学生填写)
Step 7 强化提升
1. This book ____________________________ (由……组成) twelve separate short stories.
2. I ____________________________ (不太同情她) — I think she's brought trouble on herself.
3. We ____________________________ (已与几位专家保持通信) in the field for ten years.
4. Stone decided to ____________________________ (举办一场竞赛) to see who could write the best song.
5. The statement ____________________________ (被仔细修改) and checked before release.
6. ____________________ (友谊的种子被种下) early, and they remained lifelong companions.
96-year-old Ye Jiaying has devoted herself to classical poetry research, teaching and promotion in China and beyond.
Ye says the sense of life is a core of her study of classical poetry, 1. ________ is also the important reason 2. ________ she loves poetry all her life, and she never changes her heart even though she is old.
She believes that the quality of a poem is always judged by the depth of life it conveys. Ye loves Xin Qiji and Du Fu, 3. ________ poetry shows love for their homeland. Ye came back to China in the 1970s after devoting herself to teaching Chinese classical poetry abroad. The foreign students 4. ________ listened to her lectures said that Professor Ye removed the mystery of poetry first, and then led people hand in hand in their appreciation of it.
Ye has got many awards for her great dedication and inspired many people.
Italy’s cheap old homes continue to appeal to hundreds of interested buyers, among whom was Roy Patrick, a 67-year-old British who deals in antiques in Italy. Patrick bought an old school house in the mountain village of Carrega for $16,500. It’s both an adventure and a joy.
Patrick bought the property quite by accident. When told about the wonders of the village, he toured there to take a look and was instantly struck by the 1930s school building. “The house is particular and the view is unique: The way the sun goes down over the mountains, you’d say ‘wow’. It’s a fantastic wonderland,” says Patrick.
The property was offloaded by the local government to boost the populations of communities in decline. Since the purchase, he’s been visiting every two weeks and finds it has many charms. “Top of the list is the friendliness of the local residents, followed by the breathtaking views I get out of the windows looking across the valley,” he adds.
Patrick’s initial encounter with his new home was less than promising. He had to climb through a window to open up the building, which had been shut for decades and whose door was jammed, with the keys nowhere to be found.
However, a later structural disaster turned into a positive story. When an unstable chimney (烟囱) collapsed due to a heavy snow, a neighbor volunteered to climb onto his roof to make it safe. The locals are so welcoming that they are ready to help newcomers.
During the restoration needed to make the old school habitable, Patrick unexpectedly unearthed a great many treasures: dusty piles of old text books, inkwells, pupil registers and other historical items.
Patrick has some advice for those with the thought of buying a house in Carrega: There is absolutely nothing, just great views, pure air and clean surroundings. No bars, supermarkets, or restaurants. A vehicle is essential to move around. However, Carrega does spring to life in the summer when vacationers arrive to relax. “There are nights when people throw a party with loud music,” says Patrick. “Otherwise it’s just singing birds and total silence.”
1. What led to Patrick’s purchase of the old schoolhouse
A. The locals’ friendly attitude. B. Its location and rising value.
C Its uniqueness and surroundings. D. The government’s housing welfare.
2. What was the government’s intention of selling the property
A. To attract more settlers. B. To boost local tourism.
C. To preserve village traditions. D. To reform education system.
3. What’s one of Patrick’s added bonuses of getting the house
A. Acquiring more personal space. B. Digging up some historical finds.
C. Enjoying a more active social life. D. Getting free home decoration service.
4. How does it feel most of the time living in Carrega
A. Quiet. B. Lively.
C. Modern. D. Convenient.
A walk in the park may be just what the doctor ordered. A new program launched last month in Canada gives some doctors the option of providing patients with a free annual pass to the country's national parks as part of an effort to increase access to nature and the health benefits.
PaRx, a health initiative launched by the BC Parks Foundation in 2019, partnered with Parks Canada to provide doctors across four provinces with an initial run of 100 passes that can be prescribed(开处方). The program allows doctors to write more general prescriptions for time spent out in nature; two hours a week, at least 20 minutes at a time, is what PaRx director Dr. Melissa Lem suggests.
“Given the growing body of evidence that indicates nature time can improve all kinds of different physical and mental health conditions, we’re hoping that our PaRx program not only improves patient health, but reduces costs to the health-care system, and helps to grow the number of people who are more engaged environmental advocates,” said Prama Rahman, a coordinator for the BC Parks Foundation.
Doctors have been catching on, instructing their patients to turn to nature to improve their health and they're getting creative in how they do it. Dr. Robert Zarr, a doctor based in Washington, began prescribing accessible outdoor activities for his young patients and even created a searchable online database of local parks to make it easier.
But getting outside isn’t always as easy as it might sound. Income can affect one’s access to nature, an issue that PaRx is trying to address in Canada. Doctors utilizing the new national parks pass program are urged to prioritize patients who might not otherwise be able to afford these passes.
While only 100 adult passes, which give holders access to more than 80 national parks, historic sites and nature reserves, have initially been made available, organizers plan to routinely reassess this number as the program grows, the BC Parks Foundation told NPR
5. What is PaRx intended to do
A. Qualify doctors to prescribe. B. Give patients free access to parks.
C Promote free admission to parks. D. Advocate 20 minutes’ walk a day.
6. What does the underlined word “utilizing” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Financing. B. Setting up. C. Evaluating. D. Carrying out.
7. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. The BC Parks Foundation is expanding rapidly.
B. The program has signed up 80 national parks.
C. More people will benefit from the program.
D. Those living close to parks can gain priority.
8. Which is the best title of the text
A. PaRx, a Nature Prescription Program. B. BC Parks Foundation in Canada
C. Year-long Passes to National Parks D. A New Study on Benefits of Walk
Oscar Wilde once said, “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” Art provides a way to communicate experiences when people lack verbal skills. _____1_____Art therapy is founded on the assumption that everyone is creative and capable of self-expression.
___2___ As a restorative practice it allows people to express themselves in non-verbal ways, such as drawing and painting. Even a 45-minute creative activity can change a person's mental state. Working with an art therapist does even more: _____3_____
Young children typically draw and sing and dance without worrying about their abilities. Adults, however, often have complex feelings about art and art making. They begin to evaluate the quality of their art instead of focusing on self-expression itself. ____4____ However, art therapists can guide people in expressing themselves without concerning whether their artwork is technically brilliant, so that they can connect or reconnect with the artworks that help them deal with life challenges.
What are art therapists’ superpower They can channel dangerous thoughts into imaginative artworks. For instance, people with violent tendencies might let out their anger by hitting another human being. ____5____ These artistic choices satisfy the brain's desire for novelty without compromising personal safety.
A. Art therapy is a double-edged sword.
B. Thus, the many benefits of creative self-expression are lost.
C. They develop art as an expressive skill for solving problems.
D. But, obviously, releasing their anger in this way isn't a good choice.
E. Art therapy, in its own ways, can influence a range of human functioning.
F. It can significantly enhance positive moods and boost measures of well-being.
G. However, with art therapists’ help, their energy could be changed into creative products.
Several years ago, a neighbor kid kicked a football and broke a basement window of my house. Due to financial problems, I____1____it up, thinking I’d get to it someday.
Over the year, I had planned to upgrade to energy-efficient windows. But with the frame (窗框) rusted (锈) and firmly ____2____in the foundation, whoever did it would need to chisel (凿) it out by hand. It would be a____3____ process and there were six of those windows in the house. The cost was estimated at $15,000. It was simply____4____.
Honestly, the thought of that window____5____me for years. I knew I needed to fix it, but I had built up the____6____so much in my mind that I put it off again and again.
Then I had a job change and needed to sell the house before moving away. But it was almost____7____to find a buyer if there was a broken window. So I pulled off the boards to face this thing head-on. I grabbed some rust remover,____8____it around the frame of the window, and gave it a pull. To my astonishment, it easily____9____. I took the window downtown. It only cost me $12. I could have____10____the problem for only $12 when it occurred, but I let it bother me for five years!
____11____, this isn’t just about my window. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another. They are things that seriously affect our____12____of life. If you recognize your broken window, don’t____13____to mend it. It may turn out to be____14____than expected. Usually we suffer more in a____15____than in reality.
1. A. tore B. made C. packed D. boarded
2. A. lost B. stuck C. buried D. mixed
3. A. labor-consuming B. brain-burning C. energy-wasting D. risk-taking
4. A. in a mess B. beyond control C. under guarantee D. out of reach
5. A. failed B. stimulated C. disturbed D. rewarded
6 A. harm B. confidence C. confusion D. difficulty
7. A. realistic B. impossible C. pointless D. unfair
8. A. blew B. turned C. passed D. spread
9. A. broke B. fell C. moved D. missed
10. A. addressed B. ignored C. delayed D. considered
11. A. Luckily B. Consequently C. Unexpectedly D. Actually
12. A. quality B. pace C. way D. meaning
13. A. attempt B. hesitate C. guarantee D. pretend
14. A. rarer B. tougher C. easier D. worse
15. A. practice B. memory C. principle D. imagination
In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced a period of____1____(art)prosperity known as the Dutch Golden Age. During this period, artists found____2____(inspire)in Northern Renaissance painting techniques, contributing to masterpieces like Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. Known as the "Mona Lisa of the North", this painting____3____(represent)the best of Dutch art and it has become one of art history’s most beloved paintings.
Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s most well-known work of art.____4____, it did not attain international fame until the end of the 20th century,____5____it was featured in a special exhibition in Washington, D. C. The painting does not show a specific person. Instead, it shows____6____unknown girl dressed in grand clothing who, "like a vision coming from the darkness," art historian Arthur K. Wheelock explained, "belongs to no specific time or place." Vermeer is known for his ability to create shapes and forms____7____(use)light rather than line. This characteristic approach____8___modeling is particularly evident in Girl with a Pearl Earring.
In addition to its fascinating context and appealing beauty, the piece is celebrated for the mystery that surrounds it. "When you think about the Mona Lisa, she is also looking at us, but she isn’t engaging" Tracy Chevalier points out. "While Girl with a Pearl Earring is right there there is nothing between her and us. She has this magical quality of being____9____(incredible)open and yet mysterious at the same time—and that is____10____makes her so appealing."
A sudden call came into Jimmy Gilleece's bar this past March. A newly married woman who had spent the afternoon at the dive beach bar couldn’t find her wallet. She didn't care about her ID. credit cards, or $150 in cash, but her wedding ring was just inside.
Gilleece. 42. didn't like the idea that a theft could have happened at his place, so he spent hours searching 16 different cameras, watching the woman’s every step until she went to sit on a bench outside and left when her ride arrived. Within minutes, a young man in a hoodie(连帽衫)approached the bench, Put something in his pocket, and walked off. Gilleece posted a clip on the bar’s Facebook page. “I didn't want to criticize him." he said. “I just asked if anybody knew who the guy was.” Within hours. Giileece got a text message from 17-year-old Rivers Prather, who admitted taking the wallet and said he'd done it because he hadn't eaten in two days. Thinking the ring was fake, he threw the wallet into the ocean and took the money to buy a sandwich.
Gilleece. unsure whether he believed Prather, told the teenager Io meet him at the docks(码头).There. they got to talking, and Prather said that he wasn't getting along with his family and had been living in the woods for a week Gilleece. a father of two. took stock of(审视)Prather- his small body, his flushing(涨得通红)checks - and saw him for what he was: more of a kid than a criminal.
Hou ever, the police were already on the ease and because of the missing ring. Prather could be facing severe charge. Gilleece decided to help. He employed two local divers to search the waters where Prather had thrown the wallet. Meanwhile, the police wanted Gilleece to bring the teen down to the station. Instead. Gilleece called the police and told them. "He's going to be al the docks with me tomorrow.”
Paragraph 1:
A crowd had gathered to watch the two divers search in the strong current.
Paragraph 2:
But it wasn’t over for Gilleece.