

名称 重庆市四川外国语大学附属外国语学校2023-2024学年高二上学期联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-16 18:42:54


2023-2024 学年度(上)高2025届9月月考
第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the woman probably do next
A. Pay for the clothes. B. Go to another store. C. Try on some dresses.
2. What will the man do about the camera
A. Have it repaired. B. Lend it to Larry. C. Change it for a new one.
3. Why does the woman suggest having a party
A. Bill has got a pay raise.
B. Bill has found a good job.
C. Bill has finished a project.
4. Where will the woman go to celebrate her mom’s birthday
A. Blue Plate. B. Crest Cafe. C. King Lee’s.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A park. B. The weather. C. Bob’s pets.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Doctor and patient. B. Husband and wife. C. Salesman and customer.
7. What does the man suggest the woman do
A Do more exercise. B. Drink plenty of water. C. Stop eating chocolate.
8. Why does Joshua make the call
A. To ask for advice. B. To make an apology. C. To check the time.
9. Where is Joshua now
A. In Cider Street. B. On Elmer Road. C. In Poplar Street.
10. What is Joshua’s destination
A. Maria’s house. B. The National Bank. C. Weston Hospital.
11. How much rent would the man like to pay every month
A. 400. B. 800. C. 950.
12. What is an advantage of the flat
A. It’s convenient for shopping.
B It’s in a quiet neighborhood.
C. It’s next to the man’s college.
13. What is the man going to do tomorrow
A. Find another flat.
B. Move into the flat.
C. Check on the flat.
14. Where are the speakers
A. On a bus. B. At a store. C. In a church.
15. What was the man’s first challenge this week
A. To do some volunteer work.
B. To encourage others to smile. ;
C. To treat a stranger to a dinner.
16. What day is it today
A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.
17. What will the woman do next
A. Make an application. B. Call her husband. C. Pay for her groceries.
18 What should a public speaker avoid doing according to the woman
A. Talking too loudly. B. Speaking too fast. C. Saying too much.
19. Why should the closing of a speech be carefully planned
A. It’s usually the most remembered part.
B. It’s the last chance to make your point.
C. It’s as important as the opening words.
20. What does the woman suggest a public speaker do during the speech
A. Show a good sense of humor.
B. Motivate the audience to act.
C. Meet challenges with courage.
第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
阅读下列短文,从 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Family-Friendly Events in January
ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan. 1-19
The Phoenix Zoo’s yearly holiday light show is on until Jan. 19, allowing families one or more opportunities to enjoy the city’s zoo, with millions of lights giving an added dimension to the festivities.
Glow Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. , Phoenix, phoenixzoo.org, $11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admission.
Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts Jan. 4-18
The Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts features the work of established and emerging artists, including those who create woodwork, metal crafts, food items, art, photography and gifts.
On Macdonald, off of Main Street in Downtown Mesa, , free admission.
Family Fun Winterfest Jan. 4
OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hosting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for the kids to play in. This free event features everything from bounce houses to rides, games, snowflake crafts and face painting to go with various stands set up by local sellers, with food and other offerings for sale at the event.
9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, , free.
Youth Fine Arts Course Jan. 18-Mar. 7
Mesa Arts Center is hosting an eight-week youth arts course on Saturdays to teach artistic skills and knowledge through fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety of art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessions for all.
Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St, Mesa, , $93.
1. How can you get a discounted ticket to the ZooLights show
A. Bring a friend. B. Get a membership.
C. Join a tour group. D. Book a ticket online.
2. What can you do at Family Fun Winterfest
A. Have free food. B. Take art classes.
C Enjoy real snow. D. Meet local artists.
3. Which event lasts the longest
A. ZooLights: Glow Wild. B. Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts.
C. Youth Fine Arts Courses. D. Family Fun Winterfest.
For 18 years, I’ve feared the yearly event of writing a “vision statement (愿景宣言)” for our son, Ethan. He has autism (自闭症). In theory, the vision statement is a lovely idea — an opportunity for parents to express the future they plan for their child five years down the road. In reality, as Ethan grew up and his limitations became clearer, I found it harder every year to write the short paragraph.
This year, as Ethan completed his final year in the school system, we signed Ethan up to work at a local farm that employs young adults with disabilities assuming it would go the way he always has. He’d be interested at first, then bored, and then — because he was bored — silly and unsafe around the equipment in a way that would get him removed from the program. It was his pattern and if there’s anything we’ve learned, autistic kids love repeating their patterns.
Surprisingly after a year, we were told he’d made it onto a landscaping team. “What do you do in the team ” we asked. Eth an listed a few machines we assumed he was watching other people operate. We’ve lived with Ethan for 21 years. We know his limitations.
At our last meeting for the vision statement, a man from the farm read a report on Ethan. Ethan was operating those machines, safely and effectively, along with the final line: “Ethan makes us laugh every day.” I could hardly believe it.
Ethan wrote his own vision statement this year. He read it aloud:
“I plan to work at Prospect Meadow Farm until I retire and live. at home with my family as long as I can. My goals for the future are to learn how to drive a lawn mower (割草机).”
I had tears in my eyes. Not simply because Ethan had made his own entirely reasonable vision statement, but because it involved the part of his present life that brings him joy. After years of making up visions for a future we never honestly thought possible, Ethan was offering one that was both hopeful and extremely simple: I want my life to keep looking the way it does NOW.
4. How did the author feel about writing a vision statement for her son
A. It was difficult. B. It was boring.
C It was annoying. D. It was embarrassing.
5. Why does the author mention Ethan’s pattern in paragraph 2
A. To show her concern for Ethan’s safety.
B. To show her familiarity with autistic kids.
C. To show her low expectations for Ethan’s farm job.
D. To show her special responsibility as Ethan’s parent.
6. How did Ethan behave on the farm
A. He went beyond his limits.
B. He made silly mistakes.
C. He liked watching others working.
D. He could hardly get along with others.
7. Which statement will the author probably agree with
A. Success is built on failure.
B. Never lose faith in your high goals.
C. Family support helps to develop confidence.
D. The future should look like the best parts of the present.
A new study from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)seems to suggest busy students listening to sped-up video lectures can actually understand a lot.
In the experiment, Alan Castel and a Dillon Murphy divided 231 undergraduate participants into four groups. Each group watched two video lectures: one about the Roman Empire and the other on real estate appraisals (房地产评估). The videos, at normal speed, ranged hetween13 and 15 minutes long. One group watched each video at its normal speed, the second watched them at 1.5 times normal speed, the third at double speed and the fourth at 2.5 times normal speed.
After each individual video, the participants were given a test made up of 20 questions to measure how well they remembered the information. The normal-speed group averaged 26 correct answers out of 40, and were closely followed by the 1.5-speed group and double-speed group, which each scored 25 out of 40. It wasn’t until participants watched the video at 2.5-speed that their performance on the test significantly dropped, to an average of 22 out of 40 questions answered correctly. A week later, when the same participants took new tests without rewatching the videos, the new scores saw the same order of decrease (降低).
The study suggests that, while sped-up videos did not improve student learning comprehension (理解力), they did not put them far behind, either —at least until the speed reached 2.5 times normal speed..
The increase in efficiency that students get from finishing a video in half the time could allow them to take more effective notes. “Students can spend the same amount of time studying, but in perhaps a better way,” Murphy said “That opens the door to the potential benefits of that additional study opportunity.”
The videos in the study were for subjects that can be explained in words pretty easily, Murphy explained, whereas students watching a difficult physics or chemistry lecture at high speeds might see different results. Further research on the same topic could provide details on how well students remember information offered at higher speeds when it comes to those kinds of more challenging topics, the researchers said.
8. Which best describes how the participants watched the two videos
A. The first group watched videos at different speeds.
B. The second group watched the two videos twice.
C. The third group watched for less than 15 minutes.
D. The fourth group watched for more than 40 minutes.
9. What did the experiment show
A. The normal-speed watchers did no better than other groups.
B. Sped-up videos sometimes affected only a little to the watchers.
C. There were great differences among the 4 groups in the testing result.
D. The content of the video made no difference in the experiment.
10. What is Murphy’s attitude to watching video lectures at higher speeds
A. Critical. B. Curious. C. Doubtful. D. Supportive.
11. What might the researchers at UCLA do in their future studies
A. Give participants more difficult tests after they watch videos.
B. Observe the effects of watching videos at lower speeds.
C. Let participants watch videos of more complex topics.
D. Ask students from various majors to watch videos.
Mark Twain was dismissive of those people who think it is possible for someone to learn how to write a novel. “A man who is not born with the novel-writing gift has a troublesome time when he tries to build a novel,” he said. “He has no clear idea of his story. In fact, he has no story.”
British writer Stephen Fry puts it another way. He says that successful authors are those who know just how difficult it is to write a book.
These days, however, technology is making the life of an author a little easier. For Michael Green, a US data scientist-turned-novelist, the need to use technology to simplify and streamline the writing process came when he was in the middle of writing his first book.
With 500 pages of a complex story written, he recalls that the process became difficult to manage “I had all these documents on the deeper aspect s of the world I was creating I was worried about not being able to keep track of ital. That is when I switched into my more data science-minded approach to solving a complex problem with a lot of different places.”
The end result was that M Green created Lynit a digital platform to help authors plan and weave together the many elements that form a story, such as the themes, characters and major events. “Once the authors get a new idea that they want to bring into the story, with Lynit they are able to input it into a natural framework,” he said, “As new ideas come in, they change, maybe by creating new nodes(节点)and new relationships.”
Once the book has been published, technology is also playing an ever-increasing role in publicity and connecting with readers. Websites and apps from specialist firms allow authors to participate in live question-and-answer sessions with their readers.
Michael Green believes technology will become even more important as a new generation of tech-savvy(精通技术的)writers become more well known. “What I’m finding with Generation Z and even younger writers is that they are looking for technology to give them guidance,” he said. “They see it as a tool to learn and grow with rather than extra work.”
12. What does the underlined word “dismissive” probably mean
A. Respectful. B. Curious. C. Indifferent. D. Scornful.
13. What can we learn from Michael Green’s writing experience
A. It is really difficult to become a writer.
B. Writers can be creative in using technology.
C. Technology can be a helpful tool to writers.
D. Writers need to adopt different writing approaches.
14. What is an advantage of technology according to the text
A. It can translate thoughts into sentences.
B. It brings authors closer to their readers.
C. It makes it possible for anyone to be a writer.
D. It can inspire authors to produce more good ideas.
15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. New technology matters to young writers.
B. Young writers rely too heavily on technology.
C. The new generation of writers should be tech-savvy.
D. Tech-savvy writers become known thanks to technology.
Influential people have a great impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exercise so much influence from inside, on themselves. Their focused pursuit of excellence is driven by five habits that you can follow and absorb until your influence expands (扩大):
1 They think for themselves.
Influential people aren’t affected by the latest trend or by public opinion. ____16____ They’re more than willing to change their mind according to facts, but they aren’t influenced by what other people think, only by what they know.
2. They welcome disagreement.
Influential people do not react emotionally to different opinions. ____17____ They’re humble (谦逊的) enough to know that they don’t know everything and that someone else might see something they missed. And if that person is right, they accept the idea wholeheartedly because they care more about the result than being right.
3. They are proactive (主动出击的).
Influential people don’t wait for things like new ideas and new technologies to find them; they seek those things out. ____18____ They see what’s coming because they intentionally look for it.
4. They respond rather than react.
If someone criticizes an influential person for making a mistake, or if someone else makes a mistake, influential people don’t react immediately and emotionally. They wait. They think. ____19____ Influential people know how important relationships are, and they won’t let an emotional overreaction harm theirs.
5. They believe.
____20____ They believe in their power to achieve their dreams, and they believe others share that same power. They believe that nothing is out of reach.
A. Instead, they welcome them.
B. And then they deliver a proper response.
C. Influential people always expect the best.
D. They’re influential because they see what’s coming.
E. They form their opinions carefully, based on the facts.
F. They never believe that one person can change the world.
G. They fight back against these critics as hard as they could.
第三部分 语言知识运用(满分30分)
阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Dr. Smith of New York works at a center for children who can’t learn well. One day a father brought his son to him for____21____ at his office.
The father told Dr. Smith about his son. “My son has ____22____ in learning and can’t even play baseball. He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try. I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him. But nothing ____23____. ”
After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he ____24____ his father. He asked the father to sit in front of a ____25____ and then gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. There was a ____26____ on the paper. He asked the father to look only in the mirror and ____27____ the lines of the star with the pencil. The father made the same ____28____ anyone makes. Every time he ____29____ the pencil, it went the wrong way. The father’s face became red.
At this ____30____ the doctor shouted at him, “Hurry up! Why are you ____31____ so long You can’t do such an ____32____ thing! You don’t know left from right!” These ____33____ made the father very angry.
“Now you can ____34____, can’t you ” The doctor said to him. “Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded (训斥) him too often, so he didn't try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes. ”
____35____ the father understood everything. He put his face down. Now he felt so sorry.
21. A. testing B. acting C. teaching D. playing
22. A. confidence B. interest C. experience D. difficulty
23. A. returns B. helps C. appears D. remains
24. A. waited for B. searched for C. believed in D. called in
25. A. mirror B. television C. painting D. desk
26. A. face B. line C. number D. star
27. A. remove B. follow C. cross D. cut
28. A. decisions B. choices C. mistakes D. patterns
29. A. touched B. dropped C. moved D. sharpened
30. A. speed B. corner C. end D. point
31. A. staying B. taking C. preparing D. writing
32. A. easy B. important C. obvious D. exciting
33. A. ideas B. words C. questions D. instructions
34. A. relax B. leave C. understand D. promise
35. A. Interestingly B. Absolutely C. Suddenly D. Unfortunately
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共 55 分)
“We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*,”an international team of astrophysicists(天文物理学家)and researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope team announced ___36___(proud)on Thursday.
For years, the supermassive black hole in the dark center of the Milky Way galaxy ___37___(study)——and eventually, it’s been captured(捕捉)in an image. The black hole is often referred to ___38___ Sgr A*. Its mass is about 4 million times ___39___ of the sun, and it’s about 27,000 light years from Earth.
What made capturing the image extra ___40___(challenge)was the dynamic enyironment of Sgr A*, and the challenges of looking not only through the earth’s atmosphere ___41___ also through the gas clouds in the disk of the Milky Way galaxy towards the center. It took several years to refine the images.
“Although we cannot see the black hole ___42___(it), because it is completely dark, glowing(发光的)gas around it reveals a telltale signature, a dark central region___43___(surround)by a bright ring-like structure,” the Event Horizon Telescope team said in its announcement.
The ___44___(discover)comes three years after the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration released the first-ever image of a black hole—but that work focused on ___45___ center of galaxy Messier 87, tens of millions of light-years away from Earth in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 目前,越来越多的中学生使用电子词典笔来学英语。最近,你班同学就“Should students use electronic dictionary pens ”这一话题进行了讨论,大家对此看法不一。请你根据表格提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍此次的讨论情况并表明自己的观点。
赞成(40%)的理由 1. 电子词典笔便于携带,查单词容易; 2. 功能多:可以纠正发音,练习听力等。
反对(60%)的理由 1. 电子词典笔有其它功能,导致学习分心; 2. 容易产生依赖性,不再下功夫记单词。
你的观点 ……
注意:1. 词数120左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When the water came in under the door of their home in Naples, Florida, it was just a glimmer (隐约的迹象) on the floor, a sign that it was time to go. It was around noon on Wednesday, September 28 last year when Darcy Bishop woke her two brothers who had been resting after lunch. She pulled the wheelchair up to the oldest, Russell Rochow, 66, and helped him into it. Her other brother, Todd Rochow,63, was in his room. He could manage with a walker.
Both men had been born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), and their mental development was like that of a young child. About 10 years ago, they started showing signs of Parkinson’s disease. Bishop,61, was their lifeline, their little sister who had long felt an obligation to keep them safe.
“We have to go!” she shouted to Todd. She went to open the front door. It would not move. The weight of the water on the other side had made it shut. She rushed to try the door to the garage. It was stuck too. That’s when the house the three siblings (兄弟姐妹) shared began to flood. As Hurricane Ian bore down on Florida, many residents who’d decided to stay found themselves unable to leave even if they tried. Within days, around 100 deaths in the state were caused by the hurricane. On Tuesday, Bishop had planned to leave with her brothers for her daughter’s home 25 kilometres inland. But by then, there were so many warnings to stay put.
Now Bishop and her brothers were trapped. She texted her daughter at 12:34 p.m. “Water’s coming in.” Around her, she could hear the china breaking and the refrigerator falling over. The only way to go was up. Bishop guided Todd to the stairs, and he held the banister (扶手). She helped him pull himself slowly up to the top where he waited in a chair.
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
But stairs were impossible for Russell, who could neither walk nor bend his legs.
After a while, Bishop heard the rescuers were downstairs.
2023-2024 学年度(上)高2025届9月月考
第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the woman probably do next
A. Pay for the clothes. B. Go to another store. C. Try on some dresses.
2. What will the man do about the camera
A. Have it repaired. B. Lend it to Larry. C. Change it for a new one.
3. Why does the woman suggest having a party
A. Bill has got a pay raise.
B. Bill has found a good job.
C. Bill has finished a project.
4. Where will the woman go to celebrate her mom’s birthday
A. Blue Plate. B. Crest Cafe. C. King Lee’s.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A park. B. The weather. C. Bob’s pets.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Doctor and patient. B. Husband and wife. C. Salesman and customer.
7. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Do more exercise. B. Drink plenty of water. C. Stop eating chocolate.
8. Why does Joshua make the call
A. To ask for advice. B. To make an apology. C. To check the time.
9. Where is Joshua now
A. In Cider Street. B. On Elmer Road. C. In Poplar Street.
10. What is Joshua’s destination
A. Maria’s house. B. The National Bank. C. Weston Hospital.
11. How much rent would the man like to pay every month
A. 400. B. 800. C. 950.
12. What is an advantage of the flat
A. It’s convenient for shopping.
B It’s in a quiet neighborhood.
C. It’s next to the man’s college.
13. What is the man going to do tomorrow
A. Find another flat.
B. Move into the flat.
C. Check on the flat.
14. Where are the speakers
A. On a bus. B. At a store. C. In a church.
15. What was the man’s first challenge this week
A. To do some volunteer work.
B. To encourage others to smile. ;
C. To treat a stranger to a dinner.
16. What day is it today
A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.
17. What will the woman do next
A. Make an application. B. Call her husband. C. Pay for her groceries.
18 What should a public speaker avoid doing according to the woman
A. Talking too loudly. B. Speaking too fast. C. Saying too much.
19. Why should the closing of a speech be carefully planned
A. It’s usually the most remembered part.
B. It’s the last chance to make your point.
C. It’s as important as the opening words.
20. What does the woman suggest a public speaker do during the speech
A. Show a good sense of humor.
B. Motivate the audience to act.
C. Meet challenges with courage.
第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
阅读下列短文,从 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Family-Friendly Events in January
ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan. 1-19
The Phoenix Zoo’s yearly holiday light show is on until Jan. 19, allowing families one or more opportunities to enjoy the city’s zoo, with millions of lights giving an added dimension to the festivities.
Glow Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. , Phoenix, phoenixzoo.org, $11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admission.
Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts Jan. 4-18
The Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts features the work of established and emerging artists, including those who create woodwork, metal crafts, food items, art, photography and gifts.
On Macdonald, off of Main Street in Downtown Mesa, , free admission.
Family Fun Winterfest Jan. 4
OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hosting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for the kids to play in. This free event features everything from bounce houses to rides, games, snowflake crafts and face painting to go with various stands set up by local sellers, with food and other offerings for sale at the event.
9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, , free.
Youth Fine Arts Course Jan. 18-Mar. 7
Mesa Arts Center is hosting an eight-week youth arts course on Saturdays to teach artistic skills and knowledge through fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety of art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessions for all.
Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St, Mesa, , $93.
1. How can you get a discounted ticket to the ZooLights show
A. Bring a friend. B. Get a membership.
C. Join a tour group. D. Book a ticket online.
2. What can you do at Family Fun Winterfest
A. Have free food. B. Take art classes.
C. Enjoy real snow. D. Meet local artists.
3. Which event lasts the longest
A. ZooLights: Glow Wild. B. Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts.
C. Youth Fine Arts Courses. D. Family Fun Winterfest.
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C
细节理解题。根据ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan. 1-19部分中“$11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admission (会员11.95美元;普通门票13.95美元,)”可知,获得会员资格就可以买到ZooLights表演的折扣票。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Family Fun Winterfest Jan.4部分中“OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hosting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for the kids to play in.(位于沙漠中的奥德海水族馆正在其沙漠庭院举办第三届年度家庭趣味冬季活动,以真正的雪为特色,供孩子们玩耍)”可知,在Family Fun Winterfest可以欣赏到真正的雪。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章内容可知ZooLights: Glow Wild从1月1日到19日;Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts从1月4日到18日;Family Fun Winterfest在1月4日;Youth Fine Arts Course从1月18日到3月7日。所以Youth Fine Arts Courses持续时间最长。故选C。
For 18 years, I’ve feared the yearly event of writing a “vision statement (愿景宣言)” for our son, Ethan. He has autism (自闭症). In theory, the vision statement is a lovely idea — an opportunity for parents to express the future they plan for their child five years down the road. In reality, as Ethan grew up and his limitations became clearer, I found it harder every year to write the short paragraph.
This year, as Ethan completed his final year in the school system, we signed Ethan up to work at a local farm that employs young adults with disabilities assuming it would go the way he always has. He’d be interested at first, then bored, and then — because he was bored — silly and unsafe around the equipment in a way that would get him removed from the program. It was his pattern and if there’s anything we’ve learned, autistic kids love repeating their patterns.
Surprisingly, after a year, we were told he’d made it onto a landscaping team. “What do you do in the team ” we asked. Eth an listed a few machines we assumed he was watching other people operate. We’ve lived with Ethan for 21 years. We know his limitations.
At our last meeting for the vision statement, a man from the farm read a report on Ethan. Ethan was operating those machines, safely and effectively, along with the final line: “Ethan makes us laugh every day.” I could hardly believe it.
Ethan wrote his own vision statement this year. He read it aloud:
“I plan to work at Prospect Meadow Farm until I retire and live. at home with my family as long as I can. My goals for the future are to learn how to drive a lawn mower (割草机).”
I had tears in my eyes. Not simply because Ethan had made his own entirely reasonable vision statement, but because it involved the part of his present life that brings him joy. After years of making up visions for a future we never honestly thought possible, Ethan was offering one that was both hopeful and extremely simple: I want my life to keep looking the way it does NOW.
4. How did the author feel about writing a vision statement for her son
A. It was difficult. B. It was boring.
C. It was annoying. D. It was embarrassing.
5. Why does the author mention Ethan’s pattern in paragraph 2
A. To show her concern for Ethan’s safety.
B. To show her familiarity with autistic kids.
C. To show her low expectations for Ethan’s farm job.
D. To show her special responsibility as Ethan’s parent.
6. How did Ethan behave on the farm
A. He went beyond his limits.
B. He made silly mistakes.
C. He liked watching others working.
D. He could hardly get along with others.
7. Which statement will the author probably agree with
A. Success is built on failure.
B. Never lose faith in your high goals.
C. Family support helps to develop confidence.
D. The future should look like the best parts of the present.
【答案】4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D
细节理解题。根据第一段的“In reality, as Ethan grew up and his limitations became clearer, I found it harder every year to write the short paragraph.(事实上,随着伊桑的成长,他的缺陷也越来越明显,我发现写这简短的一段话一年比一年难。)”可知,作者对为儿子写愿景宣言时感到很困难。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第二段的“He’d be interested at first, then bored, and then — because he was bored — silly and unsafe around the equipment in a way that would get him removed from the program. It was his pattern and if there’s anything we’ve learned, autistic kids love repeating their patterns.(他一开始会感兴趣,然后感到无聊,然后——因为他感到无聊——在设备周围变得愚蠢和不安全,以至于他会被踢出这个项目。如果我们学到什么的话,这是他的模式:自闭症儿童喜欢重复他们的模式。)”可知,作者在第二段提到了伊森的模式是为了表示她对儿子在农场工作表现的期望值不高。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段的“Ethan was operating those machines, safely and effectively, along with the final line: “Ethan makes us laugh every day.” I could hardly believe it.(伊森安全有效地操作着这些机器,最后一句是:“伊森每天都让我们开怀大笑。”我简直不敢相信。)”可知,伊桑在农场的表现超越了自己的局限。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“I had tears in my eyes. Not simply because Ethan had made his own entirely reasonable vision statement, but because it involved the part of his present life that brings him joy. After years of making up visions for a future we never honestly thought possible, Ethan was offering one that was both hopeful and extremely simple: I want my life to keep looking the way it does NOW.(我眼里含着泪水。不仅仅是因为伊桑的愿景陈述是完全合理的,还因为它涉及到他现在生活中给他带来快乐的部分。多年来,我们一直在设想一个我们从未真正认为可能实现的未来,而伊森提出了一个既充满希望又极其简单的愿景:我希望我的生活保持现在的样子。)”可知,伊森现在的生活充满快乐,因此他希望未来能够像现在一样,因此作者希望伊森在未来能够达到像现在最好的状态。故选D。
A new study from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)seems to suggest busy students listening to sped-up video lectures can actually understand a lot.
In the experiment, Alan Castel and a Dillon Murphy divided 231 undergraduate participants into four groups. Each group watched two video lectures: one about the Roman Empire and the other on real estate appraisals (房地产评估). The videos, at normal speed, ranged hetween13 and 15 minutes long. One group watched each video at its normal speed, the second watched them at 1.5 times normal speed, the third at double speed and the fourth at 2.5 times normal speed.
After each individual video, the participants were given a test made up of 20 questions to measure how well they remembered the information. The normal-speed group averaged 26 correct answers out of 40, and were closely followed by the 1.5-speed group and double-speed group, which each scored 25 out of 40. It wasn’t until participants watched the video at 2.5-speed that their performance on the test significantly dropped, to an average of 22 out of 40 questions answered correctly. A week later, when the same participants took new tests without rewatching the videos, the new scores saw the same order of decrease (降低).
The study suggests that, while sped-up videos did not improve student learning comprehension (理解力), they did not put them far behind, either —at least until the speed reached 2.5 times normal speed..
The increase in efficiency that students get from finishing a video in half the time could allow them to take more effective notes. “Students can spend the same amount of time studying, but in perhaps a better way,” Murphy said “That opens the door to the potential benefits of that additional study opportunity.”
The videos in the study were for subjects that can be explained in words pretty easily, Murphy explained, whereas students watching a difficult physics or chemistry lecture at high speeds might see different results. Further research on the same topic could provide details on how well students remember information offered at higher speeds when it comes to those kinds of more challenging topics, the researchers said.
8. Which best describes how the participants watched the two videos
A. The first group watched videos at different speeds.
B. The second group watched the two videos twice.
C. The third group watched for less than 15 minutes.
D. The fourth group watched for more than 40 minutes.
9. What did the experiment show
A. The normal-speed watchers did no better than other groups.
B. Sped-up videos sometimes affected only a little to the watchers.
C. There were great differences among the 4 groups in the testing result.
D. The content of the video made no difference in the experiment.
10. What is Murphy’s attitude to watching video lectures at higher speeds
A. Critical. B. Curious. C. Doubtful. D. Supportive.
11. What might the researchers at UCLA do in their future studies
A. Give participants more difficult tests after they watch videos.
B. Observe the effects of watching videos at lower speeds.
C. Let participants watch videos of more complex topics.
D. Ask students from various majors to watch videos.
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. C
细节理解题。根据第二段的“The videos, at normal speed, ranged hetween13 and 15 minutes long. One group watched each video at its normal speed, the second watched them at 1.5 times normal speed, the third at double speed and the fourth at 2.5 times normal speed.(这些视频以正常速度播放,时长在13到15分钟之间。第一组以正常速度观看每段视频,第二组以正常速度的1.5倍观看,第三组以正常速度的两倍观看,第四组以正常速度的2.5倍观看)”可知, 每个视频以正常速度播放,时长在13到15分钟之间,第三组以双倍速度观看,则总时间少于15分钟。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“The normal-speed group averaged 26 correct answers out of 40, and were closely followed by the 1.5-speed group and double-speed group, which each scored 25 out of 40. It wasn’t until participants watched the video at 2.5-speed that their performance on the test significantly dropped, to an average of 22 out of 40 questions answered correctly. (正常速度组平均答对了40道题中的26道,紧随其后的是1.5倍速度组和2倍速度组,他们在40道题中各得了25分。直到参与者以2.5速观看视频,他们在测试中的表现才显著下降,40个问题中平均只有22个回答正确) ”可知,实验表明了加速倍数较高时,得分才会明显下降。由此推知,有时加速视频对观看者的影响很小。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“A new study from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)seems to suggest busy students listening to sped-up video lectures can actually understand a lot.(墨菲解释说,研究中的视频是针对那些可以很容易用语言解释的科目的,而学生们以高速观看困难的物理或化学讲座可能会看到不同的结果。研究人员说,对同一主题的进一步研究可以提供更多细节,以了解学生在涉及这些更具挑战性的主题时,以更快的速度记住信息的情况)”可推知,加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员在未来的研究中可能会让参与者观看更复杂主题的视频 。故选C。
Mark Twain was dismissive of those people who think it is possible for someone to learn how to write a novel. “A man who is not born with the novel-writing gift has a troublesome time when he tries to build a novel,” he said. “He has no clear idea of his story. In fact, he has no story.”
British writer Stephen Fry puts it another way. He says that successful authors are those who know just how difficult it is to write a book.
These days, however, technology is making the life of an author a little easier. For Michael Green, a US data scientist-turned-novelist, the need to use technology to simplify and streamline the writing process came when he was in the middle of writing his first book.
With 500 pages of a complex story written, he recalls that the process became difficult to manage “I had all these documents on the deeper aspect s of the world I was creating I was worried about not being able to keep track of ital. That is when I switched into my more data science-minded approach to solving a complex problem with a lot of different places.”
The end result was that M Green created Lynit a digital platform to help authors plan and weave together the many elements that form a story, such as the themes, characters and major events. “Once the authors get a new idea that they want to bring into the story, with Lynit they are able to input it into a natural framework,” he said, “As new ideas come in, they change, maybe by creating new nodes(节点)and new relationships.”
Once the book has been published, technology is also playing an ever-increasing role in publicity and connecting with readers. Websites and apps from specialist firms allow authors to participate in live question-and-answer sessions with their readers.
Michael Green believes technology will become even more important as a new generation of tech-savvy(精通技术的)writers become more well known. “What I’m finding with Generation Z and even younger writers is that they are looking for technology to give them guidance,” he said. “They see it as a tool to learn and grow with rather than extra work.”
12. What does the underlined word “dismissive” probably mean
A. Respectful. B. Curious. C. Indifferent. D. Scornful.
13. What can we learn from Michael Green’s writing experience
A. It is really difficult to become a writer.
B. Writers can be creative in using technology.
C. Technology can be a helpful tool to writers.
D. Writers need to adopt different writing approaches.
14. What is an advantage of technology according to the text
A. It can translate thoughts into sentences.
B. It brings authors closer to their readers.
C. It makes it possible for anyone to be a writer.
D. It can inspire authors to produce more good ideas.
15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. New technology matters to young writers.
B. Young writers rely too heavily on technology.
C. The new generation of writers should be tech-savvy.
D. Tech-savvy writers become known thanks to technology.
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. B 15. A
词义猜测题。根据第一段的““A man who is not born with the novel-writing gift has a troublesome time when he tries to build a novel,” he said. “He has no clear idea of his story. In fact, he has no story.”(他说:“一个天生没有写小说天赋的人在试图写小说的时候会遇到麻烦。”“他对自己的故事没有清晰的概念。事实上,他没有故事。”)”可知,马克·吐温认为能够写小说是一种天赋,并不是与生俱来的,因此他对那些认为一个人可以学习如何写小说的人持轻蔑的态度,因此划线词意为“轻蔑的”。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“These days, however, technology is making the life of an author a little easier. For Michael Green, a US data scientist-turned-novelist, the need to use technology to simplify and streamline the writing process came when he was in the middle of writing his first book.(然而,如今,科技让作家的生活变得轻松了一些。对于美国数据科学家出身的小说家迈克尔·格林来说,在他写第一本书的过程中,需要使用技术来简化和精简写作过程。) ”可知,我们可以从迈克尔·格林的写作经历中了解到技术对作家来说是一个有用的工具。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Once the book has been published, technology is also playing an ever-increasing role in publicity and connecting with readers. Websites and apps from specialist firms allow authors to participate in live question-and-answer sessions with their readers.(一旦书出版,技术也在宣传和联系读者方面发挥着越来越大的作用。专业公司的网站和应用程序允许作者参与与读者的实时问答环节。)”可知,技术的优势是它拉近了作者与读者的距离,使他们进行更多的交流。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Michael Green believes technology will become even more important as a new generation of tech-savvy writers become more well known. “What I’m finding with Generation Z and even younger writers is that they are looking for technology to give them guidance,” he said. “They see it as a tool to learn and grow with rather than extra work.”(Michael Green认为,随着新一代精通技术的作家变得更加知名,技术将变得更加重要。他说:“我从Z世代甚至更年轻的作家身上发现,他们正在寻找技术来给他们提供指导。”“他们认为这是一种学习和成长的工具,而不是额外的工作。”)”可知,新技术对年轻作家很重要,他们在寻求技术的帮助 。故选A。
Influential people have a great impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exercise so much influence from inside, on themselves. Their focused pursuit of excellence is driven by five habits that you can follow and absorb until your influence expands (扩大):
1. They think for themselves.
Influential people aren’t affected by the latest trend or by public opinion. ____16____ They’re more than willing to change their mind according to facts, but they aren’t influenced by what other people think, only by what they know.
2. They welcome disagreement.
Influential people do not react emotionally to different opinions. ____17____ They’re humble (谦逊的) enough to know that they don’t know everything and that someone else might see something they missed. And if that person is right, they accept the idea wholeheartedly because they care more about the result than being right.
3. They are proactive (主动出击的).
Influential people don’t wait for things like new ideas and new technologies to find them; they seek those things out. ____18____ They see what’s coming because they intentionally look for it.
4. They respond rather than react.
If someone criticizes an influential person for making a mistake, or if someone else makes a mistake, influential people don’t react immediately and emotionally. They wait. They think. ____19____ Influential people know how important relationships are, and they won’t let an emotional overreaction harm theirs.
5. They believe.
____20____ They believe in their power to achieve their dreams, and they believe others share that same power. They believe that nothing is out of reach.
A. Instead they welcome them.
B. And then they deliver a proper response.
C. Influential people always expect the best.
D. They’re influential because they see what’s coming.
E. They form their opinions carefully, based on the facts.
F. They never believe that one person can change the world.
G. They fight back against these critics as hard as they could.
【答案】16. E 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C
根据上文的“Influential people aren’t affected by the latest trend or by public opinion.(有影响力的人不受最新趋势或公众舆论的影响)”和下文的“They’re more than willing to change their mind according to facts, but they aren’t influenced by what other people think, only by what they know.(他们更愿意根据事实改变自己的想法,但他们不受别人想法的影响,只受他们所知道的影响)”可知,E项They form their opinions carefully, based on the facts.(他们根据事实仔细地形成自己的观点)承接上文,说明了影响力人士能够不受环境影响自主形成观点,下文对影响力人士形成自己独立观点进行解释。故选E项。
根据上文的“Influential people do not react emotionally to different opinions.(有影响力的人不会对不同的意见做出情绪化的反应)”和下文的“They’re humble enough to know that they don’t know everything and that someone else might see something they missed. And if that person is right, they accept the idea wholeheartedly because they care more about the result than being right.(他们很谦虚,知道自己不是什么都懂,别人可能会看到他们错过的东西。如果那个人是对的,他们会全心全意地接受这个想法,因为他们更关心结果,而不是是否正确)”可知,A项Instead, they welcome them.(相反,他们欢迎它们)承接上文,说明了影响力人士能够接受来自不同人的看法,不受个人情绪的影响,下文解释了为什么影响力人士能够接受来自不同人的看法。故选A项。
根据上文的“Influential people don’t wait for things like new ideas and new technologies to find them; they seek those things out. (有影响力的人不会坐等新想法和新技术的出现;他们会寻找那些东西)”和下文的“They see what’s coming because they intentionally look for it.(他们看到了即将发生的事情,因为他们有意识地去寻找)”可知,D项They’re influential because they see what’s coming.(他们之所以有影响力,是因为他们能预见未来)承接上文,说明了影响力人士主动寻求新事物使得他们拥有影响力,下文的继续说明他们主动寻求新事物使得其能够预测以后发生的事情,从而增强了影响力。故选D项。
根据上文的“If someone criticizes an influential person for making a mistake, or if someone else makes a mistake, influential people don’t react immediately and emotionally. They wait. They think.(如果有人批评一个有影响力的人犯了错误,或者如果别人犯了错误,有影响力的人不会立即做出情绪化的反应。他们等待。他们思考)”和下文的“Influential people know how important relationships are, and they won’t let an emotional overreaction harm theirs.(有影响力的人知道人际关系有多重要,他们不会让情绪过度反应伤害他们的关系)”可知,B项And then they deliver a proper response.(然后他们做出适当的回应)承接上文,说明了影响力人士能够理性思考做出回应,下文解释了他们做出理性反应的原因。故选B项。
根据段落标题“They believe.(他们坚信)”和下文的“They believe in their power to achieve their dreams, and they believe others share that same power. They believe that nothing is out of reach.(他们相信自己有能力实现梦想,他们相信别人也有同样的能力。他们相信没有什么是遥不可及的)”可知,C项Influential people always expect the best.(有影响力的人总是期望最好的)符合语境,说明了有影响力的人有着坚定的信念,期待着美好的东西。故选C项。
第三部分 语言知识运用(满分30分)
阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Dr. Smith of New York works at a center for children who can’t learn well. One day a father brought his son to him for____21____ at his office.
The father told Dr. Smith about his son. “My son has ____22____ in learning and can’t even play baseball. He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try. I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him. But nothing ____23____. ”
After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he ____24____ his father. He asked the father to sit in front of a ____25____ and then gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. There was a ____26____ on the paper. He asked the father to look only in the mirror and ____27____ the lines of the star with the pencil. The father made the same ____28____ anyone makes. Every time he ____29____ the pencil, it went the wrong way. The father’s face became red.
At this ____30____ the doctor shouted at him, “Hurry up! Why are you ____31____ so long You can’t do such an ____32____ thing! You don’t know left from right!” These ____33____ made the father very angry.
“Now you can ____34____, can’t you ” The doctor said to him. “Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded (训斥) him too often, so he didn't try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes. ”
____35____ the father understood everything. He put his face down. Now he felt so sorry.
21. A. testing B. acting C. teaching D. playing
22. A. confidence B. interest C. experience D. difficulty
23. A. returns B. helps C. appears D. remains
24. A. waited for B. searched for C. believed in D. called in
25. A. mirror B. television C. painting D. desk
26. A. face B. line C. number D. star
27. A. remove B. follow C. cross D. cut
28. A. decisions B. choices C. mistakes D. patterns
29. A. touched B. dropped C. moved D. sharpened
30. A. speed B. corner C. end D. point
31. A. staying B. taking C. preparing D. writing
32. A. easy B. important C. obvious D. exciting
33. A. ideas B. words C. questions D. instructions
34. A. relax B. leave C. understand D. promise
35. A. Interestingly B. Absolutely C. Suddenly D. Unfortunately
【答案】21 A 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,一位父亲带着儿子到他的办公室做测试。A. testing测试;B. acting行动;C. teaching教;D. playing玩耍。根据下文“After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he 4 his father.”可知,男孩做了测试。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我儿子学习有困难,甚至不会打棒球。A. confidence自信心;B. interest兴趣;C. experience经验;D. difficulty困难。根据下文“He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try. I have done everything for him.”可知,父亲为儿子做了一切,但是还是学习学不好,所以就认为儿子有学习困难。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是什么都没用。A. returns归还;B. helps帮助;C. appears出现;D. remains仍然。根据前文“One day a father brought his son to him for testing at his office.”可知,父亲带儿子来做测试,说明自己做的一切都是不起帮助作用的。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:史密斯医生检查完男孩后,把他父亲叫来。A. waited for等待;B. searched for寻找;C. believed in信任;D. called in叫来。根据本句“After Dr. Smith tested the boy”可知,史密斯医生检查完男孩后会把父亲叫进来说明情况。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他让父亲坐在镜子前,然后给了他一支铅笔和一张纸。A. mirror镜子;B. television电视;C. painting绘画;D. desk桌子。根据下文“He asked the father to look only in the mirror and 7 the lines of the star with the pencil.”可知,父亲是坐在镜子前的。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:纸上有一颗星星。A. face脸;B. line行;C. number数字;D. star星星。根据下文“He asked the father to look only in the mirror and 7 the lines of the star with the pencil.”可知,父亲是坐在镜子前画星星的。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他让父亲只照镜子,用铅笔沿着星星的线条画。A. remove移除;B. follow跟随,按照;C. cross跨过;D. cut切割。根据本句“He asked the father to look only in the mirror”可知,纸上有个星星,但是父亲只能按照要求照着镜子中的星星画。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那个父亲犯了所有人都会犯的错误。A. decisions决定;B. choices选择;C. mistakes错误;D. patterns模式。根据下文“Every time he 9 the pencil, it went the wrong way.”可知,父亲也会犯错误,每次划线,都走错了方向。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意: 每次他移动铅笔,它都走错了方向。A. touched触摸;B. dropped掉落;C. moved移动;D. sharpened使变锋利。根据本句“it went the wrong way”可知,铅笔走错了方向,应父亲移动铅笔。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这时,医生对他喊道:“快点! 怎么花了这么长时间?这么简单的事你做不出来!你根本不知道左右!”。A. speed速度;B. corner角落;C. end末端;D. point要点。根据前文“Every time he    9   the pencil, it went the wrong way.”以及后文“the doctor shouted at him”可知,父亲犯了错,这时医生对他喊。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这时,医生对他喊道:“快点!你怎么花了这么长时间?这么简单的事你做不出来!你根本不知道左右!”。A. staying停留;B. taking花费;C. preparing准备;D. writing写。根据前文“Every time he    9   the pencil, it went the wrong way.”可知,父亲一直犯错,会花很长时间。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这时,医生对他喊道:“快点!你怎么花了这么长时间?这么简单的事你做不出来!你根本不知道左右!”。A. easy容易的;B. important重要的;C. obvious明显的;D. exciting令人兴奋的。根据后文“You don’t know left from right!”可知,分不清左右是很简单的事。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些话让父亲非常生气。A. ideas想法;B. words言语;C. questions问题;D. instructions指示。根据前文“ “Hurry up! Why are you   11   so long You can’t do such an   12  thing! You don’t know left from right!””可知,这是医生对父亲说的话。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“现在你明白了,吗 ”医生对他说。A. relax放松;B. leave离开;C. understand理解;D. promise承诺。根据下文“the father understood everything”可知,医生在问父亲是否明白其中道理。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,父亲明白了一切。A. Interestingly有意思的是;B. Absolutely绝对地;C. Suddenly突然;D. Unfortunately不幸的是。根据前文““Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded (训斥) him too often, so he didn't try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes. ””可知,父亲在听完医生的话后,一瞬间就明白了。故选C。
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共 55 分)
“We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*,”an international team of astrophysicists(天文物理学家)and researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope team announced ___36___(proud)on Thursday.
For years, the supermassive black hole in the dark center of the Milky Way galaxy ___37___(study)——and eventually, it’s been captured(捕捉)in an image. The black hole is often referred to ___38___ Sgr A*. Its mass is about 4 million times ___39___ of the sun, and it’s about 27,000 light years from Earth.
What made capturing the image extra ___40___(challenge)was the dynamic enyironment of Sgr A*, and the challenges of looking not only through the earth’s atmosphere ___41___ also through the gas clouds in the disk of the Milky Way galaxy towards the center. It took several years to refine the images.
“Although we cannot see the black hole ___42___(it), because it is completely dark, glowing(发光的)gas around it reveals a telltale signature, a dark central region___43___(surround)by a bright ring-like structure,” the Event Horizon Telescope team said in its announcement.
The ___44___(discover)comes three years after the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration released the first-ever image of a black hole—but that work focused on ___45___ center of galaxy Messier 87, tens of millions of light-years away from Earth in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.
【答案】36. proudly
37. has been studied 38. as
39. that 40. challenging
41. but 42. itself
43. surrounded
44. discovery
45. the
【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了一个国际团队在数年的研究和努力后,成功捕捉到了银河系中心的超大质量黑洞Sgr A*的图像,这标志着天文学研究中的又一重大突破。
考查副词。句意:一个由天体物理学家和Event Horizon Telescope团队的研究人员组成的国际团队周四自豪地宣布,“我们终于第一次看到了银河系的黑洞——人马座A*”,副词作状语,需要的词义为“自豪地”,故填proudly。
考查时态和语态。句意:多年来,人们一直在研究银河系黑暗中心的超大质量黑洞——最终,它被捕捉到了一张图像。根据“for years”以及study与black hole (单数意义)之间的被动关系可知,study使用现在完成时的被动语态,故填has been studied。
考查介词。句意:这个黑洞通常被称为Sgr A*。固定短语refer to...as...:把……称为……,故填as。
考查代词。句意:它的质量大约是太阳的400万倍,距离地球约2.7万光年。此处为倍数表达法的结构,即“倍数+the+名词(size/height/length/width,etc)+of”,空格处为the mass,为避免mass重复出现,则使用代词that,它相当于“the+名词”,故填 that。
考查固定结构。句意:拍摄这张照片更具挑战性的是人马座A*的动态环境,而且不仅要穿过地球的大气层,还要穿过银河系圆盘上朝向中心的气体云。not only...but also...:不但……而且……,故填but。
考查反身代词。句意:Event Horizon Telescope团队在声明中说:“虽然我们看不到黑洞本身,因为它是完全黑暗的,但它周围发光的气体揭示了一个明显的特征:一个黑暗的中心区域被一个明亮的环状结构包围着”。此处使用反身代词作black hole的同位语,为单数意义,故填itself。
考查过去分词。句意:Event Horizon Telescope团队在声明中说:“虽然我们看不到黑洞本身,因为它是完全黑暗的,但它周围发光的气体揭示了一个明显的特征:一个黑暗的中心区域被一个明亮的环状结构包围着”。region承受surround的动作,因此使用surround的过去分词作定语,故填 surrounded。
考查名词。句意:这一发现是在Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration发布第一张黑洞图像三年后发现,但那张图像主要集中在梅西耶87星系的中心,距离地球数千万光年的室女座星系团。使用名词作主语,需要的词义为“发现”,即discovery,它为单数意义,故填discovery。
考查冠词。句意:这一发现是在Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration发布第一张黑洞图像三年后发现的,但那张图像主要集中在梅西耶87星系的中心,距离地球数千万光年的室女座星系团。center 后面有“of galaxy Messier 87”修饰,因此center 为特指意义,前面使用定冠词the,故填the。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 目前,越来越多的中学生使用电子词典笔来学英语。最近,你班同学就“Should students use electronic dictionary pens ”这一话题进行了讨论,大家对此看法不一。请你根据表格提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍此次的讨论情况并表明自己的观点。
赞成(40%)的理由 1. 电子词典笔便于携带,查单词容易; 2. 功能多:可以纠正发音,练习听力等。
反对(60%)的理由 1. 电子词典笔有其它功能,导致学习分心; 2. 容易产生依赖性,不再下功夫记单词。
你的观点 ……
注意:1. 词数120左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
【答案】 Recently, my classmates had a discussion on whether students should use electronic dictionary pens for learning English. The opinions were divided, with 40% in favor and 60% against.
Supporters of electronic dictionary pens argue that they are portable and make word lookup easy. They also highlight the additional functionalities, such as pronunciation correction and listening practice, which can enhance learning.
Opponents, however, believe that these pens have other features that can distract students from studying. They express concerns about the potential dependency on these devices, leading to a lack of effort in memorizing words.
In my view, while electronic dictionary pens can be helpful, it is important for students to find a balance. A moderate approach to using electronic dictionary pens alongside traditional learning methods can be beneficial for students’ English learning journey.
应该:should→be supposed to
导致:lead to→result in
原句:Opponents, however, believe that these pens have other features that can distract students from studying.
拓展句:Opponents, however, hold the belief that these pens have other features that can distract students from studying.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Recently, my classmates had a discussion on whether students should use electronic dictionary pens for learning English. (运用了whether引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】In my view, while electronic dictionary pens can be helpful, it is important for students to find a balance. (运用了while引导的让步状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When the water came in under the door of their home in Naples, Florida, it was just a glimmer (隐约的迹象) on the floor, a sign that it was time to go. It was around noon on Wednesday, September 28 last year when Darcy Bishop woke her two brothers who had been resting after lunch. She pulled the wheelchair up to the oldest, Russell Rochow, 66, and helped him into it. Her other brother, Todd Rochow,63, was in his room. He could manage with a walker.
Both men had been born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), and their mental development was like that of a young child. About 10 years ago, they started showing signs of Parkinson’s disease. Bishop,61, was their lifeline, their little sister who had long felt an obligation to keep them safe.
“We have to go!” she shouted to Todd. She went to open the front door. It would not move. The weight of the water on the other side had made it shut. She rushed to try the door to the garage. It was stuck too. That’s when the house the three siblings (兄弟姐妹) shared began to flood. As Hurricane Ian bore down on Florida, many residents who’d decided to stay found themselves unable to leave even if they tried. Within days, around 100 deaths in the state were caused by the hurricane. On Tuesday, Bishop had planned to leave with her brothers for her daughter’s home 25 kilometres inland. But by then, there were so many warnings to stay put.
Now Bishop and her brothers were trapped. She texted her daughter at 12:34 p.m. “Water’s coming in.” Around her, she could hear the china breaking and the refrigerator falling over. The only way to go was up. Bishop guided Todd to the stairs, and he held the banister (扶手). She helped him pull himself slowly up to the top where he waited in a chair.
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
But stairs were impossible for Russell, who could neither walk nor bend his legs.
After a while, Bishop heard the rescuers were downstairs.
【答案】 But stairs were impossible for Russell, who could neither walk nor bend his legs. In a moment of desperation, Darcy knew she had to find another way to get Russell to safety. With sheer determination, she searched for a solution, refusing to give up on her beloved brother despite the challenges they faced.
After a while, Bishop heard the rescuers were downstairs. Relief flooded through her as she realized that help had finally arrived. With gratitude in her heart, she guided the rescuers to where Russell was, knowing that their heroic efforts would ensure the safety of her precious family. Together, they braved the rising waters and emerged from the ordeal with a newfound appreciation for the strength of the human spirit.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了两位患有脑瘫的兄弟Russell Rochow和Todd Rochow以及妹妹Darcy Bishop在飓风袭击佛罗里达时受困于家中,面对洪水的袭击,他们的小妹妹Darcy Bishop带领着两个哥哥通过爬楼梯等方式,艰难地保持生命,并最终在救援人员的帮助下获救的故事。
①寻找:search for/look for/hunt for
②出现: emerge/appear
【点睛】[高分句型1]But stairs were impossible for Russell, who could neither walk nor bend his legs.(使用who引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2] With sheer determination, she searched for a solution, refusing to give up on her beloved brother despite the challenges they faced.(使用了现在分词作状语)