

名称 安徽省部分学校2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
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文件大小 68.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-17 23:01:10


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Noteworthy Theme Parks
Peppa Pig Theme Park, the US
The world’s first Peppa Pig Theme Park opened in February 2022 in Florida.
Devoted to the classic British animated TV show, the park welcomes guests with well-designed activities. The Daddy Pig ride takes families on a windy road in the show’s red car. They can also enjoy a dinosaur ride, and play games at the Fairground.
Tickets from $34.
Columbia Pictures Aquaverse, Thailand
Thailand’s Columbia Pictures Aquaverse opened in October 2022.
The movie-themed water park features rides and experiences inspired by popular films like Zombieland. In addition to the rides, the park hosts performances at its Mega Wave Pool, where guests can hang out in the pool while enjoying movie screenings and pop concerts.
Tickets from $41.
Katmandu Park, Dominican Republic
Opened in March 2023, the park is full of mystery (奥秘).
The 4D dark ride is brought to life by lighting and projection effects. Another key attraction is EtherQuest, an interactive walk-through experience. Aside from the rides, guests can also check out a sky-high ropes course, and climbing walls for younger adventurers.
Tickets from $120 for adults: $85 for children for a one-use pass.
Legoland Korea Resort, South Korea
Opened in May 2022, the park is designed for 2- to 12-year-olds.
This playful wonderland is devoted to all things of Lego, with more than 40 rides and attractions across seven thematic zones. Guests can get on family-friendly rides, visit Legoland Lookout for great park views, and get hands-on experience with creative workshops.
Tickets from $38 for adults; $30 for children.
21. Which of the four theme parks started the earliest
A. Katmandu Park. B. Peppa Pig Theme Park.
C. Legoland Korea Resort. D. Columbia Pictures Aquaverse.
22. What can visitors do at Columbia Pictures Aquaverse
A. Go to the Fairground. B. Try the 4D dark ride.
C. Attend a pop concert. D. Experience a workshop.
23 How much should a couple with a child pay at least to visit Legoland Korea Resort
A. $106. B. $123. C. $205. D. $240.
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A
细节理解题。根据Peppa Pig Theme Park, the US部分的“The world’s first Peppa Pig Theme Park opened in February 2022 in Florida. ( 世界上第一个小猪佩奇主题公园于2022年2月在佛罗里达州开放。)”、Columbia Pictures Aquaverse, Thailand部分的“Thailand’s Columbia Pictures Aquaverse opened in October 2022. (泰国哥伦比亚影业水世界于2022年10月开业。)”、Katmandu Park, Dominican Republic部分的“Opened in March 2023 (开放于2023年3月)”和Legoland Korea Resort, South Korea部分的“Opened in May 2022 (开放于2022年5月)”可知,开放最早的是小猪佩奇主题公园。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据Columbia Pictures Aquaverse, Thailand部分的“guests can hang out in the pool while enjoying movie screenings and pop concerts (客人可以在游泳池里闲逛,同时欣赏电影放映和流行音乐会)”可知,在泰国哥伦比亚影业水世界里,游客可以参加一场流行音乐会。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据Legoland Korea Resort, South Korea部分的“Tickets from $38 for adults; $30 for children. (成人票38美元起,儿童票30美元。)”可知,一对夫妇带一个孩子前往韩国乐高乐园游玩,购买门票至少需支付106(=38+38+30)美元,故选A项。
On early Sunday morning, a walrus, named Freya, was put to death by the Norwegian government after the public failed to follow recommendations to keep a safe distance away from the huge sea animal.
“We have sympathies for the fact that the decision can cause reactions with the public, but this decision was based on careful assessments,” said Nadia Jdaini, a spokesperson for the Norwegian government. “Human life and safety must be our priority.”
The young female walrus had been spending time at the Oslo seaport this summer and had attracted global attention. The walrus was seemingly unafraid of humans, unlike most walruses. Several popular videos showed that it had even climbed onto small boats to sunbathe.
In the past week, the authorities warned the public to stay away from Freya, saying that they had observed visitors swimming with it, throwing objects at it, and getting dangerously close to it to take photos.
Previously, the government said that it was considering multiple solutions, including transporting Freya out of the seaport. But the complexity of such an operation made it conclude that this was not a practical option.
Usually, walruses just stay on the outer edges of Norway’s coast. The last time a walrus was documented so close to the seaport was 2013. “Normally, walruses will show up on some islands, but they will leave quite soon, because they’re afraid of people,” added Nadia Jdaini. “But Freya was not afraid of people. Actually, it liked people.”
In a Facebook post after Freya’s death was announced, Rune Aae, who teaches biology at the University of South-Eastern Norway, condemned the government’s decision. “All previous experience has shown that Freya would have sooner or later gotten out of the seaport,” he wrote. “What a shame to make the decision in such a hurry.”
24. Which of the following directly led to the death of Freya
A. Freya often tried to attack the boaters.
B. The public ignored the official warning.
C. Freya enjoyed sunbathing on small boats.
D. The walrus kept begging food from visitors.
25. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about
A. Walruses’ living habits. B. The public’s angry reactions.
C. The walrus’ dangerous behavior. D. Failed efforts to save the walrus.
26. What can we know about walruses
A. They are small in size. B. They live near seaports.
C. They are shy animals. D. They are friendly to humans.
27. What did Rune Aae think of the government’s action
A. It was unnecessary. B. It was practical.
C. It was understandable. D. It was very humane.
【答案】24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中“On early Sunday morning, a walrus, named Freya, was put to death by the Norwegian government after the public failed to follow recommendations to keep a safe distance away from the huge sea animal. (周日清晨,挪威政府将一头名叫Freya的海象处死,原因是公众没有按照建议与这种巨大的海洋动物保持安全距离。)”可知,公众无视官方的警告导致了Freya的死亡。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第五段“Previously, the government said that it was considering multiple solutions, including transporting Freya out of the seaport. But the complexity of such an operation made it conclude that this was not a practical option. (此前,政府表示正在考虑多种解决方案,包括将Freya运出海港。但这种操作的复杂性使它得出结论——这不是一个切实可行的选择。)”可知,本段主要讲的是拯救海象的努力失败。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Normally, walruses will show up on some islands, but they will leave quite soon, because they’re afraid of people. (通常情况下,海象会出现在一些岛屿上,但它们很快就会离开,因为它们害怕人类。)”可知,海象是胆小怕人的动物。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中Rune Aae所发表的“All previous experience has shown that Freya would have sooner or later gotten out of the seaport.(以前所有的经验都表明,Freya迟早会离开海港。)”以及“What a shame to make the decision in such a hurry.( 这么匆忙地做决定,真可惜。)”可知,Rune Aae认为政府的行动没有必要。故选A项。
In 1954, computer scientists from Georgetown University and IBM invented a machine that could translate sentences from Russian into English. The machine translator became known as Georgetown-IBM experiment and it was the first electronic translator in the world.
The scientists believed that a universal translator was just around the corner. Leon Dostert, who led the experiment, even suggested that people might be able to use electronic translators to bridge several languages within five years, or even less. However, the process proved far slower and more than 60 years later, a true universal translator is still the stuff of science fiction.
Then how far are we from inventing a real one Experts’ opinions vary. “We’re very close to turning science fiction into a reality,” says Vikram Dendi, the technical adviser to Microsoft. “Microsoft has produced apps that can translate voice to voice and voice to text in addition to the familiar text to text in different languages.”
Microsoft of course, is far from alone. Google, in addition to its familiar text translations, has just introduced a feature in its Translate app that uses the phone camera to scan an image of foreign text and display the translation.
“All these apps are based on the so-called neural networks which can learn similarly to the way humans learn,” adds Vikram Dendi.
However, early on, scientists had to teach computers to translate by typing in every rule for every language pair they wanted them to translate. In the face of the large number of rules and exceptions in every language pair, the approach quickly became impractical. In the 1980s, scientists began moving toward a statistical-based model. Neural networks, which became a popular tool for machine translation researchers in the 21st century, greatly improved the quality of translations.
“But neural networks still face some limits,” says Yoshua Bengio, a computer science professor at the University of Montreal. “One of them is the amount of data required. Children need far less to learn the basics of a language than these machines do. But the more you use these machine translators, the better they become.”
28. What can we learn about the first electronic translator
A. It is able to translate between several languages.
B. It is one of the best universal translators in the world.
C. It has become the first computer ever invented in the world.
D. It can only translate simple sentences from Russian into English.
29. What does the author want to say in paragraph 2
A. Leon Dostert’s prediction is wrong.
B. Scientists are usually too conservative.
C. It is very easy to train a universal translator.
D. It is unrealistic to invent an electronic translator.
30. According to the text, Microsoft’s apps are still unable to translate from ________.
A. text to text B. picture to text C. voice to text D. voice to voice
31. What might be a limit of the neural-network-based machine translators
A. Their statistical-based models are not accurate.
B. Their ability to learn on their own is very limited.
C. They need too much data to learn the basics of a language.
D. They still have to rely on step-by-step rules set by programmers.
【答案】28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C
细节理解题。根据第一段中“In 1954, computer scientists from Georgetown University and IBM invented a machine that could translate sentences from Russian into English. (1954年,乔治城大学和IBM的计算机科学家发明了一台可以将俄语句子翻译成英语的机器。)”可知,第一台电子翻译器只能把简单的句子从俄语翻译成英语。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据第二段中“Leon Dostert, who led the experiment, even suggested that people might be able to use electronic translators to bridge several languages within five years, or even less. However, the process proved far slower and more than 60 years later, a true universal translator is still the stuff of science fiction. (领导这项实验的Leon Dostert甚至认为,人们可能会在5年或更短的时间内使用电子翻译器来连接几种语言。然而,这个过程被证明要慢得多,60多年后,一个真正的通用翻译器仍然是科幻小说的素材。)”可知,本段说明Leon Dostert的预测是错误的。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Microsoft has produced apps that can translate voice to voice and voice to text in addition to the familiar text to text in different languages.(除了熟悉的文本到不同语言的文本之外,微软还开发了可以翻译语音到语音、语音到文本的应用程序。)”可知,微软的应用程序仍然无法从图片到文本的翻译。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“One of them is the amount of data required. Children need far less to learn the basics of a language than these machines do. (其中之一是所需的数据量。与这些机器相比,孩子们学习一门语言的基础知识需要的东西要少得多。)”可知,基于神经网络的机器翻译器需要太多的资料来学习一门语言的基础知识。故选C项。
In the days before the Internet, critical thinking is the most important skill that we could have. To think critically, we need to read carefully, consider the credibility (可信度) of sources, and reason out conclusions on our own. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, a more important skill is “critical ignoring”.
“With so much information, we need to first sort the wheat from the chaff, deciding what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not. Now, we live in an ‘attention economy’ in which we are no longer consumers. Rather, we’re the products whose attention is being sold on the advertising marketplace. That means each link we click on is a sale of our time and attention, often with little or no benefit to ourselves. To protect ourselves, we need to develop new ways of interacting with information,” she said.
Kozyreva advocates learning the skill of critical ignoring, in which readers intentionally control their information environment to reduce their exposure to false and trash information.
By developing our critical ignoring skills, she thinks we can enjoy the benefits of the Internet while avoiding falling victim to those who try to control our attention, our time, and our minds. Here are three of the strategies recommended by her to avoid the traps of attention economy.
The first strategy is self-control. Of course, we need to stay informed of world events and be in touch with others, so we can’t just ignore the Internet altogether. When we do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits. Limiting ourselves in this way prevents us from losing track of time as we click on one attractive link after another.
The next strategy is in-depth reading. For example, headlines are often designed to attract attention, not provide information. The contents of the articles may be completely contrary to what the headlines show.
32. What does the underlined phrase “sort the wheat from the chaff” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Decide which produce is more useful. B. Balance potential harms with benefits.
C. Select the valuable from the valueless. D. Think about how to divide the profits.
33. What does critical ignoring help us do
A. Read every attractive link carefully. B. Reason out conclusions on our own.
C. Avoid using the Internet altogether. D. Stay away from low-quality information.
34. What might the author continue talking about
A. Another recommended strategy. B. The importance of self-control.
C. The traps of attention economy. D. The value of our time and attention.
35. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To compare two important concepts. B. To introduce a useful idea to readers.
C. To show the limits of critical thinking. D. To prove critical ignoring is less important.
【答案】32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
词句猜测题。划线词语后文“deciding what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not (决定什么值得我们关注和花费时间,什么不值得)”说明我们要找出那些有价值的,而忽视那些没有价值的,从而推知划线词句“With so much information, we need to first sort the wheat from the chaff, (有了这么多的信息,我们需要首先从sort the wheat from the chaff)”其中划线习语意思是“从没有价值的东西中选择有价值的”。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Kozyreva advocates learning the skill of critical ignoring, in which readers intentionally control their information environment to reduce their exposure to false and trash information. (Kozyreva提倡学习批判性忽视的技能,读者有意识地控制他们的信息环境,以减少他们接触到虚假和垃圾信息。)”可知,批判性忽视能帮我们远离低质量信息。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Here are three of the strategies recommended by her to avoid the traps of attention economy. (下面是她推荐的三个避免注意力经济陷阱的策略。)”可知,她推荐了三个策略;再根据倒数第二段中“The first strategy(第一个策略)”和最后一段中“The next strategy(下一个策略)”可知,作者可能会继续谈论另一个推荐策略。故选A项。
推理判断题。通读全文,根据第一段中“But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, a more important skill is ‘critical ignoring’. (但马克斯普朗克人类发展研究所的心理学家Anastasia Kozyreva表示,在数字时代,一项更重要的技能是‘批判性忽视’。)”可知,这篇文章介绍了一项重要的技能“批判性忽视”,在互联网时代帮助我们有意识地控制自己的信息环境,以减少接触到虚假和垃圾信息,其目的是向读者介绍一个有用的想法。故选B项。
Vegetables are filled with nutrients. However, kids usually hate eating them. Here are five of the most common reasons why most kids don’t really enjoy them.
Kids lack in exposure. The best way to get kids to eat their vegetables is to ensure that they are exposed to them early on. ____36____. Therefore, if you want your kids to love vegetables, start, exposing them early.
The vegetables taste bitter. Kids are super into the sweet and salt y flavors, but sometimes vegetables have a bitter taste. The good news is that the more you eat vegetables, the less unpleasant they’ll taste. If your kids just won’t eat them, you can mix them with other food or cook them differently. ____37____.
Kids are allergic(过敏的). Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. ____38____. Some kids are allergic to certain vegetables, making it hard to eat them. So it’s best to find out if your kids are allergic to any vegetables before you try to get them to eat.
Kids are forced to consume. If you have no idea why they don’t eat them, try giving them a snack with some vegetables. ____39____. Instead, praise your kids for eating them. Then they’re more likely to try and eat.
____40____. Sometimes kids go with the flow and do what others do. They tend to copy the behavior of their parents. So if you’re not eating your vegetables, your kids won’t, either. The bottom line is that if your kids are picky eaters, it’s probably because of you.
A. Just keep trying
B. Family hate vegetables
C. However, this doesn’t mean they’re for everyone
D. Don’t try too hard to get your kids to eat vegetables
E. Some vegetables are not fresh and don’t look appealing
F. Most kids don’t start eating vegetables until about age 2 or 3
G. What they hear about vegetables affects their thoughts about them
【答案】36 F 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. B
下文“Therefore, if you want your kids to love vegetables, start, exposing them early. (因此,如果你想让你的孩子喜欢蔬菜,那就早点让他们接触。)”建议让孩子早点儿接触蔬菜,选项F“大多数孩子直到2岁或3岁才开始吃蔬菜”和下文是因果关系,说明孩子开始接触蔬菜的年龄。故选F项。
上文“If your kids just won’t eat them, you can mix them with other food or cook them differently. (如果你的孩子不吃,你可以把它们和其他食物混合在一起,或者用不同的方法烹饪。)”建议如果孩子不吃,就要想办法,选项A“要不断去尝试(其他方法)”承接上文,建议继续去尝试新的办法。故选A项。
上文“Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. (蔬菜含有维生素和矿物质。)”说明蔬菜好处多,选项C“然而,这并不意味着它们适合所有人”承接上文,转折语义,蔬菜虽然好,但也不是适合所有人,引出下文“Some kids are allergic to certain vegetables, making it hard to eat them. (有些孩子对某些蔬菜过敏,吃起来很困难。)”说明有些孩子就不能吃某些蔬菜。故选C项。
下文“Instead, praise your kids for eating them. Then they’re more likely to try and eat. (相反,赞美你的孩子吃了它们。然后他们更有可能尝试吃东西。)”建议用赞扬的方法鼓励孩子尝试吃东西,选项D“不要强迫让你的孩子吃蔬菜”引领下文,建议态度不要太强硬,不能强迫。强迫和赞扬意义相对。故选D项。
下文“Sometimes kids go with the flow and do what others do. They tend to copy the behavior of their parents. So if you’re not eating your vegetables, your kids won’t, either. The bottom line is that if your kids are picky eaters, it’s probably because of you. (有时孩子们随大流,做别人做的事。他们倾向于模仿父母的行为。所以如果你不吃蔬菜,你的孩子也不会吃。最重要的是,如果你的孩子挑食,那可能是因为你。)”说明孩子不吃蔬菜的原因可能是模仿父母的行为,选项B“家人不喜欢蔬菜”概括本段主题,说明家人讨厌蔬菜是孩子不吃蔬菜的原因之一。故选B项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
“The interaction with a man on the street more than a decade ago has stuck with me,” Laura Eshelman said ____41____. “If he were here right now, I would love to tell him that the day we met on the street was one of the ____42____ moments in my life.”
At that time, Laura was in the middle of a mental health crisis. ____43____, she was having trouble finding work.
On that day Laura was leaving a downtown ____44____ where she had yet another job application ____45____. She was feeling very ____46____ and decided to go to the Whole Foods across the street. As she ____47____ the street, Laura noticed a man ____48____ money on the corner. His ____49____ hair and clothing made it seem like he’d been living outside for a while. She watched as he asked a _____50_____ for change, but was ignored.
“As I _____51_____, he turned his attention to me, and asked if he could have a little bit of money. I don’t remember what my _____52_____ was to him. I’m glad that I don’t remember, because whatever I said was not very _____53_____.”
Laura continued into the grocery store. But as she was wandering among the _____54_____, she realized how rude she had been and _____55_____ outside to find the man. But he was not there.
41. A. cheerfully B. regretfully C. coldly D. casually
42. A. longest B. happiest C. funniest D. darkest
43. A. Day and night B. Even better C. Worst of all D. On average
44. A. business B. stop C. home D. exhibit
45. A. printed B. prepared C. damaged D. rejected
46. A. relieved B. amused C. depressed D. frightened
47. A. swept B. crossed C. watered D. blocked
48. A. asking for B. handing out C. covering up D. picking up
49. A. black B. dirty C. shiny D. short
50. A. friend B. colleague C. passerby D. performer
51. A. approached B. disappeared C. cried D. waved
52. A. introduction B. opinion C. instruction D. response
53. A. wrong B. kind C. precise D. true
54. A. shelves B. trees C. cars D. streets
55. A. looked B. drove C. rushed D. climbed
【答案】41. B 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. C 51. A 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C
考查副词词义辨析。句意:“十多年前在街上与一个男人的互动让我印象深刻。”劳拉·埃谢尔曼遗憾地说: “如果他现在在这里,我很想告诉他,我们在街上相遇的那天是我一生中最黑暗的时刻之一。”A. cheerfully愉快地;B. regretfully遗憾地;C. coldly冷淡地;D. casually随意地。根据空前“The interaction with a man on the street more than a decade ago has stuck with me”及下文可知,Laura感到很后悔(regretfully)。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. longest最长的;B. happiest最快乐的;C. funniest最有趣的;D. darkest最黑暗的。 根据下文“At that time, Laura was in the middle of a mental health crisis. ____3____, she was having trouble finding work.”可知,那是Laura一生中最黯然的时刻:精神状态不好。最糟糕的是,她一直找不到工作。故选D。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:当时,劳拉正处于心理健康危机之中。 最糟糕的事,她很难找到工作。A. Day and night日日夜夜;B. Even better甚至更好;C. Worst of all最糟糕的是;D. On average平均而言。根据前文“Laura was in the middle of a mental health crisis”和下文“she was having trouble finding work.”可知,劳拉找不到工作是最糟糕的。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天,劳拉正要离开市中心的一家公司,她的工作申请又被拒绝了。A. business公司;B. stop车站;C. home家;D. exhibit展览。根据空后“where she had yet another job application”可知,她刚被一家公司拒绝。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. printed打印;B. prepared准备;C. damaged破坏;D. rejected拒绝。根据上文“she was having trouble finding work”可知,当时劳拉没有找到工作,被拒绝了。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她感到非常沮丧,决定去街对面的全食超市。A. relieved缓解的;B. amused娱乐;消遣的;C. depressed沮丧的;D. frightened害怕的。根据前文“where she had yet another job application ____5____”可知,他的工作被拒,所以,她当时非常沮丧(depressed)。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她过马路时,劳拉注意到一个男人在街角要钱。A. swept打扫;B. crossed穿过;C. watered浇水;D. blocked阻塞。根据空前“She…decided to go to the Whole Foods across the street.”可知,她要横穿(crossed)马路到对面的商店买东西。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. asking for要求;B. handing out分发;C. covering up遮盖;D. picking up拾起;捡起。根据下文“She watched as he asked a ____10____ for change, but was ignored.”可知,她看到有人在街道的拐角处向行人讨(asking for)钱。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他肮脏的头发和衣服让人觉得他在外面住了一段时间。A. black黑色的;B. dirty肮脏的;C. shiny有光泽的;D. short短的。根据空后“…he’d been living outside for a while.”可知,这人的头发及衣服都是脏兮兮的(dirty)。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她看到他向一个过路人要零钱,但没人理睬。A. friend朋友;B. colleague同事;C. passerby路人;D. performer表演者。根据下文“for change”和常识可知,乞讨的人向行人(passerby)讨钱。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走近时,他把注意力转向我,问我能不能借他一点钱。我不记得我是怎么回答他的。我很高兴我不记得了,因为我说的话不太客气。”A. approached接近;B. disappeared消失;C. cried哭;D. waved挥手。根据常识和下文“he turned his attention to me, and asked if he could have a little bit of money”可知,当Laura靠近(approached)他时,他也向Laura讨钱。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. introduction介绍;B. opinion观点;C. instruction指示;D. response回应。根据下文“I’m glad that I don’t remember, because whatever I said was not very ____13____.”可知,Laura不记得自己当时的具体回应(response)。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我走近时,他把注意力转向我,问我能不能借他一点钱。我不记得我是怎么回答他的。我很高兴我不记得了,因为我说的话不太客气。” A. wrong错误的;B. kind善良的;C. precise精确的;D. true真实的。根据前文“I’m glad that I don’t remember, because”可知,劳拉很高兴自己不记得了,因为她说的话十分不友善(kind)。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:劳拉继续走进杂货店。但当她在货架间徘徊时,她意识到自己是多么粗鲁,于是冲出去找那个男人。但是他不在那里。A. shelves架子;B. trees树;C. cars汽车;D. streets街道。根据空前“Laura continued into the grocery store.”可知,她是在商店的货架(shelves)间闲逛。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. looked看;B. drove开车;C. rushed冲;D. climbed爬。根据前文“she realized how rude she had been”和下文“to find the man”可知,当她意识到自己的粗鲁行为时,她冲出(rushed)商店,想去道歉。但那个人已经走了。故选C。
With just five weeks before King Charles Ⅲ’s coronation (加冕典礼), workers at Duchess China (瓷器) Factory in the central England city of Stoke-on-Trent ____56____ (be) busy producing “God Save The King” china teacups and plates ____57____ (meet) the expected demand for the historic event.
“Duchess China Factory, ____58____ started producing china tableware in 1888, has struggled in recent years. But this year we’ve received many orders from many countries, including New Zealand, Canada, Australia ____59____ America,” said Jason Simms, the company’s managing director. “We hope that the coronation will help us to sell our royal souvenirs across the globe.”
The teacups and plates for King Charles Ⅲ’s coronation feature the Union Jack (国旗) ____60____ (color) of red, white and blue and they are decorated ____61____ the words “God Save the King”. The chief ____62____ (design) said he was inspired by the tableware ____63____ (produce) in the 1930s for the coronation of King George Ⅵ, ____64____ (Charles) grandfather.
When Charles is crowned at London’s Westminster Abbey on May 6, the ceremony will be the UK’s first coronation since his mother, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, _____65_____ (become) queen almost 70 years ago.
【答案】56. are
57. to meet
58. which 59. and
60. colors 61. with
62. designer
63. produced
64. Charles’/Charles’s
65. became
考查非谓语动词。句意同上。分析该句成分可知,此处用所给动词的不定式作目的状语。故填to meet。
考查定语从句。句意:公爵瓷器厂(Duchess China Factory)于1888年开始生产瓷器餐具,近年来一直举步维艰。分析句子结构可知,该句是一个非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,且先行词为Duchess China Factory,故用关系代词which。故填which。
考查介词。句意同上。be decorated with意为“用……装饰”,为固定搭配。根据句意,故填with。
考查动词的时态。句意:查尔斯将于5月6日在伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂加冕,这将是他的母亲伊丽莎白女王Ⅱ近70年前成为女王以来英国的首次加冕仪式。根据空后的时间状语almost 70 years ago可知,该句叙述的是过去发生的事,故用所给动词的过去式。故填became。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华。你的新西兰好友 Alex来信说他即将转入一所寄宿学校,因为是第一次与陌生人住在一起,他很担心与室友的相处问题。请你给他回信,内容包括:
1. 表示理解;
2. 提出建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alex,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Alex,
I’m more than glad to hear from you. Surely, living with strangers can be challenging. I’d like to give you some advice on getting along with your roommates.
First of all, you should communicate with your roommates honestly and openly, which contributes to building good relationships. Besides, be sure to respect your roommates’ personal privacy. Lastly, it’s necessary for you and your roommates to take turns to keep the common areas of the dormitory tidy.
I hope you’ll live in harmony with your roommates and enjoy your new school life.
Li Hua
确保:be sure →make sure
此外:besides→in addition
原句:Surely, living with strangers can be challenging.
拓展句:Surely, it is challenging for anyone to live with strangers.
【点睛】[高分句型1] First of all, you should communicate with your roommates honestly and openly, which contributes to building good relationships. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Surely, living with strangers can be challenging. (运用了动名词作主语)
第二节(满分25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Philip, Samantha and Sabrina had a happy family five years ago. The daughter, Sabrina, was a good student and was very good at painting. But everything changed when the mother, Samantha, was diagnosed with cancer. Philip borrowed money, sold his farmhouse, and did everything to save his wife’s life and he was working hard every day for huge medical costs.
One day, Philip got a call from his 14-year-old daughter’s teacher. “Mrs Anderson ” Philip was worried as he answered the call. “Why is she calling me I hope Sabrina is okay,” he thought.
“Good day, Mrs Anderson! How may I help you ”
Mrs Anderson told Philip that his daughter had not been attending school for the past two days. Philip was shocked because his daughter told him she was going to school that morning. But she had lied to him. After hanging up, Philip immediately called Sabrina to find out.
“Hey, sweetie, where are you ” he asked Sabrina.
“I’m at school,” she told him.
Philip knew Sabrina would probably lie to him again if he asked her where she was and told her he knew she was not in school.
When he got home after work, he saw Sabrina’s school bag on the table and realized Sabrina had already returned home. “Sweetie, I’m home,” he shouted but there was no answer.
Sabrina was not at home. When Philip took her school bag to her room, he found the bag opened a little bit and Philip saw some money in it. Philip feared his daughter could fall into some bad habits. He knew it was silly to doubt his child, but he was troubled by the fear any father would have in raising a teen daughter. Philip just wanted to be sure Sabrina was not doing something wrong and he opened the bag. Besides the money, there were also some paintings.
“Where did she get so much money from ” he said to himself. Philip put the money back into Sabrina’s school bag and kept it as it was. He was more worried about what his teen daughter could be doing.
When Sabrina came home, Philip decided to ask her about the truth.
After knowing everything, the teacher advised Sabrina to sell her paintings online.
【答案】When Sabrina came home, Philip decided to ask her about the truth. He told Sabrina what her teacher said and asked her why. She explained everything to her father. She knew her father needed money for her mother’s illness and he worked too hard every day, so she wanted to do something for the family. She painted some paintings herself and sold them in the street. Luckily, they were welcomed and she earned some money. Philip was moved by what Sabrina did and called the teacher.
After knowing everything, the teacher advised Sabrina to sell her paintings online. Sabrina knew it was a good idea because she no longer needed to cut class to sell her paintings. Sabrina followed the teacher’s advice and posted her works onto her social platform. She also made lots of interesting short videos to advertise them. Her teacher and her classmates all supported her online. Soon she gained many fans and her paintings sold well. She helped her family through her own efforts.
②解释:explain/account for/make clear
【点睛】[高分句型1] She also made lots of interesting short videos to advertise them. (运用了动词不定式作目的状语)
[高分句型2] Philip was moved by what Sabrina did and called the teacher.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型3] Sabrina knew it was a good idea because she no longer needed to cut class to sell her paintings. (运用了省略连接词的宾语从句和because引导的原因状语从句)2023~2024学年高三年级上学期期末联考
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Noteworthy Theme Parks
Peppa Pig Theme Park, the US
The world’s first Peppa Pig Theme Park opened in February 2022 in Florida.
Devoted to the classic British animated TV show, the park welcomes guests with well-designed activities. The Daddy Pig ride takes families on a windy road in the show’s red car. They can also enjoy a dinosaur ride, and play games at the Fairground.
Tickets from $34.
Columbia Pictures Aquaverse, Thailand
Thailand’s Columbia Pictures Aquaverse opened in October 2022.
The movie-themed water park features rides and experiences inspired by popular films like Zombieland. In addition to the rides, the park hosts performances at its Mega Wave Pool, where guests can hang out in the pool while enjoying movie screenings and pop concerts.
Tickets from $41.
Katmandu Park, Dominican Republic
Opened in March 2023, the park is full of mystery (奥秘).
The 4D dark ride is brought to life by lighting and projection effects. Another key attraction is EtherQuest, an interactive walk-through experience. Aside from the rides, guests can also check out a sky-high ropes course, and climbing walls for younger adventurers.
Tickets from $120 for adults: $85 for children for a one-use pass.
Legoland Korea Resort, South Korea
Opened in May 2022, the park is designed for 2- to 12-year-olds.
This playful wonderland is devoted to all things of Lego, with more than 40 rides and attractions across seven thematic zones. Guests can get on family-friendly rides, visit Legoland Lookout for great park views, and get hands-on experience with creative workshops.
Tickets from $38 for adults; $30 for children.
21. Which of the four theme parks started the earliest
A. Katmandu Park. B. Peppa Pig Theme Park.
C. Legoland Korea Resort. D. Columbia Pictures Aquaverse.
22. What can visitors do at Columbia Pictures Aquaverse
A. Go to the Fairground. B. Try the 4D dark ride.
C. Attend a pop concert. D. Experience a workshop.
23. How much should a couple with a child pay at least to visit Legoland Korea Resort
A. $106. B. $123. C. $205. D. $240.
On early Sunday morning, a walrus, named Freya, was put to death by the Norwegian government after the public failed to follow recommendations to keep a safe distance away from the huge sea animal.
“We have sympathies for the fact that the decision can cause reactions with the public, but this decision was based on careful assessments,” said Nadia Jdaini, a spokesperson for the Norwegian government. “Human life and safety must be our priority.”
The young female walrus had been spending time at the Oslo seaport this summer and had attracted global attention. The walrus was seemingly unafraid of humans, unlike most walruses. Several popular videos showed that it had even climbed onto small boats to sunbathe.
In the past week, the authorities warned the public to stay away from Freya, saying that they had observed visitors swimming with it, throwing objects at it, and getting dangerously close to it to take photos.
Previously, the government said that it was considering multiple solutions, including transporting Freya out of the seaport. But the complexity of such an operation made it conclude that this was not a practical option.
Usually, walruses just stay on the outer edges of Norway’s coast. The last time a walrus was documented so close to the seaport was 2013. “Normally, walruses will show up on some islands, but they will leave quite soon, because they’re afraid of people,” added Nadia Jdaini. “But Freya was not afraid of people. Actually, it liked people.”
In a Facebook post after Freya’s death was announced, Rune Aae, who teaches biology at the University of South-Eastern Norway, condemned the government’s decision. “All previous experience has shown that Freya would have sooner or later gotten out of the seaport,” he wrote. “What a shame to make the decision in such a hurry.”
24. Which of the following directly led to the death of Freya
A. Freya often tried to attack the boaters.
B. The public ignored the official warning.
C. Freya enjoyed sunbathing on small boats.
D. The walrus kept begging food from visitors.
25. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about
A. Walruses’ living habits. B. The public’s angry reactions.
C. The walrus’ dangerous behavior. D. Failed efforts to save the walrus.
26. What can we know about walruses
A. They are small in size. B. They live near seaports.
C. They are shy animals. D. They are friendly to humans.
27. What did Rune Aae think of the government’s action
A. It was unnecessary. B. It was practical.
C. It was understandable. D. It was very humane.
In 1954, computer scientists from Georgetown University and IBM invented a machine that could translate sentences from Russian into English. The machine translator became known as Georgetown-IBM experiment and it was the first electronic translator in the world.
The scientists believed that a universal translator was just around the corner. Leon Dostert, who led the experiment, even suggested that people might be able to use electronic translators to bridge several languages within five years, or even less. However, the process proved far slower and more than 60 years later, a true universal translator is still the stuff of science fiction.
Then how far are we from inventing a real one Experts’ opinions vary. “We’re very close to turning science fiction into a reality,” says Vikram Dendi, the technical adviser to Microsoft. “Microsoft has produced apps that can translate voice to voice and voice to text in addition to the familiar text to text in different languages.”
Microsoft, of course, is far from alone. Google, in addition to its familiar text translations, has just introduced a feature in its Translate app that uses the phone camera to scan an image of foreign text and display the translation.
“All these apps are based on the so-called neural networks which can learn similarly to the way humans learn,” adds Vikram Dendi.
However, early on, scientists had to teach computers to translate by typing in every rule for every language pair they wanted them to translate. In the face of the large number of rules and exceptions in every language pair, the approach quickly became impractical. In the 1980s, scientists began moving toward a statistical-based model. Neural networks, which became a popular tool for machine translation researchers in the 21st century, greatly improved the quality of translations.
“But neural networks still face some limits,” says Yoshua Bengio, a computer science professor at the University of Montreal. “One of them is the amount of data required. Children need far less to learn the basics of a language than these machines do. But the more you use these machine translators, the better they become.”
28. What can we learn about the first electronic translator
A. It is able to translate between several languages.
B. It is one of the best universal translators in the world.
C. It has become the first computer ever invented in the world.
D. It can only translate simple sentences from Russian into English.
29. What does the author want to say in paragraph 2
A. Leon Dostert’s prediction is wrong.
B. Scientists are usually too conservative.
C. It is very easy to train a universal translator.
D. It is unrealistic to invent an electronic translator.
30. According to the text, Microsoft’s apps are still unable to translate from ________.
A. text to text B. picture to text C. voice to text D. voice to voice
31. What might be a limit of the neural-network-based machine translators
A. Their statistical-based models are not accurate.
B. Their ability to learn on their own is very limited.
C. They need too much data to learn the basics of a language.
D. They still have to rely on step-by-step rules set by programmers.
In the days before the Internet critical thinking is the most important skill that we could have. To think critically, we need to read carefully, consider the credibility (可信度) of sources, and reason out conclusions on our own. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, a more important skill is “critical ignoring”.
“With so much information, we need to first sort the wheat from the chaff, deciding what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not. Now, we live in an ‘attention economy’ in which we are no longer consumers. Rather, we’re the products whose attention is being sold on the advertising marketplace. That means each link we click on is a sale of our time and attention, often with little or no benefit to ourselves. To protect ourselves, we need to develop new ways of interacting with information,” she said.
Kozyreva advocates learning the skill of critical ignoring, in which readers intentionally control their information environment to reduce their exposure to false and trash information.
By developing our critical ignoring skills, she thinks we can enjoy the benefits of the Internet while avoiding falling victim to those who try to control our attention, our time, and our minds. Here are three of the strategies recommended by her to avoid the traps of attention economy.
The first strategy is self-control. Of course, we need to stay informed of world events and be in touch with others, so we can’t just ignore the Internet altogether. When we do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits. Limiting ourselves in this way prevents us from losing track of time as we click on one attractive link after another.
The next strategy is in-depth reading. For example, headlines are often designed to attract attention, not provide information. The contents of the articles may be completely contrary to what the headlines show.
32. What does the underlined phrase “sort the wheat from the chaff” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Decide which produce is more useful. B. Balance potential harms with benefits.
C. Select the valuable from the valueless. D. Think about how to divide the profits.
33. What does critical ignoring help us do
A Read every attractive link carefully. B. Reason out conclusions on our own.
C. Avoid using the Internet altogether. D. Stay away from low-quality information.
34. What might the author continue talking about
A. Another recommended strategy. B. The importance of self-control.
C. The traps of attention economy. D. The value of our time and attention.
35. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To compare two important concepts. B. To introduce a useful idea to readers.
C. To show the limits of critical thinking. D. To prove critical ignoring is less important.
Vegetables are filled with nutrients. However, kids usually hate eating them. Here are five of the most common reasons why most kids don’t really enjoy them.
Kids lack in exposure. The best way to get kids to eat their vegetables is to ensure that they are exposed to them early on. ____36____. Therefore, if you want your kids to love vegetables, start, exposing them early.
The vegetables taste bitter. Kids are super into the sweet and salt y flavors, but sometimes vegetables have a bitter taste. The good news is that the more you eat vegetables, the less unpleasant they’ll taste. If your kids just won’t eat them, you can mix them with other food or cook them differently. ____37____.
Kids are allergic(过敏的). Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. ____38____. Some kids are allergic to certain vegetables, making it hard to eat them. So it’s best to find out if your kids are allergic to any vegetables before you try to get them to eat.
Kids are forced to consume. If you have no idea why they don’t eat them, try giving them a snack with some vegetables. ____39____. Instead, praise your kids for eating them. Then they’re more likely to try and eat.
____40____. Sometimes kids go with the flow and do what others do. They tend to copy the behavior of their parents. So if you’re not eating your vegetables, your kids won’t, either. The bottom line is that if your kids are picky eaters, it’s probably because of you.
A. Just keep trying
B. Family hate vegetables
C. However, this doesn’t mean they’re for everyone
D. Don’t try too hard to get your kids to eat vegetables
E. Some vegetables are not fresh and don’t look appealing
F. Most kids don’t start eating vegetables until about age 2 or 3
G. What they hear about vegetables affects their thoughts about them
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
“The interaction with a man on the street more than a decade ago has stuck with me,” Laura Eshelman said ____41____. “If he were here right now, I would love to tell him that the day we met on the street was one of the ____42____ moments in my life.”
At that time, Laura was in the middle of a mental health crisis. ____43____, she was having trouble finding work.
On that day, Laura was leaving a downtown ____44____ where she had yet another job application ____45____. She was feeling very ____46____ and decided to go to the Whole Foods across the street. As she ____47____ the street, Laura noticed a man ____48____ money on the corner. His ____49____ hair and clothing made it seem like he’d been living outside for a while. She watched as he asked a _____50_____ for change, but was ignored.
“As I _____51_____, he turned his attention to me, and asked if he could have a little bit of money. I don’t remember what my _____52_____ was to him. I’m glad that I don’t remember, because whatever I said was not very _____53_____.”
Laura continued into the grocery store. But as she was wandering among the _____54_____, she realized how rude she had been and _____55_____ outside to find the man. But he was not there.
41. A. cheerfully B. regretfully C. coldly D. casually
42. A. longest B. happiest C. funniest D. darkest
43. A. Day and night B. Even better C. Worst of all D. On average
44. A. business B. stop C. home D. exhibit
45. A. printed B. prepared C. damaged D. rejected
46 A. relieved B. amused C. depressed D. frightened
47. A. swept B. crossed C. watered D. blocked
48. A. asking for B. handing out C. covering up D. picking up
49. A. black B. dirty C. shiny D. short
50. A. friend B. colleague C. passerby D. performer
51. A. approached B. disappeared C. cried D. waved
52. A. introduction B. opinion C. instruction D. response
53. A. wrong B. kind C. precise D. true
54. A. shelves B. trees C. cars D. streets
55. A. looked B. drove C. rushed D. climbed
With just five weeks before King Charles Ⅲ’s coronation (加冕典礼), workers at Duchess China (瓷器) Factory in the central England city of Stoke-on-Trent ____56____ (be) busy producing “God Save The King” china teacups and plates ____57____ (meet) the expected demand for the historic event.
“Duchess China Factory, ____58____ started producing china tableware in 1888, has struggled in recent years. But this year we’ve received many orders from many countries, including New Zealand, Canada, Australia ____59____ America,” said Jason Simms, the company’s managing director. “We hope that the coronation will help us to sell our royal souvenirs across the globe.”
The teacups and plates for King Charles Ⅲ’s coronation feature the Union Jack (国旗) ____60____ (color) of red, white and blue and they are decorated ____61____ the words “God Save the King”. The chief ____62____ (design) said he was inspired by the tableware ____63____ (produce) in the 1930s for the coronation of King George Ⅵ, ____64____ (Charles) grandfather.
When Charles is crowned at London’s Westminster Abbey on May 6, the ceremony will be the UK’s first coronation since his mother, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, _____65_____ (become) queen almost 70 years ago.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是李华。你的新西兰好友 Alex来信说他即将转入一所寄宿学校,因为是第一次与陌生人住在一起,他很担心与室友的相处问题。请你给他回信,内容包括:
1. 表示理解;
2. 提出建议;
3. 表达祝愿
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alex,
Li Hua
第二节(满分25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Philip, Samantha and Sabrina had a happy family five years ago. The daughter, Sabrina, was a good student and was very good at painting. But everything changed when the mother, Samantha, was diagnosed with cancer. Philip borrowed money, sold his farmhouse, and did everything to save his wife’s life and he was working hard every day for huge medical costs.
One day, Philip got a call from his 14-year-old daughter’s teacher. “Mrs Anderson ” Philip was worried as he answered the call. “Why is she calling me I hope Sabrina is okay,” he thought.
“Good day, Mrs Anderson! How may I help you ”
Mrs Anderson told Philip that his daughter had not been attending school for the past two days. Philip was shocked because his daughter told him she was going to school that morning. But she had lied to him. After hanging up, Philip immediately called Sabrina to find out.
“Hey, sweetie, where are you ” he asked Sabrina.
“I’m at school,” she told him.
Philip knew Sabrina would probably lie to him again if he asked her where she was and told her he knew she was not in school.
When he got home after work, he saw Sabrina’s school bag on the table and realized Sabrina had already returned home. “Sweetie, I’m home,” he shouted but there was no answer.
Sabrina was not at home. When Philip took her school bag to her room, he found the bag opened a little bit and Philip saw some money in it. Philip feared his daughter could fall into some bad habits. He knew it was silly to doubt his child, but he was troubled by the fear any father would have in raising a teen daughter. Philip just wanted to be sure Sabrina was not doing something wrong and he opened the bag. Besides the money, there were also some paintings.
“Where did she get so much money from ” he said to himself. Philip put the money back into Sabrina’s school bag and kept it as it was. He was more worried about what his teen daughter could be doing.
When Sabrina came home, Philip decided to ask her about the truth.
After knowing everything, the teacher advised Sabrina to sell her paintings online.