人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 5 First Aid Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 5 First Aid Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 196.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-17 23:09:03



选择性必修第二册Unit 5 First Aid: Reading and Thinking
First Aid For Burns
Teaching content
This is a Reading class in which students are going tO read a passage about first aid for burns. This text tells students about the functions of skin as well as the causes, types, characteristics and treatments of burns.
Teaching objectives
At the end the class, you will be able to:
learn some information about burns;
learn to apply first aid treatment in real life through field practlce;
develop thinking and presenting abllities through domg a volunteer campaign;
increase awareness of the importance Of first aid.
Teaching important and diffcult points
Obtain basic information about burns such as causes, types, characteristics and treatments from reading the text;
apply first aid for burns in a real situation;
improve the awareness ofburn prevention;
equip students with the correct way to give aid for burns;
creatively present themselves and express their works;
Teaching methods
Communicative language teaching;
Situational language teaching;
Activity-based teaching.
Teaching procedures
Activity 1 Lead in (3 minutes)
Lead in:
Students will watch a video about getting burned and then answer questions. And giving an introduction about the background information of campus first aid day.
Question 1:What happened to the man
Answer:One Of his feet was accidentally by a woman.
Question 2:If one of your classmates were burned, what would you do to help
设 计 意 图 : 运 用 视 频 快 速 引 入 烫 / 烧 / 灼 伤 话 题 , 通 过 洵 问 “ 如 果 同 学 被 烫 / 烧 / 灼 伤,你 会 怎 么 做 " 并 且 利 用 急 救 节 这 一 情 景 使 学 生 对 话 题 产 生 兴 趣, 同 时 启 发 学 生 的 思 维.
Activity 2 Workshop 急 救 知 识 培 训 会 (10 minutes)
Test: (to check students whether they have reviewed )
What’s the text type of this passage
Narration (记叙文)
Exposition (说明文)
What is this passage mainly about
The text mainly tells us the functions of the , the of burns, the three
of burns and their , as well as how to give if one gets burned.
Read for mformation
What are the functions of skin
Act as a barrier agamst
What are the common causes of burns
What are the types of burns and their characteristics
Type 1
Characteristics dry, red, and mildly . turn when pressed.
Depth affect of the skin
Feelings mildly
Examples mild and burns caused by
Type 2
Characteristics red, and swollen; ; watery
Depth go of the skin
Feelings painful
Examples burns caused by
Type 3
Characteristics Black and . can often be seen
Depth Affect of the skin and sometimes underneath
Feelings pain if nerves are damaged around edges of burns
Examples burns caused by . burning clothes, or petrol fires
Arrange the following pictures in the right order
Explain the steps in treating burns
burns under cool water
the burnt area
victim to the hospital
Do a test
设 计 意 图: 帮 助 学 生 从 文 本 中 获 取 有 效 信 息, 为 下 一 步 活 动 奠 定 基 础。利 用 小 组 竞 赛 机 制 贯 穿 整 个 课 堂, 调 动 学 生 学 习 积 极 性,活 跃 课 堂 氛 围。
Activity 2 Field Practice
情景演练 (7 minutes)
Use your knowledge to tell us how tO deal with different types of burns.
invite some students to show how to deal with different types of burns.
remember to explain while giving the first aid
(小组积分制)if the performer does it correctly, it will be given 5 points.
设 计 意 图: 帮 助 学 生 利 用 所 获 的 信 息 进 行 实 操,学 会 对 不 同 类 型 的 烧 伤 展 开 急 救。
Activity 3 Volunteer campaign (17 minutes)
Choose a way to tell more students about first aid for burns
Design a nund map
Make a poster
Film a video (you can choose just one or two parts and make a brief presentation about what you are going to say)
And then the teacher guides students to realize the importance Of first aid.
As teenagers, it's our responsibility to learn because it can save not only our own lives but also the lives of others.
P is always better than cure (治疗)
设 计 意 图 : 一 方 面 培 养 学 生 的 思维品质 , 进 一 步 增 强 对 文 章 的 理 解 , 实现知识的灵活运用 ; 另 一 方 面 通 过 小 组 作 品 展 示 , 锻 炼 学 生 的 表 达 能 力 。 通 过 升 华 , 使 学 生 意 识 到 急 救 的 重 要 性 。
Activity 4 Homework and assessment(3 minutes)
Write a news report about today's activity
I can extract and understand information about burns such as the functions Of the skin, and the causes types, and characteristics of burns.
囗Excellent 囗Good 囗Average 囗 Fail
I can fully participate in the class activity.
囗Excellent 囗Good 囗Average 囗 Fail
I can apply the knowledge about first aid for burns in a real situation.
囗 Excellent 囗 Good 囗 Average 囗 Fail
I can design a guideline and make presentations fluently.
囗Excellent 囗 Good 囗 Average 囗 Fail
I am aware ofthe importance of first aid.
囗Excellent 囗 Good 囗 Average 囗 Fail
设 计 意 图 : 通 过 撰 写 新 闻, 一 方 面 帮 助 学 生 回 顾 “新 闻” 这 一 应 用 文 体, 另 一 方 面 要 求 梳 理 本 堂 活 动 内 容。学 生 自 评 够 帮 助 学 生 了 解 自 己 真 实 的 学 习 情 况。