人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 19.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-17 23:08:40



Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking 全英教学设计
Detailed Teaching Procedure: English Class for the Passage “From Problems to Solutions” 新人教版高中英语必修二
To comprehensively engage senior high students in reading, analyzing, and discussing the provided passage about the Aswan Dam project, enhancing their reading comprehension, critical thinking, and English language skills.
Materials Needed:
1. Copies of the passage about the Aswan Dam project for each student.
2. Whiteboard or chalkboard with markers/chalk.
3. Audiovisual equipment (optional) for multimedia resources.
4. Vocabulary handouts or posters (optional).
Duration: Four class sessions, each lasting approximately 60 minutes.
Session 1: Introduction and Pre-reading Activities
1. Warm-Up (10 minutes):
- Begin the class by welcoming students and engaging them in a brief discussion related to the theme of cultural heritage preservation or large-scale construction projects.
- Encourage students to share any prior knowledge or experiences they may have on the topic.
2. Introduction to the Aswan Dam Project (15 minutes):
- Provide background information about the Aswan Dam project, its historical context, and its significance in Egyptian history and culture.
- Use visual aids such as maps, images, or video clips to enhance understanding and engage students.
3. Pre-reading Vocabulary Preview (10 minutes):
- Introduce key vocabulary words from the passage related to the Aswan Dam project.
- Engage students in activities such as matching definitions to words, brainstorming synonyms and antonyms, or creating context sentences.
- Provide explanations and examples as needed to ensure comprehension.
4. Skimming and Scanning Exercise (15 minutes):
- Instruct students to skim the passage briefly to get an overview of the main ideas and topics covered.
- Then, guide them in scanning the text to locate specific information, such as names of key figures, dates, or significant events.
Session 2: Reading and Vocabulary Expansion
1. Silent Reading (20 minutes):
- Distribute copies of the passage about the Aswan Dam project to students.
- Instruct students to read the passage silently, focusing on understanding the main ideas and identifying any unfamiliar vocabulary.
- Encourage them to underline or highlight key information and jot down questions or reflections as they read.
2. Vocabulary Expansion (20 minutes):
- Review the vocabulary words introduced in the previous session.
- Facilitate activities such as word mapping, context clues analysis, or vocabulary games to reinforce understanding and retention.
- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in sentences or short paragraphs to demonstrate comprehension.
3. Discussion and Comprehension Check (15 minutes):
- Lead a whole-class discussion to check comprehension of the passage, focusing on key details, main ideas, and the author's purpose.
- Encourage students to share their interpretations and insights, supporting their responses with evidence from the text.
- Address any questions or confusion that arise during the discussion.
Session 3: Analysis and Group Work
1. Group Analysis (20 minutes):
- Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific aspect of the passage to analyze (e.g., economic impact, cultural preservation, international cooperation).
- Instruct groups to discuss their assigned topic, identify key points, and prepare to present their findings to the class.
2. Group Presentations (25 minutes):
- Have each group present their analysis to the class, sharing their insights and perspectives on the assigned topic.
- Encourage classmates to ask questions and engage in discussion following each presentation.
- Facilitate a respectful and inclusive environment where all students feel comfortable participating.
Session 4: Reflection and Conclusion
1. Whole-Class Reflection (20 minutes):
- Lead a guided reflection on the lessons learned from the Aswan Dam project, emphasizing the importance of balancing economic development with cultural preservation.
- Encourage students to consider the significance of international cooperation in addressing complex challenges.
2. Application and Extension (15 minutes):
- Challenge students to apply the lessons learned from the passage to real-world scenarios or current events related to cultural heritage preservation or environmental conservation.
- Guide students in brainstorming potential solutions or actions that individuals or communities can take to protect cultural relics and historical sites.
3. Conclusion and Wrap-Up (10 minutes):
- Summarize the key points discussed throughout the lesson series, highlighting the significance of preserving cultural heritage for future generations.
- Thank students for their participation and encourage them to continue exploring and learning about topics related to history, culture, and global issues.
Homework Design: Reflective Writing:
Write a reflective essay (500-700 words) discussing your insights and opinions on the Aswan Dam project.
Consider the following questions as you write:
What are the main objectives of the Aswan Dam project, and why was it considered necessary
What were some of the challenges faced during the planning and execution of the project
How did the international community contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage during the project
What lessons can be learned from the Aswan Dam project, and how do they apply to similar issues in today's world
What are your personal opinions on the balance between economic development and cultural preservation
Sample Writing 1: Reflective Essay
The Aswan Dam project stands as a testament to the intricate balance between economic development and cultural preservation. Initially conceived in the 1950s by the Egyptian government to control flooding, generate electricity, and facilitate agricultural expansion along the Nile, the project faced significant opposition due to the potential destruction of cultural relics. As I delved into researching the project, I was struck by the enormity of the challenges faced and the collaborative efforts undertaken to mitigate adverse impacts.
One of the most remarkable aspects of the project was the international cooperation it garnered. Through collaboration with the United Nations and contributions from numerous countries, experts devised innovative solutions to relocate and preserve temples and relics threatened by the dam's construction. Witnessing the dedication of thousands of engineers and workers over two decades to rescue and safeguard cultural heritage left a profound impression on me.
The lessons gleaned from the Aswan Dam project are invaluable. It underscores the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, scientific research, and international solidarity in addressing complex socio-environmental challenges. Moreover, it highlights the need for policymakers to prioritize sustainable development practices that reconcile economic growth with cultural preservation. As we confront similar dilemmas in the modern world, the Aswan Dam project serves as a poignant reminder of the possibilities that arise when nations unite to safeguard our shared heritage for future generations.