人教版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking公开课教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking公开课教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 771.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-18 12:10:30



Unit3 Environmental Protection
Reading and Thinking
单元名称 选择性必修第三册Unit3 Environmental Protection
学科 英语 学段 高中 年级 高二第二学期
主要教材 书名:英语选择性必修第三册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2023年12月
课时安排 第1课时 课型 Reading and thinking
教学目标 To discuss climate change. To learn to identify the style of this text and infer the writer's purpose. To learn to draw a diagram. To think about what we can do to deal with climate change.
教学重难点 1.帮助学生了解说明文的文体特征。 2指学制作示意图展示温室效应的原理和流程,将文字信息图表化。 3.鼓励学生思考自身能为气候变化这一现象做些什么。
教学方法 TBLT
教学过程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Activity1 Lead in Lead in with two questions about global warming. What’s happening(发生) in the photo Why did it happen Think and discuss ①What consequences后果 may global warming/climate change bring about引起 ② A video and some pictures about the bad effects caused by global warming. 通过提问激活学生背景知识。 2.利用视频创设情境,导入主题的同时,也帮助进一步激活有关问题的认知和经验。 2min
Activity 2 Pre-reading What information信息 can we get from the graph/ ɡrɑ f / 图表 To practise Ss’ reading skill of predicting before reading. To practise Ss’ skill of describing a graph and analyzing the trend according to the graph.
Activity3 Fast reading. Read for main idea & text type ①What type of writing is this passage ②What’s the topic sentence of each paragraph and what’s the key word ③What's the passage mainly about 了解文章结构,为提取和归纳基本信息作准备。判断出本文是一篇说明文,并以此理解说明文体的特征。 5min
Activity4 Read for details ①Para 1.: What is the problem about climate change Read and fill in the blanks. ②Ss read Para. 2: A case of climate change. Put the reasons account for the death of the polar bear in a correct logical order排序: A. low sea-ice level低海冰水位 B. starvation饥饿 C. longer food-seeking travel更远的觅食路程 D. lack of food缺少食物 E. climate change气候变化 正确的顺序为: ③Ss read Para. 3 to find the causes. Information about “greenhouse effect温室效应” ④Tips of Para.3: use a diagram to describe how the greenhouse effect works. ⑤Ss read Para. 4 and mark true (T) or false (F). 1.The rise in temperature leads to导致 extreme weather(极端天气) and natural disaters(自然灾害). 2. Heat waves(热浪) are not extreme weather. 3. Extreme rainstorms and heat waves caused deaths(死亡) and economic losses(经济损失) ⑥Ss read Para 5.and answer the question. What solutions(解决办法)mentioned(提到) in the text to deal with(处理) the climate change A. Governments(政府)make policies(政策). B. Governments take appropriate actions and measures. C. Individuals(个人) reduce(减少) our “carbon footprint”(碳足迹). D. All of the above以上都是. 学生自主阅读,进一步梳理细节信息,获取全球变暖的现象、原因、危害和作者的建议措施。在描述阐释的过程中实现语言和知识的内化。 20min
Activity5 Post reading ①Summary the structure of the text. ②Think deeply and share: What’s the author’s purpose of writing this text ③Think critically & debate: Do you think climate change is the result of man’s greed Why ④Think widely & create: As an individual, what will you do to help (to slow the global warming) Sort the garbage 分类垃圾 Avoid products with a lot of packaging避免过度包装 Value the existing natural resources like forests重视森林等现有自然资源 End wasting resources不浪费资源 Encourage others to conserve鼓励他人节约 Adjust our lifestyle调整我们的生活方式 Reduce, reuse, recycle减少、重复使用、回收 Turn off electric devices when they are not in use不使用时关闭电气设备 Help inform people of the danger of global warming 帮助人们了解全球变暖的危险 总结归纳,梳理知识点。 引导学生针对语篇背后的价值取向和作者态度进行推理论证。深化主题意义,引导学生进行批判性思考,是否全球变暖全因人类的贪婪所致。师生共同探讨在应对这一挑战时,会遇到什么样的问题以及可以采取怎样的措施去克服它们。实现迁移创新。 12min
课后作业 Homework Design your “Low Carbon Week” and make a Vlog to present your idea vividly. Low Carbon Lifestyle Examples: Monday: Go to school by bike... Tuesday: Do not use plastic bags.. Wednesday: Do not litter... ...
板书设计 Book3 Unit3 Environmental Protection Climate Changes Requires the World’s Attention Reading and thinking