人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 20.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-18 12:10:59



Unit 5 Music 教学设计
The teaching plan is based on the passage “The Virtual Choir”
Teaching Plan: Exploring the Virtual Choir Phenomenon
By the end of this lesson, students will:
- Understand the concept of virtual choirs and their significance in connecting individuals globally.
- Explore the origins of the virtual choir movement and its impact on music communities worldwide.
- Reflect on the role of music in fostering unity and community across geographical boundaries.
Materials Needed:
1. Copies of the passage for each student or displayed on a screen.
2. Audio or video clips of virtual choir performances (e.g., Eric Whitacre's "Lux Aurumque").
3. Internet access for research and viewing additional virtual choir examples.
4. Paper and writing utensils for reflection activities.
Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction (15 minutes):
- Begin by asking students if they have ever participated in a choir or ensemble before, either in-person or virtually. Discuss their experiences and what they enjoy about singing.
- Introduce the concept of virtual choirs using the passage as a reference. Define key terms such as "virtual choir" and "global community."
2. Reading and Discussion (20 minutes):
- Distribute copies of the passage or display it on a screen.
- Read the passage aloud as a class, or have students take turns reading paragraphs.
- Pause after each paragraph to discuss key points, such as the origins of the virtual choir movement, Eric Whitacre's role, and the impact of virtual choirs on individuals and communities.
3. Virtual Choir Showcase (15 minutes):
- Play audio or video clips of virtual choir performances, focusing on examples mentioned in the passage (e.g., "Lux Aurumque").
- Encourage students to listen carefully and observe how individual voices come together to create a unified whole.
- Discuss the technical aspects of creating a virtual choir, such as recording techniques and video editing.
4. Research and Reflection (20 minutes):
- Divide students into small groups and assign each group a different virtual choir performance to research online.
- Have students explore the background of their assigned performance, including the composer, conductor, participating singers, and any notable achievements or impact.
- After research, ask each group to reflect on their findings and discuss how the virtual choir experience has influenced their understanding of music and community.
5. Class Discussion (15 minutes):
- Reconvene as a whole class and invite groups to share their research findings and reflections.
- Facilitate a discussion on the significance of virtual choirs in connecting people from diverse backgrounds and fostering a sense of belonging and unity.
- Encourage students to share their thoughts on how music can transcend geographical boundaries and bring people together.
6. Reflection and Closure (15 minutes):
- Have students individually write a reflection on their experience learning about virtual choirs. Prompt them to consider how they might apply what they've learned to their own lives and communities.
- Conclude the lesson by summarizing key takeaways and emphasizing the importance of music as a universal language that bridges differences and cultivates connections among individuals worldwide.
Extension Activities (Optional):
Vivid Activities: Exploring Virtual Choirs
1. Create Your Virtual Choir Performance:
- Divide students into small groups.
- Provide each group with a piece of music suitable for a virtual choir performance.
- Instruct students to assign parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) to each member and rehearse individually.
- Have each student record their part using a video camera or smartphone.
- Assist students in compiling the individual recordings into a cohesive virtual choir performance using video editing software.
- Host a virtual choir viewing party where each group presents their performance to the class.
2. Virtual Choir Travelogue:
- Assign each student or group a different virtual choir performance to explore.
- Instruct students to research the background of their assigned performance, including the composer, conductor, and participating singers.
- Have students create a virtual travelogue presentation, incorporating multimedia elements such as audio clips, video excerpts, and images related to the performance.
- Encourage students to share interesting facts, anecdotes, and insights they discovered during their research.
- Host a virtual "world tour" where students present their travelogue presentations to the class, exploring the diversity of virtual choir performances from around the globe.
3. Virtual Choir Artistic Expression:
- Provide students with copies of virtual choir performance videos or excerpts.
- Instruct students to create visual artwork inspired by the music and imagery of the virtual choir performances.
- Encourage students to experiment with different art mediums, such as painting, drawing, collage, or digital art.
- Host a virtual art gallery where students showcase their artwork and discuss their creative process and inspiration behind each piece.
- Facilitate a discussion on the interplay between music and visual art, exploring how different forms of artistic expression can evoke emotions and convey messages.
4. Virtual Choir Community Project:
- Collaborate with local community organizations or senior centers to organize a virtual choir project.
- Invite students to reach out to community members who may be interested in participating in a virtual choir performance.
- Provide guidance and support to community members in recording their parts and submitting them for the virtual choir project.
- Facilitate virtual rehearsals and coordination between participants.
- Host a virtual concert or screening event where the virtual choir performance is shared with the community, celebrating the spirit of collaboration and connection across generations.
These vivid activities offer creative and immersive ways for students to explore the concept of virtual choirs, fostering collaboration, artistic expression, and community engagement. Each activity encourages students to actively participate, reflect, and connect with the broader themes of music, culture, and connectivity.
Writing Task:
Imagine you have participated in a virtual choir project for the first time. Write a reflection on your experience, discussing how it felt to sing alone while knowing you were part of a larger global community. Share your thoughts on the impact of music and the virtual choir on your life and the lives of others.
Sample Writing 1:(253words)
Participating in a virtual choir for the first time was an experience unlike any other. As I stood alone in my room, singing into the camera, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the thought of being part of something much bigger than myself. Despite the physical distance separating me from the other choir members, there was a profound sense of connection as our voices merged together in harmony.
Music has always been a source of solace and joy in my life, but the virtual choir took that experience to a whole new level. It was empowering to know that, even in isolation, I could still contribute to a collective expression of beauty and unity. In a world where we often feel disconnected and alone, the virtual choir provided a sense of belonging and community that transcended borders and boundaries.
As the final video was released and I watched our voices blend together in perfect harmony, I couldn't help but be moved by the realization that music has the power to bring people together in profound and meaningful ways. It was a reminder that, no matter how far apart we may be, we are all connected by our shared humanity and our love for music.
In the words of Eric Whitacre, "Music helps me to... forget my problems. With music, I become someone else." And in that moment, surrounded by the voices of my fellow choir members, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and renewal.
Sample Writing 2:(219words)
Participating in a virtual choir for the first time was an unforgettable experience that left me feeling both inspired and uplifted. As I recorded myself singing alone in my living room, I couldn't help but marvel at the idea that my voice would soon be joined with those of hundreds of others from around the world.
The virtual choir project not only provided me with an opportunity to share my love for music with others but also allowed me to feel a sense of connection and belonging to a global community of fellow singers. Despite the physical distance between us, the music brought us together in a way that felt incredibly intimate and profound.
Music has always been a powerful force in my life, but the virtual choir project reminded me of its ability to transcend barriers and unite people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It was a testament to the universal language of music and its capacity to foster empathy, understanding, and solidarity.
As I watched the final video of our performance, I couldn't help but be moved by the sheer beauty and harmony of our voices coming together as one. It was a reminder of the immense power of music to touch hearts, uplift spirits, and bring people together in a shared expression of joy and humanity.