北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 7 Art Lesson 1 Masterpieces课件(共25张PPT)


名称 北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 7 Art Lesson 1 Masterpieces课件(共25张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-18 20:23:13



Unit 7 Art
Lesson 1 Masterpieces
What do you see in the following paintings Use the phrases below to help you. Do you like them What are the names of the three paintings
white and yellow circles an amazing sky a thin figure a lonely tree a sleeping village a dark stormy sea
a house lit by lights from inside
What do you see in the following paintings Use the phrases below to help you. Do you like them What are the names of the three paintings
Example: The first painting is The Starry Night. I see white and yellow circles.
white and yellow circles
an amazing sky
a thin figure
a lonely tree
a sleeping village
a house lit by lights from inside
The Starry Night
The Scream
The Empire of Light
Vincent van Gogh
Edvard Munch
René Magritte
white and yellow circles an amazing sky a thin figure a lonely tree
a sleeping village a dark stormy sea a house lit by lights from inside
Can you use the phrases below to describe what you see in the following paintings
The Starry Night
《星月夜》(The Starry Night)是荷兰后印象派画家文森特·梵高于1889年在法国圣雷米的一家精神病院里创作的一幅油画,是文森特·梵高的代表作之一,现藏纽约现代艺术博物馆。
在这幅画中,文森特·梵高用夸张的手法,生动地描绘了充满运动和变化的星空。 整个画面被一股汹涌、动荡的蓝绿色激流所吞噬,旋转、躁动、卷曲的星云使夜空变得异常活跃,脱离现实的景象反映出梵高躁动不安的情感和疯狂的幻觉世界。
The Scream
The Empire of Light
光之帝国体现了马格利特最成功作品的简单悖论。黄昏已经落在图片的下半部分,一盏街灯平静地发光。在上面,快乐的白色云彩在婴孩蓝色天空垂悬。虽然夜晚和白天的两个元素都是平静和可爱的考虑,但它们的并置是令人毛骨悚然和令人不安的。正如马格里特曾对马克斯·恩斯特和乔治·德·奇里科的作品所说的那样,更黑暗的声明同样适用于马格利特自己的作品:“观众可能认识到自己的孤立,听到世界的沉默。” 这个场景的整体印象是强烈地留在观众心中的印象。
1. The Starry Night was painted in June 1889 when Vincent van Gogh was staying at a home for the mentally ill. Van Gogh painted what he saw from his window—the night sky with clouds, stars and a moon. However, he didn’t just paint the clouds. He also painted the massive circles of white and yellow racing across the sky. The stars and the moon hang bright in the night sky. Beneath this amazing sky, we see a sleeping village and a dark, lonely tree.
《星空》是文森特·凡·高(Vincent van Gogh)于1889年6月在一家精神病院里创作的。凡·高画了他看到的窗外景象——有云、星星和月亮的夜空。然而,除了云之外,他还在天空中画了相互追逐的巨大白色和黄色光圈。星星和月亮在夜空中熠熠生辉。在这片神奇的夜空下,我们看到了一个沉睡的村庄和一棵黑暗孤独的树。
v. 悬挂
2. His unusual use of colour has led experts to think that Van Gogh’s mental illness may have affected his sense of sight. He also took a drug that can make people see yellow spots, just like the stars in The Starry Night.
情态动词 + have done
n. 斑点
let sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事
3. Unfortunately, Van Gogh’s unique paintings weren’t very popular and he only sold one painting in his lifetime. He also thought The Starry Night was a failure. However, the fact remains that The Starry Night is now one of the world’s most famous paintings.
adj. 独特的
v. 仍然是
in one’s time 在某人一生中
the fact remains that... “事实是...” “真实的情况是...” 用于强调所说的某一情况为事实,人们必须意识到
Read the three descriptions again. Use the diagram below to help you take notes. Then talk about each painting.
The Starry Night
What does the painting show
What may have inspired the painter
What did the artist think or say about painting
The night sky with clouds, stars and a moon.
What he saw from the window.
He thought it was a failure.
The Starry Night
Vincent van Gogh:
Vincent van Gogh
June 1889
clouds, stars, a moon, circles of white and yellow; a sleeping village, a lonely tree
clouds, stars and a moon are in the top while the village and the tree are in the bottom
showing his mental illness
not popular before; one of the most famous painting today
Read the first description and fill in finish the mind map.
Creation background
Basic information
what he saw from the window
Personal situation:
Color :
Position of objects:
white yellow
mentally ill
1. The Scream was painted by Edvard Munch in 1893. What makes it striking is that it shows a thin figure with an expression of fear—the figure’s mouth is wide open and letting out a powerful scream. The figure covers his or her ears and looks directly at the viewer. This figure is set on a bridge above a dark, stormy sea, and against a burning orange-red sky.
《呐喊》是爱德华·蒙克(Edvard Munch)于1893年创作的。这幅画富有冲击力,画中有一个表情恐惧的瘦弱身影——嘴巴大张,正发出强烈的尖叫声。这个人捂住了自己的耳朵,直直地看向观众。人物被设置在一座桥上,桥下是漆黑的、翻滚的海面,背景是燃烧的橙红色天空。
adj. 惊人的
v. 覆盖
adv. 径直地
v. 设置
介词 ” 在……上面”
2. In his diary, Munch talked about what inspired him. “I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly the sky turned as red as blood... I stood there shaking. Then I heard the scream of nature.”
3. Many experts say that The Scream is connected to Munch’s mental health problems, which caused him a lot of pain.
(1)"as.…as…"意为"像/和…一样……",表示同级比较,两个as之间通常使用形容词或副词的原级。第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词,后面的从句为比较状语从句。"as…as.…"的否定形式为"not as/so…as.…"(不如……那样……)。
◆The girls are as busy with their work as bees. 这些女孩像蜜蜂一样忙于她们的工作。
◆Judy goes to the movies as often as Sara does. 朱迪像萨拉一样经常去看电影。
◆Maybe things are not as bad as they seem to be. 也许事情并不像它们看上去那么糟。
2. In his diary, Munch talked about what inspired him. “I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly the sky turned as red as blood... I stood there shaking. Then I heard the scream of nature.”
3. Many experts say that The Scream is connected to Munch’s mental health problems, which caused him a lot of pain.
What does the painting show
What may have inspired the painter
What did the artist think or say about painting
The Scream
A thin figure with an expression of fear.
His experience of walking with friends.
Not mentioned in the text.
The Scream
What kind of figure:
Where is the figure:
Edvard Munch
with an expression of fear, mouth is widely open and letting out a powerful scream, covers his or her ears and looks directly at the viewer
on a bridge above a dark, stormy sea and against a burning orange-red sky
"I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly the sky turned as red as blood . I stood there shaking. Then I heard the scream of nature."
caused him a lot of pain
Read the second description and fill in finish the mind map.
1. The Empire of Light is a series of paintings by Belgian artist René Magritte. Between 1953 and 1954, he painted the same scene 27 times. It shows a beautiful house lit by lights from inside, surrounded by the darkness of night. What is strange is that above the house and the tree, we see a daytime sky full of brightness and soft white clouds. It seems like quite a mysterious scene.
《灯之王国》是比利时画家勒内·马格利特(Rene Magritte)的一系列绘画作品。1953年至1954年间,同样的场景他画了27次。画中有一座美丽的房子,房子里充满了灯光,外面被夜晚的黑暗包围。奇怪的是,在房子和树木之上,我们看到明亮的天空和柔软的白云。这个场景看起来非常奇异。
v. 点亮
v. 围绕;包围
2. Magritte was a painter inspired by his thoughts and ideas. His paintings were visual experiments as he tried to play with reality. His view was that art should shock the viewers and challenge their sense of reality.
n. 实验
n. 感觉
3. The Empire of Light has produced different reactions in viewers. Some feel that the paintings look dark and troubling. Others, however, find them calming. As for Magritte himself, he thought that the change between day and night in the paintings was surprising. “I call this power poetry,” he said.
adj. 令人不安的
What does the painting show
What may have inspired the painter
What did the artist think or say about painting
The Empire of Light
A beautiful house lit by lights from inside, surrounded by the darkness of the night.
His thoughts and ideas.
The contrast between day and night in the paintings was surprising.
René Magritte
It shows a beautiful 25 house lit by lightsfrom inside, surrounded by the darkness of night.
his thoughts and ideas
some feel the paintings look dark and troubling; others find them calming;
Magritte: The change between day and night in the painting was surprising.
Read the third description and fill in finish the mind map.
The Empire of Light
The Starry Night The Scream The Empire of Light
1. with an expression of fear 2. let out a powerful scream 3 circles of white and yellow racing across the sky 4. a burning orange-red sky 5. surrounded by the darkness of night 6. the night sky with clouds, stars and a moon
7. a beautiful house lit by lights from inside
8 full of brightness and soft white clouds
9. looks directly at the viewer
10. a sleeping village and a dark, lonely tree
Fill the expressions of the three paintings into the table.
Look at the three paintings and read the first paragraph of each description. Do they have anything in common If so, underline the words and phrases in the descriptions that show their common features. Explain your opinions.
Example: dark / darkness ...
The words and phrases in the descriptions:
the massive circles of white and yellow racing across the sky; a burning orange-red sky; a daytime sky full of brightness a dark, lonely tree, a dark, a stormy sea; the darkness of night
Each painting is focused on the artist’s interpretation of nature, especially the aspects of the sky. All three paintings paint the sky with bright colours and the darkness in each one manifests a typical feature.