人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language Using Language2教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language Using Language2教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 136.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-19 07:51:03



Unit 4 Body Language Using Language (2): Describe classroom body language
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期
课题 Unit 4 Body Language Using Language (2): Describe classroom body language
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册 教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
In this class, you will: 1. learn how to describe five types of body language; 2. explore the language features of describing body language and its hidden meanings; 3. reflect on the importance of body language in an effective classroom; 4. draw and write about body language and evaluate your writing according to a checklist.
教学重点: Figure out the structure, content and language features of the text and write a short passage based on it.
教学难点: Effectively employ the language features to describe body language and its hidden meaning.
Activity 1: Lead-in T introduces a student Michael, who is good at drawing and especially interested in observing what happened in class and drawing them, thus presenting the two pictures for students to observe and express which student listens more attentively in class Why (Students are advised to describe their body language). T asks students to look at the title and picture in the text book and answer several questions. Q1: What is the author Q2: What aspects should a teacher know about the students Q3: How does a teacher know the students’ minds Q4: Why does a teacher need to know the students’ minds in class (The last question will be answered at the end of the lesson) (设计意图:用两幅漫画导入本课,引导学生对感知话题,并初步引发学生已知经验中对肢体语言的描述;通过what/how/why三个层层递进的问题,对文章进行有效预测,同时也引出了话题) Activity 2: Read for text structure Students find out the topic sentence of each para and try to draw out the structure of the passage. Part 1 Introduction Para1How can I really know what make my students tick Para2I look at their body language. Part2 Body (examples)Para3It’s easy to recognize when students are interested in a lesson. (bored)Para4Students are amused by something else (distracted)Para5It is sometimes much hared to distinguish when students are troubled.Part3ConclusionPara6Reacting to body language is an important component of being a teacher
While leading Ss to analyze the structure of this passage, T draws ss’ attention to the four states of mind in the body part (interested/bored/distracted/troubled) (设计意图:学生验证预测,并梳理文章基本架构, 同时关注学生在课堂上的四种听课状态呈现出的肢体语言,为提取写作主线内容做好铺垫。) Activity 3: Read for content T introduces the role body language plays in personal communication--body language alone accounts for 55% of personal communication, while our spoken words just 7%-- as well as the classification of body language: eye contact, facial expression, head motion, gesture, posture. Ss find out the body language showing the hidden meanings and classify the body language into the five types mentioned. 3.Students divide the descriptions of body language into five categories. Eye contact: look up; look at the teacher; look elsewhere; look out of the window; with an absence of eye contact; make eye contact; have red eyes; ... Facial expression: with an absence of facial expression; wear a frown; ... Head motion: have head lowered to...; lean heads together; ... Gesture: chin on hand; have arms crossed before chest; hide face in hands; brush hair; ... Posture: lean forward... (设计意图:鼓励学生从肢体语言的描写以及肢体语言所表达的内涵两个角度,对文章内容进行梳理,形成组织结构图,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。) Activity 4: Read for language T draws Ss attention to the description of body language, concluding Tip 1 for describing body language: Description of body language is based on the use of various verbs (phases). Ss are required to find out expressions used to describe the hidden meanings of body language concluding Tip two for describing the hidden meaning of body language: Expressions for reference can be used to describe the hidden meanings of body language. Specific expressions for body language are as follows: ·It's easy to recognize when students are interested ·while it's easy to perceive when students..., it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when... --Use “it is +adj+to do...” sentence pattern, and words like “recognize/percieve/distinguish...” to imply the hidden meaning of body language. ·if a student..., it implies he is bored. ·if two friends are..., they are probably writing notes... ·if a student does not bother to..., I can infer that... --Use “if...” sentence pattern, and words like “infer/imply” to help. ·It's easy to recognize when students are interested ·while it's easy to perceive when students..., it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when... --Use simile expressions like “as though/as if/like...”. (设计意图:引导学生对“描述肢体语言及其内涵”的语言特征进行发现、探究和总结,为写作输出架构坚实的语言支架。) Activity 4: Practice for internalization T gives three pictures of students behavior in class and asks Ss describe one of the classroom body language, using the two tips. Check Ss’ writing to see if they have a command of the language used to describe body language and its hidden meaning, thus realizing the internalization of language features. (设计意图:学生使用文本中的语言特征对课堂肢体语言进行描述,为写作预热,能有效地对语言特征进行内化。) Activity 5: Critical thinking T encourages students to think over the following questions: Q1: How would you respond to them if you were their teacher and saw the implied meaning in their body language Q2: Why does a teacher need to know the students' minds in class (Students' body language lets the teacher know when to adjust classroom activities, when to intervene, and when to talk to students individually, so they can all get the most out of school.) Q3: How do the students know when to get focused, when to get disciplined, and when to respond, thus leading to an effective classroom ( By observing the teachers’ body language and following the teacher’s instructions, so that the class can be positive, expressive, impressive and communicative because teaching and learning is actually a two way communication.) (设计意图:通过追问,让学生体会教师能及时对学生课堂的肢体语言回应背后的深意,也能让学生思考有效课堂的存在在于师生之间的相互观察、回应及互动:教与学的本质在于双向交流。) Activity 6: Writing 1. Ss draw one of their teachers, and show his or her body language in their drawing; Write a short passage to describe the body language of their teacher in their drawing, and explain what his/her body language tells us; assess their writing according a checklist. Assessment checklist1. Is the person properly identified 2. Does the writer describe at least three types of body language about the teacher 3. Does the writer use verb (phrases) to describe the teacher's body language 4. Does the writer use at least two expressions for reference to describe the hidden meaning in the teacher's body language 5. Does the writer give his/her impressions of the feelings and personality of the teacher
2.T evaluates Ss’ writing according to the checklist. (设计意图:学生自主讨论,合作探究。讨论前画漫画的形式增加了课堂乐趣。了解写作评价标准,在写作模板的帮助下,整合内容,语言,情感铺垫,独立写作,并在小组内进行分享改进。) Activity 7: Assignment Polish your drawing and writing about your teacher's body language; Draw and write about the body language of someone you know, parents, friends, dormmates, etc, according to the checklist.