

名称 高一下学期英语综合能力提升测试题(新高考)第8期评讲课件(含听力音频+听力原文)
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文件大小 27.7MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-20 09:41:33


第一节: 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(Text 1)
M: I can’t believe there were no empty seats at the concert hall.
W: They expected 80 people, but twice that many showed up.
(Text 2)
M: How’s your backache, Megan
W: It’s better. I was very bad after the race, so Mum took me to the doctor. She told me to try swimming. It helped a lot! I’m also going to buy some special shoes for running.
(Text 3)
W: Can I try on these skirts, please
M: Yes, but I’m afraid you can only take five items into the changing rooms at a time. You can put the others over here and try them on later.
(Text 4)
M: Hi Emily, what are you doing this Friday
W: Nothing, why
M: You know the programme The Biggest Star They’re filming in town. Would you like to come with me
W: Sure.
(Text 5)
W: This would be a nice birthday present for Karen. She needs a new one.
M: I know she does, but isn’t it too big for her
W: I don’t think so. You can move down the seat, and she can ride it to school.
第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
(Text 6)
W: Welcome to New York, Jack. How are things going in London You’ve been there for six months now, so I guess you’re getting used to it.
M: Yes. Although the weather is awful, I like the food there and I get along with all my co-workers.
W: That’s good to hear. Are you staying here for long, or do you have to get back to London after the conference
M: I’m here for a week, then stopping off in Hong Kong for a few days on my way back.
(Text 7)
M: Penny, have you heard about this generous money donated by one of our former students
W: Yes, Richard Judd. Were you on the teaching staff like me when Richard Judd was studying here
M: Actually, he left for art college the summer before I started. Looking forward to meeting him now, though.
W: I loved teaching him. And this donation is so generous. We should make the best use of the money.
M: Exactly. Maybe we could spend it on improving the library resources. Or, we could even establish scholarships or programmes to support students.
W: Those are excellent suggestions. Let’s talk to the head teacher about them now.
(Text 8)
W: Did you have a good holiday, John
M: Yes, thanks, Mary. It was much better than I had expected. None of the things that I thought would go wrong actually did.
W: So what was your biggest concern
M: It was probably the flights there and back. We flew out at the weekend, which is usually the busiest time at the airport. I thought we would have to wait for a long time to check in. In fact, it only took us about 15 minutes.
W: What about flying Did you get a good seat
M: Yes, I was very lucky. The seats next to me were all empty — I was told the family who were going to sit there missed the flight. I felt like I was flying first class.
W: Great! Were there lots of things to do
M: Yes, I went boating every day. The water was very clear so I saw some amazing fish.
W: Sounds great.
(Text 9)
W: I’d like to welcome today’s guest Mike to the show. Mike, tell us how you learned to play your instrument.
M: I’ve been playing the guitar since I was seven. My parents couldn’t afford to pay for lessons so I had to manage on my own. I learned by listening to songs on the radio and copying them.
W: Have you ever learned any other instruments
M: When I was little, I wanted to learn the drums, but my parents didn’t like the idea. They thought I’d be noisy and annoy the neighbours! My mum had a violin and let me practise on it, but I was no good and stopped after a year.
W: You just won a prize. Tell us about that.
M: I was playing in local clubs without much success. I even put a video of myself playing one of my songs on the Internet. Unluckily, not many people watched it. Then I heard about a TV talent show. I entered the competition, and to my surprise, I won it. It made me famous.
W: Congratulations! What are your future plans, Mike
M: One day I’d love to hire a studio and record my own album, but now, I just want to have a holiday. Doing all that practice for the competition was hard work!
(Text 10) M
Good morning. I’m Harry Wright, an editor at the Newberry Herald. Now we’re looking for a local teenager to fill an exciting position at our newspaper. We’re in search of someone aged between 14 and 18, who has strong communication and writing skills. The selected person will be responsible for writing articles about teenage life in Newberry. The articles can be about three main topics. Firstly, you can write about education, for example, how teens in Newberry deal with exam pressure. Also, we’d like articles about what films or books teens in Newberry are interested in today. And lastly, you can write about sports that Newberry teens do. To apply, please send a cover letter explaining why you think you’d be suitable for the job to our human resources department. The closing date for applications will be January 6th. We will conduct an interview on the 18th of January. Then, the selected person should be free for a training day on January 25th. If you have any questions about the job, we’ll be glad to hear from you.
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阅读 A
21. B。理解具体信息。根据 Closing date in April 部分中的 Author of Tomorrow aims to find future adventure writers 可 知 , Author of Tomorrow写作比赛旨在发掘未 来的写冒险故事或小说的作家。
阅读 A
22. D。理解具体信息。根据 Closing date in April 部分中的 Tadpole Press is running a worldwide 100-word writing competition open to writers of all ages 可 知 ,Tadpole Press写作比赛欢迎全世界所有年龄段的 作家参赛。
阅读 A
23. A。理解具体信息。根据 Closing date in May 部 分 中 的 The Martha Mills Young Writers' Prize ... This year's topic is“The Stranger” 和 War Through Children's Eyes ... members of those communities: their children”可 知 ,The Martha Mills Young Writers' Prize 的主题是“陌生人”, War Through Children's Eyes 的主题与战 争相关,两个比赛都有特定的主题。
阅读 B
24. D。理解具体信息。根据第一段的内容 可知,视频里,Loui戴着头套,行动很不方 便,两次被卡住。
阅读 B
25. B。推断。根据第二段中 Charley 所说的 When my dog had to wear her first cone, she just stood in one place looking at the wall all night 可知,Charley 看了视频后写 道,她的狗第一次戴头套时整晚都一动不 动地看着墙,这表明她的狗当时很不高 兴,由此推断,Charley写这段话意在说明 她非常理解Loui的遭遇。
阅读 B
26. A。 理 解 观 点 、态 度 。 根 据 第 三 段 中 Nutkins 所 说 的 The majority of dogs are not happy wearing a cone and it's completely understandable 和 It adds weight to their neck and head ... when they are unwell 可知,在 Nutkins 看来,大多数 狗都不喜欢戴头套,这是完全可以理解 的,之后她解释了狗不喜欢戴头套的原 因,由此推断,Nutkins 认为,Loui 的行为 是一种很正常的反应。
阅读 B
27. C。理解具体信息。根据最后一段中的 But for those who are likely to use a plastic cone, Nutkins suggested slowly introducing your dog to one before it is needed and showing them how to take treats with one on 可知,Nutkins 建议如果 要使用塑料头套,可以事先让狗多接触 它,教它们如何戴着头套吃食。
阅读 C
28. B。理解具体信息。根据第一、二段的内 容可知,作者去了自己最喜欢的工艺品商 店后,发现很难买到既实惠又环保的美术 用品。
阅读 C
29. A。推断。根据第三段中的 As an artist, I'm not exactly rolling in profits 和 Fresh out of university, I am still searching for a job ... paying careful attention to what I can afford 可知,作者刚大学毕业,还在找 工作,没有固定收入,与家人住在一起以 节省开支,由此推断,作者是位经济窘迫 的艺术家。be rolling in money / it非常富 有。
阅读 C
30. D。理解具体信息。根据倒数第二段中 的 I've become a master at repurposing cardboard boxes and various packing materials ... crafting mini-books for my sets 可知,对于包装材料,作者设法将其再利 用于她的艺术创作中。
阅读 C
31. A。理解主旨要义。文章描述了作者如 何在自己力所能及的情况下选择环保的 美术用品。作为一名刚刚大学毕业的新 兴艺术家,她正在努力减少自己的生态足 迹,同时学习在创作中保持实用性与艺术 性 的 平 衡 。 因 此 ,用 My journey as a green artist作标题最为贴切。
阅读 D
32. B。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的 When he turns 22 ... searching for day programs near their Atlanta home和第二段 中 Sitara 所说的 We count ourselves lucky that we even found a place for him because that's not the reality for most families 可 知,Sitara 说他们是幸运的,因为 Ishan 终 于可以去日间服务中心了,这对很多家庭 都是难以实现的。count oneself lucky 觉 得自己很幸运。
阅读 D
33. D。推断。根据第四段中 Wilush 所说的 话可知,Wilush说,因为没有资金,他们缺 乏工作人员,所以他们经常告诉有需要的 家庭现在无法提供服务,让他们以后再 来,Wilush在说这些话时语气中充满了无 奈。
阅读 D
34. C。 理 解 词 汇 。 根 据 划 线 词 前 的 This year, the Georgia state budget included a pay raise for direct care workers from more than $10 / hour to more than $16 / hour 可 知,乔治亚州的预算包括将直接护理工人 的时薪从每小时 10美元以上提高到每小 时 16 美元以上;结合划线词所在句中的 But 和 saying it would take away funding from other services 可知,本句意思转折, 该州的州长说提高时薪将会减少其他服 务的资金,这说明他取消了这一时薪调 整。
阅读 D
35. C。推断。根据第七段中 Wilush 所说的 话可知,Wilush认为员工问题与资金直接 相关,等候名单问题也与资金密切相关, 如果不能解决资金配置问题,那么我们可 能不得不接受现状。由此推断,Wilush强 调了确保资金合理安排的重要性。may as well do sth.做某事倒也无妨,只好做某 事;the way things are事情的现状,事情本 来的样子。
语言运用 第二节
语言运用 第二节
to keep
写作 第一节
这学期你校开办了武术(martial arts)学习班,你和几位好友都报名参加学习,进步很大。请你给校英文报投稿分享你近期学习武术的经历和感受。
This semester, our school introduced martial arts classes, and a few friends and I decided to give them a try. Our teacher is pretty cool and makes each class enjoyable. He not only teaches us martial arts but inspires a deep respect for the art and its values. We all admire him. We've learned some cool moves and techniques. We try hard to practice regularly, and it’s paying off.
The classes provide a great workout and are a fantastic way to build confidence. Having friends alongside makes it even better, as we encourage each other to do our best.
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Marcus understood that it was just an accident. _____
Frank, surprisingly talkative, explained the car issues to a repairman. ______________________________________
The three rode in silence, as Frank wasn’t a talkative guy. Kara tried to ask him some questions about himself, but he only answered with single words, so she eventually gave up. On the way, Kara and Sam were worried about where he would take them. They felt scared. The ride was short — they pulled off at the nearest exit, and then drove twenty more minutes to a repair shop. Once they arrived, Frank lowered the car with the lever, and then jumped out of the truck. Kara and Sam followed.
One possible version:
Frank, surprisingly talkative, explained the car issues to a repairman. The girls were very shocked. Kara whispered to Sam, wondering if they had misunderstood him. After talking with the repairman, Frank suggested lunch for everyone and invited Kara and Sam to join them for dinner at the shop. Kara and Sam hesitated, not wanting to trouble them, but Frank said it wasn't a bother. Relieved and hungry, the girls accepted the invitation. They were happy with the unexpected kindness.
One possible version: