

名称 高一下学期英语综合能力提升测试题(新高考)第1期评讲课件(含听力音频+听力原文)
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文件大小 28.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-20 09:47:13


第一节: 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(Text 1)
M: Hey, have you heard the news We got tickets to the concert! Front row!
W: No way! That’s amazing! I can’t wait to see the band live!
(Text 2)
W: Did you watch the TV programme about young doctors on Saturday evening, Carlos
M: No, I didn’t. I don’t watch TV very much.
W: What did you do then Did you play video games
M: No. I went to the gym with my brother.
(Text 3)
M: Excuse me Erm … there seems to be a mistake in the bill. You’ve charged us for two coffees and we only ordered one.
W: Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I’ll get you another bill.
(Text 4)
W: Hi, Jerry. This is Amy. I lost my homework list, and I don’t know what I have to do for the English class tomorrow. Can you tell me what our English homework is
M: Sure. We have to read some stories from Unit 3.
(Text 5)
W: Some people don’t think running is the most exciting way to get fit, but it can be if you choose nice places to run.
M: Exactly. I listen to music while I’m doing it, so the time passes really quickly.
第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
(Text 6)
M: Good evening. And welcome to Sophie’s Garden.
W: Thanks. Can you tell us more about today’s special menu. please
M: Well, you can choose from two soups, two main courses and two desserts. And you will receive a cup of coffee at no cost.
W: That sounds great. Please leave me the menu and give me a moment to think about it. Can you come back in a few minutes
M: Sure. I’ll bring you some water later.
(Text 7)
M: Hi, Sally! How was your trip to the city with your family
W: Great, thanks, Mark. We visited many places. My mum went with Dad to the market. She really loved it, but my dad didn’t like it much! So he walked to the museum. He was there for two hours.
M: Did your sister Becky go with him
W: No, she wanted to try the city skate park. But she said the park in our town was better, so she went to the cinema with me. My brother Ben wanted to go to the swimming pool, but it wasn’t open, so my aunt took him to the sports centre instead.
M: Did you do anything all together
W: Well, my grandpa was really tired then, so we all had a meal in a café. He had his favourite food there, so he was very happy. My dad thought the food was expensive, though.
(Text 8)
W: Hey, Matt! What do you think of the volunteering chance our teacher mentioned
M: Oh, I’m excited about it, but I’m not sure what kind of volunteering I want to do. Do you have any ideas
W: Well, we could volunteer at a local animal shelter, help out at a food bank, or even take part in a park cleanup. We can choose something that interests us.
M: Sounds good. What interests you, Emily
W: I really want to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It would be a meaningful experience to offer a helping hand to those who need it.
M: Great! I’m on board with that. How can we get started
W: We can ask my brother for suggestions. He has done that before. I’ll talk to him.
(Text 9)
W: Today Jack Spears is going to tell us about his writing day. Jack, when do you usually write
M: Well, when I taught at university, I used to write in the evening. Then in 2020 I quit my job and began to write full-time. Now I write in the morning. I usually get up at 7 and go for a 30-minute run. Then I have a quick breakfast while listening to music. After that, I start working at about 8:30 and work until lunchtime. I do some reading in the afternoon.
W: How long does it take you to write a novel
M: It usually takes about six months to write it for the first time. I then put it away for a month and do other things, such as writing short stories. After that, I start rewriting it and that can take another five months.
W: Do you take a break from writing when you’ve finished
M: No, I don’t. I carry on with my next project. I may decide to go away for a while with the family, but I always take work with me. It may be another novel or a magazine article.
(Text 10)
I’m going to talk about an artist. Her name’s Joanna. She was born in 1942 and lived until she was 78. She painted hundreds of paintings during her life, and she sold her first painting for 45 when she was 25. Joanna was British and lived in a small town in the mountains. She loved travelling to many different countries, but she always said she liked her own country best. At school, she studied very hard. She loved school, especially geography lessons, but when she went to university she chose history. Her uncle was a good artist too. He painted trees and mountains, but she painted horses. Sometimes they are running and sometimes just standing. Her paintings are very expensive now. Her last one sold for 55,000! You can go and see some of her paintings at a show in the museum in the city centre. It begins on 28th January and finishes in early February.
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阅读 A
21. B。理解具体信息。根据 Crazy Crab 部 分 中 的 Crazy Crab serves a variety of seafood dishes with a Burmese and Chinese touch 和 Telephone: 718-353-8188 可知,想吃中国菜,应拨打 718-353-8188。 touch 风格,特色。
阅读 A
22. D。理解具体信息。根据 SriPraPhai 部 分 中 的 Pad Thai, rice noodles with egg and tofu, is a bright but not-too-spicy dish 可知,该餐厅提供Pad Thai这道菜。
阅读 A
23. B。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的 give your kids a taste of dishes from other countries,再结合 Sagar Restaurant 部分中的 Picky eaters or kids can choose ..., Crazy Crab 部 分 中 的 ... to encourage children to taste,SriPraPhai 部 分 中 的 little eaters do not need to be overwhelmed 和 Parents of picky eaters can request ...,以 及 Chela & Garnacha 部 分 中 的 Quesadillas promise to be a hit for kids as well可知,这四家餐厅都有适合儿童的餐食。
阅读 B
24. C。推断。根据第二段内容可知,Edgar 得知洛杉矶将主办 2028 年夏季奥运会, 但他担心到处都是垃圾的国家森林会让 这座城市蒙羞,所以他决定把清理国家森 林作为他新的、全身心投入的项目。由此 可推知,这里提及 2028 年夏季奥运会是 为了介绍是什么激发Edgar开始了他的项 目。
阅读 B
25. A。推断。根据第四段中的 Rain or shine, Edgar headed over to carry out his task 和 下文所举例子可知,无论天气如何,Edgar 都坚持每天的清理工作;再根据第五段中 的 Edgar collected enough recyclables to earn around 30 dollars every few weeks, which he would donate to nonprofits 可知, Edgar将回收赚来的钱都捐给了非营利组 织。由此可推知,Edgar不仅有决心且有爱心。
阅读 B
26. C。理解具体信息。根据最后一段中的 he is excited to start expanding his reach to new locations,并 结 合 第 二 段 中 的 the national forest 和 第 四 段 中 的 As part of southern California’s Angeles National Forest, Eaton Canyon ... 可知,Edgar 计划去清理国家森林的其他区域。
阅读 B
27. A。理解主旨要义。通读全文可知,文章介绍了一位致力于拯救地球的年轻人,他 采取积极的行动来保护环境,并呼吁大家都为环保出一份力,即本文主要介绍了一位环保英雄。
阅读 C
28. D。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的 one day he thought that ... he should do something else — something that improved people's condition 和 ... the 36-year - old took up farming. Returning to his village ... 可知,Utkrisht 选择务农是想帮助村民改善生活。take up 开始从事。
阅读 C
29. A。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的 on his farm called Marcelone Agrofarms ... It's all organic farming that uses natural manure — mainly waste matter from cows brought from the villagers并结合第一段中 的 Utkrisht started studying sustainable farming可知,该农场采用绿色的、可持续的耕作方式。
阅读 C
30. B。理解词汇。根据第五段中 Utkrisht 所 说 的 I have the opportunity to improve their lives on a personal level,并结合上文 中 的 he enjoys farming because it makes him happy and content with the life he’s chosen 可知,Utkrisht 对自己有机会帮助 村民改善生活感到很满足。content 在此 处作形容词,意为“满足,满意”。
阅读 C
31. C。 推 断 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 中 的 While many young people see government jobs as their goal, Utkrisht thinks it’s important to have a “Plan B”, too 和 Utkrisht 所 说 的 My goal is to see reverse migration because people run toward cities 可推知 , Utkrisht希望年轻人回村务农。
阅读 D
32. D。理解具体信息。根据第一、二段内 容 ,尤 其 是 they do not determine performance 和 They do not determine our destiny 可知,作者认为,虽然基因对我们 的身体特征和心智能力都有巨大的影响, 并给我们提供了机会,但是它并不能决定我们的命运。
阅读 D
33. A。理解主旨要义。在第四段中 ,Scott Adams指出:虽然他在绘画方面达不到艺术家级别的水平,也不比大多数喜剧演员更有趣,但他比大多数人更擅长绘画和写笑话,而正是这两者的结合使他所做的事 与众不同。由此可知,他在本段中主要解释了他取得成功的关键。
阅读 D
34. D。理解具体信息。根据第五段中的 By combining your skills, you create a new track with fewer competitors 可知,通过将我们的技能结合,我们会创造一个竞争对手更少的新赛道,即竞争变小了。
阅读 D
35. C。推断。根据最后一段内容可知,作者 先引用孙子的话“胜兵先胜而后求战”强调要先有胜算再去打仗,随后指出我们应该选择自己有把握的优势领域去发展,这样成功的概率才更高。由此可推知,作者建议我们专注于我们的优势,关注并发展我们擅长的领域。
语言运用 第二节
语言运用 第二节
which / that
写作 第一节
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Hello, everyone.
In my opinion, while both factors play a role in achieving success, effort outweighs opportunity.
Opportunities can arise unexpectedly, but without putting in the effort, they may go to waste. Effort is the driving force that pushes us towards success. Effort also shapes our character and abilities, which enable us to face challenges. Success is not just about reaching a goal but the effort we put into it. Only through our own effort can we truly experience the taste of success.
In summary, while opportunities are valuable, it is our effort that gives them meaning and turns them into success.
Thank you for your attention.
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
We stayed very quiet, and then we could see lights flashing in the window. ______________________________
Dad said there might be a storm coming and asked whether we boys wanted to go inside the house. _________
One possible version:
We stayed very quiet, and then we could see lights flashing in the window. Mom and Dad were coming. We heard one of them coming up the ladder. I opened the door and saw Dad. After hearing our problem, Dad asked us to come out of the tree house. The wind had gotten up to a pretty good speed. Branches were coming down to the door and hitting it, brushing up against it, and making noisy sounds against the door that sounded like someone was turning the door knob. It was the wind and branches that made the noises.
Dad said there might be a storm coming and asked whether we boys wanted to go inside the house. We all decided that might be the best thing to do at that time. My bedroom felt like a very safe place to be. It took us a while to go to sleep with all of the excitement we had just had. I guess our imaginations were running wild that night with all the wind blowing strongly outside. The tree house is still our favorite place. We still spend a lot of time out there, but not so much at night time.
One possible version: