

名称 高一下学期英语综合能力提升测试题(新高考)第7期评讲课件(含听力音频+听力原文)
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文件大小 27.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-20 09:48:46


第一节: 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(Text 1)
W: Could you put your seat forward now, sir We’ll be landing shortly.
M: So soon Great! I’ll do it now.
(Text 2)
W: What shall we do Let’s play tennis.
M: I’m tired and we have to get the bus there. There’s a football match on TV. Let’s watch that.
W: Well, I want to do something outside. How about a bike ride
M: I can’t. My bike’s broken. Let’s do what you wanted to do at first.
(Text 3)
M: These look good. They’re for tennis, right Can I wear them for jogging too
W: Sure. They’re comfortable and won’t hurt your feet.
(Text 4)
M: Excuse me, could you show me where the library is on this map
W: Yes. It’s on Field Street. We’re here, next to the cinema. Just go straight and take the first left. Continue past the supermarket and it’s the second building on your right.
(Text 5)
M: Do you enjoy your job, Clara
W: Yes, I do. The vacations are great, but I’ve got a really difficult class this year. I try everything but they just don’t want to learn anything. Maybe it’s the way I teach.
第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
(Text 6)
M: Hey Patty. I was wondering if we could study together. It would be really helpful to have a study partner for the upcoming science test.
W: Sure. I’m available from Monday to Wednesday after school.
M: Tuesdays won’t work for me. I have baseball practice. How about Wednesday
W: It sounds perfect.
M: Great! Let’s meet up at my place. My mom will make some delicious cookies for us.
W: That’s amazing!
(Text 7)
M: Jane, congratulations on your successful interview last Thursday! I’m pleased to tell you that your application for the position in our Paris office has been accepted.
W: Thank you so much! I’m excited about the opportunity.
M: Great! Your official start date will be June 11th, but we’d like you to be ready to fly on June 4th, as we’ve offered you a one-week course to help you get used to your new environment. The course will be beneficial for you. It’ll help you learn about the local customs and improve your language skills.
W: That sounds helpful.
(Text 8)
M: Sophie, I learned from the TV news that your class have just won a prize in a cooking competition. That’s amazing.
W: Yes, I’m excited. Our teacher heard about the cooking competition on the radio and told us about it. We decided to enter and won second prize!
M: What kind of food did you make
W: Well, we made a variety of cakes — chocolate, orange, and honey. We also used vegetables from the school garden to make salad for the children in our school. After the competition, we took the cakes to a home for old people near our school.
M: Sounds good. Did anyone help you with the food
W: Yes. A cook from our school helped us with the cakes. And our head teacher showed us a video on how to make salad.
M: What’s your prize for the competition
W: It’s a visit to the kitchens of a famous restaurant next Sunday. And we’re planning to make some cookies tomorrow and sell them. We want to raise enough money to pay for a school trip.
(Text 9)
M: There are only two days left before your charity event, Jill. Have you got everything under control
W: I’m afraid there’s still a lot of work to do. I’ll have my hands full over the next two days. I wish we had another week to get everything ready.
M: What else needs to be done I’m free tomorrow, so I can help out.
W: Thanks so much, Matt. The charity is called WeCare and we are raising money for children by selling coffee and pizzas. We’ve planned lots of different activities. The tables and chairs need to be moved, so could you help with that And I’ll be decorating the hall with lots of lights and colourful balloons.
M: Sure. Have you got posters to tell people about the charity
W: Yes, Lisa is making them now. And a food truck owner has agreed to come and cook pizzas on the day. He’s going to donate all the profit he makes to the charity. However, we have to provide the plates and forks. Andy agreed to take care of that.
M: Great!
(Text 10)
Welcome to the new Kenton Sports Centre! This will be the perfect place for people who want to exercise and stay healthy! Unlike the old sports centre, which was out of town and could only be accessible by bus, the new one is very close to the shopping centre. So we can walk here from all parts of town. Now, let me show you around the place. As you enter, you’ll find the new swimming pool on your left, right across from the café. Both the pool and café will be open daily from half past seven in the morning. The swimming pool closes at seven in the evening while the café stays open for an hour longer. Now, as you walk straight, you’ll see the gym on your right. There, our expert trainers will always be available to provide advice on the best ways to exercise. If you want to explore our equipment, please feel free to walk around. Before you leave, we would appreciate it if you could complete a form and share your thoughts on the centre. Thank you for joining us on this tour.
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2023-2024学年 第 期
阅读 A
21. B。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的 Facilitators lead a 45-minute workshop ... 可知,工作坊时长为四十五分钟。
阅读 A
22. B。理解具体信息。根据 Qualifications for the Facilitator Job 部 分 中 的 Be flexible to adapt to changing situations and varying student abilities 可知,该工作要求 引导者有良好的适应能力。
阅读 A
23. C。理解具体信息。根据 Expectations部 分中的 Arrive 30 minutes before workshop start time for setup and preparation 可知 , 引导者应在工作坊开始前半小时到达,进行准备工作。
阅读 B
24. B。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的 the source of Morgan's frustration was the lack of hairstyle options on an educational app called Freckle 和第三段中 Morgan 所 说 的 I'm sad because there isn't any Black girl hair for me to choose from可知, Morgan感到沮丧的原因是她在应用程序 Freckle 中找不到自己想要的黑人女孩发 型。
阅读 B
25. C。推断。根据第四段中的 Our product team recently added more hairstyles to the Piggy Store based directly on your feedback 可 知 ,收 到 Joyner 的 邮 件 后 , Freckle 的产品团队根据她们的反馈意见 在应用程序中添加了更多的发型。由此 可推知,他们采取行动解决了邮件中提到的问题。
阅读 B
26. D。理解观点、态度。根据最后一段中 Maya 所说的话,特别是 We're very proud of Morgan 可知 ,Maya 为 Morgan 感到骄 傲,因为她勇敢说出了自己认为需要解决 的问题,并最终影响了全国各地的儿童, 即所有使用该应用程序的孩子现在都可 以更好地自定义自己的头像。由此可知, Maya对Morgan的行为持支持的态度。
阅读 B
27. B。理解主旨要义。通读全文可知,本文 主要讲述了一年级学生Morgan在发现了 一个应用程序中存在的问题后积极行动 起来,大胆指出问题并最终促成问题解决 的故事。由此可知,Morgan 的行动展示 了个人的力量,证明了任何人都可以通过 发声和行动来促成改变。
阅读 C
28. D。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的 El-Dog, founded a nonprofit club ... using all his knowledge to provide a horsemanship experience to urban youth 可 知,El-Dog创建该非营利俱乐部的主要目 的是为都市青年提供骑术体验。
阅读 C
29. A。 理 解 具 体 信 息 。 根 据 第 四 段 中 Hakeem 所说的话 ,特别是 It teaches me responsibilities 可知,他认为在该俱乐部 的经历增强了他的责任感。
阅读 C
30. D。理解词汇。根据下文中的 in 2020, a movie, Concrete Cowboy, was based on the real-life story of it可推知,该俱乐部“根深 蒂固,深入人心”,因此才会有一部基于它 的真实故事创作的电影。
阅读 C
31. A。理解篇章结构。通读全文可知,文章主要通过列举两个俱乐部的例子和故事来说明都市骑马俱乐部的存在和影响。
阅读 D
32. C。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的 the increased aggression observed in the males can be connected to a more pressing need to defend territories in urban settings 可知, 在雄性歌麻雀(song sparrow)身上观察到 的攻击性增加可能与在城市环境中更迫切地保卫地盘的需要有关。
阅读 D
33. C。推断。根据第四段内容,特别是 Lane 所说的 Against our expectations, we found that they visitd nests more often 可推知, 研究人员原先以为与农村的雄鸟相比,城市的雄鸟更少回窝。
阅读 D
34. A。理解具体信息。根据第六段中的 in cities, the researchers observed that rates of nest predation ... were lower 可知,研究人 员发现 ,在城市中 ,窝内捕食率更低。 brood parasitism 寄生繁殖。
阅读 D
35. A。理解主旨要义。通读全文可知,一项新研究表明,在城市生活的雄性歌麻雀更 努力地抚养后代——它们不仅回窝更频 繁,而且开始喂养雏鸟的时间更早,故 A 项最适合作本文标题。
语言运用 第二节
to experience
which / that
is known
语言运用 第二节
on / upon
写作 第一节
上周五,你校开展了“防电信诈骗(telecommunications fraud)”主题宣传活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动过程;
2. 活动反响。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Preventing Telecommunications Fraud Activity
Last Friday, our school hosted an activity called “Preventing Telecommunications Fraud” aimed at improving students’ understanding and awareness of telecommunications fraud.
During the event, students attended a lecture presented by a police officer who shared real-life cases of telecommunications fraud schemes as well as strategies to identify and prevent fraud. Additionally, interactive quizzes and role-playing games were carried out to provide students with opportunities to apply their newly acquired knowledge in practical settings.
The majority of students expressed that they greatly benefited from the activity, mentioning that it equipped them with practical knowledge to improve their self-protection awareness.
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Day in and day out Larry continued focusing on the positive.____________________________________________
Then, one day, another extraordinary event took place — this time it was Jo Ann who spoke up. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Day in and day out Larry continued focusing on the positive. He often praised Jo Ann’s effort in maintaining the house. As time went on, Jo Ann became more familiar with her husband’s unusual behavior and sometimes thanked him. One day after dinner, Larry asked Jo Ann to take a break and said he would do the dishes. Jo Ann thanked Larry and happily left the kitchen. Her step was a little lighter, and her self-confidence increased. She didn’t feel as down or sad as often anymore. She rather liked Larry’s new behavior.
One possible version:
Then, one day, another extraordinary event took place — this time it was Jo Ann who spoke up. “Larry,” she said, “I want to thank you for going to work and providing for us all these years. I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much I appreciate it.” Larry never explained the reason for his dramatic change in behavior, no matter how hard Jo Ann pushed for an answer. It would likely remain one of life’s mysteries. However, Jo Ann was thankful to live with it, knowing that their ordinary life had become extraordinary in its own unique way.
One possible version: