

名称 高一下学期英语综合能力提升测试题(新高考)第2期评讲课件(含听力音频+听力原文)
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文件大小 26.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-19 16:53:40


2023-2024学年 第 期
阅读 A
21. C。理解具体信息。根据 February 21 部 分中的 During the walk, we will look for winter animal signs and learn about animal adaptations 可知,在 Boston Nature Center 进行的冬令营活动中,营员们可以寻找冬 季动物的迹象 ,了解动物的生理适应。 Mass Audubon 是美国新英格兰最大的自然保护组织。
阅读 A
22. A。理解具体信息。根据 February 22 部 分中的Ice Skating和February 23部分中的 Ice Skating Party 及 Enjoy ice skating 可知,2月22日和23日的冬令营活动都在溜冰场进行,都是与滑冰相关的活动。
阅读 A
23. D。理解具体信息。根据 February 24 部 分 中 的 International Volleyball Hall of Fame 可知,营员们在 2 月 24 日可以去国际排球名人堂了解世界排球明星。
阅读 B
24. D。理解主旨要义。第三段主要介绍了 Florez的身体状况:早产,患有脑瘫,医生说他可能不会走路,此后到现在一直接受 治疗。
阅读 B
25. B。推断。根据第二段内容可知,Florez 知道越野赛跑很难,但他认为必须想办法坚持下去,接受生活赋予自己的一切,不 畏困难,积极应对,这说明他很坚强,能勇敢面对自身缺陷和生活中的挑战;根据第 四段中的 he has this great sense of humor 可知,Florez有幽默感。push through设法完成。
阅读 B
26. C。理解具体信息。根据第五段中 Florez 所说的 My mom said she knew I wanted to play sports, so she found cross-country and said,‘Jack, you should check this out.’可知,正是因为他妈妈的推荐,Florez 走上了跑越野赛的道路。
阅读 B
27. B。推断。根据倒数第二段的内容可知, Boulder Creek 高中的越野赛跑教练 Tom 说,Florez 取得了很大进步,他跑完比赛 的用时更短,这令人激动,他还说很高兴 看到比赛时很多人到场为 Florez喝彩、加 油。由此推断,Tom 觉得 Florez 很励志, 很 受 欢 迎 。 knocking off big chunks of time大幅度地缩短了时间,这说明在比赛 中,Florez明显缩短了完成比赛的时间。
阅读 C
28. A。理解观点、态度。根据第一段中的As we grow up, we all face rejection at some point可知,随着我们的成长,我们都会在某个时候面临拒绝,由此推断,作者认为面临拒绝是很正常的,它是生活的一部分。
阅读 C
29. D。推断。根据第二段内容和第三段中 的 students need an outlet that does not feel like competition and allows us to be ourselves without worrying about what others think 可知 ,高中生活处处充满竞争,学生需要一种宣泄情感的途径,这种 途径不会让学生感到竞争,能让他们做回 自己,却不必担心别人的评价,由此推断, 作者认为高中生需要一个可以远离竞争的空间。
阅读 C
30. C。理解具体信息。根据倒数第二段中 的 I remind myself why I love writing and how the contribution is secondary 可知,作 者投稿遭到拒绝后,他提醒自己为什么喜欢写作,告诉自己投稿只是其次,没那么重要。
阅读 C
31. A。理解主旨要义。每个人在成长的过 程中都可能遭受拒绝,长大后还要面临由竞争导致的拒绝。作者认为每个人都需 要一种宣泄情感的途径,在激烈的竞争下放松喘气,作者自己通过舞蹈和写作做到了这一点。A 项指出了作者希望高中生 去寻找自己的方法摆脱对拒绝的恐惧,符合文章主旨。
阅读 D
32. C。 理 解 词 汇 。 根 据 划 线 词 前 的 once infected, the plant slowly dries up. It attacks hundreds of plant species worldwide可知,一旦感染这种细菌,树就会逐渐枯萎,这种细菌已经在全球攻击了 几百种植物物种,故可推断,在过去的百 年间,木杆菌已经摧毁了巴西的橙田等, decimate 应为“ 破 坏 ,摧 毁 ”之 意 。 vineyard葡萄园;olive trees橄榄树。
阅读 D
33. A。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的 In 2020, scientist Nicola Di Noia remembered how he worked with sniffer dogs to uncover drugs and explosives as an Italian national policeman 20 years ago. What if they could find Xylella too 可知,Di Noia 想起过去当警察时曾经和嗅探犬一起查获毒品和爆炸物的经历,受这段经历的启发,他想出了用狗狗探测木杆菌的办法。
阅读 D
34. D。理解具体信息。根据第四段中的 Donato Boscia, the head researcher, has been providing Donnini with trees suffering from the disease 可知 ,Boscia 负责向 Donnini 提供已感染木杆菌的橄榄树。
阅读 D
35. C。 推 断 。 根 据 倒 数 第 二 段 中 的 No matter where the plant is positioned, Ellis and her four-legged teammates can discover and stop in front of it 可知,在实验中,不管把感染木杆菌的小树放在哪里,狗狗们都能识别出来,故可推断,它们 表现出色,令人满意。
语言运用 第二节
语言运用 第二节
to help
写作 第一节
1. 大赛的筹备情况;
2. 请他提出建议。
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’m writing to provide you with an update on our upcoming English short play competition.
Firstly, the registration is now closed, and four short plays have been entered for the competition, with all of them being created by the participants themselves. Additionally, the participants have been practicing, and we’ve had a few practice competitions to help them get ready for the real event.
As an experienced English teacher, your advice would be very helpful in making the competition go smoothly. I’m looking forward to your suggestions and guidance.
Li Hua
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
写作 第二节
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Marcus understood that it was just an accident. _____
After a while, it was Marcus's turn to look through the telescope. _________________________________________
Marcus understood that it was just an accident. He was no longer so angry. He knew that there were more important things to focus on. So he smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it. Accidents happen, especially when an amazing solar eclipse is going on. Let’s enjoy this special moment together.” The boy was moved by Marcus’s kindness, and his face brightened with joy. They both walked over to a telescope nearby, where a group of people were sharing views of the solar eclipse.
One possible version:
After a while, it was Marcus’s turn to look through the telescope. However, he decided to let the boy go first. The boy was excited to look through the telescope, getting a close-up view of the beautiful eclipse. After Marcus had his turn, they shared their thoughts about the eclipse. Marcus found the boy was interested in the stars as well. They happily talked about this unforgettable experience as the moon slowly moved past the sun, and the Saturday afternoon became bright and sunny once again.
One possible version:中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
第一节: 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(Text 1)
M: I need some new clothes for my holiday.
W: This shop has shoes, socks, and shorts.
M: Well, I bought shoes and socks yesterday but I haven’t got any shorts.
(Text 2)
M: How did your parents like the play they attended last week
W: My mother thought the language was terrible, but my father liked it.
(Text 3)
M: I feel awful. I’ve got lots of homework to do today, but all I want to do after school is relax.
W: Of course you’ve got a lot. You didn’t do any yesterday, did you
M: No, I didn’t. I had football practice, and after that, I was too tired for anything else.
(Text 4)
W: I saw your dad yesterday, wearing a kind of uniform He looked more like a tour guide.
M: It’s not really a uniform, like pilots have to wear. He’s in charge of the new hotel near the airport.
(Text 5)
W: This is a nice big one. There’s so much room inside. We can put a lot of food and drinks in it.
M: Yes, it’ll keep them cold and fresh, but is it too big for our kitchen
W: I’m not sure.
第二节:听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
(Text 6)
M: Hello. I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to find my card. I think I left it somewhere here last time I was in Maybe in the changing room. Has anything been handed in
W: I’ll check for you … No, I can’t see anything. Normally any lost things end up behind the desk here. What’s your name
M: Andy Jackson. I’m a gold member here. I take the boxing class on Thursday evenings.
W: Yes, I recognize you. Why don’t you go in And I’ll get another card ready for you while you’re working out.
(Text 7)
M: Hey, do you know it’s Emma’s birthday next Saturday We should plan a surprise party for her.
W: Sure. My dad offered to let us have the party at our house.
M: That’s perfect. How many people are we allowed to invite
W: My dad mentioned that we should have no more than 15 people.
M: Well, there are only 10 of us, so that works out perfectly.
W: Great. Should we start the party around 6 pm
M: Oh no, that won’t work. I remember Emma has basketball practice until 5:30 pm on Saturdays, and my dance class ends at 6 pm. How about we start at 7 pm instead
W: Sounds like a plan. I’ll take care of hanging the lights and setting up the balloons for the party. Sarah also offered to help with the food. Can you invite everyone
M: No problem!
(Text 8)
M: Hi, Mrs. Johnson! I noticed you have a lot of bags. Can I help you carry them to your house
W: Oh, that would be wonderful. Thank you so much, Joe.
M: It’s my pleasure. So, did you get all the things from the new store
W: Yes, I did. I really like the new store. It offers a great variety of products, and the staff there are friendly. But what I like best about the store is that they support local farmers by selling their produce. It is fantastic to see the fresh fruits and vegetables sourced directly from nearby farms.
M: That’s wonderful to hear. I’ll have to check out the store myself.
W: You should. Oh, I’m home. Thank you again, Joe. It’s great to have such a caring neighbor like you.
(Text 9)
M: Hi Nancy, are you reading the news online
W: Oh, hi Bob. Actually, I am looking at the website of the new sports centre. It opens today.
M: Where is it
W: It’s on Blackwell Street across from the train station. It’s much bigger than the community sports centre next to our school. There is a huge swimming pool and a gym. They offer different exercise classes for every fitness level. You can play basketball and tennis there. And best of all, it’s got volleyball classes.
M: Oh really! Do you play volleyball
W: No, but I really want to learn how to play. Some of my friends are in the volleyball team at school and it looks like fun. Do you want to go with me at the weekend
M: I don’t know. I’m not very good at sports.
W: That’s not true. You’re an excellent swimmer. You can check out the pool. Besides, it says here that experienced players to beginners are welcome for all sports. So, what do you say
M: Sounds like fun. Sure, why not
(Text 10)
Hello everybody. I need to tell you about this month’s school trip. We’re going to a place called Spuddleford. School sports day is on June 4th, and we’ll go away on June 6th. We’ll stay there for two nights and return on the third day. Since you have been studying about rivers in geography class, this trip will give you the opportunity to see firsthand what can be found in a river. And we’ll learn about the forest and the mountains later this term. It’s a long journey — about five hours, so please be ready at twenty past eight and don’t be late. The coach will pick us up from outside the library, just like last time. I understand that some of you want to watch a film on the coach, but Mrs. Brown has decided to teach you some songs instead. And when you arrive, your visit begins with a talk in the visitor centre. Hope you enjoy it!
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