PEP四下Unit4 At the farm单元整体设计
第一部分 单元教学设计总思路
(一) 单元主题意义分析 项目 内容
主题意义 ◎交往 √ ◎感情 ◎态度
育人价值 认识农场里面的动植物,让学生亲近自然,表达对大自然的喜爱之情,学会珍惜粮食,节约粮食
(二) 教材分析 本单元的主题是参观农场,结合教材内容和大院大主题,设置与当下热门的话题:走进农村,实施助农计划,带领学生认识农场里面的动植物,让学生亲近自然,表达对大自然的喜爱之情,学会珍惜粮食,节约粮食。主要通过展示学生参观农场的情景学习部分蔬菜和动物的单词,能够运用What are these They are ---.They are so ---.和句型 Are these --- Yes, they are / No, they aren’t . 来询问和描述事物的特点。在此基础上,学生已有的相关背景知识有颜色单词、体形外貌形容词、数词等,这些背景知识结合本单元的蔬菜和动物整合运用,通过知识的不断滚动形成知识链。整个单元在一条主题线下学习,从活动一的走进农场,到活动二的宣传农场生活,让学生充分感受农场生活。
本 本次教学对象为小学四年级学生,他们在四年级上册已经学习过My classroom。学生能够简单介绍教室里面的物品,并能询问物品的位置, 学生能够爱护教室的公物,保持教室干净整洁, 热爱班集体。学习过句型:Where is the... It’s in/under/near...,能简单描述物品的方位。对句型:Is this/that... 也有接触。但是学生对校园文化,校园生活这一块的感悟和学习还是比较零散和欠缺的,通过本单元的学习,围绕询问校园里面场所及其位置这一主题,设计一系列基于真实情景的教学活动,学生能够感受到学校的漂亮与温馨,从而激发对学校的热爱,懂得向他人介绍自己的学校。
根据单元整体教学目标,整合之前所学过的有关颜色、描述事物特征的词汇及句型,设计到走进农场,实施助农计划单元大任务来贯穿整个单元,第一课时组织学生参观农场的蔬菜基地,学习询问回答蔬菜名称,并描述蔬菜特征。第二课时组织学生来到农场的动物乐园,学习询问回答动物名称,并讨论动物农场动物。第三课时通过为农场设计海报,帮助Old MacDonald把农产品卖出去的任务使学生扎实三会掌握动物词汇及拓展运用B部分句型,并通过不同场景综合运用AB核心句型进行交际;第四课时为语音课,学生能够掌握字母组合or的发音规则,表达对农场的喜爱。第五课时为故事课,学生能够表演有关农场生活趣味故事,表达对农场生活的向往。整个单元的内容上述思路中以承接的方式、递进的梯度进行呈现、操练和运用,形成知识整体。带领学生认识农场里面的动植物,让学生亲近自然,表达对大自然的喜爱之情,学会珍惜粮食,节约粮食。
本单元学习结束时,学生能够: 组织学生参观农场的蔬菜基地,学习询问回答蔬菜名称,并描述蔬菜特征。 能够听、说、认读词汇:tomato, potato, carrot, green bean,并能语用功能句:What are these They’re tomatoes. Are they carrots Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.询问物品名称并回答。 能够在情景中运用句型They’re...They’re good/so big!描述蔬菜特征。 学生能充分感受并的意义以及相应的句型变化,并能在情景中正确运用和表达。 感受农场精彩的生活,认识不同的蔬菜品种,学会珍惜粮食,热爱生活。 组织学生来到农场的动物乐园,学习询问回答动物名称,并讨论动物农场动物。 学生能够听、说、认读单词horse, cow, hen和sheep及其复数形式。 能情景中感知句型What are those They’re horses.以及Are they hens No, they aren’t.的语义及语用,并能利用这些功能句对农场动物进行询问、回答及描述。 学生能理解名词单复数以及正确使用句型: What’s this/that It’s a ...和What are these/ those They’re... 感悟农场美好的景象与生活。 通过为农场设计海报,帮助Old MacDonald把农产品卖出去的任务使学生扎实三会掌握动物词汇及拓展运用B部分句型。 能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,并在语境中理解新词garden, goat, over there的意思,读后完成圈词活动。 通过了解和感受四幅农场情境图中的Vegetable Garden和Animal Zone,以及教师创设的Fruit Garden,学生能够感受到农场生活的丰富多彩。 在细读、略读、仿写等阅读策略的引导下,学生能够进入文本情境,读懂文本,丰富想象力。 能够知道英语句子中有升调、降调、停顿的语音现象,并正确、优美地朗读文本。 学生能够掌握字母组合or的发音规则,表达对农场的喜爱。 (1)通过对比、发现字母组合or在单词中发/ :/和/ /的规律,并利用这一个规律进行拼词、读句。 (2)通过听句子写单词活动帮助学生按照发音规则拼写单词。 (3)演唱Chant相关歌谣,感受美好的农场生活,宣传农场,实施助农计划。 (4)学生通过发现式的学习,学会分析、归纳、总结。 学生能够表演有关农场生活趣味故事,表达对农场生活的向往。 (1)能够通过阅读趣味故事复习本单元所学语言,增加学生语言的输入。 (2)学生能理解、朗读故事内容,并能表演故事,还能恰当运用故事中的语言。 (3)通过阅读故事掌握基本的学习技能,并运用思维导图树立动植物与食物之间的关联。 (4)学生能感受农场美好的生活。
第二部分 分课时教学设计
【第 3课时】
教师 授课内容 Part B Let’s learn&talk
课时文本分析 [What]主题意义和主要内容 本课时是大任务驱动下的第二节课,是B部分Talk和Learn的融合课例,基于单元大任务:走进农场,争当助农代言人,开展第二个子任务: 参观农场动物乐园。教材通过Mike与Sarah继续参观农场的情景让学生感知词汇与句型的语义及语用情景。通过词汇和对话教学,学生能运用句型:What are those They are horses. Are they hens No, they are ducks.询问并回答农场里的动物名称,并描述其特征和数量。通过本课的学习,学生进一步了解农场的动物,学会爱护农场动物,热爱生活,为实施助农计划,宣传农场产品和生活做努力。 [How]文本结构和语言修辞 通过完成任务,学习以下词汇和句型对天气情况进行询问和回答: 词汇:horses, cows, hens, sheep, a lot of. 句型:What are those They are horses. Are they hens No, they are ducks.
教学重点 学生能够听、说、认读单词horse, cow, hen和sheep及其复数形式。能情景中感知句型What are those They’re horses.以及Are they hens No, they aren’t的语义及语用,并能利用这些功能句对农场动物进行询问、回答及描述。
教学难点 理解名词单复数以及正确使用,描述农场的动物特征
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Pre- task Greeting Greeting to the teacher
Let’s think: Which animals can be found at the zoo Which animals can be found at the farm Cow dog... 复习上节课的知识,同时吸引学生的注意力,从而顺利进入课题。
4.Let’s guess In his farm 复习旧知,为下文学新知识做铺垫
While-task 3.Watch and answer Horses ducks. 在学习单词之前,先让学生熟悉这五位同学
4.Read and answer What are those 通过回答问题引出本节课的重点单词,学生对这种方式更感兴趣,同时也增加了学生的视觉、听觉的语言输入,为后面输出打下基础。
5.Let’s learn 加深对对话的理解,本活动通过听读,加深学生的记忆
Post-task Look and answer What's the difference S1: Are these... S2: is this... 训练学生的听力和图文匹配能力,提高学生对新词的理解能力,同时也是检验学生的学习方式。
2.Look and fill Students read the new words in groups
3.Let’s write Read follow the tape and learn the new words. 通过对话练习的方式,既可以巩固知识点,又可以发散学生的思维
4.Draw and say
8.Homework (1)认真朗读并背诵单词及句子。 分层作业,自主拓展,有利于学生的语言表达和写作能力的发展。
Unit 4 At the farm
Part B
Let's talk & Let's learn
Which animals can be found at the zoo
Which animals can be found at the farm
Let's think
Miss White and the children go to the farm.
Let's guess
They know many vegetables at the farm.
Except the vegetables, there are a lot of animals at the farm.
What animals are they talking about
Watch and answer
What animals are they talking about
A. horses
B. hens
C. ducks
Watch and answer
Mike comes to the farm. He finds many animals.
Wow! You have a lot of animals.
Look at those animals. What are they
They're horses.
How does Mike ask
What are those
Read and answer
Let's lea rn
Neigh, neigh
A: What are those
B: They're horses.
A: What are these
B: They're horses.
Look and answer
Those VS These
共同点: 都指向复数的事物
不同点:those 远指复数事物 表示“那些”
this 近指复数事物 表示“这些”
Language point
What can you find
A: What are those
B: They're horses.
A: What's that
B: It's a horse.
Let's find
Language point
They're ______.
What are those.
Look at those animals. What are those
Look and answer
A: What are those
B: They're sheep.
A: What's that
B: It is a sheep.
What can you find
Baa, baa
sheep 单复数同形
Look at those horses, how many horses
Mmm ... seventeen.
How many horses do you have
Count and answer
How does Mike ask
Look at those animals, what are those
Are they hens
No, they aren't.
The're ducks.
A: Are they hens
B: No, they aren't.
They are chickens.
A: Are they hens
B: Yes, they are.
Look and answer
Let's learn
A: Are they cows
B: No, they aren't.
They are horses.
A: Are they cows
B: Yes, they are.
Look and answer
Let's learn
Moo, moo
Listen and imitate
Wow! You have a lot of animals. What are those
They're horses
Cool! How many horses do you have
Mmm ... seventeen.
What about those
Are they hens
No, they aren't. They're ducks.
Memory challenge
Let's learn
These are sheep.
Wow! They're so cute.
Let's read
Let's play
Neigh, neigh
What are those
Are they horses
Yes, they are.
Let's play
Meow, meow
What are those
Are they dogs
No, they aren't.
Let's play
What are those
Are they ...
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.
Draw and say
It's big.
Are these cows
This is my farm.
Yes, they are.
Are those cows
No, they aren't.
They are pigs.
Draw your dream farm and make a dialogue
A: This is my farm.
B: It's ...
Are these ...
A: Yes, they are.
No, they aren't
What have we learned today
1. 重点单词: horses(horse), cows(cow), hens(hen)
2. 重点句型:
①-Are those...
-Yes, they are./No, they aren't.
②-What are those
-They are ...
③ these those this that四个词的区别