广西贺州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)


名称 广西贺州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)
格式 zip
文件大小 6.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-20 09:50:10


第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1-5 CBABC 6-10 ACAAB 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CBAAB
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
21-23 BCD 24-27 DACB 28-31 BDCA 32-35 DBAC
36-40 ECGDB
第三部分 语言知识应用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
41-45 BDACB 46-50 DACBD 51-55 ACBAD
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56. to 57. when 58. to create 59. found 60. Currently
61. are discovered 62. instruments 63. a 64. developing 65. significant
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作
Dear Peter,
Knowing that you are interested in the Spring Festival, I’m writing with great delight to introduce it and extend an invitation to you.
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and it is a time when all family members get together. The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month. On that day we often eat our traditional dumplings, which are very delicious. Besides, people usually decorate the doors and windows with red couplets and hang red lanterns, because red means good luck. Perhaps you will enjoy the Spring Festival Gala and set off fireworks with us if you come. In addition, children can get lucky money from their parents and grandparents.
I’d like to invite you to join us for the Spring Festival. Looking forward to your coming.
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写
To my surprise, I found an envelope in my desk drawer on Tuesday morning after taking the seat in the classroom. Seeing the words on the envelope, I knew it’s written by Jenny. I couldn’t wait to open it. “I’m so sorry, Amy. Last Saturday morning, I was ill and we put off the appointment, but then I got a call from a friend who asked me out for coffee because she would move away the next day. I didn’t mean to hurt you at all, because you’re always my best friend. ”Putting down the letter, I noticed Jenny was looking at my direction. Feeling relieved, I went straight towards my friend. Shortly after, our merry laughters rang throughout the air.
W: Jim, can you help me fill in these forms My assistant has been ill and went to see the doctor just now.
M: Just tell me what needs to be done. I’m free till the four o'clock meeting begins.
Text 2
W: Is there any way I can get on the next flight to Tokyo My flight from Hong Kong didn’t arrive on time, so I missed my connection.
M: If you’re willing to fly by way of Seoul, there’s a flight leaving in 25 minutes.
Text 3
W: What a disappointment! I was told that this restaurant was good, but the service is quite unacceptable.
M: Yeah. It has been rather slow. It seems each waiter is responsible for too many tables.
Text 4
M: I’m going to a concert on Saturday night. My favorite group, the Blue Kings.
W: Are they famous
M: Are you kidding I can’t believe I got tickets.
Text 5
M: My room hasn’t been cleaned today, and the TV doesn’t work.
W: Oh, dear. I’m very sorry to hear that. What’s your room number
M: 247. And the service at breakfast this morning was terrible.
Text 6
M: Hi, Iris. What are you still doing here I thought you were working a half day, so you could prepare for your trip to the beach.
W: That was my plan, but the weather report is calling for rain this weekend. It’s supposed to be nicer next weekend.
M: So will you go next weekend instead
W: Yeah, I think I’ll stay at home this weekend and work a half day next Friday. I’d rather go when the weather is better.
Text 7
M: So, Selina, have you heard back yet about the marketing job you applied for
W: Yes. I got a phone call this morning. I’m going to have an interview with the marketing director tomorrow morning.
M: Good for you! Where’s the interview going to be held
W: At the company head office at Milan Street. It’s very close to your office. Why don’t we have lunch together tomorrow I’ll tell you all about it.
M: That’s OK. Let’s meet at 11:30.
Text 8
W: Brian, have you heard that Mr. Giddings will be awarded the prize for Best Car Design at the Hyatt Hotel next week
M: Yes, but I thought either Mr. Zarba or Ms. Miller would win. I feel they are more talented than Mr. Giddings.
W: They are excellent designers, too. The competition must have been fierce. Will the winner receive a lot of money
M: Maybe, I don’t know. By the way, do you know where the Hyatt Hotel is
W: It’s right across from the Bellagio Department Store on Granville Avenue, on the left side of a bank. The hotel just opened a week ago. I’ve heard they provide excellent food and service. Are you going to attend the ceremony
M: Right.
W: Then why don’t we go together
M: Good idea.
Text 9
M: Got my passport
W: Yes, Mr. O’Donnell. Here you are, sir.
M: I’m thinking of going shopping in the city center in the afternoon. Is it safe
W: Yes, sir. You’ll find that the center of Cape Town is no different from other major cities like London and New York.
M: I saw the markets around here were crowded and lively. I’d better watch out for pickpockets.
W: Yes. You shouldn’t take large amounts of cash. I recommend that you use cheques or credit cards.
M: I’ve got some traveler’s cheques with me. Now where did I put those car keys
W: I just saw you put them over there on the shelf. If you are driving, you must keep your car doors locked at all times. One last thing, avoid walking around the poorer areas of the city.
M: How about going to see Robben Island
W: There are several ferries but it’s best to book with an organized tour of the island. I can reserve one for you here at our hotel. Oh, and another thing, it’s a good idea to take a pill if you get seasick easily. You can get some from the drugstore over there.
Text 10
M: I’ve always been interested in making money. My father was very proud that I’d been to university—the first in my family to do so, and he hoped I’d become a banker or a lawyer. But instead I saw a chance to make money from sports shoes and started my business in the early 1980s. The business kept growing; by 1990 I had one hundred and twenty shops, and just before I sold the business in 1998, this figure had grown to two hundred and fifty. I made 268 million from the sale and, obviously, I’d made all the money I could ever need. I decided to take time out and enjoy myself. I spent loads of money on race cars and beautiful houses but after a while, I was bored and wanted to work again. I visited Africa for the first time in 2002 and saw I could offer business advice to farmers who were in difficulty. About five years ago, I started lending small amounts of money to people all over the world who had nothing, and who wanted to start their own business. Recently, I’ve been taking part in some projects. We’ve been able to build new schools and set up training programs that teach children about business. The first of these projects to be completed was a hospital in a small town in Malawi this spring.贺州市2023~2024学年度上学期高一年级期末质量检测试卷
英 语
考试时长120分钟 满分150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What is the man going to do first
A. See a doctor. B. Attend a meeting. C. Fill in some forms.
2. Which place is the woman’s destination
A. Hong Kong. B. Tokyo. C. Seoul.
3. Why is the woman disappointed about the restaurant
A. The service is slow.
B. The waiter is unfriendly.
C. The price is unacceptable.
4. What does the man mean
A. The concert is put off.
B. The man got tickets at last.
C. The woman should go to the concert as well.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. At the man’s house. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. How does the man feel when he sees the woman
A. Surprised. B. Disappointed. C. Annoyed.
7. What is the woman going to do next weekend
A. Work a half day. B. Stay at home. C. Go to the beach.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A job interview. B. A building’s position. C. A meal.
9. What will the woman do at noon tomorrow
A. Meet the man.
B. Go to the man’s office.
C. Have lunch with the marketing director.
10. Who is the Best Car Design Prize winner
A. Ms. Miller. B. Mr. Giddings. C. Mr. Zarba.
11. What do we know about the Best Car Design competition
A. It was very competitive.
B. There were few competitors.
C. The winner will receive much money.
12. Where is the Hyatt Hotel
A. Far from Granville Avenue.
B. Opposite a bank.
C. Across from a department store.
13. What does the woman think of Cape Town
A. Modern. B. Safe. C. Crowded.
14. What did the man put on the shelf
A. His passport. B. His traveler’s check. C. His car keys.
15. What does the woman most probably do
A. A travel agent. B. A hotel clerk. C. A customs officer.
16. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Drive around the poor areas.
B. Take a boat to Robben Island.
C. Buy some pills from a drugstore.
17. What made the speaker’s father proud
A. He found a well-paid job.
B. He was the first in his family to go to university.
C. He made great amounts of money.
18. How many shoe shops did the speaker have by 1990
A. 120. B. 250. C. 268.
19. What did the speaker do in 2002
A. He paid a visit to Africa.
B. He spent a lot on race cars.
C. He lent large sums of money to farmers.
20. What was built in a small town in Malawi this spring
A. A school. B. A hospital. C. A shoe shop.
第一节(共 15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Famous Modern Chinese Buildings
The Beijing International Airport
The first place most visitors see when they arrive in China is the Beijing International Airport.
The airport was constructed in the 1950s. It has an indoor garden, a children’s playground and over 70 food businesses in Terminal 3 alone.
The Shanghai World Financial Centre
Completed in 2008, SWFC took over 10 years to complete due to shortages of money and the construction delays. Since its completion, it has won countless architectural awards.
Tourists are welcome at SWFC’ s viewing platform, which is the world’s highest closed viewing platform.
The Water Cube
It was constructed for use during the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. Now visitors can express surprise at the architecture of the building. They can enjoy the indoor atmosphere as well.
Among the offerings of the Water Cube are a restaurant, a bar, a shopping area, and Water World, a family water park.
The Bird’s Nest
It was designed mainly for the 2008 Summer Olympics. It can hold up to 80,000 people. Nowadays, it also functions as a tourist attraction. It makes money from tourism. It draws more than 20,000 tourists every day.
The National Centre for the Performing Arts
It was completed in 2007. The building is surrounded by a man-made lake, requiring guests to enter through an underground hallway. It is home to an opera hall, a music hall, and a theatre.
21. Why was the construction of Shanghai World Financial Centre delayed
A. It needed more construction workers. B. It was short of money.
C. It added an extra viewing platform. D. It faced too much terrible weather.
22. How does the Bird’s Nest operate daily
A. By renting the winter theme park. B. By increasing its opening time.
C. By earning money from tourism. D. By giving some live concerts.
23. What can you do in the National Centre for the Performing Arts
A. Enjoy sports events. B. Play on the viewing platform.
C. Attend science lectures. D. Watch different performances.
Larry and I have always had our basic values in common, but our interests are as far apart as opera and basketball. I love art, and he is a huge sports fan. His big passion is seeing basketball games. He has been sharing season tickets with his friends for years. I must admit I’ve been always invited to see the games together.
This morning, I called my brother, Larry, and said, “I have a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. Which do you want to hear first ” “Good news first,” Larry answered. “You can go to sleep early tonight,” I said. “Okay. What’s the bad one ” he asked. “We’re going to the opera!” I answered, laughing loudly.
There was a reason for the joke. The last time I invited him to go to the opera, he fell asleep in the theater. I had to admit it was always boring for him, but when I gave him a ticket for my favorite opera, I really thought he might enjoy it. I woke him up, but soon he fell asleep again. When Larry found I was joking, he breathed a sigh of relief on the other end. He said, “But I want you to go to see the last basketball game this autumn with me.” I promised and complained, “Not again!” Actually, most of the time, when the game was on, I’d be texting or daydreaming. Sometimes, my telephone messages would be interrupted when the home team scored. I knew they scored because everyone jumped up and exchanged high- fives and fist bumps.
However, today, as I looked around at thousands of people cheering and getting increasingly excited, I decided to at least give it a try—for my brother’s sake, if not for my own. The game was intense, and I was fascinated soon. When the other team scored, I eventually felt a bit disappointed with the rest of my crowd. My brother was surprised to see me getting involved. I was astonished myself! I didn’t keep glancing at the clock, counting the minutes until we got out. Time flew. The game was over before I knew it.
24. Why does the author quote his conversation with Larry in paragraph 2
A. To show their common values.
B. To show their sense of humour.
C. To show the trust between them.
D. To show the difference in their interests.
25. What was the author’s original reaction to basketball games
A. He was casual about it. B. He was pleased to watch it.
C. He felt puzzled about it. D. He was curious about it.
26. What does the underlined word “fascinated” in the last paragraph mean
A. Bored. B. Disappointed. C. Addicted. D. Satisfied.
27. What can be the best title for the text
A. Art and Sport B. From Opera to Basketball
C. Cheering for the Home Team D. Developing a Passion for Opera
It is not only praise or punishment that determines a child’s level of cognition (认知). There are some other important ways we shape our kids—particularly by giving instructions and commands in a negative or positive choice of words. For example, we can say to a child “Don’t run into traffic! ”or “Stay on the footpath close to me.” In using the latter, you will be helping your kids to think and act positively, and to feel competent in a wide range of situations, because they know what to do, and aren’t scaring themselves with what not to do.
Actually, it is all in the way the human mind works. When we think, we automatically practise. For example, if someone offered you a million dollars not to think of a blue monkey for two minutes, you wouldn’t be able to do it. When a child is told “Don’t fall off the tree,” he will think of two things: “don’t” and “fall off the tree”. That is, he will automatically create the picture of falling off the tree in his mind. A child who is vividly imagining falling off the tree is much more likely to fall off. So it is far better to use “Hold on to the tree carefully.”
Clear, positive instructions help kids to understand the right way to do things. Kids do not always know how to be safe, or how to react to the warning of the danger in negative words. So parents should make their commands positive. “Sam, hold on firmly to the side of the boat” is much more useful than “Don’t you dare to fall out of the boat ” or “How do you think I’ll feel if you drown ” The changes are small but the difference is obvious.
Children learn how to guide and organize themselves from the way we instruct them with our words, so it pays to be positive.
Why do we choose positive words when giving kids commands
A. To help them to learn in different situations.
B. To instruct their own behaviors.
C. To guide them to imagine the picture.
D. To improve their imagination.
29. What can we infer from Paragraph 2
A. A child will act on what is instructed.
B. One won’t think of a blue monkey when given money.
C. A child will surely fall off the tree when told not to.
D. One can’t help imagining what is heard.
30. Which of the following commands helps kids to be safe
A. How do you think I’ll feel if you get hurt
B. Don’t walk on the grass.
C. Stay on the sidewalk until it’s safe to cross.
D. Don’t you dare to walk through the red light
31. What is the main idea of the passage
A. Positive instructions guide kids B. Praise makes kids confident
C. Right instructions keep kids safe D. Clear commands make kids different
Gorillas (大猩猩) in films such as King Kong and Tarzan are wildly beating their chests when under threat. Researchers have tried to find out what the behavior might mean, and they doubt that the gorillas exhibit this behavior not to start fights, but to prevent themselves — and chest-beating could be used to advertise their body size to other gorillas.
Scientists observed 25 wild male mountain gorillas for over 3,000 hours. The research team used audio (音频) equipment to record the sound frequency, rate, duration, and amount of chest beats. To determine each gorilla’s size, the researchers used cameras to photograph and measure each gorilla’s back.
Although the rate, duration, and amount of beats did not correlate with the size of the gorillas, sound frequency did , the researchers report. The team also noticed that larger gorillas produced deeper-tone chest drumming. Previous research has shown that a gorilla’s larger body size is linked to reproductive success and social rank. The chest-beating could be a way for the gorillas to advertise their size to others and, in turn, avoid fights that could result in serious injury or death.
Though gorillas can obviously observe size just by getting a good look at others, the researchers suggest chest beating is copper-bottomed when trying to communicate through a thick forest. The sounds gorillas created by beating their chests are powerful enough to travel long distance through thick forests and signal others their size and fighting ability.
Animal expert Anna Nekaris says it would be interesting to see if smaller gorillas can imitate the deep tones of larger ones in future studies. Nekaris says, “For now, the researchers will continue to study chest-beating to see if the action can pass on other information, such as dominance rank, sex, and individual identity, to nearby gorillas.”
32. What is the second paragraph mainly about according to the research
A. Its findings. B. Its purpose. C. Its samples. D. Its method.
33. Why do some gorillas beat their chests
A. To declare war on other gorillas.
B. To frighten other gorillas away.
C. To welcome their companions.
D. To celebrate their victory in a fight.
34. What does Nekaris suggest researchers study in the future
A. If smaller gorillas can make deep-toned chest drumming.
B. If gorillas’ chest-beating contains other information.
C. If larger gorillas are better at using their body influence.
D. If gorillas have other communication skills.
35. Which section may the passage come from in a newspaper
A. Health. B. Entertainment. C. Science. D. Sports.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
Do you often feel nervous when speaking English 36 I’ll tell you some tips for improving your confidence when speaking English.
●Concentrate on the positive, not the negative. 37 Don’t think or say things like “My English is so bad” or “I’ll never be good at English”. Those negative beliefs will make you less confident. Instead, think about your successes and strong points. When you concentrate on positive things, your confidence will improve.
●Understand that most mistakes aren’t so serious. Understand that most mistakes don’t matter very much. If you’re always worrying about mistakes, then you’ll feel nervous about your English. But the truth is that when you’re speaking, most people won’t notice your small mistakes. 38
●Stand up straight, make eye contact, smile and breathe. One involves what you do with your body when you’re speaking English, and that is to stand up straight or sit up straight, make eye contact, smile and remember to breathe. 39 So when you act confidently with your body by having good posture and making eye contact, and when you relax your face by smiling and breathing, these will make your spoken English more confident and comfortable as well.
● 40 The more you practice something, not only do you get better, but you also get more confident. If you only speak English once a week for a couple minutes, then it’s going to take a long time to build up your confidence! Look for other opportunities to practice your speaking.
A. Speak louder and slower.
B. Practice as much as possible.
C. What you need to do is to improve your attitude.
D. Your body language has an effect on your confidence.
E. Are you wondering how to speak English confidently
F. How do you correct your mistakes when writing English
G. So relax and don’t put so much stress on yourself to be perfect.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Katie Stagliano was 9 years old and she was in the third grade. At the beginning of the new term, she began a gardening project as part of a school 41 . Her teacher told her to plant vegetable seeds in her home garden. Katie took this work 42 . She carefully planted the seeds and she felt 43 as she found three tiny green cabbage leaves grow to become a huge and 40-pound cabbage.
Later, as a(n) 44 , Katie and other students started planting vegetable gardens throughout the community. They donated their 45 to the local soup kitchen. Katie dreamed of one day 46 her hobby into a harvest movement where the vegetable gardens would help support soup kitchens and food shelter organizations. She 47 ending food insecurity worldwide by growing one vegetable garden.
In 2010, the only local soup kitchen in Katie’s community 48 because of money. The closure 49 her to turn her dream into a reality when she started Katie’s Krops. Through the non-profit organization, volunteers 50 meals using vegetables donated by the gardens, and anyone in 51 within the community was invited. In the beginning, Katie’s Krops hosted weekly community 52 that provided up to 200 meals at a time.
The student-run gardens 53 with Katie’s Krops now include 100 gardens across the United State. Totally, they have donated 500,000 pounds of fresh vegetables and have served more than 40,000 meals to those 54 with food insecurity.
In addition, the Katie’s Krops outdoor classroom provides gardening classes and hands-on 55 to children, adults and families. The organization hopes to teach children how to become good stewards (管家) of the Earth.
41. A. game B. task C. trip D. rule
42. A. doubtfully B. helplessly C. quietly D. seriously
43. A. amazed B. relaxed C. annoyed D. anxious
44. A. attitude B. hope C. hobby D. fashion
45. A. time B. products C. money D. thoughts
46. A. knocking B. preventing C. dividing D. developing
47. A. imagined B. remembered C. prevented D. forgot
48. A. took off B. moved on C. shut down D. worked out
49. A. chose B. drove C. ordered D. warned
50. A. sold B. threw C. cleaned D. prepared
51. A. need B. action C. search D. line
52. A. interviews B. concerts C. dinners D. performances
53. A. disagreed B. connected C. discussed D. separated
54. A. struggling B. escaping C. feeding D. exchanging
55. A. stress B. price C. housework D. knowledge
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Among the many arts in China are the performing arts. Like paintings, sculptures, carvings and other physical arts, the performing arts in China have a long history. The performing arts range from martial arts like kung fu 56.__________ folk songs and dances that vary by region and area.
The performing arts in China date back to ancient times 57.__________ the tribes (部落) took control of the land long before the culture became well developed. As the country began to unify and change, the performing arts used elements of different tribes 58.__________ (create) harmonious performances.
The performing arts 59._______(find) in China have constantly grown, developed and changed while keeping elements of the original art. 60.__________ (current), performing arts like singing, acting and the traditional Chinese Opera hold many elements. The elements 61.__________ (discover) in folk songs and dances with a modern change that includes newer 62.__________ (instrument) and techniques.
Chinese art has 63._________ unique aspect that sets it apart from other cultures. Because several generations spend lots of time 64.__________ (develop) it, Chinese art has a developed and unique design that is a 65.__________ (significance) part of the country’s history.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节 应用文写作(15分)
假如你是李华,你想邀请在中国留学的英国好友 Peter 到家里过春节,请你给他写一封邮件。内容包括:1. 介绍中国春节(如:节日时间、风俗习惯、庆祝方式等);2. 真诚邀请,期待来访。
注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
参考词汇: the Spring Festival Gala春节晚会; lunar农历 ; couplets 春联
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)
As we all know, it is difficult to start a friendship but it is even more difficult to keep one. Recently I’ve understood it better for I experienced both the pain of the potential of losing a close friend and the joy of regaining one.
In primary school, I was just an ordinary student, shy and a little awkward. However, Jenny was outgoing, confident and helpful, which made her popular among classmates. One day, when I felt upset for failure in an important Maths test, Jenny came to my aid, cheering me up, and we talked a lot. Since then, a close friendship has grown between us and she has been like a sister to me. Up to now, we have been good friends for eight years. We’re always together, walking to school, doing homework or just hanging out on weekends. Everyone will feel surprised if we’re not seen playing together. But last Saturday, what she did really made me feel heartbroken.
We intended to see a new film at the cinema that day, but in the morning she called me, saying she had a bad cold and wanted to rest at home instead of going out for a film. “Never mind, ”I told her. "We can watch the film when you’re better. ”
However, a horrible surprise hit me on the next Monday. A classmate told me she had seen Jenny chatting with another girl in a cafe on Saturday afternoon. Why did she cheat me I exploded with anger and ignored her during school all day, without responding to her online messages. Actually, this stressful situation made me confused and sleepless in the night.
To my surprise, I found an envelope in my desk drawer on Tuesday morning after taking the seat in the classroom.