人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 22.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-20 12:17:02



Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing 教学设计
The analysis of the text文本分析:
The text presents a persuasive argument in favor of continuing space exploration despite criticisms that it is a waste of resources. It outlines several key points to support this stance:
1. Practical Benefits: The text highlights how space exploration has practical benefits for addressing global issues such as hunger. Satellites developed for space missions provide valuable data on land and weather patterns, which in turn helps improve agricultural practices and food production to feed the world's growing population.
2.Technological Advancements: Space exploration drives technological advancements that have wide-ranging applications beyond space missions. The development of advanced materials and technologies originally intended for space exploration has led to improvements in various industries, including healthcare and consumer products. This demonstrates how investments in space exploration can yield practical benefits for society as a whole.
3. Global Perspective and Solutions: Space exploration encourages a global perspective on Earth's challenges and potential solutions. Images of Earth from space help raise awareness of environmental issues and the finite nature of Earth's resources. Additionally, the search for habitable planets beyond Earth prompts discussions about sustainability and the need for long-term solutions to global problems.
Overall, the analysis suggests that space exploration is not a waste of time and money but rather a worthwhile endeavor with tangible benefits for humanity. It emphasizes the importance of continued investment in space exploration to address both immediate and future challenges facing society.
The objective of this English class is to engage students in an interactive exploration of the topic of space exploration. Through a combination of reading, discussion, and writing activities, students will improve their language skills while deepening their understanding of the subject matter.
Duration: 45 minutes
Materials Needed:
- Printed copies of the provided passage on space exploration
- Whiteboard or flip chart
- Markers
- Writing materials (notebooks, pens)
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Welcome the students to the class and introduce the topic of space exploration.
- Briefly explain the objectives of the lesson: to read and discuss a passage on space exploration and engage in related language activities.
2. Reading Comprehension (10 minutes)
- Distribute printed copies of the passage on space exploration to each student.
- Instruct students to read the passage silently.
- After reading, ask comprehension questions to ensure understanding, such as:
- What are some practical benefits of space exploration mentioned in the passage
- What ethical considerations are associated with space exploration
- How does space exploration promote technological innovation
3. Group Discussion (10 minutes)
- Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students.
- Assign each group a specific aspect of space exploration mentioned in the passage (e.g., practical benefits, ethical considerations, technological innovation).
- Instruct groups to discuss their assigned aspect, sharing insights and opinions.
- Circulate among groups to facilitate discussions and provide guidance as needed.
4. Language Analysis and Vocabulary Expansion (10 minutes)
- Use the whiteboard or flip chart to list key vocabulary words and phrases related to space exploration from the passage.
- Engage students in a brief language analysis activity, focusing on word meanings, usage, and context.
- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in sentences or short paragraphs related to space exploration.
5. Writing Activity (10 minutes)
- Assign a writing task related to the theme of space exploration, such as:
- Write a persuasive paragraph arguing for or against the importance of space exploration.
- Describe a fictional space mission to a distant planet, focusing on scientific discoveries and challenges faced by the astronauts.
- Reflect on the ethical dilemmas associated with space exploration and propose solutions.
- Allow students time to complete the writing task individually.
- Encourage creativity and critical thinking while writing.
6. Conclusion (5 minutes)
- Invite students to share their writing or key insights from the discussion.
- Summarize the main points covered in the lesson and emphasize the importance of language skills in understanding complex topics like space exploration.
- Thank the students for their participation and encourage them to continue exploring the fascinating world of space through language.
By following this teaching procedure, students will engage actively with the topic of space exploration, enhance their language skills, and develop a deeper appreciation for the subject matter.
Two sample writings based on procedure 5
Sample Writing 1: Persuasive Paragraph
Title: The Imperative of Space Exploration
Space exploration stands as one of humanity's most awe-inspiring endeavors, not merely for its grandeur but for its profound impact on our lives. Critics may argue that the resources invested in space missions could be better spent on addressing immediate problems here on Earth, but they fail to grasp the long-term benefits that space exploration offers. The pursuit of space exploration has yielded invaluable advancements in technology, medicine, and environmental science that have transformed our world.
One cannot overstate the significance of space exploration in driving technological innovation. From the development of satellite technology to the creation of advanced materials, the challenges posed by space exploration have spurred breakthroughs that benefit society as a whole. The technologies born out of space exploration, such as GPS, satellite imagery, and medical imaging devices, have become indispensable tools in our daily lives, enhancing communication, navigation, and healthcare.
Moreover, space exploration has provided us with a unique perspective on our planet and its fragile ecosystem. Through satellites and space probes, we have gained insights into climate change, natural disasters, and environmental degradation, allowing us to monitor and mitigate these global challenges. By studying other celestial bodies, we also deepen our understanding of Earth's origins and evolution, paving the way for sustainable stewardship of our planet.
Critics may argue that the cost of space exploration outweighs its benefits, but they fail to recognize its intrinsic value as a driver of scientific progress and human curiosity. Space exploration inspires generations of scientists, engineers, and dreamers to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore the unknown. It ignites our collective imagination and reminds us of the boundless potential of the human spirit.
In conclusion, space exploration is not a frivolous pursuit but a noble endeavor that enriches our lives and expands the frontiers of human knowledge. As we continue to explore the cosmos, we must recognize the profound impact that space exploration has on our society, economy, and future. Investing in space exploration is not just an investment in our future—it is an investment in the survival and prosperity of humanity.
Sample Writing 2: Reflective Essay
Title: Contemplating Our Place in the Cosmos
The sight of our pale blue dot suspended in the vast expanse of space is both humbling and awe-inspiring. As I contemplate the implications of space exploration, I am struck by the profound insights it offers into our place in the cosmos and our responsibility to steward our planet wisely.
Space exploration has provided humanity with a newfound perspective on our home planet. The iconic "Blue Marble" image of Earth taken from space underscores the fragility and interconnectedness of life on our planet. It serves as a poignant reminder of the need to protect and preserve our precious biosphere for future generations. Moreover, the study of other celestial bodies has deepened our understanding of Earth's origins and evolution, shedding light on the fundamental processes that shape our world.
At the same time, space exploration challenges us to confront ethical dilemmas and existential questions. The prospect of human colonization of other planets raises profound ethical questions about resource allocation, environmental impact, and the preservation of indigenous life forms. As we contemplate the possibility of becoming an interplanetary species, we must grapple with the moral implications of our actions and strive to uphold principles of equity, sustainability, and respect for life.
Yet, amidst these challenges, space exploration offers hope and inspiration for the future. It ignites our curiosity, fuels our imagination, and unites us in a shared quest for knowledge and discovery. The achievements of space exploration—from landing on the Moon to exploring the outer reaches of our solar system—serve as testament to the power of human ingenuity and perseverance.
In the end, space exploration is not merely about reaching new frontiers—it is about exploring the depths of our own humanity. It challenges us to transcend our limitations, confront our fears, and aspire to greatness. As we gaze up at the stars, let us remember that our journey into space is not just a voyage of discovery—it is a journey of self-discovery, reminding us of the boundless potential that lies within each of us.
Homework: Writing Task:
Imagine you are a future astronaut preparing to embark on a historic mission to explore a distant planet. Write a journal entry reflecting on your emotions, thoughts, and expectations as you prepare for this journey into the unknown. Consider the challenges and excitement of space exploration, as well as the potential impact of your mission on humanity's understanding of the universe.
Sample Writing 1:
Journal Entry - Day 1 of Mission Preparation
As I sit here in the quiet solitude of the spacecraft, I am overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Excitement, anticipation, nervousness – they all swirl around me like the stars outside our window. Today marks the beginning of our mission preparations, and the gravity of what lies ahead is starting to sink in.
The journey we are about to embark on is unlike any other in human history. We are not just traveling to another planet; we are venturing into the unknown, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The thought of being one of the first humans to set foot on a distant world fills me with awe and wonder.
But along with the excitement comes a sense of responsibility. Our mission is not just about exploration; it is about discovery – about uncovering the secrets of this alien landscape and bringing them back to Earth for further study. The knowledge we gain could revolutionize our understanding of the universe and pave the way for future generations of explorers.
Yet, amidst all the anticipation, there is also a tinge of fear. Space is vast and unforgiving, and the dangers that await us are very real. Every decision we make, every action we take, carries with it the weight of our lives and the success of our mission. But it is precisely this challenge that drives us forward, pushing us to reach beyond ourselves and strive for greatness.
As I look out at the stars twinkling in the darkness, I can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the vastness of the cosmos. There is so much we have yet to discover, so much we have yet to learn. And as we prepare to embark on this journey into the unknown, I am filled with a sense of purpose – a sense of destiny. For we are not just astronauts; we are pioneers, blazing a trail into the future of humanity.
Sample Writing 2:
Journal Entry - Day 10 of Mission Preparation
The past ten days have been a whirlwind of activity as we prepare for our upcoming mission to explore the distant planet Proxima Centauri b. Each day brings new challenges and new discoveries, pushing us to our limits and testing our resolve.
One of the biggest challenges we've faced so far is the rigorous training regimen designed to prepare us for the harsh conditions of space travel. From simulated zero-gravity exercises to survival training in extreme environments, every moment has been an opportunity to hone our skills and strengthen our bond as a team.
But amidst the challenges, there is also excitement – the thrill of knowing that we are on the brink of something truly extraordinary. The prospect of stepping foot on an alien world, of witnessing sights that no human eyes have ever seen before, fills me with a sense of wonder and awe.
And yet, there is also a sense of trepidation. Space is a vast and unforgiving place, and the dangers that await us are very real. From the perils of cosmic radiation to the ever-present threat of equipment failure, every step of our journey will be fraught with risk.
But it is precisely this challenge that drives us forward – the knowledge that we are pushing the boundaries of human exploration, venturing into the unknown in search of answers to some of the universe's greatest mysteries. And as we stand on the cusp of our journey, I am filled with a sense of pride – pride in what we have accomplished so far, and pride in what we are about to achieve. For we are not just astronauts; we are pioneers, forging a path into the future of humanity.