2024届高考英语复习专题08: 汉译英80题(上海专用)(含解析)


名称 2024届高考英语复习专题08: 汉译英80题(上海专用)(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-21 12:24:32


专题08 汉译英80题
1.(22-23高一下·上海嘉定·期中)学生们应充分意识到这样的事实:能力、努力和健康是成功的三大要素。(aware) (汉译英)
2.(22-23高一下·上海嘉定·期中)这是他第一次在全班面前做演讲,这给大家留下了深刻的印象。(that) (汉译英)
3.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)那家自助餐厅的这道菜不但营养丰富,而且色味俱佳,因为它的新食谱中包含许多由移民引入的不同食材。(appealing,introduce) (汉译英)
4.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)只要你坚持提高运动技术,就一定会实现终极目标:入选排球校队。(persist, sure) (汉译英)
5.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)受地震影响的灾民无法与外界取得接触,这增加了救援的难度。(access n.) (汉译英)
6.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)制造商欣然接受了这个设计,并允许将它大规模生产。(embrace,scale) (汉译英)
7.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)感谢你在网上为我订购了最新设计的球鞋。(appreciate) (汉译英)
8.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)这部大热纪录片里其乐融融的场景让我想起了自己小时候,每年除夕全家围在一起守岁的情景。(when) (汉译英)
9.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)那位落败的摄影师明确表示,他仍旧会对事业保有热情,没有什么能妨碍他对艺术的追求。(way) (汉译英)
10.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)数学家苏步青坚守他对科学的信仰,敬业地在复旦大学工作了数十年。(hold) (汉译英)
12.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)由于生态环境的日益改善,这个地区的湿地吸引了越来越多的鸟类来此过冬,包括一些珍稀的鸟类。(attract) (汉译英)
13.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)很多国内和国外的企业在疫情期间遭受重创,举步维艰努力维持生计。(struggle) (汉译英)
14.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)气候变化所带来的负面影响引起了全球的关注,这些影响难以解决。(gain) (汉译英)
16.(22-23高一下·上海浦东新·期中)健康专家越来越担心过度使用手机会给我们带来潜在的身心危害。(concern) (汉译英)
19.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)那是他第一次登台即兴演讲,结果他的镇定自若和旁征博引深深地打动了评委们。(turn out) (汉译英)
20.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)羽毛球场上形势瞬息万变,球员险胜后教练才如释重负。(not...until) (汉译英)
21.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)我们的祖国大地到处都是壮丽的山川。(dot) (汉译英)
22.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)要想炒饭口感更佳,必须充分搅拌米粒。(so that)(汉译英)
23.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)一部向无私奉献的教师们致敬的影片即将开机,他们为教育事业放弃休假,在线答疑。(honor) (汉译英)
24.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)尽管科技的发展日新月异,但是有一些新发明并不适用于所有人。(apply) (汉译英)
30.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)由郭帆执导、根据刘慈欣小说改编的《流浪地球》, 是中国科幻电影制作的最佳典范,是一部不容错过的电影。(example) (汉译英)
31.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)多亏了袁隆平的不懈努力,中国不仅在大米方面自给自足,而且还成为世界上最大的粮食捐助国之一。(not only) (汉译英)
32.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)只要你经常去书店看看,和网友多交流想法,总会遇到值得一读的东西。(come across) (汉译英)
33.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)大器晚成者指的是那些一开始失败,但通过努力和奉献设法获得成功的人。(manage) (汉译英)
34.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)我能想到大多数老师的两个共同点:他们致力于教学,热爱学生。(common) (汉译英)
35.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)尽管有不确定性, 许多专家表达了他们对超级人工智能可能对人类造成的损害的担忧。(despite, concern) (汉译英)
36.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)随着世界变得更全球化,我们已经到了掌握一门外语对于年轻人来说是必备技能的地步。(point) (汉译英)
37.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)老师发现很难让学生们的注意力集中在一个话题上超过 15分钟。(focus) (汉译英)
38.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)是一瓶矿泉水帮助他在地震中活了下来。(It, survive) (汉译英)
39.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)正如船破浪前进一样,我们面对困难应该勇往直前,这种精神值得代代相传。(pass) (汉译英)
40.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)我们只有善于从错误中吸取教训,才能在学业上取得长足的进步。(draw) (汉译英)
41.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)作为本次活动的东道主,我们招待所有的代表团吃了一顿美味佳肴。(serve) (汉译英)
42.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)一直以来很多人对身体穿孔评价很低,实际上年轻一代认为这是正常的行为,甚至彰显了群体认同感。(opinion, which)(汉译英)
43.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)尽管第二季备受争议,《舌尖上的中国》让国人明白没什么比家人团聚更重要了。(as, clear)(汉译英)
48.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)当人们去国外时,他们往往会经历文化冲击和种种波折起伏。(tend) (汉译英)
49.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)这家旅馆有高速互联网接入服务。(access) (汉译英)
52.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)多亏了负责任的医生,我患癌的姐姐扛过了手术。(live through)(汉译英)
54.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)我们拥有你能想象得到的关于现代健身会所的一切,各种各样的运动器械,受过专业培训的教练,奢华的洗浴设施,甚至还有一个 24 小时营业的餐厅为会员提供有营养、低热量的餐食。(imagine, which)(汉译英)
55.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)各国应对疫情的手段不尽相同,但我认为总体而言大家都在试图让民众的生活尽快回归正常。(approach, attempt)(汉译英)
56.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)看似对封城不太在意,但其实我妈这些天最关心的事就是早中晚饭吃什么。(As, concern)(汉译英)
61.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)自从上世纪 80 年代末期,一些国家人口以令人警示的速度下降,老龄化对于就业造成了巨大的威胁。(threat)(汉译英)
65.(21-22高一下·上海长宁·期中)尽管互联网在获得一手资料方面带来的便利,合格的记者应该擅长辨别新闻的真伪。(Despite) (汉译英)
66.(21-22高一下·上海长宁·期中)得知该学生没钱完成学业,这位热心的老师毫不犹豫地给了他财政支持。(afford) (汉译英)
69.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)他因经常帮助社区老人而受到表扬。(praise) (汉译英)
70.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)必须采取有效的措施阻止本土文化的消失。(measure) (汉译英)
71.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)由于缺乏医疗设施与防护措施,很多医护人员面临被感染的风险。(lack) (汉译英)
72.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)直到鲨鱼翻白眼,又翻了个身,老人才松开了他的鱼叉,决定将它拖到岸上去。(Not until) (汉译英)
73.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)疫情期间,地方政府应当采取什么措施来维持物价的稳定呢?(measure) (汉译英)
74.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)非常感谢你在我们出国度假期间照顾我们的宠物狗。(grateful) (汉译英)
76.(21-22高一下·上海浦东新·期中)一个好的记者应该致力于客观地报道真相,而不是煽动读者的情绪。(appeal) (汉译英)
77.(21-22高一下·上海浦东新·期中)据报道,这个城市已经有超过 4 万人感染了病毒,且公众为食物匮乏而担忧,这值得关注。(worth) (汉译英)
1.Students should be fully aware of the fact that ability, efforts and health are three important factors of success.
【详解】考查时态,短语和从句。根据所给汉语提示,“学生”英语表达为“student”,“应该”英语表达为“should”,“意识到”英语可使用介词短语即“be aware of”,“事实”英语表达为“fact”,根据所给句子分析可知,句中“能力、努力和健康是成功的三大要素”在解释fact这一抽象名词,因此需要使用同位语从句。“能力”英语表达为“ability”,“努力”英语表达为“efforts”,“健康”英语表达为“health”,“重要的”英语表达为“important”,“因素”英语表达为“factor”,“成功”英语表达为“success”,此句句意完整,成分齐全,使用that引导同位语从句,即that ability, efforts and health are three important factors of success. 故答案为:Students should be fully aware of the fact that ability, efforts and health are three important factors of success.
2.It is the first time that he has delivered a speech in front of the whole class, which leaves a deep impression on everyone.
【详解】考查固定句型、定语从句。表示“第一次做某事”用固定句型It is the first time that sb. has done sth,;表示“做演讲”用deliver a speech,故本句用It is the first time that he has delivered a speech。表示“在全班面前”用in front of the whole class。表示“这给大家留下了深刻的印象”用非限制性定语从句形式表示。从句主语用which代替主句;表示“给某人留下了深刻的印象”用短语leave a deep impression on sb.,因主语which为第三人称单数,故本句用leaves a deep impression on。表示“大家”用everyone,作介词on的宾语。故句子翻译为It is the first time that he has delivered a speech in front of the whole class, which leaves a deep impression on everyone.
3.The dish of that cafeteria is not only nutritious but also appealing when it comes to color and taste as the new recipe includes many different ingredients introduced by immigrants.
【详解】考查状语从句、形容词、动词。分析句子结构,这是一个包含时间状语从句和原因状语从句的复合句,“色味俱佳”可以使用时间状语从句进行表达,用when引导从句;“因为它的新食谱中包含许多由移民引入的不同食材”为原因状语从句,用as引导从句。表示“那家自助餐厅的这道菜”含义的表达为the dish of that cafeteria;表示“不但……而且”含义的结构为“not only…but also”;表示“营养丰富”含义的词为nutritious;表示“色味俱佳”的表达为appealing when it comes to color and taste;表示“新食谱”含义的表达为the new recipe;表示“包含”含义的动词为include;表示“许多由移民引入的不同食材”含义的表达为many different ingredients introduced by immigrants,其中introduced为过去分词做后置定语,修饰ingredients。因句子表达的是一个客观情况,谓语动词使用一般现在时,故翻译为The dish of that cafeteria is not only nutritious but also appealing when it comes to color and taste as the new recipe includes many different ingredients introduced by immigrants.
4.As long as you persist in improving sports techniques, you’re sure to achieve your ultimate goal — to be selected for the varsity volleyball team.
【详解】考查条件状语从句和固定搭配。根据句意用一般现在时,表示“只要”应用as long as引导条件状语从句。表示“坚持做某事”应用动词短语persist in doing。表示“提高”应用动词improve。表示“运动”应用名词sports,表示“技术”应用名词technique。表示“一定做某事”应用be sure to do。表示“实现”应用动词achieve,表示“终极的”应用形容词ultimate,表示“目标”应用名词goal。表示“入选”应用be selected for,goal为抽象名词,所以此处应用to do不定式。表示“排球校队”应用the varsity volleyball team。再结合其它汉语意思,故翻译为As long as you persist in improving sports techniques, you’re sure to achieve your ultimate goal — to be selected for the varsity volleyball team.。
5.People (who were) affected by the earthquake had no access to/could not have access to the outside world, which added to the difficulty of the rescue.
【详解】考查动词短语和一般过去时。此处描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。表示“受……影响”应用be affected by,此处可用过去分词作后置定语,也可用定语从句,从句中缺少主语,且先行词为人,所以应用关系代词who引导。表示“地震”应用名词earthquake。表示“无法与……取得接触”应用动词短语have no access to,或can not have access to。表示“外界”应用the outside world。表示“增加”应用add to,表示“难度”应用名词difficulty,表示“救援”应用名词rescue。在非限制性定语从句中缺少主语,且修饰主句,所以应用关系代词which。再结合其它汉语意思,故翻译为People (who were) affected by the earthquake had no access to/could not have access to the outside world, which added to the difficulty of the rescue.。
6.The manufacturer embraced this design and allowed it to be produced/manufactured on a large scale.
【详解】考查短语、非谓语动词和时态。“制造商”翻译为The manufacturer,在句中作主语;“欣然接受”翻译为embrace,在句中作谓语动词;“这个设计”翻译为this design,在句中作宾语。“允许某人做某事”用短语allow sb. to do sth. “生产”用动词produce/manufacture,代词it与produce/manufacture之间为被动关系,所以用不定式的被动语态。“大规模”用短语on a large scale。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时。根据句意,故翻译为The manufacturer embraced this design and allowed it to be produced/manufactured on a large scale.
7.I appreciate your ordering the latest designed sneakers for me online.
【详解】考查短语和时态。“感激某人做某事”用短语appreciate one’s doing;“最新设计的球鞋”翻译为the latest designed sneakers。陈述现在事实,用一般现在时。根据句意,故翻译为I appreciate your ordering the latest designed sneakers for me online.
8.The happy scenes in the hit documentary remind me of when I was a child, the whole family would gather together every New Year’s Eve.
【详解】考查状语从句和动词短语。表示“乐融融的场景”应用the happy scenes;表示“这部大热纪录片里”翻译为in the hit documentary;表示“让某人想起”短语为remind sb. of sth.,为一般现在时;when引导时间状语从句,表示“自己小时候”翻译为when I was a child;表示“全家围在一起守岁”翻译为the whole family would gather together;表示“每年除夕”翻译为every New Year's Eve。故翻译为The happy scenes in the hit documentary remind me of when I was a child, the whole family would gather together every New Year’s Eve.
9.The defeated photographer made it clear that he would still have a passion for his career and that nothing would get in the way of his pursuit of art.
【详解】考查动词、名词、形容词、固定句型、短语和时态。“落败的”可以用形容词defeated表示;“摄影师”用名词photographer表示;“明确表示”可以用句型make it clear that表示,其it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的that从句;“仍旧”用副词still表示;“对……有热情”用短语have a passion for表示;“事业”翻译为career;“没什么”翻译为nothing;“妨碍”可以用短语get in the way of表示;“对艺术的追求”翻译为pursuit of art;根据句意可知,该句子应该用一般过去时。故翻译为The defeated photographer made it clear that he would still have a passion for his career and that nothing would get in the way of his pursuit of art.
10.Mathematician Su Buqing held his faith in science and worked with dedication in Fudan University for decades.
【详解】考查动词、名词、固定搭配和时态。“数学家”用名词mathematician表示;“坚守他对科学的信仰”翻译为hold his faith in science;“敬业地工作”翻译为work with dedication;“在复旦大学”翻译为in Fudan University;“数十年”翻译为for decades;根据句意可知,该句子应该用一般过去时。故翻译为Mathematician Su Buqing held his faith in science and worked with dedication in Fudan University for decades.
11.Despite the exponential growth in the number of different webpages, there are very few webpages that use dialects.
【详解】考查介词、固定短语和时态。表示“尽管”应用介词despite;表示“各种不同网页的数量成倍增加”翻译为the exponential growth in the number of different webpages;为there be句型;表示“使用方言的网页却很少”翻译为very few webpages that use dialects,that引导定语从句;为一般现在时。故翻译为Despite the exponential growth in the number of different webpages, there are very few webpages that use dialects.
12.Due to the increasing improvement of the ecological environment, the wetlands in this area have attracted more and more birds to spend winter here, including some rare birds.
【详解】考查时态、名词、动词、短语和介词。表示“由于”应用due to;表示“生态环境”应用ecological environment;表示“日益改善”应用increasing improvement;表示“湿地”应用wetland;表示“吸引”应用attract;表示“越来越多的”应用more and more;表示“包括”应用include;表示“珍稀的鸟类”应用rare bird。根据题干,本句应用现在完成时,强调过去的动作对现在产生的影响。分析句子结构和汉语题干,本句的谓语为“吸引”,包括为介词including。故本句可译为:Due to the increasing improvement of the ecological environment, the wetlands in this area have attracted more and more birds to spend winter here, including some rare birds.
13.Many domestic and foreign enterprises suffered heavy losses during the epidemic, struggling to make ends meet.
【详解】考查名词,动词,形容词,介词,短语和时态。表示“很多”应用形容词many;表示“国内和国外的”应用形容词短语domestic and foreign;表示“企业”应用名词enterprise的复数,表示泛指;表示“在疫情期间”应用介词短语during the epidemic;表示“遭受重创”应用动词短语suffer heavy losses;表示“努力”应用动词struggle;表示“维持生计”应用动词短语make ends meet;分析句子结构和意思可知,“举步维艰努力维持生计”是“很多国内和国外的企业在疫情期间遭受重创”伴随的结果,用现在分词形式,表示自然而然的结果。这句话描述的是过去的事情,谓语用一般过去时。故翻译为Many domestic and foreign enterprises suffered heavy losses during the epidemic, struggling to make ends meet.
14.The negative impacts of climate change have gained global attention and are difficult to address.
【详解】考查形容词、名词和动词。表示“负面的”应用形容词negative;表示“影响”应用名词impact;表示“引起全球的关注”短语为gain global attention;表示“解决”应用动词address;表示“某事难以做”句型sth. be difficult to do。表示“引起了全球的关注”应用现在完成时态,“这些影响难以解决”应用一般现在时态。故翻译为:The negative impacts of climate change have gained global attention and are difficult to address.
15.The Christmas concert started with a piece of classical music familiar to people in their fifties.
【详解】考查时态。事情已发生,时态用一般过去时,the Christmas concert (圣诞音乐会),start with (以……开始),a piece of classical music (一段经典音乐),形容词短语familiar to sb. (为某人所熟悉)作后置定语修饰名词短语classical music,介词短语in their fifties (五十岁左右)作后置定语修饰名词people,再结合其它汉语提示,故翻译为:The Christmas concert started with a piece of classical music familiar to people in their fifties.
16.Health experts are increasingly concerned (that) overusing cellphones may bring potential damage to our mental and physical health.
【详解】考查固定句型和时态。表示“健康专家”短语为health experts;表示“越来越担心”句型为be increasingly concerned (that);表示“过度使用手机”短语为overusing cellphones;表示“给我们带来潜在的身心危害”短语为bring potential damage to our mental and physical health,且may后跟动词原形。句子用一般现在时。故翻译为Health experts are increasingly concerned (that) overusing cellphones may bring potential damage to our mental and physical health.
17.Rich and brilliant Chinese culture has been appealing to the overseas visitors for years.
【详解】考查时态、形容词和固定短语。根据句意可知,句子应用现在完成进行时,表示动作开始于过去,持续到现在,并将继续持续下去,“rich”意为“丰富的”,形容词词性,“brilliant”意为“灿烂的”,形容词词性,“Rich and brilliant Chinese culture”表示“丰富灿烂的中国文化”,在句中作主语,“culture”为不可数名词,与“has”连用,“appeal to sb.”意为“吸引某人”,“appeal”的现在分词为“appealing”,“overseas visitors”表示“海外游客”,“for years”表示“长期以来”,“has been appealing to the overseas visitors for years”表示“长期以来对于海外游客来说有着巨大的吸引力”。故翻译为Rich and brilliant Chinese culture has been appealing to the overseas visitors for years.
18.As journalists, we need to present the facts in an objective way.
【详解】考查名词和固定短语以及时态。表示“作为记者”短语为as journalists;主语为we,表示“需要”短语为need to do sth.;表示“呈现现实”短语为present the facts;表示“以客观的方式”短语为in an objective way。为一般现在时。故翻译为As journalists, we need to present the facts in an objective way.
19.It was his first impromptu speech on stage, and it turned out that he impressed the judges with his composure and breadth of insight.
【详解】考查形容词、名词、介词短语、固定句型、动词。根据句意可知,表示“即兴的”为形容词impromptu;表示“演讲”为名词speech;表示“在舞台上”为介词短语on stage;表示“结果是……”为固定句型it turn out that;表示“用……给某人留下印象”为动词短语impress sb with sth;表示“评委们”为名词the judges;表示“他的镇定自若和旁征博引”为名词短语his composure and breadth of insight,结合句意可知,该句应为一般过去时。故翻译为:It was his first impromptu speech on stage, and it turned out that he impressed the judges with his composure and breadth of insight.
20.The situation on the badminton court was changing rapidly, and the coach didn’t feel relieved until the players narrowly won.
【详解】考查句子结构。根据句意可知,本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时和过去进行时。表示“羽毛球场上形势瞬息万变”the situation on the badminton court was changing rapidly,用过去进行时,主谓一致,副词rapidly修饰动词;表示“球员险胜后教练才如释重负”为the coach didn’t feel relieved until the players narrowly won,until引导时间状语从句,主句用一般过去时的否定结构,not…until表示“直到……才”;用连词and连接。句首字母大写,故可翻译为The situation on the badminton court was changing rapidly, and the coach didn’t feel relieved until the players narrowly won.
21.Our motherland is dotted with magnificent mountains and rivers.
【详解】考查动词短语、名词、形容词和名词短语。根据句意可知,表示“我们的祖国大地”为名词Our motherland;表示“点缀着,遍处是”为动词短语be dotted with;表示“壮丽的”为形容词magnificent;表示“山川”应为名词短语mountains and rivers,结合句意可知,该句应为一般现在时。故翻译为:Our motherland is dotted with magnificent mountains and rivers。
22.The rice grains must be thoroughly stirred so that fried rice tastes better.
【详解】考查目的状语从句。根据提示可知,此处需用so that引导的目的状语从句;分析句子可知,此处可将“要想炒饭口感更佳”处理为目的状语从句,“必须充分搅拌米粒”处理为一“米粒”为主语的主句;表示“米粒”可用rice grains;表示“必须充分搅拌”可用must be thoroughly stirred,主语rice grains与动词stir之间为被动关系;表示“要想炒饭口感更佳”可用so that fired rice tastes better。故翻译为The rice grains must be thoroughly stirred so that fried rice tastes better.。
23.A film is about to be shot in honor of the selfless and dedicated teachers, who give up their vacations for the cause of education and answer questions online.
【详解】考查名词、短语、形容词、时态和定语从句。“一部向无私奉献的教师们致敬的影片即将开机”为一般将来时,“即将”用短语be about to表达,“向……致敬”用短语in honor of表达,“无私奉献的教师们”用名词短语selfless and dedicated teachers表达,“开机”用动词shoot表达,表达为a film is about to be shot in honor of the selfless and dedicated teachers;“放弃”用动词短语give up表达,“休假”用名词vacation表达,“教育事业”表达为the cause of education,“在线答疑”用短语answer questions online表达,“他们为教育事业放弃休假,在线答疑”为一般现在时,可用非限制性定语从句who give up their vacations for the cause of education and answer questions online表达,who指代“无私奉献的教师们”在从句中作主语;此句可翻译为:A film is about to be shot in honor of the selfless and dedicated teachers, who give up their vacations for the cause of education and answer questions online.
24.Despite the increasingly rapid development of technology, some new inventions don’t apply to everyone.
【详解】考查介词、名词和动词。“尽管”的英文为“despite加名词短语”, “科技的发展”的英文为“the development of technology”,“日新月异”的英文为“increasingly rapid”,“新发明”的英文为“new inventions”,“适应”的英文为“apply to”,表示当前的现状用一般现在时,故填Despite the increasingly rapid development of technology, some new inventions don’t apply to everyone.
25.When the children kidnapped by the terrorists returned home safe and sound, we all breathed a sigh of relief.
【详解】考查状语从句、非谓语动词和固定短语。根据汉语可知,句子时态为一般过去时,可分为两个部分,“被恐怖分子绑架的儿童安然无恙地回到家里”作为状语从句,“我们都松了一口气”作主句。状语从句可用when引导,主语“儿童”可表达为the children,“被恐怖分子绑架的”可用过去分词形式作children的后置定语,“绑架”可用kidnapped,“被恐怖分子”可用by the terrorists,谓语“回到家里”可用return home,状语“安然无恙地”可用固定短语safe and sound。主句中主语“我们”为we,“都”为all,结合提示relief谓语“松了一口气”可用固定短语breathe a sigh of relief。故可翻译为When the children kidnapped by the terrorists returned home safe and sound, we all breathed a sigh of relief.
26.Scientists believe that they are starting to break through in their research on combating cancer.
【详解】考查宾语从句、动词和名词。“科学家”的英文为scientists,“突破”的英文为break through,“抗癌症的研究”的英文为research on combating cancer,“开始做”的英文为start to do sth,表示某阶段正在进行的动作用现在进行时,故填Scientists believe they are starting to break through in their research on combating cancer。
27.Customs and traditions vary from region to region, but family gatherings are always essential during festivals, which means that different cultures still have a lot in common.
【详解】考查时态、定语从句、名词和短语。此句陈述客观事实,用一般现在时;“习俗”用名词custom表达,“传统”用名词tradition表达,“不同”用动词vary表达,“不同地区的习俗和传统各不相同”表达为customs and traditions vary from region to region;“但”用连词but表达,“家庭聚会”用名词短语family gathering表达,“必不可少的”用形容词essential表达,“但家庭聚会在节日时总是必不可少的”表达为but family gatherings are always essential during festivals;“意味着”用动词mean表达,“不同文化”用名词短语different cultures表达;“有很多共同之处”用短语have a lot in common表达,“这意味着不同文化仍有很多共同之处”可表达为非限制性定语从句which means that different cultures still have a lot in common,which在从句中作主语,指代上文所阐述的“不同地区的习俗和传统各不相同,但家庭聚会在节日时总是必不可少的”;故此句可翻译为:Customs and traditions vary from region to region, but family gatherings are always essential during festivals, which means that different cultures still have a lot in common.
28.Despite the economic setbacks during the epidemic, the local government has been working hard to seek measures to boost business.
【详解】考查介词,名词短语,时态,动词短语和非谓语动词。结合提示词despite,可知介词despite后接名词短语“经济受挫”,即 the economic setbacks作宾语,状语“疫情期间”为during the epidemic,所以前半句翻译为:Despite the economic setbacks during the epidemic;结合句意可知句子使用现在完成进行时,主语“当地政府”是 the local government,“努力”用work hard,即has been working hard,“寻找提振商业的措施” 用动词不定式做目的状语,即to seek measures to boost business。故翻译为Despite the economic setbacks during the epidemic, the local government has been working hard to seek measures to boost business.
29.Good design is both refined and popular, appealing to all ages.
【详解】考查名词、动词及形容词。句子陈述客观事情,应用一般现在时,“好的设计”作主语,译为good design,“雅俗共赏”,作表语,译为both refined and popular,“老幼皆宜”译为appeal to all ages,与主语是逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词,作状语。故翻译为Good design is both refined and popular, appealing to all ages.
30.The film “Wandering Earth”, directed by Guo Fan and adapted from Liu Cixin’s novel, is the best example of Chinese science fiction film production and cannot be missed.
【详解】考查非谓语动词,名词和被动语态。分析所给中文提示词可知,本句主语是“《流浪地球》”,译为“The film “Wandering Earth””,“由郭帆执导、根据刘慈欣小说改编”作定语修饰主语,“执导”,“改编”和“《流浪地球》”间是被动关系,所以应该用过去分词作后置定语,译为“directed by Guo Fan and adapted from Liu Cixin’s novel”,谓语是“是”,译为“is”,“中国科幻电影制作的最佳典范”作表语,根据题干要求,需用example,译为“the best example of Chinese science fiction film production”,“是一部不容错过的电影”作并列句,主语同样是“《流浪地球》”,用and连接,谓语是“错过”,和主语是被动关系,用被动语态,译为“and cannot be missed”。故译为:The film “Wandering Earth”, directed by Guo Fan and adapted from Liu Cixin’s novel, is the best example of Chinese science fiction film production and cannot be missed.
31.Thanks to Yuan Lonngping’s tireless efforts, China not only became self-sufficient in rice, but also became one of the world’s largest food donors.
【详解】考查介词短语、名词短语、固定句型、固定短语和动词短语。根据句意以及句子的提示词可知,表示“多亏了”应为介词短语Thanks to;表示“袁隆平的不懈努力”应为名词短语Yuan Lonngping’s tireless efforts;表示“不仅……而且……”应为固定句型not only…but also…;表示“在大米方面自给自足”应为动词短语became self-sufficient in rice;表示“世界上最大的粮食捐助国之一”应为固定短语one of the world’s largest后接名词短语food donors表示“粮食捐助国”。结合句意可知,该句应为陈述过去发生的事情,为一般过去时。故翻译为:Thanks to Yuan Lonngping’s tireless efforts, China not only became self-sufficient in rice, but also became one of the world’s largest food donors。
32.As long as you frequently visit bookstores and exchange ideas with netizens, you will always come across something worth reading.
【详解】考查状语从句、时态。分析句子结构,这是一个包含条件状语从句的复合句,主将从现,“只要你经常去书店看看,和网友多交流想法”为条件状语从句,表示“只要”含义的表达为as long as;表示“经常”含义的副词为frequently;表示“去书店看看”的表达为visit bookstores;表示“交流想法”的表达为exchange ideas with…;表示“网友”含义的词为netizens;表示“遇到”含义的词为come across;表示“值得一读的东西”的表达为something worth reading,故翻译为:As long as you frequently visit bookstores and exchange ideas with netizens, you will always come across something worth reading.
33.A late bloomer is someone who fails at first, but manages to succeed through hard work and dedication.
【详解】考查固定短语和定语从句。表示“大器晚成者”短语为a late bloomer;表示“某人”应用someone,作定语从句的主语,指人,故用who引导;表示“一开始失败”翻译为fail at first;表示“设法做成”短语为manage to do sth.;表示“成功”应用动词succeed;表示“通过努力和奉献”短语为through hard work and dedication。为一般现在时。故翻译为A late bloomer is someone who fails at first, but manages to succeed through hard work and dedication.
34.I can think of two things that most teachers have in common: they are dedicated to teaching and they love their students.
【详解】考查动词短语、定语从句、介词短语。根据句意以及句子的提示词可知,表示“能想到”应为动词短语can think of;表示“两件事情”为two things,后接that引导的定语从句修饰two things,在改从句中,表示“大多数老师都有的”应为句子most teachers have in common;表示“致力于做某事”应为动词短语be dedicated to doing,此处表示“教学”为teaching;表示“热爱他们的学生”应为动词短语love their students。结合句意可知,该句应为一般现在时。故翻译为:I can think of two things that most teachers have in common: they are dedicated to teaching and they love their students。
35.Despite the uncertainty, many experts have expressed their concern about the damage that super-intelligent AI could do to humanity.
【详解】考查名词、动词和从句。“尽管”用介词despite表示,“不确定性”用名词 the uncertainty表示,“许多专家”用名词many experts作主语,“表达了他们关于……的担忧”表示为express their concern about,强调动作的完成,用现在完成时,“损害”用名词the damage表示,作about的宾语,“超级人工智能可能对人类造成的”可以用定语从句表示,修饰名词damage,“超级人工智能”表示为super-intelligent AI,“对……造成损害”用do damage to表示,“人类”表示为humanity,定语从句先行词是damage,从句缺宾语,可以用that引导。故译为Despite the uncertainty, many experts have expressed their concern about the damage that super-intelligent AI could do to humanity.
36.As the world becomes more globalized, we have come to the point where mastering a foreign language is a necessary skill for young people.
【详解】考查定语从句。“随着世界变得更全球化”应用as引导的状语从句,表示一般性事实,应用一般现在时,翻译为As the world becomes more globalized;“我们已经到了掌握一门外语对于年轻人来说是必备技能的地步”为主句,“我们已经到了……的地步”应用现在完成时,翻译为we have come to the point,其中“掌握一门外语对于年轻人来说是必备技能的”写成定语从句,修饰先行词point(地步),先行词为抽象地点名词,定语从句描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时,“掌握一门外语”翻译为master a foreign language,作定语从句的主语,应用动名词形式,“必备技能”为a necessary skill,“对于年轻人”译为for young people,从句缺少地点状语,且先行词为抽象地点名词,应用关系副词where来引导,故整句翻译为As the world becomes more globalized, we have come to the point where mastering a foreign language is a necessary skill for young people.
37.The teacher found it difficult to focus the students' attention on one topic for more than 15 minutes.
【详解】考查动词、名词和短语。“老师”用The teacher作主语,“发现”用动词find作谓语,描述过去的事情用一般过去时,“困难的”用形容词difficult表示,“让学生们的注意力集中在……上”表示为focus the students' attention on,“一个话题”用名词one topic表示,“超过 15分钟”用for more than 15 minutes表示,“发现做某事是困难的”可以用find it difficult to do sth表示,其中it是形式宾语,形容词difficult 作宾补,动词不定式作真正宾语。故译为The teacher found it difficult to focus the students' attention on one topic for more than 15 minutes。
38.It was a bottle of mineral water that helped him survive the earthquake.
【详解】考查动词和强调句。根据汉语提示可知,该句可以用强调句表示,句型为it is/was+被强调的部分+that+其他,句子描述过去的事情,故be动词用was,被强调的部分是“一瓶矿泉水”表示为a bottle of mineral water,“帮助某人做某事”表示为help sb do sth,“在地震中活了下来”表示为survive the earthquake。故译为It was a bottle of mineral water that helped him survive the earthquake。
39.Just as a ship sails through the waves, we should forge ahead in the face of difficulties. This spirit is worth passing down from generation to generation.
【详解】考查名词、动词短语、介词短语、时态和状语从句。分析句子可知,“正如船破浪前进一样”是时间状语从句,“正如”用just as表示,其中从属as连词引导该从句,主语“船”用单数名词a ship,“破浪前进”用动词短语sail through the waves表示,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时态,谓语动词sail用一般现在时第三人称单数形式sails;“我们面对困难应该勇往直前”是主句,主语“我们”用人称代词we,“应该”是情态动词should,谓语动词“勇往直前”用动词短语forge ahead,在情态动词后用动词原形,状语“面对困难”用介词短语in the face of difficulties表示;“这种精神值得代代相传”可独立成句,主语“这种精神”用this spirit,“值得”用动词短语be worth doing...,主语是不可数名词,系动词用is,其中动名词主动表被动,“代代相传”用动词短语pass down from generation to generation,用动名词形式。综上, 全句译为:Just as a ship sails through the waves, we should forge ahead in the face of difficulties. This spirit is worth passing down from generation to generation.
40.Only by being good at drawing a lesson from our mistakes can we make great progress in our studies.
【详解】考查句子结构。本句描述一般规律,用一般现在时。表示“只有善于从错误中吸取教训”为only by being good at drawing a lesson from our mistakes,介词by后用动名词短语作宾语,表示“吸取教训”用动词短语draw a lesson,动名词作介词at的宾语;only+状语引起部分倒装,表示“我们才能在学业上取得长足的进步”为can we make great progress in our studies,progress是不可数名词,make great progress是固定短语。句首字母大写,故翻译为Only by being good at drawing a lesson from our mistakes can we make great progress in our studies.
41.As the host of this event, we served all the delegations a delicious meal.
【详解】考查句子结构。表示“作为本次活动的东道主”为介词短语as the host of this event,作状语;本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,表示“我们招待所有的代表团吃了一顿美味佳肴”为we served all the delegations a delicious meal,谓语动词serve用过去式,后接双宾语,all the delegations是间接宾语,a delicious meal是直接宾语。句首字母大写,故翻译为As the host of this event, we served all the delegations a delicious meal.
42.Body piercings have long been given a low opinion by many, but the younger generation actually see them as normal, which even be regarded as a sign of group identity.
【详解】考查时态语态和定语从句。表示“身体穿孔”应用body piercings,表示“很多人评价很低”可用短语be given a low opinion by many,结合语境过去的动作对现在的影响应用现在完成时;此处用but表示转折;表示“年轻一代”可用the younger generation;表示“认为这是正常的行为”翻译为see them as normal,为一般现在时,副词actually表示“实际上”;后文which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Body piercings,表示“甚至彰显了群体认同感”翻译为even be regarded as a sign of group identity。故翻译为Body piercings have long been given a low opinion by many, but the younger generation actually see them as normal, which even be regarded as a sign of group identity.
43. Controversial as A Bite of China Season Two was , it has taught the Chinese that nothing is more important than family reunion.
【详解】考查从句时态和从句。根据句意和提示词,句子是主从复合句,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时,as引导让步状语从句,使用倒装句,“《舌尖上的中国》第二季”译为A Bite of China Season Two,“是有争议的”译为be controversial,主句主语用it指代,“让国人明白”译为teach the Chinese that,“没什么比家人团聚更重要了”作宾语,用从句,译为nothing is more important than family reunion。故译为 Controversial as A Bite of China Season Two was , it has taught the Chinese that nothing is more important than family reunion.
44.When this song was first released in this year’s art festival, it made a hit with its witty style, but this was just in a flash.
【详解】考查时间状语从句,时态,名词。“当……时”译为when,引导时间状语从句;“这首歌”译为this song;“发行”译为release,照应主语以及句意,应为单数,被动语态,一般过去时;“首次”译为first;“在今年艺术节上”译为in this year’s art festival;“它引发轰动”译为it make a hit,照应时态,应为一般过去时;“因为风格诙谐”译为介词短语作原因状语with its witty style;“然而”译为转折连词but;“昙花一现”译为be in a flash,照应时态,应为一般过去时。故翻译为When this song was first released in this year’s art festival, it made a hit with its witty style, but this was just in a flash.
45.It was his ability to keep up with current events and find stories worth reporting that made him such a good reporter.
【详解】考查强调句、固定短语和时态。此处为强调句“it was/is+被强调部分+that”;表示“能够紧跟时事”短语为keep up with current events;表示“发现值得报道的故事”翻译为find stories worth reporting,此处用不定式作后置定语修饰名词ability;表示“使他成为出色的记者”翻译为make him such a good reporter。为一般过去时。故翻译为It was his ability to keep up with current events and find stories worth reporting that made him such a good reporter.
46.At noon, most students sit in the classroom, with their eyes staring at their tablets.
【详解】考查时态,with复合结构。“中午”译为at noon;“大多数学生”译为most students,应为复数;“坐”译为sit,根据句意,为客观描述,应为一般现在时;“在教室”译为in the classroom。“他们的眼睛”译为their eyes;“盯着”译为固定搭配stare at;“平板电脑”译为at their tablets。照应题干要求,应为“with+n.+doing”,故“目不转睛地看着平板电脑”译为with their eyes staring at their tablets,宾语和宾补之间为主谓关系,故用doing形式作宾补。故翻译为At noon, most students sit in the classroom, with their eyes staring at their tablets.
47.Schools require students to turn in their assignments on time.
【详解】考查固定搭配,时态。“学校”译为school,用复数表示一类事物;“要求某人做某事”译为固定用法require sb. to do sth.,照应主语且根据句意,应为复数,为一般现在时;“学生”译为student,应为复数;“上交”译为固定搭配turn in;“作业”译为their assignments;“按时”译为固定搭配on time。故翻译为Schools require students to turn in their assignments on time.
48.When people go abroad, they tend to experience a sense of culture shock and kinds of ups and downs.
【详解】考查状语从句、固定短语和时态。引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”应用when;表示“人们去国外”翻译为people go abroad;主句主语为they;表示“往往”短语为tend to do sth.;表示“经历文化冲击”短语为experience a sense of culture shock;表示“种种波折起伏”短语为kinds of ups and downs。结合语境可知陈述客观事实为一般现在时。故翻译为When people go abroad, they tend to experience a sense of culture shock and kinds of ups and downs.
49.The hotel has high-speed Internet access (services).
【详解】考查固定短语和时态。此处主语为单数名词hotel,表示“有高速互联网接入服务”翻译为have high-speed Internet access (services),形容词high-speed作定语,结合语境可知为一般现在时。故翻译为The hotel has high-speed Internet access (services).
50.It is a great honor for me to be invited to attend the commencement ceremony and have the opportunity to make a speech.
【详解】考查固定句型,时态和主谓一致。分析句意可知,句子时态用一般现在时,“某人做某事深感荣幸”是固定句型It is a great honor for sb. to do,“受邀做某事”是be invited to do,“参加毕业典礼”是attend the commencement ceremony,“并有机会发表演讲”是and have the opportunity to make a speech,因此整句话翻译为“It is a great honor for me to be invited to attend the commencement ceremony and have the opportunity to make a speech”。故答案为It is a great honor for me to be invited to attend the commencement ceremony and have the opportunity to make a speech.
51.Although I love the food at this restaurant, I don’t identify with the brutal cooking way it handles its ingredients.
【详解】考查状语从句,固定短语,时态,定语从句和主谓一致。分析句意可知,句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,“虽然我很喜欢这家餐厅的食物”用although引导的让步状语从句,“我很喜欢这家餐厅的食物”是I love the food at this restaurant,“认同”是固定短语identify with,“处理原料时残忍的烹饪手法”是the brutal cooking way it handles its ingredients,此处使用定语从句修饰way,因此整句话翻译为“Although I love the food at this restaurant, I don’t identify with the brutal cooking way it handles its ingredients”。故答案为Although I love the food at this restaurant, I don’t identify with the brutal cooking way it handles its ingredients.
52.Thanks to responsible doctors, my sister with cancer lived through the surgery.
【详解】考查固定短语和时态。“多亏了”是thanks to,“负责任的”是responsible,“医生”是doctor,需用复数,“我患癌的姐姐”是my sister with cancer,“扛过”是live through,作谓语,陈述过去的事情,用一般过去时,“手术”是the surgery。故答案为Thanks to responsible doctors, my sister with cancer lived through the surgery.
53.It would have been much better if you had just used a line graph to illustrate the different stages of culture shock.
【详解】考查虚拟语气和动词。分析可知,该句涉及if引导的与虚拟条件状语从句,与过去的事实相反,从句用过去完成时,主句用would have done;“一张线状图”表达为a line graph ,“(用示例/图画等)说明”表达为illustrate,此处作目的状语,应用其不定式形式,“文化冲击的不同阶段”表达为different stages of culture shock。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为It would have been much better if you had just used a line graph to illustrate the different stages of culture shock.
54. We have everything (that) you could imagine about a modern gym, including all kinds of exercise equipment, trained trainers, luxurious bathing facilities, and even a restaurant providing twenty-four-hour service, which serves nutritious and low calorie meals for members.
【详解】考查动词和定语从句。“我们拥有你能想象得到的关于现代健身会所的一切”描述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,“你能想象得到的关于现代健身会所”用定语从句,修饰everything,先行词在定语从句中做“想象”的宾语,用that或省略关系代词来引导,翻译为(that) you could imagine about a modern gym,“我们拥有一切”翻译为We have everything,所以“我们拥有你能想象得到的关于现代健身会所的一切”翻译为We have everything (that) you could imagine about a modern gym。“各种各样的运动器械,受过专业培训的教练,奢华的洗浴设施,甚至还有一个24小时营业的餐厅为会员提供有营养、低热量的餐食。”写成介词including+短语的形式,“各种各样的运动器械”翻译为all kinds of exercise equipment,“受过专业培训的教练”翻译为trained trainers,“奢华的洗浴设施”翻译为luxurious bathing facilities,“甚至还有一个24小时营业的餐厅为会员提供有营养、低热量的餐食。”其中“甚至还有一个24小时营业的餐厅”翻译成even a restaurant providing twenty-four-hour service,“为会员提供有营养、低热量的餐食”写成非限定性定语从句,修饰restaurant,在定语从句中做主语,应用which来引导,翻译成which serves nutritious and low calorie meals for members,故整句翻译为We have everything (that) you could imagine about a modern gym, including all kinds of exercise equipment, trained trainers, luxurious bathing facilities, and even a restaurant providing twenty-four-hour service, which serves nutritious and low calorie meals for members.
55.Different countries have different approaches in response to the pandemic, but I think in general, everyone is attempting to get people's lives back to normal as soon as possible.
【详解】考查动词,名词和时态。表示“各国”应用different countries;表示“应对疫情”应用介词短语in response to the pandemic;表示“手段”应用名词复数approaches;表示“我认为”用I think;表示“总体而言”应用短语in general;表示“试图做某事”应用固定短语attempt to do sth.;表示“让民众的生活回归正常”应用get people's lives back to normal;表示“尽快”应用固定短语as soon as。but之前的句子为一般现在时,but之后的句子为现在进行时。故翻译为Different countries have different approaches in response to the pandemic, but I think in general, everyone is attempting to get people's lives back to normal as soon as possible。
56.It seems as if my mother doesn’t care much about the lockdown, but in fact, her biggest concern these days is what to eat for our three meals.
【详解】考查时态、固定句型和名词。句子陈述现在的事情,用一般现在时;“看似……”可用句型it seems as if...表达,as if引导表语从句,“关心”表达为care about,作从句谓语动词,“封城”表达为lockdown;“我妈这些天最关心的事就是早中晚饭吃什么”可处理为主系表结构,“我妈这些天最关心的事”表达为her biggest concern these days,主语是单数be动词用is,“早中晚饭吃什么”可处理为“特殊疑问词+不定式短语”结构,表达为what to eat for our three meals,作表语。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为It seems as if my mother doesn’t care much about the lockdown, but in fact, her biggest concern these days is what to eat for our three meals.
57.The young man firmly believes that success consists of hard work, persistence and determination, which will help him make great achievements in his scientific research.
【详解】考查时态、短语、宾语从句和定语从句。表示事实用一般现在时,“坚信”表示为believe firmly,副词修饰动词,后面是宾语从句,由只起到连接作用用that引导宾语从句,“由...组成的”是固定短语consist of,“成功是由努力、坚持和决心所组成的”表示为success consists of hard work, persistence and determination,指代前面一件事,用which引导非限制性定语从句,“在某方面取得巨大成就。”表示为make great achievements in,表示将来用一般将来时。”结合汉语提示,故翻译为The young man firmly believes that success consists of hard work, persistence and determination, which will help him make great achievements in his scientific research.
58.Blindly yielding to high profits was the reason why his proposal did not win the support of his colleagues.
【详解】考查动名词、时态和定语从句。事情已发生,时态用一般过去时,动名词作主语(谓语单数形式),副词blindly (盲目地)作状语修饰动词短语yield to sth. (屈服于某事),high profits (高利润),先行词the reason后接关系副词why引导的限制性定语从句,why在从句中做原因状语,proposal (提议),win (赢得),the support of his colleagues (同事支持),故翻译为:Blindly yielding to high profits was the reason why his proposal did not win the support of his colleagues.
59.Compared with other students, she keeps abreast of current events and remembers ideas which is worth thinking about.
【详解】考查动词,动词短语和定语从句。分析句子结合句意可知,“同其他同学相比”用动词短语compare with,句子谓语是keep,compare with应用非谓语动词形式作状语,与主语she之间是被动关系,用过去分词表被动,表示“其他学生”,用名词短语other students,所以状语部分是Compared with other students;主语是she,表示“和……保持同步”用动词短语keep abreast of,作谓语;表示“时事”,用形容词+名词短语current events,作宾语;表示“记下”用动词remember,作并列谓语。表示“想法”用名词ideas作宾语,使用定语从句表示“值得思考”,修饰先行词ideas,先行词为ideas,用which代替先行词引导从句,表示“值得做”用固定搭配be worth doing,表示“思考”用动词短语think about,所以从句部分为:which is worth thinking about。句意表述客观情况,时态用一般现在时,主语she为单数,谓语动词用单数。故翻译为:Compared with other students, she keeps abreast of current events and remembers ideas which is worth thinking about.
60.Recent studies have confirmed that flexible working hours are beneficial to employees’ productivity and appeal to college graduates.
【详解】考查动词,形容词和宾语从句。分析句子可知,主语为“最近的研究”,用形容词recent(最近的)修饰名词studies(研究),谓语为“证明”,用动词confirm,由语境可知,时态用现在完成时have done,后接宾语从句“灵活的工作时间对员工的工作效率有益处且吸引大学毕业生。”,从句主语为“灵活的工作时间”,用形容词flexible(灵活的)修饰working hours(工作时间),表示“对……有益”用固定短语“be beneficial to”作谓语,表示“员工的工作效率”用名词短语employees’ productivity作宾语,表示“吸引”用动词短语appeal to,作并列谓语,表示“大学毕业生”用名词短语college graduates,作宾语,从句句意描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,主语working hours为复数,be动词用are,动词用原形,所以从句部分为:flexible working hours are beneficial to employees’ productivity and appeal to college graduates.。从句部分语意和成分完整,引导词用that。故翻译为:Recent studies have confirmed that flexible working hours are beneficial to employees’ productivity and appeal to college graduates.
61.Since the late 1980s, populations in some countries have been declining at alarming rates, and aging poses a huge threat to employment.
【详解】考查时态、主谓一致和动词短语。“自从上世纪 80 年代末期”表示为Since the late 1980s,“一些国家”可以表示为 in some countries,since是现在完成时和现在完成进行时的提示词,表示一直持续的动作用现在完成进行时,“人口下降”表示为populations have been declining,“以令人警示的速度”表示为at alarming rates ,“对......造成了巨大的威胁”pose a huge threat to ,表示现在的事实用一般现在时,aging是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。结合其他汉语提示,故整句翻译为Since the late 1980s, populations in some countries have been declining at alarming rates, and aging poses a huge threat to employment.
62.This documentary celebrating the selfless dedication of medical workers has won one award after another.
【详解】考查非谓语动词和固定短语。此处主语为the documentary;表示“讴歌医务工作者无私奉献”应用现在分词短语celebrating the selfless dedication of medical workers,作定语;表示“赢得了一个又一个殊荣”翻译为win one award after another,此处为现在完成时。故翻译为This documentary celebrating the selfless dedication of medical workers has won one award after another.
63.He had no hope, but he hit it with determination and bitterness.
【详解】考查时态、连词和介词短语。表示过去的情况用一般过去时,“他不抱希望”可以表示为He had no hope,“但是”用连词but ,“给它一击” hit it,“下定决心、满怀恨意”用介词短语,with determination and bitterness。故翻译为:He had no hope, but he hit it with determination and bitterness.
64.The minority languages in danger of extinction deserve more attention.
【详解】考查固定短语和时态。结合句意表示“濒临灭绝的小语种”短语为the minority languages in danger of extinction;表示“值得”应用动词deserve,句子描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时;表示“更多关注”短语为more attention。故翻译为:The minority languages in danger of extinction deserve more attention.
65.Despite the convenience of the Internet in accessing primary sources, a qualified journalist should be good at identifying true or false news.
【详解】考查固定短语和介词。“尽管”是despite,“互联网的便利”是the convenience of the Internet,“在获得一手资料方面”是in accessing primary sources,“合格的记者”是a qualified journalist,“应该”是should,“擅长做某事”是be good at doing,“辨别新闻的真伪”用动名词作宾语,是identifying true or false news,因此整句话翻译为Despite the convenience of the Internet in accessing primary sources, a qualified journalist should be good at identifying true or false news.
66.Knowing that the student could not afford to finish his studies, the warm-hearted teacher did not hesitate to give him financial support.
【详解】考查宾语从句、现在分词、时态和固定短语。分析句意可知,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,“得知”用现在分词作状语,是knowing,其后跟that引导的宾语从句,“该学生没钱完成学业”翻译为the student could not afford to finish his studies,“这位热心的老师”是the warm-hearted teacher,“毫不犹豫地做某事”是did not hesitate to do,“给了他财政支持”是give him financial support。因此全句译为:Knowing that the student could not afford to finish his studies, the warm-hearted teacher did not hesitate to give him financial support.
67.It can also allow them to broaden their horizons and encounter the new opportunities and job offers which never occurred to them before.
【详解】考查情态动词、动词短语,名词短语和定语从句。“能”表达为情态动词can,后接动词原形;“使……做……”表达为allow sb to do sth,作谓语;“开阔眼界”表达为broaden one's horizon;“遇到”表达为encounter;“新机遇和工作机会”表达为new opportunities and job offers;“开阔眼界”和“遇到新机遇和工作机会”以不定式的形式作宾语的补语;“以前未想过”表达为never occur to sb before,此处用关系代词which引导限定性定语从句,修饰“新机遇和工作机会”,根据“以前”从句应用一般过去时态。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为:It can also allow them to broaden their horizons and encounter the new opportunities and job offers which never occurred to them before.
68.Locals worry about that their language and culture are increasingly being threatened.
【详解】考查动词、名词和语态。表示“当地人”应用Locals;“担心”用动词worry about,句子描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,“当地人担心......”为主句,表示为Locals worry about that...;“他们的语言和文化正日益受到威胁”写成宾语从句,放在worry about后面,表示“语言和文化”短语为language and culture;表示“日益”应用increasingly;表示“正受到威胁”应用现在完成时的被动,即am/is/are being done,从句主语是复数,应用are being threatened。故翻译为Locals worry about that their language and culture are increasingly being threatened。
69.He was praised for constantly helping the elderly in the community.
【详解】考查时态、语态和非谓语动词。根据句意可知,本句在陈述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,因做某事被表扬为“be praise for doing sth.”,帮助社区老人为“help the elderly in the community”,置于介词for之后用动名词形式。故翻译为:He was praised for constantly helping the elderly in the community.
70.Effective measures must be taken to prevent the disappearance of local culture.
【详解】考查句子结构。根据所给词measure可知,本句中使用到短语take effective measures to do sth“采取有效的措施来做某事”,用“effective measures”作主语,因而本句使用被动语态,“必须”用情态动词must,“阻止本土文化的消失”用不定式表目的,表述为to prevent the disappearance of local culture。故整句可译为Effective measures must be taken to prevent the disappearance of local culture.
71.Due to lack of medical facilities and protection measures. many medical workers are facing the risk of being infected.
【详解】考查短语和时态。due to由于,介词短语,后接名词形式;lack of缺乏;medical facility医疗设施;protection measure保护措施;medical worker医护人员; the risk of……的风险。动词face为及物动词,后直接接宾语。根据句意,用现在进行时。故翻译为Due to lack of medical facilities and protection measures. many medical workers are facing the risk of being infected.
72.Not until the shark rolled eyes and turned over did the old man loosen his harpoon and decide to drag it ashore.
【详解】考查时间状语从句,部分倒装,时态及短语。根据句意,此句描述过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。表示“直到”用Not until引导时间状语从句,位于句首,句子用部分倒装,句子结构是Not until+主语+谓语+助动词/be/情态动词+主语+谓语;表示“鲨鱼”用the shark;表示“翻白眼”用一般过去式rolled eyes;表示“又翻了个身”用and turned over;表示“老人”用the old man;表示“松开了他的鱼叉”用loosen his harpoon,谓语动词loosen是使役动词,结合时态,倒装部分的助动词用did;表示“决定做某事”用短语decide to do sth.;表示“将它拖到岸上去”用不定式to drag it ashore。故答案为Not until the shark rolled eyes and turned over did the old man loosen his harpoon and decide to drag it ashore.
73.During the pandemic, what measures should be taken by local government to stabilize prices
【详解】考查被动语态和情态动词。表示“疫情期间”可以用介词during构成介词短语“during the pandemic”;表示“采取措施”可以用短语“take measures”;表示“来维持物价的稳定”可以用“stable prices”。同时,表示“什么”应该用“what”引起的特殊疑问句。故翻译为During the pandemic, what measures should be taken by local government to stabilize prices
74.We are so grateful that you took good care of our pets during our vacation abroad.
【详解】考查固定搭配,时态和宾语从句。“非常感谢”是be so grateful that...,此动作表示现在的情况,时态用一般现在时;“照顾我们的宠物狗”是take good care of our pets,此动作发生在过去,时态用一般过去时,“在我们出国度假期间”是during our vacation abroad,因此整句话翻译为“We are so grateful that you took good care of our pets during our vacation abroad”。故答案为We are so grateful that you took good care of our pets during our vacation abroad.
75.Experts are concerned about the fact that the population is shrinking at a shocking speed.
【详解】考查短语,时态及同位语从句。根据句意,此句描述一般事实,故用一般现在时。表示“专家们”用名词复数Experts;表示“担心”用短语be concerned about,主语是名词复数Experts,谓语动词用are;表示“事实”用the fact,其后用that引导同位语从句,对the fact进行解释说明;表示“人口”用the population,在同位语从句中作主语,谓语动词用单数;表示“正在减少”用现在进行时is shrinking;表示“以惊人的速度”用短语at a shocking speed。故答案为Experts are concerned about the fact that the population is shrinking at a shocking speed.
76.A good journalist should be devoted to reporting the truth objectively instead of appealing to readers’ emotions.
【详解】考查动词短语、情态动词、副词、介词短语。“一个好的记者”表达为名词短语a good journalist,作主语;“应该”表达为情态动词should,后接动词原形;“致力于”表达为动词短语be devoted to,后接名词或动名词形式作宾语;“报道真相”表达为动词短语report the truth,在be devoted to后,应用动名词形式;“客观地”表达为副词objectively,做状语;“而不是”表达为介词短语instead of,后接名词或动名词形式作宾语;“煽动读者的情绪”,结合所给动词appeal,即“吸引读者的情感”,表达为appeal to readers’ emotions,在instead of后,应用动名词形式。结合其他中文提示,故翻译为:A good journalist should be devoted to reporting the truth objectively instead of appealing to readers’ emotions.
77.It is reported that more than 40,000 people in the city have been infected with the virus, and the public is concerned about the lack of food, which is worth attention.
【详解】考查动词、短语、形容词和非限定性定语从句。表示“据报道”应用固定句型It is reported that…;表示“超过”短语为more than;表示“感染”短语为been infected with;表示“匮乏”应使用名词为lack;表示“担忧”短语为be concerned about;表示“值得”短语为be worth + n.;表示“这值得……”应使用非限定性定语从句。分析句意可知,“已经感染”要使用现在完成时态。故翻译为:It is reported that more than 40,000 people in the city have been infected with the virus, and the public is concerned about the lack of food, which is worth attention.
78.I prefer to believe that as the population grows, it is our differences rather than our similarities that we can celebrate.
【详解】考查动词用法和强调句用法。句子描述的是目前的情况,应用一般现在时;“我更愿意相信”可用I prefer to believe that...表示;“随着人口的增长”可用时间状语as the population grows表示;“颂扬”可用celebrate表示;“人类的不同之处,而非相似之处”可用our differences rather than our similarities表示;此处可用强调句表示,故翻译为I prefer to believe that as the population grows, it is our differences rather than our similarities that we can celebrate.
79.This is a story about choice and every choice of each of us can make a big difference.
【详解】考查短语和时态。 a story about choice关于选择的故事; every choice每一个选择;each of 每一个;make a difference有影响,有区别。陈述现在事实,用一般现在时。根据句意,故翻译为This is a story about choice and every choice of each of us can make a big difference.
80.If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask me.
【详解】考查if条件句、祈使句、动词(短语)、固定搭配及时态等。分析句子可知,句子应使用一般现在时,从句是if条件句,主句则用祈使句。表达“如果”应使用if引导的条件句;表达“有任何问题”短语为have any question,作条件句的谓宾;表达“随时”可使用固定搭配don’t hesitate to do sth.,作主语的谓语;表达“问我”应使用动词短语ask me。主句与从句用逗号隔开,句子首字母大写。故翻译为If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask me.专题08 汉译英80题
1.(22-23高一下·上海嘉定·期中)学生们应充分意识到这样的事实:能力、努力和健康是成功的三大要素。(aware) (汉译英)
2.(22-23高一下·上海嘉定·期中)这是他第一次在全班面前做演讲,这给大家留下了深刻的印象。(that) (汉译英)
3.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)那家自助餐厅的这道菜不但营养丰富,而且色味俱佳,因为它的新食谱中包含许多由移民引入的不同食材。(appealing,introduce) (汉译英)
4.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)只要你坚持提高运动技术,就一定会实现终极目标:入选排球校队。(persist, sure) (汉译英)
5.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)受地震影响的灾民无法与外界取得接触,这增加了救援的难度。(access n.) (汉译英)
6.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)制造商欣然接受了这个设计,并允许将它大规模生产。(embrace,scale) (汉译英)
7.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)感谢你在网上为我订购了最新设计的球鞋。(appreciate) (汉译英)
8.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)这部大热纪录片里其乐融融的场景让我想起了自己小时候,每年除夕全家围在一起守岁的情景。(when) (汉译英)
9.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)那位落败的摄影师明确表示,他仍旧会对事业保有热情,没有什么能妨碍他对艺术的追求。(way) (汉译英)
10.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)数学家苏步青坚守他对科学的信仰,敬业地在复旦大学工作了数十年。(hold) (汉译英)
12.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)由于生态环境的日益改善,这个地区的湿地吸引了越来越多的鸟类来此过冬,包括一些珍稀的鸟类。(attract) (汉译英)
13.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)很多国内和国外的企业在疫情期间遭受重创,举步维艰努力维持生计。(struggle) (汉译英)
14.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)气候变化所带来的负面影响引起了全球的关注,这些影响难以解决。(gain) (汉译英)
16.(22-23高一下·上海浦东新·期中)健康专家越来越担心过度使用手机会给我们带来潜在的身心危害。(concern) (汉译英)
19.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)那是他第一次登台即兴演讲,结果他的镇定自若和旁征博引深深地打动了评委们。(turn out) (汉译英)
20.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)羽毛球场上形势瞬息万变,球员险胜后教练才如释重负。(not...until) (汉译英)
21.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)我们的祖国大地到处都是壮丽的山川。(dot) (汉译英)
22.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)要想炒饭口感更佳,必须充分搅拌米粒。(so that)(汉译英)
23.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)一部向无私奉献的教师们致敬的影片即将开机,他们为教育事业放弃休假,在线答疑。(honor) (汉译英)
24.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)尽管科技的发展日新月异,但是有一些新发明并不适用于所有人。(apply) (汉译英)
30.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)由郭帆执导、根据刘慈欣小说改编的《流浪地球》, 是中国科幻电影制作的最佳典范,是一部不容错过的电影。(example) (汉译英)
31.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)多亏了袁隆平的不懈努力,中国不仅在大米方面自给自足,而且还成为世界上最大的粮食捐助国之一。(not only) (汉译英)
32.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)只要你经常去书店看看,和网友多交流想法,总会遇到值得一读的东西。(come across) (汉译英)
33.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)大器晚成者指的是那些一开始失败,但通过努力和奉献设法获得成功的人。(manage) (汉译英)
34.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)我能想到大多数老师的两个共同点:他们致力于教学,热爱学生。(common) (汉译英)
35.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)尽管有不确定性, 许多专家表达了他们对超级人工智能可能对人类造成的损害的担忧。(despite, concern) (汉译英)
36.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)随着世界变得更全球化,我们已经到了掌握一门外语对于年轻人来说是必备技能的地步。(point) (汉译英)
37.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)老师发现很难让学生们的注意力集中在一个话题上超过 15分钟。(focus) (汉译英)
38.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)是一瓶矿泉水帮助他在地震中活了下来。(It, survive) (汉译英)
39.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)正如船破浪前进一样,我们面对困难应该勇往直前,这种精神值得代代相传。(pass) (汉译英)
40.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)我们只有善于从错误中吸取教训,才能在学业上取得长足的进步。(draw) (汉译英)
41.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)作为本次活动的东道主,我们招待所有的代表团吃了一顿美味佳肴。(serve) (汉译英)
42.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)一直以来很多人对身体穿孔评价很低,实际上年轻一代认为这是正常的行为,甚至彰显了群体认同感。(opinion, which)(汉译英)
43.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)尽管第二季备受争议,《舌尖上的中国》让国人明白没什么比家人团聚更重要了。(as, clear)(汉译英)
48.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)当人们去国外时,他们往往会经历文化冲击和种种波折起伏。(tend) (汉译英)
49.(22-23高一下·上海·期中)这家旅馆有高速互联网接入服务。(access) (汉译英)
52.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)多亏了负责任的医生,我患癌的姐姐扛过了手术。(live through)(汉译英)
54.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)我们拥有你能想象得到的关于现代健身会所的一切,各种各样的运动器械,受过专业培训的教练,奢华的洗浴设施,甚至还有一个 24 小时营业的餐厅为会员提供有营养、低热量的餐食。(imagine, which)(汉译英)
55.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)各国应对疫情的手段不尽相同,但我认为总体而言大家都在试图让民众的生活尽快回归正常。(approach, attempt)(汉译英)
56.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)看似对封城不太在意,但其实我妈这些天最关心的事就是早中晚饭吃什么。(As, concern)(汉译英)
61.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)自从上世纪 80 年代末期,一些国家人口以令人警示的速度下降,老龄化对于就业造成了巨大的威胁。(threat)(汉译英)
65.(21-22高一下·上海长宁·期中)尽管互联网在获得一手资料方面带来的便利,合格的记者应该擅长辨别新闻的真伪。(Despite) (汉译英)
66.(21-22高一下·上海长宁·期中)得知该学生没钱完成学业,这位热心的老师毫不犹豫地给了他财政支持。(afford) (汉译英)
69.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)他因经常帮助社区老人而受到表扬。(praise) (汉译英)
70.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)必须采取有效的措施阻止本土文化的消失。(measure) (汉译英)
71.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)由于缺乏医疗设施与防护措施,很多医护人员面临被感染的风险。(lack) (汉译英)
72.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)直到鲨鱼翻白眼,又翻了个身,老人才松开了他的鱼叉,决定将它拖到岸上去。(Not until) (汉译英)
73.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)疫情期间,地方政府应当采取什么措施来维持物价的稳定呢?(measure) (汉译英)
74.(21-22高一下·上海·期中)非常感谢你在我们出国度假期间照顾我们的宠物狗。(grateful) (汉译英)
76.(21-22高一下·上海浦东新·期中)一个好的记者应该致力于客观地报道真相,而不是煽动读者的情绪。(appeal) (汉译英)
77.(21-22高一下·上海浦东新·期中)据报道,这个城市已经有超过 4 万人感染了病毒,且公众为食物匮乏而担忧,这值得关注。(worth) (汉译英)