人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing 单词同步练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing 单词同步练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-03-22 13:19:34



1.比不上;次于 ________________
2.渴望做某事 ________________
3.由……制成 ________________
4.被……问候 ________________
5.齐声;异口同声 ________________
6.更不用说;且不说 ________________
7.适应;调整 ________________
8.对……过于死板 ________________
9.符合...的标准 ________________
10.遇见;碰见 ________________
11.和……有关 ________________
13. 辞去(职务) ________________
14.与某人握手 __________________
15.有影响 _____________________________
1._________ n.包裹 (UK)→_________vt. 裹好; 打包→_________ n. 包裹(US)
2._________ n. 邮件; 信件 vt. 邮寄→_________ n.邮箱→_________ n. 邮递员
3._________ adj.中学的;次要的→_________ n.秒adj.第二的.adv.其次→_________ adv. 第二;其次
4._________ n.沙土; 灰尘→_________ adj. 布满灰尘的→_________ n. 垃圾箱
5._________ v.除杂草n.杂草; 野草→_________ adj. 似杂草的,瘦弱的
6._________n.校服; 制服adj.—致的; 统一的→_________ adj.穿制服的
7._________ adj. 死板的; 固执的→______adv.严格地;坚决地→_________ n.严格;僵硬
8._________ n.化学家; 药剂师; 药房→_________ n. 化学→_________ adj. 化学的n. 化学品→_________ adv.(在)化学(性质)上;用化学方法
9._________ n.阴凉处; 灯罩; 阴影部分vt.给…遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把…涂暗→_________ adj. 阴凉的,背阴的→_________ n. 影子; 阴影
10._________ n.皱纹→_________ adj. 有皱纹的;皱的
11._________ n.住房; 住宅→_________ v. 安置; 给提供住宅; 收藏n.房子
12._________ adj.成熟的→_________ v. (使)成熟→_________ adv. 成熟地
13._________ adj.有残疾的→________ n. 残疾;障碍→_________ v. 使丧失能力
14._________ vi.&vt. 辞职;辞去→_________ adj. 辞职的→_________ n. 辞职
15._________ vt. 值得; 应得; 应受→_________ adj. 值得的,应得的
16._________ adv. 最近; →_________ adj.迟的→_________ adj.后者的
17._________ v. 咨询;请教→_________ n. 咨询;咨询会→_________ n. 顾问
18._________n. 稳定(性); 稳固(性)→_________ adj. 安定的; 平静的; 稳定的; 稳固的→_________ adv.稳定的;坚固的
19._________ v.企盼; 祈祷→_________ n.祷告; 祈祷→_________ adj. 祈祷的
20._________adj. 假设的; 假定的→_________n.假设,猜想(pl. _________)→_________ v. 假设,猜想
1. It was a privilege for me to have a chance_________(pay)a visit to the brilliant writer.
2. All the students enjoyed the performances in high_________(spirit) and applauded warmly.
3. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that we can be free _________ dust.
4.If I_________(break) down my rigid prejudice, I would not have missed the precious chance.
5. I never worried about my son while I was away because my mother kept an eye_________ him.
6. This mixture may be_________(harm) to small children.
7. The police broke_________ the crowd who were crowding in for the tournament.
8. Never should you make fun_________ those who are physically or mentally disabled.
9. To their_________(satisfy) , the book that is true to life has received a chorus of praise.
10. Don't scold him for causing damage_________the submersible; he didn't mean to.
11. The merchant couldn't afford school _________(fee),so he taught himself when he was a child.
12. The old photo brought _________many memories of my secondary school days.
13. Child as he was, he parceled up the books with_________ (easy).
14. The man was tricked into withdrawing_________ the contact with his friends.
15. The _________ (roll) mountains in the distance are definitely a sight to behold.
1. The factory is _________ a lawyer specializing in marine law.
2. The accountant_________ keeping a log of the cost and profit of the restaurant.
3. The fact that even my boss gave me applause seemed_________.
4. The metal tower is used to _________ television signals_________ the hut.
5. The drama, in which the actress fully exploits the humour of her role,_________ many people.
6. We shouldn't _________ that we are in possession of pure water on the earth.
7. My cousin always spends her_________ drawing pots and pans.
8.They_________ each other as to how to strengthen the bond among the staff.
On his arrival at the hall, ________________________.
2. 他们提交了两份报告,但都没有任何有用的建议。(定语从句)
They presented two reports, ________________________ any useful suggestions.
________ , he is still quick-thinking.
4.游戏结束后请收起所有的玩具,不要放得到处都是。(leave +宾语+宾补)
Please put away all the toys when the game is over; ________________________.
5.既然你掌握了这些技术,那你为实现你的梦想做好了准备。(now that)
________________________, you are ready to make your dream come true.
6.她不仅聪明,而且工作努力。(not only. . . but also. . .)
7. 虽然有很多困难,但我从来都没有怀疑过他在这个研究上会取得成功。(让步状语从句,doubt)
8.几天前我正在网上冲浪,这时电脑突然坏了。(be doing...when...)
1. be secondary to 2.be dying to do sth. 3.be made of/with 4. be greeted by
5. a chorus of 6. not to mention 7. adapt to 8.be rigid about 9.meet the criteria of
e across 11.be related to 12. to be honest
13. resign from 14. shake hands with sb. 15. make a difference
1.parcel n.包裹 (UK)→parcel vt. 裹好; 打包→package n. 包裹(US)
2.mail n. 邮件; 信件 vt. 邮寄→mailbox n.邮箱→mailman n. 邮递员
3.secondary adj. 中学的; 次要的→second n.秒 adj.第二的.adv.其次→secondly adv. 第二;其次
4.dust n.沙土; 灰尘→dusty adj. 布满灰尘的→dustbin n. 垃圾箱
5.weed v.除杂草n.杂草; 野草→weedy adj. 似杂草的,瘦弱的
6.uniform n.校服; 制服adj.—致的; 统一的→uniformed adj.穿制服的
7.rigid adj. 死板的; 固执的→rigidly adv.严格地;坚决地→rigidity n.严格;僵硬
8.chemist n.化学家; 药剂师; 药房→chemistry n. 化学→chemical adj. 化学的 n. 化学品→chemically adv.(在)化学(性质)上;用化学方法
9.shade n.阴凉处; 灯罩; 阴影部分vt.给…遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把…涂暗→shady adj. 阴凉的,背阴的→shadow n. 影子; 阴影
10.wrinkle n.皱纹→wrinkly adj. 有皱纹的;皱的
11.housing n.住房; 住宅→house v. 安置; 给提供住宅; 收藏n.房子
12.ripe adj. 成熟的; 时机成熟的→ripen v. (使)成熟→ripely adv. 成熟地
13.disabled adj. 有残疾的; 丧失能力的→disability n. 残疾; 缺陷; 障碍→disable v. 使丧失能力,使无效
14.resign vi.&vt. 辞职;辞去→resigned adj. 辞职的→resignation n. 辞职
15.deserve vt. 值得; 应得; 应受→deserved adj. 值得的,应得的
16.lately adv. 最近; 不久前;近来→late adj.迟的→latter adj.后者的
17.consult v. 咨询;请教;商量→consultation n. 咨询;咨询会→consultant n. 顾问
18.stability n. 稳定(性); 稳固(性)→stable adj. 安定的; 平静的; 稳定的; 稳固的→stably adv.稳定的;坚固的
19.pray v.企盼; 祈祷→prayer n.祷告; 祈祷→prayerful adj. 虔诚的,祈祷的
20.hypothetical adj. 假设的; 假定的→hypothesis n.假设,猜想(pl. hypotheses)→hypothesize v. 假设,猜想
to pay spirits from had broken on
harmful up of satisfaction to
fees back ease from rolling
in need of is engaged in too good to be true relay, to
appeals to take it for granted leisure time are in tune with
1.he saw a tall man with a pair of glasses seated behind 2.neither of which contained
3.While the scientist has reached the age of ninety 4.don't leave them lying everywhere
5.Now that you have mastered these skills
6.Not only does she have a good brain, but also she works hard./She not only has a good brain but also works hard.
7.I never doubt that he will succeed in the research even though there are a lot of difficulties.
8.The other day I was surfing the Internet when the computer broke down.